Sunday Morning LIVE - October 14, 2018

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[Music] give you everything that's fine how do you do we invited attorney redemption sang some walk to him number 34 who is he in yonder stone at whose feet the Shepards fallen who is he in your nursed on at his feet the shepherds oh just story [Music] misty we cry who is he in deep distress bass Feeny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Music] his story [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sooo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the gathering [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] under tree [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] boo from the brain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] - Delta this morning for prayin consecrations [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah omniscient God hallelujah omnipresent God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we welcome your presence this morning huh we give you glory this morning ah we worship and adore you hallelujah there is none like You hallelujah there is none to be compared this morning God we bless you hallelujah we worship and adore your daughter you said this morning O God that we shall call upon you and that God who shows great and mighty things that we have not known this morning God as we may our petitions before your God as we present ourselves before you this morning God I pray that God you read this morning in your presence of healing God in your presence of comfort daughter in your presence of restoration god ah this morning we pray her an authorial this morning God we lift you up brother the word it clear in some till to seven and four that God if we delight ourselves in you then God will give us the desires of our heart this morning God as we bask in your presence we ask that God you long channels for such a time as this God is not by might not by power but this morning is by your spirit huh oh god I pray that this morning as we lay our cells of your alte that God none will leave the way we came this morning Dada but I pray that God will beautify our situation God I pray look change and transformation will begin Dada indeed God this is a house of worship god I pray this morning that God will continue to cleanse and bless your people God as we look to you God and trust you oh god we want your troops Oh God will leap over every world a day every obstacle that present ourselves before Estrada is being broken down and torna this morning God as you build your edgerunner both your people God in their going out and in their coming in our I pray that God you'll give them wisdom as a way to clear that if any man like it God that you'll give him a God this morning God we thank you for your goodness this morning with the God we thank you for your lover this morning God we thank you that you care we thank you that God you have never lift us up and when mother and father's a lift us god you said in your word that you'll never forsake us up this morning god I thank you that God indeed we're at the right place at the right time to receive from you and I pray that God our hearts God will be receptive to hear your word daughter which will bring life and I pray that God even now in the name of Jesus that every dead situation will be dried up god father God we praise everything into your hands and in your care and this morning God as we cry out to you as we look to you as we trust you I pray that God your divine presence will rest upon your people daughter as we look to you for a mighty change I pray God that this morning you'll have your own way God as we give you honor God as we give you glory God as we give you the praise I pray that all your people God will beam us most fear of worship is more Nina that God will look to you or father the Prince of Peace or everlasting King this morning god we thank you for all that you've already done and all that you continue to doing a miss of your people God we pray God for the leadership of this great work hard I pray that God will bless them God in abundance Cara I pray that God you'll strengthen them God in their wheat God huh and I pray that God will cover them on their family Oh God as we look to you God what pray this morning that everything God - you got in your or that got an in your fashion god I pray that goddess will look to you that God you will be glorified and magnified and that we are people this morning will be edified we give her her honor God we give our glory and we give you all the praise and I say how your own sweet way this morning or God we bless you or God we lift you up or are we magnify your name although our be worship and adore you we love you this morning huh there is not like you and none to be compared a spirit of a Living God fall afresh even are we honor you and we bless you hallelujah hallelujah as we as we repeat the Lord's Prayer this time hallelujah who our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come mine will be done give us this day our daily bread forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever hallelujah put your hands and give God a praise in his house he's worthy to be praised this morning hallelujah as a return to your seats go ahead and love him this morning go ahead and magnify the King of Kings this morning hallelujah hallelujah we bless his holy name because indeed God is worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah how many of you are excited to be in the presence of God this morning go ahead and give him a prese boy hey don't give him a worship go ahead and love him this morning go ahead and : his name hallelujah he's waited to be present we bless his holy name this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we give Him glory we give him honor and we give him all the praise hallelujah if you cannot this time will you take Turner into your Bibles hallelujah terrible so the book of Judges we'll be reading from verses 1 through 2 24 judges chapter 6 reading from verses 1 through 224 hallelujah it's judges chapter 6 1 through 2:24 I'll begin hallelujah and the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and the Lord delivered them into the hand of the minion 7 years and the hand of the median prevailed against Israel and because of the binya nights the children of Israel made them the dens which are in the mountains and caves and strongholds and so it was when the Israel when Israel had sown that the Midianites came up and the AMA Amalekites and the children of the east even they came up against them and they encamped against them and destroy the increase of the earth till vow unto the great Gaza and left no sustenance for Israel neither she nor ox nor us for they came up with their cattle and their tents and they came as grasshoppers for multitudes for both three and their camels were without number and they entered into the land to destroy it and Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord and it came to pass when the children of Israel cried on the Lord because of the Midianites that the Lord sent a prophet unto the children of Israel which said unto them thus saith the Lord God of Israel and brought you forth out of the house of bondage and I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all that oppress you and drive them out from before you and give you their land and I said unto you I am the Lord your God fear not for the gods of the Emirates in those land heed well what he have not obeyed my voice and there came an angel of the Lord and sat on an oak which was in Opera that pertained on the dross and abet beside and his son of Gideon Thresh said we by the winepress to hide it from the Midianites now the angel of the Lord appeared unto him and said unto Him the Lord is with thee thou mighty man of Valor and Gideon said unto Him o my lord if a Lord be with us why then is all this befallen us and will be all his miracles which our fathers told us of saying did not the Lord bring of each from Egypt but now the Lord had forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites and the Lord looked upon him and said go invest I might and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites have not I send thee when he said unto Him o my lord where it shall I save Israel behold my family is poor in Manistee and I am the least in my father's house and the Lord said unto him surely I will be with thee and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man and he said unto him if now I have found grace in thy sight then show me a sign that thou talkest with me depart not hence I pray thee until like unto thee and bring forward my present and set it before thee and he said I will tarry until thou come again and Gideon went in and made ready a kid and unleavened cakes of ever enough flour he put in a basket and he puts the broth in a pot and brought it out onto him onto the oak and presented it and the angel of God said unto him take the flesh and the unleavened cakes and lay them upon this rock and pour out the broth and he did so then the angel of the Lord put for the end of the staff that was in his hand and touched the flesh and unleavened cakes and their rules of fire out of the rock and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes then the angel of the lord aparted out of his sight and when gideon perceived that he was an angel of the lord Gideon said alas o Lord God for because I have seen an angel of the Lord face to face when the Lord said unto him peace be unto thee fear not thou shalt not die 24th and final then Gideon built an altar there on to the Lord and called it Jehovah Shalom on to this day it is yet in opera and of the abbe decides hallelujah hallelujah somebody worship the Lord somebody worship the Lord hallelujah we honor the word of the Lord by saying glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning now and forever shall be world without end amen hallelujah put your hands together for the Lord hallelujahs you take your Cecil shake your neighbors hand and tell him in deeds a privilege to be the house of the Lord this morning hallelujah we worship and adore the Lord God Almighty at this time I want to take the opportunity the privilege to Britt or Bishop Bishop dr. Dell for David's wife the Reverend dr. Petrova Davis our senior assistant pastor minister I seldom Norman to all the ministers on the upper and lower forum and greeting they no other name but the name of Jesus indeed who is our soon and common common to all our members offices musicians choir I greet in the name of Jesus our mains president I greet you in the name of Jesus amen hallelujah somebody shout Jesus somebody shout Jesus hallelujah hallelujah coming at this time to give us the general welcome acknowledgement will be minister Neil Thorpe put your hands together this time and make him welcome hallelujah god is good all the time he is good