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are we okay oh glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah glory hallelujah praise you father god father god we praise you and magnify you and glorify you hallelujah glory to god welcome this morning to all those that are in the house with us this morning welcome to all those that are joining in online there's no time and no distance in the spirit so come on in with us and worship the lord we've gathered together we're coming together in this place to worship god but this is a house that's been designated for us to gather for all the saints to gather together to worship our lord to worship our god the father says don't forsake the assembling of ourselves together we are the temples of the most high god and this is where we gather this is where we come together this is where we come to glorify his name to magnify his name come on and praise the lord with me come on in i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord glory to god glory to god so we come here today father to magnify you to lift up the name of jesus yeshua hamashiach to lift his name up on high he said if i be lifted up i'll draw me and unto me draw men from the north south east and west to come and worship the lord our god with us today come on in and worship the lord our god today glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god father god we praise you we magnify you we glorify you we lift up our voices and say giving you glory and thanksgiving hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god we welcome you today hallelujah we welcome you to the house of the lord glory to god a place where you can come in and just be refreshed come in and refresh in his presence praise you lord hallelujah [Applause] well lord we thank you we praise you we magnify you you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy majesty king o'hare your word you're worthy of all the glory you are worthy of all the honor our tongues will praise you all the days of our lives we lift you up we'll give you praise we'll give you honor we thank you come on in hallelujah we enter your gates with thanksgiving we thank you for this day this is the day that the lord has made this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and we will be glad in it hallelujah so father we thank you we thank you we thank you lord for joining in we thank you sir you said hallelujah that when we gather that you're in our midst if two or three are gathered together in your name that you're in the midst we thank you for being in our midst today we welcome you we welcome the angels we welcome the ancient ones we welcome the cloud of witness come and worship the father with us come and worship the father with us glory to god everything we do today we do it with a mindset and an attitude of worship in you as we read the scriptures to them as we read the scriptures we do it in a mindset of worship in you glory to god as we come together to praise you and magnify you and glorify your holy name thank you lord for being in our midst thank you lord for being in our midst glory to god we welcome you this day we welcome you this day we welcome you this day and we welcome all those that have come to join in with us to glorify you hallelujah this is venice united methodist church hallelujah venice united methodist church with our beautiful pastor pastor benedicta obanaya hallelujah so you're in the right house today with our rabbi dr adeniya okuchuku obanaya you're in the right place today glory to god to come and give him glory to give him honor and to give him praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and we're going to read our scriptures together today together glory to god and our beautiful fire captain miss lisa is reading scriptures for us today hallelujah bless the lord oh normally eddie does this i'm going to try my best and helen day hopefully i can slow it down so praise the lord welcome everybody to the house of the most high god the risen king and honor here today to be able to read his living words um and uh yes we just thank everyone today and thank the lord almighty god so will we proverbs 1 20-33 we'll begin wisdom shouts in the streets she raises her voice to the public square at the head of the noise streets she cries out at the entrance of the gates in the city she declares her sayings how long you naive once will you love simplest thinking and how long will scoffers delight themselves in scoffing and fools hate knowledge turn to my rebuke behold i will pour out my spirit on you i will make my words known to you because i called and you refused i stretched out my hand and no one paid attention and you neglected all my advice and did not want my rebuke i will also laugh at your disaster i will mock when your dread comes when your dread comes like a storm and your disaster comes like a whirlwind when distress and anguish come upon you then they will call on me but i will not answer they will seek me diligently but will not find me because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the lord they did not accept my advice they disdainfully rejected every rebuke from me so they shall eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own schemes for the faithlessness of the naive will kill them and the complacency of fools will destroy them but whoever listens to me will live securely and will be at ease from the dread of evil who hallelujah it's a scary one praise the lord all right isaiah 54-9 we'll begin the lord god has given me the tongue of disciples so that i may know how to sustain the weary one with the word he awakens me morning by morning he awakens my ear to listen as a disciple the lord god has opened my ear and i will not disobey nor did i turn back i gave my back to those who strike me and my cheek to those who pull out my beard i did not hide my face from insults and spitting for the lord god helps me therefore i am not disgrace therefore i have made my face like a flint and i know that i will not be ashamed he who vindicates me is near who will contend with me let us stand up to each other who has a case against me let him approach me behold the lord god helps me he who is he who commands me behold they will all wear out like a garment a moth will eat them all right james 3 1-12 do not become teachers in large numbers my brothers since you know that we who are teachers will encure a strict judgment for we all stumble in many ways if anyone does not stumble in what he says he is a perfect man able to reign in the whole body as well now if we put the bits into the horse's mouth so that they will obey us we direct the whole body as well look at the ships too they also have a large and are driven by strong winds they are never the best directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot determines so also the tongue is a small part of the body and yet it boasts of great things see how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire and the tongue is a fire the very world of unrighteousness the tongue is set among our body parts as that which defiles the whole body and sets sunfire the course of our life and is set on fire by hell for every species of beasts and birds of reptiles and creatures of the sea is tamed and has been tamed by the human race but no one among mankind can tame the tongue it is a restless evil full of deadly poison with it we bless our lord and father and with it we curse people who have been made in the likeness of god from the same mouth both blessings and curses my brothers and sisters these things should not be this way does a spring send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water can a fig tree my brothers and sisters bear olives or a vine bear figs nor can salt water produce fresh deep today every day i guess mark 8 27 through 38 jesus went out and along with his disciples to the villages of sir philippi and on the way he questioned his disciples saying to them who do people say that i am they told them saying john the baptist and others say elijah and others one of the prophets and he continued questioning them but who do you say