The Beretta Factory Tour

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[Music] 500 years ago Beretta made their first batch of gun Barrels in a small Workshop in brescia [Music] these barrels were crafted to the highest standards of the time with the natural resources Italy had to offer 16 Generations later and that family is still making guns and we were given the opportunity to share how they are made hear that drumming that is the sound of four hammers impacting and stretching that metal [Music] the heart of galdoni valtrumpian given exclusive access to the Beretta Factory you probably can't hear anything I'm saying because this is a massive factory filled with massive robots and machines [Music] part one of three tours [Music] but a stock like this takes 24 hours of work to get to this stage welcome to the Beretta Museum this is one of the most awesome Firearms collections in the world in this Factory over 900 staff make pistols rifles shotguns in fact any Beretta both for military and civilian use I mean this must be the most advanced system in the world everyone made with a mixture of Cutting Edge technology [Music] and traditional gun making craftsmanship [Music] this place is the Willy Wonka of gun making this is the most advanced measuring equipment we have we need to understand which is the limit the technology here is really blowing my mind and I will never forget this experience [Music] Beretta Legacy it's incredible it's so wide the range of product we develop and produce that you never get bored of anything on one side for the hunter on the other side for the competition shooter for the professional user the law enforcement the other important aspect of this company is the people that work here a lot of generations that have worked here and so they pass on the passion of gun manufacturing only knowledgeable people like the people that work here can make these Special Projects come true [Music] to develop such a wide range of products to make it competitive for the worldwide Market you need to have special people and special skill and I think that here in Gardena this is really the Beretta DNA and so what make this company and brand amazing foreign behind me is the historic Beretta Villa where the Beretta museum is and their historic Family Residence around me in fact everywhere around me in this Valley is the Colossal Beretta Factory [Music] try and share the scale of this place with you is going to be difficult but we are going to try they make 1200 guns a day here 900 staff it's amazing come let me take you around the city of brescia and gardeni valtrumpia are renowned worldwide for gunmaking majority of Italian gun making is done in this Valley and if you don't own a gun made here one of your friends probably does he is the biggest of the lot and because space is limited in the valley it's not a massive soulless Warehouse this Factory has character tons of character at one end you have the Beretta Villa which is a beautiful place with a beautiful garden to the action Machining shop which is full of cutting-edge tech behind that you have one of the biggest cold Hammer forging setups in the world and then behind that you have secret tunnels that go under the mountains this place is hard not to fall in love with the game it's not just a manufacturing plant however they also have an extremely Advanced quality control system and a huge R D team on site [Music] and all of this is knitted together with an amazing Cafe a beautiful hallway full of cars old posters everywhere big fixtures around the place that celebrate Beretta and Beretta Champions are better history it really struck me over everything else that everybody here is really proud to be part of the Beretta Legacy to start this tour we're going to head straight to Barrel production [Music] welcome to the Beretta action Machining shop you probably can't hear anything I'm saying because this is a massive factory filled with massive robots and machines making actions for their shotguns over and under semi-automatic assault rifles pistol frames I'll explain the rest in voiceover foreign this is where the actions are made for every single Beretta it's a room full of robots cncs and some very skilled staff this room like many here at the Beretta Factory had been designed to be as nice a working environment as possible [Music] plenty of room on the walkways loads of Lights skylights in the ceiling as well as Windows everywhere but what shocked me here they had trees in here is an example of what they do in here they take big pieces of metal and they turn them into more useful pieces of metal you take a forwarding you true it up and you machine it the same with the the software posture action you weld the Tang on you finish it the slides it's a fascinating thing and on these two boards this is keeping track of how everyone is getting on today and this week how they are versus where they're on target you can go into it and see where the holdups are it is fascinating and as you've probably seen there's lots of live plants and trees to increase the air quality in here and also make it feel like less of a factory the sheer scale of this machine shop is unbelievable [Music] but if you are the world's biggest gun maker you have to make some guns this is a robot going to a toilet and of course like every room and