Chile Relleno Casserole

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hello Facebook and happy Wednesday this is an impromptu cooking lesson show whatever you want to call it tonight because I am gonna make the chile relleno casserole that i made i don't know i made it a few weeks ago and i posted a picture of it and everybody's like I want that I've had that before how do I bake that and I think it was probably my most popular recipe so far and it's funny because it's just this simple casserole that my stepmom Linda used to make and when I was a kid and I loved it because it's super cheesy and it's just really yummy so I thought I would make it for you live now I am gonna change it a little bit because while it was very good it wasn't it didn't have as much flavor as I want it so let's get on with it my head is just gonna be cut off see I want this to be I want you to be able to see this so we'll have to deal with it but here's literally my handwritten recipe for this and I wrote this a long long long long time ago because Linda Linda died Linda died and she died in 2002 so this had to be way before that because I would have written us from her recipe card while she was there by hand and you can see my my cursive is horrendous so really I am horrible I'm a good writer but I'm a bad writer by hand you can't read anything I do so yeah this has been done a long time and I found it in my archives of recipes so we'll say hey Jen I think you're one of the ones that that was curious about this casserole so you'll appreciate this it's very very easy to make and it's got simple ingredients you need Chile's whole green chilies that are already ready to go I think they are numb this is an can you need Monterey Jack cheese you need cheddar cheese you need flour you need eggs and milk and salt and pepper and that's pretty much it now like I said I'm going to modify it a little bit and I'm gonna put a little bit of garlic and a little bit of diced onion in with the batter but I'll show you that so let's get rolling so you can see how easy this is pre-heat your oven to 350 and then the can of chilies you can roast your own chilies and do this with fresh chilies but this is just so much easier I have a really crappy can opener so I need a better one but it gets me a workout with my fingers as you can see please be whole yes they are okay you just never know okay so this is just a big can now my recipe will say if you want to copy this for seven sets of or seven ounce cans but I'm just doing one large Kim and this is gonna make basically a whole 9 by 13 casserole so I'm just putting this into a little strainer so you can see I've got a sink right here and I'm gonna grab them directly out of the strainer and stuff them okay it says slit chilies lengthwise on one side you don't really have to do that it says remove seeds and drain you don't really have to do that either yeah these are kind of slightly pickled tasting which is really yummy so basically what you do and last time I made this well there might be a few seeds in here which will just make it a little spicier which isn't that big of a deal or maybe it is it just depends on how sensitive you are to spice last time I didn't have Monterey Jack cheese which is what it calls for and I used cream cheese which is fine you just put the cream cheese in there with a spoon with a knife or spoon that Maori Jack cheese is better I think that's part of why I was thinking this doesn't quite taste the same but the cream cheese was good you could even do a combination but I'm just gonna do this with Monterey Jack it says you need a pound who knows okay so it says slice cheese into thick slices and place into chili so who knows if that's a thick slice but I'm just gonna slide that baby in there I remember watching Linda do this so it's obviously a little skinnier at the bottom so and then just place them in here I think I'm gonna go with a little thinner slice on the cheese hopefully you guys can see this but I'm just using a big block of Monterey Jack I think I'll cut these into thirds that will fit better into that chili because the chili is tapered and then the cheddar cheese will be going on top of that and it's just this yummy delicious chili mess and it's so yummy yummy and now I would have done this from Taco Tuesday except last night we had leftovers from the lambchops I made on Monday so we had lamb chop Tuesday doesn't have quite the same ring to it doesn't happen all right so back to the Chili's this should make a whole full casserole which is great it makes great leftovers Patrick's bin Patrick used the leftovers for his breakfast because he he makes eggs at practically every morning and they're really good sauteed up with eggs and a little extra spinach you could put greens in here you could put some spinach or some kale you could put some broccoli and kind of whatever you want that's gonna taste good with eggs and chilies which is most things in your refrigerator so super simple just stick that piece of cheese in to this already pre seeded and processed chili fire-roasted this brand is Ortega fire roasted whole green chilies and a large candidate it's a 2700 C's so 4 times 7 would have been 28 close enough right I'm sure it'll be fine so if you're doing cream cheese you just use a knife or something to stick it in there just put it into the casserole dish and then what we're gonna do is make kind of a a batter with eggs and flour and put that over it and mix it up put that over it put the cheese over that and put it in the oven for 45 minutes so super simple as I mentioned I am going to put some onions and garlic in there as well because I like the extra flavor yeah this is just a big super yummy cheesy mess does that sound good I don't think the Sun came out here today in Carmel Valley I don't know if it did where you are from or where you live it was a great day though I loved it because I was really just working I worked out this morning I went for a run four and a half miles about give or take and that was great because to do that witness cloudy like that is really nice and our path has opened up again so I just go right here from my house down the path by the 56 all right I think I'm gonna go like this because these are not fitting as well so I'm just gonna move these babies around this way that will let me do three roads I hope and kids if they're not too sensitive to spice you know these chili roast these fire roasted chilies can be spicy or not depending I do there are some seeds in these ones so I'm going to rinse those seeds out because when you're dealing with them Chili's like this it's the seeds that make the chili hot not the chili itself usually this is no ghost pepper I don't think I could even handle that I don't like super spicy I like a good flavor though see very very simple and this is gonna be about perfect for this nine and a half by eleven others said a pound of cheese that's gonna be about what I use I might be using a little bit less and like I said I wasn't really measuring this so this should be good looks really good and this is something your kids if they like to