Brazil A vs Brazil B | 2v2 World Cup

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that's just a perfect way to start off the youtube video all right ladies and gents welcome to a best of five round of 16. this is the first time we have seen these players in a game today and whoever wins this best of five moves on to the round of eight now this is after both teams advanced out of their group in particular riya and goku they had a tougher task because they had to qualify to beat brazil b first which they did then they had to get out of the group and now they're here and this will determine who is the best 2v2 team in brazil and there's a lot of good players there miguel and dogal are the favorites you have miguel in the blue he's playing huns and you have dougal on the green he's playing ethiopians and against dougal you have goku goku i think is playing the best i've ever seen him play uh in 2020. based on his performance in this tournament he's been a beast two years ago would have been out of the question to ever have fire on the bench but no it's goku's here fire is sitting on the bench and then you have reits legend of the game player who was once top five and then retired and recently returned he's playing as the vikings now something i've never told people here is i had a conversation with miguel who's a good friend of mine and this was a year and a half maybe two years ago and we were talking about fast players and talking about you know players who had left the game and he mentioned that if riot would have returned to the game with full-time hours he said re it would easily be tough five easily the best in brazil easily top five and well in 2020 riya's definitely not putting in full-time hours he plays on occasion he's top 25 top 30 1v1 player and has had an extraordinary performance so far in this tournament so miguel said miguel of old said that riot is has the potential to be the best in brazil it's what he said and now he's up against him on the left side so this would be really fun to watch now miguel and dougal it's a really fun pair to watch because they played together on heresy they played together they're brazil events i mean they are really good friends and play together so much and dogao especially i think in terms of peak i might even want to disagree with miguel of old of all the brazilians right now which player would you say is the most terrifying in brazil if he is on whether that's 1v1s or team games i think we're looking at him here i think it's dogal um i mean dogal has certainly had some big tournament results this year and uh he's playing that archer role which seems to be so important in this tournament for teams so it'll be interesting because we have archers versus scouts on the right side and then we have archers for scouts on the left so that very much matters if it's archers the archers on one side and scouts on the other it can be a bit more slow and and uh i guess predictable as you go towards feudal you think it's neymar oh gotcha neymar but if there was a way to dive and no you know what we're not going to make those jokes so anyways uh brazil a did use a restart um so they if they have a bad map jen at any point which they hopefully will not have shouldn't have they won't have that uh bail them out i'm looking at the maps it doesn't look too bad this barrier position could be awkward but the gold in the back the woodline's looking good for dogal as he's adding a barracks and this is so early that three male drush i think dogal might be thinking more about heading to castle age than being competitive and futile oh my god until gal's going for a ville pick can he kill this villager [Music] oh no way oh man no way had he just committed he probably would have lost the scout anyways and he would have killed the villager but that villager continues to chop wood on one hp geez what's also weird about that with the animation the it really looked like the villager was gonna die and that scout was gonna survive uh that villager must have the longest arms in the entire kingdom to be able to have got that shot it's like he just grazed the tail of the scout or something but a wall is coming up for goku his eco is looking good now and dog will not have a scalp he does know exactly where that town center is he knows exactly where the berries are so it's not the worst and he's also walling up playing safe it wasn't lag it's just it's just the animations can be weird sometimes and actually riyad choosing to do the exact same thing on the other side here we have miguel the scout player for his team walling and he will be fully walled on the important areas uh just missing a palisade there but so far pretty good for the scout players you see the drush come in from dogal and goku is just like nope you will do nada nothing so scouts for the scout players in droushfast castle for the archer players is what it looks like interesting i mean i assume it's trust fast castle we still could see them click up the feudal here shortly but with the way the walls are going up and no fuel age in yet for the archer players it looks like fast castle vikings fantastic civ for that ethiopians also fantastic sieve for that so riya just lost his scout it's funny how similar this is right now the two best teams in brazil and it's basically mirrored at this point that rush is delaying oh my god kendall gal get some redemption for that mistake earlier um the lead militia is trying to block what is this oh my god no way what a drush man that was so good also where's that weak ville at he's got to be out there somewhere okay he's walled in wow that was impressive from not to mention the idol time goku's had to add these little palisades miguel has not had to do that so advantage brazil a oh did they just over chop oh they didn't they've heard about that villager not much they can do about it and now it's uh it's decision time goku has to decide on if he goes forward to attack or if he comes here to deal with this and i think it's an easy decision because everyone should be walled i like how ria added a palisade wall there that's a nice little wood line for him it's definitely worth it for dougal to try and commit against another villager here because if he not only is this really sloppy from goku but if he gets another one wow he'll get it no way two villagers killed with a drush absolute disaster for goku but otherwise it could have been fine because unless there's a hole in this wall there's no chance that he can get any type of a counter attack in he really should have paid attention to this all right now miguel making those scouts what prioritizing villagers right now prioritizing villagers because eco is all that matters to get to a good spot to go to castle h let's check greed's position right with a range wait a second am i missing something here does he really only have a hundred food what well he's not going fc then miguel is going to clear this it's also a good move to pull a villager there to help out and then let's look at dogal the gal's going to click up the castle age this is this is i mean a massive advantage for brazil a based on what i'm seeing here i don't know where reid's resources went but compared to dogal though gal is already he's going to be on the way up in a second it's weird the militia go down a minute arm upgrade wouldn't really be worth it there you've already killed two units and delayed i went from thinking this is going to be even seeing villagers die for brazil b and that bill would just not be there for riad it's so weird you go up this late normally you have at least four or 500 food ethiopians get plus 100 food plus 100 gold when they arrive to each age that arrives in feudal age that arrives in castle age and goku is already on the way you guys want to see a clean dress fast castle build order you've just seen it this is disgusting he'll be in castle age faster than most people who've ever played the game can do if they're just going fast castle he's killed two villagers and he'll have two ranges with full upgrades nuts absolute insanity uh miguel still creating scouts which is a surprise he's creating a lot of scouts i think he's creating a lot of scouts hoping to engage against riot's archers probably expecting ria to also be fast castle obviously we know that's not the case he even added the double layer palisades just to be careful yeah i have to look back and see what the feudal age times time was for riyad but he went one range he went heavy eco approach after the fact just you either commit to fast feudal archers and get a lot of archers out or you go for what dogel's going for because it's worth it to delay the ranges and delay the numbers if you have a build this chris but this is just disgusting