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- We are sorted, a group of mates from London, exploring the newest and best in the world food, whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. We've got chefs, we've got normals, and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do starts with you. - Hello everyone, I'm Mike, this is Jamie, and welcome to fridge cam. - Now it turns out you guys really like to see Mike being put under pressure. So we did it again, against a chef. Ebbers, Ebbers, Ebbers, can't you see? It's a mystery box, are you ready? - I'm so, I have been listening to carols all morning. - How is she? This is our mystery box challenge, where a normal goes up against a chef to cook a dish with the same ingredients, in the same amount of time, and then both dishes get judged by this guy. - Barry will taste the two dishes without knowing who cooked what, and then he'll work out which one is his favorite. - So in front of you is a box, Are we calling that box? - It's a tray. - It's a tray with some mystery and also some poking out ingredients. That all relate to- - Christmas. Sweet Christmas. - Sweet Christmas? - Sweet Christmas. - Nooooo. Chocolate, pastry. - Mince meat big fan of... spices. - Nice, chocolate coins, Christmas. - So I'm guessing clementines, eggs, cream - Cream cheese. - That is eggnog. - Catering to our friends on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. - We'll give you a couple of minutes to have a bit of a think. We'll gather some store cupboard ingredients or any other equipment that you might need. And then we're going to put 45 minutes on the clock, and we're going to press go. - I actually don't know what I'm going to do. - I want to use that, because it's there, and I feel like that's the only thing there that's going to give it structure, unless you bake something. - Can I just look up the measurements for a brownie? - Should we say no? - Fine. - Okay. - No. - What about spiced beer? - Sounds good. - I'm in big trouble here. - Here's what I'm going to allow you to do. I will start the timer, and at that point, you can look in a book to look up the measurements. Your 45 minutes starts now. - Okay, I'm thinking crispy filo pastry. And therefore I need to bake it off. And I'm gonna do that between two sheets of paper with a Christmas flavor. Cinnamon. (Christmas rock music) okay, gonna melt some butter, and then I'm gonna make some cinnamon sugar. (Christmas rock music) - Okay cool. Um. I need to start melting that chocolate. So I've got, bain marie, bain marie, I think I'm going to make a chocolate brownie flavored with Ginger, a little bit of Cinnamon, and a tiny bit of Nutmeg. And then because this is the only thing in the whole kitchen that I actually know how to make. Obviously I'm gonna make an espresso martini. Um I thought what I might do is, heat up the eggnog to maybe be a sauce. - Are you trying throw Barry off. - Yes. - Cause Ben always makes up the fact that his dishes is good, by making a- - [Mike] Making a drink. - Drink to go with it. - So the plan is some crispy filo pastry for the plate. Now wouldn't it be great if you could layer that Millefeuille kinda style. - Ou. - With, and that's why that was there, a white chocolate mousse. - Jamie and I are expecting mousse. - How are you defining a mousse. - Eggs. - Oh (laughs) - Yes this is why we have chef 'cause I don't know the definition of a mousse. - Dust it with icing sugar. Which has got some Cinnamon in it, and it's the first of our Christmas flavors. (Christmas rock music) These little crunchy bits, excellent... bake those off as well. And then you can just put them over, like minced meat or some thing, I don't know. - I can't work out whether you beat the sugar and the butter together like a cake, or you put the butter in to melt with the chocolate and I can't remember. - Do you think it matters? - I do think it matters. - Here's my question for you James. - Yeah. - Does I matter? - Probably. - Probably. - Ugh, the only thing here I don't know really what I'm doing. - I think he's giving himself a lot. - I put the butter into there, and I'm gonna cream it with this. So butter, sugar. I beat that and then I think I go egg, one at a time. Then a bit of flour and then a bit of cocoa, - You said a mousse has to have eggs in it. So we're go egg white. Should probably weight that shouldn't I, yep. Proper Christmas flavor. Bailey's and this one is home made, so were gonna use it. (Christmas rock music) so egg whites I want