Chico PD Ride Along VLOG #3

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lawyer is an officer fighting someone so be responding hey what's up guys officer Jordan Saldana here Chico Police Department just catch your back up with you guys it's about 7:45 in the morning I am a graveyard guy on the weekends so this might be a little bit rough for me but you guys have been asking for it and we've been listening so we're gonna do our very first virtual right along officer Jack duties everything is out so I guess so I set off these meetings up so here is no problem I'm working day shift today we're gonna go on right along it sounds like I'm just putting my stuff in my car like I do every morning checking out my vehicle got to make sure all the lights work and it's good to go this is my patrol bag with my baton plate carrier extra ammunition helmet first-aid kit backpack all the gear I need to alright so we are rolling now Simon works PA works all that stuff so we good we're good alright so we're hitting the streets now anything on the screen I don't see anything on the screen [Music] it's okay what do you what do we what do you wants to call you so officer Diddy what do you think might hit you with some you think officer did he made you have some quick questions yeah Jack you don't make more personally clay Jack will make idiots officer do let me with some questions real quick I just so we can get to know you so people who are following along with us know kind of who you gonna edit this who the writer editing know your head you always want to be a cop No hey you know what I'm gonna ask the questions you just have no one here to ask the question I don't know so officer ditty Oh tell us a little background about you sir oh we're on route to a call too by the way oh yeah that's right what are we doing we have a disturbance at Starbucks on Esplanade okay all right so you know what that means oh we win debts from you and - groans last time I know you know will show Starbucks some love yeah so Starbucks on its way around for a disturbance so while we get to know you a little bit where are you from what's your story with your background you always want to be a cop stuff like that I come from a family of law enforcement my grandfather was actually constable in Ireland Belfast was a deputy California I came here about 10 years ago went to chief of state work there's us yeah so I went to school with Chico State PD and then in turn to Chico PD and sponsored myself through the police academy at Butte and I've been working here for about 7 years or so Wow so you've always wanted to be a cop yeah when you're pulling over kids in your neighborhood at 5 5 years old bicycle try not you know make sure they're doing this like speed limit and behave in a quiet kind of you kind of want to be a cop all right okay so say was one of those things you constant robbers you always the cop right that's right that's right all right so we're just getting on scene to the disturbance on Esplanade [Music] why're you sleeping in Starbucks this morning just tired okay you know how long you've been sleeping there for sounds like Starbucks called us and they wanted you to leave but you weren't even [Music] breakfast sandwich to go I love the cheese Department man absolutely absolutely it's a great idea Dominick Jack Jack nice to meet you - thanks [Music] so what you got 41.7 marry Victor zebra five five three red Mazda 3 pistol just stop your vehicle stop [Music] all right so we stopped this vehicle has some sort of yellow sticker the 20/20 registration right now is yellow so from a distance it looks like it's ballad but actually it's not we called you all right so just to fill you guys in on that last stop put a stop on him one was on probation yeah one of the plates with the front plate was actually reported missing so missing or stolen one of the passengers was on felony probation force for stealing vehicles so obviously all very suspicious to search there's nothing found in the vehicle so this vehicles like a little dirty it is it is dirty so officer I think we should take you to the car wash car wash - the car wash [Music] 41 sheathing he's painted on that stretch between laughing Oh like dust or smoke coming out with that garbage truck was shaking a lot huh that's violence did you medicine in that cab all day long shaky god I know you got a if it's rolling up front you guys saw that they're not to refusing to leave the liquor bank [Music] so we're about to come up into the area check it out there's a [Music] we'll be back all right so the guy was gone here try and get into the into the store but even more positive note we have done [Music] [Music] get it [Music] [Music] all right everyone I hope you liked that video make sure you follow us on YouTube Instagram and Facebook if you like seeing the videos don't forget to like comment and share and we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Chico Police Department California
Views: 974,650
Rating: 4.882205 out of 5
Keywords: chico, pd, chicopd, ride, along, ridealong, ride along, police, officer, saldano, officer saldano, officer ditty, ditty, applicant,, entry, lateral, dayshift, day, shift, policecar, starbucks, coffee, videoedit, skate, board, skateboard, chico skate, humboldt skate park, chico state, csu chico police, social, media, smart, social media and relations team, swat, traffic, target, criminal, justic, license plate, traffic stop, funny, youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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