Jesus Christ The Great High Priest || SML HD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] worried [Music] [Applause] [Music] I say [Music] did [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my thanks we tried [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I carry [Music] God raised me [Music] I never saw the precious be my savior speed [Music] kind of a song [Music] I [Music] I am ever so [Music] I see this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I never saw [Music] [Applause] [Music] the rusty Navy [Music] my god why I never saw [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the rusty name it to it [Music] I never saw [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I cannot see [Music] amen let us bow for prayer word time everybody's a word time words I word time God we ask in the name of Jesus that you will descend upon us in all your glory send a rich fresh anointing upon this congregation as we worship those by internet television and our radio we pray that you bless save he'll deliver and set free by your mighty power in Jesus name on Friday night we had another special let the oil flow service we spoke from three portions of scriptures Ezekiel chapter 37 where we ask the Lord to let it blow Ezekiel chapter 47 where we ask him to let it flow Acts chapter 2 we declare that we want to GL or W and we saw the presence of God as a saints of God reached out to the holy spirits for the shaking in the wind the plunge in the stream and the burn in the fire so we can glow for God this morning we look at Hebrews chapter five the first ten verses were read earlier and I want to be bringing a message from this portion onto the theme Jesus Christ our great high priests I scanned my mind and I thought I would have preached on this theme some times ago maybe years ago but this is a brand-new word a fresh word from the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ our great high priest can you say Amen when you put this message in context we must refresh ourselves as to what obtained under the fifth dispensation that of the law when frail sinful human being had to act in the capacity of priests and I priests to offer sacrifices an atonement upon the altar for the sins of mankind it was a pathetic situation because the priests themselves were men with infirmities the animals that were slain themselves could not amen produce the results that God wants which would be the cleansing of the heart from sin so all of those paid some kind of price both animals and priests because you would have noticed that under that particular covenant at times priests some priests would be struck to death in the midst of doing their duty because of their own infirmities in those days brothers sisters those within the animal kingdom and those within the bird Kingdom I believe they could not count on longevity because any day somebody would reach for them or could reach for them to slay them on an altar to atone for the sins of mankind so the turtle doves are no arrests the pigeons are Norris the Bullock's are Norris the he-goat on the romm goat under this under that all of them I believe if they could sense what would have happened they lived their lives in fear could not count on longevity could not count on a full life because they were certain every day to be slain on an altar to atone for the sins of mankind oh Jesus made me of diets or many were killed I should say but when all was said and done mankind was still in his sin still need a better sacrifice still need a greater sacrifice still stood in need of the perfect sacrifice Oh glory to God hallelujah what I'm glad that God always have a plan amen he has never run out of a plan as a matter of fact he's already head of the game glory to God and when you think God would have run out of a plan you he just bring a surprise on you when you think for days late mean the man is down and out for eternity the Lord would just show you that I'm a long time God tell your neighbor he's an aunt God hallelujah so those animals and birds and bees were constantly sought to be slaughtered for the sins of mankind priests would have died right there in the holy place because they were not fun were they to offer such sacrifice hallelujah but today we want to look at Jesus Christ our great high priest tell your neighbor he hears my great high priest hallelujah song keep it in the words of the hymn when he says there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath the flood lose all their guilty stay in a more preacher little here today I feel it the dying see for eyes to see the fountain in his days and then may I though file as II wash all my sins away somebody should praise God if your sins up in washed away somebody should really praise God hallelujah priests the word priest or the name priest is really the sophisticated term for many who serve the cause of Christ ministers shepherds Watchmen servants pastors preachers all are embodied in that word priests as a matter of fact Peter says that we have been made a kingdom of priests so all of us sitting in this house today who are born again washed blood of Jesus Christ can declare according to his word that I am a priest of God hallelujah I am a priest of the Most High God because coveri has done him me Calvary has done for me and no Calvary is doing through me what God wants to be done oh praise the name do I have anybody here that calabrese doing some things through its Calvary able to get some job done for you are you speaking as an Oracle of God are you ministering with God's ability are you walking in the power of the Holy Spirit is the glorious light shining upon you wherever you go you are a priest of God if you're N and say I'm a priest of God yes when some of you recognize that no you will do things a little differently because you use the British term you are not a common arm you're a part of the royal family are you not saying nothing you are