Chef and Normals Review Gift Ideas for Foodies | Sorted Food

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(bowl clangs) (egg cracks) (pan sizzling) (festive music) - Hello and Merry Christmas. - It's now officially the festive season, and we all love to give and receive at this time of year, so we have selected a bunch of foodie gifts, for each other to review. - Now they're all gonna be at different price points so hopefully, regardless of your budget, there might be some inspiration for you. - Might. Barry. - Yes. - This is my gift to you. Please lift the cloche. (jazzy music) - Oh yeah. Straight away, familiar ground. (jar scraping) This is 1251 Spicy Chilli Jam. - [Mike] This is James Cochran's restaurant, 1251's Scotch Bonnet Chilli Jam. Now we're very familiar with this, at Sorted. We're very familiar with James Cochran. Can we call him a mate? He's our mate. Amazing chef, great restaurant. And for me, this is a wonderful edible gift. - [Barry] First time I had this, was in that fried chicken burger, and it was a game changer for me. - I use this a lot. I stir it through mayo. I also use it with mac and cheese. Amazing. Baz, I thought, to demonstrate just the variety that you can achieve (Ben snorts) by using. (Jamie giggling) You can't stick it on the parcel tape. You should never have picked your nose in the first place. - [Jamie] Oh no, it came off. (tape ripping) (jazzy music) - [Mike] Perfect. Merry Christmas Barry. (bright festive music) (Barry laughs) This is smashed avocado- - No! - [Mike] Parmesan and truffle French toast brioche, with a cloud egg. - [Barry] That's what it's meant to look like. (Mike laughs) - If it is a stocking filler, then all of a sudden, what an excellent breakfast to start Christmas day with. - Oh. - Yes. - I quite like the idea of like foodie gifts, things in jars, whether it's marmalades or chutneys or relishes, buy a few and put them into a little hamper, or a little cute box with some straw, and all of a sudden, more impressive, bigger gift, depending which budget level you were going for. - Scotch Bonnet chillis, I would avoid, because it catches me out so many times, what I like about it in this sauce, is, it grows, but never gets to the point where it's uncomfortable. It never takes away the flavour of what you're eating either. Just gives it a nice warmth. - Suitable for vegans. It's gluten-free, nothing artificial, and it's all made in small batches, by hand. How much do you think that costs? - It's a premium jam. I'm gonna say near a fiver. - Bang on five pounds. (register rings) - For me, this is a perfect stocking filler. This is something that I would use, well, I do use, very regularly. - Well Baz, the question is, will you keep the gift or will you re-gift? - It's phenomenal. I'm keeping it. - Off to a flyer. (jaunty festive music) Return the favour. - I will. Please lift the cloche. - A shower drink holder. - Yes. - (Sniggering) Oh Barry. - What? I saw this is more the secret Santa. - It's more than novelty, gets a laugh... - [Barry] Novelty secret Santa. - Oh, okay. Let's say this out loud. The reality is I would genuinely use it. - Oh you wou... Sorry. - 'Cause you know, when you're getting ready for a night out, I am partial to a pre drink, and then I have one drink whilst we're out, and then that's me done. (laughs) - Let's just get this straight. Who here, drinks in the bath or shower? - I, there is something about hot water, and cold beer, in a hot tub- - Yeah. - with ice cold beer. - I get that. - Excellent. - Mike, should we, should we test it out? (can scrapes) - Yes. - You know what to do. - Shower cam. (seductive smooth blues) (water spraying) - So yeah, you're right, Mike. This is a Tooletries Shower Drink Holder, it's the ultimate in bathroom indulgence, made from 100% antibacterial silicon. - [Mike] Oh nice. - It will secure to any smooth, clean surface, including glass and tiles. Glass and tiles. And importantly, will keep your beverage safe, sound, and right at your fingertips. Oh. - [Ben] Hot shower. Cold beer, what a moment. - Ooh, lovely, what? Best Christmas ever. - Thank you. (water spraying) - Na, n-no. - Na. - No. - [Jamie] Don't tell me this was all for nothing. - Just checking, this, this entire gag, we've done here, is completely pointless. - I feel like the novelty of a secret Santa gift, is that it gets the laugh, when you gift it. - Yeah. - In the office, no one expects you to try it, there and then. - And we've done weirder stuff. - We have, we have. - We've done weirder stuff. - So full transparency. I followed the instructions. We applied it dry, without the