Family Blessings - Full Movie - Lynda Carter (1998)

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[Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] hey this is the fourth time you've disturbed the piece in two weeks this is quincy we don't want to have to take you down the stairs all right i'll do this i'll wait at the car yeah thanks [Music] [Applause] you be okay out here ain't no big deal if you need me i'm off duty in a few minutes got my number yeah i'll call you tomorrow and get a burger [Music] [Music] hey what chance does a kid have in a place like that you made it i didn't have it that bad get some shut eye bud we need your surf tomorrow you got the mustard in the relish yeah i got the mustard and the horseradish you got the volleyball and i got the net they don't call me spike resting for nothing but of course i got all the stuff hey can't you take care of that hose when you get back i promise mom wants a water garden this afternoon i don't fix the hose she doesn't fix lasagna it's the magic word [Music] oh [Music] hey slow down wait up for me [Music] this is restin [Music] [Applause] oh hi chris come on in i'll get you a soda while you wait i have been after greg for a week to fix that garden hose he told me you'd be joining us on the fourth lane mrs reston it's been an accident greg's been killed mrs reston i'm so sorry greg he was riding his motorcycle and a truck ran a light no no not my baby not great mommy no joey's on his way home from the whitman's i'll be right there i'll um i'll take the 11 10. that's fine honey i love you too [Music] and your sister everybody's here [Music] [Music] [Music] and uh [Music] chris i should have made him worse oh chris don't blame yourself it just happened i loved him but i never told him you did tell him in a thousand ways things like washing his car showing him how to get along in the world and he loved you you were like a big brother to him i'm sorry i'm no one who should be sorry i've been so wrapped up in my own grief i've been through this before greg told me about his little brother crib death dad's aneurysm now greg grief has a way of sneaking back and blindsiding chris but i'm here and you can come to me anytime okay thank you mrs reston last goal oh chris what are we gonna do without him i don't know how's mom of gibraltar cheering everybody else up greg was cheated and so are the rest of us come on let's get you home your mom needs us [Music] i know i i know i'm so i know [Music] i know [Music] lee don't you want me to finish [Music] you shouldn't be making greg's casket blanket sofia is the last thing i could do for him call if you need me i'll be fine i'll be homely oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey mom i didn't mean what i said what did you say that greg was going to take me and the other guys to the valley fair next week that's all that mattered to me joey have you been worrying about that all this time it must have sounded pretty selfish no no joey honey it's just a human reaction that's all we go along taking our routines for granted and then all of a sudden something happens and we think of the strangest things when daddy died i kept saying but he was going to take me on a trip to florida and when chris told me the news i kept blubbering on about greg not having fixed my garden hose yet so you see i did the same thing when we hear somebody we love has just died we don't think we just react so don't worry about it want to know what i kept thinking about the whole way i'm on the train about how much i'd been cheated out of when greg died because he'll never get married and have kids and her wife will be my sister-in-law and about how awful christmas is going to be now [Music] in the midst of all the planning and the telephoning the people i'd catch myself thinking has anybody called greg yet and it would strike me he won't be coming the same thing happened to me me too nothing's ever gonna be the same but we owe it to ourselves to keep our lives as full and as happy as possible that's what i had to tell myself a thousand times after daddy died and that's what got me through sandy chris thank you for coming i don't know how any of us would have managed without you these past few days craig's favorite i'll take it hillbilly music it's country music grandma it's what greg liked what would people think i don't care what people think mother i want us to celebrate greg's life not his death dear i don't believe that you alone should not sound like a honky tonk now don't you agree lauren of course you do first mother yes do you have to put on something more appropriate [Music] thanks [Music] he's wearing his blue jeans his police t-shirt and minnesota twins baseball cap but don't tell my mother [Music] i miss you hey [Music] he talked about you all the time greg said you were a pretty neat guy joey you did smartest one in the family straight a student could talk to greg you know things maybe mom wouldn't understand he's kind of like a big brother and a dad all at once miss him already yeah he was gonna take me and some other guys do a twins game next weekend and we were gonna have hot dogs and sodas and it's not fair chris i know [Music] i miss him too if you ever need a guy to talk to julie you can come to me i can't replace greg