Supernatural Love | Roshith Perera | 24th March 2019 | WOWLife Church

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hey guys I hope I'm going to see you in Florida a five-day program the Miramar Beach last year has been a phenomenal year that God has caused increase in our lives and really change the paradigm change the dimension that we are in and so it's gonna be all new and called new energy as see you in Florida [Music] you you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] supernatural love on a series of supernatural love right let's just turn to Romans chapter 5 you can have it up [Music] chapter 5 verse 1 onwards to 5 I'm going to read we have that up there this is amazing you need to listen to this for this you will read it really slow and I'm teach you from this verse if you get this I'm telling you it's phenomenal therefore having being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God you see when I ask you to check your wallets and wave your phones for carb grids or check for Supernatural credit I'm telling you to wave it in hope of the glory of God you see in hope now for the father for the natural man we like what come on man I'm gonna have but in hope of the glory of God right the hope is is the first thing is the first factor is the first paradigm that you need to cultivate in your heart once you come to know Jesus right but hope is not complete until we read the rest of the scripture and understand this so a lot of people base faith on hope oh I have faith I have hope God is gonna heal me God is gonna make me richer God is gonna make me a blessing to my family God is going to bless me in my workplace God is gonna bless me in my career God is gonna bless me in my ministry God is gonna bless me in how I how I how I teach and minister to people so a lot of people miss faith on hope on the hope of the glory of God that's phenomenal that is amazing there is a way to do it that is right and there is a good understanding listen this next thing is like that I know people who train you might you guys take like like black coffee and something to keep you energized right all right now watch this this is this little energized when you when you when you listen to this and not only that was three but we also glory in tribulations knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance character and character hope it's talking about tribulation and how tribulation builds more hope now lots of people think this tribulation is Hoyle suffering oh my god I've been through this or my room all of my life I've worked for 15 years my character has been pruned because I've gone through the mill this is the wrong religious carnal ideology that people have about tribulation and how character is refined you see now if you know grace and if you know Jesus how you face tribulation is very different to how the world faces tribulation tribulation is not actually tribulation for you tribulation sees patience for you you see see carnality when you're in the world tribulation means oh my god Oh morning my god I'm gonna kill myself until the hope a glory of God comes now that doesn't look like a door that's not Jesus I'm I've got to slave out to wake up in the morning I have to oh my god Raja be up at 3:00 in the morning doing is accounts for like yours if that's gonna happen they won't main hair on his head lift that's the tribulation and perseverance we think because we don't understand supernatural love we bastes hope on the glory of God on this sort of legalistic hard work mentality suffering mentality and watch this I am youthpass right but I have also preached I have imparted this on my people as at some point because I did myself understand what perseverance and now come on I'm being very open with you guys we are all learning here I'm not standing here absolutely perfect and saying wow I'm like a but I'm like what the most futuristic example of grace no no no we've all learned through grace we've all understood and we are being pruned and taught and we are learning but learning happens fast when you're open with your family learning happens fast when you can be open when you can be sensitive when you can be weak before the body of Christ because Jesus Christ is all of you learning happens when I can be weak before Jesus Christ you you get it so tribulation and perseverance legalistic tribulation perseverance makes us toil and we think that we need to toil like this for the glory of God to come and replenish our hope no watch now hope does not disappoint this is the key hope hope in the glory of God does not discipline I can assure of that but watch because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has given to us because the love of God it doesn't say your neighbors love it doesn't say the love that is passed down through your natural families it doesn't say the love that you have learnt about in school it doesn't say that the love that is freely advertised to you in the world today it's not the love that you see in the movies it's not the love that you see in all the let's get together and clean up the nation campaigns that you see out there you see because all that or all of that love expects something back you get it I'm gonna give me something to you guys of supernatural love right it'll really free you will really free some of your you see so most of you guys are waiting for inheritances so let's say what ok like let's say what no I mean think about it your great-great-grandfather has left I mean let's say ten billion dollars worth of assets to you it's been passed down to your granddad and then to your dad and now your family is ready to pass down the ten million dollars worth of assets to you and your guests about receive it how many of you can guarantee that you can receive it and then do whatever you want with it you will have to look after somebody down the line you will have to take care