Dr. Todd Hall (Night 1) PROPHETIC SUMMIT 2021

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praise the lord everybody i said praise the lord everybody that means clap your hands and put your mouth on it and give god glory regardless of circumstances [Music] be seated just a moment and let me do some conversing with you let me first give on the honest dude because i feel like having church i just let me let you all in on some truths and you that are watching by our streaming platforms and watching this broadcast that's going to be awesome to your life today i'm supposed to be virtual this morning hold that music because you're making me want to worship no trust me now you sound good let me get i'm supposed to be virtual and i like being transparent but i didn't believe that y'all could put me up this fast not this early no no i watch you every sunday i watch you every sunday oh yeah miracles has definitely happened today i was in the car and it was 10 30 and he was look at all them folk clapping that ought to tell you something i i said i was headed to whataburger for my breakfast because whenever i come here i have time to go eat i can go upstairs give me some tea and i know he gonna still be in here shouting whoa i was pulling up the water burger and that woman of god ledessa was singing i said don't stop here doc get to the church this man has pro i need to as we get older we are getting so much better you have one of the greatest voices and pastors in this whole world no come on the honorable apostle sherman allen and we have been friends for over 30 years no vacillating we have been true friends through storms through ups and downs we have remained consistent as brothers and as friends we people certain people that know us call us twins because we don't call each other and we put on the same clothes everywhere one one day i'm gonna preach but one day we were in milwaukee wisconsin for the fine fellowship where he serves bishop burt's convocation and i was the speaker this true this is a true story his wife lady oh who i want to give molly to in a minute she told him at his room you may want to wear something else he said i'm wearing this she said you know prophet hall preaching and y'all always clash with the same clothes we don't have the same tailor we don't shop at the same store i walked in to preach and this is the truth he and i had on the exact suit the exact shirt you only i in line the exact tie i looked at him like you rude you need to go change your clothes i'm the preacher but i thank god for camaraderie i thank god for bonding i thank god that there are people that don't have friends past one year okay and people abandon people whenever things go to the left but i want you all again to do that stance and screaming and clapping for his grace one more time the honorable apostle sherman i don't hear your mouth alan while you are standing god could have not given him and i mean it a better wife than lady oh tanya co pasta i don't hear nobody allen y'all clap she looks beautiful this morning looks so beautiful it's good to see him up clapping keep clapping keep yeah yeah talking to him i we've done everything the same but this he beats me every time but i thank god for you and how you stand by your husband also you're covering your man of god and how you assist with his vision and helps this become what it is today can we please give her the handclap that is deserve i'm blessed to have one of my pastors and i want you all to scream for him too with me assisting me from this area dr james jones thank you for coming y'all clap for him and assisting me on this morning my other church would have been here this morning but they thought i'd be virtual then they couldn't because they are opening up their new or they are relaunching they are no longer called the omega church they are called the revealed church so they are relaunching clap for them i'm happy for them they're in tyler texas they'll be with us on tomorrow night now you that came out today in this brick and mortar god has a special miracle for you because a lot of people are being very lazy during this pandemic thinking that god's going to bless them and he's not you see he is not and i keep telling certain members of mine even those that eat church out of church their problem with not being blessed and always going through hell is they don't tithe when people don't tithe they become targets if you're going to stay home don't leave your money home too when we grew up they said pastor i gotta go preach if it was on a sunday or on his anniversary he said all right well you better leave something here that represents you so that you know that you're leaving an important day for me show me how important i am your seed can stop cycles i don't hear nobody talking i'm not here to raise no offering i mean he's blessed i'm blessed i mean i'm just happily blessed but i'm i'm watching people during during this pandemic get sick and everything because these people are not practicing biblical principles they are not and i spoke to god he said tell them stop blaming me because if he can protect all of israel from 10 plagues i don't hear nobody then there's no way we should be acting like the world we are in the world can't hear nobody talking through the mass but not of the world okay and i need y'all to understand now i've hugged people with it i've had members who had it family members who had it i test every month i never had it people told my maybe you hadn't don't know it no no you had it and you knew it i have never ever because i practiced the lord's supper twice a week every wednesday every sunday the lord told me do this in remembrance of me and as often as you do this i do that and then i stay away from people that are bored that just need to go out and be doing things but church is my place that i'm going to go just like work is a place that you continue to go to your job is not quarantined but the house of god when i see the blood i don't hear nobody god said i'll pass over you and because we don't have folk that's serving the god of their grandparents y'all created a new god he is not the god of your common sense he's the god of miracles i don't hear nobody on this side signs y'all going to talk to me through the mass wonders if i got coveted on this trip i got it from james jones cause that's the only person i've been around no you double jones he's the only person i've been around and i know i don't have it but i'm just saying you cannot you have to be able to make the bible come alive in the life of you i don't hear your clapping and your children we don't make people millionaires on these masks some of y'all branding your masks blinged out and everything it is now it it has now become a part of our necessary garments can't fly without it can't go into restaurant without it restaurants i came here to eat cause texas got some good food and everywhere jones took me they talking about carry out i said jesus but they selling because they got to pay bills see i don't get it you go in there to get the food so in three minutes you can get it because you don't know who touched the plates who touched the fork but y'all believe because you carried it out that is safe the first cycle this is the beginning of the prophetic summit all right so just let me go on and make it prophetic all the way the first time we've heard of sister ronaldo now she gonna lose because she's trying to take the place of god because she's everywhere i don't hear nobody and only one person one deity i don't know anybody can be everywhere see i have to change some of you because we are becoming light camera action churches production churches but you can't cast out demons over the line you know you can't lay hands and when they told us social distancing when they told us watch your distance when they told us wash your hands they basically for three folk took us back to what our parents told us to do when we were kids did you wash your hands go in there and wash your hands and come to the table and eat this is not something we had not learned but what it did prophetically and i'm not telling you to take a mess keep them on what it did i have one right there jones went in and bought it i wear it throughout the day i practice social distance and i do what they tell me but when it comes to the work of god i stand on scriptures i don't hear nobody that no weapon i don't hear nobody that is formed against us shall prosper it will form but it will not prosper that's why we have a symptomatic people because it was formed but it did not prosper so they don't sneeze they don't cough they don't lose appetite they don't lose their sense they don't lose sense of smell they don't lose their taste but it's funny with all the scariness going on christians still having babies during clothing still having sex during covet still believing who you touching ain't touching nobody else during covent one of our colleagues and comrades i don't want to say his name he's very known it could be taken wrong he was on youtube and he asked the question i wish i had three folk talking where were the prophets before all this happened i said without names where will all the bishops and pastors evangelists and teachers what the what's the difference god only or you only want to target us during this thing like you the pastor of your flock where were you and i need folk like that because i'm really going to preach and i said to myself no matter whether he showed it to us or not what were we going