but i'm a pretty good listener [Music] come on [Music] hi this is chris leave a message at the beep thanks hey chris nancy and i'd like to have you over for dinner sometime this week give us a call buddy [Music] you said you'd call i need you hey man where you gone just like all the rest never mean what you say well just leave me alone i don't need you i don't need nobody [Music] oh judd get it stick it tell me about it you don't give a damn what'd you folks do this time another party last night a bunch of their friends came over got into the junk and started fighting did anybody hit you i bailed out the window called you and i wasn't home it was off with your honky roommate judd my honking roommate was killed three days ago in a motorcycle accident oh man that sucks yeah it's been kind of hard to go back to the apartment he got good people or he like you and me good family the best i'm sorry chris it's okay come on you're gonna make a team this year yeah absolutely there you go [Music] hi hi yourself i brought you some coffee hope the sign didn't wake you oh no couldn't sleep thought i'd stop by and make sure you're okay after the storm last night storm i must have slept right through it you didn't have much damage [Music] it was tough going back to the apartment wasn't it yeah last couple of days i can see how you take care of each other you let me be a part of that just having you here we all felt closer to greg the past two years you've spent more time with him than any of us never had many friends never much of a family greg was both well best to keep busy thanks for the coffee thanks for helping with my tree you should keep your garage locked someone can walk right in and steal your tools you sound just like greg thanks that'll be 13.75 here's your change doris 1.25 it's beautiful lee you have a lovely touch thanks doris i'm sure your aunt will enjoy it i hope so she's as crotchety as an old goat [Music] thanks officer yes ma'am hey lee chris is here sophie we're almost out of yellow roses oh i better call the whole sailor can't the police department do something about this he could arrest the weather man hi there hi greg how's it going more calps me too janice joey well janice is busy with her summer job but you always got too much time to think maybe i could uh take him out for a sandwich sometime insurance for his motorcycle i'll take care of that oh chris you've done so much already it's no problem mrs reston all these reminders every time i walk in the apartment i keep expecting to see him hear that country music he was always playing it's just silence and all his stuff [Music] i need to come and get it i didn't mean it like that no it's got to be done it's no sense in putting it off how's saturday fine but the kids can help i hope too see ya where are the kids janice is working joey's off with commitments maybe you should have waited for him no i'll be all right i promise i put his picture cds and personal stuff in here and i turned his gun cuffs and radio into the department i thought it would be easier thanks what will i do with his cap collection i don't think i'll be able to get rid of any of his things for a long time this is a test getting through the day because he's never coming back no he's not [Music] this is a lousy job chris i'm sorry you miss him too oh you look good in a cap thanks you should wear one more often well we're almost done here i'm gonna go for a swim i swim i can't believe i swam in my coat oh you're pretty good second place individual medley anoka high state champ oh i can believe it i learned to swim in the army i can believe it very funny so you're a high school hero oh just just swimming my mother thought that basketball and soccer were a little grubby for a girl she's big on what's proper dressing for dinner joining the right clubs write music for a funeral oh sometimes it's just easier to let her have her way i always said you were a fairly strong willed if i think there's something worth fighting for like what like when bill died i had three children to raise and no marketable skills so i went back to school and then opened the shop why would your mother have a problem with that she thought i should stay home and play the grieving widow [Music] it's a nice shot thanks sylvia handles the business side but i do all the arranging we get along great and we've done well now mom talks as if it was all her idea from the beginning you're very special mrs reston can't you call me lee sure come on i'll race you to the car he said hey dispatch said you needed help and he says i do so i follow him into the back room and i see a pair of bare legs and a bare butt hanging out of the conditioning ben this guy's yelling his head off the idiot tried to to break in through the vent and got stuck and greg pulled his pants off so he wouldn't go anywhere he never told me about jeep downs and shoot him out for pulling the guy's pants off he's afraid he might sing never know these things hi just uploading yeah how'd it go i think i set a record half dozen customers from hell in just one day must be the heat how about some spaghetti i was thinking of going for a swim you want to come actually your mom and i just went you did yeah it was hot moving greg's thing so we went out to the lake oh well i better