Why F-22 Raptor Still Reigns Supreme

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Two American AWACs planes cruise two  hundred miles off the Chinese coast,   blasting a significant portion of the hostile  coastline with radar and feeding that information   to American combat assets in the air all  across the South China Sea. For the Chinese,   they are a critical target that must be eliminated  ASAP. For the Americans, who have no ground-based   installations to fall back on, they are  vital resources to be protected at all costs. Whether the two big birds live or die in  the coming moments might just determine   who reigns supreme in the  skies over China's coastline. A flight of Chinese J-15s scream towards the  American planes, armed with long-range missiles   they only need to get to within 150 or so miles  to down their targets. The Chinese fighters have   taken off from military airfields on Hainan  island, hastily repaired after the initial   American strike against military bases all across  Southern China's coast by US Navy submarines   utilizing tomahawk cruise missiles. While  not fully operational, the air fields are   able to launch several sorties a day- enough to  threaten the all-important American AWACs planes. Now the Eight J-15s scream at full afterburner  towards their targets. US strikes weren't able   to disable all of China's ground-based radar  capabilities, and the systems the People's   Liberation Air Force still has operational tell  the J-15 pilots that the big birds are currently   alone. None of the veteran pilots are fooled  though, the AWACS won't be alone for long. The US Air Force has been operating from airfields  in the Philippines, which China has been hesitant   to strike at out of fear of driving the  Philippines from a passive ally of the US,   to a fully combat-committed one. Somewhere  near the AWACS, Chinese long range radar now   picks up a small flight of US Air Force  F-15s, likely there to provide cover   for the vulnerable planes. The Chinese jets  aren't looking for a dogfight, they hope to   get to within long-range striking distance and  down the AWACs before the F-15s can respond. To accomplish this the planes first fly east, away  from their targets, then loop around to the south   before turning north on the AWAC’S six o’clocks-  an unexpected attack vector. The F-15s which   have been expecting an attack from the east are  completely out of position to defend the AWACs,   despite being vectored in on the  approaching J-15s. The big, slow,   and extremely vulnerable American  Airborne Warning and Control planes   are easy pickings as the Chinese  jets cruise towards firing range. Suddenly, four of the J-15s receive missile lock  warnings. The pilots scan the horizon wildly as   their onboard alerting systems work out range  and heading. There- 3'oclock, thirty five miles   out and closing extremely rapidly- American AIM  120 Amraams. The J-15s dump flares and chaff,   breaking off their attack to outmaneuver  the incoming missiles. This however means   turning away from the incoming missiles  and from their current direction of travel,   which bleeds large amounts of airspeed  which must be very quickly made up.   The other Chinese pilots panic briefly-  they know of only one plane that could   have remained undetected on radar long  enough to ambush them- the American F-22. A hundred miles away, four American F-22 Raptors  supercruise at over twice the speed of sound.   Had the J-15's been pointed in their direction,  their front-facing radar may have briefly detected   the presence of the F-22s by the opening of  their weapon bays. Even so, the brief contact   may not even have been enough to alert the Chinese  pilots they were being targeted and under fire. Given the AIM 120's kill rate of around  30% against actively defending aircraft,   each F-22 has launched  three missiles at each bird,   with a second volley targeting the  remaining 4 J-15s just seconds later. The Chinese formation is in chaos, as the  second group of J-15s realize they've been   targeted as well. The planes dive to put  on airspeed as they dump flares and chaff-   most of the American missiles explode harmlessly  into the decoys- but many don't, and six J-15   pilots are forced to eject. The other two break  off the attack and decide to cut their losses. The American F-22s have accomplished  their mission, but suddenly their   powerful long-range radars detect the  unmistakable ping of a stealth aircraft   opening its weapons bay doors to fire. The  F-22 computers immediately recognize the few   seconds of the return signal as a Chinese  J-20 stealth fighter- and the Raptors with   their 6 medium-range missile capacity per  plane are completely spent on AIM 120s. China has its own answer to the F-22, largely  due to its espionage of American military   secrets. Head-on as they are  currently approaching the F-22s,   the J-20's stealth is less effective than the  Americans, but more than good enough to make   long-range targeting impossible if not incredibly  difficult. Picking up on the F-22's own firing,   and thus breach of their stealth capabilities,  the J-20s have fired their own long-range   missiles in the direction of the last  radar contact with the American planes.   