not a commoner you are part of the royal family you may not talk to him be here to Hopi he knighted by the Queen but you are be knighted by heaven knighted by heaven as many has received him to them gave me the power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name dear God that's a great dishonor this earth can ever confirm to be a son of God a priest of the Most High God Oh glory to God give him a praise down there hallelujah so those men are usually called those men are usually chosen and set apart for the service of the Lord and solemn solemn charges are usually placed on them fear is something that they carry on their head which was not visible and I'm not talking about the mitre that they wear these days as priests Amen I'm talking about the anointing of God and the Covenant that rested on them that anywhere they go whether or not they have the mitre on their head something's on their head Amy that you can't see what they know that the Nazarite vow is upon them oh my god tell your neighbor something is on me that you might not see but I know it is on me something is on my head you can't see it with your eyes you got to look in the spirit to see that the Spirit of the Lord God is up on me serious anointed me glory to God and I'm a priest of the Most High God hallelujah hallelujah touch your head and says something is on my head it's not your heart is not your hair it's not your wig something is on your head I bought your heart your head your wig it is the holidays I don't feel the Holy Ghost on me somebody praise them in this house I did say praise them in this house I said something is on my head something is on your head down here I'm speared it comes from the head down to this part of his garment it is there the Lord come on just blessing lifted as a blessing blessing blessing blessing [Music] hallelujah [Music] dear God dear Jesus dear Jesus now I know it that's my head not with water now I know it that's my head with and right now my cup is ruining Oh Ronnie go dear God I stayed with the message the Lord how person I feel the Holy Ghost and if I reveal any Holy Ghost hallelujah rock your shoulder against the neighbors on me you can get the healing right now because this is mystery this is miracle you can get a picture right now anything touches the anointing anyone touches the anointing the anointing touch you can't get America [Music] yeah Jesus [Music] so solemn charges were laid upon them such as Joshua key a Moses gave to Joshua numbers chapter 27 verse 23 and Deuteronomy 31 23 such as David gave to Solomon for asking chapter 2 and verse 1 such as Jehoshaphat gave to the leaders of Judah 2nd chronicles chapter 9 and verse 9 such as Jesus Christ gave to his disciples Matthew chapter 10 and verse 5 such as Paul the Apostle gave to the Ephesian elders the elders in Ephesus Acts chapter 20 in verse 28 he said to them take heed unto yourself take heed unto yourself don't just have 10 you only vary how do anything take heed to your neighbor taking and such as Paul gave to Timothy 1st Timothy chapter 5 and verse 21 1st Timothy chapter 6 and verse 13 and 2nd Timothy 4 and verse 1 all of these my brother it speaks to responsibility you are a priest you are a responsible person you are a priest you're a person in high position you're a priest than to whom much is given much is required you're a priest God is depending on you you are a priest people are respected something from you lifter Hennessy I am a priest of God I want to get this thing personal today witness some of you must us up this there realize that you are not just a little member in your charge not because you are not ordained and commissioned I have a title of this name are that name you have a greater title on a greater honor than any denomination can give to you it doesn't matter what people we give you if heaven don't sunshine you if Heaven does not knowing you you people mean nothing in your hand it means nothing on the world but people are no paper pipeline or title heaven lays his hands on you and appear you to be a priest of God an anointing of God Almighty somebody a mere also an heaven lays his odds on you hallelujah somebody praise them over here and heaven can find you anywhere heaven can find you anytime heaven can find you where nobody else can find you for well shall I flee for my spirit where shall I go from my presence if I make my bed in hell heaven will find me if I am darkness economy heaven will find me it doesn't matter where I go [Music] gosh [Music] come on David come on up the wilderness you're a priest of God [Music] dear God hallelujah it's a stand up stand up for Jesus your soldier of the cross live high Israel banner it must not suffer loss from victory on to victory Halloween before everybody hypocrite have rely on teeth steal a woman stealer cannot patient miss Olsen till every floor is one crash Christ jump up on your feet and lift up your hand I shout Jesus Christ is Lord are you Santonio lattice Dave Ontario shut up or shut up let this enemies hear you Jesus Christ is Lord take it take it take it take it Jesus Christ yes he's our doctor I can't digest it but he tipped Jesus Christ there thank you Jesus sit down please my god [Music] well if you don't feel anything you may be connected to the yes if you don't feel anything you may be connected turn around power source you're disconnected but I fear all right let's preach a little [Music] Oh responsible people because something is on your head that has been placed there by the great high priest or Lord Jesus Christ let me share a few scriptures with you and slow it down a little and then you rev it up again the Holy Ghost would come in look with me to Isaiah 62 and verse 6 somebody praise God here glory to the name of Jesus God is good isn't he oh Jesus as I a 62 and 6 what it says I'm talking about the responsibility that is up on the priest of God we call them Watchmen we call them past as we call them preachers