American Gunmaker: The John M. Browning Story (1991) | Documentary | Fess Parker | Lee Groberg

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[Music] are you ready mr browning ready on the firing line [Music] commence iron [Music] did you get it [Music] hello i'm fess parker some of you might remember me from a few years ago when i played the role of davey crockett in those days old betsy was just as important to an immigrant as food and water [Music] it was this period in history which influenced the creative talents of perhaps america's greatest gun inventor john moses browning over a 45-year period he would change the course of modern firearms development for centuries man has used firearms in combat self-defense and in competition the first type of portable firearm was a hand cannon or powder shaft appearing in europe in the mid mid-14th century then came the match lock followed by the wheel lock in the 16th century because of the cost often the owners of such firearms were the wealthy with such ownership came competition for fancier and more costly pieces firearms also became works of art the stapents and michelette lock systems preceded the introduction of flint ignition in the 17th century developed in france the flintlock was distinguished by its combined flashpan cover and frison and by its half-cock mechanism by 1660 the flintlock had spread throughout western europe and was exported to colonial america in large quantities until 1830 most sporting and military farms in the western world were flintlocks then from scotland came the percussion cap which eliminated the need for a flintlock mechanism with a breach loading system in the percussion cap in the early 19th century a new era dawned on firearms evolution the revolving cylinder by 1836 samuel colt and the industrial revolution were responsible for the first american firearm to be mass produced these events greatly influenced another gun inventor jonathan browning the father of john moses browning it was in this setting that a jack-of-all-trades by the name of jonathan browning became fascinated by firearms as a young boy in tennessee america was on the move horace greeley's go west young man and manifest destiny became many an immigrant's clarion call jonathan made this revolving rifle and even earlier this rather ingenious slide gun or harmonica rifle invented in the 1830s this is one of the earliest american repeating rifles this gun was made by jonathan browning and after more than 140 years it still shoots pretty good the magazine of this gun is simply a rectangular bar chambered for powder and ball with cut-in nipples integral with the metal one at the rear end of each chamber the length of the magazine in its consequent capacity is limited by convenience jonathan considered five shots about right after jonathan established himself as a gun maker on the tennessee frontier he moved to quincy illinois he was then converted to mormonism and moved to nauvoo in this growing religious community he constructed this house which has been restored and he then continued his gun trade not only did he make most of these tools but he also made his own gun barrels this little instrument is called a switch and this is what he used to form a piece of flat iron around a mandrel to form a barrel once it was forged it was placed on this rifling machine which he also made it was said that a man would walk 14 miles in order to rifle and complete one barrel after just four years in nauvoo my father jonathan browning and the other mormons were forced by mobs to flee for their lives with thousands of others he left his home and property and together with his family crossed the frozen mississippi over to iowa where he set up shop again near keenesville on the missouri river father played a key role in outfitting the mormons as they began their trek to the great basin he also helped equip the 500-man mormon battalion called on to help fight the mexican-american war finally in 1852 with seven wagons six hundred dollars cash his wife and eleven of his twelve children he joined ten thousand other mormons for the trek to the salt lake valley that year seventy thousand pioneers participated in manifest destiny and the westward expansion ten thousand to utah ten thousand to oregon and fifty thousand to the gold fields of california ogden had long been a popular site for fur trappers kit carson jim bridger miles goodyear of the hudson bay company and others wintered here and traded with the indians as the mormon pioneers arrived the last of the fur trappers departed ogden was also a part of the overland trail later in the year when the weather was good the california-bound immigrants took the overland trail through ogden and then on to the gold fields of california after three months of living out of a wagon it was here 35 miles north of salt lake city jonathan browning and his family settled it was now a bustling frontier settlement of some 1500 people jonathan immediately set up shop to service the travelers with six hundred dollars he was a man of substance being a devout mormon and following the council of the church then my father married a second wife my mother who bore him two sons and a daughter i was born in 1855 my brother matthew in 59 our sister died in infancy father married a third wife who wore him seven more children for a total of 22 children father happy is what we called him was successful as a jack of all trades including leather tanning metal repair stitching brick making and gunsmithing but he never invented any more guns at age 10 john made his first gun with an old discarded barrel and a stock whack from an old 2x4 john and his eight-year-old brother matt knew where some prairie chickens were dusting themselves in the hills above their home [Music] did you get him either the rust in the barrel or an over generous powder charge they netted three birds in one shot john and matt would later become lifelong business partners [Music] things were happening which