to do about it you can see cars when you drive driving safely but what if they don't see you the accident may not be your fault i don't hear it but it's not avoided the thing that should make you jump up right now and you won't is you didn't die in the collision the thing is not whether covet came or didn't is that you still woke up this morning with your right mind some of it activities of your limbs blood we are focused on the wrong thing if i'm talking to you don't let your mass become your muscle what they did do to us and you know normally i walk towards you i'll take two feet and back off but what they do to us for a fact for three folk who love church is they took away a part of the scriptural rights of a preacher they shall lay hands oh i don't hear nobody on the sick so the reason why we have so many millions sick is they have restricted us to laying hands you follow this was the season when the church should have took the forefront and started changing our whole dna in the presence of the world every time the bible says the kingdom had a problem they sought for men and women of god to find out what to do but they can't come to folk acting just like them you want deliverance from crack you don't ask a crackhead for advice even if they give you good advice it's hard to take it from them because you have the same problem we lost a lot of friends and colleagues i'm from new york new york was the first epicenter of this pandemic i lost young preachers male and female old preachers talk to me church seasoned preachers then you couldn't fly there then we started losing in bundles cogic bishops i don't hear nobody and i didn't are y'all gonna talk or just keep you brought the mask did you get that breathable type of mask not the one that just match your clothes can you talk to it because if he can take our hands and take your mouth we are defeated see i don't hear nobody if he can take your worship from your lips and take our power from our grip we are already defeated we lost a lot of bishops just lost a great preacher michael green just lost douglas miller lost during this pace we're losing a lot of people bishop brandon porter regretfully just lost his mother bishop drew she had lost his mother people taking this lightly and i asked god why you still got rona here and why and why is rona having children see y'all what you mean she got a new strain y'all don't want to know about this prophetically y'all rather just me tell you you're going to get a house but you got to keep your mans home you're going to get married but right now you can't touch each other what y'all want me to tell you you should want to know how close are we to this being then the lord told me covet became an instructor she is now employed by god she is now telling god for three folk who will jump who to keep as leaders and who not to keep scared leaders cannot lead this next generation when joshua let the people he didn't have a rod he had to jump in and some of y'all are waiting on pillars of fire and clouds but god said for this group you got to just put your foot in it and let them see that you can stand where other people fall i've got one helping he was coming up to push me the rest of you ain't saying nothing because you feel a little rebuked but it's okay why y'all won't tell your job you ain't coming why you don't tell your job nope nope i'm practicing cdc guidelines i'm not coming out you know why because you got to pay them bills can y'all talk to me over there but i guarantee you if you didn't have to pay bills during covert none of you would go to work you'd be like oh no i'm on vacation i ain't going to work so there's an extreme responsibility i don't hear nobody that tells you every day get up and take your risk but you're doing it for bills want to prophesy someone to tell you the truth bishop don't worry i'm not going to mess up i have not been out preaching normally i'm on the road a minimum of 40 weeks a year every day y'all gonna talk to me come on let's have that kind of church there's only 120 of us let's talk like that i'm i live this is how they taught us by the gospel i don't hustle for my money i preach above what the bill is i make sure you eat more than what i asked for y'all real quiet right there a lot of folk get paid and don't even do their job like i can't bring a lot of singers to my church because they want more than the preacher i'm sorry you got to go get yourself something to do you can pay more than me for two songs and i'm preaching the whole bible no no no it's not happening in my church but i still had the same bills every month cove has been here for over a year since we know january but locked down march 15th but they said it was here probably january which was probably here october of the former year previous year so nobody is running no revivals ain't nobody doing no conferences except apostle island ain't no ain't no because he ain't scared i don't hear them but i'm trying to teach y'all something no one's doing anything so my bills which i'm a one-man responsible party for everything my bills are astronomical but i had never missed tithe nor did i create a platform to supplement my money but during the years of preaching over the years you would always hear me say save your money and one day your money will save you come on talk i'm preaching so i said i practiced stewardship i started buying off the rack y'all ain't talking to me because i was already known to be clean so now i ain't got to prove it i just put something on they said you look good so that was it i started saving the money started eating at home cooking i don't hear nobody i i cut off all the mooching friends that everybody needs alone everybody pray for me and want to play on sympathy forget all y'all go somewhere and i saved the money and during covet my money decided to save me right my money said why are you panicking you got enough of me to stay home take it easy learn to sleep i started feeling lazy because i slept past six hours my money said go back to bed i said but god he said god has basically y'all don't like this he made you work overtime more than anybody on the job you survived cancer you survived a stroke you survived bell's palsy you survived a divorce you made mistakes folk left you and here is god telling you his benefits are good i don't hear nobody so i started learning how to relax when folk get on my nerve i just cut the thing short i don't even care i know you're right started resting covet became my friend covet let me remember that my name was todd not prophet kovitt told me it's okay to watch a netflix and binge covet told me play pool on your pool table finally covet said you know that when a famine came those who were good stewards were not affected and because you're a good steward what is a famine for the world is just a convenience for you enjoy the break y'all quiet in the back well i went to my bank about three weeks ago here goes the great miracle i went to my bank destiny about three weeks ago and i'm going in there to do what business people do can we decrease some of the bills can we consolidate because we're still here and the cdc says it'll probably be until the end of the year and we won't get shots to june which i ain't planning on anyway july and two shots apiece and one shot over here the biggest drug deal is the government right now see you don't even i didn't tell you don't get shot get shot y'all do what you do do what you do because your job might demand that because you work around people do what you do i i'm telling you what i'm doing and i went to the bank and we were talking and my banker private banker called me in and says i need to talk to you i said yes she says um i know you've not been working i said nope you didn't apply for the sba loan i didn't even know what this stuff really was i was like no because i thought the government was going to give me something wanted it back i don't want to be friends with someone that's going to sneak in through the back door i don't hear common sense folk because you say i'm not preaching right [Music] i said uh they said how about the ppe i was like can you tell me about it and she started telling me she says we write grant she says you've been with us for 30 years with with with one bank so you've been with us 30 years and you've been using our bank for 30 years so that means they got records of my stewardship and they said uh we have some unusual activity on your account i said oh man i've been hacked what happened jesus christ who got my money or whose money did i get talk to me reagan and i was i was concerned so she pulled out six months of the records and she pulled out old records because she does my banking she says i just want you to answer something and i'm going to see who gets happy she says so you've not been working said nope she said we don't see the deposits we normally see you have not frequented us but we i need to tell you because i'm your banker but i'm not going to report nothing your balance has not changed all year i said excuse me she said you got the same money that you had last year in your account look at folk jealous so you got this so i said slotting papers over here and i saw that i paid you know the mortgage lights that i paid the credit cards that i've paid the church and yet at the bottom of the sheet it said what it say so i go to the lavatory because i am a little nervous because i'm a businessman i'm like should we report this or is this fd ic's problem see some of you jealous right