What are your Foster Care Horror Stories?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit serious kids of reddit who were a part of the foster care system what are some of your horror stories being painfully aware that the families I was staying with did not take me in for any reason other than money abused and negligence was an everyday occurrence and I had no idea that abuse wasn't normal my adoptive dad has an anecdote from when I was around 5 and came to live with him for the first time I opened the fridge and with wide eyes said in disbelief you have food and here so yet the whole foster care system is pretty flawed induct are happy I was able to get out my friend adopted siblings after dinner she found the elder sister hid away half of her plate when it was discovered and she was asked why she said it was so she and her little brother would have something to eat tomorrow she and her brother were immediately taken to the fridge pantry and shown the food storage they were told that all of the food they see is theirs whenever they wanted it's a heartbreakingly common occurrence for kids who spent time in a home without enough food some foster parents keep a big basket of snacks on the counter and the foster children are told they can have any of it at any time usually they can work through the hoarding and plows once they feel assured there will always be enough food my foster kid was placed into care for many reasons but one of them was withholding of food as a punishment for his first year in care he wouldn't eat anything and was nine years old and stick thin then he overcorrected and started trying to hoard food and over ate and got a little chubby it feels really good now to be able to take him out to a restaurant and see him actually offer to take some food home to save for later hum let's see well I wasn't allowed to shower only once every couple of weeks I had to go to other people's houses in the schools to wash I had to walk on the freeway to school and it rained a lot in the town so my shoes smelt bad and my toes kind of pushed together from where the shoes got smaller 'ok then my toenails got infected and they still are i got called ugly and dumb oh and best part the system told me to suck it up because i get worse people edit thank you all for the support I'm actually doing much better now I live with my aunt and uncle now and graduate as a 17 year old senior I was in Pittsburgh California when all of this happened thank you all for the advice and support again seconded it if you all want I can do an Amer and answer any questions you all have about my experience and where I am today I have a little brother who is a foster kid my dad and his wife are actually nice people and sometimes my little bro would have these sort of suspicious looks like what's the catch he seemed highly suspicious of having new clothes bought especially for him he had a lot of strange food things for a while like finding it weird that all the kids in the house would just help themselves to food if they were hungry even fruit like were you're just going to eat that Apple and the first time he got in some kind of trouble he basically said that's that then see you later they won't keep me the rest of us were telling him dude they're keeping you and he was saying no like it's time to pack my bags again and then when he figured out he was staying he was of course back to the what's the catch face there's lots of little things that make me sad about where he's been and other people he's been with not a foster kid but I moved from my very poor mothers to my middle-class father's house during the summer between grade 8 and 9 the thing that absolutely floored me was not having to ask every time always I was hungry living at my mom's was permanent food rationing what up poor folks you all know how this feels remember wanting to help mom cook just so you could get a little extra from tasting the unfinished product remember when classmates would ask if anyone wanted to sing that they were planning to throw out on now imagine you're also treated like a stranger amongst your own family god damned foster kids have it rough sometimes at least I always knew I was loved so sad definitely not as horriffic as some of these other comments more just on the weirdest spectrum but having to bathe with the other foster kids at the same time as it sitting in a bathtub with someone else you hardly knew I grew up with my mother and stepdad but whenever her friends would come over they would force us to take baths with their kids until I was seven and we moved away from her friends but it was strange for me too this is really weird I used to take baths with my best friend but we met when we were two and were like family and our parents never forced us to do it against her will WTF bro my best friend and I have known each other for 28 years we were around 2 when we met our parents had us take baths showers together when we were little he and I are still willing to take baths our showers together it never left us almost failing my classes in high school because 10 teen girls in a 3-bedroom house with two staff members and one van meant getting home from everybody's drug test appointments and grocery shopping and [ __ ] at like 8:00 at night and nobody was allowed to be in their rooms until bedtime so no homework got done until 10:00 p.m. under my sheets with a flashlight only ever got half my work done and started getting into trouble for falling asleep in class bullied for being the only girl in the house who didn't drink and get high of every possible opportunity new staff every month or so because the pay was [ __ ] so never had anyone to talk to verbally and emotionally abused by the power-tripping Beach who owned the place and collected checks for every girl who stayed there got beat up for reading had to watch grease and Legally Blonde on repeat every night because those were the only two movies we had no privacy no respect no compassion we were simply cattle I don't think we were in the same home but I just want to say that I was also in a house with a ton of teenage girls and the only movies we watched were Legally Blonde and grease how in the world also treated very similarly we were like servants those movies are part of the girls group home starter pack available for purchase at Montgomery Ward JJ Newbury Woolworths and Emporium Capwell stores they can be exchanged for any movie currently available at your local Hollywood video might have not been at the same home at the same time but sounds like you both might have been through the same place I think I speak for everyone here when I say Jesus Christ people are crazy I also had to look my mother in the eye and testify against her in court her lawyer tried ripping me a new butthole when I was 13 because I got choked up on the stand many hugs to you friend hope you are doing better I was a volunteer for our County social services department simply helping out with office paperwork as