this morning on behalf of our Bishop Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife Minister dr. Petrova Davis and all day Orsini assistant pastor minister I still denote man and all the ministers officers members I want to take the time out this morning to welcome each and every one in the sanctuary and those viewing by the television by the internet I want to say welcome this morning to our Sunday morning live service amen and for all those who are viewing by whatever means I want to say to you this morning the Word of God says cast your tears upon him because he carried for you and I want you to know that you didn't join this morning by chance but God has divinely appointed you so that you can watch because whatever you are going through his word says he care for you and this morning if you stay tuned the answer will come whether to a song whether to a testimony God has divinely set it up that your answer is right here this morning so stay tuned and you are in for a great time because it's Men Sunday morning service where the men of the perfect ministries are in charge this morning and our president is none other than Minister Andrew Brown and I know God has placed it in us to serve you this morning so welcome welcome and stay tuned because God has a word just for you god bless you Thank You mr. Thorpe hallelujah is just continue to worship the Lord hallelujah go ahead and worship the Lord coming to us at this time is the United voices go ahead and bless the Lord for the United voices hallelujah did God is doing a great work and we want to be continuous on our prize for the brother praise the Lord ah hallelujah thank you Jesus have you ever been in a fire like situation maybe some of you are still going through a fire light situation and you see no way out and the next thing that will come to your mind when you're at that the valley of decision is to give up is to throw in the towel say that I am done I'm going back to once that I was if you are there this morning God has sent us to tell you to just hold on a little longer because I am persuaded we all are persuaded that he is going to come through for your matter of fact he has already come through for you such as hold on and he will bring you through that fire again and again and again hallelujah so be encouraged and take heart because he has never left you and he will never forsake you [Music] so many times of question certain circumstances a bit more and things so many times of question certain circumstances and things I could not understand and many times in child's weakness blurs my vision then my frustrations get so out of hand but is then I am reminded I've never been Forsaken and I never and wanders alone that's when I do look at all the victories and the spirit arises open me and it's true the power my weaknesses commit strong oh I will do that one more time so many times have questioned certain circumstances I could not understand [Applause] and many times in child weakness blurs my vision my frustrations it gets so out of hand [Music] but is then I am I've never been Forsaken and uh never to stand one day Lord that's when I look at all the victories and the Spirit arises up in here and it's you the weaknesses commit never [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah so many times of questions certain service I could not all and many times in child weakness blurred my vision than my Australians we get so out of hair what is dead I am reminded I have never been posted and none ever that's when I look at all my victories and the spirit alive she's helping me my way - ah he never [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] with shoreland Paris oh I trust the mighty hand of God he'll shield he never promised [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] surely perish but all but if I touch the mighty hand of God ill shield he never promised [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get the will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just hold on and he will teach you again come on go ahead and give a little worship go ahead and bless His Holy Name go ahead and magnify the King of Kings this morning huh somebody lift him up ha somebody exalt his name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah just hold on just hold on tell your neighbor just hold on our God will show up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah we bless söderling this time we'll be having the presentation for the families of the month I'll invite the relevant parties to come at this time just lift your hands above your head and give the Lord a note of praise if you know the Lord has showed up in your life in more than one occasion just wave your hands in his presence hallelujah I'm living testimony that the Lord has showed up hallelujah and even as I come to recognize the families of the month this morning the Lord showed up for my mother couple days ago hallelujah and I give God thanks for all who prayed and all who supported us in prayer she's out of the hospital and she's doing good I tell you hallelujah it's all about the Lord showing up in our families and every second Sunday of the month the perfect ministers seek to recognize varying members and their families the pictures of the recognized families are placed on the plaque to the rear of the church for viewing and continuous prayer and this morning we are pleased to recognize the following members and their families I will ask each member and their family members here with them to make their way to the altar and stand facing the congregation as soon as your names are called and the first family we have this morning is sister Michelle Williams and family [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she makes her way this family resides in the poorer community sister Williams has been a member for over seven years she's a teacher for the primary to Bible study class ministers with the voices of inspiration choir and assist in the pfm baptismal class and is also a graduate of the Bible word Institute there are two additional members in her family her son mark and daughter Elena Elena also is also a member and she ministers with the teens in priests quorum and she's also a student of the seniors Bible study class sister Williams truly appreciates and respects or leaders she says she's always fed with the word of God and loves to hear Bishop sings as his songs are always timely proverbs 3 and verse 5 and 6 is her favorite passage of Scripture as it reminds her to always trust in the Lord she loved and enjoyed the fellowship among the Brethren and her greatest desire is to draw closer to God the family requests our continued prayers as they continue in the service of the Lord and our second family this morning his sister Janet Christiani and family as sister Christian a mixer way this family resides in the waterford community there are five members in sister crystianna's family including her husband mr. Hoenn Christiani to whom she has been married for over 37 years daughter of philia son Jermaine and grandson Amir who all reside abroad she has been a member for over six years and currently serves as an officer of the woman of Worth Department she ministers with the voices of triumph choir and is a volunteer of the senior citizens Club she loves her leaders for their dynamic leadership qualities and their humility her love for her church is never-ending as she states and I quote it's an oasis in the desert second Timothy and the verse 1 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and verse 7 for God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind is a favorite passage of Scripture sisty Christiana craves the sincere prayers of the Saints for herself and our family members and our final family for this morning is evangelist Janet Browne and family [Music] this family as the other members made their way this family resides in the Washington Gardens community evangelist Browns family consists of nine members two daughters Keisha and Serena Serena is a member of the College Bible study class one son Andre three granddaughters Serena Sharia and Celeste Celeste grandson Osteen and daughter-in-law Chantal she has been a member for over eight years and has just been appointed to the office of an evangelist she is a true prior warrior and serves faithfully in the prior department evangelist Brown C's Bishop and Minister has great leaders and good role models for all of us to follow they both preached the world as powerful dynamite she states she feels comfortable being a part of this congregation Isaiah 41 and verses 10 and 11 fair though not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yay I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness behold all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded they shall be nothing and they that strive with thee shall perish this is her favorite passage of scripture she desires to draw closer to God as she will continue to talk to him through a prior she will continue to pray for the ministry and she asks that we continue to do so for her and her family in at least amma invite you please to stand and make welcome or their minister minister dr. Petrova Davies as she comes to pray for the families present here this morning thank you it's such a blessing Ahana a privilege god is so awesome we come from different family backgrounds from different homes from different I mean societal standard and God has brought us together as one and we can share on one common ground praise God this is a blessing this morning and we always look forward to this occasion when we share with the church family we are happy this morning to have three such families and as we acknowledge them and trust God for them I want you to put your hands together and give these three beautiful families a very big behind where is God praise God thank you Jesus glory to God and we know it all begins at home what we produces at home is what we're going to send out there in society and it is said children live what they learn and so it's our responsibility whether we are parents mother and father to inculcate good values moral principles in the children so we can be proud of them and this is a church that is deep rooted family I think this is one of the church that has one of the most family but are the most families I mean almost every second person are related and so we have to be very careful because sometimes if you offend one you may end up offending ten persons so this is a very very deep-rooted family church and so this morning we are happy to be sharing this occasion and we're asking you all to be very mindful of them and to continue to show your love in whatever way possible praise God this morning we are going to do this refrain for you I am praying and I'm getting ready to pray trust God that God's supernatural blessing we'll be bestowed upon them in all the