get going gotta be to work in an hour thanks for supper it's the least i could do thanks for all you did today sure i'll lock you up okay thanks for helping mom today i know i should have i was just i was so upset sometimes we have to do things whether we're upset or not you enjoy should have been there be there for your mom a little more okay she's got feelings too yeah she's carrying everybody else on her shoulders give her a hand okay thanks chris [Music] unit 12 unit 12 unit 12 jefferson granville unit 12 back up unit 17 2600 denison he is you sure yeah i know these people okay i'll be outside if you need to i'm gonna just stop it now well if it isn't the hot shot young cop what's this all about she's hidden my wallet again i just wanted to get some of the bills paid before he bought another bomb i know mom listen who asked you to butt hitting somebody boy well you thinking you're wearing a uniform you got the right to come in here huh i want you to settle down dad go to bed and sleep it off you go to hell huh you pull another stunt like this and i will put you in jail you understand me chris you shouldn't talk to your father that way he's just a little upset he's gonna be fine now yeah mom he'll be fine till the next time don't come around there anymore throwing your weight around [Music] [Applause] everything okay yeah so you know these people yeah i know [Music] hi joey joey take your sweatshirt chris i didn't know you were here i didn't want to bother you just taking care of some unfinished business you didn't have to do that i woke up last night thinking about greg i remembered the hose he was good about doing things for me ever since his dad died he was the man of the house even after he moved in with you joey seemed a little upset he's a handful these days moody defiant it's just his way of dealing with things i had adolescence on top of all that i never went through it i was a grown-up by the time i was 12 we i had a normal family my dad had a good job when i was five he fell asleep on the sofa with a cigarette in his hand and the house caught fire [Music] everybody got out but my brother bobby dad started to drink lost his job mom spent most of her time making excuses for him everything went to hell there was no room for us little sister was so young she had no one but me every day i would tell her story make her smile and where's your sister now five years ago jeannie was in san francisco she weighed 300 pounds had a drug problem it's living with another in a long string of losers and your parents saw him today dad was drunk and mom defended him chris i'm i'm so sorry but it must have been terrible for your parents losing a child some people go on with their lives yes i envied greg having a real family people who care about you it just seems perfect that's what joey and i were arguing about family nope the fourth of july joey says the picnic will be a bummer without greg but i know greg would want us to have it yeah he would come to the picnic oh lee that's that's a family we have an empty space at the table we need you and you need us could i bring somebody of course may i ask who it is it's a kid who's having a rough time he could use a little family atmosphere come on that's where i like to hear satisfied customers you know grandpa lloyd i think you get better at this every year well oh i need the grip of chow hounds to bring out the culinary art in these gods don't get to eat like this very often or even ones that can cook wouldn't exactly call it cooking my mother taught me how to make potato salad judd she's got a secret a little sweet pickle juice in the dressing isn't that right mom that's right honey hey joey john you guys want to toss the football around i gotta work off some of this food before the ice cream's right so he looks up to him glad that greg had him as a friend i'm glad that you and the kids have him now he really enjoys being with me [Music] this is the first family outing i think he's ever been to lloyd his childhood was pretty tough i of how lucky we are i sure am glad that my son had the good sense to marry you good catch gonna play for your school team again this season i don't know i'll probably wait for basketball season i play in the police league chris is my coach did you play sports in school nah i never had time but i enjoy it it's firstly basketball chris took me to the timberwolves game last fall oh yeah cool greg took me you can go with me and judd this year huh yes and i'd love to come see some of your games you would sure [Applause] come on boys help with these chairs the firework to be starting in a minute on put them over here hey what's over here hey mom it's just for you look at this joey it's so beautiful [Music] thanks for talking to joey today was hard for him he just needs time and a big brother with one role i can't play he's the only one you aren't trying to fill what do you mean lee ruston super mom i beg your pardon everybody's hero the family anchor thinking about everybody but yourself well what do you expect me to do and you're right but they need me what i meant to say it's okay to lean on people i'm here you're very good for me hi mom hi honey how was the movie okay and jason okay well he seems nice isn't this the third time that he's asked you out mom