New F-35 Shocked Russians: The Only Fighter Jet To Beat SU-57

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Head-to-head, the F-35 isn't even the most dangerous fighter made by Lockheed... this video is dumb

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the su-57 a russian a beast a super villain unstoppable by any fighter in the world but one the f-35 an american a beast a superhero this is a death match between these two fifth generation fighters a real-life version of top guns maverick piloting the f-35 to take on the su-57 felon a jet the movie describes as enemy strike jet but in real life the bad guys do win and with the su-57 having undergone the longest list of upgrades before possibly taking off to take part in the russian invasion of ukraine how will the f-35 fare against the most powerful russian fighter in history but first a look at some of the f-35s own upgrades because the american camp has been quite busy too the f-35 upgrades began in 2019 and are expected to last through the mid-2020s known simply as block 4. this batch of upgrades gifts the f-35 with one bigger brains in the form of new computer processors for greater computing power and a larger memory unit and then to enable agile software development through open system architecture for seamless future upgrades block four also comes with two improved battle space awareness thanks to an enhanced panoramic display and new navigation updates allowing for some sea first shoot first action next up on this blockchain of upgrades are three more weapons and new engines let's see the f-35 employ 17 additional weapons and wield powerful adaptive cycle engines developed by a team of general electric and pratt and whitney these weapons and engines combine to increase the operational flexibility of the aircraft and its area of influence finally the f-35 is treated for four better communication across domains here advanced networking and interoperability improvements enable 21st century information requirements to be fused and shared across all military domains as this can only maximize the capability of a joint force the remotely operated video enhanced receiver or rover is only one of such systems that bring this concept to life by enabling ground forces to see what an aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle is seeing in real time these upgrades are proof that one of the best ways the f-35 wins a fight is by deterring aggression that is to become lethal enough that it'll be suicidal for any other jet that is except for the su-57 and the battle begins we now take a look at the core factors of each jet to determine which would likely come out on top in a head-to-head and which would well be roasted in a cloud of its own smoke the entire fifth generation class of aircraft is heavily dependent on stealth capabilities and so neither the f-35 nor the su-57 is found lacking here the f-35 for one was designed from the ground up with stealth in mind its manufacturers lockheed martin aligned its edges serrated its skin panels and masked the engine with easy to maintain fibromat skin for low observability they also reduced infrared and visual signatures enable the reflection of radar waves and use strict controls of radio frequency emitters all playing their role in giving the f-35 an ultra-tiny radar cross-section lower than that of a metal golf ball the su-57 which is the first aircraft in russian military service to emphasize stealth responds to this stellar stealth capability with aligned edges of its own by carefully angling the leading and trailing wing edges control surfaces and serrated skin panels to reduce the number of directions the radar waves can be reflected its canopy is coated with 70 to 90 nanometer thick metal oxide layers which enhance radar wave absorbing to minimize the radar return of the cockpit by 30 percent and protect the pilot from the impact of ultraviolet and thermal radiation in a funny twist only conspicuous susceptible to clutter imprecise low-frequency radars are able to spot both jets with relative ease due to a phenomenon known as rayleigh scattering but again these radars are conspicuous susceptible to clutter and imprecise and that's where the threat of being spotted ends for the f-35 for the su-57 however its manufacturers suhoy really only emphasize frontal stealth with rcs reducing features most apparent in the forward hemisphere the shaping of the aft fuselage for one is less optimized for radar stealth when compared to the f-35 possibly as a result of cost reduction or the russian doctrine of operating the aircraft within the umbrella friendly integrated air defense systems a doctrine that could ripple into how far the engines can thrust the aircraft since the jet might not be traversing continents during missions after all the f-35 operates a single engine while the su-57 is a dual engine aircraft on the f-35 is the pratt whitney f-135 low bypass augmented turbo fan that provides 43 000 lbf of thrust with afterburner thrusting the jet to a top speed of mach 1.6 20 slower than the mach 2 top speed of the supercruise capable 257 with afterburner engaged thanks to a pair of npo lyoko saturn is the lia 117 that produce a combined thrust of over 63 000 lbf but what the f-35 lacks in supercruise capability it makes up for in stealth the engines on the f-35 are stealthy by having a low observable afterburner