different areas that they so desire this morning thank you Jesus praise God [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] eternal God your mighty and your strong to save it is your mighty arms this morning hallelujah but a bound of the Restless waves oh god this morning you are our Jehovah you are awake are you are our burdened birra you are our problem solver hallelujah and this morning again one more time you have been the God of Abraham you have been the god of Isaac ER you have been the God of Jacob you are fear with Daniela in the lion's den you are there with the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace Oh glory to God you are there with the Apostle Paul in the prison Lord and you remain the same godless morning hallelujah and this morning or goddess we stand in your presence one more time we know in whom we believed and we are persuaded that you are a hallelujah to keep that which we are committed unto you against that day Oh God Joshua said as for me in my house we will serve the Lord Oh God this morning as this family is at the sacred altar being acknowledged Oh God and being celebrated this morning Oh God the Williams family Oh God Almighty hallelujah the Christian family God Almighty yes Lord on the bronze family hallelujah hallelujah holy ghosts of God this morning just blanket them just encompassing most morning release that special umsana that special anointing the anointing that destroys the York Oh glory to God I pray Almighty God you'll be a Sheila you'll be a buckler hallelujah be a wall of defense along them this morning Oh God no weapon formed against them is gonna prosper in the name of Jesus Christ you promise to trust totally the enemies from before them God you said a thousand shall all of the aside and ten thousand of the right-hander but none shall not come nigh all with their eyes shall they be hard and see the rewards of the week head you said even chalet the weekend and they that persecute their souls this morning in the name of Jesus Christ breathe on your very breath this morning they shall be blessed in these two houses they shall be blessed in the air going out and in the air coming in the buying car glory to God this morning Almighty God I pray the windows of heaven blessed will be upon them this morning as you bless your eyes God Almighty in the midst of famine you blessed him a hundredfold Oh God this morning in the name of Jesus spirit of the Living God hallelujah this morning will you in compassion will you show randomest morning will you guide them all the great Jehovah they are pilgrims who through this barren land they are weak O God but thou art mighty will you hold them with your powerful hand in the name of Jesus Christ I pray this morning made them like a water garden there li shall not wither whatsoever they do enter by God it shall prosper Oh glory to God this morning in the name of Jesus we are believing right now Oh God Almighty let this day let this day be a turning point in their lives Oh God things up their Shore desire and God Almighty she Monsieur I speak in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah God - accordion Oh glory to God hallelujah glory to God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus glory to God let there be a release this morning oh Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus hide your hands to them some release release Holy Ghost oh Jesus hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah yes Lord glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah the witness of heaven is open this morning and the blessings are here for us Oh glory to God for the taking not just the families for the congregation god bless you god bless you hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah [Applause] Jesus ah Jesus glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah are they coming down to present to the families this morning their certificate of recognition and gifts from the church will also be presented understand we ask you to turn back your faces to face the congregation ah Jesus hallelujah hallelujah glory to God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say well my good faithful service the planning [Music] [Music] well Oh my good faith [Music] [Music] we'll never be [Music] [Music] my good thankful server whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] Oh my good thing well the party Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for a skeletal structure and a cross and say bless them Lord bless them Lord have a wonderful family of the Month experience as a bredrin show their love you can return to your seats and God richly bless you [Applause] hallelujah just worship the Lord just give him a praise hallelujah it is said that a family that prays together will stay together hallelujah this time we'll be having a selection by the silent worshippers I invite them to come at this time put your hands together for the silent worshippers [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah go ahead and bless the Lord for young people indeed the presence of the Lord is here hallelujah hallelujah somebody just tell your neighbor that the house is rich for a breakthrough come on hallelujah somebody has given Lord a shout in the house huh indeed he's worthy to be praised this morning come on stand to your feet this morning come on give it my praise hallelujah [Music] hallelujah another must go ahead and worship a lord just go ahead and worship the Lord just go ahead and magnify the King of Kings ass morning hallelujah I don't know about you but I feel blessed this morning to be in his presence huh I just feel that there's a rich and knowing that in the house this morning hallelujah for those who are here this morning huh and have an expectation I wanted to know that God is in his house this morning hallelujah we bless His Holy Name the choirs getting ready to come hallelujah hallelujah but just as that is referring one time hallelujah hallelujah sweet [Music] sweet [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Smita mine [Applause] sir [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] hallelujah this time requires ready and raring to go wanted to receive the ministry of the echoes of fake choir and immediately offered ministry require the next voice will hear is that of Reverend dr. Petrova Davis I want to put your hands together and make a welcome when she comes indeed was a pleasure to have serve you god bless you and enjoy the rest of the service [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my let me see your head [Music] I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life is in your head [Music] I am [Applause] Oh [Music] I don't know [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just say - cheese huge I really love you [Applause] thank you Jesus that cute oh god I hallelujah hallelu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God I really love you Oh [Applause] I really love the Lord thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's awesome presence is in the house this morning we worship Him we honor him we adore him this morning and we give him the glory that is - auntie thank you Jesus hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you Jesus [Applause] we worship you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just reach across and hug or shake hand with somebody and tell them I love you with the love the Lord just Express that love that is radiated in this place this morning tell somebody I love you [Music] I can save you I love you with my [Music] hello Oh God I love you with the love of the Lord I can see you the glory of my kin love you with the love of the Lord this morning hallelujah blow into God will the preachers time I greet you well this morning behalf of our bishop apostle dr. del foot Davis I want to put your hands together and give the man of God a rolled up applause this morning hallelujah glory to God we give God thanks for him glory to God I want to create our senior Sisseton pastor minister I still the note man and all the ministers that are present in the house this morning forgive God comes for you glory to God we give God thanks for the men's choir give them a big hand hallelujah Oh glory to God and if you are down there in the congregation and you're between ages 19 to 45 you are wasting that precious talent of singing this is the car for you they sing or close to God and bless hearts and transform lives people look forward to their ministry I've been into a business place and one of the workers at the minister when I come to church is not a member here or when I am watching and if I don't hear echoes of a quarter they sing a message in every song that they sing we love you we appreciate you continue to sing for the Lord and wanting I beg of you just live right and give yourself to God that he can continue to praise God I look forward to a full mile off with your people singing the message of Jesus Christ so God here and have a ministry and you are a member of the church utilize it for the glory of God just speak with me and I'll put you on to the directors and they will audition you and get you on because we're still recruiting young people for Jesus to sing glory to God God bless you this morning just before I introduce this morning speaker praise God Minister Michael Smith is ministering in the bagua power fete assembly this morning Minister Vivian Miller is ministering in the Grove Road assembly minister ahkna Scott is ministering in the Goshen Assembly exotic Jean Harriet is ministering in the hot field assembly Mandeville if Vangelis Leon Edwards is ministering in the st. Thomas assembly this morning where is God each second Sunday ministers from here are sent to the outstation churches praise God to minister so you will miss them this morning but there are missions for the Lord and as you John you know Bishop dr. Dell for Davis he lives it he preached it he sleeps it he does everything of it his ministry soul captivated by it praise God and this morning he'll be opening the Miramar Assembly's convention in their convention we'll be back with us it will be a very short stay praise God and is asking that this Friday night this Friday night all of the newly-appointed you notice we have some new ones over there give our newly appointed minister Kirby the Home Minister Janet small Minister Damaris Stewart Minister Nastasia Mays and Minister Lama Leon I do Lamar Spencer praise God we give God thanks for them and all the newly appointed elders we give God thanks for them also and I looked over there and we have Minister Troy Pattinson the Lord which we bless you this morning where is God so all leaders of the church whatever department that you lead all leaders church leaders and all officers all officers Bishop want to meet with us this Friday evening the 19th of October at 7:00 p.m. sharp it will be a prayer meeting