now granted he he might have deserved one or maybe two of those villager kills maybe both i don't know goku will feel like he should have avoided that so in castle age at 16 45 getting crossbow and getting bod canero and has crossbows that are the fastest firing crossbows in the game i will laugh if he snipes his villager first that weak one's still on that wood line uh there goes goku on the way to cass lake he will be around the same time as his teammate reed but can he survive t90 do you think the auto receding farms is taking away from the skill of the players or do you think that is a good thing before i watch the video about age mythology and the autocue and that's why i mentioned it before um when it first came out i thought that it would take away from the apm of the players and it takes away from the skill but now that it's existed i mean i still have my reservations on auto scout but i think autofarm's a good thing i don't think it's a bad thing it's not a big deal for me i don't care if autofarm is ticked on or off for goku though he is he's gonna fall behind here in some way shape or form whether that's idle time or more villagers going down the difference is took out idled his tc no i don't think so i don't think so i think the build was just better for dogal you'll see the ville counts even out here as riots tc is idle as he's going castle age so gal has a straight up perfect build order there i mean this is just beautiful and the patience now from brazil a to realize okay we're already pulling them off of resources we're already ahead let's not go too crazy here let's just stay ahead and maybe miguel will run in looking now at riot who's on two ranges he's sending units forward to hit miguel miguel's not in castle yet mcgill could actually be in a rough spot so disaster situation for goku currently he's gonna lose all these villagers oh what a good engagement from miguel a great decision to run in there too uh but miguel could be in a rough spot soon if riya's able to really put the pressure on goku with the quick walls he needs to quick wall he cannot lose any more villagers and oh he will lose two more will it be two yes it will be two more disaster also could lose villagers here now miguel is going to be pulled off of gold and a woodline though dogel might need to go save his teammate either with the units he has at home or the units that he currently has forward looking at those bill counts goku's in a bad position but if brazil b are able to control the game just a little bit through read it could be good now the concern for reid is miguel is able to get chain barting he's going to have about five or six nights and he's not losing bills now as i say that he's going to lose one because that's normal oh look at micro but yeah it actually looks like he has enough knights to be able to clear this on his own and if that does happen that allows dogal to go over to rio rio was not expecting this he was thinking that dugout would have to go back over to save his teammate and the knights haven't fully engaged just yet but they will go in for an engagement right now if brazil be have a chance in this game riya needs to stay here as long as possible but chain barting with forging it's really the armor with the knights that you need is getting into as good a position as he can but that's going to be a cleanup and riot has lost one two that was two on top of the two he lost in the woodline and now he is to leave the gold and yeah brazil a are looking so so good here all stems back to the fast castle because the fast castle from nogal was so freaking epic his team had control and it's brazil be trying to react now and trying to recover from the massive losses they've taken crazy hmm villagers going down hey guys there's i i i struggled to see how brazil b can come back i i don't want to be that guy who says oh no it's over you know that's kind of boring but three tc's for miguel miguel's got plenty of knight numbers still more archer numbers for dogal if you're comparing it to riot and it's just so good dogal so good so bang is that what vivi would say i guess so three town centers soon over here and more villagers going down this is brutal i'm sure you have the fancy smancy micro there but still it's not gonna save you from what's coming unless dogel makes a bit of a mistake still that's just a small little mistake could be worse 50 villagers for miguel 54 dogal mid 30s for riots mid 30s for goku i love how do you ever hear um i i can't really think of a good example here but you know what i'll come back to that i'll come back to that brazil a really want to hold this hill and they'll decide to bail on this i think that makes sense because it's pretty close to riot's production they could fall back to this hill if they have to or they can just not fall back at all miguel happy to just dodge with the knights the fact that that's meta still gets me like no we don't attack with our army we just dodge just dodge the arrows i think with a few extra nights brazil a we're happy to engage here more cross was on the way for dokao and yeah they're getting closer and closer to winning this game now goku's got to engage with some of these he does have mag yards so extra attack will help okay maybe brazil i need to fall back but yeah this all stems back to the excellent build order from dogal compared to riyadh and then goku losing those villagers but the big thing i think goku could lose his villagers and he's still in an okay position compared to miguel because he was in castle age faster it comes back to rio and dougal and the comparison there and i really can't i can't tell you what the game plan was for riya as maybe dogal's getting a little bit too excited but i can tell you that dogal's build was near perfect for what he did you're also not seeing a ton of drugs fast castle in the castles in this tournament which is interesting i think we'll see more as the level gets higher but we'll soon have four archer range production for dogal the food count will start to rise for him and he'll maybe start thinking about imp and this is where you see the night players add more stables get more production update on the ville counts between the night players it's 73 villagers against 47. i knew this would happen the second i said goku's been amazing with the night roll i knew he'd fall behind in some way and i also talked up brien a bunch too and then just disaster of a game from him especially by his standards he was one of the first players i looked to for build orders back in 2015-ish c90 want me to tell you the score of the manchester united game oh no i intentionally avoid manchester united games that way i don't have that way i don't feel pain and headaches and heartache in life i just look at highlights you don't need to tell me thank you oh god oh god villagers dying and perhaps no surprise right cause they'll be trying to do their best to come back it's looking unlikely here but they should fight on and this is that counter-attack they needed they need one or two more of these attacks this is pretty brutal miguel with 18 knights he can definitely fight this he splits them up he'll run around and he'll stop and patrol forward oh perfect little surrounds goku doesn't have enough knights and support all of riya's crossbows will go down and there's still no answer to the crossbows that are here and then look at that ball gg one nil for brazil a there's different ways to look at this i feel like in some ways you could get dejected if you're brazil be but in other ways you could just say we had a really bad game by our standards the next game isn't going to be this bad i still need to look at the feudal times did i miss something here okay so reit went futile age a bit faster yes so he did go more for a russian to archers but at that point what did they gain from that right he wasn't able to get more archers than dogal and dogal was in castle h a full three minutes faster forget what happened to goku and dark age that was important but three minute faster cast lag with crossbows is just going to end games at times so riya really needed to play better there uh it's hard to have a a fast castle time that's competitive with ethiopian 1642 is nuts but i still think vikings could have done that game two will be on one of the brazil b home apps they have nomad and ghost like hold on a second is that overlay right did they actually pick nomad they actually picked nomad and they picked nomad first now i'd have to go back and look but i think brazil a frequently banned nomad as a home map they probably know each other well and maybe riya and goku feel as though miguel and dogal are not so good on that map i'll cross off the sieves that were used and i think it