SMii7Y's BEST OF 2022

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BarBiel01 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Hi smii7y i love your content keep it up

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Chance-Bobcat7913 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
to go Upstream boys head up like uh North we'll meet you there go back to the mating spot [Laughter] welcome to my best of 2022. now don't worry I'm not gonna force you to listen to me talk my head off for a little bit here so I'm gonna give you a time stamp on the screen that you could skip to if you don't want to hear me talk if you want to stick around and listen though I would appreciate it 2022 was a fantastic year for both me and my friends this channel you're watching here hit 5 million subscribers My Stream highlights Channel Smitty plus surpassed 2 million subscribers and even recently I've relaunched Smitty minus into a VOD Channel where I upload my full length uncut streams so if you're not familiar with either Smitty Plus or Smitty minus I highly recommend checking them out if that's your kind of thing but with that being said most of what I want to say is thank you thank you for a fantastic year for like I said not only me but my friends as well I am very grateful and happy that you guys have put me in a position where I can continue to do this as something for fun and as a job as excited as I am for the year to end I am just as excited to start anew in 2023 definitely going to get it for the holidays but you will see me sometime back in January so that usually means I don't upload until you know sometime in January but this year luckily I have Smitty minus which I'm going to continue to post vods on on a daily basis so if you're into long-form unedited VOD content then Smitty minus is the channel for you make sure you go check it out and subscribe but with all that being said I'm finally gonna let you guys get back to this goofy ass clip of me and Matt falling down a hill a bunch of times and you know I have to ask that if you even smile or smirk or have a laugh at any of these clips in this video may I ask that you please leave a like on the video it really helps thank you so much for such a great year and hopefully here's to a better 2023 [Laughter] guy pulls up to you and gets out of the car and looks like this thank you thank you [Music] hey yo welcome back to from We're asked questions on the street uh oh hold on what are you what do you what do you think about [Laughter] okay thank you that was a weird person all right let's move on to the next one what do you think about should be crazy out here in the Frog streets all right baby [Laughter] laughs no no don't hit me I'm getting on my car okay this is you too put on that yellow hat immediately that's what they meant about horsepower you can literally climb everything should we give puffer a little time in free roam first and then we'll be good you're good no no you're good man look at the tree there's monkeys yeah [Laughter] [Music] to this is it me yes am I answering yeah he has the gun pointed at you what else that's right now what's 42 times 38. you're not going anywhere oh my God you're not going anywhere oh my God the children died again quite the dumpy though okay fair enough two pumps I'm telling you two pumps and I'm done you can't move yet hold on your own place hurry up shut up [ __ ] I'm picking up cards who the hell are you tell me to hurry up yeah that's right does it do anything for you yeah yeah let's go children I have an idea let's go dance in the living room okay [Laughter] what can I say I'm excited what are you doing nothing don't worry about it nah this guy's got to cheat the GTA cheat codes he's doing emotes in alphabet no we did it what the [ __ ] no way no no we have to [ __ ] way all right guys [ __ ] skin I'm gonna go run into traffic dude that's huge wait no don't kill me I love New York you're live I'm I'm I'm I'm doing all right are you really alive down there I've been worse I'm not oh I'm up oh not for long oh here I go it just doesn't get any easier you know you throw your whole life's wondering well anyway I got someone's hand up my ass but here we are you know I've done one answer always is what come and get me mocking me you mocking me [ __ ] oh my God that was some [ __ ] jump scare get inside the house yeah you got this next time this game truly just takes it does nothing but it doesn't take long does it oh my God my view are you proud of me now I love you son you're doing such a good job [Music] run up that hill next to me what the [ __ ] hey Dad what's that big purple thing gotta go [ __ ] [ __ ] get in there that's what we're looking caterpillar all right oh that was close I almost had to explain some to my children like a responsible adult yummy um well this plan just [ __ ] backfired if we win a match I'll actually cut my nuts off and donate them to science science is never like found out anything useful ever that's true me talking to my spaghetti what what what did you say to your spaghetti has never done something good for anybody or anything of yeasty noodle why is this guy so hyped about getting hungry finally a way to escape my wife it should have been me come on kids grandma house gonna line up he locked me out grandma oh [ __ ] hold on somebody come here come here somebody come here somebody come here right now you're coming up you kill me often Mama didn't even realize stay there everybody I want to see if you can see me fall in the background huh hey noglow what rhymes with us dive again there's no [ __ ] way [ __ ] you