Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets S2 E5 | SORTEDfood

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I've not had a chance to watch the video yet but just wanted to put this comment here.

Guests in general can be very polarising, particularly with Sorted where people feel very connected to the four guys and may not like guests for a variety of reasons and as part of discussion will express that. Not liking someone simply based on a characteristic such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion is not okay and if the mod team finds anything of the sort these posts will be removed. So far I've not seen anything in that case but please also report if you see something, if it isn't removed and you feel it should be I'm happy to message privately.

The ethos of this sub is "be excellent" yes life isn't all sunshine and rainbows but if we can be civil to each other when we disagree.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Bluerose1000 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

'Did she write the book herself? And the answer is: yes.'

I wonder if this was recorded before the Elizabeth Haigh news came out? If not, that's great banter.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/eastsidesunrise ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love that guests always roast them for the lack of running water xD.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Timeline15 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I saw a shocking amount of Poppy hate on insta. Genuinely very confused by itโ€ฆ sheโ€™s lovely?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GrimCityGirl ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Today is the first gadget video I've enjoyed in a while (and there's been a lot of them).

They felt affordable, things everyone could use, things that could make some everyday things a little more interesting etc.

Although they butchered how to use the aeropress but I guess you wouldn't know that without being part of the community ;)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/scotland1112 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Someone commented in the James return video thread that they didn't really look forward to 'James come baaaaaaaaackk' comments

Well just as much , I can't handle the 'keep Poppy - make her a Sorted member' comments that follow her appearance in a video

