Chefs Vs Normals Taste Testing Pretentious Ingredients Vol. 3 | SORTEDfood

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- [Barry] Hey, welcome to sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London, looking for the exceptional things in food that'll help make our and your lives that little bit better, in amongst constantly ribbing each other. Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, well, we're normal. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you guys. ♪ I'm gooey in the middle, baby ♪ ♪ Let me bake. ♪ (upbeat dance music) - Hello, I'm Jamie and this is Barry. Now, make sure you hang around to the end of this video, 'cause we'll be talking about Bucket List, our brand new cook book. (mischievous music) So if you're new here, this is how it works. Today we're joined by James who is a qualified chef and Jamie, who, well, he's not. - We have been shopping on the interwebs and found some potentially delicious, potentially pretentious ingredients and we're gonna see if we can wind them up with them. - That was tricky to say. - I'm looking forward to this. I could eat. (upbeat music) - Spin round! (laughing) - Oh, what? - That's not an ingredient. Mysecco. Oh God. - Interesting. - Welcome to the world's first make-your-own single bottle of Prosecco. - This is Mysecco. (laughing) - Oh, it was going so well until you called it Mysecco. - There's no need to juice 100 grapes, measure out ingredients, or sterilize a load of expensive equipment. - Syrup, sachet. Oh, no. (laughing) Do you wanna see what this is called? - [Barry] Oh, no. - It's called the funnel of love. - Oh, no! (laughing) Oh, no. - The funnel of love, fill carefully. (laughs) - Using separate funnels, empty the syrup, followed by the yeast sachet into the bottle and fill with 580 milliliters of tap water. That seems quite easy. - Using separate funnels. I've only got one funnel. I'm gonna guess this is the yeast sachet. It just says hashtag taste victory. Oh, I didn't do the tap water. (laughing) Wait. Wait, I need my funnel of love. (laughing) - How are you screwing this up? - Anybody woulda thought he's already drunk the 750ml of Prosecco. - Screw the black side of the bottle topper onto the bottle. Put them both together, upright in the box. - I've taken the box apart trying to find the second funnel of love. You have to wait a second. I'm gonna, oh, it's like some origami (bleep). All right, hang on a second. - It is simple. - Yeah, it's very simple. - Even for Jamie. - I'm not sure it's simple enough for Jamie though. - That was actually really easy. That was easy. - Store somewhere warm and snug for the water to turn into wine. After 12 full days, you'll be ready for stage two. - See you in 12 days, with Prosecco. (upbeat music) - All yours, J. - Fits underneath the cloche. Off to a good start. First observation, is it the teaspoon and saucer that I'm supposed to be judging for pretencisity or is it what's on the little-- - It's the substance upon. - Right. Can I also just mention that-- - I did put put it on quite pretentious little bowl. That was my doing. - [Jamie] Right, okay. - Honey. Is it honey? - [Jamie] Yes, darling. - Did this, oh dear? - [Jamie] Yeah that's got like a honey type consistency hasn't it? - [Barry] By all means, have a taste. - That's not the best honey I've ever had. - [Barry] This is Alexandre Stern's ENERGY honey. The ENERGY honey blend, it has a rich color, with notes of orange, almond, and heather, for a unique taste that's perfect on crumpets in the morning. So we go you some delicious crumpets for you to enjoy in the morning. - Served on a pretentious slate. - I put butter on them too. I wouldn't just put the honey straight onto a crumpet. - You're lucky it's warm. It wasn't even warm for Jamie. (laughs) (both laughing) - [Barry] Oh, no. - That there, that is Winnie the Pooh. - Yeah, yeah. - In a plaid T-shirt. (laughing) - I mean, it's good honey but it's honey with words. - In which case, how much would you pay for that ENERGY honey, that jar there, 320 grams? - I reckon that's probably 10 pounds. - If that's more than a fiver, I'm gonna throw it on the floor. - What if it was 24 pound 99? (cash register dinging) (laughing) - Why would it be 24.99? - Making it 13 times more expensive than a branded honey that you might find in the supermarket. - I mean, Winnie the Pooh, if he turned around to Christopher Robin and went, hoo, and he's like, oh, I've got, I just spent 25 quid on a pot of honey. Christopher Robin would slap him round the face. - [Barry] Yeah. (laughs). - So Jamie, pretentious or not? - You're paying 23 pounds for words and you're paying two pounds for honey. Pretentious. - I mean honey, as a product, is