I Cannot Take It Back || SML HD

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us stand Pease once again thank you all on which your neighbor let us free God we thank you for bringing us together to celebrate Pentecost Sunday what a day it is over 2,000 years ago those disciples took you at your word and they hold all huddled together in that little room called the Upper Room and God the promise you made them that you send them another comforter was dispatched from heaven and every one of them received the mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire and power I pray that even today as a world celebrates that the power of God will be upon us and as I declare the word of God I pray that fire liquid fire will flow through this congregation television internet and radio will not be exempt on the power of God will move upon all in the name of Jesus anoint this lump of clay and use it for your glory in Jesus name be seated i refresh your memory from judges chapter 11 a few of the verses that were read 29 to 31 reads then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jeptha and he passed over Gilead and Manasseh and passed over miss P and Gilead and from miss P of Gilead he passed over unto the children of Ammon and Jeptha vowed a vow unto the Lord and said if thou shalt without fail deliver the children of our money into mine and then it shall be that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the children of Ammon shall surely be the lords and I will offer it up for a burnt offering verse 30 depth of vowed a vow Ecclesiastes chapter 5 supports this from verse 4 when the voice of all unto God differ not to pay it for he hath no pleasure in fools pair that which thou hast vow'd better is it that thou should has not vow than that thou should bow and not pay suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to see neither say that before the angel that it was an arrow wherefore should God be angry at my voice and destroy the work of thine hands for in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also diverse vanities but fear thou God can you say men I want to preach my heart to you today like I have done over there many years of leading this ministry back to the whole 10th days of Waterford Parkway on to the famous board church and man hurts rude and on to this historic location God has given me the sufficiency of His grace to have preached my heart to you over this period there is a verse in judges chapter 11 that I want to borrow for a theme and it is in verse 35 the latter part of the verse well let me read the entire verse 35 it says and it came to pass when he saw her thus when jephthah saw his daughter that came out to meet him that he rent his clothes and said alas my daughter thou us brought me very low and thou art one of them that troubled me why for I have opened my mouth unto the Lord and I cannot go back my theme today I cannot take it back lift your hand and say I cannot take it back what is it that you cannot take back as we reflect on this text vows that have been made any vow that you have made to the Almighty God do not relent you can't afford to go back tell yourself I just can't take it back take it back I'm gonna preach a message that is going to bless some of you hunger some of you stars some of you but let the Lord have his way I said earlier that today is proclaimed and is also observed and celebrated as Pentecost Sunday that historic momentous spiritual supernatural event which saw the birth of the Christian Church there in Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago of course you know it began with only about one engine on twenty believers who took the Lord at his words and applied themselves all heartedly they took the Lord at his words because he told them on his before his departure he says I will pray the Father that he will send you another comforter who will abide with you forever he further said to them you are going to take this gospel around the world but first of all tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on I so because they took him at his word they applied themselves all art sadly by enter into that place called up Aroon and departed not from that upper room until the promise the vow the covenant the word that the master gave them was fulfilled an Acts chapter 2 tells us how the fulfillment actually came are you with me so the word the promise devoured Jesus gave them was that they would receive the Holy Ghost power anybody really recognize that this vow promise word is for us today also every one of us ought to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with power and baptism of fire can you say Amen today as the church the Christian Church joyfully celebrate Pentecost Sunday it is my hope it is my prayer that what took place there in Jerusalem in that Upper Room will once again fill the earth we have a Christian believers are and that which sat upon them will sit upon us and we will leave from beyond our comfort zones or four walls and take this weakness into Jerusalem and Judea into Samaria and into the utmost powers of the earth because that is what the great Great Commission is all about can you say Amen so in every place where you worship today I pray that fire will fall I pray that every believer will experience something you have never experienced before and if you genuinely sincerely all are totally open up to Almighty God beat in your living room bed boom kitchen behind your bars and especially in a place of worship the same god of yesterday who is a God of today will manifest themselves to you in a real and personal way and you will realize maybe for the first time in your Christian life that this thing is for real those who noise sorry