you're doing it what am I doing you're a scumbag Brian Brian what did we ever do to that to the Irish what do we ever do uh you gave me a hard time at the border last time rightfully so you Irish bastard [ __ ] you laughs she was hearing me I'm not sure how to do it oh my God he stopped hello he's just staring at me right now dude why are you blocking traffic kids I'm up hey what are you doing because he found one too sweetie Grizzly stay there stay there I'll do it stay there I'll do it you literally you paralyzed your baby so I'll do it if you if you come near me oh God you wanna you wanna finish that [ __ ] word huh hey hey baby hey baby hey baby cross that line I dare you oh God damn it I want a checkpoint it's Minnie has hepatitis C hepatitis see you later that means if I do this I shouldn't have said words sick jump right off this ramp see you Puffer hold on yeah go go all right there is still an active war going on right now mad well I'm going for an jog this is where it ends dude you don't confuse people are gonna be just seeing two lobsters somebody drive right at me we're gonna play a game let's do chicken but with a pan are you giving me consent to run you over at high speeds are we still playing the game let's watch your towel yeah yeah okay there you go you got the he got the towel wet God damn it here you need to have it oh should we I feel like we've done enough Lobby do hickory in our days I haven't done anything my friend okay he's not respawning yeah he's supposed to come back he's alive man man the life doesn't get any better than this oh you know be [ __ ] hilarious Shrek if you punch him in the face Matt go first person go first person and look to your left [ __ ] [Laughter] I see you guys looted huh where I think it's the guy saluting right in front of you right in front of you what freeze 86 percent yummy I'm gonna give you a chance where are you walking yeah no okay you got nowhere to go buddy you might try to sell that a little bit that NPC is bugging out like crazy what the [ __ ] if you see some Snapper wacky Big W for the force right there this is what the teller sees on the other side okay I have mortgage okay hey you got me money over there oh my God what's wrong with me you got any money just enough for one little man please I want to try and get a view behind his shoulder did you get blown hey hey did you get the load oh my God anyways I'm gonna get him okay I'm dead you can take it back though that's the thing I'm gonna rob you I didn't mean I clicked random I'm not clicking random I have a feeling I'm still gonna get [ __ ] somehow you know you know what I swear to God if you lose my star in this year the Nintendo gods are absolutely gonna do this to you no way [Applause] you really should have just left it with me sleep on me I might be in trouble here I'm not gonna lie with you no way you making you make it out of the circle that's loser I think I'm done with GTA races in Sumo and everything unless it's modded I think I've had enough oh yeah the garage door's open all right okay it's ready to go too fast hey Smitty come back down a little bit no problem oh it's only if I looked I'm coming down guys I'm coming down what's going on down there it's like me trying to learn about another language is literally me trying to learn another language okay who's punching pedestrians without me immediately holy [ __ ] [Music] you [ __ ] [ __ ] that's it come here I'm on a tf2 engineer your ass back to the oh I didn't do it I didn't know it he wrecked in a dispenser the mirrors [Laughter] chicks with dicks kind of buggers what the [ __ ] is this Fallout New Vegas [Laughter] just stab me right in the ass [ __ ] you Donkey Kong oh there's a giant monkey s that's where you get the tie huh oh there's my car that's my car kid you drop me off the car yeah I got you thank you your car [ __ ] sucks all right jump out of the window wait I gotta see that I didn't even think you could do that so it turns out it wasn't my car it wasn't my car I apologize it happens oh it must have seen his car come on yummy my man got the infinite defense what the hell wait try it try it that's crazy man eat the monkey off the ceiling man I'm Not Gonna Catch You bummer please no what are you doing crazy let him fall please I'm swinging that does it no no no all right oh why are you doing that stop please very absorbent [Laughter] no no no I'm stuck on the lamp again I got him don't worry I'm coming no not the back end if anything put the back in look at me guys give me a minute I'm nervous frogs were not built for ladders foreign guys I got a foolproof way to bait out their shots here I'll show you how to do it come on all right here we go first you throw this out see another like oh who's that guy in the all right I don't know all right it's working it's my turn my turn yeah hey John you know you can rotate your nozzle right oh holy [ __ ] did they just update that yeah it must be no update ah the Rocks ow nice to see you Smitty hopefully hopefully I can get down from here I died you're gonna meet these balls later [ __ ] stay calm everyone oh my God my head out the side looking like a Lego man [Laughter] get in the kitchen Dad it's fun what's going on with the [ __ ] light dad oh my God get down from there you little [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you're good you're good we good yeah we good we had a Tums he could be good [Applause] my bad what would win SKS or a pan I did try oh man what we gonna do now damn I don't that don't come my way does it come on I'm sorry wait a minute wait a minute gee I wonder if I have one I wonder