Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets Vol. 3 | SORTEDfood

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Hey, welcome to sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London looking for exceptional things in the food world that will help make our and your lives that little bit better between stitching each other up from all the innuendos. Now be warned, we have two chefs that we give them limited air time. And we make sure all of our ideas start with a suggestion from you. [MUSIC PLAYING - JADED, "PANCAKE"] --I'm gooey in the middle, baby, let me bake. Hello. I'm Jaime, and this is Barry. Today, two chefs review some absolutely ridiculous, awful, pointless gadgets. But just wait because there's one or two that are going to blow your mind. We're joking. Love it or hate it? Hate it. Definitely hate it. And everything that goes into it. Yep. (SINGING) Turn around. Ooh. Pizza, pizza, pizza. Yes. Yes. Really? Yes. Huh? Is it like a mobile pizza oven? This is the G3 Ferrari G10006 Delizia Pizza Oven in red. Where's my pizza dough? Let's make pizza. I cannot wait. Let's give give him his pizza to make. [SLAMMING SOUND] [JAIME AND BARRY CHUCKLE] What I love about pizza is how amazing they can be. Thanks. Well, it says it does frozen pizzas, so we shall see. Oh, do you want these? (IN UNISON) Ah! You know the best thing about this gadget-- Mm-hmm --is whatever happens, whether he likes it or not, we get pizza. [CLOCK TICKING SOUND] What I'm intrigued by is whether you can get that really authentic, crispy base, which I think you'll almost definitely could from a raw dough. That is looking somewhat black. He calls himself a chef, burning frozen pizza. It's ready. [DING] [JAIME AND BARRY LAUGH] I mean, how bad is that? I love that as a gadget. I think you need some more experimenting with to get it right. And I would love to try it with a homemade dough. All right. How much do you think it retails for? 65 pounds. 60 quid. It's 99.99 I was really excited about it. I don't really want to blame it yet. If you think we should put this to the test properly and cook up a bunch of stuff in it, comment down below, and James and I will tackle that one properly. But use this or not, you decide. I still feel upset about the pizza. Doesn't fit. Ooh. It's a gratey thing. This is the 10-in-1 King Mandolin Chopper. [INAUDIBLE] What's it's called. Oh sorry. It's actually called the [SPEAKING GERMAN].. It cuts, slices, dices, and portions vegetables, fruits, and other food effortlessly in only one simple move, into even decorative pieces. And Ben would like you to demonstrate three different techniques. If it's sharp and dices a tomato with one plunge, I'm impressed. Oh, use those guns. It worked! [GRATING SOUND] It's all right. It's great. It's got it all there. It's got the hand guard. So as long as you use that, you're not going to cut yourself. Be careful with your hands, mate. Ow! Oh, I think I just cut myself. All right then. You like it. We get it. How much is it? 20 pou-- 30 pounds. 22 pounds. This is 21 pound 50. Uh! Because I really like it. I don't know if it's that useful for me. But it is a really good gadget, so it is actually up to you. Useless or not, you decide. Turn around. Yes! Fits under the closh. (GASP) What is that? Ooh, hello. Is it supposed to look like that? Well, obviously no. [JAIME AND BARRY LAUGH] Oh oh. It's been used. I'm guessing this pouch houses a battery. Push the button. [VIBRATING SOUND] It's vibrating-- but are you just pulling my leg? This isn't food at all. This is just the op-- this is just a curve ball. And you're wondering if James and I recognize it. I've never used one before. [JAIME AND BARRY LAUGH] This is the Latte Art Pen electric coffee pen. An art pen for latte and food DIY. The electric coffee pen can be used by children, teenagers, adults, and LAPs. I'm going to try it first. Oh! I don't think Ben's the most artistic amongst us, and therefore he might struggle where the gadget might shine. Come on, James. Stop playing. Get on with it. Oh, he's in love. It's so good. [JAIME AND BARRY LAUGH] It's very accurate. Tada! I like that. [JAIME AND BARRY CHUCKLE] Why is this making me laugh so much? [JAIME AND BARRY LAUGH] It was like a "J" and then a little kissy thing and then, I don't know. What I like about it is that it's not pretending to be anything that it's not. You see what you get on the package. And