we call them servants all of these name he says I have set watchmen upon thy walls o Jerusalem which shall never all their peace day nor nights he not make mention of the Lord keep not silence so don't let anybody try to slow you down I shut you up you're a priest of God and you must speak so set the Lord speak it in your home speak it up the office if you can speak it in the street speak into your neighbors let them know you are a priest of God a Watchmen on the wall [Music] let's flip over to Jeremiah Isaiah Jeremiah chapter 6 and let's look from verse 16 16 and 17 thoughts let the LORD stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk dear him and he shall find rest for your souls what some people say we will not walk therein also I said watchman who were you saying I come to the sound of the trumpet but some people say we will not hearken listen me when Christians come talking to you must listen listen to the voice of God's servants listen to the priest of God's house we have a message from heaven for you not that you should perish but that you should come another blast in life can you say Amen let me give you two more flip over to Ezekiel Jeremiah Ezekiel our lamentation Ezekiel amen chapter three all glory to God anybody praising him down here glory to the name of Jesus I am pointing out to you that the priests of God the ministers of God's house are responding civil people and we must speak to you in the name of the Lord from verse 17 that hear these words son of man I have made be such a violence I mean such yourself and say me yeah I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel therefore hear the word of my mouth and give them warning from me glory to God when I say unto the wicked thou shalt surely die and I'll give us him not warning nice speak us to him the wicked not speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his in his iniquity but his blood will I require at your hand lift your hand and say in the name of Jesus know about his blood will be on my hand I will tell them to set the Lord glory to God oh yes verse 19 yet if the Wanda wicked and he turned not from his wickedness nor from his wicked way he shall die in his iniquity but thou hast delivered thy soul now hear this brothers and sisters if you think is only wicked people need to get worn in you make a sad mistake oh you're not saying anything I repeat if you think it's only wicked people need to be warned need to be reminded of the judgments of God you make a mistake let's look at verse 20 again when a righteous man turned from his righteousness and commits iniquity is that possible righteous people can turn from their righteousness and begin to commit iniquity and I'll a stumbling block before him what God says he will do lay a stumbling block before every righteous person who turn away from your righteousness and begin to commit iniquity God said I will block your path I will block your path I will put an angel before you like I put before bailouts don't care and you can the forward [Music] god help me to preach this gospel here this morning hallelujah what does fumbling block before him he shall die because of us not giving him warning he shall die in his sin and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered but his blood will I require at thine hand 21 says nevertheless if though Wanda righteous one the righteous man that the righteous seen not and it does not sin he shall surely live because he his wand and the was delivered thy soul tell your neighbor when I come to you in love talk to them the man we have preached to each other whenever I come to you in love to talk to you about your righteousness no shut me off I am a priest of God I'm instructed by God took him warning to the righteous not to turn from his righteousness and took him warning to the wicked to turn from their wickedness responsible [Music] mind your business now my new on business we are our brother's keeper we must watch over one another you're not saying anything God Almighty we must care for one another glory let's let's finish let's give you one more easy catch up to 33 let's go there same as he killed 33 anybody get him blessed by the Word of God Jesus turtle tree from first one again the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man speak to the children of thy people and say unto them when i bring the sword upon a land if the people of the land take a man of the course and set him for their Watchmen if when that watchman see the sword come upon the land he blow the trumpet and warn the people then who's ever hearing the son of the trumpets and ticket not warning if the sword come and take him away his blood shall be upon his own head he's on it some of you are getting warning nights on there but now all grandmother would say you're pretty keen you ears you're acting like you're Miss Bertha donkey Loki how he tried to pull you back you're still up or go down I have read the book he heard the zone of the trumpet and took not warning his blood shall be upon him but he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul but if the watchman see the sword come and blow not the trumpets and the people be not warned if the sword come attack any passer from among them he's taken away in in in his iniquity but his blood with will I require at the wash behind where he honest and no blood no blood no blood you will remember this day happening many years ago almost 34 years as all as this ministry is what we're about tithing people at the seaside and one wonderful lady maybe she is viewing from Canada now bless you missionary Morgan wanted to be baptized the state of her life was not very good I say no more those who interviewers and all we cannot baptize you because things not right living with your boyfriend and not married and he has no plan Samar you she said I'm safe when I want to be baptized married are no married I want to be baptized they came to me and they talked