because right now you ain't trying to check your account but after i finish preaching you may want to do that but you got to hang in here went to the lavatory better known as the bathroom and i asked god no i went straight to god i was nervous i said now lord i don't need nothing jumping off on me later on should i give my personal banker permission to go on and research where the glitch is two things he said to me then i'll see who jumper he said you can do that and then i'm out the picture i said what he said miracles are not researched all right i don't hit don't stand up if you ain't gonna speak up he says if i'm watching your back [Music] don't question my act i don't hear nobody if i'm watching out for you don't let men examine me i said he said but you can do it and then you're on your own he says two is how much bible do you know and i told him a lot of it because he made me study it yeah so i tell him with humility what others are black of mine i said i know quite a bit of your word he said you can't find no scripture to validate what i'm doing see you that ain't moving that's why you financially in trouble he said if you find a scripture you don't need her to find what's wrong he said now you got two minutes to find the scripture so i stayed in the bathroom and you know they thought i was doing something else damn look at y'all with no humor you stayed long they be like he been in there for a long time y'all laughing but some of you been home for a long time this don't look like protection this looks like a mess i had my phone and i got my bibles on my phone yes sir i clicked on the phone went to a few scriptures that i knew god said those are not the ones i'm talking about you can feel even when you preach this is not what god wanted to say sister ledes i was like this is not it clicked on a story and found it and this is what he said to me and i've not touched that bank account yet and 50 people on the screen for your own miracle he said to me when the lad gave me two small fish oh yeah and five loaves of bread and i took it and fed 5 000 people did his account change [Music] i said no actually it grew that's he said so if i did it for a little lad and i'm the same yesterday today and forever you tell my people that when they come out of their homes to worship me if it is my will it's my bill y'all not to if it is my will y'all quiet now it is his bill hooky from church makes those your bills your problems your rent your insurance your mortgage your fire because you worked for people who didn't even care about you that's why they did what they did to you but the god of the bible i don't hear nobody is about to do something before rona leaves he's going to start letting people bake cakes in the famine i know y'all don't hear what i'm saying and your meal will never waste and your cruise of oil will never fail the little that you have is going to stretch longer than the money you ever made cause that is why she's still here [Music] god never planned on killing people of faith y'all y'all should talk to me so we can get up out of here that's why the vaccination was created quicker than any vaccination in the world because it was never about dying it was about faithfulness and making the world get the respect back for the church and making preachers go from being motivational speakers to being deliverers of the people we lost our focus because of our finances we got too comfortable these signs i wish i had an aggressive church shall follow them that believe talk to me cathedral in my [Music] name they shall i feel miracles for ten of you lay hands upon the sick i don't hear no might in that scripture and the sick shall recover y'all want me to go further and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them [Music] with all this staying home you ought to be a biblicist by now you should have been reading the book some of you know the same thing you knew when rona wasn't here nothing about the bible but keep calling on the god of the bible you know more politicians names and everything than you ever knew you never knew of a fountain y'all know everybody now because cnn became your pastor and mnsbc became your bishop and all of these people are now just they they are now basically making you navigate how you live when the bible said we walk i can't get no help here we walk by faith and not by sight we must repent god is doing this to the world because the world is evil that's not scripture let me help somebody who will scream for me if my people he didn't say the world right this problem is because his people got all focused got out of focus the church started going to a place where we should not have gone if my people talk to me in the back because the front won't talk who are called not america by my name would humble themselves talk to me through those masks and pray seek my face i wish i had a happy to entire up from their wicked ways then and not until then then shall i hear from heaven talk holy ghost talk holy ghost talk holy spirit i shall forgive not the world sin our sins and i'm here not america our land we're going to prosper during the pandemic if you believe it clap and say i'm going to prosper during the pandemic now come on testify it and if you are saving holy ghost field and you love church and you taking the risk coming to church god's going to create a plan endemic in the pandemic he said i know the plans i have for you your plans have been canceled because of covet but his has not now i could give the mic up now and let him preach and go to my room because that's the word of the lord cars homes and money what you gonna do with him like kobe can't get in your new house you should be worried more about when this is going to end i prophesied something that nobody wanted to hear i did it only to my church in a private meeting didn't do it on social media i don't come on as much anymore but i want to do this for ten of you who will jump prophetically obey the prophet you prosper before rona leaves prices in some of your areas are going to drop so low that you're going to be able to afford what you could not afford and if you don't get it within three months you'll never ever get it ever let me say it again i don't care what the other prophets say after me that's their job rona has not left because the prices are not low enough for the saints to get what was prophesied years over their life you only and what famine does is it brings the prices down and normally the rich buy up everything but god said i'ma make it where lepers can eat intense y'all ain't talk i'm gonna make it where you can go to the dealer and have 400 credit score and they say you know what we gonna help you anyhow you know why you're helping us you can't sell nothing this is a season of miracles there's something ocean some of you got on mass and your hands still talk like you did when you didn't have one you have not changed your mouth should be working more than your hands my nephew james said to me where's your man's uncle and i said oh man i'm sorry it's in my pocket go get it and he went out there you know i got special filters and everything i did it because of my children and he brought it in and the lord told me what are you doing i said everybody else got one on he said well if they do then you're safe he said don't go in there looking like them look like me see how quiet it got now now five of y'all don't do it but you want to get bold now yes lord you want to pull your mass off because i understand what fauci said but he's not my bishop i love joe biden i might even have a little crush on her look at y'all jealous why cause i feel like it i had a big crush on michelle and she was married she's just too tall see you got bored and depressed during this cove i became excited because i'm not impervious i know i can get it the question is why won't god let it happen it's everywhere i'll close with this for one person who knows you're gonna be wealthy god is everywhere but there's still folk not saved oh y'all he's not penetrated everybody god has given some of you miracles and you still sin he's not he's not penetrated you see how quiet it is lord if you do this i'll never do that again you don't did it 50 times since then he's not penetrated rona is not stronger than the almighty god and i think even with our mask on we should stand for 10 seconds and praise the living god who has been so kind towards all of us oh that's a weak one i'm dead serious you that are watching by social media you should give it up to god like you've never given it to him before and right in the thread i am healed he was wounded folk and not believing what he wrote for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace i thought i had preachers was laid upon him and by his stripes don't make his beating be in vain there's a stripe on his back for rona cancer diabetes hiv he's a bad god ma tada da when i start preaching i'm gonna be in the e flat when i say up just keep going when i say drop it to a flat we good you got your you you got it now i just made life easy for you be seated get a bible i love the law what about you if you love him come on through the mad shot i love the lord he heard my cry the desert could have said that he pitied my every groan i don't hear no sanctified people said one there one there long as i live and trouble rise i'll hasten nobody told me that the road would be easy [Applause] do i have anybody with a testimony but i don't believe he's brought us this far some through the water i don't