that i am peter answered and said to him you are the christ and he warned them to tell no one about him and he began to teach them that engines sorry tb land all right where are we at yes all right praise the lord um psalms okay seven wisdom of psalms so 7 26 through 8. all right we'll begin she's the brightness that shines forth for eternal light she's a mirror that flawlessly reflects god's activity she's the perfect image of god's goodness she can do anything since she's one and undivided she never changes and yet she makes everything new generation after generation she enters souls and shapes them into gods hey today is [Music] hi tv land's not getting this beautiful voice today sorry guys here we go uh where were we at the very bottom we're at the end the work and the words to the end of the s the end of the world okay we'll start from verse five which is like a groom coming out of his chamber it works this person to run his course it's rising is from one end of the heavens and it circuits to the other end of them and there is nothing hidden from its heat the law of the lord is perfect restoring the soul the testimony of the lord is sure making the wise simple the process of the lord alright rejoicing the heart the commandment of the lord is pure enlightening the eyes the fear of the lord is clean enduring forever the judgment of the lord are true they are righteous all together they are more desirable than gold yes than your gold sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb moreover your servant is worn by them and keeping them there is a great reward who can discern his errors equip me of hidden faults also keep your servant back from sumptuous sins let them not rule over me then i will be innocent and i will be blameless of great wrongdoing may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight lord my rock and my redeemer hallelujah [Applause] all right psalms 116 1-9 i love the lord because he hears my voice and my pleas because he has inclined his ear to me therefore i will call upon him as long as i live the snares of death encompass me and the tares of shield come upon me i found distress and sorrow then i called upon the name of the lord please lord save my life gracious is the lord and righteous yes our god is compassionate the lord watches over the simple i was brought low and he saved me return to your rest my soul for the lord has dealt generously with you for you have rescued my soul from death my eyes from tears and my feet from stumbling i shall walk before the lord in the land of the living [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord for the deep scriptures yes and we'll do our weekly affirmations with we decree and we declare and we'll begin we decree and we declare we are the sons and daughters of the most high god we are made in god's image and likeness we have the dna of our father when god is in heaven so are we on earth we are the sword of the earth and the light of the world we are agents of transformation kingdom legislation kingdom ambassadors we live and operate in abundance we lend and we do not borrow for our god supplies all our needs according to his riches in christ christ jesus we can do all things through christ we are more than conquerors we have divine health creative thoughts and imaginations and inventive ideas we are blessed going out and blessed coming in we are god's masterpiece and we are loved hallelujah hallelujah bless the lord [Applause] oh lord our god we lift up hands in holy prayer lord o for a thousand tongues to sing the praises of our god lord we who are here we lift up one voice and one accord and say holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy is the lord god heaven heaven and earth are filled with your glory we gather with all the angels and all the archangels and all the companies of heaven we unite our voices not with the thirty in here but with the thousands upon thousands ten thousands upon ten thousand we dwell even now in this congregation even now is on mount zion we are in the company of all the saints through all the age ages and together we praise your name we acknowledge the son we acknowledge jesus christ our lord and savior we acknowledge his blood which speaks a better word than the blood of abel for when he was dying he said father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing lord we search our hearts now for those who we need to forgive we search our hearts and say lord am i holding a bitterness against anybody we lift them before you now and say i release them to you lord we forgive them now lord we don't hold their sins against them anymore we release them we bless them we send them on their way may they be in your care may you lift them up may you send blessing into their life we will not be those who curse our neighbor we will not be those who return curse with curse we will be those who bless those who curse us oh lord lord we uh bring your comfort your blessing on those who have lost loved ones in this season we left up especially our dear pastor lord in this season who has lost a a beautiful sister and uh and for um all those in our midst lord we think now over this last year and we say bring comfort to our bodies bring comfort to our souls bring comfort to our spirits oh lord and to all the families lord throughout this land may peace reign may peace settle over this land may it heal dividing wounds lord may it heal the insanity that we step into where we become so agitated that we forget that we are the transformers of the earth we are the kingdom legislators we are the ambassadors who are here to change the worlds so we lift up and say use us oh lord use me as individual and use us collectively to transform the world to bring healing and peace on the land we bless our president you tell us to pray for our leaders so bless him give him wisdom in his mind to make righteous decisions may the appointments that are made into high places be righteous oh lord may you bless our governors our senators our assemblymen our mayors our city council people our um all through the landlord because we want peace we do not want division lord i pray that you open our hearts now to receive your gospel message that our hearts will be thrilled to know um as as our doctor has been speaking to us of elevation lord open our ears even now to hear that the words will not go over our heads but we will be elevated in this season we will listen we will heed we will not be those who hear and then forget what they've heard but we will be the good seed that hears the word pays attention to it remembers it and puts it into practice so with humble hearts lord we call on you to bless this assembly bless the preaching of the word bless us that we might be a blessing to the world we pray this through jesus christ and through his shed blood amen [Applause] [Music] oh glory glory hallelujah thank you jesus oh lord hallelujah okay hallelujah hallelujah praise god we worship you lord hallelujah let's hit our hands praise you lord thank you lord by kalabhos thank you for the holy spirit lord to pray in tongues and praise mysteries unto you my king and my god we give you the glory the honor and the praise today all the nations of the earth we glorify you and magnify you today god to you be the glory to you be the prey the power and the mighty and all dominion belong only and all to you god we lift up our hands and give you glory and honor and praise today for there's no one like your son yahshua thank you for the power the blood we decree the power of the blood that speaks salvation to the nations god salvation the kingdom come your will is done on earth as it is in heaven the father's will is being activated in the earth realm we give you glory and honor and praise lord magnify your name today lord like never before let us walk into prayer without ceasing oh god we give you glory now and praise today lord praise and honor to your name my king and my god [Music] [Applause] praise you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah dr oz in the house well he's coming up hallelujah we welcome i got to sign this show for but god is amazing just