will be nomad for the next game with that logic ethiopians and huns out of the picture and then uh was vikings and maguras not the worst civilizations to lose with i guess restart your game oh thank you for the reminder um i'll do that as i speculate here on sieves well spanish is definitely being used for nomad there's no doubt in my mind maybe spanish malians make sense we saw lithuanians earlier spanish lithuanians could also make sense um and for brazil b vietnamese we saw on nomad earlier that could be beastly you probably want burmese on nomads maybe burmese what's i'm kind of confused for the civilizations for brazil b what sieves will they go for his persians was banned out they picked persians early because they wanted that for nomad and that was sniped after the fact that was a really good snipe from brazil a i think they wanted to go burmese and persians and now they cannot do that we'll find out soon also they don't have to go for nomad they could go for ghost lake if they want to is canada playing at 19 gmt the time's not confirmed uh i think it's roughly gonna be well no it's like it's like 1830 gmt right now that would probably be more like 20 gmt the schedule today is to have canada and poland play after this these games are live so canada does have a heavy favorite there uh i'd be surprised if canada doesn't go through but i am also looking forward to seeing what barles and poland can do and you go over the format real quick sorry if this question has been asked already um you're gonna have to be more specific are we talking how many teams how many players can be on each team how the sieves are picked how the maps are picked i'm going to need more specifics there game number two i'll explain what i can in the early going of nomad if you have it it's starting in 30 seconds yeah pjm that's true persians could also be good on chaos pit and they they removed that but no i think persians are clearly one of the best nomad civs so that's why they wanted to remove that sieve you want me to explain the entire concept of the tournament right now okay um so it's a world cup which means that teams are players from each country and um you can only have two teams in the top 32 at this point we're in the round of 16 and if there are two teams still left from each country after that and there's four four countries you have that they have to kill each other off in the round of 16. and that's pretty much it honestly if you have questions i'm explaining things constantly throughout the show so you kind of have to keep an ear out i don't think it's fair to people who've been here for me to re-explain some of those things uh you could read on aoe zone two but okay i don't think i've seen mayans on nomad in a long time because back in the day and when i say back in the day maybe six months ago for mayans and chinese they made it that they would not get their extra villagers until after the town center was up so it actually nerfed mayans on nomad pretty heavily that was weird whose dock was that it also nerfed chinese on nomad now to just to give you my opinion on all that i was i'm still not a fan of that change and i'm not a fan of that change because there's already so few civilizations that are good on nomad i i wasn't a huge fan of how they nerfed two of them but still good sieve you'll still have extra villagers resources still last longer plumed archers are still beastly brian's got his tc going up here to the north of him oh my god it's gonna be a miguel sandwich miguel is here and then right next to miguel is goku so miguel has both enemies surrounding him oh man and then you have dougal down here completely safe as malians so the way that the meta tends to work in 2v2 nomad at least with the best civilizations you tend to see one one sieve go for a fast start with a lot of fishing ships and then a fast feudal age to destroy fishing ships with navy and then the other player fights on land now in particular for brazil a you're gonna have miguel he wants to go for a safe fast castle he's not going to have a safe fast castle spoilers um there's just no way this becomes a safe fast castle when he's right next to two enemy players so gonna have a fish boom that might not even be safe because he's next to goku's dock this is so i assume the game plan for brazil b is to have goku win water and feudal and he'll certainly be able to take out miguel's fish and then rio probably i mean at least back in the day it would be fast castle into plumed archers with mayans but there's stone in random spots gold random spots food and random spots you have no guarantee of resources it's on you to find it it's what makes nomad messy so considering game one was a disaster for brazil be i actually feel as though this is a great spot for them to be in despite the fact they don't love their sieves i do think this is as good as they could get because the dock could be threatened for miguel and miguel can fast castle now to address more questions that are being brought up um this is not on the new patch because the new patch has a performance issues and the new patch also came in the middle of the tournament and we're not changing the balance in the middle of a thirty thousand dollar tournament so getting those questions a lot twitch chat if you can help me out because i'm to be quite honest with you getting sick and tired of answering the question out loud um it would be great see so if you appreciate the content you know leave a follow and also answer the question for me thank you oh man life of a streamer hmm also welcome sanctuary kill he says he's new to the community thanks and welcome falcon bush entertainment thank you william welcome back now on the flip side if you're that one player who's sandwiched here you can play what i like to call the licks roll or if i have to reference one of my friends the dave role i played nomad with dave before and normally people would say okay this isn't good when i'm surrounded by two enemies but when you're playing nomad with dave dave's like that's good just be a pain you know and and so that's a compliment to him because it it really is true if miguel is able to annoy both these players we saw how good dogal was in game one dokao is going to be completely untouched and in a fine position so yes we will uh we will see also salutes in chat or overlay guy adding the colors of the players underneath the sieves i know there were some people requesting that that will hopefully hopefully clear up some of the questions people had oh yeah it's like sir they've got us surrounded great then we can attack in every direction [Laughter] oh man refresh on dock positions riya is very far away that is quite nice for him if he does want to go fast castle the gal is in the north i expect him to click up the feudal aids around 23 or 24 pop if he is going to win water for his team i think it'd be a mistake not to and then we have the dock over here for goku right next to miguel uh teams will scout with turkeys and bills and whatever they have i don't think that the brazilian people want to say the brazilians i don't think the one brazilian team knows about the other brazilian team or you know brazil a knows about brazil brazil bees dock man words are hard sometimes when i'm talking it's like someone tripping and falling down the stairs actually i still have coffee here it'd be a bad idea to drink it but it tastes good so so let's look at miguel's scouting he knows there's a town center here he knows there's a town center here so whatever game plan you had going into this i don't think you can do that anymore miguel we're talking scouts we're talking towers anything you can do to be competitive and feudal age you go for here still looking around here to see what's going on as we have dougal on the way to feudal age so everyone's on the way to feudal age except riya and ria it's also walling up ooh miguel he sees the houses he sees the villager where is he going with this ville did he just go to gold he's gone to stone okay so he's going tower rush but the fact he pulled this ville makes me think that he wanted the second doc it wouldn't be a bad idea to send this villager way down here and dock and try and keep those fishing ships working risky but it'd be a good play what a message what a message from masons i'll read the rest of that uh you've been a consistent bright spot in dark times and i salute you well masons i wasn't expecting the fuels train but thanks a bunch for that oh go gao scouted with his fishing ship all the way over here to see where riot has docked fishing very very important let's get some salutes in chat for masons masons i appreciate you you guys have been the same to me and you know that here's a tower that will threaten riot