hear nobody some through the flood you have to be saved 25 years some do great trials but all through the blood there is a fountain i can't hear nobody in the back that's filled with blood drawn from imakushandai he's here from emmanuel's vein sinners plunge beneath that flood they lose all their guilty staff we are healed by the wounds i don't hear nobody in his side we are healed by the wounds in my savior's side we are here by the wounds in his side the cross before me the world's behind me i don't hear nobody the cross is before me y'all should be talking you here don't bring your body and leave your mouth at the crib the world's behind the cross before me the world is definitely behind i'm gonna preach this one sermon both nights not the same part one part two i i want to digress and thank god for evangelist ladessa who did such a wonderful i don't hear nobody extraordinary y'all clap that anointed timely job and to the praise team of this church who has grown tremendously my niece reagan is off the charts right now she's off the charts without being on the charts your time is coming wait to cover it's over don't sweat the small stuff there's a new release of people when she's gone old things will pass away i'm prophesied and all things shall become new look at somebody and tell them you're not just next you're now you'll catch it later first samuel spiritual discretion is advised i don't have much time left because i took time explaining covet and i'm going to abide within there but spiritual discretion is advised there will be a place in my sermon where it will sound like i am cussing you've been warned now look at folk i knew he was gonna go crazy there will be a place in my sermon that i will not change what the scripture says to make you feel good you praying for me destiny everybody that ever wanted something proof to say i was crazy this is your opportunity i'm only saying exactly what god gave me to say as a matter of fact my reading in verse 3 already has the word in it it's the third word and the asses that's all that's as close as i'm gonna get to cussing see oh that ain't that bad i know i ain't that bad to you i thought he's gonna say something deeper than that like what first samuel 9 verses 3 through 8 first and the asses of kish saul's father were lost kish said to saul his son take now one of the servants with thee and go arise and go seek the horses donkeys cows no it says asses he passed through mount ephraim passed through the land of elisha but they found them not then they passed through the land of shalom and they were not there he passed through the land of the benjamites but they found them not do i have two people that will make me feel comfortable thank you and may god make you debt free and keep your bank account growing like he's going to do mine and when they will come to the land of zelf saul said to his servants that was with him come and let us return lest my father leave caring for the asses and take thought for us which simply means because we're taking too long finding them he's going to think something happened to us and he's gonna leave his post i'm teaching to come look for us because we couldn't find what we were assigned to find is that good knowledge talk to me some young men verse 6 and he said unto him behold there is i'ma preach for the rest of the prophets and the rest of the week will be great behold there is in this city a man of god he's an honorable man can't hear nobody all that he saith i don't hear nobody talking all that he saith cometh surely to pass so now let us go thither per adventure he can show us our way that we should go then said saul to his servant y'all are going to like this part it is not good to go to people for help and not have a gift he said behold if we go what shall we bring to man the reason why some of y'all's prophecies are true but your life has not received it is you've not blessed who spoke church is full of freebies and free loaders i'm not talking about anyone personal but some of y'all look like this person but i can't even tell you're mad because you got your mass on keep it on if you're mad so said to his servant behold if we go what shall we bring the man for the bread that we had is spent in our vessels and there is not a present to bring to the man of god what have we which means he sets order to let everyone know when you have lost something valuable that you need you have to go to people that will help you get restored but not walk away with nothing they didn't like that part that's not my part to preach but i had to put it out there because some of you are your own hindrance and then have you ever i'm sure you have because we've been doing this 35 38 years i'm sure you have and i wish i had a member who would get excited for the preachers have you ever prophesied to people i have thousands hundreds of thousands of times to people and they tell you i got my check for 50 grand thank you and just walk off y'all quiet now i see i see big g's like gucci over some of your heads have you ever said pastor got my new house and it went down 50 grand and you didn't even give the church a thousand dollars when you first needed a 10 000 down payment [Music] there are some people that i have prophesied to probably 10 times over my 35 years and now for one person who will push me when god leaves me to call out somebody i'd be like lord can you stop sending me to cheap folk because cheap folk cheat folk they want god to get their house out of foreclosure and they need 20 grand god gets it out of foreclosure and all they give you is a thank you it's not that we want your money but the policy of the bible y'all don't hear me is whoever helped you get what you would need a lot of money for and you get it without having to do the money you should make god a part of your agent and say i want to thank god for the gift that's in you that helped me recover what i lost [Music] i'm boring them you should have preached today verse 8 the servant said unto saul again and said behold this is the servant saul had nothing the servant said i have here at hand a fourth part of a shekel of silver that will i give to the man of god and then he'll tell us which way to go which means the seed released the instruction it got quiet again what what what i hate about church they talk about money do you hate your job when you talk about money do you hate the price when the hairdresser talks about how much is going to cost the pedicure the manicures do y'all hate when people tell you and it costs you about sixty dollars for feet and hand all right that's cool do y'all hate people when they negotiate prices but if the church negotiates a miracle i i don't i don't see why the church need anything well the pew you're sitting on it was purchased when it's cold the heat you demand i don't hear nobody it's purchased why y'all quiet up in here you came in here with purchased clothes you didn't come in here naked but when the church which people are missing it and i'm trying to lay structure the church is where the world is going to start running to and the wealth of the wicked it ain't coming from our people it's going to be transferred to the church because the people outside are going to now see the value of who god is while the people inside are going to be like lost asses oh did i just do it [Music] no no this wasn't a stranger's asses that was lost it was his father's see you can't take it because you cuss so your brain hears the word asses as profanity because you cuss [Music] but the normal human healthy brain knows there's a difference in a horse a zebra a donkey and an ass there's a difference in a mule and a donkey and a calf and a cow there's a difference there's a difference in these three words for a person who will jump up and watch your bills go down there's a difference in foolish dumb and stupid and we got all three parties up in here but there's a difference in being dumb and being foolish and being stupid can y'all let me take my risk it will reward you by the end of the sermon i want to also interject this for the same two people for the next 30 minutes who will jump and get what i'm gonna get and that is this god is about to put people near you who have something in case you don't you see how quiet it just got saul is the man he has nothing but who's with him says i got something you can use god is flipping the script for ten of you who will scream by now making you the receiver instead of the giver god is about to send new people in your life that be like i got the bill you don't have to do this you did it long enough how much do you need you ain't even got to pay me back you were there with me for 10 years nobody else was there don't tell nobody i just got a million dollar check i want to give you a hundred thousand dollars please don't tell nobody this season is about to begin by march write it down y'all going to push me or provoke me which one you're going to do and my question am i the only person in here that's ever gotten tired of being the only one paying attention it's in our nature that's three feet it's in our nature to always be the giver but i need to confess something because covet has taught me to be brutally honest so i need to say something for tenfolk who will scream every time i pay for the same folk my mind was like when these folk gonna pay for me like jesus christ go get a man a boyfriend a husband go do something why are you always here and never reaching for the bill and won't even leave a tip and folk with