and also a planning meeting so all officers of all the departments and all church leaders and officers everyone that holds a position in this church Bishop want to meet with us this Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. sharp it will be a permitting and also a planning meeting God richly bless you I want you to strain the spirit keep that same mind and open to the Lord this morning is our men's a Sunday morning and this morning we are favored and blessed with a young man who loves the Lord we sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ and I've always been a tremendous with the ministry whenever he presents the Word of God and this morning I speak of no other than the men's president of the power Faith Ministries Minister Andrew Brown at the sky receiving Kira blood and the Holy Ghost God the music [Applause] [Music] come on give God a praise of the house this morning hallelujah oh praise God hallelujah God is a good God isn't he hallelujah oh praise God I am blessed and highly favored high and high LeSabre resolving we have our godly sacrifice I [Applause] and aha said I am [Applause] HIO blue newspaper I'm above the sacrifice I and we favor Church you and you're the zoo weird you're goodbye my god is all son he can I usually my god is awesome strange way one minute dog is awesome this Oh son he can I my god [Music] he is I said God is buzz is you'll see and so loud we give you things this morning we give you praise and we give you glory your awesomeness is imaginable on metric you are great and you are mighty there is no one beside you not before and there will be none often and so Lord I stand before you this morning I am nothing I'm just a lump of clay in the partisan despot but if you can use anything Lord use me Lord I'm at your service I ask you Lord God Almighty that I will move through this auditorium you know the place you know the mind you know the problems you know the challenge you know the situation of each individual despot and so I pray right now ladka that our religious supernatural power bring a twist role play with Shane bring deliverance dear people great god of Mahdia Brea Shekinah glory realist among us Oh God Almighty let those Lord need immediate attention receive it this morning we came back sliders save the unsafe this morning strengthen the weak lift up the discourage this morning oh god he the wounded this morning Oh God visit with the motherless this morning visit the home that is in trouble this morning I speak peace peace peace hit the road this morning God now's your word comfort Lord let it be like liquid fire touch television audience yes Lord let your presents visit right now in the name of Jesus I lift up my bishop bishop Davis I pray God for added strength I pray for fresh anointing upon him I pray that at his peak hyah Oh God Almighty will gush out of his mouth this morning let me revival in Miramar Oh God Almighty rub him in your home's right now Lord God oh god I feel the connection right now in the name of Jesus as I cared to give it up on the praise of the glory in Jesus name Amen David you can be seated hallelujah oh praise be to God let me greet my spiritual mother dr. Petrova Davis praise God put your hands together for her this moment praise be to God and all my ministerial colleagues both under appa on the lower platform praise be to God hallelujah hallelujah let me greet my most beautiful my most God just one in a million hybrid rows missionary Browne where she is praise God those material you'd go get on the market anymore praise God scarce commodity I bless God for her praise God and indeed the man that I preached me out of sin the man that took me at a tender age let me tell you something about this man he saw something in this little lad many years ago I didn't know I can recall days when he would bring back gift and he would give this little boy and I would take it all praise be to God he took me places and he treat me like a son I speak of no other my spiritual father my spiritual mentor overseer honorable dr. Dell for Davis I greet you well sir and I want you to know that I love you and you can't do nothing about it oh praise be to God hallelujah when you have good leaders take care of good leaders you see I can talk because I've been around them praise be to God he never leave me on my own praise God I give God thanks for him this morning praise be the gods let us look to the word this morning let me greet my sister-in-law praise God who is viewing god bless you praise God on Valerie god bless you uncle Ted god bless you god bless you Uncle Fred thank you for viewing this morning the scripture was already read this morning from the book of Judges chapter 6 from the eleventh verse I'll read for the sake of time the fourteenth verse and there came an angel of the Lord and sat under an oak which was in a fraud that pertain unto Josh the officiant and his son Gideon Thresh wheat by the winepress to hide it from the Midianites and the angel of the Lord appeared unto him and said unto Him the Lord is with thee thou mighty man of Valor and Gideon said unto him hold my lord if the Lord be with us then why then is all this before us why are these things happening to us and we're be all his miracles which our fathers told us saying did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt but no the Lord had forsaken us said Gideon and deliver us unto the hands of the Midianites and the Lord looked upon him and said go in this thy might and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites have not i sent thee have I sent thee I want to challenge this is men Sunday we glad for the sisters be glad for the women of word can't do without you but this is a message that is geared towards young man middle-aged man more matured men this morning praise be to God let me see all the men in the house stand this morning all men stand look at men and I want to challenge you on the steam though mighty man of Valor God have use for you you can be seated this morning and that is my theme this morning though mighty man of Valor let me take you back in Genesis because when God made man man was made special unique man was made a little lower than the angel we were created as brilliant people oh come on somebody we were made to serve God and to fulfill his will and purpose not only that but to execute the master's plan oh praise God and the Word of God in Jeremiah 29:11 God the clear I know the plans I have for you a plan to prosper you not to harm you not to hurt you a plan to give you hope or praise be to God I'm glad that we are standing on a foundation which cannot fail that Jesus Christ who is the solid rock come on somebody man was made in the image and in the likeness of God and the Bible said God would ensure that he comes dong in the cool of the day and God would reason with man God would fellowship with man God will talk to man and can you imagine the sweet fellowship that God and man establish oh praise be to God and brothers and sister to the extent where God gave unto us is beautiful creation he entrusted it in our hand he gave to us Dominion he gave us authority gift and ability oh praise be to God and can I tell you the brilliance of man reflect the awesomeness of Almighty God oh praise be to God who hallelujah you will see this demonstrated when God brought all the animals to man to name them and every name that Adam gave God a proof oh praise be to God I said God sanction it oh praise be to God hallelujah because man was perfect then oh praise be to God hallelujah and I want us to understand as man this morning that God is depending on you to fulfill your assigned oh praise be to God Oh hallelujah today man is missing in action we have lost our direction we no longer look to God we look to our intellect we look to our knowledge it's about our agenda it's about our terms it's about our order we step down to the presence of God and we begin to live in our whole presence we need to wake up man you need to walk in your cold oh praise be to god i'm gonna preach this message this morning hallelujah we forget the one who what made us what designed us caught farmers oh praise be to God we no longer walk in the alignment of God's words we do not take the Word of God seriously anymore and God is questioned us as man where art thou this morning oh praise be to God hallelujah man applause is purple man of loss is ways man of loss is true identity man lost his focus for which he was called God is vexed God is facts God is upset because we were created that we might fulfill the mission and the assignment of Almighty God oh praise be to God where are the mighty men of valor according to the Word of God his realm mister his well corrupt themselves the Bible said there's sin against God they are done evil in the sight of God and God alone the Midianites to conquer them god alloh the me tonight to oppress them in all the soul that there's so the Midianites would come and reap they would take everything that belonged to the israelite because god had to enjoy his presence because man was out of order I need to get back in line oh come on somebody Oh hallelujah oh praise be to God but all many know that when purposes on your life it doesn't matter what it takes it got a comforter oh praise God the Bible said his red cried unto the Lord for him who praise be to God and God saw a Gideon God saw a mighty man of Valor Bible said that the angel of the Lord appeared unto Gideon Gideon was in hiding because the meat and I put them in hiding oh praise be to God and Gideon start to question certain things and start to bring some reflections and said in my forefathers day we heard about the miracles and all you delivered over for father what have we done lord have mercy but God is saying to the Gideon Gideon my people is in trouble I want you to rise up and bring deliverance to my people I don't care where you are how to kill what press your this morning I don't care what the place you're at this morning it's not for you to look on yourself God is calling you to higher servus God is calling you to get engaged to get busy because the kingdom of God need to be expand it need to be establish it need to grow and God is looking for man of Zion hallelujah mighty man of style mighty man of Valor you are Zion Monda and God wants you where he had called you Solomon or Godman you're a righteous man listening it's time for us to wake up or to a slumber God never called you to be lazy God never called to be weakened to befriend but God call you to rise up and to take a stand and to make a difference wherever you go you must create an impact and if we where you go the world must see what you have a ward what you have that it is not for you to watch who is working I criticize who is working you need to get in the ring you need to tow your punch [Music] hee-hee-hee-hee-hee we're at the mighty man of Valor it's not who you are his rules you are