what do you do when you've done everything in the realm of good taste to get a guy to notice you and he still doesn't some guy in particular chris oh i see i have liked him since the first time greg brought him home but he treats me like a kid sister well there's quite a big difference in your ages 12 years daddy was older than you that's true what can i do to get him to notice me hmm every situation is different i don't know what to tell you to do should i maybe ask him to do something go to a movie well that's up to you i'm going back to school soon and he's been away now that he's back i'm afraid if i don't do something to get his attention someone else will snag him while i'm gone i think mothers should stay out of situations like this gee mom you're no help [Music] well hello what a surprise how was your training stepson six weeks at the police academy with 48 other cops i missed you so now you're a certified firearms instructor call me dead eye lala i'm gonna take you to lunch today i can i've got to get back to the shop so my sister can leave and then i need to make a stop at the police station before there's some mix-up in greg's life insurance policy it isn't the money chris it's that every time i turn around there's another reminder well let me see if i can get it straightened out i'll drop by person on when my shift is up i appreciate that now can i take you to lunch i can't really so joey started basketball practice oh yes and bringing home a dirty uniform every night for me to watch janice is back at college she left yesterday she likes you chris dennis is a really sweet girl someone you'd date no no i don't think of janice that way hmm how about you do you you date much not at all not since bill died nine years and you've never gone out with anybody well i've been busy family the shop every once in a while someone will try to fix me up it's always been a disaster how about you yeah i went out with pete ostrinsky's sister-in-law last night he's been after me for weeks well that sounds like fun actually i i thought about us all evening lee i'm all mixed up about how i feel about us i thought the time away i have a family to think about i've come to depend upon you as a friend i'm trying to make it into something it can't be why not because i'm too old for you oh how old too old bye-bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] positions hey lee somebody sent you flowers good gracious lee flowers me i would say to florist flowers well it is your birthday well there's a card [Music] who i have no idea come on lady [ __ ] the ball watch it joey how have you been just fine billy's open get in the ball i haven't seen you for a while i guess you've just been busy buying flowers the clock hi sandy that's joey's girl come on how did you know about my birthday investigative work looked up your driver's license that's cheating do you like them they're lovely i accept them as a token of friendship nothing more fair enough oh is i'm really glad i was here to see it it means a lot to joey and me so come to dinner tonight we'll celebrate so when taylor passed it to me i i dropped my teeth i thought what if i missed well you didn't it was a clutch shot and you made it i'm glad you saw it chris it was kind of like having greg there or even dad oh and you two mom it's a guy thing oh yeah you should have heard your mom yelling i think the phrase was stuff them you won't be stuffing anything next week unless you get that paper in on time young man yeah i'm going over to taylor's house to study he's got a book i need for research back by 10. i'll try see you later chris thanks for coming to my game man sure see you later bye thank you it's been a long time since i've seen joey this excited you know i couldn't help thinking first this afternoon now here this evening this must be what it's like to have a real family you have parents chris they raised you i raised myself and i did it in spite of them and now as far as i'm concerned they're dead look what you've made of yourself can't you forgive him no there's nothing there my family is everything to me it's my life support i have to go chris chris i'm sorry live in a dream world lee you were born into an ideal family then you raised one of your own and now and now you think the rest of the world should be like you are well it isn't there are millions of kids out there who grew up just like i did i'm one of the lucky ones who got out i am not gonna forgive my parents for what they did chris you're so angry chris please [Music] silvia have you seen my glasses you've been so distracted lately you'd lose your head if it weren't glued on this time i found them in the cooler my word why would i leave them there if i didn't know any better i'd suspect it was a man i'm just busy i guess christmas always makes me [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] wow no you're doing great judge you don't want to rush things you run the risk of an injury okay you and greg used to work out a lot didn't you yeah greg really knew his way around the weight room hey pal you okay christmas is a bummer yeah we used to do all this stuff together mama's drinking janice christmas no big deal man judd said if you called you come and help him thank you for coming officer i'll leave you two