China Surprised: 15 US F-22 Jets Deployed to South China Sea to Warn of War with China Near Taiwan

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[Music] unprecedented deployment of F-22 fighter jets to the pacifics sends a potent message [Music] in an extraordinary move the United States Air Force is orchestrating the dispatch of over two dozen F-22 stealth fighters to partake in a crucial exercise in the western reaches of the Pacific this month this substantial deployment of formidable Jets serves as a robust and assertive message to potential adversaries especially China given the current tensions in the Pacific region [Music] this month as part of Operation Pacific Iron 2023 approximately 25 F-22 Raptors from the Hawaii Air National Guard and Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson in Alaska will be deployed to the islands of Guam Antonia [Music] these fifth generation combat Jets represent the Pinnacle of advanced fighter aircraft boasting stealth Technologies and interconnected sensor systems that provide Pilots with an intricate and comprehensive view of the battlefield a capability also observed in the formidable usf-35s [Applause] the Strategic deployment of such a large number of f-22s for this exercise serves as a direct and unambiguous message to China [Music] the timing couldn't be more critical with simmering tensions over Pacific flash points such as Taiwan and the South China Sea Carl Schuster a defense analyst based in Hawaii and a former director of operations at the U.S Pacific command's joint Intelligence Center foreign s that typical F-22 deployments usually comprise a modest 6 to 12 aircraft however this demonstration by the Pacific Air Force showcases the ability to deploy an impressive number of fifth generation aircraft on short notice exceeding the quantity currently present in China's entire inventory while China's operational fifth generation fighter count stands at around 20 to 24. it's important to note that beijing's capabilities are rapidly advancing comparatively the U.S Air Force possesses approximately 180 f-22s in its Fleet however only about half of these aircraft are mission capable at any given time due to rigorous maintenance requirements foreign [Music] the U.S will be deploying about 25 fully Mission capable f-22s for the Pacific Iron exercise [Music] given the f-22's remarkable rhaegar evading capabilities it's no surprise that these jets would be at the Forefront of any conflict entrusted with neutralizing adversary air defenses and other critical missions the U.S is proactively rehearsing and refining its deployment strategies in anticipation of a potential major crisis or conflict [Music] as tensions with China persist the U.S is taking its commitment to the Pacific region extremely seriously enhancing its forced posture and diligently training its military to enable Swift and effective positioning if the need arises [Music] this commitment is demonstrated not only by the impressive F-22 deployment but also by the addition of 10 F-15 strike evil fighters from Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho and to see 130 J Hercules transport planes from yokoa Air Base in Japan these aircraft will join the f-22s in a versatile and agile combat employment operation further reinforcing the United States presence and Readiness in the region [Music] thank you in conclusion the U.S Air Force's substantial deployment of F-22 fighter jets to the Pacific for Operation Pacific Iron 2023 sends an unmistakable message of strength and commitment enemy technical vehicles yeah the deployment of technologically advanced F-22 Raptors coupled with agile combat strategies underlines the US's dedication to safeguarding its interests and those of its allies in the Pacific region thank you for joining us today remember to stay tuned for more exciting content and as always stay informed stay safe and we'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Operation Breacher
Views: 7,629
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Keywords: us military, f-22 raptor, f-22, us deploy 15 f-22 jets, aircraft carriers, china war, china jets, us navy, china warship, china warns ph troops at ayungin shoal, untv ito ang balita, philippine navy, south china sea conflict, us south china sea news, barbie south china sea, south china morning post, nine dash line south china sea, us china war, us warships, sound of freedom, us war with china, uk navy blow up china warship, war news, china military, us military news, jets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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