of something down the line there will be always an expectation and a responsibility given there's a condition that's great that's awesome that's they are understanding but God's love God's supernatural just gives you really Satan told Jesus worship me and I will give you everything a condition jesus healed so many people but he never said get on your feet and worship Me do you understand that supernatural love has no condition so your hope in the glory of God is only complete when you understand the supernatural love that flows down into your heart from God himself it cannot be passed down to you from by anybody Jesus died ascended into heaven the Holy Spirit came down supernatural love can only be passed down to you by God himself and it is deposited into your heart one supernatural love is deposited into your heart it completes it completes the hope that you have in the glory of God there you have a victory when supernatural love is deposited into your hearts the tribulation and the perseverance that the Bible talks about in Romans is just patience you bask in the love of God Jesus all I'm just so patient I have hope in your glory Lord I have hope and I'm just so patient and I'm waiting for the right point at time prophet once said people get tired people get ill people get sick it's because they're trying to do too many things out of season when you understand supernatural love you won't do things out of season all you will do is persevere you will you will you will have perseverance and tribulation in rest your tribulation will be patience sitting there and relaxing you see I I mean I mean I got this revelation I would like my god Jesus my life is just become so easy my life I'm just sailing through my problems I'm just waking up in the morning and I'm just walking on water this is cool when I can wait forever like this when when it falls it falls you see many falls it falls Saul if you if you know in the Bible if you go back to the story of Saul he was supposed to wait till the Prophet came to bless him to go to war but he didn't understand supernatural love so he wanted to do things out of season so he did what the Prophet had to do and he lost to all imagine the amount of animosity and the stressed he put in put on himself today because we don't understand the supernatural love is deposited into our hearts we are trying to do things supernaturally with the paradigm of carnal love we are trying to love people we are trying to do ministry we're trying to run our businesses we are trying to go through tribulation and perseverance with carnal love so a lot of people think oh my god okay love love Jesus okay yeah Jesus is all about love okay fine okay I need a breakthrough let me start working love now okay employees okay we don't have money but okay let me give you 100,000 rupiah increments a company go bankrupt and you get very upset at the end of the day but if you understand supernatural it's about Jesus it's about resting upon Jesus resting upon his word understanding what romance is clearly saying you get it so to understand supernatural love to receive supernatural love first you must come into a place of unlearning you need to come to a place of depositing your heart in front of Jesus and same see Peter Peter was Peter said so many times god I will never Jesus I will never deny you I will never deny you I will never deny you you see Peter verse I'd say absolutely you see this is a best example today if you go to a political rally there are lots of people saying I for you and the millions of people clapping and shouting that's the type of loyalty that Peter was trying to demonstrate to Jesus I've seen you done I've seen you do great things Jesus I know that you are the son of God I know that you are awesome I know I acknowledge you as teacher I acknowledge you I acknowledge you I acknowledge you but what Peter didn't understand was the love of God the way Jesus loves has still not been deposited in his heart Jesus had ascended yet so because Jesus had ascended yet there was no way that Peter could have the supernatural love of God deposited in his heart so what Peter needed to be saying is I don't understand this love you're talking about Jesus actually I'm so Conor I would I might actually didn't deny you I'm so carnal I've been so loyal to you but loyal through my own strength I have been loyal through my own strength this is what Jesus was trying to say Peter deny your own efforts Jesus is saying Peter no deny your own efforts and let my love overtake let my love captivate your heart so they're in a place of rest that you will not have to perform to love me is it good are you highly the earthly generational con allowed we make you perform it'll put you it'll make you wake up with a headache in the morning you understand if you minister to people you shouldn't be having sleepless nights thinking about how to please your people you can use only the love of God get them make them content supernatural love people cannot you can't raise the faith of people you can only give them hope the glory of God and tell them that they make make them aware of the supernatural love of God you can only create a hunger through that ring of the Holy Spirit for the supernatural love of God and if they desire it will deposit upon him God holds back nothing from anyone if they ask you see lots of pastors struggle with trying to get cheap back on track please don't bother pray for them love on them deposits supernatural give them the hope of supernatural love me and my wife and I have made a lot of errors and mistakes like this you're trying to forcefully deposit the love of God on people trying to forcefully make them understand that God loves them protecting them and little literally walking around them so they won't get in trouble that goes into control and it puts you so much of stress people don't understand the reality of how awesome