it's amazing about the name i'm gonna give a quick testimony real quick but you know on the east wall and jewels we look it up on google the on the east wall there are the plants are growing out on the east wall saying yo hey va hey right now in israel check it out on youtube the name is actually growing out in plants amen yeah the east walls where yahshua was coming back it's in israel amen hallelujah oh [Applause] [Music] welcome dr o hallelujah praise god hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah glory be to god i'm speaking to you from mosul bay in south africa glory be to god we are about to begin our meditation retreat we've got people from different nations here i want to thank all the people at the congregation we're not going to be long before you and again i told them so the president here that i'm going to be 15 minutes they said it's 15 over 9 minutes they say i should take the one in front of the five and put it behind behind the five and make it 51 minutes but i appreciate you i appreciate every one of you thank you lord thank you for the leaders thank you for that prayer that amazing amazing amazing move of the spirit i love it when god's people shall die it's an incredible thing blessed be the name of the lord glory be to the most high god um i i you know even though we are in mourning uh today because we lost our niece our child birth in nigeria guys this is one of the reasons why i want to build clinics this is the reason why i want to send ambulances i want to in the villages i want to do some some work because you know these women who die at childbirth is a very big issue for me and my heart and so continue to pray for us because this is the reason why we're doing some of the things we're doing to try to build these things thank god for my wife and the strength that she has been to all of us you know in this season we pray for the family we pray for our older sister who just lost this beautiful daughter of house you know it's not easy but again those of us who preach the gospel know that even in the midst of this we're still called to speak the word of the lord to the nations we pray for the nations of the earth we pray for the nations of africa we pray for the nations of south america we pray for the us we pray for the nations of north america canada we pray for the nations of europe we pray for the nations of asia southeast asia we pray that every nation on earth every people on earth will experience the glory the mercy the grace the power and they will experience the overflowing grace of god lord god almighty thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven your will be done your kingdom come you will be done on earth as it is in heaven we believe that all the nations all the families of the earth have a destiny true god and through the lord jesus christ in this world thank god for all of you really whatever whatever denomination of christian love you are you are a candidate for the grace and the glory of god you are a child of god all those the bible says no one will false upon the name of the lord will be put to shame as long as you call upon the name of the lord with all your heart so we've been talking in these few weeks or these many weeks if you were on on listening on the protocols of divine elevation that everyone the god that knows the lord is giving this seat of elevation it is god's intention to raise you from where you are it is god's intention to raise you from the married clay and set you up on a rock that is higher than you it is god's intention to move you from your constricted policies to an open atmosphere because it is written that he has you know the bible says though i can't though i've been children have been through the fire the lord would bring me to a large place it is god's intention to elevate you in your current situation into or through your from your current situation into a place where the glory of the lord is manifested in your life your current condition should not be your condition forever your family's condition should not be where you are forever god has really planned for your elevation god has planned for your lifting up god is really interested in your lifting up now last week we were we were hard on us not just on you because one of the problems with christians is that christians especially from botanical from the us a lot of believers don't understand what this elevation means so elevation means that god is moving you to the level where like your lord jesus christ you become a blessing to the whole world not just to your family members there are people on earth who make it a point of duty to cheat strangers to steal from people who are not like them to look down and to fight with people who do not believe what they believe this is not what you shall be the principle of elevation is raising you up to be like your father in heaven first in character but also in position in character to raise you so that you become a happening you become a carrier of mercy like your father in heaven is so guess what your father falls down his brain upon the just and the unjust and he forgives those who ask for forgiveness he cleanses and purifies so one of the major things that you have as a christian is that you've been elevated with christ in the heavenly places and from the place where christ sits is a place of intercession and place of grace a place of mercy a place where you become god's instrument for pouring water upon the thirsty souls of humanity you your life in christ is so important to god so god puts you in positions every place god puts you he has the desire to raise you up so that you can be the light jesus calls us you myself a city set on a year whose light cannot be hidden you are a child of god said you said i'm a child of god and i am constantly being elevated into high places so in every construct every situation god raises you up so that you see beyond the circumstance you are being raised if there's a problem in your society god elevates you so that you can look at that that problem from a different perspective it is a problem in your family the reason god has you there is because there is an elevation that will allow you to see ways for solving the problem elevation is what is is intrinsic in society so anyway let's talk about it this way every plant on earth grows upwards there's some barefoot in the ground some bear fruit in the air so the very universe in which you live the earth in which you live speaks of elevation everything planted shoots up towards the sun so you have been called or you are saved so that you can shoot up to heaven every circumstance has the possibility of validation so for me i said i'm going to be 15 minutes so i'm i promise i will not be 51 minutes number one so today what we want to do from this from from talking from last week we talked about what are the things that hinders elevation and what are the things that speed elevation you've got some of it i didn't speak or i didn't tell you all of them but today what i want to do is i want to talk about the protocols of divine elevation but i want to talk about if um excuse me i'm looking at my stuff because my light is not it's not there it's not as good as it should be okay this what i'm talking about now is you know uh the wisdom what we call the wisdom protocols wisdom protocols that underlie divine language stock mastermind wisdom protocols that underlie divine elevation okay wisdom catholic window wisdom processes that underlie the protocols of divine innovation when we started this and we began to talk about solomon there's something we said we said someone did not pray for wisdom solomon prayed for understanding and god gave him wisdom and in the jewish construct guess what both wisdom depending wisdom can be male or female and the understanding is always a mother so but in the structure that we just read wisdom is referred to as a woman please stay with me wisdom is referred to over and over in the book of prophecy woman i want to keep saying this we have moved into the age of what of the feminine manifestation of divinity within creation we can run away from it those of