Reviewing Potentially TERRIBLE Kitchen Gadgets Ft. iJustine

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Hey. Welcome to Sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London looking for the exceptional things in food that will help make our and your lives a little bit better, in amongst closely ribbing each other. [LAUGHS] Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, well, we're normal. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you guys. [MUSIC - JADED, FEATURING ASHNIKKO, "PANCAKE"] (SINGING) Take the cake. I'm gooey in the middle, baby, let me bake How's it going? I'm Jamie. And this is Mike. Now you're probably asking the question, how do you improve your top quality gadget review videos? Here's the answer, get the queen of gadget reviews involved. Welcome to another very high quality gadget review. But this time we're joined by the queen of gadge, iJustine. This is exciting. Shall we get started? Yeah. Barry and Justine, reveal your gadge. Please. Oh. Is that-- do you put the glass-- Is this a GoPro mop? [LAUGHS] Is there a GoPro? Oh, what's this? Oh! Whoa! Gosh! This is aggressive. [LAUGHS] Two minutes in and we've almost killed Justine. [LAUGHS] There's something here which-- This looks like you would stick in the wine bottle. Do we need wine? Yeah. It's kind of-- Do you want? Do we need wine? We always need wine. Do you want? Do you-- what kind of wine do you like? I'm guessing red? I don't know. Maybe. Well, I-- my guess is this is something-- a kit you can use to get the most out of a bottle of wine. Four different gadgets in one. And you're right. It's to get the most out of the bottle of wine. Oh, thank you, sir. Look at those. This is cool. Do you have any, like, [INAUDIBLE] canapes to serve with this? I haven't prepared any canapes. Oh, James, why? I have some donut holes. [LAUGHS] Place over the top. Then you want to twist. Does it matter-- Actually clockwise. Oh. Oh, I did it already. It worked. Oh. It worked really well. It was quite impressive. Cool. So do you want to-- should I-- do I-- do you-- do-- is it-- I'll-- I'll do it. No. No. No? No. Justine, not you. Oh, god. I want to hold it, but I might lose a finger. You should not. What's wrong with-- what's wrong with the corkscrew? Oh? Yeah. That's not-- Get out of-- Sorry! Don't you dare. I don't want to lose a finger! [LAUGHS] I want to offer some strength, but I've got none. Ah! Eh! Oh, why is it so painful? Madame? Oh, yes. Please. Glass of real? OK. Oh, no. Is it in there? Do you want me to just like maybe give it a-- yeah. OK. Just say when. What time is it? Oh. This is 10:26 AM. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's good. When? Yeah. When. OK. Got you. Why don't you pour a glass without the aerator and see if you can tell the difference. To 10:00 AM. [DING] What do you guys say? Do you say anything special? Or-- Cheers. Oh, great. We say that, too. Yeah. [LAUGHS] Have a switch? Rotate. [LAUGHS] Well, I-- I actually think I did taste a difference. What else do we have? Oh. Oh, we have our timer. Press down on the top of the pump a couple times. OK now, do you think? Yeah. OK. Then it says twist the top of the vacuum pump to mark the seal date. The seal date! It's a seal date! That is quite smart. OK. I get that. I like this set. This is quite a small kit. Except for the weapon, everything else was good. How much do you think it costs? 150. 150. Is that 150? $150. Oh, come on. No why. Did you see that packaging? That was premium. [LAUGHTER] 45? 45. I'm going to go a little bit lower and say $30. Guys, I think you're both going to want to buy this. Because it's $23.29. Whoa! Oh, wow. Wow. So that's not-- I mean, it feels-- I think I can pop it with that thing. It feels quite good quality. So useless or not? I think it was useful. I found it quite useful. Yeah. I think-- yeah. Useful. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is exciting. That's a lie. That's a lie. Reveal your gadget. Should we try to guess? Already? Already? Yeah. It looks like a slow cooker, a mini slow cooker from that-- you know what I mean? Yeah. No? Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Do not use with pasta. Well, what-- oh, it is! Steamer rack for steaming only. Oh. I bet you put it in the microwave. You probably just-- Oh! Right? You reckon? Yes. What? So you you fill a bit of it with water [INAUDIBLE]?? Yes. Look. Dishwasher safe. For microwave only. Oh, this is a steamer. I can't watch. This is a microwavable steamer and I'm into it. I've just remembered I'm with a pro. And this-- Yeah. No. No? No. Yes! Yeah. Yes! And then look! What? [LAUGHS] I'm not sure. And then the rack, so if you want to put like a little salmon. Then that goes on top of that if you need to put your vegetables on top of that. Yes. That goes on there like that. Yeah! You have a little peek. You've got it. It's called the Pasta and More. And it's for cooking pasta in the microwave apparently. And more. Oh, my goodness! What? This! This-- this-- this right here is magical. You stick the