lift your hand and say it's for real also got the baptism of fire lift your hand and say it's for real come on say it like you mean it dear God it is real it is real oh I know it is real there are no doubts in my heart they have been settled many years ago because one such of the night I did say such a tonight have had hope and up and fill my heart and I know it is real somebody give God praise there hallelujah so our Lord kept his promise he kept his word he kept the vow that he gave to the disciples and the question is have you made any vows that God aspects you to honor each and every day what are the vows that you have made as a believer unto God under God that he expects you to honor each and every day regardless of the circumstances boy if I don't preacher today may heaven help me may heaven help me if I don't preach this message somebody say Amen hallelujah hallelujah have you made some vows what are those vows you contemplate there now raise your right hand with me and say I can't take it say by the grace of God whoa I won't take it back Jesus Jesus do you know what you just say a while ago Jesus Jesus help us lord have mercy dear God hallelujah hallelujah I can't take it back this brings me to the message of Judges chapter 11 and Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verses 4 through 6 I just cannot afford to relent I can't take it back oh no I can't regardless of the price that has to be paid I can't take it back this story speaks to the sacredness of vows when you read that judges chapter 11 and also the heat please ask this portion among many others they speak to the sacredness of vows vows should not be taken lightly a vow is comparable to an oath when you swear and you know that God says there may be just two occasions that he says you can swear but outside of that he said let your yea be yea and your nay be nay don't swear except where he authorizes us to do so under him for his name's sake so vows comparable to hearts are very very sacred and whenever a vow is made or an oath the maker of that vowel the taker of that hose is under serious moral obligation to maintain the vows taken serious obligation to maintain to ensure that you do not go back you do not relent you do not change course you do not shift gear your mind must be so conditioned especially when those vows are made with God being the witness with God be the witness and sign his signature to the volume of taken say hi hereby pass my seal on my signature upon this vow you cannot afford to take it lightly because he will be the final arbiter the final decision-maker he will be the judge who will write the final chapter so please when the forest of vow unto God defer not to pay because he has no pleasure in fools the Bible doesn't call people fool except those who said there's no God what he's saying if you allow your mouth to just go around a bringing up ringing Lovering saying anything and everything without trust checking on what you're about to say weighing the consequences looking at it carefully but you just talk and talk and talk and talk and when time has come for you to match the talk with your walk you find your care to it God says I have no pleasure in fools do not allow your mouth to cause your flesh sin and then you say to the angel of God I made a mistake God said no I won't accept it I will be hunger at your words your voice and destroy the works of your hand tell your neighbor vows our secret what was our secret must not be taken lightly tell yourself again I can't take it back so because they are so sacred and binding we are not called upon to make them in any simple petty matters you don't take a note for simple petty matters you don't give follow an established covenant for simple petty matters they must be weighty matters everybody say weighty matters and God in every situation he puts everything on the line a man as he commits himself to his church saying to his church what he will do and what he will not do you can hold him at his word can I say that again God commits everything on the line when he gives us this volume Genesis 1 through revelation 22:20 1 whatever is documented in this Bible the law was written word amen our promises and vows and covenant that God gives to his church you can hold him at them heaven on earth shall pass away but my word Oh glory my promise my covenants my vow bet your life on them they will stand whether it be sunshine rain there was turned and sickness of pain there was turned when your hop when you are down there was stand when you're here how in your hopes they will stand when people love you or when they hate you there was fun when you feel as a Christian you don't feel like a Christian God says my word will sign somebody took praise God like I really appreciate the God of heaven and looking on me like you don't understand what I'm saying if God says it he will be it to pass somebody shouts something in this house showed me I praise him this house I am glad I can fit on good I'm glad I can't bracken God I'm glad I can't boost on God I'm glad I can bet my life on God I'm glad I can put my pot on the fire with only water and believe God to speed to the he's the Western North the South and say give up bring food for my servant if it takes a raven to bring me food God said I'll feed you somebody praise God with me hallelujah God said I take care of you God said I'll watch over you he said when you go through the waters I'll be veer treading with you when you go to the fire I'll be there to quench the violence of your fire and when your enemy comes in like a flood I will cause my spirit my spirit to come right in I lift up a standard against your enemy and to let you know that you're not alone in this chain I'm fighting