you i mean this is you know i think catholics will understand this better than protestants those of you who understand what mary is and i'm going to i'm going to mess with some people today again those of you who understand that i know most protestants just want to dismiss mary but you can dismiss mary in the structure because the reason isn't definitely the reason the messiah came to a woman is because the very foundation of creation is what is grounded in wisdom as a feminine principle so creation was birthed through one through the principle of wisdom and wisdom was there to celebrate creation where god spoke so that means that the age in which you and i are destroying age is the age of the women sorry african men is the age of the woman as one who releases creation or releases creativity in creation one who speaks from a deeper place one so we come to the age where there is a bursting of elevation remember mary gave birth to jesus jesus was what was chosen by god as our example as one who is elevated god we can talk about it was lifted on high jesus was lifted on eye but then let's not talk so the protocol of wisdom so wisdom in this case we're talking about not about the masculine wisdom that is spoken of in jewish mysticism we're talking about the feminine wisdom that is the foundation that is the foundation of creation okay stay with me so let me begin by telling you why is wisdom important in the protocol of elevation please bear with me because wisdom is stronger than witchcraft and wisdom is stronger than what than sorcery wisdom is stronger than divination because a person with wisdom can overcome whatever it is that is struck around and one of the problems we have especially where i grew up in africa is people think that sorcery divination and all that stuff is stronger than wisdom so they rather than learn how to learn from wisdom they look for ways of doing hocus pocus to try to deliver themselves from problems i am saying this to africans now the problem within many african constructs is that people are constantly looking for deliverance from something by magic rather than learning deliverance by wisdom stay with me wisdom is the greatest gift god can give a human being and by the way the bible says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom but wisdom has the power to create wisdom has the power to overcome chaos so when god is elevating you what god does is begin to teach you wisdom give you wisdom that means god gives you a capacity for creative production that capacity for prayer creative production is what wisdom is so let's talk about what wisdom said now when you are in the construct of your life most of us where we are right now okay think about it there's so much noise in in the world and there's so much noise around you the only voice that can speak in the noise and the carefully and rule and have a come true can come through the noise into the depth of your soul is the voice of wisdom history thing about wisdom is that wisdom is speaking in the world in the most noisy that's what it says wisdom is standing on the corner of the street in the lord in some places and he's speaking she is speaking let me tell you why he says that you remember your mama right you can hear your mama's voice when you are beating with your friends playing and carrying on all she needs to do is just call your name and you in the in the midst of the catapult you can hear your mama's voice okay let's not there are two ways your mother spoke to you one issue without your name you will know even your friends will know your mother is calling you because her voice cuts through the noise it speaks directly to the intrinsic interconnection you have with her right in a confusing world in which we live today remember in this confusing world there's a voice that is speaking can i say this and it's the voice of our mother wisdom speaking directly to our dna we can hear it we all know that the way the world is is not the way it's supposed to be we all can hear that there's something better in this world we all carry that but the problem is that when wisdom springs and shout we do what we silence the voice of wisdom and we listen to foolishness okay let's talk so because wisdom calls us watch this wisdom calls us to create wisdom does not sanction laziness the noise of the world is the noise of matching is the noise of oh guess what it's going to happen anywhere whether you work for it or not you know is the and that noise is so this this knowledge of lack of work and creative process is so strong upon believers so much so that guess what last week we talked about faith without works is dead wisdom is one of the ways in which work and in which in which work empowers faith so the wisdom we are talking about here is the wisdom you will find in chapter eight of proverbs that we say i was dead by me the lord created the world by me he framed the universe by me his structure of the world so he said wisdom wisdom is the power to work even one to work in the midst of confusion and to create order in the list of confusion so anyone that god will elevate god will give them wisdom to be able to cut through the noise the noise and the confusion to cut through the foolishness of human beings that are constantly waiting for something to be given to them instead of working towards the end of what it is that god has done now so number one learn the voice of wisdom because it will always be clear in the midst of your confusion if some of you listen to god i'm so confused i don't know what to do i don't know which way to change but wisdom has been calling in fact the greater the noise the more piercing the voice of wisdom okay if you listen carefully you can hear wisdom speaking even when you think you don't know what's happening wisdom is speaking why is wisdom speaking because wisdom is a mother and the mother will always find your child and know where the child is they know what to say to the child you know what to feed the child god has given wisdom and has sent you a covering in the person of wisdom and wisdom is calling in the midst of your confusion how is wisdom coming wisdom is raising a voice of knowledge within you so that's what it says it says he says he says that the simple should listen to the voice of wisdom it talks about fools die for lack of wisdom and guess what i'm ignoring knowledge so what is what is the advice of wisdom if you read the sounds that we just read and i don't have time to to go i think that passed by 15 minutes we correct that okay so so if you read the psalm we read the law of the lord is perfect right converting the soul there are there are there are six dimensions there so within the text of scripture we find five textual listen to me five textual dimensions of wisdom and one key to the opening of the gate of wisdom right so we find the precept we find the law we find the commandment we find the statutes get one then we find the fear of the lord so how do you hear the voice of wisdom the way you hear the voice of wisdom this this is correct is by developing a fear of god now my fear of god is not trepidation it's not i'm so scared that god's going to kill me the fear of the lord is to realize that there are simple things in the construct of your being and in the context where you find yourself that carry the awe of god you look for that which carries the power of god because the noise does not carry the power of god the loudness doesn't carry the void the power of god you remember is you remember elijah so you hear you listen to this still small voice but that still small voice is so clear when it speaks in the midst of the noise it carries a different frequency from the noise of the society it looks like it's foolishness but it's not foolishness so sometimes god will ask you to take a step in the midst of the lord we speak one simple word that will allow you to overcome all the noise around you all the tunnels and all the problems and that voice is the voice of god is the voice we say of the lord jesus christ but let's come back to what we're talking about again so the first thing is that the voice of wisdom right the first