to take to stiff peeks, then add some sugar. - I would call those eggs soft peaks. - I want a soft mousse. - Ben you have half an hour left. - Soft peaky. - No time. (rock music) Chocolate in. - Essentially what he is now doing, is the mixer's job is that right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Cocoa, lumps, then the flour. Okay, these have top go in quick. - Mike you have 30 minutes left. - Okay damn it, that's not long. Bit of cinnamon, oh I don't know. Nutmeg. - Ugh salt. - Pinch. That's good, look how it's going in. I'm gonna say 20 minutes but mainly because I only have 20 minutes. It's not gonna cool in time. No! I was gonna chop that up and put chunks through it. - Hot pan, might already reuse it. With cider, cinnamon stick, star anise - Just go all in. one Clove. I think if you went all in you'd over power. White chocolate, but it's got to cool, otherwise this isn't gonna pipe. And then foldy magi. In two batches to put your air into it . If this goes wrong I will do a wonderful Bailey's white chocolate snowball on the plate. - [James] Snowball? - With some cinnamon filo shards. - That sounds better than your dish that your planning on doing. (laughs) - And the cream, the chocolate do there thing. - 26 minutes and 12 seconds. There not a nozzle in that, is that an issue. - No, 'cause I'm doing uh- - It's an issue. - I'm trying to heat up some eggnog, and see if it makes a cream. I'm gonna make and espresso. So I'm gonna need sugar syrup for my espresso martini. So I thought I'd make a spicy Christmasy one. Using only these, what I assume to be Christmas spices. So sugar, water, Ginger, all the spices. All the cinnamon. - Did you say all of those in there? (laughs) - Haven't got long for it to infuse. - Flavour! - You have 21 minutes left. - Uh oh (repeatedly) - You know what I might have gotten away with that. Let me get them off a hot tray. - Have they come out like you wanted them too? - They are a nice golden brown, um like the chimney that santa will descend. - Well your mousse is very sweet, so you want a little bit bitter. - Depending on whether this eggnog heats up nicely. It takes quite nice and spiced, and really creamy. I'm thinking chocolate brownie, with the eggnog poured over the top, with a spicy Christmas espresso martini. Okay eggnog is going in, it's really thick and it looks nice. It's gone really thick and that is not what I wanted. This sucks. Experiment number one it doesn't look like it's scrambling. (Intense music) - 15 minutes left. - I would not want to be you right now. (Intense music) - That's thickening lumpy. (Intense music) Big lumps of corn flour. - Is that lumps of corn flour? (laughs) - I'm gonna put some cream in this. - 12 minutes left. - Cider that's just coming up to a boil. And I want to mull those spices with some clementine. That heats up more if you switch it on. - So when you said a minute ago the cider coming up to a gentle simmer. What you meant was it's coming up to room temperature. - Going in to cider. - Wow, let's get that in the freezer. This is wobbly af. Damn, Damn, Damn. - What's your plan B. - None. - Let's make an espresso martini. This is vodka. Kahlua, so I'm just gonna chill this now. That eggnog is now developing a really lovely skin. So can't wait to serve that up. (laughs) - Skinny eggnog on under cook brownie. - I genuinely think I'm gonna get to a stage where I have to serve the brownie in the silicone. (laughs) so I'm preparing for that. - Okay. That's darker than filo is usually isn't it? - Yeah, nice crispy. - Careful mate. - It that greasy or is that just sugar. - I didn't need that one. - Do you think you could do more for the dish? - Before now, in these challenges. I've done too much and they all fought against each other. This is less is more, I need to allow time to make it look good on a plate. That mousse is not gonna set so I need to rethink this. - Whoa. - You don't have to rethink it, just make a snowball. - Make a snowball. 