Choose Your Words Carefully || SML HD

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[Music] [Music] and I saw another sign in heaven great and wonderful great and marvellous seven angels having the seven master please for in them were the rod of God and I saw as if it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and then that had who become the Beast and His image and is moths and the number of his name stand on the sea of glass having the harps of God and they sing the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the love say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great and marvelous heart thy works Lord [Applause] God [Music] just and true are the ways [Music] king of why [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for down hard work [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh heart worthy and we glorify thy name [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I need [Applause] I [Music] [Music] [Music] there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you can everybody just lift their hands and worship if you're able to stay and just stand on your feet and just give God some glory because we came to worship God on this morning the presence of the Lord is in this place hallelujah [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] you're my god sing hi [Music] hi my god Singha [Music] haha Singh ha Singha Singh [Applause] sing the heart for you for me defeated me so high ha hi now right here just watching 11 and I want you to say sweet things to God I want you to lift up [Music] God God you only got to my geez oh my god [Music] [Music] yeah you sure my god Singh Singh hi [Music] you're Singha thank you for being our salon do it not right there I just want you to give God a hand clap of praise right now want you to give God a hand clap of praise come on y'all let's worship God let's worship God hallelujah I love I worship [Music] Laura [Music] Hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I live my hands in total and duration uh to you and God Oh I just want to say that I love you more then can you lift your voice was as I sing that one more time I I live my hands it's all the rage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for you are and God ah [Music] [Applause] I [Music] you I [Music] she loved the Lord this morning does anybody listen of your heart this morning worship people together [Music] I [Applause] Hey [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] this week worth of work yeah all over the butcher [Music] so worship you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tyron small they're at all [Music] [Music] [Music] at all [Applause] [Music] [Music] jeezum speed those Oh good tuition - it Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] but the car he's gone let's tie [Music] teacher [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the text of proverbs 18:21 linked up with Matthew 12:36 37 the Wiseman Solomon speaks and Jesus himself he speaks to us in the New International Version the words from proverbs 18:21 translated the tongue has the power of life and death the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will heat it's fruits from the Living Bible it says those who love to talk will suffer the consequences men have died for saying the wrong thing contemporary English version puts it this way words can bring death or life talk too much and you will heat everything you say we want to be mindful of those words and the amplified bible says death and life are in the power of the tongue and their who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of its either death or life I want to speak to you today that you should choose your words carefully tell your neighbor choose your words carefully yeah don't just get up and go around and just say anything that comes to your mind your head or your mouth because men have died for having said the wrong thing and if you talk too much talk out of out of terms you are likely to eat every word that you say they'll come back to haunt you so choose your words carefully are you with me choose them carefully because they could determine your destiny and that's the reason why you ought to choose them carefully words are not wind if there were wind many years ago that has changed long time word is power word creates hallelujah so you must choose them carefully because they could very well determine your destiny want to declare to us today that your your predetermined course of life that was decreed by the Almighty before you came out of your mother's womb that is what God wants to be done in your life the purpose for which he has sent each of us to this earth the the creative will of God not permissive will not that which we loved when we entered upon what your predetermined course decreed by your Creator the Almighty the Almighty God of heaven on earth that could be shifted it could be aborted if you continue to say the wrong thing my son has changed drastically and me gentlemen it's affected me get it back to it was it could be aborted it could be shifted if you continue to say the wrong thing because in the words of Jesus your words will justify you or your words will condemn you in the words of the wise man Solomon your words could either bring your life I could bring you death means therefore you must choose your words