one of the underlying protocol is you need you and i need to learn the voice of wisdom what does the voice of wisdom sound like the voice of wisdom is still right it's a still small voice but it's still louder than all the noise okay again it's a contradiction but that voice remains it is persistent you keep speaking that voice will warn you that voice will tell you that voice will speak to you you carry that voice within you it is a foundational voice and it speaks from the depth of your dna's destiny that god put in you there's not a place where you go into that that voice doesn't speak that voice of wisdom that always come and most of us don't listen to that voice we don't listen to that in a small voice we listen to everything around us we listen to religious civil rights we listen to traditional stories we listen to what society says is important but we don't listen to that inner voice for us that voice of wisdom does not stand outside it lives enough and it speaks to us and even in society there's always that voice in the two modes so the louder the noise the more precise and the more directive the voice of wisdom is okay so let's come back to this so we've just said that wisdom says he speaks she speaks loud in the sight so i always ask wisdom to speak to me i have taken wisdom as my mother i asked wisdom but you should ask god to speak to you but wisdom says she's the one talking so i ask wisdom to speak to me you know i know god speaks to me but the bible says wisdom says i'm standing and i'm talking to you i'm telling you in your simplicity to turn towards me i will give you life i am wisdom i'm calling you because i want to direct your life and every time wisdom comes wisdom gives us are you ready for this wisdom gives us a way to work that allows us to come out of whatever is binding us wisdom is greater than what magic the way not magic in terms of you know the the old meaning of the world which means to work to make i mean magic in terms of our modern superstition because in the ancient world magic had to do with the people who make stuff in our world now is nothing but superstition the word magic comes out of making things it's an old scandinavian word for making okay so it's really it's an old viking scandinavian word so the word magic comes from being able to make it's also turning into something else so wisdom when wisdom calls on you wisdom calls you with a voice that empowers you to make something out of nothing so if you say you've got wisdom the question becomes what are you making what are you creating wisdom comes to give you knowledge wisdom comes to help you have understanding to make we can talk about solomon solomon asked for understanding and he was giving wisdom he was able to build the temple he was able to structure kingdom he was able to work to plant trees that grew and there was other things he did there were things he made so wisdom allows you to be a maker i know that some people in universities say you know a man is not a maker man is a worship well worship is about making stuff i'll leave that alone because when god wanted us to build the temple he told us things to make that allows us to be able to channel the principle of worship people don't like that but that's the case okay the temple was something that was made as a place of our chemical transformation of worship into power so come back come on so making even worse you can make worship you can develop worship you can okay i'll leave that alone so it's wisdom allows you to structure stuff and make stuff so that what you make is a reflection of what wisdom saw in god when god was creating the world okay so wisdom that's what gives you the capacity to be a generative protocol of wisdom but you have to learn the voice of wisdom everybody has the way that wisdom speaks to them wisdom speaks to people differently but always wisdom always leads to creativity wisdom always whenever that wisdom speaks there's a generative principle that arises from you okay and you always it will always wisdom she will always cut through the noise some older people called called this voice i'm talking about moderate they say that it's a mother witch it's just an intuitive grasp of what one ought to do in a particular context and the voice is very clear so how do you how do you operate in wisdom the first thing you need to do is to learn how to what how to ignore the loud voices and the tumults on the corners of the street and listen for the voice of creativity for the voice of generativity because wisdom always carries what a voice of generativity and sometimes the reason we don't listen to the voice of wisdom is because it looks like work and it is work because when wisdom speaks you know it always says this is what you ought to do this is how you make this stuff you know wisdom does not condone our laziness okay let's get back to another one number let's just go number two okay let's talk about this what are the sounds you just read there's so much in this stuff one of the sounds we just read says that the word the whole world is the glory of god that the heavens declare the glory of god then it says that the son okay that talk about the son and he says there is no speech and there is no language their voice is not heard i love that passage which means that one of the ways wisdom speaks is through nature that's the reason it's a sounds contradictory but wisdom speaks through the silence of nature nature doesn't make noise get the point now nature nature is like wisdom speaking in the midst of the turmoil nature doesn't make noise i mean we know when this catastrophe is lost but don't think about it the sun rises in the morning without the sound yet there's no speech or no language the voice is nothing yet the glory of the lord is being revealed and they are speaking millions they're speaking loud they're speaking so many words okay think about it this way so but we know the ocean makes noise we know all that stuff but this nature itself just moves moves in ways the sun is talking about the sun the sun doesn't make noise the moon doesn't make noise the stars do not make nice in fact they operate by wisdom okay so there is a silence that speaks louder than the noise of the people in the world you want to find a place of silence inner silence and solitude you want to get to that place so that you can hear what can i say this you can hear the silence and if you hear the silence you will then have access to the depth of what god was doing when he created before he created the world if you hear the voice of wisdom you will have the capacity to make to generate to create if you hear the voice of silence you will have the capacity to into it to see what is possible in the midst of impossibility if you hear the voice of silence if you hear that voice i'm talking about that voice because wisdom speaks yet wisdom is also silent so you have to be able to hear the voice when it speaks but you also have to be able to hear the voice when it is silent because it also speaks loudly sounds contradictory but it's not so if you learn how to be silent how to enjoy your solitude how to get into the point where you get to the depth of your being you're going to hear a silence that carries with it of fullness of your future and when you embrace it you will become a manifesto of things that are hidden within divinity and god wants to do that so wisdom is very important let's go back to let's let's continue and talk about this research so wisdom following wisdom okay in the book of wisdom that we just read i want to show you this it says that wisdom is greater than the stars and greater than the sun so in other words the whole zodiac system of the universe can be directed by someone who is filled with wisdom so so all these astrologers tell you your bill is set with these these and this but if you engage wisdom you can change the structures of the star wisdom is the key for changing your fate in the universe because by wisdom you move behind the stars before they were created by wisdom you stand with god when god stood on the edge of nothingness and stopped spoke so you are standing outside of creation