Oh Yes I Will Do It || SML HD

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I look of love was on his face the sore Anees head [Music] the blood run down a scarlet robe staining cream summer while it's not the crowd that day hee hee for when he was on the cross you and is my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no one free [Music] [Music] with me [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have showed me how to shine you show me love [Music] he has a face another tomorrow and you're always my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody shout hallelujah another time let me a Harlem mother said hallelujah oh god bless you god bless you okay I know you're heard about Miss Universe well this one is mother a universe a poem for you ha I know you will enjoy it it said I loving mothers this one is for you for you and for you and for Halle you you didn't bring up your children like a kangaroo for you're always at home and not a little zoo you did everything a good mother would do and try your very best to keep them out accrue some time you couldn't afford a little callaloo much less to buy a dress a pair of shoes dry bread some time was the only menu and even gonna Dean was used to mates to in spite of all of that you never seen blue now go around to make an alibi loo much less to look for in who once was a boo to give him a few punch and a little kung fu if some people should ever knew of all these chakras you have been true and oh you got over they were said mmm whoo man you are the best respect you the Minister of Finance would be very glad if you could tell him what was Jeremy Todd how did you do it with a little that you had how did your manage taught early period when a world recession was going real bad dinner sometime was only a boil trouble and it was even tempted to eat bullfrog [Applause] some believe that you would have gone mad and walking around with a belt you toggle cursing out the children calling them hugs telling them to stop there is candle box and go and look for their worthless doll for your other determination and wisdom I must commend you for a job well done so marvelous was a word that some people stunned and wondering to himself in Hoxton oh come to sweat tears on granters proper management with a little in eaters you have any proper management with little in your purse you have elevated yourself from among the worst congratulation your mother universe god bless [Applause] [Music] drawn from Emmanuel's fame that's right hallelujah I've seen a splash we need that flood [Music] [Music] and we say there is speed a whip relax drawn from Emmanuel's that's right that sinneth the plunger we need that they lose it on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] rejoice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] very jealousy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] maritza [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crave your indulgence as at other times as we look to God for His blessings let us pray God we give you thanks for your blessings upon us bestowed we give you thanks for mothers on this very special day and we pray that your Holy Spirit will bless one and all wherever they are we pray for those who have mothered children biologically that you strengthen them and grant O Lord that their prayers for their children will be answered in the fullness of your time especially for their salvation we pray for mothers of Zion who have labored night and day travailed to bring souls to birth will you strengthen them and bless them in the name of Jesus they are in many denominations as heads of churches bless them o God remember mother Douglas Rosalind Douglas matriarch in the faith bless and strengthen her in the name of Jesus remember dr. halma Blair's Trenton ER as their lead denominations remember mrs. minister heaven Blair bless them Oh God and the many others across this lands made a receive from your gracious and a special blessing now I ask you to bless the word as we enter upon it now send the anointing and make it good to all in Jesus name a wonderful text from Isaiah chapter 49 was read earlier and I want to engage you there I want to experiment with a theme in as much as I believe it was placed on my heart by the Holy Spirit the theme is oh yes I will do it saith the Lord oh yes I will do it set the Lord and that is a word from the Holy Spirit for those who will make requests of the Lord especially mothers can you say Amen mothers this is you will make a request to Almighty God or many requests and the Lord says to tell you oh yes I will do it set the Lord God Almighty the aim of this message from Isaiah 49 is to assure and also to reassure all trusting mothers that I know there are many trusting and trustful mothers all across the globe today who have been like Anna waiting on God where the honor in 1st Samuel our honor in the New Testament you have been waiting on God the God who sees the God who hears the God who knows your de-stresses the God who can be touch with the feeling of your infirmities this message therefore is promised on the desperate and devastating circumstances of five mothers in the Bible five mothers whose experiences mirror that of untold number of mothers today all over the world Paul puts it this way there is no temptation taken you mother such as is common to all other mothers but God is faithful till your neighbor God is faithful yes God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted above that which you are able to be R but in the midst of those temptations in the midst of those challenges in the midst of those mountain climb God said I'll make a way of escape he said I'll strengthen you to bear it until