carefully because like I said they could determine your destiny can you say Amen hallelujah if you think like a grass up or as some men thought some years ago in the text of Numbers chapter 13 if you think like a grass up where you'll begin to act like a grass up and you'll be treated as a grass upon but if you think like a giant even when you're not a giant but think like a giant you begin to act like a giant and people will see you as a giant are you not with me down there Alleluia if you think like a chicken you'll begin to hatch like a chicken and people will treat you as a chicken very soon you will end up in somebody's frying pan or pot or hoof on our stove and they annihilate you get rid of you because you are something like a chicken what if you think like an eagle and begin to hatch like an eagle Oh hallelujah my god I feel a more preacher little later if you think back an eagle and Hawk like an eagle then the sky is your limit hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lift her hand and say the sky is my limit glory to God hallelujah the child of God must realize that indeed death and life are in the power of your tongue and then you must speak that which will produce life speak that which will produce victory speak that which will cause you to mount up to soar Oh hallelujah for the words of Isaiah they are right for us today as they were then they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint all glories of God it's not how people see you that matters is not what people think about you that matters is how you see yourself what you think about yourself Oh hallelujah to the lamb and I want you to know that audial mighty sees you is completely different from all your neighbor might see you whoa hallelujah hallelujah God sees you as a person of authority who me has given power over all the powers of the enemy it sees you not just as a conqueror but he sees you has more than my God lift your hand and say that is me Gloria - oh my god whether you believe in yes or no might not look like a conqueror in somebody's eyes then the eyes are full mighty God a man is not the size of the gun that matters what is the effects of the bullet there is a bullet inside I have a child of God named the Holy Ghost can I preach him this house a severe his a bullet inside of every blood wash child of God named the Holy Ghost named the anointing it is able to bring down any and Africa life that's done 9 feet tall before you so when you see here Goliath do not be intimidated talk to him like David talk to him talk to him and tell him what you know and who you know you come to me with sword and spear and shield and everything but I come to you baba socket and Abu Musa Dagh I come to you in the name of the Lord God of Israel and I'm gonna show you the great oz he knock you so occurs to me me me me me I don't care if you're sick or you're healthy knock your chests and semi-great a cedar is in me the needle is in the world hallelujah hallelujah speak life and you will live spitting death and you will die speak health and you'll be healed speak sickness on your will remand glory to God glory to God over here y'all look too quiet over here I said Yuri to God over here give prayers to the Almighty woke up this morning put the song in your heart but warping your breasts may not have all the money that you need do not have all the world of things that you need but if you got Jesus if you got Jesus your position for everything to happen for you for no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly Lord whoa so you must begin to feel more than a conquerer think Victor you be victorious give him praise there Alleluia it's also wise King Solomon son of King David he speaks of the power of words produced by the mind authored by the lips framed by the tongue he speaks at a power of words and Jesus in Matthew 12 II said every word will be accounted for one day and not just in that day to come but even now as we traverse the course of life you know Minister Davis and I will watch your little thing on National Geographic yesterday evening some of you might see - might have seen it this guy who was charged for murder and sentenced to be executed and the guy in the prison cell kept talking I will not be executed and I keep down down gone for many years in jail it came down to day two before his execution his mother came visited with him on everybody keep you know expressing their grief their pain and he said I know man named Jesus he told me that two days time I still be alive I will not be executed and that guy talked and he talked he said my mother have some measure of faith but she has doubt also because whereas she's believing for the best she's preparing for the worst but I am on one platform will not be executed Daewon came they came to sell and hung cream and do all that they did put him in the vehicle to take him to the execution and before they reach there the governor made an order or to know where the governor's in or stay of execution for whatever a convicted felon everything was in place for his execution he got back to his cell and he said I told you I thought you are no man named Jesus I'm sorry for all that I did agree for the parents whose sons life I took a great grieve for the woman whose husband I killed I'm sorry man there's nothing I can do about that but that's in the past I'm looking