I was a computer software engineer at the time one of the social workers approached me one day and told me that there was a boy that they were having difficulty placing because he simply didn't want to be a foster child and wanted to stay with his mother who didn't want him and asked for social services departments to find him a home I met the boy and we seemed to hit it off from the get-go and he agreed to become my foster son he was ten at the time he was with me till he turned 16 at which time I adopted him with his mother's blessings I put him through college and he got a great job earning quite a bit more than I was he continued to stay with me till he got married I became grandpa to his great kids his kids are adults now with families of their own making me a great grandpa so now in my old age I briefly moved into a retirement home but my son insisted that I move in with him he told me that I took care of him all those years and now it was his turn to take care of me so I now live with him and he's taking very good care of me I love this that is awesome I'm glad you were there to help him that is a heartwarming story : the only foster home I actually have memories at was amazing I went to live with my mama her name at ten months old she was so kind and just had this aura around her that felt like home I lived with her and her three children until midway through kindergarten one afternoon when we got off the bus and were going inside to change into play clothing my social worker was at the kitchen table he told me to pack everything up I was so bewildered but I did as I was told it was like a light had been shut off in my momma when I came out with all my things packed the social worker said that llamas adoption process had been stalled and he found me family to live with he told me I would be much happier in a white family than with a black family I was so confused mama was all I knew she told me I would always be family and she would keep fighting to adopt me I got in my social workers car and he drove me to my paternal grandparents home but I lived with them the rest of my childhood but I spent every Sunday at Mama's my grandparents weren't bad and my foster home wasn't bad but being pulled out off a loving home that was all I knew was terrible it was all because the social worker that had been assigned recently didn't think I belonged in a black family and he found bio family still talk to my mama often and I'll always be thankful for her and who she is as a person her an apologetic take no [ __ ] but always kind of attitude is Who I strive to be you couldn't shame her because she never did anything she'd be ashamed of she's honestly the best person I've ever known seeing her at the table devastated still haunts me some nights when I lay in bed red heart this brought tears to my eyes man are all these caseworkers ducking jaded idiots Jesus Christ man that is a ridiculous thing to do to a kid that is being well taken care of in a household made me cry this story damn my original caseworker was also she was on medical leave because she was beat up by an angry father of a child she was removing when she came back to work I was well adjusted at my grandparents house and the judge had legally dismissed my mama's adoption paperwork later in life when my no-good parents made another child she was the social worker as well I know she worked hard and was doing her absolute best the other guy however had a weird agenda he had outdated views this was early 90s and pushed personal feelings into his decisions hopefully I'm not too late but who goes mine I'm typing on my phone so excuse typos and such my parents just recently got divorced and they were fighting really bad my mom moved us back to Florida from Illinois and had a stay at our aunts for a month or two at the time there was four of us I was three to four years old my younger brother was around to my older sister and brother were no older than 11 or 12 anyway my mom went back to Illinois to finalize some things and get some belongings of ours so we lived with our aunt within those first two weeks from what my mom told us after signing temporary power of attorney over to my arms she put us in foster care I was in multiple homes from what I can remember I was so young but some memories will never leave one of the first homes was the worst one if I didn't eat my food I stayed the night at the kitchen table one time I threw up and I got thrown into a room for a full day and wasn't allowed out I remember crying under the door saying I was sorry that same house had like six seven kids in it I shared a room with four other children from what I remember though the children were very nice the parent foster parents were terrible not only did they verbally abuse us they fought each other the husband and wife would essentially beat the [ __ ] out of each other in front of us it was honestly the scariest [ __ ] I saw when I was that young then I got moved houses after some time I can't remember them all but I do remember temporarily being under the same household as my younger brother we had a very very nice woman and her older son maybe husband they were so nice we called her mrs. Kim she bought us so many toys took us to the park all the time she was an angel I remember her face still to this day I hope she's doing well wait your aunt was allowed to put you in a foster home because your parents were just having a bad breakup and gave her temporary power if the mom signed a temporary power of attorney then left the state for an extended period it's possible she could say the Hmong abandoned the kid depending on the more I would hide after doing that because she is going to want some revenge a whole lot I try not to reminisce but the short end of the stick is my foster parents had no intention of showing me any kind of love becoming their foster child after being passed around the rest of my family and being rejected was really scarring for me I moved in with them freshman year of high school and I actually ended up staying with em the whole way through well the only reason I chose to say is because if I left for another foster house I wouldn't be able to go to the same school and while they were few I made some really good friends I wasn't willing to give up so I decided to put up with the neglect in hindsight I suppose I've become stronger over the experience but it always scares me thinking of ever talking to my family again or even having a girlfriend because I'm afraid that I'll treat them poorly like my family did me there are plenty of people who learn how not to be a spouse parent from their own family you can't let them ruin the good in you that you can share with others join our community discord link in description the worst 16 years of my life childhood was okay from what I remember until I started in my teens things went south the family was very abusive the one thing that still sticks to me out of all the abuse was watching my little autistic sister