I give you the breakthrough many today I've been bearing it for a long time waiting and God trust in God do I have any such persons here today if you're not here I know you're my television my internet or wherever you are call that mother let her sit by the television get by the computer get by the iPod get by the smartphone whatever it is because God has a word for you today and I know you're going to be blessed somebody's a bless me Lord so it mirrors the trials on the test of mothers all over the world in all strata of society rich mothers are poor mothers black-on-white it makes no difference nationality ethnicity it makes no difference the challenge that comes to one most times they come to all five mother five different circumstances with a 10-fold request now this is a message I want you to understand because if you don't understand it it will not benefit you you may not shout a whole lot and that's alright five mothers five different circumstances but with a 10-fold request to the Almighty God and I've been made that tenfold request the Almighty God says oh yes I will do it set the Lord God Almighty lift your hand and say do something for me Lord hallelujah so before I get into the depth of it let us absorb what I call the salient points of this text Isaiah chapter 49 and if we read a few verses here you will absorb what are the salient points of this text verse 7 through 10 Isaiah 49 oh praise the name of Jesus we find the words thus said the Lord the Redeemer of Israel and is only one to him oh man despiseth to him all the nation a birth to a servant of rulers Kings shall see under eyes princes also shall worship before the Lord that is faithful and the only one of Israel and he shall choose thee thus said the Lord in an acceptable time I have heard thee and in the day of salvation of I helped V and I will preserve thee and give me for a covenant of the people to establish the earth to caused to inherit the desolate era tidge now may say to the prisoners go forth to them that are in darkness show yourselves they shall feed in the ways and their pasta shall be in all I places first and they shall not hunger nor thirst neither shall he eat nor the Sun smite them for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them even by the springs of water shall ye guide them 13 through 18 sing o heavens and be joyful or hearth and break forth into singing or mountains for the LORD hath comforted his people and will have mercy upon his afflicted can a woman verse 15 can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb yay they may forget yet will I not I will not forget thee saith the Almighty behold I have grave and V upon the palms of my hands the walls are continually before me somebody say Amen 2223 thought saith the Lord thus said the Lord God behold I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles and set up my standard to the people and they shall bring thy sons in their own and thy daughter shall be carried upon their shoulders and Kings shall be thy nursing fathers and the Queen's thy nursing mothers they shall bow down to be with the efest toward the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet and thou shalt know that i am the lord i am the lord for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me Oh glory lift your hand and said I shall not be ashamed as I wait on God say it one more time in the name of Jesus I shall not be ashamed as I wait on God Torche an errand tell them in the name of Jesus you shall not be ashamed as you wait and go thoughts at the Lord I will do it I'll do mock or esata oh I feel Oh Holy Ghost on me here glory somebody praise him in the house glory so I come to assure you and I come to reassure others to give you a promise that is guaranteed by the Almighty God through his words a promise that is guaranteed by the Almighty God through his word I come to declare earnestly to you I come to inform your to tell you positively thus said the Lord I will do it for you I come to stay it with confidence I come to restore and restore you to assurance full assurance on confidence I come to reinsure I'm talking about assuring on reassuring people I come to assure you again because some of you have grown weak in faith yes you have grown weak in faith and have begun to question the Word of God you have begun to question whether or not this thing is real real whether or not it works but true Israel at one time began to are some stupid question can God furnish us a table in the wilderness can God's supply our needs can God feed us through this desert barren land that we travel so follow these ears and God proved himself God gave them food until they eat to their death are you with me some hurry God says I will do it and I said I'll give you a guarantee from the Word of God today that the Almighty God will come through for you in the fullness of his time hallelujah somebody wave your head and praise him again don't shout something if you really mean it glory to Jesus five mothers five different circumstances with a ten fall requests and right now I'm gonna ask all the mothers to stand and raise your hands and you are going to declare the ten full requests and I'll tell you why ten fold requests raise your rights under the Holy Ghost and say Lord comfort me lord have mercy on me Lord heal me Lord protects me Lord provide for me Lord preserve me [Music] Lord feed me [Music] lord save me [Music] lord promotes me Lord Lord prosper me that's the tenth all requests that runs across this congregation today and runs across where mothers are you need God to comfort you to a mercy on you to heal you to protect you to provide for you to preserve you to feed you to save you to promote you and to prosper