you get what you see. I can imagine lots of people spending far too much time with this, possibly myself included. So how much do you reckon it is? I'm going to go with 7 pound 50. I would pay a solid 12 quid for that and put it in a stocking or something because I think other people would have as much fun as I did with that. It actually is 6 pound 60. I actually love it. I love it. Who knew that would be one that you like so much? It's so great. [TAPPING SOUND] Use this or not, you decide. This is [BLEEP] There's not a chance this is going to work. Ben? Yeah. Please, turn around. James, this way cooey. It's on a mat. Oh, it is a mat. [JAIME AND BARRY LAUGH] Well, something that reached I imagine might be for like shaping pasta or shaping gnocchi. Hooks, but maybe that's just so you can hang it in your kitchen once you've finished using it because you'll probably never use it again. I don't know. I actually have no idea. This is a miracle defroster tray. It thaws frozen food in minutes. Wow! No power, no chemicals, no microwave. You can defrost chicken breast in 12 minutes or a whole steak in 30. So gathering heat from light-- what? It also says the safest way to defrost meat or frozen food quickly and naturally. That I don't agree with. The safest way is always in the fridge so it never goes into the danger zone about your four or five degrees. Talk us through the steps. [JAIME AND BARRY CHUCKLE] [SLAM] We'll come back to that in 30 minutes. I'll tell you what-- What? No-- no. Come on. Are you egging us on? I'm not saying a lot because I'm racking my brain to try and justify and explain the science there. But that has defrosted an inch-thick steak. Of course, it doesn't look very defrosted. It's not very defrosted. But I get what it's doing because the whole sheet is really cold. So it's interesting that one's worked and one hasn't worked. And that's the only difference is that I can think is-- Contact points. Yeah, contact points. Yeah. I'd like to put something on a plate next to it and see the difference between the two. So that's what we did. We got the frozen chicken breasts that weighed exactly the same and put one of the miracle defrosting tray and one on a standard plate and started a timer. After 35 minutes, the defroster tray chicken had completely defrosted whilst the center of the chicken breast on the plate was still frozen. I mean it's-- so yeah, right now, so it's like you've taken it out the fridge. And I would never cook a steak from fridge cold either. But right now, this is no longer frozen. This is chilled. How much you think he's worth? I would never pay money for that because I wouldn't believe it would work. But it does work, and therefore, 19 pounds 95. I mean mate, go get your cell phone because it's 13 pounds 98. I'm impressed. [GASP] Use this or not, you decide. Coming up on Wednesday, something amazingly exciting-- we're doing it a collab with the React channel. About flippin' time. When I first met the farmer, I was about eight years ago. (IN A WHINY VOICE) Mm, I was an internet celebrity before everybody else was. Shut up. This is not a thing. But you know what is a thing-- Dad Joke of the Week! No! Yeah, you're going to love this one. Go on. Yeah. What's the difference between you and eggs? I would say I'm slightly more intelligent, but. Eggs get laid and you don't. Brilliant. We will see on you Wednesday. Have a great week. Goodbye. As we mentioned, sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways you can support us and get more involved everything. You need to know is linked below. Thanks and hope to see you in a few days. And you guess is? While you're waiting for something to cook, keep yourself entertained. [JAIME AND BARRY LAUGH]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,670,269
Rating: 4.9387136 out of 5
Keywords: pizza stone, portable pizza stone, authentic pizza, kitchen gadgets, useful kitchen gadgets, useless or not, pizza over, portable pizza oven, frozen pizza, funny gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, coffee art pen, coffee art, coffee art gadget, 10 in 1 mandoline chopper, mandoline chopper, chopping gadget, defrost mat, how to defrost quickly, defrosting meat, quickly defrost meat, how to defrost meat quickly, miracle defroster tray, defrost tray
Id: KWIb1vNv34A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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