helped to affect john browning's future the railroad was coming to ogden the browning boys must have watched with some anticipation as the road crews worked the nearby echo in weber canyons on their way to the famous union at promontory summit in 1869. [Music] [Applause] [Music] ogden became the junction city for the union pacific and the central pacific railroads within a few years thousands of passengers would pass through ogden in a single day the railroad coming to ogden would prove to be a key ingredient in john m browning's success in 1878 shortly after my 23rd birthday i had the parts to a single shot spread out on the table i commented to no one in particular that i could make a better gun than that myself pappy who was sitting next to the workbench looked up and said i know you could john mose and i wish you'd get at it i'd like to live to see you do it i filed for a patent about a year later that same year i married rachel child and two months later my father jonathan browning passed away at age 74 but not before he had made just one more gun my first patented single shot now that he had a rifle of his own design john decided to build a gun factory with a thousand dollars from savings he and his brothers constructed a factory a shop and manufactured 25 rifles when all the single shots were completed they placed them on the rack in their new shop and sold them all within a week together with accessories most sales totaled over 30 each with his first gun manufacturing success under his belt john rewarded his factory workers his four brothers sam george matt and ed and an english immigrant by the name of frank rushton all a five dollar gold piece with eight hundred dollars in the bank and no debts john set to more inventing and manufacturing sometime in 1883 a salesman for winchester came across browning's single shot within a week tg bennett vice president of winchester was on his way to ogden utah to buy the gun this rifle which would become the winchester model 1885 would fill the dangerous gap in his line among the many pieces in the cody firearms museum collections are models and examples of every product produced by the winchester repeating arms company from its inception through 1981. as a result we have patent prototypes and experimental arms produced by all the companies designers we also have a number of sectionalized winchester products including this model 1885 rifle which demonstrates the internal workings of john m browning's patent as you can see it a very simple design which when closed is locked in position by a vertical member the simplicity of this design meant that the rifle could be chambered from all cartridges from 0.22 to 0.70 including the largest express cartridges then marketed in the united states as a result the winchester company had a virtual monopoly on single-shot rifles in 1887 i left for two years to serve as a mormon missionary in georgia and tennessee a couple of months into the mission and after many days of walking dusty roads my companion and i entered a small town in georgia and i noticed a gunshot on entering i quickly discovered the model 87 lever action shotgun which i had invented for winchester just a few months earlier despite our appearances i felt compelled to have a look say fred you handle that pretty well well he ought to he invented it the shop owner was not convinced [Music] upon his return to ogden in 1889 he set to work to make up for lost time he turned out 20 new patents over the next three years once john got started there was no stopping him from age 29 to 44 a 15-year period he turned out 52 different firearms counting time out for two years as a missionary that averaged one every three months i believe one reason john browning's designs worked so well is that he had the gift and the craftsmanship to take his design from his mind to his shop and created in three dimension he could work with tools and develop his ideas without the necessity of relying on others today we have some sophisticated computers that can illustrate a part from many angles and even integrate it with other parts right on the screen but 90 years ago john browning's mind and his hands were accomplishing that same thing that we have to rely on computers for today the man himself was a genius there's no doubt about it he could work up designs in a remarkable period of time he also had the luxury and the benefit of working with probably the best firearm designer in the world he worked with the people at winchester who perfected his initial designs remington fabric nationale colt he was fortunate in that because it allowed his products to be come to fruition much quicker than they might normally have had if he had just been working by himself and ogden winchester's tg bennett in about 1890 asked john to come up with a new gun like the model 86 he admitted that the model 73 was falling off in sales probably because of some of the new improved models coming on the market he wanted to replace it with the quality of the 86 and so he offered john 10 000 if he could come up with one in three months if it could be done in two months he would make it fifteen thousand dollars john calculated quickly and told bennett he would have it in his hands within 30 days for 20 000 or give it to him well john must have been pretty confident because that rifle was being fired within two weeks well within 30 days it was in bennett's hands the model 92 became a great favorite and he oakley loved it and admiral perry carried it with him on his dash to the north pole another hit for winchester was the model 1894-3030 a popular saddle gun and hunting companion it's been said that more deer have fallen to a 30-30 than any other hunting rifle the winchester 3030 has sold well over 5 million and is still in production today the model 1895 winchester was for big game teddy roosevelt used it and he referred to it as big medicine because winchester is stamped on every gun he and probably millions of other winchester