shower on, it fell off. Then we applied it to our shower slider. It's a plasticky glass, stuck it on there, again, dry. It didn't work. We tried sticking it to the mirror, but by the time we stuck it to the mirror, I was quite soapy and sudsy, and there was a bit of condensation on the mirror, it slipped off the mirror. So we have this here, we've dried this side. It says to get rid of the air bubbles, it holds, on specific surfaces, it does work. I think we didn't really have any of those surfaces in our bathroom. Now, if you have to have be that specific, I'm not sure how good a gift it is. - Maybe the problem here is, drinking in the shower shouldn't be a thing. - No, no, I'm all for it. How much do you think we paid, for the Tooletries beer holder? - I would imagine between eight and £12. £12. - Between eight and 12. Yeah 10. (register chimes) - Okay. Bang on. If you can get it to work, I think it's cool. - Gift or re-gift? - Re-gift it. - Yeah. Pass it onto your rubbish sibling or something. - Yeah. (bright jazzy festive music) - Do you know what? I've got a little something for you. - Ooh? (cloche thuds) - A recipe book. From Home To Home, a collection of guarded recipes, but there's no recipes in it. - What this is, is a lot of blank pages, but structured in a really nice way, so you can start to collect favourite recipes. If you see recipes in cookbooks or magazines or newspapers, you can rip out and actually put them in, you can write some of your own and tuck them in. This is from Zara Home. And it is a recipe book that you can craft yourself. My parents have got something similar. It is a book full of loads of cuttings, from before the internet was a thing. And my dad would literally be sometimes listening to the radio, while working. And they would give recipes out on the radio. And while he was working, he would literally scribble them down, on whatever bit of paper or wallpaper was around, cut it out, pop it in his pocket. And it's still in the collection. - And I think that's how recipes have been handed down over centuries. It feels good quality. It's the kind of thing that I think you'd be happy to give somebody as a gift. - How much do you reckon I spent on this? - I'm saying £10. - It is the thought that counts, plus 17.99. (register chimes) So 80% more than you just said, but this is a lifelong gift. Are you going to keep it and craft your own journey? Or are you going to re gift it? - I feel like I could open up somebody's world with this. So I'm going to re gift it, but in a positive way. (they murmur affirmatively) - Also, to be fair, have you seen his handwriting? (playful festive music) - Time to return the favour Lift the cloche. - Ooh. A strappy number. From this side, all I could see was a strap. This looks nice. - So, whereas you gave me something that was empty, and I've actually filled this for you. - Is a lunch... Is it it's a thermos. It's a cool bag. - So Ebbers. This is a thermal Lunchbag. Previously, we only had a couple of options, when we were taking a packed lunch. You either have it in a carrier bag, or you put it in a kid's lunchbox. Nowadays, times have moved on, and we have some posh, artisan lunch bags. And this one from Burrows and Hare, I thought was right up your alley. - It is like backpacks, and people are getting really posh backpacks. Now it's moved on to lunch boxes and lunch bags, I think this is a good shout Jay. - Lunch beer. Without the need to shower. Well. - So there's loads of these up-market lunch bags, on the market now, and actually, tonnes from brands that you would recognise. This is a more artisan one from Burrows and Hare HQ. It's handmade in Oxford. If you look inside, it's actually Thermos. We tested it. We put some ice cubes in there. They stayed cold. - Well, there's an absolute feast here. - [Jamie] So what you should find in there, are some king crab cocktail sandwiches- - [Barry] Oh what? - Beef brisket, cheese and potato pie, allotment slaw. You're welcome. Plus my homemade cookies and some beer pickles. - Ebbers, what'd you make this? - Well, at the moment, I'm tucking through an absolute feast of deliciousness, but if you put the effort into making something, or leftovers from the night before, even just a simple sandwich, rather than a very fancy one, if it's going to keep it cold, so you don't have to fight for fridge space, in the office, the only thing missing from it? A Handle, - They do sell a variety of these lunch bags, at Burrows and Hare, they do have one that is far more strappy than this one. It's just more expensive than I wanted to spend. (Mike laughs) So Burrows and