that incorporates fuel injectors into thick curved veins these vanes are covered by ceramic radar absorbent materials and mask the turbine its low observable axisymmetric nozzle consists of 15 partially overlapping flaps that create a sawtooth pattern at the trailing edge which reduces radar signature and creates shed vortices that reduce the infrared signature of the exhaust plume the f-135 pw600 engine for the f-35b a variant of the f-35 designed for the u.s marines supports short takeoff and vertical landing by incorporating a shaft driven lift fan or sdlf this sdlf was designed by lockheed martin and developed by rolls-royce as a key technology for the f-35 displaying the most impressive use case and performance so much so that the system officially known as the integrated lift fan propulsion system was awarded the prestigious collier trophy in 2001 the su-57 does however make a clap back with its all-angle thrust vectoring capabilities that enable the jet to super maneuver like a gymnast in the sky both planes are fitted with the most advanced avionics and armament their respective countries have to offer for the f-35 the an apg-81 active electronically scanned array radar an asq 239 barracuda electronic warfare system an aaq 37 distributed aperture system an aaaq 40 electro optical targeting system and an asq 242 communications navigation and identification suite all combined to provide rapid beam agility multiple operational modes all aspect missile launch and target tracking 10 radio frequency antennas all aspect radar warning receiver self against missiles the detection and jamming of hostile raiders laser targeting forward-looking infrared capabilities long-range irst functions and an impossible level of sensor fusion to give the pilot and friendlies an omnipresent tactical picture of the battle space without compromising stealth all of these are made possible by a software running on a shocking 8.6 million lines of code which is a lot of lines of code more than the 4 million lines of the su-5 software but this isn't a coding competition and in terms of avionics the su-57 has its own statement to make its central integrated management system fuses all the data from the sh-121 radar and electronic warfare radio electronic system the 101 ks electro optical system multiple n036-1-01 x-band active electronically scanned array or aesa radar and two n036l-1-01l band trans receivers for friend or foe identification and electronic warfare for the total integration of avionics systems maximization of pilot situational awareness and reduced workload the su-57 is also the first fighter ever to mount a d-i-r-c-m anti-missile system to protect the aircraft from infrared homing missiles giving the jet a chance and motivation to respond with a firepower of its own both the su-57 and f-35 are armed to the teeth with the longest array of long-range medium-range and short-range missiles that hunt down their prey hungrily and auto cannons to rain hot metal on threats but with more rounds expected for the f-35 as one of the tasks of the multi-role fighter is close air support that's close enough to justify the retirement of the much beloved a-10 thunderbolt for the su-57 however the priority is mainly air superiority as was hinted by its recent upgrades the original su-57 is more fifth generation than sixth generation but the su-57 with these upgrades is more of a sixth generation fighter than any fighter in operation today first is the support for the highly precise highly maneuverable kh-47m2 derived mach 10-speed hypersonic ballistic missiles the new saturn 30 engines also come into play to provide arguably more thrust than any other engine on any other fighter on the planet the su-57 is also upgraded to integrate the most sophisticated forms of artificial intelligence available such as loyal wingman drones a feature expected only of six generation fighters another of such features are laser defenses and directed energy weapons where the su-57 can use laser turrets to blind incoming missiles and wield the laser weapons under development to take out targets but plans and reality are often very far apart for the russian air force and many of their planned upgrades don't even almost come to life still they're marketed and publicized to make a false representation of the might of the russian military this media deception has particularly been brought to light in the russian invasion of ukraine where russia has looked anything but fine-tuned in addition to that russia so far only has five production su-57s of the 76 ordered while the u.s has built over 800 f-35s to date which tells us two things firstly that the f-35 fleet is more ready for a battle than the su-57 and secondly that you should subscribe to this channel and give this video a like that would be all for now thanks for watching
Channel: Front Cost
Views: 1,597,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f35, f 22 raptor, su57, f 35, new f35, fighter jets in action, us air force, us military, 6th gen fighter, f35 upgrades, f35 new engine, f 35 engine, f35 vs f22, f35 vs su57, fighter jet, united states air force, usaf, russian air force, russian army, su 57 russian air force, russia, air force, f-35, f35 fighter jet, f18, us military news, military update
Id: wSN9uw4YXo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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