owners were never aware of the guns inventor john browning often said the best gun is the simplest gun once worked out mechanically the lever action principle appears simple enough lowering the lever pulls back the breach block [ __ ] the hammer and expels the cartridge case from the previous round pulling the lever back up sends the breech block forward again lifting a new cartridge from the magazine into the chamber john also said it's not so hard figuring out the essentials of a gun mechanism the trouble is getting the essentials in the right place i'm sitting at the workbench where john and ed and his other brothers worked on the invention of new firearms the creative spark is often nothing more than the faintest glimpse of an idea and many of john's ideas were born just that way in the spring of 1889 at the weekly shooting match of the ogden rifle club john and his brothers were waiting for will wright who was firing at the target [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that looks like another [Music] [Music] [Applause] sack the rifles boys i got me an idea as they returned to the shop john then explained to his brothers that he figured the same force which caused the grass to shake from the muzzle blast could be harnessed to make the gun work automatically [Music] john grabbed a rifle which was handy wired it to an inch board then drilled a hole in a piece of wood for the bullet to pass through give me that block of wood now my theory is correct the muzzle blast should send that block of wood l winding he figured that the block of wood close to the end of the barrel would demonstrate his theory the muzzle blast did send that block of wood across the shop within a day he had a lever arm and pan attached activating the lever action of the rifle which caused it to fire automatically the original prototype without the lever shows the crude hammer marks where he had fixed a flapper and pan to the end of a 73 winchester by 1890 john had filed a patent for the operated automatic machine gun that same year he wrote out a letter in longhand to the colt factory asking if they were interested in that kind of gun early in 1891 he and matt arrived at the colt factory for a demonstration onlookers were surprised to see this crude looking prototype firing automatically was simply the push of a button hidden smiles were soon erased as john's hammer beaten model fired 200 rounds without a hitch it was at this meeting that the browning saw the gatling gun for the first time the men at colt were further astonished that john had never seen a machine gun before coming to hartford later that year was fired unofficially for naval ordnance and fired 1800 rounds without a stoppage after one more official test in 1893 the colt model 1895 machine gun was put into production it became the first automatic machine gun ever purchased by the u.s government it was used in 1895 in the boer war in africa just two of these guns were used by the marines in 1900 during the boxer uprising in peking they were also used in the philippines and in the spanish-american war during the first decade of the 20th century it was in the spanish-american war that the cult was nicknamed the peacemaker browning soon learned that the recoil produced by the river pressure of the powder gases could be utilized to make guns operate automatically in 1901 he secured a patent on a recoil operated water cooled machine gun it was put on the back burner for the time being when he wasn't turning out rifles for winchester and machine guns for colt browning began adapting the gas and recoil principles to the invention of an automatic pistol in the same year that winchester announced the model 1895 and that colt began production on the model 1895 potato digger browning announced the development of a 38 caliber automatic pistol between 1894 and 1896 john invented six large frame semi-automatic pistols one of which became the colt model 1900 that same year browning presented a 32-caliber version to fabrique nationale in her stall belgium fabrique nationale or fn began mass production in 1899 and thus introduced the first browning semi-automatic pistol on the world market within 10 years they produced over 500 000 brownings or the model 1900 pocket pistol this introduction to john browning started fn on the road to becoming the largest small arm supplier in the world john's first love was sporting firearms while turning out six different pistols and a machine gun for colt he knew the same principle would apply for an automatic shotgun john and his brother matt were two of the four b's a nationally ranked shooting team browning browning becker and bigelow at his weekly shoots with the ogden rifle club he invited other members to test his new automatic shotgun thousands of rounds were fired as he perfected the mechanism it took a year more time than any other farm he had ever invented to overcome the challenge of different powder loads the solution was simple a set of friction assembly rings split and tapered which could be switched to increase or decrease friction on the magazine tube to suit the kind of ammunition this simple but effective device outlived the use of black powder and serves the same purpose today making possible the use of light and heavy loads in the same gun in 1899 john presented the idea to winchester's bennett after two years of deliberating bennett decided not to take the gun he was not willing to pay a royalty to browning nor was he willing to risk winchester's successful line of pump and lever action rifles and shotguns after 44 guns in a 19-year relationship winchester and browning parted for the last time as business partners not being put off john went to remington to meet with its president marcellus hartley while waiting outside hartley's office john was informed that mr hartley had just succumbed to a fatal heart attack john decided it was now time to make his second trip to belgium john and his auto5 shotgun were greeted enthusiastically at