cook can help you do very very simple so this is how many chilies 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 chilies 16 bit of chilies all right and a little extra cheese so maybe we'll just kind of put that in here spread these around cheese little extra cheese isn't to hurt anybody is it okay that is what it looks like and that's with my extra pieces of cheese that I just had sitting there so I am going to put a little bit of onion and garlic in here just because I want the extra flavor no it's just a little and I'm just gonna chop it really finely and I'm gonna put it in with the batter you could use Adalia onions or sweet onions this is just a standard onion and I think it will taste really good in there I'll let you know and the kids shouldn't mine this because it will mellow it out once it's baked with all this stuff so fairly finely chopped and I think it'll just give it a nice little flavor you know when you eat a um like a enchilada or nada enchilada what's the word I'm looking for chili you know when you eat a chili right over is an enchilada whatever in some Mexican restaurants they have onions in them and then the kid versions don't intend them so I'm going with the onions it's not a traditional Mexican thing but whatever it'll be fine this would be a great Cinco DeMayo dish to make to as a family I will be making carnitas and I will do alive for that too i braised it so I'm gonna be able to keep you on for the whole time because it would you really really sick of me I probably have to tell some really bad jokes or something but so I will not keep you on for the whole time but I will keep you on for for the process of it and maybe bring you back on for when I make the sauce it's really good carnitas sauce with tomatillos fresh tomatillos and spinach and chiles and it's good and you use the braising liquid that the pork carnitas was cooking in and it's just amazing amazing amazing so I'm not going to chop the garlic I'm actually gonna press it through the through the garlic press so that it is very minced because you don't want to get a big chunk of garlic should cook enough where it wouldn't be an issue but let's just try this and like I said jury's out on this I'll let you know how it is if I like this edition and then maybe next time I'll try a different so that is just the onions and the garlic which you don't have to do it's not part of the recipe but I'm gonna give it a shot okay milk I might have to go to the back to get milk yes one in a quarter cup I will have for the basket milk the kids they're drinking up like crazy let's see if I can get by with just this probably not well wing it wait because it's still in a container it'll take me a little longer to get it I thought my daughter got that out okay so this is one and a quarter cups milk 1/4 cup of flour and I have my flour with my quarter cup right in here already because ease it for bread I put a little more than 1/4 cup of flour in there salt and pepper it does need a little bit of salt but as you know how I feel about salt be really really careful with salt this calls for a half a teaspoon kind of a lot but again you can just salt it at the end and the cheese is going to have salt in there all right we can get over there cheese's to have salt as well so that's gonna bring some salt into the whole dish lots of pepper so all this is is chili Rios and Monterey Jack cheese eggs milk flour salt pepper and then cheddar cheese for on top eggs luckily pepper just went to Costco so we are flush and eggs because we work out and I don't know if things have settled now in Costco cuz I didn't go hopefully waiting for things to get a little bit it's normal so 5 eggs you should not be doing what I'm doing right here so this is like a do what I say not what I do you should not be cracking your egg directly into the bowl full of stuff already because if you get a shell in there it's gonna be kind of a pain to get it out but or you just deal with it when you bite into it so 5 eggs in here and it's basically like a batter kind of like a biscuit like a biscuit baking thing and then mix that for with the chiles Milkin but we'll just wing that one might be okay but I've got the onion garlic and your I can just put a little bit of water if I think I need more so you just mix this together pour it over the chiles and then you're gonna put the grated cheddar cheese on top of it I'm gonna put a little more water in here so let's just pretend I just made my 2% milk skim milk how's that work which for me I don't have cream either otherwise I wouldn't use that so yeah that's pretty simple right anybody can do this says baked uncovered for 45 minutes in the oven so preheat your oven I think I like the addition of this onion and garlic it already looks good okay let's bring you back Bobby's still cloudy other hey make sure you can see this so I just basically mix it up enough to get the flour blended over looks good and then as you can see that I think you can see that you're just gonna put the grated cheddar cheese I pre graded it there's a lot of cheese it calls for a pound of this and a pound of Monterey Jack so it is very cheesy do what you want there most people like cheese and again like I say don't worry about the fat fat doesn't make you fat sugar makes you fat carbs are sugar at the end of the day so there's some carbs in here obviously because of the flour but there's no sugar per se I think this is gonna be plenty of cheese so super super super simple I don't know when I started this as you can see that might have taken maybe 15 minutes maybe not even 15 minutes Chile's Monterey Jack cheese to put in the Chili's eggs flour milk mixed together with salt and pepper cheddar cheese on top very very simple this is the chili arena casserole put it in the oven for about 45 minutes and then when it's done at all they'd all congealed and it's basically like a chili in a casserole and it is awesome so I'm gonna put this in and I'll talk to you for a second before and then my hamstrings were really really sore for some reason I've no idea why and that's it so I hope you're all doing very well I will take a picture of the finished dish and let you know how it is if you want a copy of the recipe I am very happy to take a picture of this and provide it to you and I could actually retype it even but this has got a lot of sentimental value since Linda used to make this one of her kids somebody said something but I don't think I could see it but I couldn't have the sound oh you can't go to sound hopefully the sound is on I guess all find out later if the but what I will do hopefully it is on it might not be but hopefully it is and if it isn't well I'll just have to redo it again sometime I was just on a zoom call with somebody so maybe I had muted myself accidentally so I will put it on my youtube if the sound is on if the sound is not on then I'll just have to deal with it another time hope you're all great bye
Channel: Lauren Hanna
Views: 4,088
Rating: 4.7522125 out of 5
Id: ovq4D0Hm_LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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