ugh. Not all of us find her appealing enough to replace James.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 32 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mumooshka ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Wandelation ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Sort of hope this is Poppyโ€™s last appearanceโ€ฆ I worry between the โ€˜James come backโ€™/โ€˜keep Poppy foreverโ€™ comments that the guys somehow feel the four of them are not enough.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/The_Purrletariat ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yay I love Poppy, she's lots of fun. I hope she makes more appearances every so often.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MyVeloute ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Hello and welcome to sorted food. Now, Barry, tell me why is today a great day, to be alive. Well, Jamie number one, Poppy's back in town. And number two, we have a lot of badges for her to review now. Now poppy, as a mentally trained chef, what makes a great kitchen gadget for you? - Oh. Efficiency. Time-saving and not frollocks. No frills. It just needs to do its job and do it well. - Should we start? - Okay. What is this? What is this? - Welcome to the game. Okay. - Aero press. - Heard of an arrow press before? - No, but they looked like makeup remover, cotton pad tissue. - Kitchen gadgets. Chef reviews kitchen gadgets. This is the aero press coffee maker, which utilizes a breakthrough in the coffee brewing process to yield the smoothest richest, Fastest, coffee you've ever tasted. So they say. We should have everything there that you need to make the perfect cup of coffee. - Okay so, step one, take that off. Push the plunger out of here. Alright. Put the filter into here. Just one. They screw that back on and then you put that over Yucca. Okay. Right. And put one rounded scoop of fine drip grind, coffee into the chamber. Add water up to level one of the chamber. The stuff don't feel ready. Is that meant to happen? Oh, is that meant to happen. Oh here's comes the paddle. This is an unnecessarily large paddle I feel for this. Instead of the plunger, pausing when you feel resistance. Oh God, we go. There we go. Oh, that looks proper though. [Jamie] Is it decent tasting coffee? - That is that's good. It feels like a coffee. Like the end of a coffee. I suppose it depends on the coffee beans themselves as well. And the more you know about the product, the better you get, you normally get used to it. The more you're going to know how to use it. And what you like, - where would you use that then? Maybe if I was going on holiday and you don't want to have the packets of coffee in the hotel or something, and you want to take a little bit with you. - How much do you think the Aero press is? - So I'm thinking it's portable. It's obviously got a massive following as well. So it's going to be reasonable for what it is. I'm going to say 30 quit. - So this is a few different sizes. This one here. We paid 30 pounds. - Yes. - Congratulations. - I haven't completely lost it. Okay, good. - So the only other ongoing cost obviously is your filters, but you can get a box of 350 filters for about seven pounds. - Okay? Lovely. Whoo! - Well, I know the question that everyone is waiting to ask. Are you saying yes to the press or are you less than impressed? [Laughter] - That's a very good, little line. I like that. I think it's a, yes. Not necessarily for myself, but I get it. I get it for people who enjoy it and know coffee and like this product. I get it. I get why you, why you like it? - Do the honors. Such a flourish there, wasn't it. - This is like a lunch box. - Oh, interesting. - Is it like a, there's a strainer or filter or, and then it's a rice maker. That spoons, a rice maker spoon, isn't it? - Poppy, This is the Zwippy microwave, rice and pasta cooker. It's time to change the way you cook rice and pasta forever. This is a convenient solution for home cooks who struggle with cooking rice or pasta perfectly. I like it. - Oh. [Poppy] I Like it. [Barry] You like it. I do because people do really struggle cooking rice and the electric rice cookers can be a bit pricey sometimes. - So interestingly, the word microwaveable, didn't concern at all. - It's all about just enjoying being in the kitchen. And if something can take the pressure off of cooking rice perfectly. If they can make perfect rice at home with a microwave and there's no kind of pressure behind it, then I think that's a good product. - Poppy's like a chef but not like one we've ever seen before. - I know. - She's down to earth. - I know. - She's honest. - Is she a normal chef? - She's she's crossing the line between normal and back to chef again. - [Barry] I'm concerned. Should we make some rice? - Let's make some rice! Oh, I'm excited. - Now Poppy you may notice there's a fair few ingredients in front of you. We'd like to run a test. - Of course, you would. Of course, you would. - We would like to run the Zwippy against the Poppy. Yes. Okay. I mean just how would you make rice at home? - The people at home, you use same amount in terms of like cup size, volume, rather than weight. So volume of rice to two volumes of water or one and a half, and then you cook it. So you're not draining it or anything like that. All the water is absorbed and you get this lovely fluffy rice. So that's how I do it at home. - Okay. Well. Tell you what should we get started with your rice first. As this rookie claims to be so much faster, we should do it in about half our time. - Okay Lovely. - All right. So I'm going to do about half. This has already been pre-washed and it's the waters run clear. That's what you want to do with rice. Cause then it gets rid of some of the extra starch I'm going to use about half of it, just a nice layer, like a centimeter of water over the rice. So then that's going to go on to the stove. And what I do is I bring it up to the boil for three minutes and then put the lid on and take it off the heat and leave it for 10 to 12 minutes. And that steam, that residual heat carries on cooking it, but you've boiled up the water. So it's got absorbed and then it just carries on tinkering away. - Should we make some rice and at the same time? So I'm going to give this gadget a proper fair test and not just pour stuff in. I'm actually going to weigh out. - 65 grams - I'm going to rinse this off, over here. - Oh. - That's not a real. Well, we've all just discovered that