ahead of you I am leading the battalion I am fighting before you and victory shall be ours somebody showed something over here you doesn't not shout something over here [Music] [Applause] tell your neighbor you can bet on God tell em you can braggin god you can boss some God [Music] hello sharaba Honda ah but under converse of that how many of us can God bet on how many of us can God proud how many of us can God boast on how many of us can God put his credibility underline on but to tell you one man who God could bet on rock on him put heavens credibility underlined when it looks Satan eyeball-to-eyeball and said have you considered my servant job [Music] of you considering there will say yeah I check him hard but when I checked him your fence him around from top to bottom you have assigned so much angels around him you build so much hedges and protection around him God said I moved him and give you a space go touch him do what you feel like doing to him what don't take his life and I guarantee you he will not take back his fall I guarantee you he will not backslide I guarantee you he will not relent I guarantee you devil the job will not tak back his word [Music] so when the devil hits him laughs right center above and beneath and everywhere Joel might have said what next devil what next he went back to God and says a man will give everything for his health this came his body you've allowed me to touch his children his capitalists feel his farm his money let me touch his body and I show you something God God said go ahead and touch him when the devil struck him with sores and boils from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet and jaw was down here in hashes and soxhlet and everybody forsook him even his dear wife and he was left alone with God lifting his eyes and says all my appointed time I'm gonna wait till my change come though he slay me yet will I trust him I'm gonna wait till my appointed time all the worms destroy this body I'm getting up to see the glory of God he's just a matter of time but having said that he looked at devil in the eye again and set down one axe what else can you try I open my mouth to the Lord and I cannot take it back [Music] somebody left her and I said I can't I won't I can't I want I can't I will not take it back [Music] Shalimar coach said Tobal India somebody praise God with me [Music] so God commits everything on the line when it tells us what he will do and what you will not do Oh glory you can take aim at is words so those declarations and those statements and those promises naming God as witness to one's own commitment they speak the truth amen to keep your promise and never to relent God hold you accountable tell your neighbor you are accountable accountable so in this eleventh chapter of Judges we read of Jeff thong the son of a man named Gilead born to him from a harlot was the beautiful situation a harlot Jeff as mother was a harlot and after a while chipped us off brothers because well they're born grief against him is off brothers decide you're not going to coexist with us in this family circle because you are the son of a harlot we're going to throw you out and threw him how they did but you see when God has a plan for your life when people think they throw you out they just really threw you in are you not saying anything when the devil think you throw your house either throw your in and set you up for that which God is about to do in your life tell somebody then they will come and throw your hopes tell them again Satan cannot throw you out hallelujah because when he sins he knock you down and about to knock you out God steps in rights and time with a situation with a circumstance not only you can address with a dream not only you can interpret with a vision not only you can tell with the writing on the wall and only you can interpret and whether they want to call for you yes or no when God gets ready everything else to move everyone as the ball and let the Lord have his way tell your neighbor let the Lord of his way let the Lord of his way Paula Minister this morning I said if Romans chapter 8 and verse 28 is correct let the Lord have his way if all things work together for good to them that love God unto them are called according to his purpose let the Lord have his way let persecution come let's revelation come let this dress clom let henna me rise up against you let bad minded people try to destroy you let them know what they feel like doing they are just fulfilling the Word of God and God is going to lift you up on set you up unless you lift your hand as I lift me up set me up bless me lift me up set me up bless me one more time lift me up set me up [Music] that throw him out [Music] three about halleluyah halleluyah casa modes up their house according to verses 1 2 3 & 4 through 11 on 12 to 15 they were fighting over land fighting over real estate fighting over property because according to the text Hammond had accused Israel of capturing their lands hallelujah when they call in chapter chapter tried very hard to resolve their dispute under settle the matter in a peaceful a macabre where but they did not want peace and if you want war God's you get one if you want us Lord God can't draw a sword if you want anything at all God has it in his arsenal southern man of Gilead when they saw that they were under serious attack from the children of ammon hallelujah because they hearkened not unto the voice of chapter Amen which he sent you know God knows when to intervene so they sent for him send for the harlots son the our Lots son I said please I soon get to the message a little deeper please we are in serious trouble the harmon heights are giving us him they are wreaking havoc left right center this