a little bit and there will be a tower over here which will also annoy goku goku's already on water already on two docks and he's right next to where dogal is fishing the gal is also making navy and miguel or dogal's on three docks now actually okay all of his docks are in the north here i'm just trying to to gather an idea of of how this game is going to develop kind of awkward for dougal because he needs to keep his own fishing ship safe and so he needs navy here but he really wants to float a fire galley or two down here i'm sure because riya will not defend himself updating the tower situation now remember riyad has 12 on food but a lot of that is fishing his villagers on stone he does not want to make any counter towers here on water 30 50 50 fight oh if dougal repairs that nice job from him that will be brand new might all come back to the fact miguel has been able to delay goku while also delaying riya so it's not necessarily bad at nomad if you're in the middle i called it the licks roll because licks loves to play this role for china a uh if you didn't watch china average china be earlier stick around later and watch the rerun it was super good in particular one of those games was one of the best games i've seen in the tournament so far gals micro really good so far and actually he'll end up getting two kills if he does this correctly one kill it oh he didn't know okay tower war still continuing here riot is fast castling has it been enough from miguel or is ria just gonna drop a castle and get to plumed archers it feels very much like as he is losing a few fishing ships that he's still gonna get to that castle oh good good grounds being gained here though i can guarantee you goku is focused on water oh the tower almost went down fletching in for miguel's towers does not have that yet and so it will be tough to hold here and good job for miguel to remain some type of a threat but what if he gets castle dropped what if the castle goes up here miguel's gonna have to run his fishing ships have been found he did dock down here earlier he still has some working but he's sailing away because goku is chasing him and he wants to gal to save him great job from goku not to lose village in this tower but on water he's now struggling and he's struggling because of the distraction of miguel yeah if that castle for read is too close to the tc miguel could always deny with a tower very good point so it'll go here i don't think you can tower here to deny this no cause villagers could just rush that down if you're dizzy it's expected because it's nomad it's not meant to be straightforward the nomad game we had between china a and china b was the same and then some that was ridiculous more towers spanish do build faster don't forget that that applies to the town centers at the start that applies to the towers here and yeah it looks like brazil a is winning water but they could lose land if plumed archers come out but this is what makes nomads really fun because the eco is is worse for rio and goku because they're going to lose their fishing ships eventually you would foresee them to lose their fishing ships uh but miguel doesn't have the eco to go castle age and there's going to be plumed archers out so i mean how much does water matter if plumed archers are sniping villagers in theory now dogal adds a bunch of fishing ships you see that he just added a round of fishing ships he starts to fish boom and gain a massive eco lead and then makes knights and i feel like this is so well balanced from dogel the second he realized he had a lead he started cueing up the fishing ships out of four docks too miguel also has saved a few fishing ships over here so that's so good from him too he'll get them back to work and when times are tough so here are the plumes right on two town centers oh boy so there's also the aspect of investing into land eco early so yeah ria doesn't have his fishing ships anymore as these have run away but he's also he has a lot of farm seated okay i'm skipping this that's not something i think is funny like there's jokes and then there's taking it too far i didn't skip it because i was too late but um the plumed archer's really struggling to know where to go right now right it's funny how he could hit miguel but he's like miguel's not important i need to find o'gal really struggling to find areas to hit but found this and we'll probably also see the fishing ships if he continues this way boom doctors patrolling around the map update on the tower rush situation miguel still doing what he can uh miguel probably realizes that uh the plumes could hit him at any time but also hasn't towered as much as i would in this spot there's a signal from miguel who i think was losing some fishing ships or just letting his teammate know there's fires over here well played goku goku uh sniping what fishing ships he can that's the best move when you realize you are going to lose water entirely but no gal man i love how he doesn't hesitate to cue the fishing ships he's gonna have night soon plumed archers just now have fletching miguel has to defend from that and then he should have enough enough food eco to make nights look at that food count we're comparing goku's spot to miguel's spot miguel is gonna have the food to go castle age i think that's because he kept those fishing ships alive and oh this is a good spot for miguel this is looking so good for the a team of brazil this is this is not a situation where goku will ever want to fight with villagers he might have to but it's not a spot where he'll ever want to do this the villagers will go down for both players probably but more so for goku and this is nomad this is so messy well both towers go down simultaneous destruction nope the towers are staying up um goku is getting wrecked goku's dead goku's dead he is dead gg he said he'll have less than 30 villagers he can't take gold miguel is on the way to castle the plumed archers are on miguel and miguel's just taking some losses but over here massive fish boom for dog is going to make the knights what a play for miguel man up against two people from the other team no problem he welcomes that challenge wow that was sick i was sick and also it i feel bad for goku because it's a result of ryan not helping on water and not being able to help on land until castle age you know when you go fc to give riyad a strong boom like this this is the result you have goku having to deal with land and water pressure yeah it almost reminds me of game one where riya you know struggling in comparison to dogal led to goku getting doubled as well it's just how it happens it's it's you're always looking for that first 2v1 situation in a 2v2 game so guys goku he's offering nothing to the team now except moral support and i don't even know if he's gonna have i don't know if he's gonna be the best mental spot to be able to offer that can mayans carry here riya does have the most eco in the game three town centers but now riot could be doubled and oh boy miguel miguel miguel this is really bad but the castle should still go up because the knights are here that castle is right next to rio's face as he backs away with a lot of plumes yeah this is not quite comparable to the china avers china b nomad game and i will have to spoil it a little bit or at least something that happens in that game and re-watch it please if you guys have the time uh but there was a unique unit which did a great job at keeping one team in it i'll just say it was the rattan archer whether it was win or lose for that team the rats and archer gave them a chance that they otherwise would not have had bread will be on two castles with plumes if there was ever a unit that would carry it would be the plumed archer or the rats on archer i'd say bloomed archers they're they're comparable to the ratings in some ways right like uh you know they have that higher pierce armor they've got that mobility i think they're cheaper boomed archers than rats and archers as goku is going to run away but i feel the key here for it has got to be to threaten dogal not necessarily miguel he can deal with miguel but dogal's got a lot of knights out and if the gal gets in especially with malians you can just go champion oh man oh man no miguel only has 35 eco and goku's at 26. yes one's in castle age once in feudal but dale's got to be super careful he really cannot engage against this i'd like to see him add siege and there's the siege workshop now because it just feels right normally wouldn't add siege if the enemy had knights but the enemy doesn't have knights and speaking of knights dogal is raiding like crazy here [Music] goku with transplant eco his tc is probably going to go down he needs to delete his dc this is horrible this is