to me and I said no we cannot baptize her like that I know it's in the crowd I heard the voice show tote bust at the office if you don't baptize me my blood be upon your shoulder I said bring are calm calm calm calm quick quick quick quick quick [Applause] and she served God and still serving God somebody prayers got here with me so Watchmen we must be careful watch man we must be careful watch men on watch women we must be careful Lord a trumpet in Zion so the alarm on my holy mountain latina me tense up the lunch wrapper for the day of the Lord is coming they have judgments let's leave that right there but I must take you to Hebrews chapter 12 I'm coming to another dimension in this message Hebrews chapter 12 from verse 22 somebody praise God on their Oh glory to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I bless you Jesus did I say chapter 1222 but ye are come unto Mount Zion add unto the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and the Church of the firstborn which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and to the sprinkling of blood that speaketh better than that of Abel see then that you refuse not in that speaketh for if they escape not who refuse him but speck on earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven who's first and shortly earth but now he hath promised yet once more I shake not the Earth only but also the heaven do you get the message be careful you must take heed to the voice that speak to you from Earth they are priests of God anointed by the Holy Ghost the writer says if they do not escape who refuse to listen to the earthly speakers how on earth will they escape if they refuse to listen to him to speak from heaven hebrews chapter one from verse 1 to 3 it says god at different times and in different ways in time past he's paying unto the father's by the prophets but in these last days he's speaking to us by his son jesus christ the voice from heaven is the voice of the head of the church Jesus Christ God declared in my just 17 this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased yeah llamo second somebody praise God in this house when you hear me on the apostles and prophets evangelists and pastors and teachers you are hearing from Jesus Christ we are his mouthpiece we Horace ambassadors so if you refuse to hear a son take heed on take warning the heavenly voice will soon speak and it says when I speak I will not ship on little earth I'm gonna board heaven on earth somebody say help us Lord somebody showed it if you mean it down there let's get the second gear for ten minutes on our stop Jesus Christ our great High Priest lifter Hanasi he's my eyepiece when you look at him in a text of Ebru was Chapter five Oh glory to God from the King James Version it speaks of man every high priest among men well let me move straight to the verse I want to delve in in verse number seven speaking of Jesus well verse success as he safe also in another place though at a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec who in the days of his flesh while he walked this earth while he laboured among men when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto God that was able to save him from death and was aired in that he feared though he were a son yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him lift your hand and say I am among them / it's of God nobody getting less they're less less less wine it on the NIV says of Ebru chapter five and verse seven and I really looked at these versions because some of the words are penetrating almost graphic in the description as they speak concerning Jesus in the days of his flesh and he's preparing this particular time historically preparing for the greatest sacrifice that ever was offered himself the NIV said during the days of Jesus's life on earth he offered the prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death somebody say help us Lord and he was heard because he because of his reverent submission he was earned the Living Bible puts it this way yet while Christ was here on earth he pleaded with God praying with tears and agony of soul to the one who would save him from premature death and God heard his prayers because of his strong desire to obey God at all times he prays he pleaded with God anybody remember that prior those priors in the Garden of Gethsemane three times he went away and came back and pray the same prayers brother Simon Ed's he filled the haqqani that was coming Calvary was drawing Calvary became so real and personal three times he went out on at one time he prayed on till his sweat falling down from his fares sail as though they were great drops of blood leading to God with hawk on your soul with tears and petition father save me from this hole why don't you turn things around in another direction why don't you call Gabriel or Michael come on the mean humanity and send them to do this job oh Jesus Jesus secrete high priest hallelujah man to compound all of that but well men who were so close by him that event was immoral supports watch with me stay up for one lower hang in here with me I'm going through something that I got to face alone I'm gonna have to tread the winepress of the wrath of God alone but please just when I come back let me find you on your knees bring me through premium [Music] when he came back the first time they're asleep came back the second time okay guys okay okay sleep on sleep on sleep on the Orascom the Son of Man is betrayed in the ends of sinners and who was leading the March at the parade and abundance are just coming to capture him who was the leader who was the leader who was about master who was the general who was the major who was the superintendent who was the commissioner who was the man who led me to Jesus who was a minor point animal who was the man who came to him master Judah [Music] Christine if it were an enemy that betray me I can understand not to us enemies do if it were an enemy