if I have one in here [Applause] oh my God I'm gonna do a little explanation [ __ ] ow sorry I didn't mean to do that explain explain so okay good good good okay let's hear it uh are actually 20 minutes I can't actually okay okay let's hear it all right so we're doing a chaos mod at accepting multiplayer races it's in single player can you explain what we're doing today oh yeah would make sense uh to explain um all right uh let's get an intro for the what are we doing nogla what are we doing for the races oh yeah yeah I think he's bugged oh hold on I'll help you out they might already be lit by the way no they're not what oh no this one is oh no what do I do I got it thank you thank you Dad I'll save you my hero I want that somebody didn't go too over me yeah it's huge no don't move don't move no movement you're just saying that because you got the outside great now my player on the outside is [ __ ] dead I thought you guys said no moving no big dogs you are not stopping this one oh [ __ ] it's Louisiana baby I'm gonna be honest I'm a monkey who just stole this car and not an Uber at all musician is back he is no lightsaber this will do no how many stop foreign I got hit with some bad luck oh all right crazy oh Merry Christmas I got the Crowbar oh what do I get no death Maybe nope they didn't lie they didn't lie they just sent me directly to Heaven oh I wasn't even on the bridge I am gone I am in the clouds all right light up and now a favorite selection from the orchestra of Beethoven buffer send me an invite I did send me another one I didn't get those did you send one yes I'm not getting it I sense it you definitely got it and you're just [ __ ] controlling and then you're gonna join yeah he really just skipped to the ending bro you're supposed to watch the whole season before knowing the ending I can't just go to the last episode like that okay from the back YouTube shorts we should all go to the store and buy some YouTube shorts my mom bought me a YouTube hat why didn't they start sending the nose out to everybody that started making YouTube shorts true everybody gets their own short I want YouTube Jorts that'd be a lot better does that imply we've been we've been on YouTube pants the whole time or yeah [Laughter] that's the one good Smitty joke for the entire video you're welcome get em Don't let him win I got hit by a car yes we're still getting slammed by cars I didn't know that I someone hit me in the head with a golden pig I was like I gotta do that we just got smoked with the bananas awesome one more time surely God Bless America does this explode oh Kobe actually Kobe what are we supposed to do right now oh no I can start it whenever we're just getting content really fast just get used to this so yeah yeah this [ __ ] think we jump right into the game this is like before you eat hey that's a nice Lantern right there hold on wait a minute oh he's still alive we did it enemy down good work boys we didn't stop a mass murder no not a single [ __ ] are you This Guy's in the door so did we win oh yeah [ __ ] yeah a good way to blow off steam after Miss Piggy divorced me I didn't go it was three years ago she never even loved you it still hurts to this day oh Fire Marshall don't do it Smitty okay you said not to do it and I just couldn't help myself you know I'm [ __ ] I [ __ ] up dude stop stop get in front of me get in front of me wait what am I doing I can't even do that he's killing it he's about to win you liar I want to see this I want to see this finger oh my gosh I want to see this finger [ __ ] realize what is this what am I like what am I looking at here you you'll know when you see it where's the other one where's the last one he didn't even let me say anything all right let's play a game it's called I dropped a grenade in here good luck look at me he's the tall Plant Tall Plant Tall Plant Tall plant all right Kyle Zhang five just whispered me sucky sucky the fifth one dude yeah he's he's able to whisper you I guess well I can't wait till someone DMS me the n-word in the middle of a [ __ ] recording that'll be fun and Whispers all right fellas where are you going over here I think we need to go find ourselves a kitchen ASAP [Laughter] I can't hold on I'm thinking what this guy's thinking no way I'm getting it on the curb oh no I died [Music] I just keep dying [Music] there's a new sheriff in town and he's not afraid to turn off his body cam footage boys I'd like to question a few of the civilians around town you with the hat you got a license for that hat sir I like that hat I think I might need to take it I need to shut this body cam off and end up with that rehab he turns the footage back on it's just him wearing that hey guys I want to get something crazy happened anyway I got this hat come and get some round two yummy it's me and you know skills welcome back to frog interviews for interviews we're going to ask questions on on POV interviewers in New York be like I'm innocent I swear I was in Med Bay I promise what was your pathing [Laughter] Among Us meeting everyone just aiming at each other man I know it was you doing here's your thumbnail I was muted eating crisps watch out okay just come outside the club oh I see it I'm coming out hello welcome we know you did it where were you no glass videos no shot wait oh it's harambe oh who wants to drop into my enclosure and I'll man handle you thank you oh mama yummy give me a beverage of your finest all right back to the top yeah I'm on the plane oh no [Laughter] squeezed it yes [ __ ] just sneezed and died [ __ ] well get me up yeah oh no yeah buddy I saw a guy that tells me