horrible man uh oh boy goku trying to trying to survive as riya tries to chase down these knights and that's just more time for dogal yeah he deleted the town center before it even went down yeah he deleted it and he's gonna drop it here and miguel's job is just to hunt that down so epson chat for goku breitz about to click up to imp though he's about to click imperial he is 35 military i actually it sounds crazy i actually think that brazil b have a solid chance they have a 21 percent chance here three castle production of plumes the gal won't be an imp plumed archers with brace or chemistry kill the knights the castle's trapped down this castle i've done the math and if you don't trust me i always have a spirit of the law in the background working on it for me he's my he's our mathematician but um i think it is doable crazier things have happened on nomad before nice quick walls there from riot nice reaction time now there might be some bias because spirit of the law is always rooting for the japanese but trust me we did the math on the mayans chances not the japanese chances all right there's no bias here um the plumes even in this number before imp upgrades can take out knights so talking about what dogal needs no gal needs time and he needs to probably he needs a solid five to six minutes and in those five to six minutes we had could just massacre everything with trebuchets and plumes eel's doable for brazil a or uh i mean it feels very doable for brazil a but it feels very doable for brazil be too here comes riyad i think riad wants to drop a castle here not a lot to stop him from doing so look at all the resource oh hello miguel just shows up with magnels that's funny look at all the resources he can take he is sticking with plumes an eagle switch might be nice at some point but he is sticking with plumes he's just making that barrack so we can make the range and the range so we can get thumb ring the offensive turkey from riyad as he drops a castle here he won't have enough for elite plumed archer but he'll get bracer and chemistry will probably follow these plumes will be able to deal with the magnets but good job from miguel because at this point miguel he's just trying to distract reid as much as possible so no gal doesn't die here come the knights so dogal's thinking if i raid him he can't push me is that the case with this many castles though be it with the micro oh oh mike no that was oof that hurt and guys dokal is still not on the way to imperial a lot of these farms had to be abandoned he cannot engage against these plumed archers right now oh my goodness miguel was beasting it up over here with the magnels and kongs though this is so much value that's what spanish can offer low numbers military units no problem how do you counter manganelle and conch you make a lot of plumes so many plumed archers wonder if riya is able to uh to get some pop over here it'd actually be hilarious to see goku go for towers just to block off those resources or just wall them in that castle's going down for dogel who still hasn't flicked up this castle is going to go down for miguel who still hasn't clicked up this is winnable for brazil b now there's a lot of military for dogalf he can maybe group it up together he could take out small groups of plumes but he doesn't have them all together yet also some of those military stats are skewed because i think he still has navy on water the mayan privilege and this is the power of plumes and specifically it's just the power of any fast archer unit with bracer before enemy knights can get upgrades we've seen berber camel archers do it in this tournament we've seen arbalest do it with any archer getting to him faster before the night players is the way to go forget about eco let's get archers out there which makes me still every time i say those words it makes me sad leery didn't sign up with austria because with how this tournament has developed so far i feel like austria could have had a pretty interesting run the gal still has 106 villagers a lot of that's fishing ships and it's not that easy to rage update on goku goku's almost in castle age let's get some t-90 pogs and chad for goku making it to castle congratulations the gal still sticking with stable units still has the food income so he'll want to go cavalier uh miguel is just booming on three tc's and saying good luck at this point how many plumed archers is too many plumed archers to deal with how's 60 for you goku is just signaled i think to say that there's a town center there i think ria could could switch into halb at some point too it makes sense to commit to only plumes because you have the upgrades but um kind of like the idea of him switching into alberta at some point here's a fast town center being built for miguel that could get denied easily goku said 23 bills it actually got worse it actually got worse yeah without being spanish miguel would have never finished that town center no castle for dogal so he can't get the farimba upgrade which could make all the difference for mali and kav um that's 44 plumes it has a 170 population if you add up the team populations it's almost uh 200 for brazil b spirit what's the math for brazil a oh it's around 210 220 for brazil a 60 freaking plumes and if he gets coinage he'll send resources over to goku to get him back in the game but i think if goku does anything he should go water because there's a lot of fishing ships out there whether they're on fish traps or not that would be the area to raid don't give him resource to do something on land forget about that get him on water even with castle age navy it'd be a good play hear the hear the docs producing fishing ships that's how brazil is staying alive with food income is adding fish traps oh and a big engagement here this is before cavalier completes after armor completes good fight for dogal who now has 44 military and there might not be enough kunda archers [Music] there's been no halb switch from riot a lot of castles to produce plumes out of but if he is to back up here the sign that things are not going too swell for his team also i could be crazy but i think dogal is not going to be too far off from getting a castle up he's on stone somewhere running home but they are now elite missing one upgrade yep after that upgrade it will be elite oh and he didn't have thumb ring that entire time okay so two upgrades it's weird i don't know if you guys pick up on this but i i think it's because i played the game for so long at this point but you play the game long enough and you just think this should happen this time but i checked thumb ring and i went to the range to see if it was completed because earlier he didn't complete it at the time he was getting his other upgrades and then reid's like oh yeah i forgot that one very weird i've had people make fun of me for that uh because in some cases they might look like i see the upgrade and then i'm like oh it's there you know but some cases i just have a sense and in some cases i have an awful sense too so i don't know what that means even a blind squirrel gets a nut i guess miguel's not contributing i mean miguel could easily die to plumes and trebs this is pretty much a 1v1 i talked about getting uh halves in here but i don't know if it's really worth it because 100 plumes is probably better than i don't know he doesn't really have the eco yet but see now this one talked about now he's getting armor for infantry so he's thinking about albs it's got so much i really wish i could add up the amount of fishing ships that tagal had currently he's got to have over 30. everywhere i look there's fishing ships and there's fish traps that's why i feel a raid on water would be the play but yeah the one thing mali and should be thinking about here is champion cavalier is good for the mobility and after for him but it's deadly but and farimba's on the way out of that castle that's about to be tripped down but champion high pierce armor would destroy plumes and destroy halves i believe but let's see so we have 58 plumed archers against 45th cavalier with plus seven attack how do you think this is gonna go uh the choke point could make it interesting the choke point does give riot a chance but i don't know if it's enough of a choke before he mixes in halvadir this to be a fight he wants to stick around for he's got enough plumes to one shot the cav but there's enough cavs to destroy the plumes but halbadear is on the way he's making that switch he's pulled back to his hill update over here we have a castle going up for both players goku's castling and we have miguel castling this is so crazy man maybe goku should get bills over here it's just the only thing that goku and miguel are contributing is the annoyance factor