alone to talk thank you mrs hubert [Music] did you steal the money judd did you why how's your mother you want to go to a foster home i want to live with you you can't jud you have to be licensed to give foster care besides what would i do with you when i work nights i'd be okay i'd watch tv and go to bed any time you said it wouldn't work judd i could do stuff for you back in your place wore a can of food for you what happened at home they bought coke with my free lunch tickets and they tried to give me some of it your mom and dad bought cocaine with your lunch money and tried to get you to take it i said that's how it was that's how it was so you stole money to buy lunch is that why you stole the money chad i guess so do you mean you guess so and because i knew if i did they'd call you okay listen i have the power to get you out of there put you in a police hold for 24 hours a social worker will start proceedings and a detention hearing will be held in front of a judge you're gonna have to tell the judge everything you just told me will you do it judd will you do it can i live with you then no you can't but there's a chance i could be appointed you legal guardian my guardian yeah if i do start this probably means you'll be taken away from your parents permanently [Music] my mom sometimes she could suffer i know sometimes it's good but most of the time it's not they're sick judd we each into a good foster home they give you bath meals and lunch money every day but it's your decision could we still play basketball you and me of course we could and go to the workout room together you can count on it but cocaine i've been there before lee i know how it feels it's home but it isn't like other kids homes still it's the only one you've got and if you lose your mom and dad how do you know anyone will be there for you i saw it in judd's eyes lee he said to me i want to live with you chris and i had to say no he didn't even have a decent winter jacket on and i knew damn well that nobody fed him breakfast i've got an extra bedroom and i make enough money but what am i going to do with a 12 year old kid when i work nights half the time and there's nobody there to watch him chad is warm and fed and being taken care of tonight you did that much for him kids are the hardest part of the job not the crooks you mustn't feel guilty about not taking chad but i do feel like i'm letting him down dear christopher thank you for being here [Music] let's get this crystal ball what do you think on a scale of one to ten uh nine not a ten in my considered opinion nine and a half yeah it's a magnificent selection and how about a tree for chris's apartment why don't you spend christmas with us i don't think so come on grandpa lord always spends the night and you could too we'll open presents and have a big breakfast and grandpa lloyd always cooks pancakes we'd love to have you you can bunk on the couch and watch for santa i'm working the night shoe fine we'll expect you by midnight yeah and you can help me put up the crystal ball oh hello christopher hi mom came by to wish you merry christmas close the damn door mavis who the hell is it it's chris ed honey [Applause] hi papa look at you all gussied up in your fancy uniform man what do you got there a ham that's nice sit down chris come on no thank you wow look at chris has brought us a ham what's he expecting in return i don't drink that you know that he doesn't drink maybe i said her upstanding citizen cop son don't touch the stuff you should try out dad to help you anytime you come in here with a handout expect to get back in our good graces and start preaching don't start anything chris he's not feeling good chris it's his cold it makes him grumpy when are you gonna stop making excuses for him mom he's a drunk he's still your father he's had a hard time it's not his fault oh mom merry christmas joy to the world the lord chris we were getting a little worried lee i'm gonna stay at the apartment tonight why what's the matter i'm in a rotten mood and i don't want to ruin things for your family i'll call you tomorrow lee merry [Applause] christmas hi judd there it's chris oh just a moment please judd it's chris sadie pull your chat to the table okay okay start talking hi what's up too busy yeah we're just gonna have dinner what's up nothing i was just thinking about you you all right yeah are the brands treating you okay they're okay listen jedi i was thinking a movie next week yeah yeah i'll see you then judd merry christmas merry christmas to you buddy bye chris just a minute just a minute get your things i can't i took a hand from my parents tonight they're pitiful i've never had you tried but we're going to show you and get your things the crystal ball looks great chris good night good night grandma good night good night milk and cookies goodnight chris good night good night honey good night christmas sleep well [Music] and [Music] [Applause] merry christmas merry christmas yourself i made coffee just the way you like it i make terrific coffee hey it's great you made it in there no that's for something else how'd you sleep fine nice couch what time is it 6 30. 