F-16 Viper Demo Wings Over Houston 2022

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thank you thank you because I'm not even going to look at the japest oh no she's good we're just gonna go start one yeah Bobby are you threatening me if I go start too Bobby's already made his threats foreign [Music] but you can pull toxicity [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] can they call you and when able I will take a squawk for the Viper demo [Music] all right Ninja's good to go I'll start it up we just did our light checks make sure all my master caution lights are going to be working throughout the flight [Music] three three two engine check copy five [Music] [Music] all right just make sure the nozzle closes fully then I gotta do a run-up check with the nozzle closed [Music] Echo [Music] if I turn that Echo [Music] gotta be on 100 O2 for this truck [Music] good now just powering up all the avionics it'll take the avionics about two minutes to fully warm up and be functional for what I need to do I'm just cycling the flight control of trying to get all the air out of the system before I do my flight control check through the actual aircraft tuno do you want a squawk I don't need one really unless you want me to have one yeah you're gonna be behind the crowd so I want to make sure we well we're gonna have the fur folks when it gets humid out [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right that fixed it it usually does have to run it up get the hair flowing now we're letting the system test the flight controls [Music] [Music] that taxi now to Charlie intersection takeoff that's Shirley [Music] you got about seven minutes to get airborne okay fly controls check with my crew chief to verify all the flight controls are moving the way they're supposed to be I have a few different modes I have to check in the flight controls and a few different brake channels I'm checking now with my teeth out front so verify it's working properly [Music] [Music] just a few more checks here got to check my radar altimeter to make sure it's telling me the right altitudes for when I'm close to the ground get my altimeter set to zero we've set it to zero because even though we're at a different mean sea level altitude then AGL altitude we can't do the pilot math fast enough for all of our repositions that require certain altitude so we just set it to zero so that we are only having to look at whole numbers during our reposition [Music] all right sir check my G suit to make sure it's uh properly hooked up big deal for when I'm flying and now we're all finished with the lunch just waiting for time to Taxi which will be in five minutes [Music] Viper demo yep five three three two three squawk Viper five three two two spam when you're ready to taxi you can taxi to uh Runway three five and foxtrot copy I'm gonna taxi now down the fox paper Roger that your Dad's here at show Center oh I don't know that man I'm just kidding he loves getting to take ticks with you guys so thanks for letting him up there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] p28 you ready 28 30. T28 Runway one seven intersection departure straight South three miles in maneuver on your own you are cleared for takeoff [Music] appreciate it you bet where are you going just across town where's Houston well okay have a good time all right check everything uh you're stepped on two people talking T28 go 28. all right who else is gone uh Viper buff go they're still knocking down some of this fire is the smoke okay for you look like it's good for me okay good carrying myself free during this demo is gonna be the worst you're gonna line up and wait five points in a Heritage check ER Piper lineup and wait I'm waiting for some time and some police uh the fire department but uh put you on the runway and we'll wait until they're done why do we wait behind the Mustang and whenever everyone's in place I'll be good to go [Applause] see three two three go obviously looking for seat on a hotel north South approved okay see it's hot altimeter is theorized two okay guys we're gonna start the narration as a brief have a good flight guppy thanks there it is supposed to push the street hey Heritage and Viper owned overdock paper I'm a singer one okay you guys ready down there ready all right stand by hack in 10 seconds five four three two one hack good luck good morning cruises somehow I forgot to count to five all right our team on the airspace tune is taken off last little stretch let me say a prayer before I fly it'll be Hefty then no shark too from the air boss helicopter two miles north of the field traveling North 500 and lower copy thanks [Music] here we go bring it up let's go well and foreign foreign [Music] altitude altitude trimmer pull up pull up high speed two [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] trouble two are you guys not directly across from the bus pass the bus okay copy thanks [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] pull out pull out altitude altitude oh man I did that look that was centered okay my job 5.7 to it good number send it pull out pull out altitude altitude altitude altitude okay talking altitude altitude foreign [Music] altitude two