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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love in today's video i'm going to be making a delicious chile relleno casserole now if you love chile rellenos but you just hate going through the process of making them then this casserole is for you they're easy to make and they taste like the real thing i'm going to be posting all the ingredients right here on the screen and i'm also going to put them below in the description box so you'll know exactly what i used and how much i know you're going to love my recipe so let's get started now normally this is the time when i would roast my holano peppers but as you can see i already did that and that's because i'm going to be using eight of them and they're very big like this and they are very time consuming i don't think you want to go through the whole process of seeing me do that so what i did since i do have an electric stove is i use one of my cake cooler racks like this and i turn both of my burners on super high and i put it there and then i put my peppers here and i roasted them until they were nice and black then i put them into a ziploc bag closed it up and i let them sit there for about 15 minutes so they can get real steamy then i took them out and i removed all the charred part and here they are now up here i'm going to go ahead and put a link and you can just tap on this link that's going to take you to my migasala mexicana and in that video i went ahead and did the whole process so you can go there and you can watch it if you want to see exactly how i prepared it now many of you know how to do this process but many of you don't so you can go ahead and watch that video and i'll show you exactly how i did it so i'm going to go ahead and set these aside and i'm going to get started with my meat filling so i've got my cast iron skillet nice and hot i'm going to start out by putting my beef into the skillet now this is 80 20. i think you know that i like to use 80 20 even though it's got you know a lot of fat in it and then i get all that grease out and it leaves us with the delicious meat i'm just gonna go ahead and brown my beef until it loses all its pink color and i've got a little bowl here ready with a spoon because that's what i'm gonna put all the grease you know i think i've said before that i like using the 80 20 because it's like a good steak you know it just has a fantastic flavor but you can use a really lean ground beef if you want now as you can see the ground beef has already lost all its pink color and i'm taking out all the grease that the meat released see there's a lot of it but the ground beef does taste delicious so that's good now that i have removed all the grease i'm going to go ahead and put in my onions i'm also going to put in some green onions because i like the taste of the green onions and combined they are delicious i'm gonna put in my carrots now i like the carrots in here because they're a little sweet and then your filling will taste delicious with the sweet carrots i'm just gonna go ahead and move this around like this until the onions release the flavor into the ground beef just for a couple of minutes so while my onions are sauteing right here i'm gonna go ahead and grind my spices now i think that if you're familiar with my cooking and you know that when i'm gonna use garlic pepper and cumin now you know i'm gonna grind it fresh i like to use a fresh stuff so in here i've got half a teaspoon of cumin half a teaspoon of peppercorns and i put in a little bit of salt just so that it can be easier to grind so i'm going to grind this up really good like this you can use a powdered cumin and garlic and you can use regular pepper if you want but i do like the fresh cumin and peppercorns because their taste is just so different than the powdered stuff but it's up to you i'll give this another stir like this i'm gonna add my tomatoes i'm going to let the tomatoes get a little soft and i'm going to let them release their flavor too so while the tomatoes are in there i'm going to go ahead and grind my garlic as you can see i've got three garlic cloves i'm gonna go ahead and grind them together with my cumin and my peppercorns now my mom always did this i don't think i ever saw my mom using the powdered stuff i do have the powdered cumin and and garlic and i use it sometimes depending on the dish but for this dish i would not have it any other way now i've got this grounded up really good that tomatoes have started getting soft so i'm gonna add some water to my molcajete right here now just move it around because i want to get all these spices like that now i'm going to drop them in here see there's still some here so i'll put a little bit more water you don't want to leave anything out especially this you know a good poblano casserole starts right here because of the flavor you want to go all out when you're seasoning your ground beef because that's what's going to give you the best chili relleno casserole so i'm going to put this in to my skillet too just like that now i'll move it around now that i have brought in all my spices from the molcajete end together like this i'm gonna add my paprika i'm gonna put in one tablespoon of tomato paste now i like the tomato paste because i like the flavor that it releases it's a little kind of sweet and yet it gives it good color too i'm gonna put in some salt now the salt is up to you i'm going to put in my potatoes and i'm going to stir all this around like this bring it all in together now i'm going to add some water so here's one cup of water now you don't want it real soupy but you do need enough water in here to cook the potatoes and the carrots and make sure that everything is cooked well and i like to do it a little low and slow i don't want to hurry it up because that's when you get the best dishes is when you cook a little low and slow try not to cook anything really fast super fast and easy is not my thing so i like to cook everything a little slow so that all the flavors can come in together beautifully so i'm going to give it just a few minutes like this before i add in my last ingredient so i'm gonna go ahead and replace the lid and i'm gonna let it cook there