6 30. i'm always the first one up it's a family tradition and now thanks to you i'm the second i'm glad you came me too it's great and now it's time for another family tradition all right people it's time thank you this is a surprise hey what is this beautiful children oh it's a fishing rod oh my gosh oh wow those are so cool oh mom it's beautiful i love it basketball is it the right one thanks chris that's your buddy hey chris open your next gift [Music] what is this did you guys do okay chris we need a shot of those pebs can you get them very cute get in dennis a little closer cheese cheese okay how about f6 f6 see you guys bye chris we'll see you later big guy yep thanks it's everything i always imagined um i love you no chris you don't know i know that i've never felt anything like this for anybody i'm scared me too oh my god what are we going to do [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] so joey joy wake up wake up i need to talk to you um darn it you just turn it over jeez i'm still sleeping leave me alone i just want to ask you what time did mom come home last night i don't know well were you up yes it was early early it was sometime after midnight i know that because i was watching tv was christopher with her no he just dropped her off he didn't come in no why don't you just ask her all this stuff i'm so sorry i woke you up [Music] hi honey sleep well uh-huh how did you get home last night oh about one i think i heard you come in later how was chris fine just fine yes he was just fine that's quite a breakfast i'm a ravenous yeah i can see that joey yes may i come in please no i'm slaughtering a cow in here the blood will make you sick what are you doing taping my shoe i can see that why because i like these why don't you just get a new pair because i like these you need a serious girlfriend you need to clean up your act have you noticed how mom has been acting lately like how i don't know is chris over here much some i think they're dating you're nuts i think we ought to tell aunt sylvia then she'll think you're nuts listen i want you to do something for me okay i want you to keep an eye on things and if anything looks weird you know if if she starts coming home late then i want you to call me at school okay joey all right all right go read a romance novel or something what have you gotten these things mom i'll carry them hi anything i do to help no your timing is perfect this is the last load hi janice hello heading back to school yeah you got the afternoon off yeah i'm working the late shift well good you can help joey finish up the rest of that chili sounds great well it's time for me to go call me when you get to the dorm so i don't worry because you still treat me like i'm 10 years old anyway okay hi dennis bye chris oh god what have you done to me everything you've done to me why don't you just tell her i can't i had sooner or later everybody's gotta know i'm not ready to share you yet i want you all to myself [Music] oh i dreamed about greg it's okay it's okay when we're finished morning when we need each other the way we do now are you waiting to get over it so you don't have to tell anybody i don't know what you mean yes you do we i love you i love you too and not stop sneaking around stealing a half an hour here and a half an hour there or a night when joey's away on a school trip why can't we just be honest chris i'm afraid of what people will say you're afraid of what your family will say but joey looks up to you janice has a crush on i have never done a single thing to encourage janet and there's mom and dad and sylvia i don't want to hurt anybody are you hurting anybody by telling him you found someone to love they should be happy for you and there's 15 years oh the age thing what difference does it make i love you just the way you are i don't like your toenails i don't like yours why are we fighting just marry me chris this is all happening too fast ah i just fell i realized this is the woman i want to spend the rest of my life with and i got scared not because of the age difference i don't care if people talk yes she's afraid you would say what you just said i've got to go home [Music] janice is home jess honey what's wrong what are you doing home my wisdom tooth i came home to have it pulled well how long have you been here since 10 last night oh and where the hell have you been as if it isn't obvious well if it's obvious i just want to hear you admit it i've been at chris's all night mother how could you and where's joey he's on a school trip does he know about this no and i'm sorry you had to find out this way janice your mom and i discussed whether or not to tell you and joey and she decided she need needed more time to sort out her feelings her feelings what about my feelings and joys this is disgusting woman in mourning falls into the arms of a younger man janice i don't blame you you've made me look like a fool but i'm not as big a fool as you are mom he's using you janice nobody is using anybody i love chris and i don't i don't care if it doesn't fit into your idea of what's proper but i don't need anybody's permission to love him i'm sorry it's about what i expected how about you well i thought i'd be guilt britain but i'm not she has no right to pass judgment on me need to do the others i'm sure they'll try chris you better go leave you to face this alone yes they're my family i've got to deal with them [Music] lee