Firefighter A Day in the life

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i'm firefighter beerstead and this is a day in the life of a georgetown [Music] firefighter morning it is six o'clock time to start the day go inside and see what kind of antics are going on [Music] and here we are guess what's in the kitchen [Music] you guys are live [Music] all right so we checked the coffee uh these guys are johnny on the spot and they gotta go r and so you know i'm sure it's probably going to change but at least this gives us an idea of he's here today this is the other firefighter and once we print it out we put it up here on the whiteboard so the rest of the crew knows who's where so engine's out on a call right now so we'll get dressed and then when they get back we'll go here's my cozy little quarters i'll be back with you in a minute now the fun begins all right let's put our stuff on the truck now that these guys are back ready to get the drugs so paramedics all of our engines carry narcotics so like fentanyl versed so every morning we do our trade-off what's the number on one two six two now we have to introduce our tablets so real quick once over make sure our batteries are good on our monitor since we are an als engine so they are both good and we're gonna switch out my radio battery so we're ready so every morning once we get in the truck make sure our monitor is good i'm going to put it through a full check here in a second uh make sure our air pack is good so in the rare case that we do run a fire we've got plenty of air in our bottle uh which by the way it's actually just a cleaner compressed air there's not actually oxygen in here so for all of you wondering at home that's all that's in here same stuff you fill up like a basketball or a football with it's a little bit cleaner so i'm going to put it through its faces there's going to be a series of loud beeps and make sure that our our our pass device our personal accountability safety system is working and once that's good to go then we'll finish checking the rest of the met gear and the rest of the truck and then we'll move over to the brush truck or the monster truck so we're going to verify that our gauge is good here so we're showing full so it's 4 500 psi and then i'm gonna check my lights my head's up display on my regulator make sure i got two green so we've got the green we're good to go i'm gonna let this thing set itself off so 20 seconds is what it's supposed to no more than 20 seconds you really have hearing protection on [Music] so once i suck it in it breaks loose which means it's working so we're gonna check and make sure the fiber alert works now so we'll watch our lights go down too so that noise right there lets us know when we get down to our i lose a thousand psi so once that goes off it'll just constantly vibrate to give us some audible uh sound just in case we can't see our hud that we're getting low on air so everything works on here so the air pack's good to go so i'm gonna set my mask up like i always do and then we'll move on [Music] all right so i keep my mask right here ready to go sticks right here by me so in the rare case that we need it it's set and it's easily accessible another thing we're going to check is make sure we've got our safety vest in here because on the highway we wear these nobody hits us because safety is no accident ease of access like i don't like to have to take six things out to get to one so every morning everybody goes through the monitor and kind of sets it up their own ways most of the stuff back here is for pediatrics so carry all the other little extra adapters and blood pressure cups and then like i said this is our cardiac arrest side so we've got our pads and if something needs to be defibrillated or shocked we need to restart the hard disk on the side that we're going to be in for that so the big thing here is most everybody like i said everybody does it different but we all kind of set up each seat to our personal preference so our job is about being quick so you kind of build that rhythm of hey i have my pants here my coat here i'm just kind of setting things up the way that each person is the way it works best for each person so i've got a firefighter seat set up to my preference so we'll move on down the line so this is our ems compartment and it's like everything you always want to make sure nothing falls out all of our engines have an aed just just in case there isn't anybody on the engine that's not als which georgetown all of our engines are als capable so there should be a paramedic on every engine yes so there's more stuff to do outside uh primary stuff is all good to go i'm starving so we're trying to get some food in real quick and then we'll go outside [Music] questions [Music] so right now i'm just kind of finishing up the ems report from the caller ran earlier and then i'm going to sync it so i can open it up on a computer and finish it there it looks nice in here [Music] so i always set the saws so they're ready to go when we need them [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] part of me kind of busy this morning but the engine were i'm happy with it we've got everything on that we need so move over to breaststroke all right let's see the pump how it's looking [Music] [Music] oh [Music] today is wednesday and it is cycle count day so we're counting inventorying the closet all right so we finally got a little break in the day looking my bed made for the evening just because everybody likes to come into a nice well-made bed when they get [Music] tired [Music] thank you [Music] me [Music] [Music] um [Applause] hey so it's four o'clock more about 3 30 it's time to uh clean the bathroom so these are our daily chores so let's keep cleaning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we were dispatched for traffic collisions on 35 so it turns out it's one vehicle for the second unit in so we're the blocking unit so as you can see we're hanging back and taking a couple of lanes for seating [Music] all right thank you all for joining me so i'm gonna go jump in the shower here in a second and then call it a night so stay tuned if you want to see a night in the life of a firefighter but this has been a day in the life of a firefighter with georgetown fire department firefighter bierstead signing out you're still here [Music] uh you
Channel: Georgetown Texas Fire Department
Views: 304,746
Rating: 4.8835878 out of 5
Id: KXxWH3DchRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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