for a few minutes and then we'll be back now while i've got this in my skillet i'm gonna go ahead and chop some cilantro i've got just a little bunch you can put as much as you want or you can leave it out if you want i just think it just adds such a delicious authentic taste and i think that's good just like that now i'm going to go ahead and add my cilantro i'm going to bring it in together real good like this oh i wish you could smell this this smells wonderful in here like this see this would be a real good time for you to taste it and adjust your salt see if you think that it needs a little bit more i'm gonna go ahead and replace the lid and let it continue cooking and i'm gonna go to my next step now as you can see i've got five eggs in this bowl i'm gonna go ahead and whisk my eggs now depending on just how big your casserole dish is going to be you may want to use more eggs and i don't want a lot of egg in my casserole but i do want some in there i just don't want a lot of it in there now that i have whisked my eggs real good like this i'm gonna go ahead and add one cup of half and half now you can use heavy cream you can use plain milk if you want it's all up to you now i don't want it really really heavy and i don't want the milk either i like the half and half in here i'm gonna add the flour in here slowly and i'm gonna continue whisking it like this now i'm going to whisk it up real good like this i'm not going to add any garlic powder or anything to my eggs because my meat is seasoned very very well with salt and everything and i don't want to overdo it with a meat and then overdo it with this too i'm just going to let my eggs be because i am going to put in some cheese also and if i season this and season the meat and then the cheese it'll be too much so you've got to bring it down you're going to pick it up on certain things so this is where i'm just going to let it be simple with the eggs so now that i have beaten my eggs really well i'm gonna go ahead and set them aside and then we'll go to the next step oh this is just perfect you don't want to overcook it because you don't want them to become mashed potatoes but they're perfect right now so i'm going to go ahead and remove it off the stove set it aside right there so i'm going to be using this casserole dish right here i'm going to spray a little bit of pam spray just a little bit you never want to take a chance make sure nothing sticks it shouldn't stick but just to be sure now here i have my peppers i'm gonna go ahead and line the bottom with them like this see if you want a little heat you can leave some seeds i didn't i going ahead and took them out but it's up to you look at how big these are oh my goodness see i think i'll put this one down here just like that then i'm going to go ahead and get one and just cut some pieces in here like that just like that so now i'm going to go ahead and put some of my meat mixture just spread it out like that okay now that i've got my meat mixture like that now i'm going to put in my cheese now in here i've got 20 ounces of monterey jack and i've got two cups of kobe jack because i love the kobe jack i think you've seen that in my videos so i just mixed them in together but i'm going to go ahead and give you all the amounts in a little bit so now i'm going to put my cheese in here like this now you know once all this melts down it melts out it melts down real thin so you want to put in there a good amount like that now i'm going to put more of the peppers another layer now here's the other layer of my chilies like this look at how big these are and beautiful oh my goodness now you want to put them in just any way that you can it's like a blanket look at that spread it out real good now i'm going to put in another layer of cheese you can use any kind of cheese that you want you can use mozzarella you can use colby jack you can use just plain monterey jack any good melting cheese is good and that's good just like that now as you can see i've got one piece of chili left over here so i'm gonna go ahead and chop it up so i'm going to cut the strips like this see and then i'll cut them in half just a quick chop like this it doesn't matter how you do it you can do it any way you want and then i'm just gonna put them up at the top like this say now if you were to leave the flour out and the potatoes and carrots this could be a low carb meal this could be a totally low-carb meal and that's good if you're watching your carbs okay so now once i put my peppers in like that now i'm gonna go ahead and put in my egg mixture make like a little bit of an opening and pour some in there and pour some over here just like that let it go down just all over just like that so now that i put in my egg mixture this little bit of cheese that's left i'm just going to drop it off on top like this now i've got my oven set at 375 i'm going to go ahead and put my casserole dish in there for approximately 45 to 50 minutes give or take a couple of minutes i'll let you know my timer just went off and it's been exactly 45 minutes so i'm gonna go ahead and get my casserole out and here it is so i'm going to go ahead and let it sit here for about 10 minutes before we cut into it now depending on your oven if you think that your casserole is getting a little bit too dark from the top you may want to lower your temperature down a little bit you know all ovens are different now this was perfect at 45 minutes at 375 or you can just put a piece of aluminum foil on top to stop the process if you think that yours is getting too dark so now for the taste test oh this looks wonderful oh here we go look at this see now for the taste test this is a big mouthful oh my goodness you know if you had your eyes closed and they gave you a fork full you would think it was a whole chili rino you wouldn't know it was a casserole this is just too delicious so this is my chili relleno casserole if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think share with your friends thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 419,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5icDk1Ti30Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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