12 year old and 14 year old have HUGE gun fight with police

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hi everyone donut here you may notice i'm not in my office i'm actually in los angeles the armpit of california california is kind of the armpit of the united states so it's like a double armpit armpit ception what a perfect place to film a shooting breakdown though first off new vlog up on the second channel where i'll go shoot some guns with mr meat canyon himself check that out oh why am i in l.a you may ask it's because i came to the premiere of v for valor it's a show i did for vet tv the first episode is up on vettv.com right now i'm just gonna sit in the car and film this one because every time i get out of the car here in los angeles i feel like i see a another homeless guy's wiener kind of like that guy over there swinging around that huge hammer of a dong he should really be in a different line of work uh instead of smoking crack also sorry about the last video i put up on the channel the vlog no one died in a shootout with police in that video and i just want to go ahead and apologize for that got a pretty crazy situation for the shooting breakdown we're gonna do for you sexy mother lovers today a 12 year old and a 14 year old suspect got into a huge shootout with police officers not just any police though the volusia county sheriff's department i feel like they're always getting into some kind of crap like the las vegas metropolitan police department when it comes to shootings they shoot like four people a week the video i did last week where the dude stole not one but two police cars was a guy in volusia county you just can't do nothing with florida men or florida kids in this situation they're just as bad apparently speaking the last video it was sheriff mike chitwood that put an end to that chase he got pretty angry about the situation we're gonna look at today and we'll watch some of that here in a bit he was an angry sheriff he had a very angry press conference about this whole thing this incident started june 2nd at around 5 p.m when two foster kids a 12 year old boy and a 14 year old girl were reported escaped from their home they were both in foster care so you already know it's probably a crappy situation for them and they're probably not in a good head space because most foster care is garbage and that's why sheriff chitwood got pretty angry this was a time sensitive issue seeing as how one of the young suspects was a diabetic and needed insulin if the police didn't get to him within four hours there could be a critical medical emergency this isn't the 14 year old's first rodeo law enforcement though according to sheriff chitwood that 14 year old that he runs away with you may remember uh over the last year or so stole a bunch of puppies gets put into a halfway house in flagler county burns the home down that's right she stole puppies they put her in a foster home and she burned the foster home down these aren't your average cheeky and funny florida man antics like florida man going to a chick-fil-a naked then fighting people when they look at his wiener these are the florida antics that are tragic and cruel deputies were on the hunt they were patrolling a neighborhood doing all sorts of bolo stuff when neighbors approached them and said they had heard some broken glass coming from a nearby home when deputies approached the house they saw signs of forced entry and set up a perimeter the homeowner who was only gone for a short while returned and told deputies that there was an ak-47 a pump shotgun a handgun and a couple 100 rounds of ammo inside of the house our two young suspects actually broke into the house took baseball bats and smashed up everything inside like i said not the cute and spontaneous kind of florida crime police showed up and at around 8 30 p.m they started taking fire from inside the home seems like those kiddos have gotten a hold of the ak-47 the pistol and the shotgun the suspects spend the next several minutes shooting at police from all sorts of different angles inside the house they were running from window to window just popping off shots at police from the three firearms that they had cool as a cucumber sergeant donnie maxwell posts up on a tree behind the house while taking fire and remains calm constantly updating the perimeter on where the suspects are and what they are doing the sergeant keeps telling him to drop their weapons but the female with the shotgun just keeps shooting at him at one point she even comes outside and even threatens to kill the sergeant damn shot fired long gun pointed toward me i have to hold my cover stand by it's either a shotgun or a long gun female has in her hand juvenile male looks like he has something in his hand as well their bat the back sliding glass door on my side which should be facing the three shooting out the rear window toward my direction stand by okay no weapons in their hand they're just busted out the window in the back standby female has a shotgun in her hand stand by put the gun down now 10-4 they're shooting at me hold it hold the air i'm code 4. she's re-racking around inside the shotgun juvenile male has a firearm in his hand juvenile female is at the one two side corner not sure if they're going to come to the front door or not stand by this part right here is kind of soul crushing because you know that the officer absolutely doesn't want to have to shoot a child don't let me do this don't do this what he said kind of sums up what every single cop on scene is thinking nobody wants to shoot him it's finally getting dark and the sergeant is still posted up behind a tree that's when the helicopter comes out with the thermals and the suspects continue to shoot at officers from multiple sides of the house the officers at one point even step into the line of fire that throw the suspects a cell phone to try and talk to them they weren't even interested in the cell phone and continued to try and have a gun fight with officers standby shots fired at me again two mile male fire that round stand by she's got the ak and the shotgun she's wrapping around the top of her neck god damn it shots fired again female now has a pistol juvenile male has a long gun so does the female stand by the suspects finally step out from the garage and start shooting at officers and they don't really have any cover so officers fire back there's nothing left for him to do at this point you guys be careful of your vote martin's out there by you guys [Music] the female ends up getting shot in the arm and the sternum when the male suspect 12 year old saw this he said i don't really want any any of this anymore he said damn i guess this ain't grand theft auto after all come to you the female's on the ground behind the car hey let's get him secure get a status on her get him secured we still got movement hey we got movement the officers move in take the mill into custody they start rendering aid to the female as quick as they can and end up driving her the hospital where she was in critical condition but has since been stabilized one part i want to point out when the swat dudes are moving up is that this could have been really bad they're moving in to secure the female when one of the swat boys says light her up which if you're holding a gun and pointing it at a suspect that was shooting at you mamas before means something a little different than using a flashlight good thing he called himself pretty quick there before all the swap boys turned the girl into swiss cheese with a light with a light like i said earlier old sheriff chitwood was pretty angry about this one and for good reason he had more than a few angry words to say about this situation where have we gone wrong that 12 year old and 14 year old think it's okay to take on law enforcement what the hell is a department of juvenile justice doing sending these kids to places that can't handle them in the end both of the suspects faced one count of armed burglary and a lot of counts of attempted first degree murder of a law enforcement officer let me know how you think the police handled this situation in the comments below i'm gonna be back home here in a couple days so i'll be starting to stream back up please go check out the vlog channel i've been putting a lot of content on there until next time please have a fantastic day you
Channel: Donut Operator
Views: 3,873,206
Rating: 4.9279838 out of 5
Keywords: donut, operator, police shooting, shooting breakdown, shooting, police, cops, bodycam, body camera footage, police officer, police body cam, police brutality, police video, cop shooting, police bodycam, police breakdown, donut operator, officer involved shooting, new police video, police body cameras, police dashcam video, police department, police bodycams, body camera, body cam, police cameras, swat, 12 year old, volusia, 14 year old
Id: E8PyrSQJwtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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