because wisdom was there as probably before the earth was created before the world was made wisdom was with god wisdom was rejoicing why god was created so when you listen to the voice of wisdom you shift yourself outside of your context you shift yourself outside of what the world is doing you shift yourself outside of the witches and the wisdom that are in your contacts and all those crazy people who are trying because now you are standing with god outside and you are speaking the life of god into your circumstance do not allow your circumstances to be directed by the noise of society that what everyone says by the foolishness of the people around you they always listen to the voice of wisdom and the voice of wisdom will carry you outside of your constricted circumstances and put you outside and with god by wisdom you can speak back into the words into the circumstance and transform the sentence give you one monster so we've talked about the voice of wisdom we've talked about the silence of wisdom even manifested in nature we've talked about the reason why wisdom is so important because wisdom is a mother wisdom is a mother women women the reason this is your age is not so that you can gossip and scream and shout and fight with everyone the reason this is your age is because something is flowing through you you you you you're becoming the embodiment of wisdom and the wisdom that mother wisdom men need in this generation and in this age we need wisdom so we need to go okay so let's look at what it is so the bible the passage we read is just funny the next thing the passage talks about is our tongue let's get this very well so wisdom right wisdom speaks yet wisdom is silent whatever it is yet in the silence wisdom expounds mistress helps you and i have power to do stuff so if i engage wisdom then i'm engaging god before creation okay and the truth for directing wisdom in my life is my voice you okay so look at what it says all the book of james says this that this stone if anyone can control their tongue that they are wise and that they are right which is again the point the bible says life and death are the power of john so the tongue your tongue your mouth is an instrument of wisdom okay the reason your tongue is instrument of wisdom is because it can be silent and it can speak let's try it yes so so so you carry both words for the capacity to speak and the capacity to decide so why is jim saying you should control your tongue because in controlling your tongue you actually create a space within you where where the structures of wisdom are looked uh as the structures of wisdom are framed and if you frame it right your mouth can speak life but if you spray a framing wrong your mouth will speak evil so wisdom is determined well finally by what you speak so a wise person speaks and listen to me verify when someone speaks from wisdom the word will create what it is that they speak when someone speaks from foolishness their word will create more noise and chaos in the context so so now this little thing gemstones can set the world on fire right this thing but he says it in the context of wisdom that if you control your mouth when you speak then wisdom can use your tongue to create atmospheres for manifestation but if you don't control your mouth when you speak right if when you speak you set fire from destruction so the two things the tongue speaking as wisdom creates a world that glorifies god the stone speaking in foolishness or speaking against wisdom creates what a fire that is destructive and misdirects the life of people so that's one but wisdom that we're talking about okay wisdom the believer should understand what i'm talking about because the believer's tongue is not directed by what by foolishness is not directed by christian people now it doesn't mean there's not people don't get cursed when people behave a certain way they get into trouble and they receive curses but the believer's voice people say for the reason that your cursed son so i'm not the one that curses them it's what they say with their mouth and creates their curses for me i still pray for the people who do some evil to me because if i speak against them i will be instrumental in creating death but what they do is what and what they say in private when people sit around and conspire against anyone their voice becomes the voice of foolishness they are not listening to the voice of wisdom when you gossip you are not listening to the voice of wisdom and you are not speaking wisdom when you complain about other people you are not speaking from the place of wisdom so let's come back to this okay so when i operate in wisdom when i know wisdom okay when i know wisdom in wisdom's original speech that speech that cuts through the cacao voices and when i know wisdom in wisdom's divine silence that watches the work of god and celebrates the greatness of god and the word that god is the one i when i have wisdom in those constructs then what will happen to me is i will become as creative as god but when i have if i have that wisdom it will result in the way my mouth speaks and if my mouth speaks merely evil of people then the wisdom has not is not embedded in me so jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so if i engage with wisdom i want to talk about my mom my mom used to when i was a kid i still remember this when i was going to do certain things my mom would take my own finger and put it on my mouth if you don't say what you're about to say i didn't even know what i was about to say that she thought part of the problem that we have as christians is we do not understand the power of silence and wisdom speaks in silence as well as in words in silence wisdom speaks of the potential of divinity and is manifestation in creation in speech wisdom speaks of the word of the ways in which we walk and we work and move and how we transform the world so in one in the voice that speaks in the cacophony it's a work voice that says this is the way you work your way out of the problem in the voice of science is there what the silence that says in this silence is the birthing of generative and powerful processes that you carry and what you access through the silence now let me move just a bit before i start okay because i don't want to be too long sorry guys i'm looking through myself okay all right so wisdom sticks by silence and wisdom also speaks by voice and what the power of wisdom for the believer is what is heard from what they do what they speak sorry but it's also seen in what they do so let me ask you if there is a disease like of it now this is the problem with christians okay let's talk about this stuff a lot of christians don't want the knowledge that science provides because they believe that something is wrong with science now i'll be the first one to tell you that science can never create life it can only operate in life i'll be the first one to tell you that hey listen everything human being does creates death but even in the construct of that death human beings can still prolong life because god give them that they can never give us into our life so if you're complaining that the vaccine is causing death it's part of the gift of humanity shouldn't be a medicine that you can use okay people say nature nature also kills you my i grew up in a herbalist construct there are herbs that you use they have side effects you have to have them in moderation otherwise you're going to get yourself in trouble so death is embedded even in nature so for you to expect the scientists to create something that doesn't break death before the station you're wasting your time you're wasting your time the earth itself trees carry death trees kill people herbs kill people stones kill people it's not because it's not because there is one it's not because that the human beings are just they go out deliberately to do that now we know there are evil people in the world but death is present in creation and until the sons of god until the children of god become the creators of the scientific processes and until we embed the life of christ the life of god into our medicine until we embed the life of