they can't afford a real running tough in the studio. So somebody is washing the rice for me now. - I mean we got a brand new kitchen. - Why does it not work? [Laughter] Lovely. So rice is washed that goes into here. And then we add. What's one third plus one third? - Two thirds. [Laughter] - Okay. So we've got 300 mils of water going in. Place the collider inside the cooking pot. Then, add the required amount of water. Place the lid on the pot. That's gonna go into microwave for 10 to 12 minutes, which means 11 minutes. So I'm going to put that you got to meet in the middle and then I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued. So, okay. So I just had the timer go off. So I'm going to put the lid on. Move that away. - Now, that's it done if you notice, but poppy did there, but she moved the pan off the hub and instantly turned the hub off. It was like one fluid motion. Pan off. Hub off. - She's Michigan trained. - I mean, you don't have these Hobbes in a, in a Michigan kitchen, so it's just you. Okay. So 11 minute time has gone off on this one, but you need to take it out and leave it to stand for five minutes. So that's coming out. Ooh, there's been some explosion. - What I'm about to say now is Poppy perfectly cooked rice every time. - Fluffy, single grains. - Look at that. That's actually good. I hope that's all right. People will be insulted no matter what. - I love when chef is still surprised they can make rice. So we've got two bolts there. So you can serve up your rice and you can serve up the Zwippy rice. Alongside feijoada, which is from all the Globe Trotters meal pack, which is our recipe app that you can download in the link below. - It looks delicious. Okay. It's been about five minutes. Let's have a look at this rice. Please be better than mine. I think that looks all right. Oh, it's a bit of a cake. - Oh, there was such high hopes. Maybe it is 10 minutes rather than 11, but even, I mean, even in the instructions, they say, you might need to try it out a few times to see how your microwave works. There's variants for everything. - In terms of the convenience, how easy was that compared to doing it on the stove? - You know what? Some people don't have stoves, so it makes sense. But then you can just get the plug-in ones. Then there's the price element. There's lots of different elements that make it good. There's pros and cons to it. Okay. So I'm going to give them a try and I'm going to test the Zwippy one first. Now I'm going to give it a little bit of leeway because we're unfamiliar with the microwave settings and we put in 11 minutes and there's different variables that make it, how it is. I suppose but. It's overdone. It is overdone. It's kind of gone to a bit too much. They're not individual pieces of rice anymore. They've kind of homogenized together. It isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But I do think with a little bit of time, effort and practice, you could probably get something good enough from that machine. I just, it needs some time to it. Delicious fridge water though. Absolutely lovely. And actually sought his heart. And my had a big mouth. - How's yours taste compared to it? - So mine has got it's a little bit more individual grains of rice, so that's better. But I think I did. I left it onto boil for a little bit too long, cause I was just chatting. So I think it's had an extra minute or two boiling. So it's has gone. Further rice that I've made here, but it's still not perfect. - The biggest claim of the Zwippy was it's quicker. - But it was the same amount of time is actually longer because I have to leave it stand for five minutes. - How much trucking Zwippy is? - It's a nice design. It's cute. It goes in the microwave. I want to say 15 quid, but I think it might be a little bit more. - And your right. It is a bit more, at 19 pounds. Eight pennies. - Okay. So it's not too. It's not so out of that. - So the, the question everyone's asking is Does the Zwippy gives you fluffy grains of rice or should you think twice? - For the Zwippy, you to think twice. It's a good, but not for me. Neither is my own rice. [Laughter] - Products number three. - This is like a fighting tool. Is it like a, a knuckle duster? Oh! - Jesus. - Oh that's a stamp. That's gotta be for tenderizing things. - This is the meat tenderizer. - Yes. - With its 48 stainless steel blades using it doesn't change the shape or appearance of the meat, but it helps to marinate quickly and can even reduce cooking time by up to 40%. - It's Australia where you identified that as a tenderizer - Yes. You can get the light hammer ones that have the little studs on and you tenderize the meat. - So do you usually find there's a big effect when you tenderize meat compared to not tenderizing it. - If you're just going to have a rib eye steak, you don't really want to touch it because it's a beautiful piece of meat on its own. But if you're looking at something that's a little bit tougher, like a skirt or something, then yes, it kind of makes sense to tenderize it. And you can tenderize chicken. Just to give it a bit more of a juicer flavor, - Are we going to tenderize the meat? - Let's tenderize some meat. [Jamie] So here's the plan. We would like you to make a char grilled lamb leg steak with lemon rust potatoes, and a Fetter dressing. - Oh, Oh. - That's from my book. [Laughter] - Was that a test? - That was a test. Yeah. Did she write the book herself? The answer is yes. There's two lamb leg steaks there. What we thought would be good is tenderize one. Don't tenderize the other. And then once they're cooked, we'll do a blind taste test and see if you can taste the difference. - Tenderizing. You normally just fashion it. You break it down a few of the, you know, muscle strands and you're you, you making get tender. Whereas this is actually blades going in and making holes. We just looked at the instructions as well. And it had like fish on there. Like you would destroy it. That would destroy a fish. I'm going to do it like quite neat. I don't know why I feel like it needs to be neat. - Imagine you're the post office. - There's literally just little holes in it. That's not going to hold any moisture. It was a lot easier than I was expecting actually. Okay. We'll see how it keeps the structure because I did kind of split it a little bit with the pressure that I put on there for a bit of blood on there. Then I get a little bit of salt and pepper. Seasoning. I'm going to put it in at the same time