great hearts like a few of you who would scream we take folk out who we shouldn't even take out and then we test them by saying order anything you want they start off with when they gotta pay i'm not that hungry but once it's coming out of your pocket you know what that state can you describe that to me it doesn't i must admit in about 10 minutes almost there's been times because of my great heart for five folk that i've been dumb but i ain't never been stupid see y'all missed it my ignorance stops at stupid i'll be dumb and hold my peace because it's my character to give and then believe that god's going to bless me for blessing you but i will not allow it to escalate i wish i had talkers to stupid because stupid is when you're blessing somebody that don't bless him oh y'all ain't talk and now god won't give it back because he don't like who you're helping oh i just read about five people who won't say nothing i don't care if it's your kids if it's that kid that never obeys that kid that never cleans the room that kid that just does whatever they want to do god does not like that child that's why he said you train up a child in the way that he should go and when they're old they won't depart but these new children training you i co-signed for the car but i ain't paying the note and the day i gotta pay the note it's my car and i'm so business i don't even want to come and give it to somebody that couldn't afford a car and they gonna pay to know man he sounded like a mean father i wonder if he ever did this to his to his children yep now they all got their own new cars cause i took the one i bought see you ain't gonna never see people do what they can do until you stop being stupid am i boring god is about to put people in our lives the people that had good hearts that helped even when you didn't want to you were there when folk needed you nobody was there when you needed them and when you called them they came up with the same excuse if you called me yesterday i had it oh i didn't see that you caught it's always i had it i got one help i don't know who was that but that must be there that's back there right now you're going to be having to admit i don't have it and the power of prophecy for typical scream is somebody that you least expect is going to tell you i got it and notice because y'all ain't talking to me because i think i'm born y'all with this teaching y'all didn't catch this for those who are grown who would scream the man that gave it to him had no idea he's serving him he has no idea he's giving him back his salary he has no idea that who he's helping is the next king y'all ain't talk he has no idea and some of you won't even thank god for yourself you're broke but you're still the next you follow what i'm saying right now you have nothing cause your season of being who you are is filing bankruptcy leave me up god is about to make you who you're about to become but first he had to break the person that you are now if i'm teaching y'all tell me because if not i got to go home god sending people in your life to help i'm prophesying and you know i don't play god is sending people into your life that's going to willingly reach in their pockets because they are about to receive all of the prophetic utterances that you have said over the years of the summit all the prophets you've brought all the names that's been called or the healings that have taken place all the wonderful things but they never gave you anything in return except thank you bishop god is about to make people reach into their shekels i know y'all don't like what i'm preaching and they are going to be the people you least expect [Music] if you want him blessed clap your hands and shout yes i got about 20 minutes left on my 30. go down to verse 15 through 20. this is the second part 15-20 push me y'all don't reset receipt now the lord told samuel in his ear the lord told samuel in his ear the prophet he says i want you to know that there's a man named saul coming the lord had told samuel in his ear a day before saul came tomorrow y'all not happy in that front row about this time i will send a man out of the land of benjamin and thou shall anoint him to be captain y'all hear over my people that he may save i'm gonna prophesy my people out of the hands of the philistines for i have looked upon my people because their cry is upon me that means ladessa and those who are talking to me that saul was in god's spirit 24 hours before he got where he was going i want to speak to five folk who will jump your prophecy is ahead of you i'm waiting on god to speak he's already spoken it's ahead of you you too far behind see i heard one lady help me catch up you're the one that's behind god has already spoken his word is in the ear of the person that's going to approve your loan the person that's going to drop your case the supervisor that's going to apologize his word is already ahead of you it's waiting on you to catch up to it i think i need to interject this then about you know next four or five minutes i'll get a little higher bishop if this makes sense throw me a high five then you can give me a real one later these people talking about the word of god and all of us some of us can't get blessed because when we get where help is our attitude is not right i'm two minutes for cussing my supervisor out you don't blew the whole miracle cause the miracle if you read the bible for folks who scream in the back is only for those looking for help oh yeah he was he got to the prophet because he was looking for the asses y'all need to you don't go there like you are somebody you go there like you need assistance see some of you gangbangers and some of you ride or dies that ain't talking to me project chicks want to be thugs your life is behind cause your attitude is not sufficient for the prophetic let me tell you something about prophecy and the rest will come and prophesy behind me i'm laying rules let me tell you something about prophecy and i really want three people to scream loud if you catch it you have not been prophesied to until what god says you're gonna get makes you looking dumb you look dumb i'm still waiting on god you can feel so stupid waiting on god i don't ran around the church i didn't gave my last five hundred dollars and look at me he said i get a new house i haven't been evicted twice prophecy will see whether you trust god or whether your attitude will make some adjustments yo some of you don't qualify you don't qualify i'm never gonna decrease who i am i am and this is what i am and you are broke lonely alone as long as i got jesus okay keep singing it adam didn't tell god that he grew lonely and got a wife he didn't say as long as i got you god keep going down that road am i boring you all i think i'm boring everybody i think i'm boring my nephew and everybody but i'll be there verse 16. tomorrow about this time i will send thee a man out of the land of benjamin thou shall know the captain of my people think i was past that verse 17 and when samuel saw so the lord said unto him behold the man who i speak of he's right there and there's an exclamation point i don't hear nobody so god has raised his tone he's raised his voice because he's about to raise a person you follow so you don't have to raise your voice let god raise his voice y'all still ain't talking and when god raises his voice all the elements in the world obey what he says and god for three folk who will scream is about to announce your coming you think i'm playing he's about to say i know you can't stand her but here she comes i know you don't like him but here he comes and he's going to tell them ain't nothing you can do about it either you serve them and fall in line or just get out the picture all together oh i like her i don't know why she's pushing me so authentically some of you are next cause you had to bite the tongue keep your mouth shut i know some of you i'm too old to change well just be too old and broke be the oldest broke person in your family it's going to get good i promise i ain't going to stay like this said this man shall reign over my people verse 18 then saw you near the samuel in the gate and said tell me i pray thee where's the seer's house yes all of you that come this week you're in the seer's house all right i don't have nobody talking what you mean god's going to give every last one of you a answer from the mouth of his prophets that you were not expecting if you make an adjustment to your attitude a man couldn't read but he had two sons he worked in the field but he couldn't read young man push me a little more god's gonna bless you he couldn't read but he had two sons he owned a field crop and he worked that field enough to send both of them to school okay he had one son that stayed home with him to work the field that could read but he didn't go to college he helped his father work y'all are y'all found that story but the one son that stayed home didn't like one of the brothers please remember that or i blew the story one day both sons that are away in college or for the father's money and hard work needed money the father cannot read the letters were written the exact way okay dad i've hit a hard place i need some money please send me some money both letters went the father who couldn't read gave it to the son who could read the son read the letter of the brother exact letter to the father that he didn't like like this dad you need to send me some money and please send it now father said that boy ain't getting a dime read the same