Department here this place is as organized as can be with each row of cncs and robots being labeled telling you exactly what they were making for 496 years ago was Beretta's Origins as a barrel maker and that is what we're going to look at next in here is the cold Hammer forging of the barrels and in here it's a little bit more of a handwork where they go to assemble them both are quite noisy but we'll show you what we can [Music] so this is these are big long rods of Steel that will be turned into barrels they're all made to a very specific recipe from here they're chopped to length and we're about to see even turned into barrels this place is bigger than I can ever I ever expected 1200 guns a day so they need a lot of Steel [Music] so after it's gone through that machine and one other little process you end up with this little bad boy here a machined lump of Steel this is destined to become a semi-automatic Barrel that will either go on a Beretta or their sister company a Benelli before anything else happens to it because of the amount of stress that those machines put on the steel they need to be stress relieved and well I kneel softened and so they go into these machines here this creates a vacuum gets it up to 600 Degrees and runs it through a cycle of slow cooling Heating and slow cooling until they're perfectly topped throughout and then they go over there to the Hammer forging machine before coming back let's go and have a look over there [Music] first stop post stress relief is this machine right here this is the bar stock internal honing machine and as you can see there's a robot in there dancing around taking barrels from these crates into the back in the back there is a honing machine it's two stones it goes in the two stones open up to touch the walls and it passes back and forth until this is home this is unbelievable for this stage but it is really indicative of that Beretta ethos that at every stage it should be perfect [Music] hear that drumming that is cold Hammer forging that is the sound of four hammers impacting and stretching that metal from that short piece of metal into a normal length barrel what you're about to see is this machine taking what we've just seen come out of the honing machine and put it into a cold Hammer forging machine it takes that short bit of barstock loads it in and then as the arm comes away it starts to spin and you'll hear the hammer forging process start a drumming it takes that short piece of metal and there's four hammers one on each side and as it spins it drums and hammers its way at cold temperature stretching that metal into one of these a shotgun barrel the process is fascinating and why Cold Hammer forging over just taking a bit of bar stock and drilling a hole in it they say it makes for a better quality barrel with a lot less wastage there are multiple Hammer forging machines everywhere everyone a different shape and size and doing a different job making all kinds of barrels for different guns the sheer cost of this setup is mind-blowing the barrel department is split into two sides one side makes the tubes the other side finishes them and joins them together if needed Beretta's standard guns have monoblock barrels that means there's two tubes put into a monoblock the side robes added and they're all joined together [Music] start of this process looks the same as most other makers but what came next is brilliantly modern and so the two tubes are now stuck into the monoblock welded in place the ribs are put on the side and wired in place but now it's time to attach it all together and that is done with traditional brazing back in the olden days I've been one man with a torch working his way along but a Beretta when it can be mechanized it's mechanized so this is mechanized braising semi-automatic barrels I've done eight at a time over and under barrels I've done six at a time you can see here the fire on the outside but that's actually just a vent on the inside that is just pure heat being pushed across the course of those valves getting them ready to go this is is pretty wild I don't think I've ever seen a automated brazing process before it's awesome so every 10 minutes another rack of barrels is put into the furnace it travels through this furnace for 45 minutes at 700 degrees Celsius given the most guns are sort of braced together relatively quickly by comparison it really goes to show why Berettas are known for sticking together for a very long time and some other guns just aren't after that 45 minute intense hellish heat it comes into here a tank where it's going to cool down for an hour and a half to normalize until it goes through the other end for two hours and 15 minutes the brazing process comes through on a conveyor belt batch after batch after batch this really is an impressive piece of technology I'd love to know how long it took to develop from the days of old 100 years ago where they're there with their torch to the point they are I mean this must be the most advanced system in the world and I know I gush about just about anything but this is particularly amazing when the barrels are cooled the wire is removed and the barrels are checked for quality and straightness [Music] and the barrels are marked with the Maker's name and Barrel specs foreign [Music] plating machine it Chrome plates the internal