Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets Vol. 4 | Sorted Food

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[MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, welcome to Sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London looking for the exceptional things in food that will help make our and your lives a little bit better in amongst constantly ripping each other. Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, well, we're normal. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you guys. (SINGING) Cake come gooey in the middle. Baby, let me bake. (SPEAKNG) Hello. This is Jamie, and I'm Ben. And today, well, you can't seem to get enough of these. So here's some more gadge. [MUSIC PLAYING] James. Yeah? Firstly, before you turn around, I'm sorry. I know this gadget well. What is that? [LAUGHTER] What the hell? Hang on. I'm going to get this one. I mean, it's funny looking. I've got no idea what this piece of plastic does. This is the progressive, international, Microwavable S'mores Maker. Microwavable S'mores Maker cooks up to two s'mores in just 30 seconds. I know I wasn't a girl scout in America. But I just don't get it. I mean, we've gone big on the marshmallows, as well. Note, you need these marshmallows to make s'mores. You need these for s'mores. Fortunately for me, this hand comes into action. Boom. [INAUDIBLE], it works. [BEEP] 30 seconds. The great thing about s'mores, possibly the only good thing about s'mores, is the fact that it brings people together around a campfire. And that bit I absolutely love. What's this? Stupid, absolutely ridiculous. This one's getting me angry. And he's a chef. So he must be fuming. It doesn't look as delicious as a charred marshmallow. How much do you think it's worth? Um. I'm going to say this now. Whatever your answer is, you're no way near. Fiver. 5 pounds? Yeah. 7 pound 43. It's recommended retail price-- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, --is-- No. 35 pounds. No. And I feel overpaid. Did we pay you? [LAUGHTER] Did we? Ed's reaction was better than James's. 35 pounds. [INAUDIBLE] 35 pounds? [LAUGHTER] The weird thing is, once you've used it, you would never use it again, which makes it 17 pounds per s'more. All right. In case you're not familiar with exchange rates, that's $50. [LAUGHTER] That's over $50. [LAUGHTER] Seriously? It does what it says it does. But I'm not convinced it does anything more than putting it on a plate. And it costs 35 pounds plus 8 pound 50 delivery. It was 35.99, actually. What's a pound when you're that much of a bore? Useless or not? You decide. Yeah, I know. [MUSIC PLAYING] All right. So this is one I can see Ben actually liking. James, I want you to twist and shout. I'll twist. He's going to shout. He's going to shout. Hey! Straight off the bat, I like his face. Oooh. Hey! It's a mini James. Cheers you up straight away, didn't it? What is it, boy? What is it? Come on. Come on. See, now you look like him. I think the clue is in the fact that you've given me a microwave and his hat comes off. And therefore, there's a vessel in there. Is it to microwave poach an egg? Ben, this is the Crazy Chef Portable Microwave Oven Steamed Fast Action Cleaner without Detergent. We did one of our kitchen hacks a while ago that was this in a bowl. So you don't need this. What you need is a bowl, because it's science. It's like a fun present, isn't it? It's like, it's like a present, isn't it? [LAUGHTER] Oh, I made such a mess making s'mores. Did you do that? Did you do that? That's about two minutes, right? Yeah. [BEEP] Ta-da! The really funny part of this is once James has made the microwave really nice and clean-- Hm. --we have to make it dirty again for Ben. Behold. Would you say it might it easier to clean the microwave? No. But look how fun he is. How much, do you reckon, it is? You could do the same thing with the bowl. But the novelty of having it, the safety of having it, it would probably encourage you to clean your microwave more. 7 pounds and 50-- 99 pence. 7 pounds 99? Yes. 8 pounds 23. 3 pounds 48. Bargain! Turns out it's not so crazy after all. Useless or not? You decide. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Oh, James, turn around. James, James, James, you should turn around. (NORMALLY) Over here. Woo-hoo. Hello. Coo-wee. Hello. Coo-wee. [GASP] Ah. Mm. It's another really bloody dangerous thing. [LAUGHTER] What are you, what's your problem? [LAUGHTER] Oh, no I have-- I've seen this before. This is a twist and pull. It's like your lawnmower, but for small, choppy things rather than grass. Ben, this is the U10 registered trademark Kitchen Mini Chopper Food Pull Processor with Peeler. Catch. And so, once again, what I've had to do is hand you a knife and a chopping board and an onion so you can peel it. I reckon half an onion is probably all right, actually. If it doesn't do a whole onion, what the hell is the point? OK. So one single chili and one quick tug. No, multiple tugs. Let me just dice this up. And then I'll put it back in, and maybe it will work. The smaller it gets, the better it gets. You've never heard that before. Never heard that before. [LAUGHTER] Hey! Hey! There you go. And you get a workout, because you need it. Yeah. All you need to do is dice it before you put it in. And then it dices it really well for you. So how much you reckon it is? I reckon it's probably about 15 pounds. 