the fabrique nationale headquarters in herstal a suburb of liege within 60 days john signed exclusive world sales and manufacturing rights to fn john moses browning came to liaise around the turn of the century because liege was at that time one of the major if not the major gun making center of the world and there was a habit for american inventors or other inventors in europe to come to lies to have their patents manufactured here and so did he at the time it's quite an old tradition benjamin franklin already came to liege to buy weapons for the american so-called insurgents during the war of independence but later in the 19th century great american inventors like colt borchardt colonel lewis uh browning of course came to liege to have some of their weapons produced by the local gun makers he was at first looked at by the local population as a rather strange figure coming from a very far away country at the turn of the century and later on he became very familiar and in fact he was even caricatured and photographed in local newspapers because he was really conversant with the population and very commonly seen in the streets and in the public places in the age and also he was a very plain very simple man but he had so much input in in the realm of gun making that everyone respected him as the absolute reference in gun making at the time in america even as late as 1900 hunting for some was almost as much an occupation as a sport the american hunter was a pragmatist whose primary objective in the field was to put meat on the table it was not difficult to convince him of the advantages of a fouling piece capable of firing five fast shots without reloading and that could be dependent upon the function without failure under the most adverse conditions but in europe the hunt was still an upper-class sport indulged in only by the privileged few and conducted decoratively with rigid rules of conduct costume and weaponry fn salesman found a ready market in the rest of the world because of its reliability and design it became a favorite gift to kings and royalty and ultimately came full circle to be accepted in europe well over three million auto fives have been manufactured and are still in production today following browning's successful sale in the us of the first few thousand auto fives the u.s raised foreign tariffs as a result john and matt returned to remington in 1905 and signed contracts for u.s sales and manufacture by remington browning's auto 5 would come to be known as the remington model 11. so what made john browning tick he was once described as the most gun-shy genius the world has ever seen john was content to invent see the fruit of his labor and then move on to inventing another firearm a part of john's success on the world market was due to his brother matt's business acumen john did the inventing and matt most often did the talking they were lifelong partners and especially in the early years with winchester matt and john were inseparable at the same time fn was producing auto fibes and browning was getting remington ready for production of the model 11. he produced yet more pistols he produced a nine millimeter blowback military model for fn the model 1903 this was adopted by the swedish army as their official sidearm another 25 caliber version for fn called the vest pocket which by the way set in motion the production of over 125 different copies made in many european countries and a strengthened version of the 38 caliber automatic for colt colt requested a larger version to meet army requests and browning came up with the 45 caliber during the four years that the army studied the pistol browning busied himself between colt remington and fn finally the competitive trials were set for march 3rd 1911. six thousand rounds were to be fired through each pistol under consideration in series of 100s cool for five minutes then fired again [Music] when the gun got too hot it was simply dropped into a bucket of water the trials ran through two days of firing seven rounds to a clip clip after clip [Music] finally the booming came to a halt that's it we did it three cheers for mr browning congratulations the pistol became the first automatic arm to make a perfect score in government trials some 2.7 million have accompanied troops through two world wars korea vietnam and in numerous other actions as you know the model 1911 45 caliber colt browning pistol was in service for 74 years before a replacement was attempted or selected it's relatively incredible that a single gun has been in service for that length of time and i think it speaks to the genius of john browning's small arms design capabilities not long after the government trials brownie was honored at a gala event in herstal's fn offices a banquet was thrown in his honor on january 31st 1914. the millionth pistol had been finished two years earlier but this was the first time fn could get john to light long enough to honor him on this date 1.3 million pistols had been produced with pistol and shotgun production fn's prosperity was unequaled in gun manufacturing browning was a hero europe the generic term for a self loading pistol is a browning when people say i'm going to go out and buy a pistol as opposed to a revolver they oftentimes say i'm going to go purchase a browning and in fact in russian there is no term for self-loading pistol they just have the term browning in 1914 the government requested a 22 caliber practice model of the 1911 45 caliber version john made it for them but it was never put into production coal produced it however and it became the woodsman one of the most popular target pistols ever manufactured [Music] when the u.s declared war on germany on april 6 1917 he was ill-prepared to effectively do anything about it with 1100 machine guns in its arsenals compared to the thousands of maxims the germans were using quick action was required colt was commissioned to begin immediate production of browning's 1895 potato digger the government