supernatural office you see so until until you are able to deny how you can love through your own efforts you won't understand supernatural love this is good are you learning something that's just Romans FOP okay to read a little even it cool the nice let's go to 1 Corinthians chapter 3 supernatural love 1 Corinthians chapter 3 so we read on from chapter verse 1 to 4 happy there yeah and I Paul says and I brethren could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal as to babe's in Christ I fed you with milk and not with solid food for until now you were not able to receive it come on man and even now you are still not him for you are still carnal for where there for where there are Envy strife and division among you are you not carnal and behaving like mere men for when one says I'm of Paul and other I am of Apollo you are are you not carnal natural love divides natural loved if there's division in churches it's not because people are fed up with each other it's it that the church doesn't understand supernatural love if there's division within a group it's not because somebody did something wrong those are immaterial everybody does things wrong you understand what I'm saying people make mistake I will make mistakes you will make mistakes there's no way that you can stop people from making mistakes we're not perfect people we are we are we are beautifully created people hoping on the glory of God depending on the supernatural love that is deposited supernatural love will forgive before us carnal love will hold on and want proof of forgiveness even if asked why is the division Paul's addresses it very clearly it's because it's kind of love you were born into this world you were taught to love you can't teach God's love to people you must experience it carnal love can be taught you have two children I have two kids I can always say my daughter's love each other they'd be punching each other the next time you see what I'm trying to say to you the the systems of the world the systems of the world the low frequency earth forces teachers love in what I mean awesome some of the programs that are a beautiful amazing i highly highly respect them but you know team-building picnics blah blah blah what are all these things you're trying to tell people model please born mother the company's gonna be a mess please work together finance and production work together I'm not sunshine some night now please work please work together please eat have some food let's buy you some cocktails we'll get you what what do you like to drink but please together please love each other please I beg you you see what I'm saying so you're its we need to be that different person whatever the situation is that you're entangled in which is difficult to untangle in your lives maybe your business your workplace family problem my god inheritance issues that situation needs supernatural love you see the most the greatest example that I can give you concerning natural love is when if you have four in the family you're all passed in your late 30s now and your father has to divide the inheritance perfectest it's natural because it's natural you understand what I'm saying supernatural lab chose David being the last and the unconsidered because supernatural love is attracted to heart that wants him natural love will give to the most suitable on the outside natural love will give to the most capable why do church as Christians have issues today pastors have problems in their leadership wait till they understand supernatural love wait till they understand supernatural wait till they hunger for the love of God over their lives they will then impart that on the others in your church will grow we blessed people not perfect if you understand supernatural love if you understand supernatural love you won't think out of capability you'll see and discern the heart it is most important the heart is the is the is the magnet with your tracks speed of God David was a man after God's own heart he said a magnet magnet also not supernatural love and telling you throw yourself in there you need is it good she's a Bharati come on I have a few scriptures I hope this is okay to read I'm not going to ask you whether we have time because someone told me you know when Kay asks do we have time and let me say the ayah we have time somebody want to throw something at her either end of conversation Philippine I have yeah yeah sorry yeah I'll try to finish soon you know you guys have a lot of things to do but if we aren't perfect people we really need supernatural stuff awesome 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians chapter 14 Jesus actually let's go to 1 Corinthians 7 chapter service here we are this is an important I felt I felt while while I preparing that this was important you know God is going to hear marriages tonight if you think if you think that with natural love you can sustain a bond it may look good on the outside but you know the emptiness you feel if you think that with natural love that you can sustain a bond you know your story you know the details that other people don't know that you've gone through because it's not working some people have the what they call in the world which is very carnal called very power to just hold for till they die you see but some people don't have that and they have many fourth broken before they die you see because natural love does not work it is impossible literally impossible to hold forth without understanding supernatural love it is impossible to hold food it does matter in relationship marriage whatever it is how much can you work to please your partner how much can you expect from your partner how much can you do that how much supernatural love we'll just expect nothing from them once your marriage can come to a place or your union or your relationship can come to a place where you can come and expect nothing you