ahead now for a better life and I found a man named Jesus and I'll not be executed or you didn't hear is somebody hallelujah they've got some lawyers on this case and so we are going to review this case and chances are his sentence will be commuted to life and he will never be executed somebody says something here when you're steering the feet I've defeat steering your strength in your eyes look defeat in its high if you can see the feet high until defeat I will not go down with you I will not be defeated with any defeat I am more than a conquerer I'm speaking live in the mids of death I'm speaking literally means of defeat I'm speaking prosperity a doorman amid some poverty I'm speaking speaking speaking life and life is gonna come my way in the name of Jesus I'm speaking employment although I am unemployed when I feel like telling some people now you got a speii husband although nobody's on the line you got to speak a good husband in Jesus name although nobody is under line for I was said to the not give up I was said to the soul keep my back I could say to somebody you gotta speak these are in the name of Jesus under your don't even have a passport begin to position yourself so when God gets ready to bless you your provision for the blessing I'm speaking car I'll do a County of a tribe - I'm gonna get a driver's license so when God blesses me somebody praise God in the house praise in the house death and life are in the power of your tongue whoa somebody with a had a crazy oh my God Almighty somebody wave your hand and showed something again because the Holocaust is planting a seed in somebody here today you think you're a loser you think you're born to lose or know if you were born to lose in your biological family when you come to Jesus and get born again you're born to win so born to win born to win born to win not born to go down but I get to go up again to be strong born again to be healthy born again to be prosperous born again to defeat the enemy to take what every son politan Tobiah to take whatever didn't clear enough Byram to knock out Everett me a gun cannot beat somebody down here great eyes in you Bonnie knots in the world speak life chilly never speak life speak life speak life that's a real summer you got to come on some company leave all the deltas showing the show Tess I said leave the deltas leave the daughters [Music] leave the notice lord of mercy somebody prayers about any glory someone said to me that went to the doctor and when the doctor got through diagnosing and pronouncing the person the doctor would you respect us what you say I am a therapy doctor with due respect that's what you say but there's a balm in Gilead there is a physician heals all manner of sickness he is our man of diseases the one who was who dad from my transgression who was bruised from my iniquity chastisement of our peace was upon him and we destroyed I don't know really feeling paying anybody I don't know where to tell your sickness life but in the name of Jesus if you got some fate in your heart I want to touch that bliss just your knee touch your head touch your neck touch your back touch your eyes don't swear ever not saying the name of Jesus you are here you are here back your heel spam up your heel through out your heel pad your heel heel here by his tribe I am here [Music] hallelujah glory Jesus s he says be careful of your talk because your words will do one of two things one of two things they lie to justify you are condemned eeeh so choose the words carefully tell your neighbor choose the words she was aware and even when you're going through some situation you feel like crying don't let some people see your tears some hot I saw their genuine friends okay [Applause] a true genuine friend is one who will stick by you when your back is against the wall stick by you even when you fall stick by you when you don't know who to call a genuine Franny sticks closer than a brother but some folks want to see you fall so don't let Satan see your tears learn to smile through your fears hold your head up high and give this worthless mine just be faithful along the way it will be worth its horn someday power [Applause] it's gonna be over after one subhadda crazy I said aha Shakuntala the man who said that he is gonna be over after a while and I'm not talking when you go over on the other side it's not when you go home on the air because certain things cannot go over here no sickness nah go over there the property not go over the air but distress that going over there I am talking about Harbor right here on this side [Music] [Applause] oh yeah oh geez oh my god oh Jesus Sandoval Santa Baha I feel miracle from a head trauma cause I feel miracle in my hands I feel miracle in my feet I feel Mirek in my pocket I feel miracle miracle miracle gotcha speak it speak it satya molten down sad you River dry up Satya volley up coming across [Music] nama-hatta god almighty hallelujah somebody's clubbing ultimate distress right now the devil had you knock against the wall but I see you breaking forth in the name of Jesus I see the shackles removing from your feet I see the shackles removing from your hands I feel light [Music] oh yeah ah Jesus Santana Lord Jesus better let you never praise him if you don't want prison look what the Lord has done if it had not been the Lord in our sight butan would be here praising