also announced competitive trials to determine viable weapon alternatives john was ready he brought with him two firearms the 30 30-caliber water-cooled machine gun which he had patented 16 years earlier and the machine rifle dubbed the browning automatic rifle or the b-a-r the b-a-r made an immediate impression emptying its clip of 20 shells in two and a half seconds was also simply constructed the 70 parts could be disassembled and reassembled in 55 seconds the bar became the second browning gun adopted by the us government as soon as the guns came off the line they were shipped to france where john's son lieutenant val browning demonstrated the bar to the troops of the 79th division near verdun on may 17th an official endurance test was scheduled for the 30 caliber machine gun at the springfield armory a total of 20 000 rounds were fired without a malfunction or broken part at a rate of 600 rounds per minute [Music] browning decided to test it further and fired an additional 20 000 rounds again without a malfunction some were still skeptical because its performance was so astonishing a second machine gun was then tested it was fired continuously for 48 minutes and 12 seconds john further demonstrated the simplicity of the machine gun by taking it apart and putting it back together blindfolded this would become a standard test with soldiers from three wars will recall browning's third government gun went into immediate production to aid the war effort before the armistice was signed 43 000 machine guns had been manufactured the government contract john agreed to was for full production of the colt 45 the bar and the machine gun in addition he and his brother ed were to oversee production of all three weapons which ultimately involved work in six factories colt with two factories westinghouse marlin rockwell winchester and remington while the factories were close together john and ed's family saw a little of them for the next two years had john demanded standard royalties the government would have voted him 13 million dollars they offered him seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a package deal and he accepted saying major if that suits uncle sam it's all right with me his brother matt asked john later why he settled without the slightest argument john's reply was yes and if we were 15 or 20 years younger we'd be over there in the mud before the war had ended general john j pershing demanded a weapon of larger caliber with only slight modification john had one test firing for him within months with a unique oil buffer increased velocity and caliber were achieved without a marked increase in weight to the gun john was then asked to make a rapid-fire cannon with 37 millimeter projectiles at age 66 he was tired and was more interested in sporting arms but john couldn't resist the challenge within two months he had the gun firing at the hills east of ogden at the government test once again it performed with 100 precision during the last decade of his life john returned to ogden where he still had some inventing to do he made one more pistol the nine millimeter high power which fired the parabellum cartridge it was made for fn and ultimately adopted by the belgian army the high power became one of the most widely used pistols in the world presently it is the official sidearm of the north atlantic treaty organization countries with browning's model utilized by seven of those countries his last shotgun and his final firearm invention was the superposed this over and under shotgun is still in production today and ranks among the best of its kind in 1926 john finally persuaded his rachel to travel to belgium with him it was her first and his 61st trip the day after thanksgiving he and his son val went to the plant as usual we got to my office and took off our coats and i went to my desk and he went out to make his tours of the shop and pretty soon came back said he wasn't feeling well i called the factory doctor and he came up immediately my father said son i wouldn't be surprised if i'm dying now the doctor felt his pulse again and said he isn't doing well and [Music] he gave him another shot in the deep shot in the leg something i don't know what and then after he got that shot and within two minutes he was dead [Music] [Music] john moses browning's work did not end with his passing in 1935 the us once again began re-arming itself with browning's foresight and pershing's demands u.s arsenals were soon manufacturing his 30 and 50 caliber machine guns known as the m2 in varying nomenclatures there were seven variations all having interchangeable receiver parts army and navy anti-aircraft water-cooled ground and turret type heavy barrel and fixed flexible and turret aircraft guns more than 60 different models have been adapted to land sea and air use [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's noteworthy that through world war one world war ii in the korean war all the automatic machine guns used by the united states troops in the field or mounted on u.s planes tanks and naval vessels were brownies because of his contribution to the u.s war effort rock island arsenal museum the second oldest in the united states in 1959 renamed the museum the john m browning memorial museum [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the battle of britain began with over 1500 german aircraft today bearing down on british harbors and britain's fighter command had been reduced to just 600 planes every remaining spitfire in hurricane however was mounted with eight browning machine guns [Music] [Music] among the official german papers seized at the end of world war ii was a message from field marshall goring to general rum if the german air force had had the browning 50 caliber the battle of britain would have turned out differently one of the ways to build the confidence of an of a soldier in his weapons is to show him that they really work on a number of occasions the museum has taken part in weapons demonstrations