Chico PD K-9 Surprise! VLOG #4

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[Music] hey what's up guys officer join us all about it Chico Police Department sorry it's been a little bit since we've released any videos but we've been working on something really special and we're really excited to share it with you guys there's a little girl her name is Karis and she's 10 years old her mother reached out to us at the Chico Police Department smart team and just kind of let us know that Karis has been going through a rough she's had a really rough year and it all started with her her Rottweiler a really close companion animal for her he passed away unfortunately and then later doctors found some cancerous tumors in her body and so she's been going through a lot of treatment and doctors appointments dealing with all that while she was going through that whole that whole process she was really scared obviously rightfully so and and was looking for some source of comfort so her mother Karen purchased a k9 packs doll that the k-9 unit was selling for a fundraiser and that's kind of been her comfort animal and she's found a lot of comfort and in packs so her mom just let her know that you know no matter how scared she gets that pax is out there and he's there to protect us and take care of everybody so she's a huge fan of packs we've arranged to have Karis meet k-9 officer packs today with the help of officer Cox officer Cox how are you guys what's happenin where's my partner there's packs so officer cops key tell us a little bit about k-9 officer packs yeah he's a five year old Belton Belgian Malinois and then he came to Chico PD in 2014 the street soon was that five years now okay he lives at home with me it's a great dog we primarily use them for two reasons patrol and finding narcotics okay so when you sit Patrol is that like catching bad guys catching bad guys chasing bad guys intimidating bad guys to give up so we don't have to use force oh that's always good that's preferred yeah so when you're when you're looking for a canine what are some things you guys are looking for in the dog primarily is their nose they have a strong stronger nose and then you could believe then also the fear factor you need to have a high driving dog you need to be able to send the dog into a dark room I know in environments and he puts everything aside and completes his task his job he's training nice so what is paksas motivation I it's all about the toy it's all about the tennis ball so everything he does he knows he's going to get rewarded so this thing is a tennis ball you love he loves tennis balls all right so running it running after bad guys finding drugs going into dark alleys all for a tennis ball all for tennis ball thanks so amazing so he's easily pleased yes all right cool right on well thanks we appreciate you coming out and helping us with this I think Harry's skill level and so it's our pleasure work so yeah awesome let's get [Music] just roll it up super excited I hope she loves it we're just rolling up now she should be waiting for us and over here got officer pax in front of us [Music] a little bit of a surprise for you Harris I think you can turn around and meet packs now [Music] hi Jordan so this is packed I heard you're a huge fan yeah you left backs on well cool well you want throw a tennis ball or something yeah we're gonna show you what he can do okay all right [Music] on the ground so my dogs imagine last year's guy get on the ground [Music] so what do you think he's really cute do I get a picture [Music] so that's he's out there looking after everybody okay so just wanna let you know that we're all here for you we support you all right we love you and we've been looking out after you okay still you stopped me like okay [Music] hey thanks for following on vlog number four now we really appreciate all the comments and all the support you guys been showing us hopefully you enjoyed that if you guys would like to see k9 videos in the future comment below let us know what you'd like to see officer Cox thanks for coming out and helping us today yeah of course we enjoyed it if you want to see more videos of our k9 unit comment below look out for future fundraiser events and also demonstrations and listen to what PACs has to say
Channel: Chico Police Department California
Views: 16,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cancer, k9, dog, surprise, dog surprise, k9 cancer, girl k9, csu, chico, state, police, k9 unit, chico police k9, smart team, chico police, surprise cancer, police and cancer, csu chico, heart, warming, sad, happy, sony, vlog, police vlog, k9 bite, dog bite, drone dog, police k9 unit, chico police vlog, chicago, chicago vlog, cpd, chicago police, chico pd k9, carys, pax doll
Id: RiyVfak46x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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