The missiles cannot hope to lock on to the F-22s  at such long range, but once they come within   thirty to twenty miles, their on-board radar  could pose serious risks to the American F-22s. The American pilots face a tough choice. They  only have two short-range AIM 9X missiles each,   only usable when within a few dozen miles of  their target. Meanwhile, the Chinese missiles are   screaming across the sky towards them. Turning and  running would mean the loss of a lot of airspeed,   and potentially allow the missiles to catch  up. Plus, while far better than the J-20's, the   F-22's rear radar cross section is far worse than  its front, and would make them easier targets. The F-22s decide to execute a hard  ninety degree turn. Unlike the J-15s,   they have the advantage of long-range detection  of the hostile J-20's missile launches,   and while the maneuver bleeds off precious air  speed, there's plenty of time to regain it. Plus,   the incoming missiles can't match the  extremely tight turn rate of the F-22   with its thrust-vectoring engines, and must make  a much wider turn, bleeding off its own airspeed. The turn is successful, and the Chinese missiles  tumble harmlessly out of the sky, their airspeed   completely exhausted. However, the turn has also  presented the F-22's three and nine o'clock to the   incoming J-20s, and these are the least stealthy  angles of the large American fighter. With plenty   of radar-reflective surfaces exposed to the  long-range radar of the J-20s, there's little   the radar-absorbent features of the aircraft's  skin can do to prevent a good lock by the Chinese. As the J-20s move in for the  kill on the helpless F-22s,   the Chinese pilots stare incredulously at  a loudly squawking missile lock warning.   More American AIM 120s are incoming, tearing  through the air at 2500 miles an hour. Lurking behind the first flight of  Raptors, is a second 4-bird flight,   who have just released on the Chinese planes.  With the J-20s moving their forward-facing   radar off-axis, they never had a chance  to detect the second flight of Raptors. The J-20s may be cheap copies of the F-22,  but they are still a very stealthy plane,   making it hard to get a good weapons lock on them  from long range. That's why while the Chinese and   American fighters juked for supremacy, a US  Air Force RQ-170 Sentinel drone quietly snuck   behind the Chinese formation. Now, the unmanned  drone activates its radar and blasts the Chinese   stealth fighters, hitting the fighters in their  least stealthy angles. With its remote data link,   the Sentinel sends targeting data  back to the second flight of F-22s,   which feed that data directly to their own  nine AIM 120 missiles already in flight. The American kill network is brutally effective,  and China's limited fleet of J-20s is reduced by   another four. Three J-20s remain however, and the  Raptors boost towards the Chinese flight. Neither   side has any long-range weapons remaining, but  each plane still carries two short-range missiles.   At these ranges, the stealth characteristics  of both planes are largely ineffective,   but the F-22's far greater maneuverability  and its superior engines proves dominant,   especially with its ability to vector its  thrust. The J-20's canards allow it great   agility as well, but its inferior  engines proves to be its downfall. Two short-range missiles don't guarantee  a kill even in a dogfight however,   which is why the American Raptors have  an onboard cannon. The J-20 does not, and   within a few minutes, one American Raptor has been  downed, with the total loss of all Chinese J-20s. The clash just a few dozen miles from  the Paracel islands has pulled much of   the Chinese Air Force's remaining  air power in the area. So far,   the war has been extremely expensive for both  sides in terms of aircraft lost, with hundreds   downed on both the Chinese and American side. With  their superior technology and capabilities though,   the American planes are enjoying a far greater  kill ratio- but it is not an easy victory. Supercruising at 65,000 feet above sea  level, a third flight of F-22s now closes   in on Hainan island and its remaining military  infrastructure. Head-on to incoming radar waves   from the surviving Chinese radar installations,  the F-22s present their stealthiest side   and won't be detectable until within a hundred or  so miles. Even then, the radar resolution will be   so low that weapons lock won't be achievable  until the planes close to within thirty miles. The F-22s don't need to get that close.  Armed with two 1,000 pound glide bombs each,   the F-22s open their weapons bay doors at just  under 200 miles and release their payloads.   Chinese radar immediately picks up the distinct  ping of stealth aircraft firing, followed briefly   by a large flash as the planes bank and turn away  from their targets, but due to their stealthy rear   radar cross-sections, the island's air defenses  are completely confounded and can't respond. Eight 1,000 pound bombs deploy small fins and  begin their satellite guided flight to their   targets. The four remaining air-defense radars  on the island will receive two bombs each, and in   just a few minutes the giant radars are smoldering  wrecks. With the loss of this last outer ring of   defenses, China has effectively lost the ability  to monitor and respond to threats along a large   section of the South China sea, leaving the US  and its allies with complete air superiority.   For now, the Chinese Air Force will be forced to  fight a defensive war close to its own shores,   where air defenses remain dense enough  to ward off even the stealthy F-22s. At the absolute limits of their combat ranges  from airfields in the Philippines, the F-22s   rendezvous with one of dozens of American  airborne tankers before returning to base.   With the superior fighter, a larger  AWACS and airborne refueling fleet,   and the world's most robust battle  management and data link capabilities,   the US military has won the day, despite the high  costs of a war between these two military giants. For now though, the F-22 continues to reign  supreme, unmatched by any other weapon in the sky.  Want to find out how the mighty Raptor compares  to the Russian SU-35? Check out this video,   US F-22 Raptor vs Russian SU-35 Fighter Jet-  Who Would Win? Or click this other one instead!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 330,889
Rating: 4.8175173 out of 5
Keywords: f-22, f-22 raptor, f 22, f 22 raptor, us air force, us military, military, air force, fighter plane, fighter jet, f-22 raptor aircraft, united states air force, the infographics show, lockheed martin f-22 raptor, f22 raptor, stealth fighter, f-22 raptor in action, f-22 raptor jet, f-22 raptor flight, f-22 lightning 2, f-22 stealth fighter
Id: jvNN_ehD_0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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