don't tell me where you come from don't tell me where you live if you live open or don't own God needs you if you come from don't SOTA are don't know Tariq he's not well sir God have service for you this morning I don't kick if you hit your lo debar this morning you will feel rejected you may feel like an old casa you may feel forsaken this morning but the king sends for you this morning that the king her business this morning that you need to rise up over your loader baha stop looping on yourself stop looking harder to judge your lives God can make something beautiful oh took your light this morning God want to pick you up like a people this morning that God want you to stand up lord have mercy and be a voice where there is no voice too much listen money's our own told you can't to load the ladies to do all the work and your down on your put your parties are bitching at work man must be engaged my most mana I call upon every man I remind you this morning that you are my team a Nevada hehehehehe risible tears from Amanda because God is counting on you huh heaven is counting on you that man must live in the calling of Almighty God too much men are missing in action it's not what your dress is not what your driver I'm glad this morning that God choice does not depend on where you live what you drive hoping is your account God choice does not depend on that God is not looking on your credential whether you're bishop evangelist whether you're missionary at Deaconess God don't look on your title because guess what brothers and sisters God are looking for people that will serve he's looking for a servant heart who will said Lord take me as I am my holy Christ died for me take me as I am I come to tell somebody this morning that it's not for you to sit down and to relax and be comfortable and you enjoy the singing of a choir you enjoy the wonderful sermon of a preacher and all you do you come to church you warm bench God never called you like doctor the Bible tell me that when God made the manda and God blogan man the bread man became a living soul and when man rise up God gave man work to do he said I want you to dress my god and I want you to keep my god and that's why I'm in a support Lee is Amanda my most work mama provide for them family my most important children man must take money leave the gambling den de leave the key - mark your family come first hear me this morning that you are God's choice you must a blip below your privilege and live within your call this morning we are the mighty man of Valor hallelujah man must live up to the call you know hear me somebody I'm gonna preach hella hot on heaven cool this morning because guess what man is out of alignment we need to get into the aligned Monkees years of operate without the head the Lord of see when the bodies without the head then your heart will but it feels like when you cut our chicken neck but I come to tell mom this morning you need to stand up you need to stand further because God is counting on you it's not about you this morning it's not about what you think it's what God says this morning we'll talk all you want to talk say all you want to say this morning but I want you to know that the state of the world the condition of the world behavior on all kind of disaster in the world he depends on the heart of man this morning because man have lost your please man have lost your connection man I've lost your focus and because of data the world is in a mess isn't a term man so I come to challenge some man this morning and I say God is calling your name God is calling you to duty God is calling you to work you must work the work of him that sent you but the night will come when no man can work do it no my brother huh get up stand up because God up your name on the road man was man up because God said you're mighty manav's Allah you don't hear me this morning Oh hallelujah God want you to impac your community to him popular please we're here for you go ha you must make a difference real man live real real man talk like mind real man huh climb on the real money of light man you know here me somebody huh real money we address real Minori applause Romano Ian Baca Mirko panky Rica atmospheres real man or them something they're real man stand up and talk like manda under here like miner real man or platinum here are kind of real with all kind of color excuse me preacher let me preach maybe preacher because we must get it right listening man must look like man man must be higher than defy he's in it you must not stand up by water because she mama are a real man we were real really real come on somebody I got crushes on car this morning the polysemy brothers and sister we need to get it right [Music] Mahna Mahna God made Adam and Eve not Adam on Steam come on Goku you two you're on the woman amount of competition then one but none is in the world see how every Empire because the magnum up a DARPA you don't hear me this morning the church must clean up this morning [Applause] [Music] hallelujah some man must man up I must hang up because of building image on the likeness of God you know suppose our own competition killer lot of mercy look when the world come to you not hear me somebody don't wanna say some stuff you know but I thought to say this morning because we must get it right look what is happening in the world today the spirit of women's sexuality have taken over and it's a kind of spirit that devious it wicked it Eva it gorilla you know hear me somebody it mentionable Oh hallelujah but while the blood is running form in your VN your better seek salvation don't you know your soul because it's all your Matua time you're going to be exposed [Music] lord of mercy don't you trouble sayin don't - troubles Ayana as a dog to Josiah hey dog - Josiah hear me this morning man were acting notably are acting out of alignment you need to get in the alignment of Almighty God and if you've been of God can straighten you out if you're dead top that can be talked to death because guess what we were wonderfully made in the image and in the likeness of God that God never makes you a liar Taylor Oh - troubles are young don't you Chapas I don't - triple SIA God is calling on us man I'm glad this morning that they are some man that are - man I am glad this morning that they are some man who are standing up to the responsibility I'm glad this morning that some man are standing up in your calling oh praise be to God we are sending the light oh praise be to God we are sending the gospel light this morning let me tell you brothers and sisters this morning sun morning you better get it right because God is getting ready to return because in Genesis God at the WIPO two cities with fire because of some behavior but I come to tell young man middle-aged man an even more matured man you better chinchou ears give it a Mingo ears because God is about to draw his sword [Music] córdoba rubbish a Karuma you are a mighty man of Valor you are sitting in the wrong seat you're in the wrong place you're in the wrong company when I challenge every brother poor fate ministry we going to rise up like a mighty army who know son good this morning lord have mercy but I just don't want it the song good I want you to live good I don't want it to so good I want you to live right this way we must stand I must defend righteousness we must defend holiness lord of mercy I'm glad to know this morning that that I can join with the Apostle Paul he said I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ because it is the power of God unto salvation to every man who believes or praise be to God it doesn't matter where you find yourself when you have that which God has invested in you ha when you have the favor of God upon your life when you have God in your carnal he will make you to hit I'm not the tailor he will make your father and not Benita you shall run through every troop you gonna leave for work every wall and everybody want to stand in your progress everybody want to stop your progress you were wrong sure you will leap over them don't you want to celebrate your father that can't celebrate it Lord of Mercy for the Lord is with you my god you're a mighty man you must stand up you must brave up because God has given you power power power over all the powers of the enemy here the dam is Eliab that I said it there is a liar that he come to steal he comes to kill he comes to destroy he's like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour but we want some priori Elsa we want so would equal areas won't be burned about burned about burned about ha warning us warrior the Lord of Mercy we will let the devil know me Anwar we let the devil know that we are on business for the king of kings and the Lord of lords and if never rise up against us one way they gonna flee separately if them come from one place them shall flee separate we're here because the Lord of Hosts is with us the God of Jacob ha I said the God of Jacob I've said the God of Jacob I said the God of Jacob Jacob with my red future is my coverage is my protector is my Kaiser is my inspirator dynamite I feel your power I feel the power I feel the power I feel the power I feel the power [Applause] every Dalaran spirit Doha we Bynum returns between a blood devil you can't touch me you can't touch me you can't hurt me you can't touch me you can't stop me I'm Papa Papa Papa I'm Topher topper Tabata you kkkk [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hey sunup war Reisman I challenge you men a perfect don't come sit down a challenge let your presence be felt in this house oh praise be to God don't be a pop in Jogja sit up front show yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa Jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus lord have mercy lord have mercy [Applause] hallelujah oh oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah let me close it's not about us it's about the almighty hallelujah hallelujah oh my God he's such a presence I feel such anointing hallelujah glory to God we must make a difference don't hide yourself Gideon you need to come out you caste and hide in hundred battles you got to face the fire you got to face your Goliath David sir you come to me with sword and armor you come to me with shield and all those stuff you don't know who my defender is lord of mercy you don't know that great AC that is with me the new that are standing before me you don't know that I'm harm and I'm dangerous you don't see much of my weapon but these dangerous I come to you in the name of the Lord stand with me Church let me close you're learning bar maybe not this morning brother you may lose your job and the bills are piling up but God said this is your moment of your breakthrough this is the time of your turning point dr. Davis mention it this way turn it around Jesus my brother this morning who have been challenged in one way or another you are saying I I can't take it no