bore from the chamber to the very end of the muzzle with 10 microns of chromium what that does is give you a smooth clean rust-free surface there to there and it's all done in-house finally the barrels are polished which is done by a robot because Beretta behind me you can see the mountains that border valtrambia that make valtrompia Gardone valtrumpia where Beretta is Gardone means to guard the fort the Gate of valtrumpia but and part of the reason it's here other than the fire and the water power that make making guns in those early days so easy was because it was a secure place however now as you've seen from the sky water wall this place is filled so what do you do if you need a rifle range in the valley you drill into the mountain and that is where we're going to go now I know it's just a hole in some rock but this mountain penetrating shooting range was a highlight of my trip as were some of the guns we got to play with [Music] so this is where they do all the real life testing of every new product yeah exactly depending on the type of firearm you are developing whether it's military or an over and under or semioto or a hunting rifle you have different tests you can perform like the water testing where they put the drain drops on your shotgun and to test if it's working under the under the water you're getting a fridge everything everything is we have high velocity cameras so they can look all sorts on a dt11 they see whether the crossbow comes out any of this yeah exactly yeah Marta then went on to tell us all about the origins of these tunnels we'll be covering that in part three there was a selection of guns made just meters away a pistol a submachine gun a semi-auto shotgun and a straight pull rifle let's make some noise [Music] this isn't our normal fare but we're going to have fun all the same this is a Beretta PMX don't ask me any more about it so let's go suddenly I feel like I don't have enough freedom in the UK so flick this on to fun mode foreign [Music] one comp which looks it's a ten plus one [Applause] well that was amazing let's go back to the factory this is the Olympic tunnel where they have a celebration of all the medals they've won across the Olympics and all their Olympic Champions and Shooters but at the end they have this the reasons that you'll gear is better but what I'd like is the antithesis of this I'd like the excuses chart the my receiver is too heavy and my Barrels have a two-tight ball and my shirt itches okay so this is the standard the over and under assembly line it is organized in a cells so by subgroup we are the trigger mechanism the action then the reaction meets the barrel they marry and then they continue the assembly till the end of the process [Music] there is more guns being built here than I perhaps thought there would be there are racks upon racks upon racks of silver pigeons 694s Ultra lujeros it's amazing and the skill level of every single worker here is equally so you've got people fitting barrels to actions you've got people grinding down barrels you got people hand fitting the wood to the actions you've got the people putting the final assembly the final testing this is I suppose in my head it they'd go together and just clip together and go out the door but actually the amount of skilled work required as I just said is Way Beyond what you'd expect there's a lot of passion that goes into a silver pigeon and I'm probably guilty of not taking that into account [Music] are they putting together a day an average of 190 guns a day it's 190 guns a day [Music] yeah more than many other gun makers make in a year exactly yeah consider that basically all the factory produces more than one thousand counts per day so this is one small Corner yeah exactly and how many people will work in this department 74 a lot of people working in London here they do what it's called assembly we call it in Black which is different from the assembly in white you do like in Beretta 2 where you do the premium guns so all the parts are finished before being assembled every Craftsman in this has to undergo five months of training for their particular task there were so many individual processes going on here I wondered whether this was standard for every gun how much handwork goes into a silver pigeon every step of the assembly needs a little bit of fitting or hand working so the over and under production compared maybe to other Firearms we produce has a big percentage of hand working so all the fitting can be from the receiver to the stock or the trigger group needs a little bit of adjustment because not every piece is sometimes coming from the Machining is working all together that's why they have to train a lot because they have to understand where the fitting goes and make everything work perfectly and match correctly yeah as you can see this lady here is regulating triggers this General over here is just doing the final assembly and just making sure the ejectors are tired exactly and everyone has just got their specific task and making sure that every part along the way works perfectly yeah it's a fascinating process yeah exactly [Music] the Beretta way is to manufacture without compromise if a task is done better by a machine or a robot they get a machine or a robot to do it but it's clear that Beretta value people they value the skill involved