not pretentious but perhaps the branding around it is a tad pretentious. (relaxed music) - Next up, spin around. - I'm getting into the mood for these now. I'm prepared to be angry. - When I saw it, I thought marmalade. - Is it toasted somehow? Or do I just associate the smell of jam with toast? - With toast, probably. (laughing) - Tastes like rose. (laughing) - He's got a good tongue, ain't he? - Good pallette there, unlike others. - From first taste, it's really nice. - [Barry] This is rose petal jelly. This quintessential English jelly is as refined and as delicate its name suggests. - [Jamie] Surprisingly versatile, they use it to sweeten a whole number of things. For you, we have yogurt and granola. - Toast? (laughing) Red rose petals, 2%. Pectin and rose water. So sorry, they're making such a massive fuss about rose petal jelly and it's 2%. - I like it. I actually liked it more just from the spoon than in that, 'cause you kinda lose that a little bit. So it might be better on toast or something. I've never had anything like that and I think it's really nicely flavored, like quite delicate with rose. - And the price for that jar there? - I reckon, because they've then gone and put rose petals in the title, they have suddenly bumped it up a bit and that's probably six pounds. - Say eight pounds. - Pretty good, 5.49. (cash register dinging) - I think it has the opportunity to be pretentious but I think because it's actually delicious, then it isn't. - Just rub some soap on your jam if you're that bothered about having rose petals. - Ah, this is where Jamie and James are so different. (laughing) I quite liked this one. (laughing) - James is gonna hate the idea of that as much as me. - You reckon? - Considering that is 2% rose petal and they make such a big fuss about it, that is as pretentious as anything. (relaxed music) - Spin it, Jamie. - It is spun. Ah, an unidentified powder, yes. Moroccanny, like North African, like that kind of like spice blend. - It's turmeric. - Anything else you can get? - Does it have cardamom in it? - It's ginger. - Clove, fenugreek. - No. (laughing) - Cinnamon. - Absolutely nailed it. - Three out of three. It's also a bit of black pepper in there. What it is, is a turmeric latte blend. Across the world, the healing qualities of turmeric are the stuff of legend. For a century, it's been used to cure illness and ease pain, as a natural alternative to modern chemical medicine. - Enjoy. Be bliss, be present, be golden. - Simply add half a teaspoon to your favorite hot milk. Cheers, cheers. - [Jamie] I like that, that is nice. - Yeah, it's actually nice, yeah. I'd probably drank that. - And how much would you pay for that sachet? 100 grams, we reckon probably 40 cups. - Eight pounds. - 10 pounds, 10 pounds. - Twice that, at 20. 19 pounds 99. - I guess I kind of get it. How much is that per serving? - 50p. - It's not terrible, is it? Like, you can buy a matcha latte and it's like one pound a serving or something. - The only comparison we could find and it's difficult, because there's nothing quite like it, would be a branded vanilla latte powder. But this makes this product 20 times more expensive. - I'd rather have a coffee. - Pretentious or not? As a product, I don't think it's pretentious, but I feel like maybe it's a tiny bit overpriced. - A tiny bit? - [James] Maybe a lot of bit over price. (upbeat music) - This is the kind of thing I imagine would be in Barry's stocking at Christmas. I do not imagine James or Jamie will like it. - Even I wouldn't go this far. James, can I just ask you a question first? You having a good day? - Yeah? - Cool. - Lift the cloche. - Jesus Christ. - [James] It's so green. - I hate the world. What is that? - It's a chocolate avocado. - Avocados really all of the fruit of the moment, so it seems only fitting that we created our very own chocolate number for all you avo lovers out there. Handmade from white Belgian chocolate and containing a scrumptious milk chocolate heart at the center, this faux fruit is almost identical to the real thing in size and color and each avocado comes in two halves so you don't even have to worry about chopping it open. - But let me get this straight, there's no avocado in there. - Why wouldn't you put avocado in it? You'll might like avocado chocolate. - Okay, not great. More like a Milkybar than a Belgian white chocolate delicious bar. There's an occasion for a Milkybar. I'm not saying Milkybar's bad. - Though they say that they've cut it in half but they haven't, they've just made two separate ones. (laughs) - I don't mind chocolate being in the shape of things, 'cause a lot of chocolate, a lot of high-end chocolate, a lot of good chocolate, is shaped like things, you