5 minutes left. (Intense music) - Sugar syrup. Oh hello. (laughs) This is as good as it's gonna get. - You are stuck in the barrel. (laughs) Just thinking that's not gonna work is it? By the time you've got the sexies, that's gonna be a puddle. - Mike might have a chance. - You're so right. - Will it, it might hold. I think I'm gonna just gonna sit it out for 6 minutes. - You gonna sit it out for 6 minutes? - Then I can make a decision where that is going to set or not. - I think on the inside your unraveling right now. - Yeah. - 'cause in the last 7 minutes you put a disk of filo onto a plate. - I'm not gonna add more to the dish. - Mike is back in the game. (laughs) Are you allowed to call it a millefeuille, if it's only got two layers. Do you want to tell him that there's 2 minutes left or should I? - Mike you've got 2 minutes. - It's not worked. - It worked, yes it did? - It's not worked, the bottom layer is already squishing out. Wait for the others. - Oh that's impressive. - This might be a bigger melt down than the last one. - These are more delicious than they look. - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Let's get that into the, sexies. (Christmas music) Barry. - Hello. - Hello, James and I have had a lot of fun. I'm not sure if either of these guys have. Both dishes are now presented in front of you. So please lift the closh on the first one and then read the description. - White Chocolate and Bailey's snowball mousse, with cinnamon filo shards and mulled cider clementine. I actually don't know what snowball actually is. Oh my goodness. - Oh it's dipped in it. - Okay. (giggles like a small child) - Oh no, this is the slice your own brownie Christmas gift set. Are small portions ruining your Christmas spirit? Well serve yourself jolly, with this delicious family style gingerbread chocolate brownie. Served with espresso eggnog, and a festive spiced espresso martini. Okay, right. May I? - Eat please. - Have a Christmas. - Okay, do I turn it out? Oh no it's- oh look it's perfectly. (applause) oh straight through. - Nice size family there. - I think I'll make it to the plate. Bit of the skin... oooop. (laughs) you know what it looks great. Once it's one the plate and you kind of go with it. Oh that is , unbelievably rich. It's got, it's slightly cooked on the outside which gives it a nice crisp. I think it could have had a little bit longer. - (laughs) when you say slightly cooked on the outside. Does that- - Mean it'd raw. it's definitely raw in the middle. - Right. - In the brownie I'm not getting much Christmas. In the eggnog, I'm not getting much Christmas. I think if it had a little bit longer, this could of worked perfectly. But it's not a bad experience, when it's not quite cooked. I might feel a little ill later on but. That's the most christmasy thing here. That is a very good espresso festive, espresso martini. The two go really well. I'm actually quite impressed. ( upbeat Christmas music) Mhm very Christmas I can't tell what's been done to it. Have they been blanched? They've taken on a hint of Christmas. They don't taste cidery at all. These look brilliant. Incredibly light, beautifully creamy. It's very festive, it's really simple as well. It's not trying too hard. - Not trying too hard is that how you would describe it? - I really like it. It's a Christmasy sweet treat which is exactly what the brief was. - Snow melts doesn't it? - I'm gonna have to give this to, the one that fits the brief the best. The Christmasy dish on the table. Which is the white chocolate mousse. - Would we like Barry to guess who he thinks the winner is? - Ben's a chef. Mike's not. (laughs) - Ebbers well done. (applause) That is delicious. Well done, on everyone. Well played Ebbers. - [Everyone] Merry Christmas. - I'm not ashamed. It wasn't brilliant, but I'm not ashamed. - You shouldn't be ashamed you had less of a melt down than Ebbers did. - No my brownie had a melt down. - Do you like seeing us try to beat a chef. If you do let us know, comment down below. Give the video a like. (music) Saw a white fluffy thing swinging through my cake shop the other day. Suspected it was an meringue-otan. (laughs) Gotcha. - [Male Narrator] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos, we built the sorted club. Where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching and well see you in a few days. (Beep) I haven't got much time and that's not much of a crema (Beep) - (laughs) Oh no.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,074,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sortedfood, Sorted food, Sorted Food's Ben Ebbrell, BEAT THE CHEF: MYSTERY BOX CHALLENGE VOL. 6, Sorted Beat The Chef, cooking challenge, mystery box, food challenge, chef vs normal, beat the chef, festive mystery ingredients, james currie, mystery box challenge, Chocolate brownie, Eggnog, Festive Espresso Martini, white chocolate snowball, mulled cider clementine
Id: Szkx1B7CO1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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