god into the herbs that we use there will still be death when we become a manifestation remember wisdom says i will give you life so wisdom is in the okay wisdom of christ and the bible says jesus the feminine in creation and i don't want to get there right now okay let me explain to you why wisdom is so important because the mouth that you will speaking about whatever the vaccine is going to do about whatever could be the mouth we've been speaking is really our problem do you realize that can i can i say this let's talk about the voices so i get hurt and i pray over the earth and i insert the vibrational frequency of god into the earth it becomes healing for my body so i pray why do we pray over food in the first place in this day well praying over the fool that you can pray about over that is not there now we do believe god can provide but if you are going to pray i want to give you a challenge why don't you pray over the vaccine unless you're telling me there is something that god cannot change why don't you put your divine power into this stuff and make sure it works for you why don't you pray over it in your area if you really believe it carries that stuff what is your power what do you have the capacity to do if you cannot change his direction it means your god doesn't have the power you say he has you're more busy talking about how powerful the vaccine is not how powerful your god is you're more busy talking about how powerful the scientists are not how powerful your god is you're more busy talking about how powerful the devil is how powerful your god and that is part of the noise of the foolishness that shouts at the corner of the street wisdom's voice needs to be heard and when wisdom voice is heard then the believer begins to speak not towards destruction but towards the power of god okay so wisdom helps elevate us above the society's confusion we have not been elevated we are actually in the mall talking to so many people talking all kinds of best we are not above we are inside in the mud grappling with them rather than raising them so what does god say god says when the enemy rises when the enemy rises command like a flood the lord will rise up against the lord will raise a standard against them doesn't say when the enemy rises like a flood three detects when the enemy rises come on like a fraud the lord will raise a standard so wisdom wisdom allows you to move above the current construct and to speak from the floor of the lord and to flood the construct of the world and to destroy whatever it is that the enemy whatever enemy you're thinking of i don't belittle about enemies whatever it is that the devil or satan whatever is building and rising to do you then so wisdom does not only want to speak in your head wisdom wants to read wisdom wants to take you to the place of divine silence where all the potential of life exists and then wisdom want to inform your voice so that your voice can structure the universe for the glory of god and for the healing of the nations whenever god wants to raise a person up god begins to give them wisdom if you're struggling with your elevation ask for wisdom embrace wisdom as your mama [Music] when when you are struggling when when your prayers should be wisdom your embrace shall be wisdom because it is wisdom that calls from the side it is wisdom that if you hear them with the voice of wisdom you can not really lose wisdom is the world with the fundamental divine strategy for victory for winning the game of the life i do believe in miracles but there's something the bible talks about when it talks about miracles it says working miracle in other words there is a structure for being able to work miracles and it is based on wisdom is the making that's why the word magic comes from the word making wisdom will teach you how to make things work superstition will teach you how to sit back and blame everybody else for what is done so right now the church is filled with superstition it is the fault of their legs it is the fault of swanson it is the fault of some sort it is the fault of the scientist it is the fault of all those black magic guys sitting in the back room somewhere in tuning the devilish mantra of this destroying humanity it is the fault of the peace but guess what wisdom will teach you how to make a way how to make what they plan into glory for god wisdom will give you victory will teach you how to attain victory and the pathways wisdom taught solomon how to make alliances with the nations around him even though he misused it and he forgot the lord but wisdom will teach you how to convert your enemy to your friend wisdom will teach you will help you turn a non-fertile ground to a productive ground wisdom will help you find a way to heal the earth not just talk how to manifest divine structures in creation the lord god created the heavens and the earth but the lord god made man so man is the magic of god because man is the living david says that all the frameworks our side by with all our inside and everything by wister hallelujah i don't want to keep going on this but the protocol of wisdom which i'm going to talk about some more later on today is not a great today is not really a joyful day even though it is the day that the lord has made because i'm mourning my niece who died in childbirth in nigeria it is not easy to stand before you and begin to speak today but just remember that what i've told you wisdom ultimately are you ready for this ultimately death is going to be overcome because the children of god become an embodiment of divine wisdom i'll give that to you already wisdom speaks listen to wisdom wisdom talks there are things we can teach in the future talking about how it is that god is preparing the human body for one for insured for one for non-death for immortality here's the thing that immortality is an outgrowth of divine wisdom through jesus christ of course but jesus is the wisdom of god right jesus is the word of god so wisdom and word are intertwined to create things in creation or to cause things to come and come to pass do you know that wisdom is constantly speaking wisdom wants to embrace wisdom wants to become your friend wisdom finally again as i said before if you if you and i understand wisdom okay how wisdom functions based on the book of proverbs wisdom can take us outside of the structures of this universe and give us a language to speak and also teach us how to generate life generate grace generate pathways for getting out of whatever that constricts us i have other things to do i love you i appreciate you but by the way before we go jesus christ is still the wisdom of god and it is the word of god that speaks and cuts the chaos and causes life to manifest creates other imperials creates life out of death jesus christ the wisdom of god for us see what i just did jesus christ is the wisdom of god that flows and becomes manifest but it's also the word of god but wisdom here is feminine so in our age can i say the father it says mary could become a symbol an archetype of wisdom that brings forth a son that recreates the world and again wisdom speaks as a woman and wants you and i to become what a song born out of wisdom that recreates the world the symbolism this symbology and symbolism is so strong in christianity you know if you don't like the mary stuff then let's talk about the holy spirit if you don't like any of any other stuff about it just think the rise of the feminine is the basis for by which god is one of the things that god's doing in this age so that the wisdom of the ancient one can flow into the sounds of god in this world and we can become the transformers of the world god bless you amen i'm done faster [Applause] hallelujah uh let's just uh get our communion together i'm sorry to go sorry um but let's uh participate with our communion today this morning for those of you that are watching with us online um get your communion ready and those of you that are here they just come together now and get our communion so we can partake together yes [Music] amen amen amen amen amen [Music] how may [Music] coming grace that touch my heart to fear and grace my