more I can't take it no more you're burdened down with problem and the pressures of life are getting to you you wanna will you ever see a brighter day but can I tell you better days are coming keep your eyes on the eastern sky God is gonna fix it you know more shuttle abba-baba-baba shakable I say God is gonna fix it oh my god they're coming the answer look and Hart brothers in our midst this morning you wanna know what is going on you're like a giddy on your question in many things but the message to your God sent you God sent you for great work lord have mercy Lord of Mercy Lord of mercy Oh Hobart say you're not about maybe dawn this morning doc doc like cut off water cut off what's going on today is your day today is your day today is their day for your breakthrough this money God wants to lift you out of your load bar because lorda bar is not the place you want to be hit this morning you know more shuttle oh mama my shake horrible hey hey hey hey hey Leland hey hey hey hallelujah Jesus comes in the midst of the storm hallelujah somebody sing that song for mr. Lee here is dis mornin God know some of y'all some terrible song why not just talk Meritage stop here precious Tom [Music] Jesus countenance of the star all right [Music] that's not the song Jesus colors in the means to deliver his children fall pastor song yes [Music] Sonia Garro so strong [Applause] here with Tommy and let those been cooked aside from another purpose and we chose today is your breakthrough [Music] BC ah [Applause] season Jesus oh it's working but Jesus my God my god Jesus yes my process Oh [Music] yes more my job Jesus [Applause] don't everybody on the art it's you [Applause] like my song [Music] she she in the name of Jesus you're the neighbors you ah [Music] [Applause] choo-choo Jesus do yes Jesus Oh [Music] hey children the soul [Music] the store Jesus come [Applause] Jesus yes [Music] in the name of Jesus [Music] it's you okay Hey [Music] yes yes hallelujah hallelujah Frankie come on turn [Music] you have a brother that is not here you are not here you have a son and is not here you have a nebula is not here standard represent the brand know everyone inside here you are a son that is not here a brother is not here a father that is not here a grandson that is not here stand in the gap for them right now stand with us that every plot that the enemy of over their life we can't sleep this morning in the name of Jesus we come against heavy media night spirits we can't cover every part of our heavy catapillar heavy lower cost spirit and we cover fire saya saya in enemy camp saya but a caterpillar spirit fly upon a new across America cutter cut our SIA SIA SIA loose lucemon might take our freedom but might take up we look to you this morning mighty God we look to you yes Lord yes Lord yes come on man come on church fight with me fight with me mothers fight with me auntie's fight with my cousin's fight hallelujah we get in order to the buckle lose them theater the blood is acacia loose neck lose their plans lose them lose them this morning everywhere [Music] um them title everyone at this title will lose you from the conscious tears that you are will lose you from the cocky and tears that you are will lose you from the gambling day will lose you from the go-go's shop we lose you from the bar we lose your communal this morning the coming of media Naima Naima those who are watching me on Facebook and YouTube life they're coming out if you have a son he's coming out you have a nephew Hawker a father is coming out this morning they're coming out in the name of Jesus they're coming out odo very bossy both of every Kia dromedary corruptible activity Kubota not coming on this night in my my team on my temper from Bert hallelujah I don't care what held us to say this morning I don't care what held us to say this morning as a shot of Health shut up and shut up Dima shut up lucifer blah blah blah [Applause] [Music] shut up cease talking silence silence silence Sita silent demons silence in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you will not remain the same you will not live the same you will not be the same your clothing on this morning brand new life brand new soldier watch hotel watch Hotel watch on him watch out theater watch out armies rising is rising up rise up man mother father take your rightful place take your rightful position take back your position man come to the front line take up your she'll put on your belt put on your shoes take up your sail take the sword and stand up on the battlefield and say enough it's enough [Applause] father in the name of Jesus we present them here right now we present them right now mighty God as a brand new army ready to stand on the front line to represent you mighty God Lord as you have conquered an old name him a mighty man we declare today that every brother of this standing here every nebula this standing here every father that is standing here every grandfather at this stunning year happy uncle at this standing here I decree and declare in the name of Jesus not a spirit of kyria be upon them right now in the name of Jesus and every daughter that has come to the Alta that seek to stand with a brother this morning I pray that the spirit of his Rubio ponder the spirit of root to be with them the conviction of answer to me upon them I pray that every brother Justin Oh Blanca Joshua Dona Blanca Danielle stand like shadrock sunlight Mischa stand like a bindi go I pray daily Sun up honey Claire Haas says Lord Lord we come against every warmest sexual spirit we can swill and reverse them that man will look like mine just like mine be he of light mod hallelujah to the glory an honor a majesty of your kingdom Lord I pray right now that every stumbling block at home be removed right now in the name of Jesus I pray that every stumbling block where they work or in their business place it be remove right now in the name of Jesus I pray right now mighty God that everything that we prevent them from taking up this mantle a martyr ona community in McKee answer key answer key answer rebel say cotta Hannibal second Piazza I pray that every liar spirit that seek to discourage them this morning i key answer that tongue a report that lieth on as a silence silence pass up in the name of jesus lord I pray that every gang member and leader that system you cannot leave this young unless you're dead I predict and be chronically a dead in that young right now in the name of Jesus I command a young leader leave where you are miss monthly a posse Holocaust right into that community right into that holster right into that bedroom expose them this morning Moloch was warning us expose that sure them up exported hallelujah enough is enough hallelujah Lord we thank you this morning we thank you Lord we thank you for the word a powerful word we thank you Lord we accept it we will live by it we will appalled it we thank you lord Stratton each and every one of us Eve Noah bishop from the greatest among us to the least among us raise us up Lord as we represent you in Jesus name Amen amen amen [Applause] I think in closing this article we make as come standing ready for battle aha I feel the same militant spirit that Minister Brown preach with and I want to sing the song are you help me sinked sons of God arise [Music] so I'm here right ah Oh I by my Oh God hi man but I want to tell you this so you sing it one more time they will not kill another son they will not kill another uncle they will not kill another father they will not kill no more grandfather they will never stop the nephew I wanna get it in your spirit and when you are singing for the last time yet be clear that my soul will arise my nephew will arise my father will arise my uncle will arise my grandfather will arise come on sons of God where you are alright bye I not just a prick [Applause] [Music] you are receive a very important reminder that you're no local chicken about this place you're a mighty man of Valor I don't care if you're pushin cart your gardener your sweep street that's what the temporal world say about us but God said we are mighty melodically recent hyah a mighty man voila come on Rita Rita Rita as a iya a mighty man voila do it one more time hyah my demon father I feel like a so say it again hyah Rita Morton's this time vote on mr. Isaiah mighty man of ala watch Oh geodon watch Oviatt on watch or theater watch our theater what heart they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming in a community they're coming weeow were coming on the street they committed a bad we they fought the cop Nicole every week shall get divita between two adjacent the V nap watch our theater hallelujah why you take its fire take it with you wherever you go never let anyone tell you that you are less than what God says about you never let anyone say anything that is less than what God said about you he said that you are a mighty man a father thank you for answering the call thank you this morning but before you go is there anyone you have not accepted Christ as their Savior 100e is there another hand to come closer to me sure you come closer to me this is what it's all about you know quickly quickly is there anyone dona was thinking about it manna woman Sally running near come come come what a short make somewhere yes Lord yes Lord is there any other is there any other very good very good thank you Jesus young man come flower what a mighty God we serve come on judge come come come come my sisters is there any other yes come come oh come on come on my sister's comb comb comb comb comb I love it I love the common a church don't see the understand tear theater a word I'm going on you know people are coming to join in this fight here Jesus senator nearly making our area anybody else I can't get a few more minutes but is there anybody else to my left in the middle ah to my right come come come man come Holy Ghost ernamaria you see that [Music] this is what it's about you know this is what it's about enough he'll know them in a trouble when young young men coming forward and seeing us - yes yes sir come on Frontline calm no mere Chien frontline yasoda fetal I forget you never knows say when MC I must run yes young man come out front tell him I saw you now come to try scum affluent but if this a young young men are come to Christ Common Council decided my yes ma'am but MC say young boys economist Athenians are no one Jesus allied Mattel am I talking to church a line about tell young people watch Jesus I lied i'ma tell my young people want Jesus windows simple prayer no technicality not only difficult like maths and English a simple prayer that when defeat the enemy sure let's bow our heads close your eyes and just repeat after me is a father in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I confess I confess all my sins to you and Lord you knew me before the foundation before the foundation of the world of the world and