something I really want to see what happens with the rocket actually nothing happens apparently don't go for that second wait oh you didn't mean it ain't personal hey personal new banana [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] holy [ __ ] is that a stork no way I'm a pelican let's start the snowball fight on three all right ready one two three I missed I won't miss this time though I can't get into the candidate make it to the cannon hold on one you guys are scringe bro starting the words [Laughter] Anthony if you don't get into this hole you're gonna be super strange bro dude I'm totally fine with being scrounge scrunch worthy gulfit moments What's over on this side probably some more Squad my favorite character from SpongeBob squares Robert Square trousers featuring scringe word Robert have you seen your snail look at my guy look into the camera is this your formal payment for the drink I'll have three whiskeys no I gotta do my specials in the middle of a grass field yeah this [ __ ] train ah this train just Smacks [Laughter] moments that but that just bring me to [ __ ] tears golf at moments I have to tell my therapist I'm through I'm through I'm through the mushrooms oh man what's wrong oh yeah I see the conundrum oh you ate a cookie oh no no oh my God look at you just working on my tan for your French frogs [Laughter] hold on hold on I didn't call the landscapers today who is that now I knew weapons this is racist or not that's fine I'm happy well this is just awkward and apparently there's a meme I'm supposed to say here I've never really saw it but I'll do it for you guys with great power comes big booty [ __ ] I never saw that Meme but you're welcome if you wanted it there you go I hope it just shows a shot of me walking God damn it get the chopper ready oh my God I was really hoping it would just pay in and see me walking in slowly but nope had to be extra I'd stick to a wall Grizzy moment oh my God this big man oh please on it part man this is a [ __ ] broad daylight what the hell why is that guy pointing the gun at his friend hey fellas hey fellas hold on hold on hold on let's make this a little fair come on out come on out come on out all right cheers appreciate it thanks yeah somebody show them how it's done okay [Music] is that what you wanted oh you wanted me to play the guitar yeah I wanted you to play the guitar oh [ __ ] I spawned there nice I'm gonna tailgate it's got some sexy feet dude how about a tailgate at the objective I was hanging out oh wow oh surprised the way the light is ominously hitting me as it swings by [Music] deflect it okay hit B you're such a [ __ ] by the cafe behind the cafe I got him he's behind there my God yep he could do that oh I'll spot you let's go let's go let's go little little sperm help me out hello now I'm helping what the hell is happening there's no bench hey can you uh back up a little bit oh my God [Music] like the video and then leave you better [ __ ] like the video I'm swear to God completely impervious to everything keep looking at me okay I got a track I just realized guys we gotta go get a puppet [Music] I landed it Matt let's push out here ready Uncle one two three two one I didn't say go all right okay okay three two dude why I have no money can you can you accept this as it has currency please how many [ __ ] bodies can we put around the Piano Man we do have an infinite Supply body hey you're right oh no way I have a way to distract these kids children look what I found oh detergent children Skelly baby put it down no watch your iPad guys what am I doing something up your ass I'm gonna put it up there man which which hand do I have to Pizza you can have the description of puffer's child or the baby is literally could not be any sicker Amen brother look at that [ __ ] move move I wonder where he get it from though like real talk [Laughter] my dad has been drinking a lot before he drives I'm taking your kids to go see frog NASA chill out we're not going to Disneyland we're going to see frog master foreign we're here kids wait Tommy are you already in the plane dad I want to fly you haven't even been taught how to fly yet I'm flying time to get out of the plane Tommy I swear to God way better call me I swear to God if you don't get out of this plane right now Tommy Tommy oh my God my son oh [Laughter] mama [Music] I got launched into mcnast he was just holding a sticky bomb and it attached to me everything the hackers got to take her out what the heck oh one drink please here you go another job well done everybody chill everybody chill everybody chill there's not a lot of items on this one laughs oh we gonna kill me now oh my oh my oh my oh oh my God oh my God I'm in the goddamn family I'm getting chased oh you're lucky I frame frame run why are you just you man if only I knew where Smitty went not around here come here oh David Blaine I know you can do that I didn't know either I just hit random buttons to get out of there I just Spam buttons yeah you're a [ __ ] for that one for what wait can we not see each other's names no no I wish we could that's kind of dumb bro why'd you say I'm a [ __ ] for that you literally [Laughter] are you serious ly no way I thought you did it on purpose that's so funny no I did no idea who just tried to jump on me all right guys I've been working on my stunt work you guys want to see it yeah pretty much sure let's see it entertainment [Music] oh my god oh it's it's free for all what and there's a police car in there so they have an advantage police car and then I mean that's your net yeah whatever one they should that's not legal oh my