can just trust and just serve and you can become the embodiment of serving and not receiving you know marriage now you I'm understood the way that Jesus loves his church just imagine if Jesus Christ being the groom and you being the bride I'm just explaining in that context just imagine if he expected things from you how much could you do how many crosses can you hang on I mean some of you know the struggle is walking a kilometer is difficult right try hanging yourself in a cross the pizza in front of you try not eating there just look at it for five minutes and don't eat it that's a cross right now try hanging yourself from the cross how much can he expect from him he doesn't expect anything from you he just wants to pour his love on you now think about that you are the Bride of Christ and he is the groom the groom expects nothing but he loved he gave his body he gave his life he says when he died on the cross what he was saying is this is not mine it is for you we sit with a lot of young couples we sit with a lot of people and you know what he is they do he's like this he doesn't do that I don't know it's not my fault it's not my fault he's just a baby's I don't know if she's I can't there's no way I can't there's no hope there isn't hope because you're not loving supernatural love will not expect you didn't tie the knot pin you tie the knot usually put rings on the vows didn't say until you do these things I will stay faithful to you these are my conditions please read you didn't have two lawyers you had two witnesses right if it was conditional love you won't have two witnesses you will have two lawyers and I decide reading the contract checking whether it's right seeing the day it's sustainable making clear to you what the exit clauses are and said good sign but you had witnesses on either side witnesses that heard you say this woman I will take with all her flaws and be a blessing to her this man I will embrace with all his flaws and be a blessing to him come on man even if you agreed in the carnality of your flesh you can't sustain it like that you need Jesus you understand what I'm saying amazing I don't know why I see last time I think someone said I think a said wait for the one my message was on supernatural love Anna my marriage she's doing great I never thought that I needed to go to the scripture but the Lord said wait for one bring this teaching in because there are marriages today that need to be healed husband is not an excuse but don't try just rest in the fact that you are terrible wife don't try sit there before God and say I can't cook the way this man wants me it's the truth there's little things like that can change you see it is a lack of humility that creates friction we are not perfect people it is a lack of humility that creates friction I may not deliver this message 100 percent appropriately the way you need to hear it there will be things that I need to change defending that the next time I teach you see if I'm sitting anything oh my god I did a perfect job the delivery is perfect the frosting was awesome that's not supernatural either I don't want to do Church like that I don't want to do you with ministry like that I'd rather go back to my teen is go for some rock company gig and be a lead vocalist of a rock band a my long hair do the life there if it's nice to be very good I don't want the I'm here transformed into being the youth pastor of this church and teaching this message to you in the absence of the pastor deter the prophet of the church is because wow I've experienced supernatural love and this is amazing this I can do we can all do this all of us can do it Ralph can come here and teach this to you rather than build or make an amazing cake at mount lavinia for us to go and have because this is awesome more awesome than the cake garage can be making billions iliyan can be making billions but they're here listening to this because it's supernatural so let's read chapter 7 verse 4 the wife does not have authority over her own body but the husband does this man it's clear English and likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does do not deprive one another except with consent for a time that you may give yourself to fasting and prayer and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control that word Tim there a lot of people think this is revelation I got you see it says Satan does not tempt you right because I'm lack of self-control it says there lots of people think that if the husband and wife are not intimate and they're having an issue in they're not intimate that that that that is in context to one of them going outside the marriage that's not the context Satan will tempt you to exercise your rights I don't want to be intimate with you I don't wanna sit at the same table as you because you did this that's a temptation that's the trap I don't want to go for this function with you I don't know if your mother's body because you did this last time it looks funny but that's a trap that's the temptation a man listen ladies husbands listen to this a man or woman doesn't wake up tomorrow morning thinking I'm gonna go outside my marriage it's a lie you were beautifully created people in God's image none of you are that we could none of you are that we could the enemy tempts you to exercise your carnal right the enemy empowers you to exercise your carnal right the enemy empowers you to exercise your carnal right and the moment you exercise your carnal right you open the door for destruction you see carnal love will always end up in conflict carnal love will always end up in conflict carnal love will always end up in separation carnal love will always end up in devastation carnal love will always end up in division you see the enemy is constantly waiting for an opportunity to tell you that carnality is better the enemy is constantly waiting for an opportunity to tell you