Finally: US Revealed Its 6th Generation Fighter Jet

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foreign World War II the Cold War they've all led us to this the sixth generation of fighter jets throughout the last century the nation with the most advanced fighter jet has dominated on the battlefield it's no coincidence that the only three nations to develop fifth generation Fighters China Russia and the US are considered to be the most powerful nations in the world and now with six generation Fighters upon us the U.S Russia China and this time Europe are ready to battle it out they've all created Next Generation programs designed to develop fighters of the future more lethal than anything the world has ever seen in this video we take a look at their respective programs starting with the US and Gad the Next Generation air dominance program or ngad for short is the United States sixth generation program out of which the next generation of American fighter jet will be born combined with other systems being developed in the program this fighter is designed to ensure air superiority for the U.S even in the most challenging operational environments whilst also having multi-role capabilities to achieve this the angan fighter will be wielded with a long line of advancements particularly three key ones number three stealth stealth is an advancement that has been here only one generation of Fighters ago but it's clearly one that's here to stay according to the Air Force's biennial acquisition report covering the fiscal years 2019 and 2020. the Engen fighter maximizes its stealth features by taking an overall triangular shape and having no traditional vertical stabilizers it is the first fighter in history to be unveiled with such a design this is because the design is revolutionary vertical stabilizers had always been required to keep an aircraft Airborne until the concept of active flow control came to life in the B2 spirit active flow control uses computer brains on board to constantly adjust the flow around the aircraft to keep it Airborne similar to how birds fly the result of this on an aircraft is top level stealth although it does come at a not so wallet-friendly cost this to an extent justifies why the B2 costs 2 billion dollars and why Congress has budgeted over 10 billion dollars for the ngad in less than a decade for even more improved stealth the engad fighter will likely carry all of its Fuel and weapons internally for this the fighter will have to be huge over 70 foot long huge with its lavish internal space the fighter can afford to be packed with the latest most advanced sensors to come out of American borders number two Advanced sensors the ngat Fighter's immediate surroundings will be miles wide as it would be capable of spotting targets friendlies and points of interest from forever away this capability enables the fighter to double as a surveillance reconnaissance and Target acquisition aircraft the sensors that make this possible come with maximum connectivity and thus the ability to share its data with every other member of the fleet whether sixth generation or not keeping every member of the U.S Fleet abreast of relevant information in real time to keep the sensor's accuracy at the max the U.S would do away with Radars mounted on the aircraft to electronically configured smart skins integrated into the aircraft's fuselage this results in increased sensor sensitivity as well as Network adaptability it also aids with communication across the fleet and ultimately enables remote control as a result the ingan fighter is designed to be optionally manned depending on the requirements of the mission number one open architecture laser weapons that can take out Targets on the ground in the air on the Seas and even in space a mix of high performance guns missiles aetp engines capable of subsonic transonic and supersonic flight that cost over 6 billion dollars to develop loyal wingmen top of the line electronic warfare countermeasures avionics and Communications are only some of what to expect on the ngad fighter but despite this Advanced Tech Decades of history have taught the U.S that an aircraft will always have room to be better no matter how advanced it is especially with near-peer adversaries becoming more near Pier by the day as a result the engad finder will come with open architecture that enables the fighter to take on new upgrades easily and quickly this way the fighter will constantly adapt to newer challenges on the battlefield that are introduced by the advancements of opposing militaries to put it simply the sixth generation engad fighter can be upgraded to become the Seventh Generation ngad fighter years after it's fielded in the 2030s this and more are what it takes to get to and remain at the top in a heavily contested battle for sixth generation dominance by the endgad fighter and three other major competitors Europe Russia and China have also got the ball rolling with sixth generation fighter programs of their own all expected to wield the most advanced local and foreign technology their respective countries could offer Europe being a continent has already had a bit of drama concerning its sixth generation fighter as two separate programs have been developed for that same cause the fcas and Tempest fcas and Tempest France Germany and Spain came together to