to make sure they're completely. - So far during the cooking process. Can you see any difference? - It doesn't seem to be that much different. So this one is tenderized and this one is one that hasn't been tenderized. Now I'm going to let him to rest the same at a time that we cook them. So they're going to go and sit there for a little bit. - They're not going to sit there for a little bit. We're going to take them away and we're going to blindfold you. And then we're going to cut them up and bring them back and see if you can taste. Which one has been tenderized - Really testing my credentials today in here. - Poppy in front of you, you have two plates. They both have the same on them. It's the lamb leg steak. Plus your lemon roast potatoes with Fetzer dressing from your cookbook. - There we go. Here we go. - There's some lamb. - Well, whatever which one is, I've cooked it well. So I'm happy with that. I'm just intrigued. I'm going to try the other one and then see. [Barry] Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is a tough, or is it? - Or is it a tender test? - Oh, no. - Poppy, we're gonna have to push you for it all, say here, - oh, I think this one. - Blindfold off. - I'm really scared. - Poppy I can't confirm that the tenderized meat is on that plate. - Oh Okay. - You got it right. It felt like there were spaces or gaps. - I just wonder if it's not about tenderizing. It's about pre-cutting it. So when you eat it, it falls apart easier. - And its getting more flavor into those holes. - Yeah. - The texture of it is nicer. It's softer. It's genuinely, genuinely worked. - How much do you think we paid for the meat tenderizer and it's 48 stainless steel blades. - I want to go for around 17 quit. - We paid 15 pounds, 29 pennies. - Okay, good. That's quite a good investment. I like to see it. What I want to see on other cuts of meat. I'd like to see it on other things and what else you can do with it. - I know everyone else at home is typing in the comments to get us wants this question properly. Poppy, the meat tenderizer. Is it good for giving your meat a bash or should we just throw it in the trash? - Give your meat a good bash. - Oh God. Oh God. - Oh - The last one. Are you ready please? - What's under here? This is, I know, I know exactly what this is. This is a donut press. - This is the revolving, Doughnut cutter. - I have seen these and they look like so much fun. And I really wanted one. Sorry. This is all brand new. And I'm just literally rolling on it. - This is the revolving doughnut cutter. Its is simple and easy enough to be a valuable time-saver for anyone. The cutters are cost and a minium and revolve around a steel axle. Fixed with hardwood handles. It makes sure they're not cutting what accurate and minimize any wastage. - I'm really excited to use this. - Now the food team have made an incredible looking donut dough, and we'd like you to cut out some doughnuts, please. - I'm going to start with that liner. Yeah. - Definitely give you a knack here. Whoa. - Oh, they're not actually cut all the way through. So they're still attached. - More pressure. - More pressure. Oh no, I don't. - Oh. We've got a nut. Yes - Oh, just like spot help like someone holding the dough for you. If someone can hold the dough. - Okay. [Barry] Jay, come on pressure. More pressure. Oh I haven't done any exercise for a year and a half. [Laughter] - I think they came out. - That's better. That's better. - I mean, that was quite a large hole though. That's what she said. No, he said. - Barry I tried. - Just for at home I think it's a bit much, but I love it. I'm going to fry them off. Okay. So that's them finished in the fryer, understood with some cinnamon sugar. It's a tiny bit of inconsistency, but it was quicker than what it would be if you're cutting them out by hand. I think even though we had to go over some of them, they, after a bit of pressure and practice, you would, it would, it would work out better. I we've also got the me so caramel where she's just going to be the cherry on top. So take your pick. - I want something gooey. - Cheers. Chin, chin. Oh my God. Mm. - Don't lick your lips. It feels, it feels like it's not going to break, which is always a positive. - On that note though, do you not think it it's perhaps too heavy duty for the home. - It just depends. How many donuts you're physically going to be making? I think, but if you're a keen baker and you want to make perfect donuts, the donut consistency. Fantastic. But the shape was a little bit here. Hit and miss. I feel like it's, I feel like it is good. - How much you think we paid for that? Then. - I'm going to say, you're looking at like, I don't know, 25, 25 99, - 18 pounds. 88. - That seem worth it to me if you're going to make donuts once a week. - Yep. - Poppy, is it worth the dough or is there no go? - It's worth a dough if you're going to use it. That's what I think. If you're not going to make donuts, then don't buy it obviously. But if you're going to make it every week. - I don't like donuts but Poppy said it was good so. All of it. I want it. Thank you. It's mine now. - [Barry] You can take it home. So over to you guys, would you use any of the gadgets from today's video. - And stay put for the blooper. Cause we've got some quickfire questions for Poppy. - Five rounds, out of us normals who would make the best chef. - Jamie, because he would take direction. - Thank you, Poppy. What would you say is your ultimate comfort dish? - I'm a big fan of a mashed potato for comfort. - Other than potatoes what's your favorite ingredient, to cook with? - Oh, it's meant to be quick fire, but I can't think of anything. I like using tomatoes. - Any of the sorted guys who has the best fashion sense? - Barry - Oh no, whatever will I do? [Laughter]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 537,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sorted food, sortedfood, chefs review, kitchen gadgets, taste test, sortedfood gadgets, the fridgecam show, gadget review, taste testing, cool gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, best kitchen gadgets, useless or not, sortedfood review, kitchen gadgets test, sorted review, cool gadgets to buy, cool gadgets 2021, high end kitchen, high end kitchen gadgets, expensive gadgets, poppy otoole, sortedfood poppy, tik tok, tik tok poppy, rice cooker, donuts, doughnuts, steak, lamb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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