Finally! US 100B$ Aircraft Carriers Are Ready For Action!

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foreign law to be a naval power you need as many aircraft carriers as possible and so it's no coincidence that the U.S is currently the Undisputed most powerful nation in the world today one in every four aircraft carriers in the world belongs to the U.S their total combined deck space is more than double that of all other nations combined and the entire fleet is being led by a 13 billion dollar Beast so huge it is referred to as a super carrier still it appears some of these other nations continue to fight to surpass the U.S in terms of aircraft carrier capabilities and in this video you'll see all countries and all aircraft carriers to compete with the U.S super carrier number 13 atlantico Brazil 21 500 tons 18 knots 18 aircraft 105.8 million dollars originally constructed in the United Kingdom for service with the Royal Navy as a landing platform helicopter this ship was purchased from the UK in 1998 to serve as Brazil's sole aircraft carrier named atlantico the ship is armed with 16 guns has a displacement of 21 500 tons an operational range of 8 000 miles can transport 830 troops and host up to 18 aircraft at a time number 12 htms chakri narubet Thailand 11 486 tons 25.5 knots 22 aircraft 336 million dollars the hdms chakri narubet is Thailand's first and only aircraft carrier and the flagship of the country's Navy with a displacement of 11 486 tons it is the smallest functioning aircraft carrier in the world it has a range of 12 000 miles can transport up to 675 troops is armed with two machine guns and wields three missile launchers due to its short deck Runway the aircraft carrier can operate only vertical or short takeoff and Landing aircraft also known as vetol aircraft number 11. Juan Carlos the first Spain 26 000 tons 21 knots 30 aircraft 666 million dollars Juan Carlos the first is the 26 000 ton multi-purpose amphibious assault ship aircraft carrier in the Spanish Navy it features a ski jump to launch the Stovall aircraft it has on board such as the McDonald Douglas av-8b Harrier 2 attack aircraft the Boeing ch-47 Chinook the Sikorski sh3c King the NH Industries nh90 or the new Lockheed Martin f-35b lightning II fighter aircraft the 666 million dollar electronic warfare capable aircraft carrier has an operational range of up to 10 000 miles a top speed of 21 knots and can transport up to 913 troops at a time number 10. izumo and kaga Japan 26 000 tons 30 knots 28 aircraft 1 billion dollars each Japan has two helicopter carrying destroyers of the same class being converted into aircraft carriers they are the izumo and Kanga vessels two one billion dollar 26 000 ton floating bases armed with a minimum of 12 f-35bs seven anti-submarine helicopters two Search and Rescue helicopters and a variety of other aircraft number 9. Giuseppe Garibaldi cavour Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi 14 000 tons 30 knots 18 aircraft 1 billion dollars cavour thirty three thousand tons 29 knots 30 aircraft 2 billion dollars Italy has two aircraft carriers of roughly the same class but different Generations the first is the Giuseppe Garibaldi Italy's first through deck Aviation ship and the first Italian ship built to operate fixed-wing aircraft the 14 000 ton vessel costs about a billion dollars has a range of 8 100 miles and can cut through the Seas at 30 knot speeds Italy's second aircraft carrier is called the cavour a two billion dollar 33 000 ton vessel that can transport up to 450 troops at a time it wields up to 11 guns and launchers and hosts a fleet of up to 30 aircraft including the Augusta Westland aw 101 helicopter and the f-35b lightning II number eight CVX South Korea 45 000 tons 27 knots 20 aircraft 1.8 billion dollars the CVX is South Korea's first ever aircraft carrier it is currently under development but the 1.8 billion dollar 45 000 ton aircraft carrier will feature an axial Flight Deck similar to those used by the older Tarawa wasp and America class ships of the United States Navy when it enters service in 2033 the aircraft carrier will carry up to 20 f-35bs which could be substituted with future Marine attack helicopters of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps number seven ins Vikram Aditya vikrant India 45 000 tons 30 knots 36 aircraft 5.2 billion dollars combined India has two aircraft carriers leading its Navy the first is the 2.9 billion dollar ins vikrant which is the first aircraft carrier to be built in India while the second is the ins vikramadija a 2.35 billion dollar aircraft carrier each vessel has a displacement of 45 000 tons a top speed of 30 knots carries about 1 500 Sailors and wields up to 36 fixed wing and rotary Wing aircraft at a time number six FS Charles de Gaulle France 42 500 tons 27 knots 40 aircraft 5 billion dollars Charles de Gaulle is the flagship of the French navy the ship is the 10th French aircraft carrier the first nuclear-powered one and the only nuclear-powered carrier outside of the United States Navy all other aircraft carriers are conventionally powered this French carrier is also the only non-american Western aircraft carrier to have a catapult launch system which enables it to operate a wide range of aircraft as a result of these the Charles de Gaulle is a 5 billion dollar forty two thousand five hundred ton aircraft carrier with unlimited range a top speed of 27 knots the capacity to carry up to 40 aircraft including the nfh Cayman Marine as-565 Panther rsr as-365f delfon Pedro and the Rafal M e2c Hawkeye number five