frog looks so happy he's [ __ ] dead I need alcohol nothing like 21 minutes of Uno to make you getting an alcoholic I gotta go out tonight I need a [ __ ] drink I'm sitting at a bar depressed because you played Uno hey man what do you mean hey man you also play first time yeah first time there's a bar specifically just for that you play noodle didn't you wait wait there's a hole down here okay downstairs I am four I know I'm well aware [Music] Tim I don't know I'd have to find him oh he ain't there wait a minute boy hey there wait a minute oh my God wait let me plug your head they're driving we have to stop them come to McDonald's oh no oh foreign dude if you have to reset every time no way no [ __ ] I am not gonna make it to 31. are you talking about your age I am genuinely concerned about you here I come damn it hey here I come all right here we go make sure you grab on to me I can't stand up okay please who knew getting in a boat would be so hard I can't wait to do this again man it's so easy I can grab this no it's not [Music] I did that somehow doesn't get old he got such a running start down there racist whoa [Music] what's up I want you guys to come to my apartment bro I was literally just about to hit Matt in the back of the [ __ ] spine I gotta be serious and it just sucked me in it yeah I want you in my apartment hey have a drink that's it I'm gonna go drink your toilet water as you can see I've hired entertainment for this evening we have a personal Bigfoot [Music] okay okay who brought the fire truck into the office my my other strippers are here guys check this out I bought this last week on eBay that's okay [Laughter] whoopsie wrong car ah sorry guys I accidentally typed texts bro what the [ __ ] is going on here when the girl says she wants to stay the night it's just in the living room um Carriage get it the horse has no idea his owner just died somebody take the character are done don't tell him bro you look similar to that guy I just killed puffer you you take it you look nothing like that guy that guy looks like Hitler yeah why are you struggling is he gluing to the seat why can't I get on the [ __ ] thing oh God oh God I want to investigate this horse did you get it where did it go I don't think he got it what is happening to my eyeballs did he get it he got it right I can't even see he's on the ground no no he's killing himself yeah yeah he took a pillow like the video this is what happens when you don't like the video you may follow me I'm gonna show you how it's done very important when you play this game to study your surroundings shut up man I'm trying to teach there's a drunken hooker over there let's kill her no okay hold on yummy it's very simple how you play this game ready okay yeah who's this guy that was not an innocent that was innocent you're on your own there's a Native American flossing oh my parents are Native American flossing in the bar oh it's a guitar guy you know the girl wait I'm coming I'm here what are we doing okay damn okay no hesitation just doing my morning workout I'd like to start off a little uh a little tougher during the mornings are you doing pull-ups yep he absolutely absolutely oh my God I see him Fitness Tick Tock be like I like to start out with a little light workout in the morning thank you feeling a potential death really motivates me to you know keep doing those pull-ups I have your toys up here how many times do I have to teach you this lesson [Laughter] no that's a door Guy opening got the breach I got you yes never mind never mind I found a horse right here okay give me a horse shoot it in the face this [ __ ] just tripped over him puffer careful don't follow me you might fall into your death oh really that's a bomb guys so mad no no that's not good all right over under on puffer Dying by Fall damage and I did a puffer this is John we're not calling it out we're not calling that a puffer oh my God shut the [ __ ] up oh man that's not good [ __ ] grenade where did that come from that was mine oh man oh uh Smith you want your ax back oh that's fine Smitty here's your ax back I literally said I don't want it oh [ __ ] the police are mad at me I'll catch you Mr Matt I'll catch you oh you're alive actually fine like that barely out wait oh everybody yes thank you six pack S I want the last one on where did you come from [ __ ] this is the last time I go on this [ __ ] look how much blood there is over Paris again Grizzy oh I get it yeah laughs what are you doing with that oh all right Noble I'm I'm playing for the team here I'm not gonna skip you no why I want to be skipped okay okay I mean there's a skip a part of it you just should have been more specific sound like a [ __ ] landlord editor don't look at my account I'm adding money editor DM me editor put his credit card info on the screen right now do not do that editor put Matt's uh credit card thank you does he just have that editor put all of our credit card info on the screen my friend what what am I getting murdered why come here you son of a [ __ ] we're out of here no that had lightweight swim I can't I zoom in way too [ __ ] lay waste to you guys before you lay waste to me say goodbye we gotta get out of here I know what oh I got a sniper hold on this is big okay we're turning around no we don't like that oh we do love that all right no we don't love that we get second deal with the bomb s I'm coming over that border I'm thinking with customs and I'm kicking your ass this guy with a cowboy there was a green lady yup they're around here I know which one it is I'm gonna go kill him that's not the military gun yeah okay it's