thing dad please send me some money saying they said now he can get the money it's not what you say it's the attitude i don't hear nobody behind what you say some of y'all ain't talking but if you honest you're now saying i gotta make some adjustments because i got to learn a certain part of me got to stay home when i have something that i need from god you can't take the thug you to your job you got to take the person that needs to pay bills to your job you love somebody you don't show them that you ain't no pushover talk to me like that again you just missed your real husband and he ain't coming back cause we ain't trying to live with the untamed you we're trying to live with the youth that knows how to make adjustments to make sure i don't hear nobody that we don't lose everything of value i know i'm preaching y'all sit there y'all just gonna sit there you that are watching by social media hang in there i'm gonna up my game in a little while but right now just write something in the thread like preach dr hall cause these folk right now ain't talking cause they came out thinking i was gonna help them find their asses when i'm trying to help them find themselves see they came in here thinking i'm gonna find them a husband through my gift i'm imma find him a new job through prophecy y'all must be kidding me [Applause] now only you that interpret the word asses from the bible and the cussing is because you curse you're not comfortable with the word that is actually written and being interpreted according to scripture thought somebody in the balcony would be talking to me but i guess they're not you are not in a regular church when you walk in to christ cathedral you are in y'all ain't talking a ministry where seers live and it gets terrible when you try to make the seer think he ain't saying right i've spoken to people and they'd be like well that ain't me and then i don't want to talk anymore why you stop talking cause you a liar and i don't want to hold a whole hour conversation with you because now i'm stupid for doing it samuel said to saul verse 19 and said i am the seer any of you that know you got a gift from god whether you're using it right or whether it's making you be blessed or bringing money or not right now just admit i am a gift from god you're a seer preacher yes sir yes sir we were driving up this street i don't know the street the street down there that we come off and we turn down here it's a long street what's what's the street jones lancaster right and james decided to take me a different way today he took me the way and i hope you can respect this where you had lost your asses all right he took me to the first church right that other prophet said was your bill that's right until the seer came right yes sir you were the only one and i was the only one out of all the prophets to tell you yeah this is not it that's right we lost a lot of things trying to make that deal work i say we can we're friends that's right because it is very difficult for anyone gifted to let someone else see for them oh y'all quiet so some of y'all we can't help because you're so used to helping other people that you think you don't need help because of how much god uses you i don't need a prophecy god speaks to me you gonna have a day when your gift that's why you don't understand don't work for you y'all not to your gift y'all not talking on in that session is not putting you for you it's put in you to serve other people then there's something in somebody else that he puts in for you and some of y'all are burned out and frustrated because you turned down help give me 12 minutes lady oh i'm sorry that i bored you and i'm so sorry that i'm not preaching like i used to i'm a i'm a pastor now and i really am a pastor i tried to not come here because i'm a pastor samuel answered soul and said i'm the seer go up before me unto the high place the first thing he tells him is before we talk i need you to come up higher oh y'all need to i'm telling some of you if you're here and you're going to stay the same person you are now this prophetic summit is not for you but if you made up in your mind there's some things i need to get over there's some things about me i need to change god is going to bring you so many answers that everything you lost you're about to get it back and if i got a witness you should clap your hands and shout yes i'm about to transition i feel like i'm at my church now and after he told him to go up he said something in 20 that ought to make five of you jump because you've been reading it and and ask for the asses that were lost oh y'all didn't find that as for the asses that you're worried about and the things you felt you failed in i can't get nobody to dance they were lost three days ago and for the assets that were lost three days ago set not thy mind on them stop worrying about it how i'm gonna pay my bills how i'm gonna do this i'm only one person he said what you lost y'all don't hear me has just been found now some of y'all are not going to answer me but i lost my ipad the last year right last year had everything i needed in it 789 sermons business meetings had everything lost it went back to the airport this was before covent and i said i had an ipad i was in seat 3d or 3c i can't remember can you look for it i wrote up a case i was a diamond member i'm all kind of members they said they said they never found it it's not reported you can go to the lost and found i said where is the lost and found they gave me the delta terminal went there they're not supposed to let me in but a friend was there walked me in nothing in the lost and found then they told me when it's gone it's gone but we will buy you another one i didn't want another one cause the other one didn't have 789 sermons didn't have my passwords in them y'all ain't talking to me i needed that ipad not because i couldn't buy another one it was a necessity yo y'all not talking god is not replacing something new for you he's giving you back what's valuable that you lost i was like i need it i let it go for 30 days i was upset they bought me a new ipad i started trying to recall things no i did not know what the cloud was so i didn't sink it for all you smart people i needed to start over i took a trip to montgomery alabama got off the plane told this brother who works there i said man i lost my ipad they sent it to the lost and found he said did you go in there he said now let me tell you nothing stays at normally the original place it goes to a place here in alabama where they take all the lost goods and leave it and when they're not found they give it away and i'll sell it he said i'll take you there he drove me 30 minutes from montgomery went into electronic section my little boo boo the ipad is standing right there the lady didn't want to give it to me she said you got to prove it's yours i said open it up when it opened she said they all look the same i said but this one got a password y'all ain't talk and all some of you gotta do cause she didn't have to let me back there they said once it gets here it goes to another level of distribution it's gone it's off the lost and found list but because i adjusted my attitude right and i said i'm a preacher come on baby just let me see if it's mine let me put the password you don't get nothing for keeping it to you not really i'm not supposed to do this another guy knew him he said i've worked for delta come on let him get back there she said you better be glad you got him what you can't get god's gonna put somebody in your life y'all not talking that's going to assist you to get what you normally would never get i want you to look at somebody with your mask on i'm almost there and tell them in the words of ty trivet i want it all back just go and tell them now if you're saying it give me some good gain up here if you're saying it passively then you might as well go buy you something new but if you know that there's some valuable things that you lost that you thought god would never give back i want you to look to the right and left of your space and tell that neighbor i want it all back and of whom is all the desires of israel it is not of thee but all my fathers my topic is i want it all back i'm about to close uh he ain't he ain't gonna prophesy you missed it i've already started i want it all back i got another title because i said it'd be two days so let me give all three and see which one you scream on what i am really what am i really looking for then the last one i found myself when i lost my stuff some of y'all never knew who you were until you lost what you had i'm just trying to talk to people i see you standing and i know you're pushing me but don't let that mass take your voice away and read and it's in your hands in these last days in which we are living and experiencing things i'm almost ready uh we have nev that we've never experienced before the truth is for five of you who push me we need answers that young man that helped me out just look at him we need what i'm okay if i don't get it right now just tell me whether i'm gonna get it or not like we tell you you're gonna have your baby in december we ain't always right on the exact date and some of you are pregnant with purpose and you're about to deliver but we're not here to give you the exact date but i'm here as the first prophet for screamers to tell you you should understand this coming because your water broke if your water breaks it still may be another 24 hours but at least you know i'm in that process now from