him this morning that never would have swallowed us up but by the God of heaven Kesava here come on Mia hallelujah hallelujah shantamma you better get a miracle here today let us speak into the atmosphere you better speaker sharkon de semana daya [Music] his jump jump off any wheelchair he's get off the trip get support any wheelchair look what something my god I trap get America jump onto his wheelchair somebody shout oh yeah Oh Meera go Meera go Meera Kabira Sean diamond about cetera I must say I hallelujah [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] speak to our chose our spirit killer I shall not die [Music] [Music] [Music] cha-cha side I shall [Music] [Music] we shall side to this mountain be adorable shall not doubt in your heart shut up it's shallow [Music] shut up Jesus talked to a fig tree of the fig trees it heard you suck though none give me five more minutes please somebody shot up prayers there [Music] well my god so the messages choose your words carefully choose them choose them God oh [Applause] there could very well determine your hop or your dog you're in are you hold your life or your death your post prosperity or your poverty somebody shows up raising [Applause] all right so let me give you some where is that you should not use and some words that you should use as a child of God do not speak vain words according to job 16 on verse 3 vain words do not speak irritating words God into proverbs 15 and verse 1 do not speak st words according to proverbs 29 and verse 20 do not speak old words according to second Peter 2 and verse 18 do not ever speak irreverent words according to Malachi 3 and verse 13 do not ever speak malicious words according to third John and the verse 10 don't speak malicious words do not ever speak flattering words according to 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 5 do not speak those words none of those seven words you should not speak somebody praise God here with me I'll say praise him with me hallelujah now let me tell you somewhere is that you should speak winding up is you should always speak gracious words according to eat easiest is chapter 10 and verse 12 gracious words you should speak inspiring and uplifting words he gives us these 12 and verse 11 you should speak pleasant words proverbs chapter 6 and verse 24 so all your watching the dredgen are listening to me again alright the dread gets in America you you better get the word and get you America somebody praise God here hallelujah so you must speak inspiring and uplifting words you must speak Pleasant words proverbs 6 and 16 and verse 24 you should always be kind words proverbs 13 amen verse 26 or proverbs 31:26 you must be kind words you must always speak appropriate words proverbs 25:11 and you must be comforting words Isaiah chapter 50 and verse 4 he has given me the tongue of the learned to know how to speak a word in season when you're dealing with people must give them comforting words you're not saying nothing don't give them malicious words and irritating words and grieve your spirits on here stir words give them words that will bring life in them sing them all over again to me wonderful words of life let me more of my beauty see wonderful words of life words of life and beauty they teach me faith and beauty Laurie glory hallelujah [Music] you must know when to use pruning pruning tool and when to use my and hocks are you not saying nothing so think on those words and what you should meditate on let me say they say what you meditate on will ultimately manifest in your life amen what you eat and digest will manifest in your system eat jocke fruits and go to bed tonight when you're gonna burp you will not burp right banana you're gonna burp jackfruit whatever word is in the system will manifest accordingly Paul says in Philippians 4 here you must think on the things that are honest the things that are lovely the things that are virtuous the things that are honest the things that are praiseworthy you are setting up yourself for a miracle nobody has to set you up for mirac you can set up yourself this book of the law this word do not let it depart from you meditate fear in there and night and then you shall make your way prosperous and you shall have good success by God but Psalm 19 and verse 4 says let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight Oh God my strength and my Redeemer we have your hands give him praise let me close come on shortly high praise a fun maitika shortly I praise to the Lord glory as of today I want you to dream the future that you want to have but whatever age you are and whatever stage you're at begin to dream that future and when you dream that future brother Simonet you must begin to speak the future speak it into being you're not saying nothing trim it speak it live it so bishop can I live it before this actualize oh yes begin to live it my feet and I say nothing queen-size or a king-size bed and you only have a single bed knowing you spread it's up a night light unlike a king-size alive but I don't yourself what's up king-size this lighter innocent Jesus Christ Milica bad No [Applause] I don't need a broad and give got tongues as a thank you from it kid size must appear Tremont speak it live it's hot to visit you will have your lies it blog glory all glory somebody praise smear if you mean business glory to God you will