possessing and spoiling and we have no man among us who can take them all JEP to say I can understand this because you throw me out of your company you draw me another city you had coming to kill me as a son of a harlot why are you calling for me now but there comes a time when the strong not the builders refuse and reject God's I feel somebody who know you're like that strong this morning somebody feel and you know you're like that strong this money rejected and despised forsaken and thrown aside hallelujah but when God intervenes discharged somebody praising Dhoni why don't you praise them over here lifter an assist on this rejected for this despise God God is gonna raise me behold I lay in Zion in my charge a stone a stone a stone a star [Music] dear God why nobody praise Him you all right over this side [Music] they're sent for chapter [Music] [Applause] chapters and outcome model common one condition one condition only because I know that God I serve and I know if I make a vow to him he will be faithful to me come back on one condition the condition is when God uses me to defeat Bahama Knights I must become leader of this great nation this army Jim toss them are you prepared for that are you prepared for an harlot son to become head of this tribe Lord what a mighty God we serve doesn't God picks up the best things of the earth the despised things the Forsaken things the weird things and non-existent things to confirm the things I said they are strong they agree in with chapter the so we need help and we are prepared to pay whatever price the same o Allah hands o glory to God somebody live for Hennis I hear my prayer O God I attend unto my cry sap from the ends of the earth will I cry unto thee when my heart is although L tell him what to do tell him what to do tell him what to do tell him what to do tell him what to do tell him [Music] Talya [Music] finally sandé our help opens iron [Music] so Japs are care this is a real message not Jeff chicane one chapter knew quite well that I can't even oh God oh Jesus we know that the mouth [Music] I feel God in my soul and [Music] lord I can't even walk without you [Music] cheese's so chapter folder for one - God chapter cigar if you help me oh Jesus if you help me to defeat Bahama Knights and to restore to Israel what is rightly ours if you be gracious to me when I return home singing and shouting and dancing and sharing the victory oh god somebody help me whatever whatever presents itself to me the first person the first thing I see when a gente returning from the vichy [Music] Jesus I surrender I keep on to be sensei [Music] sorry Oh we ever compete me I will give to you as a sacrifice for life I'll give to you you know the message and chapter returned not I feel like crying I remember some years ago in the earlier days of this ministry am i traveling overseas a lot of my return our daughter only daughter Marshall he maybe she was about five years young then when she saw me and I opened the door and came in like little Russia spur on my chest I'm sorry so for me Grubman said daddy good to see you with a bear hug daddy I said that to reflect the gypte experience when his only daughter came home and I don't live only daughter only child know how the children born to him when you saw her daddy came up maybe with bloody clothes with spear and she'll and bruise on maybe just maybe she's pregnant him and say good to see you gentes oh my girl you have troubled me you have troubled me and it came to pass when he saw her that he rent as clothes and said I lost my daughter that was brought me very low and thou art one of them that troubled me for I have hope and my mouth unto the Lord and I cannot take it back his daughter said don't worry - honey we are in this thing together I am in ministry with you I don't think I was prepared for this kind of sacrifice but when I see what God has done through you to save us from thee Hama Knights and from all our enemies please was there but you have said to God I want to be part of this sacrifice I want to be part of this from the glory of God do I have anybody here today we want to be part of the sacrifice who wanna be part of the commitment for the advancement of the kingdom of God lift her hand and say I cannot take it back [Music] cannot take it you see chapter looked back and he visualized what the end result might be had it not been that the Lord was on his side in other words like Joseph art I had no mind against this great company oh can I fight and defeat the tribe of Bahama Knights I could not defeat them with some weak men around me Jeptha might have said he's only God who was could have given me the victory why not look into your life today and see some victrolas victories that God has given to you it was not your doctor skills and ingenuity and knowledge and craft that caused you to survive the both of you Nasir came upon you it was not the surgery that you talk someone rightly says if there were no healer surgeons would be worthless because surgeons can cut and sew what surgeons cannot heal only God are you not getting this message if there was not a healer surgeons would be worthless I repeat they can cut them up and they can sew but only God only copy and heal so the sickness that you are survived the accident that you've survived the many blessings you have received in your life it is not because of who you are and who you are earthly connected to it is because of the Almighty God who walks with you I feel like preaching to somebody here who is about to take back your vow I feel like preaching to somebody here who is about to throw in the towel I feel like preaching to somebody here who the devil is telling you enough is enough you can't go any longer you can't be honest