in handwork and hand fitting and the power of the human eye they do of course optimize the process and everything in this room was efficient as it could be it's brilliant to see where many factories take mechanization to the extreme removing humans completely being Beretta they optimize this human element to the max of course [Music] at what point do these guns go to prove after the ejection fitting the forehand and the stock are not on the gun it's going to the National profiles and when he goes back they do like uh checks all the feeding and also they posted the stock and foreign on the gun and at that point final inspection exactly so still a really big human element to the Beretta story of course because I am a gun addict and I love to play I grabbed the opportunity to work on the production line with both hands this was an amazing experience but an audience did make a task I used to be able to do with my eyes closed a little bit more stressful basically built on s694 someone in the world is going to be really unlucky if you happen to end up owning this 694 you have my sincere apologies [Music] and from the inspection and assembly they come into here and every gun goes into its appropriate box or case it's then got an output on it it's put on a pallets and sent downstairs from there they go to Distributors across the world and to your local dealer it is mind-blowing as an operation and the over and under Section we've looked at in this video is such a small portion of what they do but yet it is such an integral part of what they do the quantity and quality of skill in that room over there Rivals any gun operation in the world foreign ground is an hour from the factory and is home to four compact layoutsera a gun shop [Music] and a sweet little restaurant so here we are at frutoso shooting ground it is a beautiful ground from what we've seen so far they have a very large gun shop in there most importantly they have a 100 bird compact sporting layer so you've seen how the guns are built let's get on and shoot them we met up with Roberto olivieri who took us through a couple of the models made in the Beretta Factory [Music] 100 and the 694. in my opinion the 694 is one of the best value for money guns on the market currently this is a 694 this is the best production Beretta is that fair to say yep the bear said let's call it mass produced almost mass produced this is the best value for money that you can get for a competition gun it'll last you a long time it shoots extremely well durability and great patterning great balance on the gun itself good pistol grip where all the features are designed to feel like a baby DT yeah it is fantastic and many of the features they were born out of supporting clay so it's not an adaptation of a trap gun or office keep going it's just born straight for English boarding for fee test for compact sporting I must admit my favorite gun you guys have made in that range in England at least we had that 30th anniversary with the tram line oh yeah 31 inch barrel yeah three of my friends bought those yeah they are so good that's actually I'm using your handsome as my trap guard because it's 29 inch makes it slightly more let's say movable when you're shooting targets but I love that rib in the Middle with that tram line it's amazing it can't make that much difference don't shoot one yeah you feel a little bit more dangerous with it yeah exactly and it's interesting that Beretta is probably the only company maybe in the world in any sector that can cater for NASCAR every single person yeah a 500 pound pistol to a 200 000 pound shotgun yep that is bizarre and they do every single part well it's it is fascinating we're always looking to do something extra so there's on the company's culture you have to innovate and so you're talking always about Innovation how can we do things better how can we push it a little bit so I wouldn't be surprised that that we come out with many interesting things on on the near future there is like that working there every day like new ideas of well yeah obviously obviously it comes and I'm not gonna lie that everything comes out all the first time there's some trials or some errors but there's always this this big push to do something new because obviously we have to some sort the responsibility of the one being one of the biggest companies to not just sit down and wait for things to happen so try to push it a little bit forward and that's why Beretta has been a success story exactly right that's exactly it's brilliant my love for this 694 doesn't take much explanation [Music] it handles well the barrels are good it looks great and it sits at an affordable price point [Music] the wood is of course nice the Palm swell is great and the dimensions off the shelf are intelligent foreign [Music] the Beretta semi-automatic range basically we have a long history we started off with with the old a300s until we got to the latest models which are the da400 family it's a great overall gone you have the advantages of a semi-auto Which is less record than over and under and in terms of performance technology has so much forward I mean that you don't have many issues with it and you have less Rico which is the most important thing this was a bit of a revolution when it came out that you guys would build a factory input recoil reduction