for cadets and one in which the results are always the same is to compare world war one heavy machine guns we use a browning model 1917 a german maxim a french hotchkiss and a vickers machine gun and each demonstrator has silly wet targets balloons and a cinder block wall the browning operator demolishes everything in minutes without any stoppages and the other operators have usually something of a struggle to fire all their rounds the cadets conclude the same thing that many people in this century have concluded that browning designed weapons really work [Applause] even today the browning machine guns are part of the u.s military armament and are also in use in many other countries the browning 50 caliber patented in 1927 and whose original idea came from the 1901 patent of the 30 caliber is still in use today [Music] john browning's first love of sporting firearms i'm sure he would be pleased to know that many sport shooters today are still using his designed fire today most browning farms are manufactured in kochi japan [Music] production of a browning design firearm is not much different today except for a few high-tech machines while very few people own firearms in japan the workmanship at the miroku factory meets the quality standards that john browning would have required 75 years earlier state of the art robotics and computer assistance ensure the integrity of each firearm some steps of gun production will always require the human touch even a century ago gun production enjoyed some rather ingenious mechanization [Applause] at miroku similar methods are used but with greater efficiency the stock of a gun requires a quality hardwood this particular walnut comes from california [Music] again high-tech mechanization will never replace some steps of gun making on the other side of the factory browning shotgun stocks are checkered efficiently by machine and carefully by hand they are sanded buffed and varnished before wood and metal become joined each gun is test-fired for pattern display paper targets are no longer used computers now tell the story the miroku factory produces thousands of sporting firearms annually most are brownings meanwhile in liege where john browning came nearly a century ago a small shop still makes the browning high grade these shotguns represent just 3 000 which will be manufactured this year just as in 1902 when john's first shotguns were produced here detailed handwork ensures the quality he would have required [Music] hand checkering of the stock is a standard feature of a browning high grade the finishing touch is the artwork of the engraver [Music] for centuries liege has been known for its world-class engravers a hundred years ago there were over 200 engravers in liege there are less than 20 today browning firearms account for more than 90 percent of their work the back and forth tapping dovetails the groove from the chisel for gold inlay [Music] once the dovetail grooves are completed the gold thread can be tapped into place [Music] [Music] requiring hours to complete a simple design the finished quality is timeless [Music] more often the engravings are complex requiring days to complete [Music] the more common engravings are hunting saints often evoking memories of a favorite hollow or mountain where a boy and his father spent precious moments together some are more elaborate gold inlay the history of an empire a tribute to a great man commissioned royal gifts to heads of state anywhere from a full day to 175 days are required in the engraving of one firearm special commission pieces will sell for tens of thousands of dollars again appropriate to the longevity and quality of browning's designs except for working at a bench on another firearm john's favorite place to be was in these foothills walking distance from his shop and home not counting the hundreds of copied versions of his sport pistols shotguns rifles and military weapons it is reported that well over 30 million firearms have been manufactured from his designs he was as tg bennett described him in 1903 a true genius john browning was the right man at the right time so in many ways you can probably take all of the other 20th century small arms designers lump them together and you if you could create one person out of them you would have someone who just about matches john browning and that particular touch of genius which was typical so typical of john moses browning was recognized by the local armorers and the workman at fn called him le metre that is the master because obviously he was towering a towering man not only in stature but also by the genius of his mind there have been other good inventors but none as prolific or revolutionary the relative ease with which he moved from inventing one type of firearm to another was astonishing from pistols to shotguns lever actions to pumps automatic pistols to machine guns john browning had no peer 128 patents and over 100 separate firearms place him in a class by himself when asked what he attributed his success to he replied the time and the place for a gun maker just got together on this corner and i happened along of course it was luck to drop me here and it didn't just walk off and leave me it stuck around pretty close ever since [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 1,781,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, SunWorld, CandleLight, Lee Groberg, Fess Parker, American Gunmaker: The John M. Browning Story movie, American Gunmaker: The John M. Browning Story full movie, American Gunmaker: The John M. Browning Story 1991 movie, American Gunmaker: The John M. Browning Story 1991 full movie, American Gunmaker: The John M. Browning Story documentary, The John M. Browning Story, American Gunmaker movie, American Gunmaker full movie, American Gunmaker documentary
Id: 0oYJW8WbupQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 38sec (3458 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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