not dog the dish for me to fall in I could understand that's what enemies are for if it were an enemy my god that betrayed me I could understand Jesus said but Jesus looked him straight in the eyes so for a friend Judis you're my friend are those of your head me are my friends all those of you try to kill me you are my friends all those of you persecute me scandalize me heat me chop me cook miss Chu me fry me beat me you are my friend I love you in the lovable I [Music] you're not there not there are two close friend a woman say she loved her husband loved her husband and I haven't checked old water a name really means they named her Delilah says Samson I love you with all of my heart I love you man I love you Samson I love you Samson I say no more [Music] do I need to say more no I love you Samson while she professed her love the snake the Serpent's venom was in her heart excuse me please the Serpent's venom was in her heart that dad was walking through her she tried several times on everything and Samson you really don't love me like I love you because you've deceived me all these three times and then he told her hauled his heart I am a Nazarites they've always on my head you're letting the body fool wrong right upon your head and the unknown ting down your head no one knowing this Maya can I preach for five more minutes tell your neighbor don't let nobody mess round your head I wind up on your head let anybody let him buy your head that can't mess up what upon your head car up what upon your head in the name of Jesus [Music] everybody needs this one linen [Music] for them to have nothing in our a man and Ryan Dedham : mix up with iniquitous some of them excuse me please come on our priest of God delivering the word be careful I would show on why your ad [Music] somehow two priests got here you know what a story let's finish let's wave your hand in the annoying cheek no cheek Jesus wrong crying to God let's give you another version stop contemporary English version God had the power to serve save Jesus from death and while Jesus was on earth he begged God with love trying on tears to save him save me from this hour but this great high priest having recognized the pigeons and turtle doves on eagleton run good and infirm priest could not get the job done he says lo I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will o God and when you read the 22nd the Masonic table you will see what this famous spar concerning this great high priests what he would be a nice ayah summon up with these words he was wounded for my transgression he was bruised from our iniquities the chastisement of my was upon him and with His stripes lift your hand and say what does upon say what does upon tell the nibbler what does upward touch your head and tell your head what does apart touch your eyes and tell your eyes what does upward touch your chest until your heart what does upward torture press and tell them what does upward touch about to tell it what does upward touch your knees and tell them what the support touch any part to you tell them [Music] yes [Music] [Music] it is sit down two more minutes I did say to my Dunn brothers and sisters we see the greatest sacrifice that was ever made in pursuit of man's Redemption in pursuit of man's reconciliation Oh glory to God and I leave for things for you to consider which army preached some other times so I'm at a time concerning Jesus Christ though a great high priests so I gave you a message and I give you glimpse of another message another time we may look at number one the price he paid number two we look at the punishment he bore number three we look at the purpose for which he died number four we look at the purchase that was made the price that he paid the punishment he bore the purpose of which he died and the purchase that was made well you go to your supermarket wherever you go you carry some money and the money is able to make you purchase some stuff what was the purchase that was me it's done with me please let's not go dear Jesus very long oh do you Jesus see [Music] lifter and not see it again everybody [Music] see as left that dream such day [Music] Lord hello he suffered and died alone he gay himself to say he suffered bled and died [Music] this is a precursor to the Easter service coming up shortly but we do not know if we see he stone Jesus could come before anything could happen so we all now is the accepted time today is the day of salvation if you hear the voice of the Watchmen take heed to the warning I invite everyone save that backsliders and fallen since fallen Saints yell and everyone saved every box Lydell under fallen Saints to join down here so that the great High Priest of our souls the Lord Jesus Christ can minister to you transform you and the purchase that was made the goods are for you he paid the price and you get the prize yeah he paid the price and you go home with the prize come and give your life to Jesus hello bow your heads and close your eyes when you come this is serious business and I hello Jesus gave himself to say he's old he suffered he bled and he died I don't feel the church pray what something look at the altar look at the base unfilled [Music] look what the whole ecosystem hello EK Pizza to say ezal Jesus suffered a yo-yo bled and died [Music] it was hello [Music] he paid a price [Music] EK the south to say oh Jesus I [Music] right at time all it's about [Music] eyes are closed God is speaking to your heart this is your home to take up your cross to follow Jesus [Music] Oh Inaba santarém touch up Jesus [Music] I need feel everybody's time with me those who can't stand up come on come on lift up lift up lift up lift up your head and tell Jesus come on charge [Music] I come to thee [Music] singing one more time and we talked to God it [Music] hallelujah Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] I dare you live Japan's a call to him again hallelujah hallelujah Jesus clearly goes