system how is this working now it used to be in the back and then it went to a different stage this is what a mark three in a bit what happens here it's your face your cheek is going to be touching the stock and when you pull the trigger the gun is going to be moving backwards but your face is going to be on the same position all the time so it helps reducing a bit of the muscle jump obviously The Recoil is reduced by over 50 percent when you're looking at Target speed you keep your eyes on the target for a longer time which helps on the second and third shot if you're going to take a third shot so that's the theory behind it as you mentioned on the previous models we used to have it on the back so people sometimes people didn't like the idea of the gun moving past your face so basically we decided to move it forward and that's it I mean who likes Rico nobody likes Rico so it's about 14 year quarter inch Stuttgart 28 inch barrel on a semi-auto it's not really my kind of thing [Music] really comfortable shooting a 2-2 right yeah it shouldn't have been nice it should have been felt bad and every time I've shot short semis you end up yep hitting your face that is fascinatingly good system it's the first time I've ever used one I used some of the original ones and I thought that was good this is way better yeah bear bear in mind that that we're using only one ounce loads or 28 grams uh if we start shooting if you could start going higher and you feel even more different so it's great I like that it's pretty as well yep that one's real pretty it's one of my favorites we don't get a lot of these in the UK obviously because we don't really hunt with service yeah and if you do it's pigeons really well ducks and so it's black or camo that is lovely we continued shooting with a few other guns from the custom shop including Carlo gasoli Beretta's personal SL2 carbon there's a lot of pressure for both of us there which I fell in love with this is the coolest Beretta I've ever seen but that's for another video back to the factory [Music] control departments are usually as dull as dishwater but because this is Beretta even in this department they push the boundaries so this is the quality control rad yes it's where we perform all preventive activities to support the launches of new products we work in pairs with the r d team who identify the best solution for raw materials which has to be machined for components in this area is where we perform the analysis of the steel for Barrel manufacturing Beretta receives their metal from two carefully selected steel makers when every batch arrives they take samples bring them to the lab and test them the steel structure is key element for us because in imperfection in the steel May compromise the performance and typically the pressure the barrels need to pass that the national profiles are 30 percent higher compared to a standard cartridges are viable in the market nothing here is left to chance they double check the structure of the steel with a microscope to make sure that the recipe of the steel that's been delivered is exactly the same as the recipe of the steel that's ordered [Music] Beretta have worked for years to find the perfect recipe for their Barrel steel their action steel and they don't want to deviate from that [Music] okay this is another very interesting piece of equipment in our lab it simulates the behavior of the solar radiation on Parts in the different areas of the Earth yeah so typically we may look how the part behaves at high altitudes on the average mountains or in a very hot and dry severe conditions like a desert we can simulate dry and humidity Cycles during a day and night typically these tests are performed to verify the structure of the surface finishing of a part which has to resist to the different environments and maybe you're coating a military pistol that's in Afghanistan it needs to stand up to that if you're coating a shotgun for hunting in Scotland this machine turns one week into one year a very cool piece of Machinery indeed and pretty rare for a gun maker to have it in-house but it's not quite as cool as what came next okay this is the last test I want to show you guys in the salt spray test the soul spray test is a test we perform to stimulate the behavior in marine environment of our parts with a high risk of a potential corrosion this test we have a climatic chamber we assault fog inside and we are simulating the rust to verify how strong our surface finishing processes to protect the product environment where corrosion may be present you see this is a diamond light coating this is the fourth day of test that is extremely good for four days in so in salt fog continuously if you put a traditionally blued barrel in there after four days what does it look like uh you need you need to protect it with oil much more than this this is a new cool thing we are developing to increase the resistance in in such environments here we are in the Metrology Department which is the second area where we perform a dimensional investigation on components and new parts it's mainly divided in two big areas the outer one is where we typically discuss with our process engineering and with our vendors which are partners for us we can compare measuring methods with our shop floor and with our suppliers it's a key part of our