realize your dreams for I know the thoughts I have towards you said God thoughts of good and not of evil to give you your desired end what is your desired end your expected hand you're not saying nothing allelujah power fits desired and are respected end is not to be hauling or cup beginning body anything is to be landing you shall be the head and not the tail above or not be neat Linda not borrow and some of you are this boring spirit you must cut it out to them sometime you doing certain things I'm borrowing from the body said to her it is a large and the fullness thereof my speed to the north I speak to the South I speak to thee Jesus speak to the West let God bring it in your storehouse or someone you don't believe it can work that way let God bring it and prove your God Amen somebody shouts of praise Laurie I want to give you as I close 12 pedestals that you should stand on on if you stand on these 12 pedestrians as a child of God you shall never fail in life and this is according to dr. John C Maxwell from the Maxwell Bible you shall never fail in life when you embrace God and His righteousness and stand and these twelve pedestal you will never feel number one for this integrity be a person of integrity number two always do that which is right you know the right thing do the right thing don't fight you active god conscience within you do the right thing number three be honest and trustworthy be honest and let people be able to trust you you must be worthy of trust Bishop dr. V T Williams my spiritual father always verse from Proverbs I think it is where it says confidence our trust in an unfaithful person is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint get the message from those a broken tooth when you want to heat and deep mush up in a I'm out you can heat and when trouble come up on you on your reach for your feet to take your that trouble and the feet buckle you're not saying nothing hallelujah so always be honest and trustworthy number four do not gossip do not gossip do not gossip number five do not listen to gossip [Music] say it again do not gossip and do not listen to gossip we took a decision here in discipline and dedication fast a couple of weeks ago watch the decision Bishop is that whenever someone comes to you with another person's name to give bad news on bad tidings hold on give me a hand let's pray for the brother sister right now I'm not going down that Street I don't live on gossip Lane having you terrorists our Boulevard we're gonna pray for that person those who are not in discipline and dedication fast can you agree with us on that so when I bring your Bishop Davis name so all on all on touch not the Lord's anointed let's pray for him right now come on let's pray for him let's pray for him to bring Minister Davis then because she there bring her near more time I named it boss those wives get more troubling Lord in the church done the pass themself so we're not bring minutes of the abysus p.m. say Oh No let's not touch God's anointing let's pray for her when I bring your brothers and sisters name do the same thing don't be a gossip monger because you will bring death upon yourself where are we number number six do not harm others don't hurt anybody don't set up Derrick's for anybody do not dig in a ditch for anybody do not lay in a snare for anybody do not think their fall will he call to you arise no not go so there is place at the top for everybody without pushing anyone aside you are gift on your calling it will make room for you one day this week I'm going to Trinidad to preach a convention fresh oil revival in Trinidad I've never preached in Trinidad I've been there but not for preaching you know how come I'm going to go to Trinidad via a cable network internet dr. jeong's Inc in Trinidad and Tobago so watch our programs on the internet said he talked with Mesa dear God Bishop Davis man I got to invite you to Trinidad for fresh oil convent John if you invite me I will come once I can't call so we're going on to churn it out one day this week to preach fresh oil convention it is my gift and my call in that open up the door and on a mission from Montego sample invite you over here watching in Antigua what a blessing we got to so he's holding up all across the Caribbean somebody praise God with me [Applause] an American Church all-american church from Philadelphia Pennsylvania we want to fly your pier for one service only a Jamaican a service that we have one service Philadelphia Pennsylvania never met them don't know them give ton call in make room for you bring you before great man tell you near but who hurts anybody to arm anybody no one set in the direction anybody's we don't try to bring down anybody do not be an ups alarm you cannot kill the of it you cannot kill God's purpose [Applause] let's finish I must stop now where are we number 7 speak out against wrong all the time don't compromise with wrongs or taken apart in around doing speak out against wrong speak out against evil I did say these are according to dr. Chauncey Maxwell from the Maxwell story Bible number 8 honor those walk in truth persons who are worthy of honor honor them you're not saying nothing honor them some people honor your friends even when your friends are so dishonorable but because I my friend love about church church is not about friendship church is about fellowship what a