know? Like, people buy chocolate in the shape of shells. - How much-- - Too much. - do you think? How much is-- - Too much. - How much, just how much? - Too much. - Just how much? - Three pounds 50. - You're a little bit off mate, it's 11.99. (cash register dinging) - Oh my goodness. - You would never buy this for yourself. It is definitely a gift. Is that worth it? - It doesn't look like an avocado. I dislike this product. - Pretentious or not? - I would probably buy that for someone if I knew that they loved avocados and the fact that I hate myself so much for saying that, leads me to believe that this must be pretentious. - Time has come, James, have a taste. - 14 days, I've been sitting here. - 14 whole days. - This has been a commitment and we have flipped and added fizz and fermented and it's ready to drink. - This is always my favorite part, apart from the drinking bit, is opening it, 'cause it's a bit, it's a bit of drama. - Why is everyone so nervous? - It should be fine. - There's always a bit of anticipation when you pop a cork, but this is tense. - Oh, oh, it's coming, it's coming. - Oh, was that it? - Ooh, there was a fizz. (faint pop) (laughing) - Well, I mean, it fizzed, but it didn't exactly pop. - Did I wait two weeks for that? (laughing) - It smells like Prosecco. (tense music) - Did we make buck's fizz? - I'm not gonna hold it against it, 'cause it's homemade. You know, like, when you when you're making homemade alcohol it never looks like production alcohol, does it? - Also, it's unfiltered. That's still got the yeast in the bottle. - Well, chin-chin. (James gagging) (hosts laughing) - It feels like it's a glass of Prosecco that's been out for a number of hours. It's lost its fizz. There's a tang to it which isn't a pleasurable one. - I don't think it's that nice. - It's definitely grabbed my curiosity. - How much do you think it's worth? - Seven or eight pounds for just a standard bottle of Prosecco in a supermarket. We're supposed to have had fun in doing this, aren't we? And it's not just about drinking the Prosecco, it's about making the Prosecco and therefore, it's gonna cost too much money. - 17 pounds and 99 pence. - 19.99. (cash register dinging) (Jamie groaning) - If it tasted great, I'd be fine with that, I'd be happy with that, for like giving it to someone as a present, it'd be good. - The idea of a gift box Mysecco where you make your own. Thoughts, pretentious or not? - No, not really. - I don't think the question is whether it's pretentious or not, I think it's whether it's novelty or not. And I think this is complete novelty. - Which one did you think was the worst out of that lot? - Or the best. - The worst. (laughing) Comment down below and let us know. - Okay, so let's talk about our brand new book. We've been making this over the last few months with you guys. It's called Bucket List and this is full of the recipes that you need to try before you die. - All of the recipes come from different places. Some of them are from us. Some of them are from you. Some of them are from our mates, celebrity chefs, Rachel Khoo, Donal Skehan. Every single type of recipe from every single type of country that you've never even tried before, that you have to try before you. - Stuff it. This is the best thing we have ever made. The photography, the food, the design, the whole feel of this book is the best example of Sorted yet. - And just when you think the video's done, it is time for. - Dad joke of the week. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Go on. - Why couldn't Harry Potter tell the difference between his cooking pot and his best mate? - Why, Jamie? - Because they're both cauldron. They're both called Ron. - They're both called Ron. (laughs) Oh, no. (laughs) - They're both called Ron. As we mentioned, sorted is just run by a group of friends, so if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. (electronic music) (beeping) - [Barry] Just pour warm water and the included yeast and syrup sachets into the bottle. - What sachet? - No. (Jamie laughing)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,489,448
Rating: 4.9364629 out of 5
Keywords: chocolate avocado, useless or not, food gifts, foodie gift, food gifting, pretentious ingredients, useless ingredients, prosecco, make your own prosecco, home made prosecco, mysecco sparkling wine, honey, vitamin honey, rose jelly, rose jam, turmeric latte, turmeric latte powder, tumeric latte blend, sorted food gifts, food gifts for christmas, food gifts for friends, food gifts ideas, pretentious ingredients sorted, sorted, review, taste test
Id: cuY0hFcYsmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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