you do I have anybody in this house or ally and surely would look to the Almighty God in the van of these requests today so god that's my request of you lift up your hands and begin to praise Him like him in it come on begin to praise in church begin to praise in church begin to praise in mothers praising mothers the Holy Ghost gave me this deposit to give you today and I guarantee you in the name of Jesus that some who do not know walking these blessings the Almighty God is gonna pour them out upon you [Music] mando lava Sabah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] sit down please I feel the Holy Ghost touching somebody here Malo Santa yes somebody needs protection a modern ease provision and modern ease some prosperity I will do it saith the Lord now Bishop why five different mothers with five different circumstances but attend full requests why five different mothers five different circumstances what attend full request well let me tell you why five is a number of grace five is a number of favor and five is a number of goodness everybody say grace favor goodness can you imagine God pour upon you today the abundance of His grace is favor and His goodness all those ten things that we have requested of him they would be cakewalk in your life Oh hallelujah that's the reason for five now why 10 for requests Bishop because the number ten in Bible mathematics Bible numerology the number ten is a number for law for responsibility and above all for testimony so out of the requests you've made of God today God is going to give you testimonies many many testimonies are you not with me here and when God comes true for you you must testify because you are part of this number today who have made this ten fall request to Almighty God and he is gonna come through for you a guarantee from God's Word number 10 testimony remember that mankind under the law was responsible to keep the Ten Commandments according to Exodus chapter 20 number 10 remember also that on your body your hands on your feet you have ten digits can you imagine operating work and walk without your ten fingers and your ten toes can you imagine you work and walk work and walk work and walk without your ten toes and your ten fingers very significant can you say Amen those ten digits up here and down there are very significant about appraising when you look to Genesis chapter five you see that there were ten patriarchs before the flood very significant I'm telling you a reason why 10 this number is featured in this message today when you look at Exodus chapter 7 you find that there were 10 major plagues that came upon Egypt Egyptians are you still with me you also remember that Abraham prayed to God that 10 righteous would be found in the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah God can you find and even 10 are you not with me here if 10 were found they would come out with a testimony on parallel today astro the almighty gods kept in the midst of Morison chaos and destruction and sin and abomination and saved the people because he found ten righteous he did not find ten are you with me lord have mercy somebody praise him with me again hallelujah in Matthew 25 the Bible speaks of ten virgins ten virgins and ten is a number that legitimize any wedding feast and any wedding to be celebrated in the Jewish culture 10 purses are needed in Jamaica you need for our 5 well 4 plus the Minister Jewish culture you need at least 10 person to legitimize a wedding ceremony ten virgins five were wise and five were foolish are you still with me there hallelujah in the book of st. Luke I think it Luke chapter 13 10 servants were given 10 pounds to invest are you with me Luke 19 from verse 13 through 17 10 were given 10 pounds to increase to put to use 10 when the master came to reckon with them you notice what up on those who made good of the 10 pounds who were given authority over how many cities 10 cities are you still with me I'm just teaching you the significant of this powerful number amen that speaks a law responsibility and testimony so when we make those 10 requests of the Almighty God today I believe that God is gonna honor the requests that you have made and I know that there are those of you believe it with me today do I have any such persons who believe that with me too glory I believe it finally I gave you this before when I preached my January message Romans chapter 8 and verse 38 there are 10 powers that become powerless against the love of God 10 powers that become powerless against the love of God Romans 8:38 somebody finally told me please finally we're gonna read that one Romans 8:38 what shall separate us from the love of God do you find it some number one one for I am persuaded that neither death number one is no more life number three nor Angels number four nor principalities number five nor powers number six the things present number seven nor things to come number X the height number nine nor death number ten for any other creature [Music] some of you didn't get it these 10 powers that come against the believer to separate us from the love of Christ Paul said they will become powerless absolutely powerless against the love of Jesus Christ nor height nor depth nor men nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor eyes nor depth nor any other thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God somebody prison will be here all right I have you mixed up let's treat you out now I try and preach to you you'll understand this message five different circumstances with a 10-fold request and God says I will do it safe the Lord lifts your hand again I said do it for me Lord the first thing we ask God to do is to comfort me mothers say comfort me and