fellowship you're not saying anything behind me telling me if a church is not about friendship so when you're wrong you are wrong number nine let's finish number nine says keep your words even when it costs you dearly keep your word your word is your bond stick to your word hallelujah compromise on Prince don't compromise on principles hold your principle dear you're not with me you're a child of God and you're baptized in your church don't go around the corner committing some fornication with your boyfriend hold godly principle if the man wants you let him marry you don't play an asterick on the grass in the church put on a beautiful Sunday morning dress on Sunday morning jacket and smile and when you leave one go back in your community knows you're living like a devil well it's getting pretty quiet here now you can't do that don't be a two-faced man if you portray one day in church live it up walk everywhere on the job let your light so shine before men that they may see are you with me for a Sunday let's finish hallelujah where are we number 10 do not be greedy for gain at the expense of others don't be greedy if again and you will destroy other people to get gain don't do that little bit contentment is great gain don't be greedy after filthy lucre some people love money and run after money too much that's why money run from them I tell you I'd never have a money problem oh I have had some serious financial problems in my life but I never have a money problem greedy for money that's why God could trust with all of these people on this big ministry your money don't frighten me why need to say that again I give supervision on technicians in relation to their spending I don't physically handle them and I don't personally spend them on anytime you see me flying in any aircraft on flying what I call its executive classes because I'm upgrade Medi Airport them always upgrade me [Applause] yes I've been me as soon as we got here once never seen them up cleared me God albeit when God bless you you're blessed [Applause] some of my first class ticket scalping some times ago this one must be an enemy so he saw me such in first class manner I didn't court n because I can't court in oh no I can't cut you sorry the first class they were relaxing look what on me and say yeah one church money [Applause] or so while you don't know you don't know now charge money at a fever of God the blessing of God somebody help me praise the bear hallelujah give him praise that's why I love to fly certain airline and one of them is fly Jamaica my Jamaican here line it says Jamaica and I love Jamaica I'm a pitcher out of Jamaica you're not saying nothing so you must fly fly Jamaica everybody on the fly Jamaica treat that's first-class well I getting more upgrade not on anything else fly fly Jamaica fly fly Jamaica somebody praise God hallelujah [Applause] let's finish right now nom by living do not take bribes bribes as we could you must don't take bribes if you're in a position where people can't bribe you don't let them bribe you do things on top of the table number 12 on final according to dr. John C Maxwell from the Maxwell Study Bible be strong be stable be sensitive always remember those very important facts of life what are the facts of life possess integrity always do what is right be honest and trustworthy do not gossip do not listen to gossips do not harm anyone speak out against wrong honor those who ought to be honored keep your words even when it costs you do not be greedy for gain at the expense of others do not take bribe be strong if you start on those principles you will never fail in life tell your neighbor choose your words hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lose your Bible please the words determine your destiny and remember brothers and sisters the first person that you lead according to Bishop Davis is you the first person you lead is you if you can't lead yourself dear God if you cannot lead yourself in the paths of righteousness in the parts of integrity or try to lead anybody finally the first organ you master is your mind I will thaw will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee for the trusting be learning to leave thoroughly please I'm learning to leave I am [Music] lift up your hand and say fine where ever dream [Applause] [Music] do I have anybody in this audience today you are not nominated well I am not yet wash you wanna begin to leave today [Music] my should be higher [Music] can [Applause] to speak the right thing right until cheese [Applause] [Music] this is your morning this is the Lord [Music] [Music] it's a wonderful thing to leave a tree sometime in the name of Jesus come on get a talk from a chocolate believer shocking Christa with you shrek is here for you too [Music] somebody's showing in your face [Music] Shrek for the struggle come on come on my back is against the wall Deb will tell you number lake the prey onto that distress [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] our heads on the altar close your eyes while people are still coming down want you to know that Jesus cures oh yes he cares I know he cares his heart is touched with your griefs the days I've been wearing long nights argyria I know my Savior cares I want to pray with you today the Lord will minister to you lift you up out of that bring you to this take you to those distresses