fears release how precious the grace appears [Music] praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god [Music] praise god praise god praise god praise god hallelujah hallelujah again what an awesome teaching and wisdom and wisdom wow wow wow i took so much note and hallelujah to listen to the voice of wisdom to direct us directly apart what we said the fear of the lord is wisdom and in another place you say the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom hallelujah hallelujah so today we're going to participate in communion together and the bible says that on the night that jesus was betrayed and the night way he gave his life for us that he took bread and that he broke it and he said he said this is my body this is my body and i want us to be conscious to be intentional that we are a body a body of the lord jesus christ the body that was broken that was broken that was broken and freely given to us today we come to receive this free gift this is a symbol of what he did on the cross of calvary he gave his body for you and me for sick for anything for sicknesses that are attacking our body attacking anybody but he gave this body he gave his body he gave his save for the our transgressions for our healing when we partake we're partaking for the healing of our body when we practice we're partaking for the healing of our whole body as a body of christ and for all those men and women brothers and sisters whatever they are that we're standing in a god for today again like last week i'm going to take on behalf of of laura jones and please if you can join me and for any other person that you know we want to take on behalf of our assistant we're going to stand in the wholeness of her body in the wholeness of her her whole being and as we partake in the giving of the cup he said this is the blood of the new covenant that i'm giving for you i'm giving it to you i'm giving it to you so blood blood for whatever bloodborne diseases we're bringing it under the subject knowledge or bring it under the knowledge of jesus and we'll subject them to listen to the word of god to listen to the voice of the lord to listen to his word and said i sent my word and i heal he is a healer the blood blood is life so we speak in life we're taking life we're taking life and the body together because it's the word that gives life so today as we stand together to take this these two elements to take the body and the blood you know the body can do nothing without the blood hallelujah because it's life so as we take today please think about someone else or if you can stand together with me today laura went to the hospital and you know she's still going through uh treatment and we praising god from blessing god but we want a total a total heal and we want a total healing of our sister and also michael we want to stand for total healing a total restoration a total new organ if new organs need to be that need to be created god can do it that's nothing impossible so today let's stand together as we take partake in the name of jesus can you just maybe you know just one minute let's just open them up speaking whatever language speaking tongue if you can and they just focus on any of our brothers and sisters that are going through things and in terms of sickness we're going to speak over their life right now standing in that place where we at the bible say we're sitting together in the heavenly places in christ jesus we're going to come from that place of authority we're going to come from that place out from our position let's speak her nasty terri cava hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you hello thank you restorer thank you savior thank you redeemer thank you friend we give you all the glory that is due you thank you father we are aligning ourselves with the lady waves and we'll align ourselves and we say we hear your voice we hear you as you waste but we hear you as you talk in the noisy places we hear you loudly and clear we hear your line our sabbath with you in the name of yeshua hamashiach amen hallelujah let's take our offering together and as you're doing it i want to thank uh you i know dr sharon about my nieces actually you guys remember my sister that was here um two years ago she was here uh so she is her daughter a daughter had a baby and she had a baby uh two two days ago and then uh then passed away yesterday so um so it's been so hard because we're trying to not to let my sister know um well you know because we wanted to make sure that the people were with her so i was on the phone i mean even this morning we were on the phone because we wanted to let her know but i want to we wanted to make sure that all my other sisters all our relatives are closed by her before we told her and i know that when she sees everybody coming even though i know that when she see people coming that she's gonna start suspecting something's going on anyway so today at four o'clock we were able to gather people together and let her know what happened because the young lady was married to another town and um so please continue to pray for those of you who know her or just on her behalf with some you know let me be the touch point begin to just lift a little our family that families my dad's our family up in your prayers it's been really really hard week um especially um yeah this the baby is here the baby is healthy the baby is a baby boy so um i haven't gotten the name because i was so much concerned about the the departure of the mother that i haven't really i know she named the baby before she died something like praise or something i'm not quite sure they say she named the baby yeah they said she prays her way to that you know she prays and she was praising praise and praise and praise and just worshiping watching whispering nobody knows god until she was gone so yeah so i do know that she's with the lord and um we're grateful for that but it is really painful for it's a young girl a young lady you know um anyway so please continue to leave our family up in your prayers and i thank you um as we give thank you for um always continue to support the community your community thank you for giving so anyway and we have all these channels uh that we give we give online or we give um here in person you can mail it so whatever it is that is convenient for you to be able to continue to support and you guys know that uh um the holiday is coming so fast and usually we do a toy giveaway we do food give our way we see how food package to give away somebody came this morning to a couple of people came to collect food today uh grocery bags so these are from your giving you know that all these things are happening so begin to also to pray and pray as we prepare for the um christmas season we can give toys to the children that don't have to at risk in our community that we can give food to those our brothers and sisters in the um you know on homeless communities as well as those who don't have um in our communities as well so thank you so much and listen sorry i'm gonna give mine offering so i didn't get to sleep yesterday that's why i looked at it oh god it's good how great is our god how great is our god how great is our god how great is our god [Applause] how great is see with me how great he's our god and i will see how great holy [Applause] my heart will sing [Applause] thank you [Music] let's do charlie goodness and mercy chef follow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] oh thank you thank you who said that goodness of mercy will follow us all the days of our life and we will dwell in the house goodness [Music] thank you [Applause] [Applause] mercy shall fall for the days of our life and we will dwell in the house of the lord [Applause] mercy forever follow all the days of our life and we will dwell in the house of the lord [Music] [Applause] hallelujah shalom shalom shalom
Channel: Venice United Methodist
Views: 658
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: StbaxL92gY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 12sec (6072 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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