Lord you know everything and Lord you know everything that I have done things that I remember things that I don't remember things I don't remember what it asks you today Lord to forgive me oh and I promise today that I will follow our Father Jesus Jesus all the days of my life of wash me in your Lord what a wonderful morning anybody agree with me what a wonderful message what a wonderful response is warning a blessed God all are you okay mo this morning and came to the altar and especially those who have accepted Christ this morning I'm gonna actually before you go to you see to go to my right just right there somebody's gonna meet you right over there so calm don't take them take them it was right there those two get some information so we can keep praying for you and tell you all this thing where I work you know how my brother got this we've gotta save I'll go this way for the rest of you please stay in the spirit we have service this evening as well [Music] and fellowship with us as we straighten each other in the Lord as they return to your seat stand with us Church why we're getting ready for another kind of worship we can just sing even one of my favorites [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] as we prepare to give to the Lord that which has commanded us to give back into his fault I want to pray a prayer this morning in keeping with the Word of God that everyone that stretched forth their hands today to give has a lot purpose in your heart that he will not waste any time to pour back into your bosom a very good measure pressed down shaken together and I want you to believe that when you make your deposit focus on it as a farmer approach the soil planting with expectation that in due season this which is planted today is going to reap the expected result so you are not sowing on barren soil you are sowing on fertile ground and the Lord will come true for you at the appointed time so father we thank you today for that which you have given to us mighty God and the actual mighty God that you bless those hands that are going to reach forward today Heavenly Father to give into your kingdom and into the words of this great ministry power Ministries International Lord we pray that the hands that will handle these we use it for the purpose as it has always been used bless even the handlers hyung give them wisdom mighty God because you have already anointed them and appointed them and you have invested your trust in them mighty God so everyone who's participating right now man to God we are sharing father in the name of Jesus bless them mighty God bless your whole soul bless their business bless even where the work bless every project that they are working on in the name of Jesus and return unto them ten for 50 for 100 and where a thousand is needed and a million you a Senat according to your riches and glory Kai your limited God mighty God no one knows your riches mighty God it's beyond what we can conceive so we thank you mighty God in Jesus precious name we pray amen amen so we accept offering ties first fruits and so forth so the ushers are going to lead us in giving and then afterwards we're going to have the ministers and then usual method of giving where we have the ushers to direct members to my from my left and my right and then General Assembly as per usual I think we have some announcements that are going to be made at this time we ask you to continue and those who are watching by Facebook and youth you there is the facility right there that you can click on that donate button and give us a lot Li you we know that this service cost you know Internet is not free you know that we have to pay all these providers so that we can bring this service to you live week after week and write short the week even when we were first Wednesday fast and every Wednesday which is coming up next month so now at this time I ask those who want to give my card now you can also give my card as per usual to my left and their persons or they're waiting for you to take your well needed contribution at least I'm known so we know go ahead thank you Thank You minister welcome to the pages of the PO fate minister's diary for the week beginning Sunday October 14th 2018 greetings came to our Bishop Minister Davies and the power Faith Ministries family from the following brethren both locally and overseas sister Douglas white greetings came to the per department sister Amanda Dixon special greetings to the echoes of faith coil bishop and Minister Davis and the entire body of Christ sister Daphne Simms in Florida special greetings to the Bible Studies department and a senior citizens department sister Maxine Samuel Scott special greetings to the echoes of faith choir and the voices of triumph let us continue to keep our overseas and shut-in brethren in our prayers special announcements the following process speed please speak with missionaries shonduras grant by the announces office sister Sharon marshal Ferguson brother husband Reid and sister Rosemarie Parker now available are copies of the tooth of 2019 daily bread on sale and the merit can be contacted cost is $400 meetings after service please note that this and every Sunday baptismal instruction class is held at 5:30 p.m. all brothers are asked to assist by giving three hours of morning work that is for tomorrow morning Monday October 15 2018 right here on the church compound members of the single's ministry please meet with evangelist Slava by the multi-purpose all ladies ladies another power pack anointed day is on the horizon it's our ladies convention 2018 to the L next week Sunday October 21st 2018 under the theme broken to be blessed there will be three power-packed sessions the anointed woman of God Minister Sharon Lawrence out of the Brooklyn Assembly will be our guest speaker in the morning and evening sessions our afternoon session will focus on mental health issues stress and depression accordingly a psychiatrist will be in the house please save the date and continue listening for further information on this upcoming event father along and friends presents the parables this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the courtly auditorium available are two tickets to give away should anyone be interested kindly come to the announcers office for sale sick and debt notices in the interest of time we ask that you get the contact numbers from the church office or the administrative office and redone the son of sister Angela Parker is in the hospital in London mother of sister sharika Cox is sick and at all sister Kathleen infamous is sick and in the university hospital ward 3 bed 20 Warner sister Tina Peter is sick in the University Hospital of the West Indies were three bed five the following persons have passed on and funeral arrangements will be given at a later date the son of sister Sharon door sister Sharon is a member of the echoes of faith quad the sister of elder Carlton Beckford and missionary irony Daly who resides in Canada funeral served to neural services are as follows the mother of sisters Joanne and Patricia Robinson as passed on funeral service will be held on Saturday October 20 2018 at the miracle open Bible Portnoy Drive commencing at 10:00 a.m. interment follows at marrow rest the funeral service for the late sister V Dean Brown Roach will be held on Sunday October 21st 2018 at the new life gospel assembly 805 port Marvin or in Gregory part commencing at 1:00 p.m. interment follows a dovecot the funeral service for the ultimen of sister Shirley Thomas Emanuel will be held on Sunday October 21st 2018 at the 10th City seventh-day Adventist Church commencing at 10:00 a.m. interment for this act of count the funeral service for the model of exhorter Clive Blake will be held on Saturday October 27th 2018 at the effort Ville Pentecostal Church of God in Clarendon command at 9:30 a.m. internment will be in the family plot in st. Anna the funeral service for late Oliver Watson the brother of system very Williams and the husband of sister Oh Mila Watson of the Grove Road Assembly will be on Saturday October 28th 2018 the Grove World Church in Kingston at 11 a.m. interment palace at Marist kindly note that the boss will be available at a cost of $500 contract for sister Williams can be gotten from the administrative office the funeral service for the father of Minister constant time Gilfillan will be held on Sunday October 21st 2018 at the Ribblesdale gospel all assembly in Ribblesdale district st. Patrick ok Thank You minister continuing commencing at 1:00 p.m. interment father's in the family plot in Williams fields in Katrina photographs of the deceased members are posted on the notice board for your viewing please remember the contact numbers can be heard from the church or administrative offices or Bishop his wife and the members of the poor faith family share with those who are ill or of lost loved ones may you be strengthened at this time or pearls are with you thank yous the following persons have expressed their appreciation for the prayers and support sister Barbara Simmons during her period of illness Pastor clement and missionary joy logan and the team in st. thomas for the support given towards their jamaica night event weekly activities Tuesday 16th the off / a late a live interactive and informative discussion program is aired every Tuesday on pfm family TV at 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. this week the marriage enrichment ministry will be in studio and we are inviting at least 10 couples to be a part of the studio audience please be seated by the latest 6:30 p.m. the pfm Care Center will be hosting clinics on the following days on October 20th at 9:00 a.m. the gynecologist will be in office Wednesday 17 or when's the first in-service commences at 9:00 a.m. come and be blessed the voices of triumph Warriors is at 6:30 p.m. the sports department the sports department wants to meet with all athletes concerning Football Netball basketball crickets and the dominoes at 7 p.m. in children's church I have come to the end of this morning's announcement it was indeed my pleasure serving you this morning we invite you to stay with us for Bible studies we cater to every age group all members who would like to open an account or if you just need more information about the pfm trade club we invite you to meet with the team immediately after service at the location between children's church and the Music Institute may I remind you to stay under the blood of Jesus god bless you I will now invite Minister Janet small to make a special announcement thank you [Applause] shall we praise the Lord let me see you wave those hands in the presence of the Lord if God has been good to you just wave those hands and say thank you Jesus say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus glory to God truly God is an awesome God to him we give praise we give glory and we give honor