you're gonna find out all these stories surround mothers and family because family is central to the workings of God in any nation in Genesis chapter 4 Eve became the voice of distress and many mothers today are carrying a voice of distress what caused heaved voice of distress she had two sons Cain and Abel can you imagine a mother saw one of her sons rose up against the other and slew him there in the fields the first mother on earth woke up one morning when the voice of distress crying to God because her son was slain Oh hallelujah that distressed cry can be heard across America today across the length and breadth of the earth today read your paper listen your news watch The Evening News the voice of distress from mothers can be heard echoing across the place the voice of distress put your hand on your stomach answer comfort me [Music] every mother who is in distress today I released the spirit of comfort upon you in the name of Jesus it might not be that your son has been murdered killed dead or whatever it is but he finds himself or she finds herself in the situation that caused you pain and distress device of distress was heard coming out of Eve son is dead dead but thank God the voice of distress became a voice of delights because she says in Genesis chapter 4 and verse 25 I hope I'm helping somebody here God has given me another seed instead of Abel who came Cain slew when the Holy Ghost gave me this the Lord said to me to tell that mother in my audience today whether here in this church by television my internet my radio God said to tell you you have lost your son you might have lost your daughter but he is gonna raise up somebody in your life that is gonna feel the fire that is in your life that is gonna turn your voice of distress into a voice of delight because God said I will comfort you I will comfort you set the large gods plan will never be aborted by the devil it doesn't matter what he tries and what he does from time to time God is always ahead of the game God always whole plan that they have a long time God knows what to do before it is to be done that's the God we serve today and you might be going through Europe distress this morning as a mother pain in your belly pain in your back my god pain in your heart because I wanted something within your family God says your voice of distress will become a voice of delights when I comfort you Oh glory to God somebody praise him here with me somebody praise him here with me somebody lift your hand as they turn it around Jesus said turn it around you will not be distressed all the days of your life hi the Lord God shall comfort you and you will see that none that trust in me shall be ashamed I was younger now I'm all I've never seen the righteous forsaken God come show for the righteous every time Mondo's cetera somebody praise him over here halleluyah halleluyah [Music] i know you've got many weeping knights Oh mother but God says your weeping Knights will be turned into morning of joy Oh glory to God get ready for it get ready for it I know you see no sign of it you hear no sound of it it doesn't appear as though it is possible but God will come through when you least think he will somebody shout appraiser lift your hand again there's a cup for me say comfort me say comfort me five different circumstances what's their own mother's and the family now number two we ask God to have mercy lift your hand and say have mercy on me now this is a dangerous woman brethren oh yeah because when you look in the book of Genesis chapter 27 you find a mother named Rebecca a husband named Isaac sons named Esau and Jacob for yourself with me have mercy and me might have been Rebecca's crying why have mercy on me because Rebecca found ourselves embroiled in the whole scheme that caused such distress in the family can you imagine she heard the words of Isaac her husband and she took those words and she passed them on to Jacob and so we are going to do a thing together dear God Almighty when a house is divided against itself and a kingdom divided against itself and a family divided against itself are you not with him here serious thing she took the wires to jack up and say hey my boy I know what we're gonna do and Jacob say oh no don't you do it you may cause problem you may put me trouble you may deepen the distress of the family and Rebecca said don't worry about it leave it to me let the distress fall on me let the cards fall on me can't you imagine when Rebecca found out the fisting really went out of proportion because all heizak discern inasmuch as he had executed already and he saw realize what happened and he saw decided murder on my mind I got murder on my mind and as long as Jacob live I'll just give him space until my father dies and as soon as my father laid his head to rest I will sharpen my sword I'll pick up my quiver I will bend my bow and anywhere Jacob is some of you got Feud in your family right now mothers who got children against each other sibling warring against each other sibling against sibling father against son son against father you have distress in your family and to compound the world story it's because you have a hand in there you show partiality you show favoritism you love one more than the other and you demonstrate it and cause problem in the family you need to say Lord our Birds see [Applause] [Music] you need to see Lord of mercy on me and he will have mercy I will do it the Lord somebody raise your hand anywhere and said do it for somebody Lord said do it for somebody Lord hallelujah when Rebecca realized what was about to happen she said to Jacob you gotta get out of here run to Payton here and go to lab on your hunker spend some time with him but any weary when troubles