dilating from one centimeter i want to preach to two centimeters to three centimeters i'm tired of looking nice i'm ready to have church four centimeters and while y'all won't scream knowing that labor comes with pain how y'all expect to get prophecy without pain every time somebody props out to me something bad happens it's a part of the process what is be careful an answer let me hear it e and make it pretty just in case yeah yeah yeah that sound good what is an answer an answer is nothing but the correct response to a question that lady in the green is now my favorite client of this church it means if any of you have questions why is this happening why is that happening you now only want an answer i'll give you one even though there's more than one and to those who praise it'll start i told you in march in a huge way the reason why you've been attacked this much is because the devil knows you're so close to finding what you want that the only way for you not to get it is to get discouraged and turn back around y'all y'all are mighty quiet now saul was about to turn around because he said my father is going to panic so forget the answers let's just go back but a servant said we didn't come this far to turn around now then he made another excuse i ain't got no money no gifts i want to prophesy the folk who will scream you won't need money for the next house i need a down payment no you need a attitude adjustment what you need to do is keep pressing i thought i had a church i can't look over here i'm pressing on i'm almost there let me hear that e again the upward wave now there are new heights i'm gaining oh i know i said e flat but i want that e first every day no higher plane that i've found do i have a church here we got to get ready to go lord plant my feet on higher ground let me go here so i can get to that key an answer has a thing called an answer key somebody say answer key answer key is nothing but it's simple the key to the answer the key to the test questions the key to the exercise i read this for educated screamers who will take the liberty to adjust yourself and scream even though you don't have what you want yet it is usually a copy of the test put in your hands oh y'all didn't catch that we would call it a cheat sheet y'all don't hear so if you've lost something you now have a bible which is equivalent to a cheat sheet and if you can find something god did for somebody in the bible you can command that he does the same thing for you so i want you to use saul and tell god i've lost things and it made me look like i was dumb it made me look like i was foolish it made me look like i was stupid but god if you just help me find it and god said tell 50 of you i'm not going to find it till i help you find yourself y'all the most important part of your journey is finding out who you are i hear that key bishop i'm gonna give it to you we're gonna do this here together it is let me hear that e again it is it is a cheat sheet and i want to write and read together and y'all push me like i'm preaching whatever god is testing you with he has already given you the answers for if you didn't say yes lord you have failed to test to know the power to know the power of a solution you must be in a difficult problem most people don't respect uh answers until they have unanswered questions now they go to real people for help i don't ask five people why you come to me last cause you knew i was gonna keep it real with you so you went to all the other folk to get the watered-down version of what god would do i'm talking to five people lord i don't need no watered-down explanation i am not in a watered-down age i need you to keep it 100 with me and just tell me am i the problem is it witchcraft is it something i did five years ago and god told me to tell all of you that are talking you don't have no more problems you now have solutions and every day this week virtually and in the building you gonna leave here with an answer now you may not leave here with no more asses y'all ain't talking to me but you are leaving here with answers you're not leaving with asses you're leaving with answers i'd rather go home with nothing i came for and be able to tell for but now i know what i'm going through and why i'd rather be oh i got a new new member i don't care about the money i didn't get the job but now i understand why he didn't give me the job because i just got a call about a person who wants me to be a partner in their business some of you are trying to force god to make sense to you he is not a god i'm about to close here that makes sense let me hear the e one more time my god is a mighty good god and you have to come in smooth because i'm about to fly my kite because the wind is blowing and i'm done the lord told me you come to this meeting for one reason i come to give you a biblical plan before the prophets are released y'all ain't talking to me my job this trip is not to do all of the prophesying but it's to let you know that whatever they prophesy you needed to help it find you not a husband it needs to help you find you not another job it needs to help you find you not more money as soon as i'm happy with who god is making me everything else will fall in line i wish i had a sound man that would cut it up just a little more because i'm ready to fly i want you to understand what the songwriter meant when they said it's me [Music] it's me it's me oh lord i'm standing in the need of prayer let me hear that here again i'm almost there not my mother not my father but it's me oh lord standing in the need of prayer father help me preach like i feel it now all of those asses worked the father's field all of those assets helped the daddy make money but if saul would have found the asses and not found himself his father would have had to work himself to death what saul was was a replacement of hard work because he's about to become the king of the whole kingdom and that allows his daddy kiss to retire that allows his daddy kissed to close down the family business because now all of the victory is found in one person can i preach to the church of god y'all got to understand that the reason why the devil's after you because in you is the success of your entire family right now they think you're a donkey they think you're a mule they think you're foolish you out there in church during the pandemic but when i look back over my life i wish i had a church that wanted to have church and i try to think things over all of my good days can i get help here they outweigh my bad days and i won't complain what he didn't know is we're never gonna need these asses because i am the answer y'all ain't talking to me i want you to look at somebody like that's your best friend and get eyeball contact like i'm doing with us everything of value the drums can come in later he lost everything that he needed but when he went looking for what he thought he wanted somebody started telling him the thing you're missing is a word from the lord i know y'all don't want to have that church because you're thinking my droplets done got to the balcony but i want you to tell somebody you qualify for a miracle because you took a risk and came to the sears house some of y'all don't believe it when you walked in the door god found your house god found your spouse god found your promotion but now it's up to you to give him glory you may not have the money but you can give you can give him glory that's a better key for you you can give him honor and you can give him praise oh zion i said oh zaya what's the matter with you you don't believe it the devil's trying to steal your joy the devil's trying to steal your song the devil's trying to steal your praise but somebody that feels a miracle coming repeat after brother hall and say this is my story this is i need the game this is my song y'all finishing praising my savior i can't hear y'all out there praising my savior oh the day long cause i'm in hell i'm an heir of salvation i've been purchased come on social media by god i've been born of his spirit and i've been washed in his blood are you preaching to your neighbor you ain't got to be close but say something to your neighbor like i can't [Applause] i came to jesus three feet now just as i was i was weary i was warned and i was sad y'all helped me finish it i found in him i found in him i found in him a resting place and he has made made me glad can i preach this 30 more seconds look around the church like you don't care who see you and tell your neighbor i've got a feeling oh you're afraid got a feeling that everything is gonna be alright if i got a prophetic people don't say it like that just and say it's all right now i can't say it from your belly right now look at somebody say the lord gave me a message for you and that message is what you needed he did it yesterday tell him but you're about to receive it by tomorrow if fedex can do it if amazon can do it if ups can do it i know a god that sits high and he looks down low i'm calling wonderful i feel mighty good now i'm calling councillor i'm calling mighty god don't call him everlasting father but he is a god that can make a way [Music] out of no way if i'm right about it say he's a waymaker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness he's alpha and omega beginning in the first and the last he's my god he is my lord he's my king clip your hands yes [Music] tell them i got 45 words that i want to say to you and if you believe them you will change your behavior if you don't respect them keep