15 pounds. 8 pounds 99 pence. So it's under a tenner. Well, I would definitely spend double to get an electric one unless I was camping. It worked when I diced it. But you shouldn't have to-- I can't decide if I like it or not or whether I just prefer a knife. Useless or not? You decide. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) You got to turn around, got to turn around. (NORMALLY) Was that the one we were going for? One, two, three, four, hey. (SINGING) What's wrong with you? You're looking kind of grumpy to me. (NORMALLY) Yep. Yep. Yeah. Ebbers, strike a pose. Yep. Perfect. [LAUGHTER] May I? Please. Oh. Oh. Oh, it's cold. [LAUGHTER] I could make a guess, but it's not family friendly. Um, OK. Big thumbs up on it. It is called-- it's plastic. It's-- Not a spinning top. Not a spinning top. I know what? I'm tempted to give him the prop before telling what it is and see if he gets any closer. I have no idea. Well, I think I could read this description and he could still have-- No idea. No, good point. This is the Magnetico Fatnetizer. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Ta-da. Some people watching now know what this is. Bueno. Or do they? I had no idea you spoke French. That wasn't French. That was Spanish, which is why I struggled. But I heard a few things. If that works, that is genius, because that is going to save you the need for a ladle or waiting for it to complete chill down. I think it's a good idea if it works. Hm. There is fat on this. OK. The problem is as you put it in the hot stock, it instantly becomes hot. So it's working. It works, yeah. It works. It's really hard to tell if it's good or not. I can't decide if that's working. But I think, in theory, it was beginning to. Why don't we see if we can put you on one side of the fence or the other? I'm not sitting on the fence. I just have no idea whether-- I just don't know. How much do you think it sells for? I'm not a fence sitter. I'm not. 5 pounds and 67 pence. 9 pound 10. In euros, this is 5 euros and 94 cents. Therefore, I think that it's-- It's right on. --fairly equal. Yeah. Yeah. I think so, too. I wanted that to work better than it did. Useless or not? You decide. How do we keep finding such gold? Well, the question is, is it gold? Useless or not? You decide. Comment down below and tell us exactly what you think of those. And if you have subscribed, well done, you. If not, then subscribe. And if you have subscribed, click the bell. Get notifications every time we upload. Yeah. And if it's uploading on a Sunday, then the video ends with something quite magical, doesn't it, Jamie? It's Dad Joke of the Week. I secretly quite like these. Yeah, I know you do. But I'm never going to tell you that. For those of you who are new here, this guy is a dad twice over. Double dad. And he definitely likes a dad joke. So I was talking to my mate who's a snail the other day. And he went into a car dealership to buy a new car. It was a red one. It didn't have a roof on it. And the car salesman said, is there anything else I can do for you? And the snail said, well, actually, I'd really like it if you could just paint an S on the doors. I know where this is going, Jamie, because it's going to be a food-related joke. So the salesman said, oh, we can definitely sort that out for you. But can I ask why do you want an S painted on the doors? And the snail said, well, usually snails are quite slow. But I would like to think that when I'm driving my car along the road, people will turn and look and say, look at the S car go. Ta-dum. We'll see you on Wednesday and Sunday at 4 o'clock. That was so long with such a-- Thank you. --predictable ending. [LAUGHTER] As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks, and we hope to see you again in a few days. [BEEP] Here you go, mate. Here's everything you need to make the s'mores apart from digestive biscuits, which Ed ate earlier. Ed! [LAUGHTER] Ed. I didn't. That's a lie. That's a lie. [LAUGHTER]
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,913,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, gadgets, chefs review, reviewing kitchen gadgets, microwave cleaner, stam clean microwave, how to clean your microwave, smores maker, smores, food processor, no electric processor, string chopper, food chopper, fat magnet, fat skimmer, microwave, cleaning gadget, sortedfood gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, useful kitchen gadgets, sortedfood kitchen gadgets, the fridgecam show, food hacks, food processor vs blender
Id: Pgdh5e6tn3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 12 2018
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