have you gone crazy are you sure i can't get your cup of coffee we don't want coffee we want an explanation well my goodness shouldn't you brought dad and barry and lloyd it would save me from having to explain it again stop being cute and tell us what's gotten into you a grown woman latching onto a boy her son's age he's not a boy he's a man you've been sleeping with that boy i fell in love mother lee it is so cheap what would bill think bill yes my husband has been dead for nine years mother we had a great marriage and raised three fine children but he's gone and i'm not chris lalick will take you for everything you've got he'll destroy your relationship with your family and then he'll throw you over for the first cute young thing that walks by he's not that kind of a person he loves me and he's asked me to marry him oh god surely you're not considering it well whatever i do decide sylvia it will be my choice and i expect my family to honor it what would people say oh that's what this is really about isn't it what you should say mother is that my daughter has found a considerate generous man who has made her the happiest she's been in years but you're afraid of what your friends will whisper behind your back because appearances are everything appearances matter i love you mother but you've never been able to admit when you're wrong and about this you're wrong lee really you too sylvia sylvia get in the car yes mother go on do what you will i love you lee you've always been headstrong but you've never disgraced your family before go on marry him if you insist but don't think you can bring him to my house for easter dinner mom i'm home hi roma hello sweetheart how was the trip all right museums and stuff joey i need to talk to you about what about mom and chris thanks janice and thanks for calling mother and sylvia what about mom and chris they're dating oh oh so what so what she's means forget it what's the big deal did you know about i saw you guys kissing one day are you okay about it sure mom i like chris oh [Music] chief townsend you wanted to see me i don't like to get involved in the private lives of my officers but i understand you've been seeing lee rested yes sir it's well it's an awkward situation she's greg's mother no disrespect chief townsend but this has nothing to do with my performance as a police officer no of course not but she's greg's mother my personal life is my business sir of course it is forget what i said go do your job yes sir i'm sure it was my mother's doing everybody's still giving you the third degree everybody but joey i've tried to call janice at school i keep getting her answering machine my sister is giving me the cold shoulder at work my mom and dad they don't even call i've never felt so much anger and disapproval from my own family i'm sorry i'm putting you through this league christopher we'll face this together and we'll go on with our lives it's not that easy i love you but i love my family too they're making you crazy they're beating you up it's unfair yes but they're my family i know it's hard for you to understand you and your family aren't close but we are and i can't just ignore how they feel you can't ignore how you feel or how i feel i love you lee i need you [Music] i want you to be my wife oh chris [Music] i can't and i don't think we should see each other for a while hello chris it's lee i know it's been a while since we spoke yeah three weeks but who's counting chris i need your help of course joey hasn't come home yet and it's nearly midnight where'd he go tonight with some friends to a movie but it was over two hours ago have you called his friends yes but no one has seen him since the movie ended i don't know what to do you just stay by the phone okay yeah do you know what time it is kind of late i guess your mom's really worried i'll take you home where have you been i was at sandy's house what were you doing at sandy's house watching tv watching tv and kissing i better tell the station everything's okay you had the police looking for me you darn right young man things happen to children who wander the streets at night i told you i was at sandy's house were sandy's parents home yeah talk about that in the morning i'm sorry mom don't do that to me again i won't you owe chris an apology for getting him up in the middle of the night sorry chris no problem i'm just glad you're okay off to bed i love you mom i love you too joey thank you i miss you lee i miss you too i don't know what to do nothing's changed with your family i don't talk to my family much it was supposed to get better without me i know then why are we going through this lee [Music] you know where to find me joey joey [Music] wake up darling wake up morning what do you say we play hockey today really yeah you skip school i'll skip work i'll make a day of it just the two of us we haven't done that in a long time what are we gonna do we'll take turns you pick an activity and then i'll pick one first okay oh how do you know so much about art i studied art history in school but i'm not much of an artist will you do flowers that's art i guess it is any idea what you'd like to study when you go off to college maybe i'd like to be a police officer like greg and chris it's a very honorable line of work i'd be