anymore I caught the preacher somebody who the devil is telling look at what he's not happening for you flip the coin and show that ever said ever you show me what is not happening let me show you what is happening look what the Lord has done look what the Lord is doing the curtains I marry now and then look when your back was against the wall he'll react against you look at you're going to the valley of the shadow of your eyes ar-rahman your spirit and look hoping your solar lock and when you do God Almighty [Music] somebody prayers go down here myself open your eyes and look if you don't know where to look God University Hospital and look going public hospital and look god the Bellevue on look God on King Street and look be a street that look go home any sleeping on the sidewalk how many heating under the garbage bin Parmenion naked on the street for many hearts of their minds for many how many how many how many look [Music] open my mouth to the Lord lift her harness I can't take it say I can't take it back say no turning back say no going back say no surrender Stan are giving our [Applause] well after create victory [Music] Albany humma nights great victory but he came home you came home with a foul hung it over his head you came home with the ball wrapped up in his heart he came up with a flower tangled up in his spirit he came up with the follow knowing that God has helped him based on the vows a commitment the promise the word that he gave to Almighty God his heart his soul even his neck was wrapped up with the bow his soul was consumed with it going over joycie but he says now open my mouth to the Lord and I cannot go back coming down what did you say to the Lord what did you say to the Lord what are the things you have said in your baptismal foul but dismal fall what did you say to the Almighty God when you took the waters of baptism yeah coming on to you friend God had you all her up top in this message oh yeah he had it planned and prepared pocket shots for you yes for you what were the words you used the baptismal font cannot be business as usual you got to turn it over to Jesus hallelujah one of some of you told him concerning your business concerning your health what have you told him concerning your finances God if you turn my finances around if you give me the promotion God if you give me a raise increase in my income I'll Hana you are paying my tides I give my half and I'll support the poor and the needy what did you tell God look at me and you heart today how do you feel on your take up my checkbook right in that check I know that you are not paying a tide you're giving an offering because if it is not 1/10 is not a tithe it's an offering come on son to fight child of God come on blood wash Holy Ghost believer on this Pentecost Sunday if the church were to be the charge again when you begin to write the check for five percents and two and three percent your finger would just seize up on you if the church were to be the church again oh you don't want me preach at you when you walk down there and say God here is it God would say you're bringing me lame sacrifice you're bringing me what left pray that the church do not become the church again but you told him concerning your baptismal vows concerning your business what you told him concerning your family I heard a woman said in chapter 1 and verse 16 and treat me not to leave thee but not going back I hope in my mouth and I will not take it back it does matter who have kissed you and are gone back my mind is made up where you go I go where you live I live where you die I die God do so to me and more if anything but death separate me lift your hand again and say I cannot take it [Music] got to be like a Shadrach Meshach and Abednego stand tall when others bound low stand tall we're not a spell or we're not as a bowing to all kinds of immoralities of this damn time bowing in the hole bowing in the community boring on the street bowing in the church bowing down to abominable hats as men and women stand tall hallelujah and if you know you're a woman a woman woman from head to toe made in the image and likeness of God if any lesbian woman come by you and try to induce you into les bein ISM rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ plead the blood until the blood fall upon them [Applause] Danny lesbians try to convert you say oh no not going there can't go there any man tried to convert you into homosexual or bisexual or any kind of sexual out of God's order tell them go to hell alone Church get quiet on me I didn't say any lesbian does matter who they are what position they're whole where to hold them mean any woman sexual any funny man and hear me well if you have them in your family you're a Christian do not condone the abomination some of us thought fit to be in a church and lead church and I do this and I do that you cannot stop the big man and the big women from doing what I feel i doing that's not what I'm saying but do not give any license to them other people shot against there you was supporting people who talked against them you know mm you hear the wickedness you hear the sin nobody not saying anything so because it's your son on your daughter you're gonna go through hell compromising with your phone is on your homosexual son that's not what I said [Applause] marli Coweta somewhere better look me straight in the eyes with fire tripping us all let the trash be recharge let science turn up that's a righteousness exalts a nation but everybody's sin is a reproach [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody praising behind me praising beside me [Music] flip the swatch [Applause] [Music] lift up your hands in this anointing let me stop come on lift up your hands give