spaghetti through a hole and that tells you what a serving is. Place pasta in the container. Fill pasta with water. Cold water. Surely by just sticking cold water in, and then that in the microwave, you're just going to get one massive piece of spaghetto. Spaghetto! Spaghetto? You just made up a word. No. Spaghetto is a singular spaghetti. It's not. It's not. But this is just a bowl so far. You could do this in any bowl. Why is this [INAUDIBLE]? I'm upset. [MUSIC PLAYING] Next sketch. What is this? Mm, it feels like a mouse. Not as in a live mouse. Like a mouse in the '90s. Oh! He's done it. He's done it. He's done it. Oh, it's a rubaway. Oh, cool. Yeah. Right. What? What? Oh, it's probably like when you get like-- you, like, have a-- No, it's food-related. Oh. [LAUGHS] I thought it was, like, a massage. [LAUGHS] Oh, I wonder if this is like a-- it is a of massage tool but for-- Yeah. ----[INAUDIBLE] and you're rubbing-- It's a-- --rough-- it's like-- It's a meat massager. [LAUGHTER] It's a meat massager. Oh, no. And it's called Rubaway. Rubaway. [LAUGHS] [LAUGHS] I really like your thought process. But it's not. It is not for massaging your meat. [LAUGHTER] It's for quickly removing pesky odors from your hands. What? This is a lie. What? Just rub a bar as you would a bar of soap to easily remove odors. To test this, we're going to have Justine smell your hands before and after. Because it has to get weird. I'm now going to rub away the odors. So what's the material? Stainless steel. So I could just rub a pan. You could. [LAUGHS] Are you ready? Well now it just smells like stainless steel. Well, yeah. Of course, it works. Because it just-- it smells like metal. It smells less-- Garlicky. No, it actually smells worse. Yeah. It smells almost like cooked garlic now. Yes, you cooked the garlic. [LAUGHS] I'm-- I'm upset. That didn't work at all. It's got-- [LAUGHS] It's got four stars on Amazon. Four stars from whom? I have to ask how do you think it costs? Probably $15. No way. I think so. Because they're trying to sell you something and they're going to be like, well, it probably works. $4. $4? $4. OK. Well, I'm going to meet you in the middle and say $9. Oh. It doesn't work. Useless or not? Useless. [MUSIC PLAYING] OK. Should I get our pasta out? Yeah. It's expanded in the microwave. So now the doesn't fit. So the holes in the top for draining don't really work. Do we have any olive oil? Oh, shut up. Sorry. Barry! Sorry. It kind of kind of worked. That's absolutely fine. If you haven't got a hob and you want to cook pasta doing it in the microwave works. Whether or not you need that gadget or not, I don't know. Guys, how much is that plastic bowl worth? $4. $7. It's probably 15. Is it 15? It's 14.95. 14.95? Useless or not? It was useful. We made pasta in it. Yeah. It is useful. But then any bowl that you can fit pasta in would also be useful to cook pasta. I don't like it at all. I absolutely do not like it. Double chocolate smores? Double chocolate pudding? Oh, baked apples. I'm guessing Justine has now changed her mind to think this is the most useful thing on the planet. It's extremely useful. Except this is a really poor quality. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh. It's got a tail. You guys are like kids with presents, aren't you? Oh! Oh. Yes! We can heat up our coffee. It's a what? It's a coffee warmer. You plug this in. [GASPS] And we already got coffee. And I've never even-- my first reaction was, what a pointless piece of rubbish. But the more I start to think about it, the more I realize my life's been missing something. This is it. And that might be it. Also, there's like there's nothing better than having a massive mug of tea. But it gets cold really quickly. Whereas now-- So what you're saying is, this is useful? I'm good. Jump the gun. Say that's-- whatever it is, it's a bargain. And that is useful. I can't keep control of the room right now because what we've done is they've said exactly what it is. They said that it's useful. And they're already guessing the price. So I'm just going to go and ask it. How much do you think it costs? 15? Tenner. But I would pay 30. [LAUGHS] Wow. Wow. $10.79. On the noise nearly. So Barry nailed that one. That's pretty good. I think it was useful. Nice. Yeah. Straightaway useful. Done. Next gadget. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, you're getting in there, aren't you, mate? I'm getting there. I'm not sure. It feels like-- Oh, it's-- --some-- I'm-- like maybe like a storage container to keep your food in? It's very plasticky. Maybe a cup? I already know what this is. No. This is-- No. Yes. No. I know exactly what this is. So, you know, we love our fast food here. You would put this in the cup holder to put your French fries in. You are so good at this. Is that it? Is this it? Yes. Yeah! Whoo! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you-- what do you mean? So when you drive, you put this in the cup holder. Normally, you know, you would put your drinks the cup holder. But now you can put your French fries right in there. And you just eat them. This is-- Oh! That's annoyed me how-- actually, you know that's quite useful. Right? Because there's nothing worse when you're driving, you're digging around in the bag. And your fries are flying everything. There literally is nothing worse than that. I give you that. This is the question. If you order a different size of fries, will it fit? [GASPS] It fits. Oh, my goodness. It's a moment like this I kind of like-- I wish Ben was here because he would implode right now. With happiness? No. [LAUGHS] Before I ask you how much it was, I just want to show you something that might alter your opinion. [GASPS] You can use it as a fanny pack! [LAUGHTER] [INTERPOSING VOICES] Do it! [INTERPOSING VOICES] [LAUGHS] OK. Wait. It's got to go-- no, it's got to get a-- not a funny part. No, we'll do it there. We're doing it there. We'll do it there. Oh. Wait, what? I can do this. I can do this. No. You need help. James, this is a proud moment, OK? Look at what you've become! [LAUGHS] I can't be known as the fry funny man now. He's a professionally trained chef, and look what he's wearing. [LAUGHTER] After that revelation, how much do you think this-- this amazing gadget costs? Well, now there's this extra use-- All right. It's got to be $6. $5. [LAUGHS] It's-- it's $10.95. That's expensive! Yeah. But look at it. Hm? You use this a lot? This? What do you-- what do you think? Now you're wearing it. I mean, I think we've decided it's useful, right? Exactly. It's useful. It's definitely useful. Definitely useful. I never thought that would be the case, but it's useful. Well, I think that has been a very successful gadget review. I've got a cup of coffee. I've got a glass of wine that has been aerated. I've got memories. [LAUGHTER] Justine, thank you so much for helping us review, and bringing a little bit more sophistication to these gadget reviews. Oh. And expertise. And presentation. Yeah. Oh, yes. Yeah. And if you want to go check out Justine's stuff, then go over to her channel. She has amazing, amazing reviews and so much more sophisticated stuff than we do, it's unbelievable. Go check it out. Ah, I'm choking. I'm giving information and there's a chip in my throat. [LAUGHTER] That's what I-- [INAUDIBLE] I love Justine. Yes. Go and follow her across all of social media-- digitally, not in person. And subscribe to her channel because she's great. And there's a video with us on her channel coming out soon. Yeah. Look out for it. While we're on the topic of amazing kitchen gadgets, we are going to give away all of the gadgets that we've done this year to one lucky club member. Who's going to pay for the postage? We are. Ah. Hold the phone. When you say, all of the gadgets from this year-- Well, Jamie, you could win the microwavable smores maker, the unspillable wine glasses, the Ice Genie. Crazy Chef Microwave Cleaner. The Twirling Spaghetti Fork. Grill Soldier Barbecue Apron. Sushi Roller. The G3 Ferrari Home Pizza Oven. That's the really good one. Yeah. You actually do want that. Definitely. And most importantly, the Latte Art Spice Pen. Yes, we actually managed to prise it away from Ben and James' hands. Most of them are terrible. They've all been used at least once. But if you want a chance of winning them, go downstairs and click the link below. You're making it sound like they're just taking up room in our studio. [LAUGHTER] One last thing before we go. Quite a few people in the comments lately saying we haven't been doing enough cooking videos in the studio. Well, hold your horses. Yes. We are currently in the middle of filming a whole month's worth of studio-based cooking videos. Yeah. Keep your eyes peeled. We've been out and about a lot. So this is a chance to get back in the kitchen. Cool. Well, please like the video if you liked it. Leave us a comment. And we will see every Wednesday, every Sunday, at 4:00 PM UK time. We're so lovely. We are. Bye. We're so lovely. As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks. And hope to see you in a few days. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BEEP] These guys are so nice. I'd just say it was-- those or unnecessary. But that's why we're here and you're there this time. Is we want some positivity for once. I miss being on that side and judging people. Keep your opinions to yourself. I want opinions. This is cool! [LAUGHTER]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 713,751
Rating: 4.8193974 out of 5
Keywords: iJustine, sortedfood, ijustine and sorted, youtube collab, kitchen gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets, wine kit, pasta n more, pasta steamer, microwave pasta, pasta gadget, rub away bar, aluminium bar, garlic smell remover, mr coffee mug warmer, mug warmer, tea warmer, coffee warmer, hot drink, french fry holder, fry fanny pack, useless kitchen gadgets, useless or not, terrible kitchen gadgets, does it work, does this work, ijustine baking, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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