followed him I believe was a days went behind Rebecca might have said to herself lord have mercy on me why did I orchestrate this scheme why did I do what I did some of your mothers aren't that kind of people today why on earth did I do that why did I treat my daughter the way I treat today why did I use the words I used to her look at where she is today because of the words spoken she walked out and became rebellious she is on the North Course going not what Tories ought to do she's on the streets she turns away from school she becomes oh god almighty delinquents because of words I use you need to say Lord bishop why are you preaching like this because the holy ghost tell me to raise up some mothers or in that kind of a distress who needs to be comforted and he's who needs to be shown special kind of mercy to change the situation and I believe because Rebecca might have cried for mercy God heard her cry many years would have gone by but God answers prayer and one day everybody's the one day one guy a man named Jacob fine an altar and saw a vision from heaven and Jacob said this is it while vengeance was still Esau his heart against him an angel came you know the story Jacob grab ahold of the angel the angel say you got to let me turn me loose now Jacob he said oh no oh no and he pray the price of God if you give me food to eat if you give me clothes to wear and if you tag me back to my brother it'd be somebody lifter heaven said take him back in peace said take me back in base am i preaching to anybody here if you have a restorative family unity if you ever tag me back to my brother in peace not peace is God take me back in peace oh that's your gift to me I will pay tithes of everything that you give Jacob wrestling with an angel till the angel not this time and when Jacob jump up God say yes everything has now changed about you you are no longer Jacob you're Israel you're a prince of God your power with God on it man you have prevailed now go back to he saw his sword is drawn but on you our tears will begin to fall out of his eyes and when he saw saw Jacob came he ran to him and he kissed him I love them all my brother my brother my brother somebody plead for mercy somebody hauls on the altar somebody cried to God somebody said this family will not go down and reproach we will not go down as murderers God can i preach turn about here we will not go down as murderers God is a God of mercy mercy upon us everybody showed up mercy upon us my god almighty Shikata rama who sent their choir shouted mercy on us mercy mercy on jamaica let us not go down as a murder capital of the world let us not go down as a scam in conjure up the world let us not go down in history whoa as a country who's who has relied the more citizen to United States of America because of scamming lift your harness and lord have mercy oh Jesus hallelujah let's a mother lift your hand as they come for me say have mercy on me whoa somebody worship Him don't hear somebody worship Him don't [Music] number three by Anna story Genesis chapter 2 anyone a discarded wife slash single mother they named her agar-agar single mother there are there seem to be based on readings etc that several women became impregnated through the act of rape and what is a rib maybe there are those in the audience whoever who were told that it's as a result of rib others are as a result of infidelity others are as a result of employer-employee sexual relationship oh you're not saying nothing oh yeah employer and employees no situation sometimes it leaves all kinds of a pain it tastes it was a air was a Alper working with Abraham and Sarah working with Sarah and Sarah doubted God for a while and said to agar said to Abraham Goliath a god I give your permission Nick Abraham did so you know the story do you not after while Ishmael was born and God says my covenant is not with Ishmael my covenanted who is with Isaac whom Sarah shall bear you Barun done halt ceases to be with her after the manner of women what she's gonna be R your son God says I will do it and if he says it believe it bet your life on it you're not seeing nothing of course of time the two boys begun growing up together and then you found that he begun to mock Isaac treat him bad and Ciara realized what was going on said no this can't go on in that Issei audio Abraham you have to get through that a porter damn get rid of Hagar and her son not Ishmael get rid of a car and Ishmael get them out of here Abram didn't want to do it you say oh no this thing can work I love the boy or that Ishmael might live before God forever that's what Abraham says oh that Ishmael might live before God forever and it took God's intervention talked to him and said to him the thing that Sarah said to you do it it's right because both of them cannot coexist law and grace don't work they're like oil and water they can mix are you not saying nothing the son of the bond man and the son of the freewoman care and strive together but who was caught also in the midst of this dilemma a guard the single mother who virtually had no choice when hey bruh ham went in unto her she was a subject and his wife's subject had no choice send them away send them away while they were traveling there in the deserts the little water that they had Ronald finished Bible says Spence water finish Hagar said I don't want suing him dead you know I'm gonna just show him behind this bush here and turn my back on walk away and when he take the last breath I don't want to see it I don't want to see when he takes the last breath and it was then God intervene lift her hand and said Lord provide for me and bless me provide for me bless me God spoke to agar and said no no no you shall not die I am with you