all right it's pretty much first time I've been ballistics goal is to get down to 500 feet about 125 knots so I like to fly Square pattern here I'll be on the 500 foot line is when I like to do a good uh engine check fuel check first time I kind of get a chance pictures from tuna yeah I have no idea [Music] [Laughter] they look really high [Music] temperature warning altitude altitude warning the warning [Music] good line [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] I'm pretty much right back oh looks like they're like 4 600. on top 5.7 160. morning pull up pull up altitude altitude [Applause] [Music] that's fine [Music] I'm setting up for a three minute result altitude [Music] thank you Piper is too Maneuvers out all right start looking for tuna I had him a second ago Cali just behind the show Center I'm looking for him in relation to you stand by I got him two all right kid I'm singing behind the crowd now for the uh dedication dedication 2.5 I'm gonna try to cut in front of you here just to make this a little quicker foreign [Music] [Music] altitude altitude altitude altitude [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there it is Tim [Applause] all right finally getting to touch my breath but hardly a time to relax [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] altitude [Applause] altitude altitude [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] maybe something to just take note of here is more instinctual to me now but uh just watching how much my throttle hand is moving to stay in position with the Mustang but it is always like we're flying close foreign [Music] altitude [Music] altitude altitude altitude altitude [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] altitude altitude thank you pull up pull up [Music] [Music] altitude altitude [Applause] be able to stay on the left side we'll do the switch break and it'll make you first for Zoomies [Applause] I didn't think it was gonna be yeah it's a lot bumpier today you'll have to hit it down Jack pretty hard when we were coming around for that over the crowd pass exactly [Music] ready to roll out for it foreign [Applause] altitude [Music] okay altitude she's clear on the North End tuna and are you gonna do two moves Zoomies and go home or are you gonna recover here all right because that's only a high speed with the Pyro [Applause] Viper is after the hot pack foreign yeah right I hate liars mentally mentally and Vipers altitude altitude [Music] this week now the call I actually thought this then okay shot everything he got always cold I do that okay I got you inside I'm gonna put my gear down behind you for the uh gentleman okay thanks to a uh probably present position you cleared two miles south and go straight to home you want me to do one more doing oh no I'll take a Zoomy yeah right you quit those guys four years ago yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is available I would lock you off at Bravo skip Charlie Bravo and backhand cheers oh yeah back down in front of the crowd okay I'm landing on three five yeah go all the way down to Bravo 120 degree turn the left that bent down to the other end all right handle down three three green clear to land so I was ready back to that tuna let's do I'll tell you what tuna goes straight out give me a left turn to the 8 000 foot line and then head to close thank you tuna see you later buddy thanks for having nice job yeah okay and Viper demo I got you inside your clear land the wind's gonna be gonna be your left wing it's to the east you could see the Smoke Gets about seven all right we're clearly [Music] [Music] and uh Jive Kirby's down at the end thank you ma'am I drive as soon as she passes you line up and wait tell me when you get there yeah I can turn around and make Bravo if it's easier [Music] look good rebel okay okay I lost you you're clear to Clover frequency changed approved adios drives wonderful I do that jive the winds are out of the West at about seven you are cleared to go uh Runway one seven goes straight out two miles in a yeah let's get ready Sky Raider out of the pit to let's go to Bravo for the skyrimer [Music] oh there's two on that guy can I uh crop the hotel all right uh stand by team extreme the runway is yours cleared to launch cleared into your routine who else talk to you I'm on Echo County cross Hotel go back to the uh cockpit [Music] yes and rebel look to your uh 11 o'clock there's somebody you know I'm stopping who's this guy out here funny old man bring him out here I'll run him over [Music] great show great show [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Erik Johnston
Views: 17,596,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Aircraft, Airplane, Flying, Airport, Runway, Taxiway, Hangar, Walkaround, Tour, Pilot, Aviator, Wings, Prop, Propeller, Veteran, Interview, Warbird, Helicopter, Heli, Adventure, Airshow, F-16, Viper, Fighting Falcon, WOH, Wings Over Houston, Wings Over Houston 2022, Pulling G's, G's, Demo, Military, Air Force, TAC, Team, Rebel, Fighter Pilot
Id: W2HsTbTY-uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 42sec (3042 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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