that carnality is better and sometimes you're so good at it that you don't want to let it go and if you can hear the voice of the lord speaking to you and if you are just bathing and exposing yourself to supernatural love which is here which is within these walls supernatural love Tuesday and Sunday yvp we encourage people to come to the meeting why we encourage you to come for home coach is because when you come for these three meetings you are covered with supernatural love there's no Bund Connolly there is no born biologically between any of you here even if your children are with you you don't even have a bond with your children when you come here Connelly like that the respect that they will have you as for you as parents we'll just go to another level because they will experience supernatural now they will see the father like the father they won't see the father like a man who just needs to give them everything they want they will see the father intimately God like BP we see God like you see God you understand what I'm saying supernatural love is beautiful it's amazing and we may be creating to you today but I need to come every meeting because I my heart just desires love the right club the proper love do you understand I mean we took the teens out for bowling on Thursday the vowel teens right we took them out and and this lovely couple over there I mean the kids they come 14 coach and they came to a company as I know they are both them they came to a company as you see and you see I saw them different so happy being around the kids and bowling I'm like God these people are adults my school cornea they're so happy there so they just enjoy being around all these kids and bowling he said oh these people have experienced my supernatural love get off your horse and be liked it they want to be around people who like me do you understand what I'm saying then please home coaches pastors don't sit with your people if they have marriage problems and try to break down their problems with them you wasting your time just give them exposure to supernatural love your job will be easy you will have a nice life you will not be toiling you will be a glorified son and you will enjoy a good life and people you will be able to bless people will be able to love on people those people will love on other people and they will you will have a true provider you won't have a force to revival you will have a true revival you will not have any image of a revival you will have a true revival you won't have a formulated revival you won't have what they say a premeditated kind of you know organized manly synchronized revival you will have a true revival spinning like fire if people understand supernatural oh this is good let me I need another 15 minutes if you're good I'm gonna give you guys okay let's go to John two and then I'm gonna give you I'm gonna show you something in the Bible today that will literally blow you off your seat I got thrown out of my bed when I saw this I'm gonna show you something in the Bible today before you in write you will know who you are today once you see today I promise you I'm not setting you up for anything I'm actually setting you up to understand who you really are I will give you that today before we end right before that let's just go to John to verse 4 this this this word next verse we are going to read I'm telling you it's going to really change a lot of things a lot of y'all if you understand what I'm talking about here just receive it to sell up the Holy Spirit to minister I'm just speaking words you say love the Holy Spirit too many studies to you John John - John - John - verse 4 CC John - is where Jesus they say perform the first miracle he turned water into wine Jesus went to a meeting with his mother with his biological mother appointed biological mother and he was asked by her to do this thing so watch this John 2 verse 4 Jesus said to her and he's speaking to Mary woman anyone talk to mother like that woman I'll have the jar on my head if that happened at my home I tried it once didn't work I hope she's not watching in the UK my mother the pastor is very very difficult woman what does your concern have to do with me he's talking to his mother what does your concern have to do with me my hour has not yet come you see Mary being Mary sweet little Mary lovely Mary Mother of Jesus went to her friends probably daughters or sons wedding took this teenage or little grown-up Jesus to the wedding this adult son of hers beautiful long hair and everything hopefully and went to the wedding and the host being the host probably like one of my family members didn't buy enough wine they cut costs or whatever enough like you sing us a moon a cherubim now then I'm going to go and do is worry about it sort it out later and budgeted the whole thing they ran out of wine now Mary being Mary went up to who she knows her son is who knows her son been up to him and said this there's a problem can you do something about it you see but Jesus understand supernatural love he's not trapped into being the gated connelly he knew that his father hadn't spoken he knew that the Holy Spirit he knew that he was not appointed the season to do anything yet he was not allowed to expose him like expose himself like that yet he didn't hear not heard from his father so he told his biological mother we are related awesome but you have no right to tell me to do this right now because I have a hard I love you but my love for you is supernatural there's no obligation for you or to me with my love carnal love obligates you carnal love obligates you to be people solution carnal love will give you and put you down and say I gave you this now you can turn this water in white you see that's where Mary was coming from sweet innocent Mary was not very unaware of it our people around us are unaware that we have now been baptized into the Holy Spirit those