develop the future combat air system or fcast for short while Britain Italy and Sweden developed the Tempest however both being European programs developed by Allied countries the fcas and Tempest seem destined to merge eventually and moves to that effect are already underway the resulting fighter of these programs would be all capable with the ability to concurrently conduct surveillance reconnaissance electronic warfare command and control tasks these are made possible by a long line of advancements such as highly sensitive sensors which are assisted by artificial intelligence and machine learning to draw a Picasso level quality of the battlefield enabling the pilot to stay out of view from threats that task is further eased by loyal wingman and a flexible software-driven flight control system that adapts rapidly to changes in environmental and situational conditions although the pilot will be pampered with all of these Technologies the fighter may actually not need a pilot as it is slated to have manned unmanned and optionally manned modes of operation huge fuel tanks top off these capabilities with longer range and the latest European weapons gift the fighter with unrivaled lethality between the f-cas and Tempest programs are six countries eight internationally reputable companies and over 15 billion dollars budgeted so far this fighter expected to be in service by the 2040s will be quite the machine mig-41 the mikoyan mig-41 is Russia's entry into the sixth generation fighter race it is expected to be a stealth Interceptor aircraft and a heavy fighter that enters service between the mid-2020s and mid-2030s Russia didn't officially designate the fighter as the mig-41 but it has earned this unofficial name thanks to being a MIG aircraft with a project code having something to do with 41. its plan name however although Russian when translated to English means prospective air complex for long-range interception which is exactly what it's designed for preventing the opposition from any form of superiority and ironically air superiority is all every other sixth generation fighter is on the hunt for to ensure the mig-41 comes out on top of its own Quest the director general of rsk make Ilya Tarasenko speculated that powered by the isdeli a30 engines currently under development the aircraft would be capable of up to Mach 4.3 speeds be equipped with an anti-missile laser would be able to operate at altitudes that border on space and could have an unmanned version these are in addition to features that happen to be present in virtually every 6th generation fighter there is including a large airframe loyal wingmen highly Advanced electronic warfare countermeasures among others according to Ilia Tarasenko the mig-41 can be completed as early as 2025 so with the sixth generation plans of Russia and the us out in the open what about China 's sixth generation fighter Dr Wong Hai Fung chief designer of the Chengdu Aerospace Corporation announced that China had begun pre-research on Sixth Generation aircraft in January 2019 predicting that the program would come to fruition by 2035. similarly to other countries building 6th generation aircraft the Next Generation fighter will build on fifth generation technology that has been perfected over the years for China this 5th generation testbed is the j-20 packed with a world of capabilities the j-20 is China's most capable fighter jet to date the stealth jet employs a holistic approach to reduce its radar cross-section the chimed four body modified radar radome and Electro conductive canopy use stealth shaping as the diverterless supersonic inlets improve stealth performance by eliminating radar Reflections between the diverter and the aircraft's skin the Dual engines thrust the j-20 to a maximum speed of Mach 2. a surface ceiling of 66 000 feet and allow a maximum range of 3400 miles with two external fuel tanks that's just shy of the radius of the planet in terms of avionics and armaments let's just say that j-20 is packed with enough of them to match up well against both the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 lightning II and these features that make the j-20 will be upgraded multiple times over and then integrated into China's sixth generation fighter so China Russia Europe and the U.S are preparing for the biggest bout in the history of fighter jets and their representatives are none other than the sixth generation Fighters discussed in this video now the ring is set as the world waits for two things for these contenders to introduce themselves and for you to subscribe to this channel so kindly hit the red subscribe button below now thanks for watching see you in the next one
Channel: Front Cost
Views: 2,546,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ngad, fighter jet, area 51, 6th generation fighter jets, 6th generation fighter jet, f 22 raptor, air force, 6th generation fighter, us air force, 6th generation fighter jets usa, us 6 gen fighter, ngad fighter, ngad fighter jet, us new 6th gen fighter, ngad fighter news, ngad cost, nato, next generation air dominance, latest fighter jets, tempest, fcas fighter, chinese 6th generation fighter jet, russian 6th generation fighter jet, nato 6th generation fighter
Id: 93s6QcN5pgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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