process to validate their way of working we have the opportunity to have a 90 percent of our vendors at 40 kilometers far from here so we can meet them on daily basis we can go at their premises and discuss with them the inner portion of the lab is aware our highest Technologies measuring Technologies are set we have a coordinate measuring machines cmms here we are analyzing the trigger mechanism over 12 gauge over and under we are verifying that their manufacturing process has reached the expectations we had another piece of equipment very interesting and very useful Optical measuring device for the inspection of mandrels used for the cold armoring process with the standard measuring techniques this inspection takes hours with this piece of equipment in few seconds we have the inspection performed and completed the most advanced measuring equipment we have I can tell you not to easily viable in any firearm industry so far eight years development we co-designed with our partner Zeiss we worked to get the same accuracy we have with the traditional CMM machines with an x-ray technology The Chosen component is placed in a low density holder and the X-ray Works its magic the power of the X-ray can be tuned to work with any type of material or component wood steel or aluminum whether that is to test the Integrity of some bar stock or the quality of a stock blank what's doubly clever about this is it's not just an x-ray this machine creates an amazing 3D x-ray model so you can look inside from every angle on Whatever item you wanted nothing is left a chance once the process is completed we have the station number one where all the slices all the pictures which have been taken are merged together and virtually the 3D of the part is rebuilt when this process is completed we go to the second station a comparison between the cad model we overlap the real part which has been reconstructed virtually and how accurate is that reconstruction the same two microns that's very clever it's eight years of development so it has been a long journey and we are able to see the geometry of the areas where a traditional probe cannot arrive cannot reach very very clever and again how often are you pulling something off of the production line to test ah this is a Technique we are using uh 95 percent of uh component new components which are part of the bill of material of a new of new products the final piece of tech was one that took me a while to get my head around and it was placed upstairs in the shotgun assembly room this is the AI wood grader the most Beretta thing I had seen yet you like it oh I'll tell you what this this belongs on my dream gun Maybe subject why why oh that's a very good question to be blunt this is more color this is one to interest you this is one of the most interesting question it has been a challenge for me because in the past we used to say this is beautiful piece of wood because it's beautiful why is this wine because it is I'm a I'm an engineer so I wanted to put some objective parameters to say that this is a good Buddha compared to this is which is a standard a piece of wood so this is how it works you put a stock in a series of pictures are taken and then a piece of software runs the photos against the list of criteria color contrast fiddleback grain orientation and even grain straightness and then it tells you what grade of wood that should be a grade that is built on science not subjectivity question I asked you at the very beginning why this is beautiful because the machine says so because the machine received good training for our quality from our qualified team why can't you just get people to do this you ask people are subjective if you show the same grade three to five different people I bet you one of them says it's grade five and one of them says it's grade one sometimes computers are just better it is clever like you said what this means is in 50 years a Grade Three is a Grade Three a great Tunes are great two a class two and a half everything is the same although I'm sure this machine is really taking us one step closer to Terminator becoming a reality I think it's awesome [Music] so I learned a fun fact yesterday and that is that this symbol on the bottom of most Berettas isn't a trident no so we call it three arrows it's not a trident basically a symbol taken from Battleship language we call it Darin broca in Italian which means always get straight to the Target no warning shots but actually it means it's from Battleship so it's like a dynamic of an attack of a ship you as an alert before you hit the front and then you hit the end of the ship and if the ship doesn't surrender you go with the middle one so you just get it sink so that is yeah it's basically the dark The Mystery of the Beretta logo yeah yeah exactly the backstory is a little bit different so this symbol was on a like Stone uh in the garden of a villa of a verita every famous Italian poet it's called Gabriel he has a big house in uh next to Garda lake story says that one of the members of the Beretta family got there in like a school trip and the BART was still alive at that time and he realized that there was a member of Beretta family and he said you see this symbol you should use it as a logo of your company so before the 50s we didn't use this logo we didn't have it we used like the