you have been dealer six for a nine you have become an old cast as a single mother you can't care for your child single mothers are having it hard many of you even right now struggling to make ends meet struggling to find this gold fee and to pay the bills God know your back is against the wall what you need is a blessing from God lift your hand if everybody and say bless me lift your hands on behalf of every single mother in Jamaica and say bless them bless them bless them blessing blessing blessing provide for them God knows the things you're going through and all you are hurting he understands how your heart has been broken and torn to pieces you need a blessing bless me provide for me I will do it zip the Lord I will do it set the Lord number four number four coming down five different women five different circumstances all surrounding mother and family mother and the family some of you do not know how central mothers are to the family they are like the master key that opens the main door Exodus chapter 2 but only very much about this woman whom they named Jacob and Jacob and Jacob administered Ava says she has good pronunciation Jacob it Moses his mother Moses his father are a wonderful son but his life was on the line because fear said he shall not live he shall die lift your hand and say Lord protect him Lord preserve him I believe Chuck Abed might have used those words when she build up little baskets and put her a little boy in there and give him to the River Nile infested by maybe crocodile and alligators shark and all kinds of swordfish and catfish she released him through a finale I believe she mighta said Lord protect you Lord preserve him some of us of children that we need to make that request of Almighty God too dear if you have a people that you want God to preserve live channel or preserve him protect him protector hallelujah I know they're walking through the valley of the shadow of death but stand by them and all kind of evil is around them but stand by them God I know America Lions are trying to bring them down stand by them I know Don man is trying to recruit them to join gang and to carry gun none George please somebody help me ask God for protection those sons and our daughters in the name of Jesus like a Moses they're people of purpose well somebody says something over here I said like a Moses there are people of purpose people of destiny you may not see now but God sees beyond what you and I see every time oh I will protect himself God I will preserve him a mother's cry lift your hand again and say protect him say preserve him put your mind on the peak nourish fought him there right now some of us don't know where they are but lift up your soul to Almighty God on some of you need to knock your belly from where they came and let your belly begin to crowd belly be envelope' and Olympian belly pain God remember my son remember my daughter you know where their heart you know what they're involved in you know what they're doing it they're going down the slippery slope they're living like a prodigal boy right now what God Oh God Oh God Oh God Chernobyl sutta Oh [Music] somebody said protect him well as in Kimon Canada aim in America England Peyman Canada wherever his protector Monty Gomez and Jim's real are near normal Lucy said Katrin Corinth and Manchester wherever they are protected got a purpose you know what God did do you not you know what God did God caused this enemy Firoz daughter to go down to have a bath nobody helps no soldier no military man but the Pharaoh's daughter and when she saw him she knew him it's not this one of the Hebrew children yes he is but her heart was moved with compassion I will do it set the Lord against all hearts God will do it God am i preaching my heart Oh turning about here today against all hearts God will do it God will do it Chilean here but God will do it tell them on the right tell them on the left God will do it so God will do it for you how will do it set the Lord God who are no not trust in me shall be a shame [Music] my god prism everybody let me bring it down you know hardest story and you know who attended God or advocates Moses mother was asked to be his maid right and Pharaoh's Palace is anything too hard for God Oh No Oh No is anything too hard for God I will do it said the Lord so a caring visionary mother said I cannot do it but you can do it take him Riven I'll protect him preserve him and turn her back Oh God Almighty when you give it to Jesus you must sleep at night when you give it to Jesus you must sleep at night when you give it to Jesus you must beat your food when you give it to Jesus you must lay down stress when you give it to Jesus you must relax he is still a nod a tire God [Music] five women five different circumstances attend fall requests and God said I'll do it finally number five we said heal me and I shall be healed if you're honest a heal me [Music] heal me Jesus a wonderful woman in first I will chapter one who God shut up her womb shut up her womb Dona Ana might have said I want to be productive I want to be fruitful I want to multiply I want to bring forth and you know the story of how she was mocked and jeered by bananas oh she was misunderstood by even priests Eli are you still with me there but she told God heal me if you shut up my room so you can fix it all things work together for good - you're not saying anything over here okay all things working together for good to them that love God and to them what he called according to his purpose so when God is doing his thing in your life be still on or dirty is God what you're not saying nothing if God have you to go through a little longer sometime be still I know that is God [Music] periods of loneliness