so this article sorry boss can you do that just one more time I need me a church come up Church come back get up the body goes get out an arching on your life eat Jesus me check our table all set [Music] but Avera last time I need you my god hallelujah whatever estate of your life [Music] some girls not [Music] in Jesus name [Music] everybody pray everybody pray [Music] everybody same prayer a prayer from you to God yeah say a prayer [Music] think of the goodness of Jesus what is done for you let's something in you reach out for him right now father God in Jesus name in Jesus name every lost soul every box lighter every fallen believer by the wayside smitten by the enemy leave for dead pour in the oil and the wine refresh and revive them revive and refresh them Oh God oh Jesus Oh a great eye priests paid a price in full Shrunk the bitter cup to the dregs [Music] let a young man say yes to you today let a young man say yes I'll take up my cross and follow Jesus let a woman a boy or girl say yes or Carla bisetta Jesus [Music] [Applause] let him say yes all to Jesus I surrender yes Lord or to him I freely give I freely give I will ever love a trustee this presence daily me let them say yes serious say yeah say yes Lord let her say yes say yes say yes let them say yes yes say yes say yes Lord young men say yes young girls say yes everybody say yes say yes to Jesus say yes to Jesus say yes to Jesus to Jesus don't say no never say no yeah you never say no always say yes you must say yes you must say yes [Music] yes never say no never say no never say no never say no to Jesus you must say yes you're bossy see worship God everybody come on worship worship God worship God or worship God worship God where are the saints of the Most High God where are the saints of the Most High God we are the priests of God's house where are the priests of God's house we're on the priests of ghazals hey Gloria [Music] they're not some foreign [Music] 90 my god the presence is resonant to this house there is an ascending power of God they are resting on somebody right now but you're receiving a touch of the dance card you are receiving a touch lift up your tail hands above your head to the master to the Lord to your savior and let it touch you right now because some of you are getting it from your head to your toes my god from the tip of your finger God Almighty [Music] Misato that Obama whose secret ah we see come on receive receive receive some of you need an anointed to break a York why not anointed breaker York let the anointing [Music] Bridget Bridget Bridget Bridget Bridget Bridget bracket bracket [Music] yes yes yes yes oh my god mama Santa Paula gosh summer you don't need nothing you don't need nothing all right if you're not be nothing not to you will not get but if you need something [Music] yeah I mean anatec do you need energy here behind me [Music] anybody all my le doubt it back something is being released it is the anointing it is your knowledge women boys and girls healing the solvation for deliverance [Music] - attention torture tactics sister take it [Music] never said no to Jesus all right say yes to Jesus sire seiyya seiyya [Music] nada [Music] I praise your master [Music] I got somebody fee like president summer [Music] we don't know what some people are we don't know who there was but we know who you are we want Jesus so give me Jesus in the morning if you choose to see the evening every hour every day [Music] this [Music] every day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right now [Music] yeah [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] many years ago the question was us some people were to make a choice between Jesus and Barabbas you know what some people say give us Barabbas but what do you say this morning what did you say away with the paralysis of this world we'll take Jesus why do you say something why do you say yeah what'd you say young man Jesus we say watch your similarity Jesus we were hallelujah but you cemre yeah Jesus how do you Sylvia what you say Jesus who are at watch assimilating what's your sensor Emma Jesus go on what you say [Music] to go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord sempre off to me please all of you you had Bodhi iku say Lord Jesus I thank you for this wonderful day I thank you for your word I thank you for the conviction now Lord help me to make the commitment to follow you all the way I know you love me I love you Lord and I want to serve you so in the name of Jesus give me sufficient faith to begin my walk with you this very moment in Jesus name amen well clap your hands up [Music] now wanna ask you a favor okay please grant me this favor which is also in your interest please we are going to dismiss the services in another 15 minutes yeah amaura ask all of you to spend another 20 minutes with our counselors in the multi-purpose all in the back here please do so okay it's easier for you dudes for you to do so now than for some of you to come back at five o'clock this evening others will come but some of you just don't make it so lipice let me see you and those who will spend those extra 20 minutes let me see lift them up I come on lift am i all right wonderful great so when we pronounced a benediction you come right through this door is a big oil in the back here they will spend 15 minutes with you the most 20 minutes look on your watch okay and if they're going over the air so you walk out yeah me not any time to reach over 20 minutes ago Jesus walk out all right give them a hand please go back [Music] yeah [Music] lord have mercy anybody got blizzard anybody got blessed there today [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilySermons
Views: 8,115
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Id: aELoR4fo4S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 57sec (6237 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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