Victoria Lata just statue a wing victory that we have here in breisha but we can still call it the Trident well we know most of the people call it a trident because it looks like a lot of like a trident but we call it trefraicheso triaro so yeah if you want to do like uh like the knowledgeable one in a conversation you're like it's not a child you heard it here first [Music] Beretta worked years ahead of current manufacture looking for Trends and opportunities and responding accordingly this is the job of the extensive R D team who a year ago launched the Epic BRX [Music] Pietro the product manager for Beretta talk to me about how a product is developed we've got the brx1 here is a great example of something you started with a blank canvas it's a long lasting project in the work on this project seven years ago as Beretta we wanted to explore other segments in the market so we thought okay let's do rifles and we came up with a straight bull rifle which is very easy to handle very modular very handy so do you come with fresh ideas or you are you importing ideas from other sectors of your business oh yeah so we got plenty of military experience here at Beretta and obviously we can we can surely see it for example on the on the system this is a straight tool as I already said but you can clearly see this is a rotating ball head taking from our military experience and our ARS so this is similar to the ARX well yeah basically the bolt head is pretty much taken from from that side yes here we have Lop adjustable so we can adjust it with like spacer on it so the same as the shotguns exactly same as our semi-autos and stuff like that all the stock and the Plastics here are high quality polymers and you know even touching it it feels nice and this is made in the same sort of way you'd make the polymers for your military rifles well yeah with we've got lots of experience in that sense so yes obviously the grip nut feels nice you know when when you're shooting it but also when you're grabbing it it feels nice in your hand also in tough conditions and how many prototypes did you go through to get to this stage because that finish is oh a lot like it takes a lot of time obviously seven years worth yeah exactly exactly so it's been it's been great another cool feature that this rifle has is the adjustable or changeable pistol grip for now we have just two measures but we're coming up with others so if you like you know straighter pistol grip you can have it and stuff like that so it's easily changeable by you know removing the screw adjust adjusted and put in the school back again the magazine which is five rounds also for Magnum calibers in this case it's a 300 Win Mag and it's you know it's capable to take five rounds in it also we have a picatini off the Box mounted here so you can adjust it but you know you can take it off and mount whatever type of attachment you like also the barrels are changeable so by removing those two screws you can change it and you know you change the bolt head the barrel and the magazine you have the old rifle but with a new caliper what I find really interesting about this is it's much like all other Berettas because of the size and the volume you guys can produce is it's great value as well on one of the main Junctions in the factory is the Beretta World display [Music] Showcase of hubereta R and what the group as a whole are about Beretta now owned many subsidiary companies and overall have more than 6 000 staff so when you're developing a product how much of the r d and the build is done on a computer and how much of it is based around people as we would call it we are talking about human technology here so for me people at director play a huge importer role in developing guns but also you know on the assembly line and that makes up our quality product all the shotgun is made by people and our quality standards are high because of those people and our brand reputation is made because of that people how many ideas Fall by the side quite a lot actually yeah but I can talk obviously about them right now well you need to visit again I look forward to it [Music] if you didn't love or respect Beretta before I hope you do now this Factory and this company is a testament to the world's love of guns quantity and the quality of guns coming out of this Factory Beretta due and the rest of the Beretta group is pretty amazing [Music] foreign and the Very fact that it's been the same family at the head of this ship for 500 years wow [Music] [Music] there is so much of this Factory that we did not have time to share with you [Applause] and I hope that one day we can come back and see the rest foreign [Music] the culture here is amazing from the management who love their staff to the staff who love their jobs this is what makes Beretta Beretta [Music] for watching this video I hope you've enjoyed it and keep your eyes open for our film on the Beretta custom shop [Music] and the Beretta Museum [Music]
Channel: TGS Outdoors
Views: 1,125,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the gun shop, gun, guns, shotgun, shotguns, rifle, rifles, shooting, shoot, botley, botley gun shop, ammo, ammunition, tgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 18sec (2898 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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