the only thing they're doing and it i i say annoying as if it you know it's it's your little brother talking too much but nah it's like raiding the economy can be deadly whether it's a castle drop or a tower or two look at all these town centers we've got five town centers here from goku but it still seems like miguel's position is so much stronger so if he's ever gonna get back if the weaker players are ever gonna get back into the game it would be him who does so um you got also making that tech switch i cannot stress the importance of water again as miguel sends some gold over to dogal there's a lot of fish traps out there is there a select all fishing ship hotkey that i should know about because i would have never changed that or moved that oh the quick wall oh my god that was impressive there's a select all fishing ship hockey i will try that i don't know if there is one and if you if there is one and you guys know about it i'm i wouldn't be surprised oh god miguel placing a castle here i could always zoom out and take a look we'll see there's a lot of green on that mini map not so much yellow that castle that's worth it that's worth it to lose a few villagers that castle goes up that keeps miguel alive barely but certainly better than goku what if goku gets defeated goku doesn't have pop anywhere else he's getting bod canero for his town centers that's it oh he has some bills over here i guess okay so halb and plume go out against the cavalier not so good if champion comes in malian champions have high pierce armor so they're great against archers and champions themselves fantastic against halberdiers not a lot mayans can really do against that except for more plumed archers and that's what riya is going for it will have three castles here or three trebs sorry to trap down the castles but guys i'm looking at the pops i guess it really still comes down to the military population between riya and between dogal but goku is at apop right now okay here he goes all right he's still in this he can re-boom he should have done this earlier i really hope brazil will be win this game how amazing would it be if they win this game with goku's pop at five here's four of them and the fires might kill them goku what do you have to pay attention to right now what do you have to pay attention to there's nothing else hey here he goes it's a 1v1 in the 2v2 world cup it doesn't make sense but it is a 1v1 in the 2v2 world cup we have dough running through if dougou defeats goku i would that would it would be so funny if he finds the villager somehow but now i think that town center will go up there's this gigantic blob of red in the middle supplies for dokal but can he get enough two-handed swordsmen out or champions out i'm not seeing it both players are losing castles here's the raid that's a very good raid from dogel if it feels like dogal doesn't have 180 pop it's because he has a lot of his population on water is brazil be about to do this with goku at five pop people people are they about to do this this is ridiculous what an insane game here come 35 cavalier but there's 60 plumes and there's a bunch of halves and there's no champions yet now it's 30 cavalier now it's 25 cavalier now it's 20 cavaliers does he have enough does riot have enough in support does he have enough halibut here's does he have enough plume skewed is he going to have the eco goku's working on that reboom now it's 76 military versus 55 and now the champions come out that might do it that actually might do it that fight might have been good enough for dougal actually it was it was pretty decent all things considered still so many cavs to go down and now champions they don't cost as much gold he makes that in rio's only at 48 bills while ria just went from 190 pop to 80 pop in a minute and the gg's called what a game and what a performance from dogal said it in game one the guy is just on another level he was raiding goku when he needed to he was winning water for the team he was uh he was raiding riot while also defending from rio there had to buy himself so much time guys i'll say this though while dogal played amazing there was one reason he was able to and it was of because of miguel it doesn't look like it when you look at the score it doesn't look like it when you see the resources collected but if you think back to what happened in that game it was supposed to be a 1v1 between dogal and goku on water and feudal bilgao won water because of his great play but also because miguel was pestering dogal on land and then it was double trouble for goku because goku had lost water and lost land and i mean it was that an amazing game from riyad right i mean there's not much more he really could have done here but his teammate wasn't alive so i think it was his teammate not being alive but the main thing is his teammate not having any presence on water because riya look at all the farms that he was able to displace dogal from i'm i'm trying to look at active farmers right now there's probably going to be around 10 to 20. but he's got now we can check um look at this imagine if fire ships came out at some point not even counting miguel's fish 22 23. so he 23 of his 43 on food on water and that was very smart thinking from him to do that because the raids were so brutal to him uh and that's a result of winning water early and you saw the food count already 25 000 food collected lots of gold man the fights were not easy for him to take but when he did take them especially near the end there i think he was good the the kd's a little skewed because you you look at this and you remember he was fighting reid for the most part and you think that he was just destroying riya in the fights but goku probably lost all of his 121 units uh two dogal not exactly of course but a lot of it so pretty 50 50 fights for most of imp oh man that timeline was crazy what a game poor goku though goku's had a nightmare of a series poor guy game one was brutal and game two was even worse why didn't goku go hide at riot's base when he was moving the first time i think that goku have you guys ever been in that spot where you're you're kind of dead and you feel like there's nothing you can do so you just cue up bills but you don't really think too hard that's probably an awful way to explain it but i think he could have been more creative to maybe run over to the other side but like while that's the case i don't know how much that changes things and i think the large reason he didn't try and shift over and yes i'm going to restart my game thank you um i think the reason that he didn't want to reposition was because miguel had those castles there it took riot a long time to take miguel out of that northern area and so maybe he saw it as too much of a risk anyways uh we've already seen arabia and nomad the final home map for brazil b will be on ghost lake so we know that's coming guys after this we will have the next set it will be canada against poland uh poland's going in there is the heavy heavy underdogs but uh ready to surprise some people i'm sure ghost lake um hmm well i i would say this is where you have to pull out chinese probably get chinese archers give that to riot and then uh get get slaps there maybe for goku um i think brazil a will be very happy not showing their chaos pit plans if they were to 3-0 here for example it's nice to not show people who you might play in the future what you like to do on your home maps big benefit of 3-0 and we have 30 seconds for the next game wow so i didn't even have any time to take a real breather there um thank you cobra fruity kiwi sweatshirt uh jinx tsuke thank you cena taff vincent griffin zipe zarelius hello thank you for the 15. um lots of subs today and we'll have the updated prize pool but the updated prize pool is looking at like thirty thousand three hundred four hundred dollars thanks for supporting me thanks for supporting the event what's up alex that was very creative but yeah we're in now is it just me or did i not have grid previously did grid just magically appear for me i didn't have grid for the first game right in the second game i don't i really don't understand this game sometimes i didn't click anything i just restarted my game so it would work okay well we have a grid now um in the blue we have miguel uh miguel was playing as the tootsons he's teamed up with dogal and dogel's playing as the britons you know i was going to stop the whole tootsies thing then i had a bunch of people telling me they say that around the house and they annoy their uh either their roommates or their wives or whatever so uh so because of that because of the people who say two tins at random times and annoy their family members i will continue to say it to encourage such um goku