bringing upon a platform of victory the devil is a liar he wants you defeated but Jesus come to give you victory as you bow your head and close your eyes the Holy Spirit's God's chief agent in this earth he's speaking to some of you right now maybe all of you he's saying this is your moment for change moment for change moment for transformation yeah this is it this is your cross over moment in the name of Jesus you cross over moments oh yeah Lord Lord [Music] Lord take me as I am [Music] please [Music] our toys [Music] [Applause] [Music] raise your hand singing again Lord everybody come on everybody everybody everybody it's a fresh copy time [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody pray everybody see a prayer [Music] father in Jesus name we commit to you ourselves and we commit to you each other Oh God I ask in the name of Jesus at the Blessed holy spirits will minister to all of us lift up the Fallen Stratton do we encourage the discouraged give hope to the hopeless in the name of Jesus Christ let hope spring out of their despair right now Oh God in your word you said it is not your will done and it should perish let not one of these precious Souls perish for no reason at all you die that they might be forgiven you died to make them good the enemy wants to do otherwise what in Jesus name in Jesus name in the name of Jesus I ask you dear God to rescue them even now rescue my brothers and sisters from the clutches of Satan who was a mission is to steal to kill and to destroy bring them out out out of the bondage and into the free whoa Jesus we come to thee you tell us if we draw nigh unto you you will draw nigh unto us so right now Lord draw nigh to us as we seek to draw nigh to you save us because we want to be saved heal us as we ought to be healed deliver deliver deliver deliver and set free by your mighty power in the name of Jesus Oh God let salvation come to these hearts today as they honestly bar before you inviting you him do it for them now in the name of Jesus Oh God many do not know what to do or where to turn standing in the midst of a crossroads looking east west north and south help them to look up to you today lift their eyes unto you from whence cometh near hill so hear how a prayers we pray did not do for us what no other power can do in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus he touched me [Music] rubato stand up lift your hand on cheek [Music] [Music] something up on touch me [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] one more time [Music] untouched revealed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me praise give me prayers only you can praise him like you wanna praise him I will bless the Lord at all times nobody can praise Him for you open up your mouth come on open up your mouth and give praise to Allah my to God [Music] oh Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus cheese [Applause] [Music] he touched me [Music] everybody remain standing if you can stand please all I'll reach your neighbor let me do this and send you about you don't have to know that hold your hand this is fellowship fellowship go with me the way of going bishop the realm of the spirits to decree something on your behalf yeah so call with me go with me Father in the name of Jesus we look to Calvary where everything was secured for us when you cried it is finished everything was paid for now I ask in Jesus name that as we hold hands together everything that we need according to your divine will and purpose i decree it in the life of your people here today I told them to speak the things which be not as though they were so no father I speak into their lives everything that is good and godly for them that they are now denied in the name of Jesus release it upon them bring it from near bring it from far bring it from whomever and wherever oh my god in the name of Jesus everything spiritual everything physical everything financial everything material everything emotional everything Academical in a name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth spread out your table in the presence of your people and let your people dine from your table in the name of Jesus I speak hell too near bodies come on sickness pack up and go paka paka paka paka paka in the name of Jesus you are trespassing paka paka poverty and distress you've been around for too long too long too long too long too long calories against you now the blood is against you the cross is against you Johanna goes is against you and Leora catch you release your blessing release your blessing release your favor oh my god Jesus Jesus Jesus release your favor favor and open up doors that nothing else can open and they create a favour of Almighty God upon you and I call it done in Jesus name now release your neighbors on and you lift up your hands I'd open your mouth open up your mountain giving praise if your dominant appraisin just a Jesus I thank you if you don't know what to say sir Jesus attack you Jesus I love you Jesus I honor you [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] god bless you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilySermons
Views: 5,772
Rating: 4.5609756 out of 5
Id: P5uebwVCAkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 34sec (6214 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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