Yao ning and Shandong China Yao ning 61 000 tons 32 knots 40 aircraft Shandong seventy thousand tons 31 knots 44 aircraft China has the second highest number of aircraft carriers in active service second only to the U.S the Asian country has three aircraft carriers all in three different aircraft carrier classes the first is the type 001 class 61 000 ton Liao ning which was bought from Ukraine after the dissolution of the Soviet Union the second is the type-002 class 70 000 ton Shandong the first domestically built aircraft carrier in China both having a top speed of about 31 knots the older leoning can carry up to 40 aircraft at a time while the Shandong has a capacity for four more number four Admiral kuznitzov Russia 58 000 tons 29 knots 30 aircraft prior to the launch of China's fujan Admiral kuznetsov was the largest conventionally powered aircraft carrier in the world it has a displacement of 58 000 tons 28 percent less than the fujan and a staggering 55 percent less than the uss4 the Russian carrier can carry up to 30 aircraft at a time and travel at a top speed of 29 knots the Admiral kuznitzov lacks catapult launch systems and only uses an extra large ramp to set aircraft up for ski jumps limiting the types of aircraft that can launch from its deck number three fujan China 80 000 tons other info classified the brand new type 003 class fujan is the largest conventionally powered aircraft carrier and country's most advanced aircraft carrier in all of the East the fujan is the only aircraft carrier in the East to feature electromagnetic catapults and arrestors to launch and slow down aircraft respectively although it features only three launch systems as opposed to the US's four per carrier with a displacement of 80 000 tons it is the largest aircraft carrier in the world outside the United States only launched a few months ago the fujan remains a mystery with not much information released but what is known is that asides from a conventional propulsion system it is a strong Contender against the American super carriers in virtually every Department number two HMS Queen Elizabeth HMS Prince of Wales United Kingdom 65 000 tons 32 knots HMS Queen Elizabeth 25 knots HMS Prince of Wales 65 plus aircraft 9.4 billion dollars the United Kingdom has two aircraft carriers in service both of the Queen Elizabeth class the lead ship is the HMS Queen Elizabeth followed by the HMS Prince of Wales they are both the largest non-american aircraft carriers in the west and with a combined cost of 9.4 billion dollars the most expensive too both vessels are 65 000 ton monster machines that can each carry up to 1 600 people and over 65 aircraft across an 11 500 mile distance the aircraft on board these carriers include the Chinook Apache ah MK1 Merlin HM2 and hc4 Wildcat ah1 and hma2 Merlin Crow's Nest aew and the f-35b lightning II twin-like as they are however the HMS Queen Elizabeth with the 32 knot top speed is significantly faster than the HMS Prince of Wales which has a top speed of 25 knots number one Ford class U.S 100 000 tons 30 knots 75 aircraft 13 billion dollars each it all boils down to this the most powerful Aircraft Carrier class in history each aircraft carrier of this class costs a hefty 13 billion dollars with 10 carriers planned for the class that's a total cost of 130 billion dollars multiple times more than the combined cost of every other aircraft carrier mentioned in this video the lead ship of the Ford class the USS Gerald Ford like its siblings has a record-setting displacement of 100 000 tons an actual super carrier powered by two Bechtel a1b nuclear reactors the most Cutting Edge engines created for use on water the super carrier can sail for 25 years at a go without refueling has a peak speed of 30 knots and power the livelihood of over 4 500 people on board at a time the super carrier can carry up to 75 aircraft of whatever form shape or size including unmanned aerial Vehicles both the f-35b and f-35c and many others this versatility is made possible by electromagnetic launch and arrest systems so Advanced they could support 4100 takeoffs and sixteen thousand five hundred arrests before faults without aircraft the USS Ford is still well capable of protecting itself it features four missile launchers 11 guns and could be the first aircraft carrier ever to wield laser weapons in addition to the Ford class carriers the US has the nimitz-class carriers which are of smaller size to the Ford class and also more powerful than any other aircraft carrier in this video with two classes of invincible super carriers that glide through the waves carrying with them the hopes and dreams of the world's most powerful Nation the U.S remains unrivaled in terms of aircraft carriers however according to experts the super carriers would get even more powerful if you subscribe to this Channel and give this video a like so do that now and thanks for watching
Channel: Front Cost
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Keywords: aircraft carrier, us aircraft carrier, us navy, uss gerald r ford, navy, testing, uss gerald ford, gerald ford, billions $ aircraft carrier, us military, aircraft carriers, future aircraft carrier, new aircraft carrier, us billions aircraft carrier, united states, military, ukraine war, news, ukraine, russia, biggest aircraft carrier, laser us navy, uss gerald r. ford, gerald r. ford launch, hms queen elizabeth, uk aircraft carrier, flying aircraft carrier, carrier aircraft
Id: wPk-AKoAtkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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