get backhanded my the father because she wouldn't stop crying the mother threw a tin can at my face and cut it open and refused to take me to the year and instead superglue the cut and taped it and it got severely infected and I had to lie about what actually happened wasn't allowed to use the bathroom sometimes I wasn't allowed to leave my bedroom they technically held me hostage until school they told everyone about how terrible I was and every time I tried to get help from school they wouldn't do anything even after showing proof the family denied everything until I was moved to a different family's home while the mother went to Las Vegas for a vacation I wasn't going back to the evil family that really wanted to destroy everything I had and now I'm 21 and moving to France in a few weeks to get far away and hopefully start a new life after spending 30 seconds on your profile I seriously doubt the validity of this story I'm a $200,000 trust fund child was constantly sexually harassed by foster brothers both other Fosters and the actual biological kids luckily had never progressed past heavy groping but boy am I glad I'm out of the system now I'm glad for you - thanks thinking back it's messed up how the people who did these things were just kids - some even younger than me like one house I was in for two years the youngest vaio son who was 14 would constantly practice his McAra techniques on me I was 15 the rest of the family was alright though no idea where these kids get their tendencies from my family adopted eight kids through the foster adoption system we wound up with a family of three a family of four and one with no siblings along the way we had about 200 children come and go through the house there were all sorts of Horrors we had one girl who was around 17 whose dad was a professor and an alcoholic he both molested her and broke her jaw with a punch we had a small boy whose relative had tried to stab him we had a family of four sisters for a long while who turned out to have been sexually molested very severely they had to go to another home as we had other children and it was no longer safe for those kids we had a baby for three years who had ran and was unable to form emotional bonds with other humans all of the children we adopted permanently were born addicted to drugs and alcohol two of the younger ones twins also had cerebral palsy and were never supposed to be able to walk or talk through years of occupational therapy they are both ballerinas now and arguably talk too much so yet it's been an adventure I could tell so many more stories please do tell more stories thanks for sharing it's horrifying what those kids went through there are so many kids out there with similar stories it's very sad I have so much respect for my parents for what they did of course it was an effort from our family but they are the real heroes they took their small fortune and invested it in saving lives and changing lives I treasure every moment I spend participating in this journey while most teams were off drinking and smoking I was at home helping comfort babies addicted to cocaine one of my little sisters had to be on oxygen for the first six months of her life one time my mother and I were in Nashville pitching songs we had written and my dad and elder sister watched her stop breathing and turn blue my dad performed infant CPR on her and saved her life needless to say my mom and I rushed home immediately one time we had a girl with Down syndrome stay with us for a few weeks she was as sweet as sunshine and had come from a home of poverty she had been loved but neglected due to her mother having no money she couldn't understand why she was with us but she was lovely nonetheless I gave her my VCR to borrow so she could watch Disney movies and the poor thing broke it she was 12 or 13 at the time and she started her period while in our care she thought she was dying my mother was a champion though and didn't flinch for a moment she cleaned her up and taught her how to use perhaps it was more misses than hits but we got through it she wound up going to live with her grandma which was really what was best for her so good ending all in all I went into foster care after my parents for 11 years killed themselves when it was discovered they were trafficking me got picked up by a foster family and adopted very quickly very lucky Christ how is this so far down I hope things are going okay for you now a gal guardian ad litem saying and the court that I didn't want Gogel home with my mom I was 17 ish after I had just told her in the chambers I wanted to be with my mom that dumb Beach edit I was drunk when I posted and put it in stead of had my apologies I was told very clearly once at a gown is not your friend the one that I've had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting did something really similar to what you experienced she was a total snake did you get back with your mom I did my mom fought to get us back my brother made up dumb allegations because he didn't want to follow simple rules going to school coming home by our curfew doing chores around the house it got to the point in our hearings that my mom brought character witnesses and stuff and the judge was like clearly this is a case of a teenage boy not wanting to follow rules and regulations in the house bla bla bla and dismissed it I became a social worker because I didn't want kids to have the same experience I did with CPS and foster care my biological father taking his machete and cutting my arms up while trying to protect my mother while he was drunk off his ass in a motel room oh my ducking god I'm so sorry I hope you're better now I stopped him a Chetty attack on my mom by her bf I wasn't hit but she was hit in Temple and forearm I was already in foster care but had run away I wasn't in foster care but my parents fostered a lot of other kids while I was growing up the one that sticks with me is when I was about four or five a little boy came to stay with us he was about to you and I remember asking my mom mum why does that little boy of casts on both his legs I thought you could only break one at a time and she just kind of sobbed and said because some parents aren't very nice to their little boys I didn't really understand what any of that meant until years later when I remembered it for some reason or another I asked her about it and apparently one of his parents broke both of his legs and threw him into the wall I still think about him and wonder how his life turned out thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit compilation, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, reddit on tap, What are your Foster Care Horror Stories?, foster care, foster care stories, foster care horror stories, parentless, government system, fostercare, adopted, foster care parents
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Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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