him praise and glory giving praise stand up everybody lift your hand close your eyes take a break take a break Charcot certainly me or no Tom aha honorable who said somebody somebody's I can take it back oh no I can't can't take it back Oh end of always so forward to God sit down please let me close when no forest of Owen to God default not to pay pay that which you have vowed you will not allow your mouth to cause your flesh to sin and then you say before the angel of God I mean if I mean it I jumped me that jerk God is not a joke in God the serious God you know as in the States and the Lord spoke it spoke to my heart and I struggle with this I recently with this and up until this morning being here still struggling arrest me because it don't look too right and fit the port O'Call of a wonderful congregation like this with all kinds of people from all walking strata of society all kinds of degrees and this and that and the other on professions and possession mister God but the Lord took me to a portion of Scripture and said that's my word to what I tell you to do leave the rest to me [Music] let all the married people stand here those who are married and if you can get to your spouse if your she's e'er if your husband is here your wife is here get to your partner right now if he or she is not here you got to do it alone the whole ago was asked me to ask you to remind you what dear you say to your spouse with God being the witness on your wedding day how did you see [Music] what did you see stand with you har if you got your spokes if you want to walk down this altar and stand here that's all right - because I'm just doing God's thing what were the words that you use to your spouse and your wedding day when you stood wherever you stood in a church in a Civic setting anywhere with God has your weakness shall i most send echo city [Music] what did you say what were your words told me said toss a lot better what did you see I want to lead you in a few words gonna do what God says those of you holding hands together those who do none of your small see my god people are still moving lift up those hands please lift up there this on sometimes you are renewing a covenant you know your covenants but I want to say these words after me I take you to be my lawful married partner to live together after God's ordinance for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish until death do us part you use those words those are sacred shutaura about sin do mandamus or Abajo [Music] God says you having renewed that foul [Music] that horse he holds you responsible to maintain the sanctity of your marriage until death us do part the Holy Ghost said to me I must sprinkle you with some water and I said God not this is a crazy part of it but it is going to Ezekiel 36 and 26 and see what I say I will sprinkle clean water upon you and if there be infirmities he dearly sins God said I will cleanse you from all of them shondo say Kota release your neighbors and lift up your hand and begin to worship God in this covenant I made sure make sure a little of this water touch you this is beauty water beauty water from the family of water that we have here do you want to never touch you before beauty water and when it touches you you just need to praise God and go back to your seat and make way for others to come oh my god somebody help me worship Him congregations stand up I do what the Lord say in the name of Jesus if it touches you go back praising God let us come along Seana my secretin in Jesus name in Jesus name if it touches you move along move along and come a little closer somebody worship God somebody worship area where in your covenants when you're in covenants if it touches you God praising God in Jesus name I will restore everyone I will restore everything in the name of Jesus or were together have a church here connected to what the Holy Ghost is doing it can't hurt you Sharma mama Sutter movin on movin on movin on [Music] shaman dama second Jesus [Music] water [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the vowel we made on our wedding day whenever that was wherever it was recorded with the Almighty God and he wants us to do everything humanly and spiritually possible to keep that vow and keep your family together bishop you don't understand yes I do I know it takes two to make it work I know that I know that but he's speaking to all the tools not just you he's speaking to you and he's speaking to yours you and yours you and yours not just you you and yours the vol you take on your wedding day the Holy Spirit took me back this is Pentecost Sunday what was of all you took on your baptism day they follow you took on your baptism day when relatives and friends came to watch you they came to celebrate with you your newfound faith your new life in Christ what were the vows you take some of you never took a vow how did you get baptized I don't know Fred how did you come in without your wedding garment they found a man at the wedding feast ready to participate in the feast and the good man asked him Fred oh did you get in here the question needs to be asked there oh that summer you become a part of the Christian Church [Music] what garden you came through wasn't water baptized never receive the right hands of fellowship never gone through the teachings of the church so how did you come in and azeris I'm not talking churches all across Jamaica and the world how did you get in and now you're occupying big position and never been through the blood never me in a confession assume you don't know what's going on you think this is about Bishop name is trying a thing this is a word from heaven you've never made a confession of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior some just simply join the church without having forward to Almighty God I want five ministers to take these five fields of water they're gonna spread themselves across this congregation some are you're gonna get another touch all the married people are ready to get a touch you get another turn and I'm gonna lead you into a vow before God and the world and this church and if God has never held you to evolve as of today tell yourself he's gonna hold you to why if you are a part of the church if you're not yet a converted believer then it may be difficult for you to take all of the vows but you can take some part of it where are the ministers with the bases five of you pick up one each please if you can't roll your hand and sprinkle water if you don't have authorizer so you can fling your hand take up a bucket shutaura bossy everybody must get a touch set the Holy Ghost now you must be very traditional throwing the water okay very judicious is sprinkle but ice a sprinkle lift your right on with me everybody's standing on your feet who can take this fall I confess that I believe in Jesus Christ as a son of the Living God I believe in his death his burial and his resurrection I believe also in his second coming to judge this world in majesty and power I fear for renounce the world the flesh sin and the devil and blessed the walk in the newness of life in Christ Jesus I know in the presence of God angels and disassembling reaffirm iPhone take my vow make my commitment to walk with God in the newness of life to door spring to no water yet until me tell you to walk in the newness of life to present my body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is my reasonable service lift up their hands lift them up lift them up lift at all thy foes are lard I hop on me unto death thy foes Oh Lord ha ha ha punt me up until that time vows are Lord Aiyappa me until death a foul I dare not brag in Jesus name go ahead and worship Him no God hey little something if he has never held you before he hold it to something an almighty what a pentacle Sunday what a pentacle Sunday [Music] aha why don't somebody receive the Holy Ghost begin to sprint to the water left right center Technic while a friend you sprinkle make sure everybody's covered come on worship God and receive your blessing get the Holy Ghost this is Pentecost Sunday why don't you speak in tongues as the spirit of utterance why don't you prophesy turn over SATA ii o brusett shower huh straight off tag the Covenant make sure you get the torch strung up on the chair such an Amana chair damas Blue Bomber sutta come on come on come on come on Pentecost [Music] hallelujah once you're doing that every hood save every box later you make your way to the altar once we are doing that never on selling every box later do not know near I give it to Jesus come on come on come on [Music] come on come on why is that discipline everyone say every box later this is where you belong come on come on come on this is Pentecost sooner we see the power of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up the praise lift up the price why did you come stand up looking on me come on close your eyes lift up your hand reach out to the America you can get Shimin get the war ngoz right here today in Pentecost Sunday [Music] hi oh my god oh Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I were together Hannah Church in charge of a tuna interrupt a potato [Music] come on tech tech tech tech tech something takes up tick-tack something [Music] this is your name this is your day a day for miracle are there for healing are there for a deliverance and a father only goes to touch you some money live to heaven said touch me said touch me open up your mother said touch me touch me dear God why don't you say it Polly God touch me touch me touch me touch me touch me touch me touch me touch me touch me touch me Jesus touch me touch me Jesus touch me touch me Jesus touch me touch me touch me touch me touch me everybody live Johannessen touch me Jesus touch me Jesus touch me Jesus yes sir he will touch you Pentecost is real but the cos is real Pentecost is real part of your belly shall flow [Music] [Music] it Jesus receive your touch appeal [Music] for by the drop your hands and shortly high praise unto the Almighty come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy has speeds up the altar Lord I thank you for these precious Souls my faith I want you to wash them in your precious blood scientific to the very soul let this Pentecost Sunday be real in their souls mover a stain every dross burn out of her sickness of her sin that were set back let them be born again unwashed in your blood and as of today they will surrender all to you and become a weakness of God to take the message wherever they go I speak the life of Jesus Christ in them by faith speak the sanctifying power of the Spirit when I say have your own way in their lives in the name of Jesus greatest power off to me all of you standing though there say Lord Jesus I thank you for this day the birth of the Christian Church I want to be born in the church on this historic day so right now Lord I ask you to forgive me of all my sins wash me in your precious blood write my name this moment in the Lamb's Book of Life and by your grace I will walk by faith and keep my name in the book of life thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus name Amen hallelujah hallelujah I thank God for all of you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilySermons
Views: 5,824
Rating: 4.6799998 out of 5
Id: _C3Ck12Fw_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 2sec (6362 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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