not military it's pretty weird I'm on the ball baby boy I got this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I was so sure damn it I miss I miss saw the green dress because I only saw it through a small window so I wasn't sure which one it was but I saw that another one it wasn't her you guys will never guess where I spawned in the same exact spot oh boys oh come on bro what did you see what I saw oh man [Music] now we're good we're chilling don't worry I noticed that this hasn't been any farts again no I'm all right I farted one more fart s bro I saw your redhead through the little Windows Sprint the boy from puffer's body oh my days hey Matt we're cool right I just kill you with the water no no thank God he just [ __ ] murdered me I did oh my God oh my god oh wait Grandma what is that come here come back okay do you have that there it is children hello what the shepherd goodbye children just doing some Renovations in the home wait I have five Keys baby figure out how this works baby where did you get a hand grenade but no you see him look at the guy right there let me give it a little pepper spray [ __ ] wait surely okay listen listen oh I felt the horn I want the baby to be the Ultra Food laughs oh no I heard the baby let's go crazy just see the monkey exit last God that's funny I don't like this no more please no more thank God 19 run by I think I got it right now I'm on the money I'm on the money I'm on the money I'm on the money I'm on the money I am so not confident that I got this [ __ ] just scurried on by baby guess who's in first now I can afford teeth after the minigame let's go oh they're gone again you better stop that [ __ ] what are you doing nothing you know what that's it [Music] get in quick just stay there [Music] she's mad holy [ __ ] do evil villains should I use this on the wall or should I oh no I I well gulp yeah so many problems [ __ ] you right out the window dude the vertical leap on that baby you're going straight okay [Laughter] what was I saying I don't remember anything [Laughter] this is literally racism oh my God [Music] [Music] now if Grizzy wins this everything turns around absolutely I honestly thought I could I didn't think it was gonna turn for him I'm [ __ ] nervous the beef continues but yo she got beat with everybody on the board bro sit down once you should be able to just go all the way to them bro what no no [ __ ] I was ready I was ready to go I have I have my thing on clothes right now bro actually I I throw my 50 coins and Chrissy does this [ __ ] unbelievable he goes against the house rules all right let's roll another one there's my 10 too but I have no [ __ ] God guys this is actually Karma this is actually karma for resetting yeah what's Grizzly getting at Karma chaosie pick me let's go how is this guy so lucky I mean he has five stars now Grizzly's pretty much secured this dub ever since he broke the rules that one time he's had like the best Mario Party game I'm just saying that you just yeah you're just doing well that was like a backhanded compliment yeah maybe I need to be a little [ __ ] [Laughter] you're such a Revenge Chrissy you know how much money has been on these doors man the dead has been paid all right you gonna stop bitching now yeah yeah we're done okay there we go 14 turns in two months is so funny realization dude oh my God anyone meanwhile I just been living life just regularly I can't even go to sleep oh wait wait it has to be a star it has to be no way wait wait what is happening you just break the house rules guys and then everything works out great if I got the chance I'm robbing your life again you a [ __ ] you do not want that smoke again it'll be the next Mario Party where he's like you remember that time oh this isn't good for Grizzy hey no mommy hey hey dude I got a feeling crazy going like now you gotta hit it you gotta hit it immediately whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there's no pleading it's just like that's what you I should hope nobody takes my stuff I ain't looking I'm turning around the rules and you will be rewarded remember this remember this it's just pixels [Laughter] [Applause] yeah yeah it'd be like that and it all started everybody it all started with me you can't hit me with a quarter I actually think I have one in my pocket after the whole controversy I kind of got canceled okay yeah hey fellas I'm gonna dive in the pool from where you ready right here oh Matt I know I'm so sorry buddy it's just inevitable [Applause] don't use that star I kind of want to why did I go okay this is great okay [Applause] oh now what [ __ ] ass oh now you're ready now you're trapped in here with me oh I think I'm gonna win this war but I'm gonna win this war of attrition I'm closing you in [ __ ] [Music] for like two minutes and he still had nine seconds you're stuck in here with me dude why am I winning today and now I end it you you're so annoying I gotta give him props whistlecon 2023 a bunch of birds of the spring what okay somebody rip out his [ __ ] heart with your bare hand S I know just what to use a can of Busch Light Brizzy what do you think about this whole situation oh shut up [ __ ] talking to the other Grizzy [Laughter] wait a minute hell yeah oh guys I don't know how to ride this come on nog don't be scared get inside what kind of dog are you talking about oh you can't just leave me here like this okay sorry sorry oh thank God wait where'd it go wait it's not gone oh my God how did you do oh [ __ ] how do I get up here uh it's me look up huh hey you going away you waiting for the content yep yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] winning wait for my friends come in the cars he's gonna run me up looks like there's been a murder new I'm here to investigate where are you oh God you see the Pink Panther all right guys hit F get in we're going sailing [ __ ] all right stay stay put boys nope all right [Laughter] it'll be fine to drive we'll be good no it won't trust me don't do that don't do that solve that murder [ __ ] guys go see the monkey wall monkey wall monkey walls okay you go up these stairs and you do like that you can climb on the wall monkey world [Music] see he's the monkey wall gentlemen he just opened the door what it's gonna look hilarious we'll get blasted off this thing [Music] all right buddy over here surely we go for the bomb plan who has the bomb how much time I'm protecting you we should just jump on them yeah yeah yeah when they come when they come yeah yeah hi unless they unless they don't say oh my god get that holy [ __ ] I'm watching the mom I'm watching the bomb okay Mom I'm watching it watching it get ready get ready oh oh God windows are breaking behind us they're taking so much time to get here really because they're scared alive they haven't seen anything Get Ready Get Ready oh hey Eli you want to buy something oh [ __ ] I'm good oh my God Smitty [Music] so you double Sprint there you go yeah there you go that does it oh no keep my wife's name what a bunch of smooth guys chasing you with knives bring it on [ __ ] I gotta pay in and a nail gun where you going where are you going okay you hit me hey what you doing boy drop the hip oh I wanted the triple was that worth all the hubbub was that worth the hubba bubba gum that you bought for 39 cents dude one time I blew a Hubba Bubba Bubba while I'm getting a haircut [Laughter] John whatever you do don't know that was fast I'm yelling there's your contest I'm taking all the batteries up what the [ __ ] is this this is terrifying the light is hitting you so menacingly how'd you do that I gotta you gotta see what it looks like for me because I got this [ __ ] head on [Music] I think I'm in a semi truck or something this is a boat it's a semi truck God can't wait to get down to one car to get smacked by a plus 10. now now you're gonna get smacked by a plus 20. that's not how that works but like it would have to be uh you I don't even have one card yet why are you doing it now uh honestly only only agua I had um I don't think you know what agua means oh my God puffer had one too I didn't even realize again I was supposed to go do you guys look epic with the Emojis the cops thought you were so [ __ ] ugly they just killed you [Music] hey man that was illegal rap scallion Up on the Rooftop there you wanna see me do a trick what's up there's a problem with your character hold on I'll fix it bad thank you thank you I was having a bit of a migraine let me hold on let me just keep checking I'm sure it feels great it's like a massage for a robot oh yeah oh oil me up and hit me three types of cereals Rice Krispies crunch that's really easy yeah weird name Rice Crispy I don't know because I like Rice Krispie squares I love how calmly I name three cereals with an M16 to my forehead the ones that he didn't name okay go ahead Cheerios ain't a real cereal this guy you didn't say a Honey Nut I go parlay there we go it looks so much better for the grip here sorry buddy I don't know I don't know just easy picking you know wheelchair why do I have AI no way no way where are you going oh it's the skeleton for oh [ __ ] oh he's still going are we good ow why are you Mr skeleton Mr skeleton Mr skeleton man I'm dead oh we got an orange guy in orange guy in Orange This Is The New Black maybe guys ah that movement was weird [Music] okay I think he just farted on my lap I think he did too you made him nervous dude why is it so [ __ ] loud hold on come on not enough tune bro he farted again what is the directional audio I don't get it you guys gotta stop trusting the farts and trust your intuition yeah that guy farted on my lap he fired up Matt's lab yeah it's almost like someone was next to him that would have done it that's weird wait come here look you can put it on any wall you can put it on it and then if you [ __ ] like aim a certain way [Applause] give me a wide Yoda on the bathroom look at the [ __ ] C4 I'll blow it up right away now that's perspective art look at that oh my God I want I want a full power hit dude that [ __ ] you're gonna go so far [Laughter] deflated why [Laughter] tough but fair you'll kill my family you burn my house to the ground spaghetti legs hey wait a minute you better [ __ ] change from that character there uh no it's okay there could be two frogs is actually big enough not him not him no no no no no wait shoot him in the brain don't do it it's not me I promise it's not me okay okay bro shoot that guy shoot that guy don't shoot him without my permission not him yummy you really gotta figure this out dog I'm trying to give you this dub no way you are yeah you're right not him not him sorry no no let me please yummy yummy stop that ain't me that ain't me you gotta shut up please you're messing with me too much I don't know what's going on one task away baby he gets up me at Matt's funeral I'm getting jiggy in that casket anyway so I'll miss him a lot wait Smitty I want to see what it does foreign ABC backwards right now the a wait I'm not wasting my shot on that just kidding oh [ __ ] Grizzy you're on your own butter butter butter you're on your own butter beef look like after he fell off the cliff Starbucks did you guys get his ectoplasm no okay he didn't even notice