proud if you were a police officer mom i'm really sorry for last night we need to talk about that it's just gonna be one of your i know what's best for you sun speeches yes it is it's about you and sandy being in her house alone for two hours we were just kissing joey i've always been very open and honest with you about sex i understand at 14 you're curious you've got new feelings that are exciting and even a little scary right well you think that you can start fooling around and only go so far but then all of a sudden you find yourself in a situation that you're not prepared to handle something that you're not ready to take responsibility for with sandy he's not alone are you and chris ever alone yes chris and i are were sometimes alone we had what your grandmother would delicately describe as an intimate relationship are you shocked no you and chris are adults yes we are but you said had a relationship why aren't you guys dating anymore oh joey i thought you guys were pretty serious chris asked me to marry him why don't you chris makes you happy and i like him he's a really neat guy is this one of those i know what's best for you moms beaches yeah you're letting grandma and aunt sylvia and janice rip you off mom do you want to marry chris very much honey but our family is so upset well what do they know heck you want to tell them to butt out oh chill joey i wish it were that easy get your coat i'm taking you to lunch [Music] joey called me this morning oh and then i went to talk to chris lollick oh you've been a busy man lloyd between joey and chris i've gotten quite a different version of things and i've been hearing from my old friend peg i've got eyes i have never seen you happier than when you were dating chris and i don't want you to let anybody talk you out of that you know how much my family means to me but they don't only they don't own your happiness go to that fine young man you love and tell him you'll marry him and let the rest of the world learn to live with it my son would give his blessing he loved you too and he'd want you to be happy you are the dearest most sensible lovable man in the world he sure does love you hi what i'm tired of people telling me what i should and shouldn't do i'm tired of sleeping alone and watching you cruise by my house at night when you think i'm sleeping and i won't see how did you i saw you i'm sorry christopher i love you and i listen to them i'm sorry i want to marry you i'd marry you right here now for good we're going to elope quicker than you can say finish shaving [Music] good morning mr lolly and mrs reston and a fine one it is for a wedding and now that our witnesses are here let us begin we can do this however you prefer i'm here to make it official i can read some words from a book or you can say whatever you like i'd like to say something myself so would i you first well i want to be with you for the rest of my life i want to help you raise joey and take care of the both of you the best i can and respect you till the day i die i know this marriage is the right thing for both of us oh the ring i love you you've been such a gift to me christopher little did i know that i'd fall in love with you how lucky i am i'll support you in all your causes especially with kids because i'm sure judd won't be the last one to whom you'll be a stand-in father till death do us part that's how i love you christopher [Music] [Music] i nearly died thanks for coming i love you mom congratulations thank you hi chris congratulations thank you janice from your mother and i just want you guys to know that i met this guy at [Music] my grandson would like to make a toast to grandpa lloyd for getting us all together it wasn't easy you can say that again did judd you're just gonna have to learn to like country music instead of wrath and to my sister janice whom i'm glad to have back home thanks joey but most of all to mom and christopher i hope you guys stay as happy as you are today thank you cheers and i hope you guys go away often and leave me with grandpa lloyd because man i get away with all kinds of stuff we need man he lets me eat pizza every night and he lets me stay up late and he let me drive the car to sandy's house but seriously i learned some things this year about what really matters we all did so i just like to end by saying mom christopher we all wish you guys a long and happy life together [Applause] honey i love you i love you are you a loser next single in the city atlanta wow the we original series one single date from the safety of your home it's down to the final four and we search for the first american princess this time it's their last chance to prove themselves this isn't the end and so i'm not ready to go to be graceful to be elegant and to do it all with royal dignity i was absolutely horrified i thought have i failed [Music] who will be the first american princess the wii event you just can't miss sunday at 10 pm 7 pacific only on we [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lynsey Attwood
Views: 949,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lynda Carter, Wonder Woman
Id: QkVABfGl3Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 7sec (5287 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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