as you know 2018 has been a fulfill the year for us 2018 also sees our bishop and his wife having two key milestone we celebrated one earlier that there are 35 years of leading the powerful ministry do you remember that celebration glory to God they have led us over 35 years and God has been mightily good it is a leadership with high quality on a November 18th let me here's a November 18th November 18th that's the third Sunday of November we will be celebrating with Bishop and Minister Davis on their 40th wedding anniversary here in that 40th wedding anniversary and the Word of God said let the elders that rule we'll be counted worthy of double honor especially they who labor in the word and doctrine is that amen glory to God so on the 18th we endeavour to acknowledge Bishop and Minister Davis in their significant milestone in our Sunday morning worship service so that service will be a service with a difference now we will be asking all members to be seated by several a 7:00 a.m. as a cannot afford to miss the coppers much we will be having the coppers March will be having items from all the relevant Department in the ministry and as well we will be having a special guest speaker no during this celebration we are asking all members well wishes visitors persons who you have been blessed by Bishop and Minister Davies we want you all to be a part of the celebration now how will that be we are asking you to get a card you can get one purchase one or you can create one for yourself you're going to create a card with your greetings your love note just about anything that you would want to say to Bishop and Minister Davies in that card you can place your love gift your love gift will be your best whatever your best is you place it in that card and remember you can make it be creative on the morning of the 18th that's during the service we will be placing the card in a special receptacle here so we can package it and give it to them is that amen so remember start from know to create your card think of what you want to say there are the one that will be open in it they will read it and they will respond to you according is that amen so we invite you all to be a part of this celebration by bringing your love gift in a year envelope in your card on that very special morning know all department heads immediately after service I would like to meet with you so we can go through your section and that the marriage enrichment ministry the men's ministry the ladies ministry children and Bible studies ministry the ushers the ministers a senior citizens a combined choir directors and the prior Department so all department heads and your deputies your secretary kindly meet with the team immediately after service on the left immediately so we can go through all the items on a final note during the celebration month on the 28th of November that's the last Wednesday of November we will finalize the celebration with Bishop and Minister Davis the celebration will be for couples only and we have a limited space it will be held in the Royal Oasis so Bishop and Minister Davis would like to have an evening of coppers to Gabonese it will be with 60 couples 20 will be from the ministerial body the elders and the old station leaders and 40 coppers will be from among us all so 40 couples yes you will be invited you must remind couples to that celebration on the 28th of November couples you will do your registration come next week next week we will be registered registering it will be on a first-come first-serve basis because we only have space for 40 couples so come next week you will do your registration immediately after services where we have some additional information for those couples that are interesting so you can also meet with us on the left wing and we will let you know is that amen glory to God indeed we want to let our leaders know that we truly love and appreciate them and we give God thanks for them I ask at this time to just put your hands together and give our leaders our founders or spiritual Dhahran mom a big round of applause god bless you stay in the be good I know as Minister Davis to come to the forum thank you all right this is means a Sunday so I love to see the men in action very quickly before I turn back to many somaraju do the final rites I just want to say thanks to everybody this morning the way you have availed yourselves and we trust in God that this ministry will continue to you know cover ground sleep and bound and will continue to make impacts and lives and I mean I think you should really pray for Minister Andrew Brown a young man that me God is using he behaved as though he's 60 years old you know I mean so much in his presentation and I think the men of this ministry I mean should rise up like never before and I am going to discuss with bishop Davis that we have some time with the men those who are not yet filled with the Holy Spirit because your effectiveness can only comfort in its fullness when you are anointed and filled with God's Holy Spirit causes the Spirit of God in you that is going to use you to be effective in your service so we need to spend some real quality time with our men empowering them so they can take their rightful place in the kingdom men you are a value enough worth please make sure you exercise it in the love of God praise God special greetings also came to us from sister DITA Roberts out of Canada and sister Yvonne Shaw out of New York they asked me to convey their best regards and ask you to continue to remember them in your prayers and we someone is also seeking a driver if you are here and good licensed driver you want a job please speak with me the person will be right over there with me so if you come I'll just introduce you to the person so they can interview you all right so if you're here and you're a licensed good careful driver and you'd like a job please meet with me over there and I'll introduce you to the person that desire your service and also parents and guardians we continue to implore you please the children I mean this is the most challenging production that they will be having they are doing what they have never done before so we are asking you please to send out the children the teens are supposed to be here at 3 p.m. because 2 of the items are combined with the kiddies so parents when the teens ask her to be out early I love them please because they need to be here at 3 p.m. one hour before the dismissal of the children there are two combined items that are combined with teens and kitties so we are asking you please and parents of the kiddies they need to learn some 24 we have given them the paper if they are lost it I know every home should have a Bible alright and we are teaching them from the King James Version that's an item that they are going to be doing it's a choral speaking piece and they need to know it we have already started working with them so Psalm 24 for the kiddies is a must know because that's one of their items God richly bless you I think that is it from me and just before we act turn back to Minister Michael Miraj I was given this note the sister of exhorted Jean Harriet Judy Harriet Picard who lives in France with her husband her husband has passed away and the Harriet's family at this time is under very serious note of his passing and is really a cause for concern and of family is hurting at this time so please remember exhort adjourn Harriet and the Harriet's family as they agreed the loss of their sister's husband so please when we close now remember to prepare for them God richly bless you and remember to be back tonight tonight is a wonderful service under the auspices of the men's apartment you will be blessed so please be all back tonight on time God richly bless you thank you thank you I have one thing to do what mr. Thorpe wants to interject with me so we're closing the only Cosby Shop is watching praise the Lord God is good let me see all the men in the hosts and all the men it should be a long time all right here it is for us to prove that we will be taking heed to the Word of God tomorrow morning it's a holiday and I'm going to ask you every brother every man in the house for three hours tomorrow morning we have some work to do in the kingdom right here and I'm going to ask you to bring your shovel bring your machette bring whatever work tool you have let us prepare the kingdom of God so that it will look beautiful is that amen so we starts at 7:00 o'clock tomorrow morning just for three hours all of us need to just get here for 7:00 and in three hours we will done the job god bless you look forward to see every man in the house hallelujah now just as I approach closer I have some good news voice a little and the good news that I have for you today is that for the ACCA program that we have been teaching we are still going and the students are going into the exam fees shortly so we are in the process of also taking in a new batch so now I'm just making it clear that the new bot should be primarily those boys and girls who are out of school not working unattach as we would say and for this reason we have more farms today because soon declared a new date for them to come in for orientation because we want them to get up and running before this years old going into next year we have had some contact with ACCA we'll give you some more update more time will not allow everything what does want to know that the forms are available this morning to my left major Greenwood for those who are sons and daughters and Nevison knees who need it and I'm asking if you know that they don't need it do not give the form to them some people ask us for the form for the purpose of getting recommendation for other things we're not trying to do other things yet the main aim is to try to make them into first junior contents then Chartered Accountants as a lord will our loss so I wanted to have started me like a do the official applause you note and then we say our mantra and help me see one more of my favorite song at this time I feel like running skipping come on the church party asked what the ask what yes continue send us over fear I feel I [Music] dr. down the devil's his life many the Petrova Davis our senior systems faster and the powerbase family thank you for joining us this morning and we know in unit 5 when you meet with us of course this is no time for favor your time to be blessed god bless you and reminding you to join us next week same time same place as we give you another word from the Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah let's say Oh a mantra and declare who we are I am
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 19,845
Rating: 4.4523811 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: tt_VakSBR4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 37sec (12157 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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