be still and know that He is God enemies rise up against you be still and know that He is God trust him I want to be fruitful I want to multiply I want to be there physically spiritually I want to be a blessing so give me a man child open the womb and God did not only give her a prophet saww merely gave her more than she asked for somebody give God praise in this house wave your hand and showed something there oh yes I will do it said the Lord five different women five certain different circumstances but God said I will do it and God did it for every one of them give him praise my clothes you may not be like and Eve and Eve oh no you're not a Rebecca certainly not an agar you're not a jerk Abed neither your honor your circumstances doesn't reflect through any of these mothers but you are you with your circumstance could you be a nester this morning could you be an Elizabeth could you be a Mary could you be an Abigail could you be a darkest Oran Lydia all those are women who had challenges of different sorts and I believe they waited on God whoever you are whatever the circumstances of your life as a woman God said if you make the request on this Mother's Day I will do it set the Lord for you on this day stand with me everybody again lift up your hands [Music] raise up your hands both of them yeah I did say you're not any of those women but men and women Carre's Iran everybody and I want you to close it out with the ten requests again say Lord comfort me lord have mercy on me Lord heal me protect me provide for me preserve me feed me save me promote me prosper me prosper me prosper I will do it for you set the Lord for the world will see done under trust in me shall be a shame I will be there for you and go to your waters show your fire show the flood I will stand by you I will not leave you I will not fail you hey don't trust the horses or the chariot remember the name of the Lord your God he will see you through men and women across this congregation men and women across radio television internet around the world God gave me this for you I will do it said the law now it's your time to lift up your hands and open your mouth and begin to praise God from the depth in your heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah my god if you'll sit to ration reflects Eve Rebecca check my bad any one of those women I want you to walk under the receipt come down here let me pretty with you you're the central ones here today hey car if you're reflecting any of those situations continue to worshiping if you are reflecting it in any of those situation oh yes come on down God want to fix it for you right now [Music] where are you reflected this is not an ordinary day not because it's Father's Day it's an anus oh my God Almighty I feel apart of God it is an InDesign to assure you to reassure you to peel you back to confidence that God is on your side God is in your corner yeah you know you walk through the valley shutaura baba sutta God said I'll be with you you come down begin to praise and right now I let the anointing get a hole up on you I'd break up the yoke and break it up break it up break it up break it up reach out to the [Music] see [Music] gotcha given reach [Music] I [Music] [Music] keep [Music] reach out to the lawn [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want you to it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you can't do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bring me down [Music] me where is your gun [Applause] [Music] until you say that can you say that in a side outside big guitar [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm worried [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] my god hallelujah everybody talk to the Lord right now all across this auditorium come on talk to him talk to him talk to him refresh those requests talk to him refresh those requests refresh them refresh them [Music] II my car Jesus Jesus you said you'll do it you said you'll keep your people testimony testimonies a preacher testimonies of deliverance super super super breakthrough [Music] comfort them comfort them protect them [Music] provide for them pop mercy on them save Oh [Music] Taman only city my to God take them through the waters would bring them out on the other side take them to the fire will bring them out on scale [Music] the name of cheese [Music] of Jesus in the name of Jesus in Jesus name I speak it for you now don't release upon your life and I agree with you cheese's [Music] oh Jesus oh my god oh my god I will do it saith the Lord I will I will I wear [Music] Oh [Music] I will I will yes I will [Music] I will send the law so I say yes slow yes Lord my response from the bar yes that's what I said [Applause] my [Music] raise your hand singing one more time now yes [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] break it up break it up break it up break it up top Wow you're free here [Music] name of cheese [Music] Lord may you give many testimonies to your people as you shall supernaturally intervene in their lives take them from one dimension to another they shall walk in complete victory coverage on protection and prosperity and blessing in Jesus name clap your hands and go back to your seat shout shout shout oh my god hallelujah [Applause] I believe God I believe go pass squirted will and it shall be done forever to say [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're I believe [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilySermons
Views: 6,431
Rating: 4.478261 out of 5
Id: RzzoSzDa7ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 52sec (6352 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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