is he's not had a great day and it wasn't really because of anything he did it's because of how how much brazil a was able to gang up on him he's playing as the berbers and then he's teamed up with riya who again would probably agree he hasn't had the best day he's chinese all right so um thing about ghost lake is that main gold is always bordering the ice it's always forward and there's extra sheep in the mid so what i'm expecting here is to have some walls on the front and then the archer players in particular are going to need to make sure they have a safe gold this is not ideal rihanna might be tempted to take this but not being able to wall in front i think that's that's pretty un not really unfortunate but it's really annoying to have the ice so close to the gold it's the same thing for dougal on this side maybe he has an extra tile or two but still it you're going to want a town center there in cass lage and does not make life easy for you i guess the exception would be goku goku's got a better spot there he's got more room to breathe i expect meta um and has shifted a little bit for this map we've seen a lot of fast castling but i think scouts and archers is what brazil will be used a lot in the group stage and they'll probably do it a lot here again and i'm just waiting to see if there's any deviation from that with the build orders i mean tutans we meme about them in many situations could be considered op we've seen them a lot on arena also can we appreciate the fact that we've had what three sets so far in the round of 16 and not a single team has picked arena it's really interesting how in the group stage teams are picking arena a lot but now the top 16 teams are like get that out of here i just thought about that we saw arenas so frequently from the underdogs and now these guys who have actual confidence in their abilities to play the game you know i say this as i'm just salty i lost on arena but uh anyways it's fun i think we will still see arena actually poland's gonna pick arena next guarantee it i don't know if the canadians or poland players are listening but uh i guarantee you that barles and jack pick arena for their home map against canada a yeah i know both these teams are not big fans of arena but they're good they're big fans of making arenas for themselves what was that one quote from john slow and john slow said something he was like man everyone complains about arena but then their walls are their walls are up by minute 11. [Laughter] um which i suppose is a fair point but you know palisade walling very different there's some risks to that there's some investment i just thought that was funny to bring up i like arena personally i mean i ban it i'm not crazy i still ban it i'd never play it but i like to watch it i do like to watch it it's brought some great strategy to this tournament and i think we will see some of it now though gal is going to drush and if you think back to game one he had a sick josh fast castle time i think he was in castle age at 16 42 and it worked well and it worked well against goku who was going scouts in game one will have the same exact thing here meanwhile riatz farming and on his way to go archers yeah this is um i don't know how familiar you guys are with chinese builds but if you're not pushing a deer or two or you're down a sheep or two a farm or two is uh lots of twos here is pretty standard stuff with chinese what's miguel up to miguel going scouts okay so miguel's gonna go scouts he's working on walling up and goku has to react to this rush and does react nicely because otherwise this could have been brutal i seem to recall saying that he dealt with the rush last time and then he lost two villagers and then the big concern was they couldn't pressure dogal at all so this is looking pretty good so far for the game plan that brazil a would have i think brazil a wants to go ultra late here with tootin castles and kav added to britain shrebs and archers uh i think that you want that not one i think that everyone would have loved to have seen that when they were 10 because i know when i was 10 i thought that tootins and britons were the best sieves and that teutonic knights and longbows could not be beaten i have to say i disagree that that's what they want i uh i think in this particular matchup while it might be better late game i think they're going to take their advantages where they can get them in feudal and go from there good micro from dogal see goku's got the extra attack from being in futile but every time he goes in there to attack that scalp micro is solid all right now what's different from when comparing this to game one is that ria didn't go for a super laid feudal age he's actually gonna have archers coming out of two ranges so they're gonna have to probably double miguel mcgill might need to prep some towers can't um i almost thought he was huns and said he couldn't house well and then i saw a house but now maybe double palisade will be needed because eventually this rush will be cleared up and then dog will offer very little to his team because he will not have military on the field and if that's the case you'll have scouts from goku and archers from riyadh they'll have to push miguel [Music] crazy pillager thank you for the three nice name it will pillage your village but now in late game i give an advantage to uh britain's and teutons because of having paladin and britain longbows however i'd say castle age chinese and berbers feel way stronger because berbers have the cheaper knights and chinese can so they can keep up with brands yes they won't have that extra range but they can definitely keep up with brains so i'd say the goal here i guess was to get britons to castle faster make use of the extra range in the cheap town centers that's where most of britain bonuses come in nice work there from goku he clears that up and for the brazilians i'm not the brazilian sorry for brazil b they'll want to push now i think like send the archers forward soon i guess they're waiting for ria to get fully walled before that happens and oh did you see that did you see that dog just sniped a farm farms have one hp when you place them and with one little doink say goodbye to 60 wood freaking dog man here are the scouts from miguel he's probably hoping that goku will try and run out so he can run in it might happen here archer's moving forward yeah because how's miguel going to defend from archers over the next couple minutes he could be in a rough position i think these archers could have even been a bit more aggressive what was the uptime 1642 for jogal he's now on the way to castle again with two ranges and he'll have a time that might even be faster i i don't know exactly when it's what it's gonna be like but you do the math on that it's close read for the fox says hi t90 finally i can stop by hey what's up you're looking foxy i'm sorry just i mean i'm not but i couldn't think of anything else to say um [Music] this series just has the sense of inevitability about it and i think it's because of watching game one and two does anyone else just have this feeling that dogal is gonna kill everything right now i didn't think i would have this feeling when i started the set but because of how good brazil a played game one and two and what i've seen previously it just makes me feel like miguel is going to somehow deal with this and not take heavy heavy losses and then dogal is going to be all over goku let's see miguel getting bloodlines already has armor so he realizes his only task is to stay alive and clear this up if he clears this up yes his castle time will be later but no gal will be able to shine good housewalling here there's actually a villager that should die there that was a mistake yeah good work now the scouts are separated from the archers and with these upgrades this should be a fight that miguel would win and he'll clear that and here comes dogal already adding the second town center already with crossbow on the way and he'll be behind the woodline in a second here so i think read and goku they need to while they need to do as much damage as possible here they killed one villager um there is benefit to the fact that miguel has had to create so many scouts because his castle aged time will probably be the latest in the game the you have to stay alive in whatever way possible and then you have to have riot go crazy with production when he's finally in castle which is coming he's on the way now so you'll have riad click up you'll have goku click up and miguel will be on the later side if they're able to hold which means house walls behind palisades as we're seeing maybe there's a chance the wood lines unfortunately are all arrangeable yeah they can definitely do it look at the