of you in your families do not know who you are anymore so they will come to you obligated to ask from you or to have you do things but if you haven't heard from God if supernatural love doesn't prompt you to move you don't move that will put it's a trap but Jesus is so full of grace since yeah okay I've not been appointed but Father in his heart is it father this woman I love this woman she hasn't seen me for who I am yet so let me just move on this but he didn't move until he addressed the situation lots of people today carnally move supernaturally without first addressing you have to bring the differentiation even if you are by grace going to do something because somebody asked you have to bring the separation you have to make them understand the difference that might look unpleasant but if it's coming from a place of love they truly will understand supernatural love carnal love wants to perform the right way to say the right thing to make them feel good before the truth descent but Jesus says woman what does your problem have to do with me for it is not yet my appointed time everybody looks like whoa but come on guys your situations you've been trapped by the enemy into obligation you would have been ruined financially we have made financial messes issues in your inheritance obligation supernatural lab shows you that it show it exposes the religion of aggregation first in love in grace and then it moves that movement was the first miracle that Jesus did do you want a miracle in your life in certain areas is it financial is it an inheritance issue is it that new job so when that boss of yours asks you next time to do something out of obligation it's not in your forte to do it you've already seen Jesus do it you will do it in Supernatural love you will never fix obligation with obligation you will never fix obligation with complication obligation gets fixed with truth with grace supernatural love is that good I think okay here's what I wanted to show you I've been doing good I think we're good we're doing good this is what I want to show you you see for pasta and a prophet too but both of them to teach us and to impart lots of people come they get so they don't want to leave when they come and all of you come you don't want to leave ready to get so experienced the love of God so much now here's Jesus talking about it in Matthew 26 verse 75 this is crazy you guys know that we're living in Sri Lanka right and we are living in a revival that is now spreading over two nations do you know who you are your world changes your game changes little island of Sri Lanka understands supernatural love a little Church in Sri Lanka run little - the big Church in Sri Lanka now but first a small group of people in Sri Lanka understood supernatural love it spread into who you are today 400 600 churches in the ABC understanding supernatural love Sri Lanka little Islands Sri Lanka 600 plus churches today under the ADC understanding supernatural love it's in the Bible it's spreading to the rest of all I'll show you Matthew 26 does everybody know what Sri Lanka is known to copy called around the world what do they call it now what the pearl of the Indian Ocean right actually no it's not sorry wrong chapter Matthew 13 verse 45 it's known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean Matthew 13 was 45 I'll be there it up up there okay here we go again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls who when he found one pearl of great price went and sold all that he had and bought it you see that you were written you are written about in the Bible again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls your pastor was and he is still team Arjun be in reality Church being truth who when he found one pearl of great price you went and sold all that he had and bought it and now you understand why you have supernatural love and a fiery revival in this church the cost he says when he found the pearl of great price the pearl of great price is the life that Jesus gave on the cross the love that Jesus poured out on his people after years entered into heaven the great price there is no pearl bigger than that price He gave His life so he found that pearl of great price he went and sold all that he had and bought it it's not that he purchased it he gave his he committed his life to understand that and here you are living in a pearl of the Indian Ocean experiencing that great price experiencing that experiencing the Pearl of pearls and that's why you have the lives that you have today in grace in peace in joy in rest the miracles you have the promotions you get the the marriages that you have secured the deals that you have the finances that you have today the the classes that you fly even where you fly the money deals that you get the businesses that you have your children from progressing and prospering in all of you doing Ironman I'm telling you 60 of people some of you guys are doing it isn't in a miracle for you that's because you understood one thing the poll of polls the one that was with a great price is it good see if this word and what I just showed you now is upsetting you is because you don't understand the cost if he's upsetting you you don't understand the cost am i right past it don't let it upset you just receive it why you forget upset when you can receive freely and have a joyful life [Applause] they're good words band oh yeah [Music] I'm just gonna give a few words pathetic words out you speak [Music] gather season boy [Music] [Music] to worship song I can see your heart [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 1,227
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Manifest Sons, Sonship, Roshith, Roshith Perera, Love, Supernatural Love, Love of God, Jesus love, How he love us, Joy
Id: HEDfSnst0sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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