acting the way you have but tell them these four words can change your life and the four words are i got it all back yes [Music] i want you didn't hear me this morning whatever the devil stole god's about to give it all back yes come on giant don't let the devil have it praise god until he snatches cause from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom of god suffered violence but the violence i wish i had to hear but the violence i said the violence the violence we don't ask for it we don't pay for it but we take it by the power of the holy ghost act like what's yours it's being dangled in your face don't just look at it but the old school said reach up and grab it cause god's got a blockchain god's got a miracle with your name on it i want some of y'all that are not afraid this morning to just get one person in your mind look that person in the face and say god and i are so close to each other that he told me to tell you in the month of march you want to get more miracles than ever but in the next 24 hours he's gonna give you an appetizer so don't wait till the battle is over but somebody somebody you gotta watch in the screaming somebody shall now clap now sweet now leave now run now yeah now dance now whatever you need he can do it right now if i gotta witness say yes i can't hear a pentecostal church [Music] ah do it if you need i feel the hallelujah praise in here hallelujah somebody ought to say it to them [Music] and he walked with me yeah that stuff you do that he talks with me and he tells me huh that i am his own [Music] the joy that we share [Music] yeah yeah that was your key as we carry that [Music] none other has ever known you all right i got to bring it in you you you're getting it all back the things you don't get is because they were not valuable they were just fillings you never needed it but the things that you actually need god's about to go get them out of the lost and fine i don't hear no hallelujah god's about to hallelujah hold on musicians get ready for this then i must prophesy collectively all all of you that have literally lost some things over the past five years some of the things you've gotten over some of the feelings and emotions still you know dangle in your face the residuals of something negative all of that residue is still around the dust particles but all of you that want god to take everything of no value out your life and you want god to increase who you are when the music plays you've got 30 seconds either clap dance scream hallelujah y'all stop letting these masks become your muzzle if you can breathe through it you can bless through it i breathe through my mass and i praise through my mass even on the praying plane i was recognizable to people when i got to dallas when i went to the lavatory with my mask on they said you prophet hall i don't know how they knew it they said we heard you talking which means my voice has a distinguished sound make sure god can identify you not buy your dress and your looks and your hair but when that voice opens something in heaven says that's so-and-so hallelujah i said hallelujah i can't hear you i said hallelujah i said hallelujah counter my shondo yeah that the kamashiki te kara one day they became some of you that don't believe in tongue speaking don't laugh at it just don't do it one day you'll reach it if you can speak pig latin and go to learn spanish you can speak in the holy ghost count of three your behavior is going to change how you live some of you physically can do everything you want to do so upgrade that voice upgrade those hands some you can't run you got surgery and things so move in place shake a little more some of you can't dance but you go to the club and all you move is the top your feet don't ever move give god a part of you that's his and you'll be thinking you killing it count of three i want you to give my shandy your question i'm gonna save the prophecy and for the rest but god is here he's over in that corner too but guard's here i don't want to scare nobody but he's over in the corner but at the count of three what's that young lady's name move your mask down no you what's your name yeah yeah no no the young lady no put the striped shirt on what's your last name talk loud okay you helping her you're her mom all right well mom this might want to help you when she had a hands up praising god she was being sincere the lord says i've got to change where her mother lives so i can change her school you're not getting this house because of you you're getting it because she needs a shift in her school now i need to ask your mother is that your biological child god says what the devil labeled as a mistake just became your miracle god says a few years ago you were ready to give up and throw in the towel but god says by tomorrow 3 p.m i'm going to start releasing things to you that will take the word stupid off of you the word foolish off of you the word you gotta be behind the baby can't be in front of it that's not the way so at the count of three y'all can play your bum play your favorite bump do it to the best of your ability just don't go too fast cause all these folk are old don't do that john p key stuff up in here slow it down to 155 154 don't go to 168 and 172. the count of three you all better change your behavior you better change your behavior [Music] because god says i'm ready to do some things while the pandemic is in session you will prosper in the pandemic you have 30 seconds to pick them up and put them down one two one two one two three go [Music] cut the lead plate up [Music] so [Music] you've got 10 seconds [Music] [Music] put your hands on it come on [Music] me [Music] don't let the devil make you dumb let the devil know i'm still here by the grace of god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't let the devil be right about it [Music] [Music] um [Music] let's not happen [Music] i know i said 30 seconds but i'm giving y'all 20 more seconds so that you don't blame god if you refuse to change your behavior god will refuse to change the circumstance your behavior is gonna determine how [Music] blessed young lady [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] and when the music stops you have a mouth you have a heart come on give it to him we're feet stop and hand stop the mouth continues the tongue does not have the ability to get tired because his praise shall continually be in my mouth hallelujah give god the best side of you he's listening your voice is becoming distinctive hey that's the sound yeah that mass has no power now cause your sound is coming through it you that are watching by streaming hopefully you're feeling what we're feeling at this moment the power of the holy ghost the spirit of the living god falling fresh on us giving us an opportunity during this pandemic to get some answers to find some solutions to change our company to find ourselves hallelujah hallelujah i said hallelujah hallelujah the atmosphere of worship will chase corona out of here too worship is superior it's god's climate nothing is stronger than it is hallelujah a shania i said hallelujah yes lord yes lord i'm asking everyone to stand if you're not able don't worry about it if you little injured in your body you can sit but the rest of you that are able stand upon your feet dr todd hall's job on this assignment is to set your footsteps and patterns in the direction of the prophetic the other great dynamic expositors and preachers and pontificators that are to come after me you will hear some of what i said in a different way but then there will be those towards the end that will be used in the gift but right now i'm setting you on a journey to find your better self hallelujah because the self you are now even when god blesses you he doesn't get what he deserves i help you i need to guide you some of you want a prophecy but you need to talk to the seer don't want us to say ask us what we see i see you in your future i don't hear nobody and you are looking much better that's what for sean mitchell and bishop larry trouter says because what's coming i don't hear nobody testifying shall be better than what's been i am a living testimony that you can go from rock bottom come up be slapped back down underneath the ground and then skyrocket to a place you've never been before in life i'm proof that you can have less than what you had and get more than what you ever had because god is in on the business hallelujah i don't know y'all know that we registered out on tomorrow but some of you all be slipping in cause they letting you but we registered out but they're gonna be some bold soldiers coming through here tomorrow because they watched and people need their miracle like in mark two there was no room and the boy tore the roof off the house and lowered himself down because that's how bad people need answer and if you don't want to praise then let somebody have your registration let them have your seat and let them have your success because if they get one they gonna get it all
Channel: Christ Cathedral Church
Views: 17,413
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Keywords: Christ Cathedral Church, Christ, Cathedral, Church, Grace, International, Fort Worth, Texas, Bishop, Sherman, Allen, Ministry, Religion, COGIC, Christianity, Pentecostal, 2021, Todd Hall, Prophetic Summit 2021
Id: NIO5B3utxhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 11sec (7211 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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