archer numbers so ri it's probably going to add the third range now i hope so anyways i really feel like a third range would make sense here but archer numbers should be pretty close plus goku's going to be able to contribute with knights before miguel can contribute but i feel like maybe it's the pressure you know of playing in the tournament or just everything that's gone down i can't help but feel like some of this could have been slightly avoided like okay i think maybe you could be on this wood line already you never want to leave wood lines and also maybe they weren't expecting this to be a problem miguel just brings the scouts over and now suddenly we have stonewalls from goku this is against britain range crossbows so you better make sure that none of these villagers are in range otherwise you just lose the game no goku oh can he hold run away run away run away run away run away run away which wall can they attack okay if they attack that piece it is going to have more hp in a bit because goku will be in castle age and maybe ray can get a trap in here let's see have you had damage done brazil a will not be able to break through here i don't think so anyways yup they realized that uh ria was coming in from behind sneaky sneaky be it on three ranges fast university so he'll probably have thumb ring he has crossbow and oh good micro for me and overall pretty even game the terrifying thing is that dogal is going to have a veil lead there's nothing that brazil b can do about that right now and that miguel is going to have a pretty solid echo compared to the other knight player but i feel like with the faster cast legs there's some potential here also remember tootins do not have husbandry though it can be kind of awkward for miguel to chase down armies this is this is the second time that no the third time that goku has died to dog on this set [Music] [Laughter] goku's been so dead the dragon balls can't revive him pretty much but um but yeah game one nogal got the better of goku game two it was miguel and dougal on goku and now game three you had a similar thing so thank you blue pill i needed that uh okay miguel is the lowest bill count in the game however the gal has the highest bill count in the game this is the trade-off here come the knights and here you go this is what i'm talking about yes you get to castle's a bit faster with one player but now what do you do the gal has to fall back mcgowan three town centers but he's got less archers or fewer archers and he'll lose more as he runs away here and miguel he needs to contribute and get some support over here but he's too tense he's too slow wow what a swing back for brazil b miguel is it 41 villagers adding that second town center adding the third town center even now there is a difference there goku will just be on two but goku has the cheaper knights goku somehow has more villagers brazil beast still has a chance here hey what i wanted to say earlier is hell people are watching from all around the world right and the one thing we really have in common is that we we like age of empires too but apart from that people like different foods people like different drinks people everything about them could be different for all we know what has not been different is the joke of i really think brazil is going to win this during the countdown of the stream i had probably 20 people make the joke and then every time someone comes in the same joke's being brought up so we're not very creative when it comes to that but i appreciate your humor chad it's just it's kind of funny to me because you know that moment when you think you have a really good joke and you make the joke and you're like yeah no one's ever thought of this i know that all too well and uh it's it's kind of funny when someone says it and they think it's the first time you know not calling you out you know it's happening to everyone but hmm it's one of those not calling you out but i am situations breit was a god in game number two it just wasn't enough and he's looking good now he remains competitive with dogal as far as bill count goes and tokao just brutalizing goku i feel bad for goku i seriously feel like um you know i've seen him play in this tournament already and i've seen him have had better days miguel and miguel gaining a lead at least based on score miguel has a vill lead over goku now but you'll notice there's 20 crossbows against 32 here i feel like this is where brazil b should be fighting before the reinforcements come in they should be cutting this off i'm missing something here perhaps just waiting so the fight will be even better for them soon if they wait it could be worse it's given time for those reinforcements now it's 32 crossbows against 32 oh excuse me 37. thumb ring on the way so that will make difference britain's do not get thumb ring but they get the extra range so who cares i think that that was the moment where brazil be needed to pounce and they didn't do so and they might be at a disadvantage now let's see big fight fights taken equal night numbers near equal crossbow numbers just sieve bonuses being the difference one has thumb ring the other one doesn't but the other one has extra range hoons have melee armor but their knights are more expensive oh man oh it's not looking good for the crossbow numbers from riots they had more numbers they could have taken out that batch from dogal but they waited and no gals reinforcements came in and just like in game one bill gal is a beast just like in game two lookouts beasting it up the guy with 85 villagers he's got 45 military breath has 13 and goku has six and that might be the series my friends again it's hard to say but i think had they engaged up that hill it could have been a little bit better there's no way of knowing if brazil a would have been able to outmaneuver there but i think dogal yeah he's coming forward he's just gonna drop a castle here we've seen a lot of this on ghost lake because the goals are so forward and there's nothing stopping him from doing that your farms belong to dogal now your houses belong to dog out your gold that also belongs to dogo your lives belong to nogal so bend the knee bend the knee or die and since this isn't diplomacy uh i think there's going to be a whole lot of death yeah it's such an easy job for dogal to do from here he doesn't really need to control his army are that much because he has so many of them brazil b looked really good in the groups brazil a looked really good in the groups brazil a was favored but they showed today why they are brazil a uh i'm calling it too soon but this is game over there's just no way so gal is going to be on the way to him even if he doesn't imp this game is probably over everything that riot will have will will go down everything that goku has is dying this is if this was game one the gg would have already been called but since it would mean that riyad and goku would get three owed they don't want to call it here but they really should because there is no way back now and that's it right there guys so the way our quarterfinals are sorry the way the round of 16 is set up is if two teams from the same country advance out of the groups they have to fight against each other to determine which team is the best team in that country i think there's absolutely no question that dogal and miguel are the best team in brazil as they move on to the quarterfinals and they looked so good man dogao especially today i went into the 2v2 world cup thinking that the meta is scouts and archers right with dogal's performance on arabia and now ghost lake i'm thinking how can you stop it if one person goes drush fc like that that's ridiculous you're thinking about like canada coming up next they have slam and hera and chris all known for their good build orders what if canada does this what if the whole meta shifts and we see drush fast castling because that is so unbelievably fast 1637 he improved upon his 1642 castle time in game number one absolutely brutal and the uptime for reid is kind of standard if you go straight archers they were able to threaten miguel miguel did find fall a bit behind because of it but miguel is probably happy to do that if it puts his teammate in the winning position the scores 3-0 there guy
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 31,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, 2v2 World Cup, World Cup, AOE, AOE2, Wow, T90Official, T90, Crazy Games, Insane, aoe2, age of empires, aoe2de, Brazil, Brazil A, Brazil B, Arabia, Nomad, Ghost Lake, dogao, Riut, miguel, GoKu
Id: RTlE9eteiL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 39sec (5079 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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