he didn't see you okay [Music] oh [ __ ] oh my god oh it worked out twice it should work out a third time [Laughter] Jesus what happened buddy get in there I fell down you put water on the grease what do you smell me wait what happened stop putting grease it's a grease fire stop putting water on it Jesus Christ [Music] [Laughter] this looks fun wow that looked really fun I'm so glad you got to do that you guys want to get in you did the right thing Smitty I'm gonna do something wicked and wild and crazy and epic yes Smitty that was not very wow wait wait we might be yeah let's get incest with it oh I'm gonna change this sign real quick boys sorry about that get down from there if you say so oh Matt do you need a way up no that'll work with you where are you oh I'm actually the hunter I'm I'm okay yeah where are you here I'm out come here oh okay oh there's a ladder here let me get rid of that for you no good all right go ahead go ahead climb is this a sexual thing for you I don't know how to I don't know how to ladder hold on there we go I'll let you uh climb that [ __ ] all right well great yeah man I'm good I got to witness that man I watched that whole thing I wish you didn't tell me that dog I wish you didn't tell me that [Music] you aim down sight right oh my God I tried brother I tried I really tried so many times oh all right see you boys later oh [ __ ] I hope that guy watches the kill cam bro oh man oh man oh man stop moving I got it that was close who did that who did that to him probably the one running away probably the only one not getting put it on his head trying to escape what what let's go okay I kind of deserve that you know what I don't even have any yellows either that's double BM Oh let's go dude oh shoot what just happened whoa you just changed hey what the [ __ ] just happened connection timeout dude I'm the one with the Alabama Wi-Fi you guys that ain't much better bro we're probably running off the same [ __ ] cable it's probably a gator chewing on it there it is Giza so [ __ ] can I get skipped one turn and lose the game why can I not play UNO damn it I can't wait till soup just gives an AI character his win because he's gonna disconnect it's not gonna happen this time are you play what's wrong you play no it no I already played oh no no oh my God boys [Laughter] what no shot no [ __ ] shots I still technically won no you didn't the AI one no push don't do it please well now we know what it does seriously now we know what it does it's over we're never getting through this level we're not getting through it yep bro it's not happening you've been the Ruckus causer roughest time is over Grizzy I jumped it all right guys my first attempt to clear this button kill this wow incredible guys please not the second one Matt just go to the other side just go away you just run into it I don't want to [ __ ] this up I swear to God jump stop I'm coming back out I'm coming back thank you I got it I had it I have literally not hit a button I want to point that out I've not touched him once I'm speeding I'm crazy look at me I'm running Speedy Plus go go go go go oh my God I was watching you guys why just God damn it [ __ ] Fall From Grace you know what's crazy I still need to press a button 30 more times before I've caught up with the next person I was walking already there he is I see him he looks so stupid I did everything I have the key oh here shut up let me get in the car no we have to wait for them all right and just behind each other vehicle no he wasn't spree funny wait guys are real here all we have to do oh just flash him he's gonna he's gonna get flashy there with us again get in the car [Laughter] holy [ __ ] everyone everyone was just giggling you're like what are we all here I was just like wait we could just flash a little bit we'll be good before we go electric I'd like to say a toast say a few words to your mother she's fantastic and she gave birth to few three two beautiful baby boys 100 talking about all right what okay let's throw that over there what a toast all right let's go son of a [ __ ] headed oh wow that uh that was an experience oh my God that whole thing I can't I can't believe it's finally come to life what an incredible Vision it's uh it's absolutely ridiculous I'm uh very happy you got to see this come to life you know it's been a great journey absolutely and uh I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here for the ride yeah so what'd you think yes quite the journey I know look look ready oh look at that look at you're in the credits [Music] incredible I don't know what this was don't pay attention to this this has nothing to do with my channel this is just in the game so forget about that incredible that was an absolute beautiful beautiful work fantastic work it's been so long and it's been such a great journey I'm so glad to have had you know this time to work with you on this project it's been it's been an absolute dream of mine and I'm so glad we got to do it uh geez I don't know what else there is to say but uh like thank you for your cooperation and through all the hardship we did it we finally did it buddy we what the [ __ ] is that trip treadmill ah he'll be fine [Music] yummy you got a test on you catch this I'm pretty sure we tried this
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 5,778,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus, best of, best of smii7y, best of smii7y 2022
Id: ae3vbAcRanI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 42sec (6402 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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