Your Word's Are Alive - Be Careful Of What You Say ᴴᴰ

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now you see as we understand the fact that the words that are spoken there is actually spirit life released in those words you see Jesus said the words I speak to you their spirit and their life so there is life transmitted by the spoken word of God there is also a spirit that's transmitted it's the Spirit of God if it's God's Word if it's the devil's words that you're quoting and speaking then it transmits the spirit of the evil one now that's why it's so important that we learn to say what God says about every situations did you know backing up and saying what the devil said now I want us to look at scripture in second Corinthians a fourth chapter he said we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe in therefore speak nicey Paul is quoting an Old Testament scripture here psalms 116 verse 10 is what he's quoting from the Old Testament where David said I believed and therefore how I spoken now see whether you realize it or not the things that you believed and the things you have believed in days past they have been spoken now when you spoke those things whether you realize it or not you released a spirit with that see if it was words of strife you released a spirit of strife with your words if it was in love you released a spirit of love concerning that matter if it was fear you released a spirit of fear see words are alive they're living substance and they produce after their kind so David said I believed and therefore have I spoken Paul says we also believe in therefore speak so that's the basis for what the psalmist David did and in his battle with the giant and with different situations the bear and the line and and all of that he said he said a slew the line and the bear and he said this uncircumcised philistine shall be as one of them well david was proclaiming allowing his words to proceed or be forerunners of what he actually accomplished now as you studied the passage there you find out that's exactly what happened now as you find out what David did here actually as you study this you'll find out that he said I believe it was five times he proclaimed what he would do before he did it now I think it's important that we realized that when we proclaimed things in faith based on the authority of God's Word and our experience with God in him fulfilling his word that we can be bold about some things and and this is what David is doing he is proclaiming he is releasing the spirit of faith in those words to go before him and prepare him to do it be able to do the thing that he did now I want you to know that it not only affected the situation of the Giant it affected what David did and it does that way in your life every day the words you speak they're gonna affect the things you do the decisions you make and your words can cause you to make wrong decisions they can cause you to make right decisions the Bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue now want you to draw a little circle around yourself here and I want you to say mentally inside of you brother Steen is talking to me what sayest thou of thyself what is your basic attitude what is your self-image what do you say and what do you think about yourself it's not arrogance it's not pride it's not stupidity it is just simply agreeing with God to confess means to say the same thing or to agree did you know that God created the world with words he said let there be and I was he said let there be and I was he said let there be and I was God created with words and he spoke the world into existence I'm going to tell you something today that can change the whole course of your life did you know that as soon as God created the world with words he said the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost the Bible said God Sam led us you see the first the first word for God is Elohim which is a plural unity Father Son and Holy Ghost and God said let us make man in our image now listen to what the lit Living Bible says and God said let us make a man somebody just like us and let them be masters of all of life faith words this God said as Father Son and Holy Ghost came together now that we have demonstrated what words can do let us make a man and a woman somebody just like us I'm telling you didn't come from a monkey you didn't come from an ape you didn't come home a little bit of slime that crawled out on the earth and begin to develop no you are made just like God the power of death and life are in the tub all of your situation right now is a product of how you've been talking you talk down you'll go down you talk defeat you'll be defeated you talk like you'll have lack you tact and talk depression you'll have depression but if you were talking and glory and victory you're having that's mind over matter that's Christians I'm s'mores not mind over matter and it's not Christian science it's viable we don't deny a sickness we don't deny poverty we don't deny symptoms or the like is there we just place the Word of God against it and say what God says we're the only creature that could talk we're made in the image of God God said I made the world in six days and I'm going to make somebody just like myself and he made us did you know the Bible says I create the fruit of glimpse what are you saying about your children what are you saying about your business what are you saying about your marriage what are you saying about that situation what are you saying do you create heaven or you can create peace with your mouth some S&R because you see I've always been poor my family's been poor and all of that and you know it it's just always my children never amount to anything and all that let me tell you something there's a law working you better be careful because you're creating the very thing you're talking about would you say for those seen I'm not do live at it if I'm sick I'm sick if I'm weak I'm weak if I'm in debt I'm in there I don't want you to lie about it just read what God's Word says and agree with God the Bible says let the weak say I am strong let the weak say he didn't say I'm not weak that the weak say what shall the weak say they didn't say let the weak parade - all right - brain but I'm genuine there's a time to say it not pray you can wear your carpet out until you get car buckles on your knees and never get anything from God until you learn to use your mouth and agree with God you see let let a person say on the basis of God's Word just the opposite of the problem let the weak say I am strong let the sick say I'm here let the weak say I am strong let the sick say I appeal let those in debt say a prosperous let the defeated say and more than a couple levels you're surrounded by all kind of enemies say greater is He that's in me and he that's in the world I say the greater one is it me I say the greater one lives in me he's rare than the devil he's greater than demons he's greater than cancer he's rare that part trouble he's better than dead [Music] see mark 11:23 the god-kind of faith' the way that it works is that a man will have what he says if he believe in doubt not in this heart well I see God has established that as a law as a principle or a law whatever you want to say about it and it works that way now just because God said that because Jesus said that see this is what I think we missed something sometimes we think that well it's that way because God said it or because Jesus said that wouldn't have been that way if he had in the city but no no that's not always true see it was that way that's the reason Jesus said it see that was already established see that was established even under the Old Covenant because God told Joshua don't let the word of God the part I do you know meditate therein day and night observe to do all that's written therein don't let it depart in other words that's God's wish and you have what you say Joshua hooked on to that you see him in the tenth chapter of Joshua when he was pursuing after the enemy and is about to get dark on so he stopped before all of Israel looked up toward heaven and said to the son you know here's a man talking to the son now he got something out of keeping God's word in his mouth and meditating there in day and night and observing to do suppose that probably Joshua had got ahold of a lot of things in the Word of God that most people miss when they don't meditate on when they don't spend some time dealing with what God said and how it affects their life you see God's Word is a living force it's a living substance it'll live inside you if you let it are if you allow it to it'll mean nothing to you in the pages of the book it won't do anything for you but Joshua got something out he stood before all of Israel lifted up his head looked towards the Sun toward God and said and said to the son son stand now still well now don't you know that Israel thought no who is this dingaling what does he think he's doing why he must think he's God see I've had people say that why you must think you're God confessing all these things you're trying to force God into doing something oh no we're just trying to apply what God's already established it's that way we just learned how to operate in now he spoke that before all of Israel but you know when the Sun had been shining for about 24 hours you know they decided this over Bono was something and certainly he did he stopped the stunts the Sun or actually what he did he stopped the rotation of the air he thought the Sun was moving but it regardless of that he got the same result now you see that David here has proclaimed five times before it ever came to pass what was going to happen now we've made this statement I want to make it again here your words are forerunners of the events that will take place in your life now there's several reason for that one reason is because that it will cause a circumstance to come about which you're speaking and besides that it'll change you to the part where that you'll cause the circumstance our get in agreement with that circumstance
Channel: Lion of Judah
Views: 449,266
Rating: 4.9242983 out of 5
Keywords: The 700 Year Old Biblical Prophecy Of ISAIAH Was FINALLY Fulfilled ᴴᴰ, Not Every Thought is Your Own | RENEW YOUR THOUGHT LIFE ᴴᴰ, They Are All Around And You Are One Of Them - The Imago Dei ᴴᴰ, The Mind Is The Battle Ground | RETRAIN YOUR MIND ᴴᴰ, THE FOUR LEVELS OF FAITH - Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego ᴴᴰ
Id: wkRe9ZGu7HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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