Hare explained, this is a really versatile piece. Can lend a hand as a lunch bag, a wash bag or anything in between. It's constructed from durable waxed, cotton canvas, with a foil thermal lining. It's really built for any adventure. And I know how much you love adventures. - I really like it. I really like it. - I also really like it. - It's got a Barry Taylor look to it, actually hasn't it? - I really want it. I would never use it. But I really want it. - See, that's the thing, I would, this I would use. It's quite big for a wash bag, but it's perfect for a lunchbox. But then given we are a food channel, and not a showering channel. That makes more sense. - After this video, who knows? All right Ebbers, let's talk price. How much do you think I spent on the Burrows and Hare Thermal Lunch Bag. - Quality handmade things aren't cheap. 25 to 30 quid, £25. - Ebbers, it's 24 pounds, 99 Pence. (register chimes) Woo-hoo-hoo. Is it a good gift or are you going to re-gift? - I'm going to keep it. - Wasn't one of the options,'s cool (they laugh) - Okay. Michael, you're back in the hot seat. There's no point, but lift the cloche. - Well, I don't know what it is. - [Barry] It should be familiar. - Oh, oh-ho. Oh, nice. - [Barry] Does this take you back? - Yeah. Properly. Yeah. We used to have like a, yeah, the convenience shop around the corner, from where I grew up, used to do these, and my mum would never let us have them, because we'd be hyper. And I'd just punch my siblings. (they laugh) (bright music) - [Barry] Yes, Mike, this is the Slush Puppy machine. "Bring a nostalgic vibe, to parties and gatherings, with the Slush Puppy machine. Decked with our original branding. The new, improved slushie maker, is perfect for making everything, from classic fruit slush to frozen cocktails." - Okay. - As a kid, what was your favourite flavour or colour? - Blue. I don't know what flavour it was, but blue's my favourite. - [Barry] Blue. - Decent! - Which is raspberry. - Two cups of salt, then the rest of the ice. More salt. You're making the metal part really, really, really cold, it's lowering the temperature because of the salt, and then this mixture will then slowly start to freeze, become slushy. Dispense. Then add alcohol. Enjoy. (screen wipe whooshes) (machine whirring) Alright. I think it's ready. So I need to switch it to dispense. - Ooh. - Oh! - Wow. - It's got some texture. Oh my goodness. - Okay. I'm going to go rum. Any preference? - I'm going to go plain. - [Ben] I'd like to go for some gin. - I'll go nude, please. - It's cold. It's slushy. It's nostalgic. And now it's got rum in it. So I'm a big fan. - The flavour takes me right back to childhood. The texture is a bit different to how I remember it. - And it doesn't quite work the same with the, not a proper fridge. - Yeah. Most of the units actually have the refrigerator element. The fact that you've got the science of the salty water, icy core, I think limits it You probably want to put everything in ice cold. - How much you reckon this gift cost? £35? - So the machine is £45, (register chimes) and the syrups are £7 each. - If you know the person that you're buying for is going to appreciate it. I think you could probably justify that price, even though it feels steep to me. - Michael, is it a good gift? Or would you re-gift? - It's a good gift. And I would also re-gift it to someone, because I feel like it would be a good gift for me, and another person. (slushie slurping) - Not to rub your empty notebook in your face any more, Ebbers, but lift the cloche, I got you something else. (flashy show-biz music) - A second present. I'm so lucky. - But if you don't like it, I'm sure I can find a suitable home. - Purely based on the shape of it, and the fact that it has a chimney, I'm going to guess it's some sort of barbecuey, smokey thing. - This is a tabletop barbecue smoker. We know that you don't have a garden. You have a flat, it has a balcony. - Just, - But you don't have room for a full-sized barbecue. However, I know how much you love being outside, cooking, being with the elements, or being in your allotment. And I thought, what about a handy, portable tabletop smoker? - For an outside space, like an allotment, and something small enough to fit in the boot of a car, to take it there. Nice. - Handle and a latch. - Oh yeah. (lid clanks) - [Jamie] You can carry that, there. - I actually could. - Barbecue in one hand, lunch bag in the other. So this smoker is a mini version of the classic oil drum shape. You fill the bottom of the barbecue with charcoal, and you can use it as a conventional barbecue, but it also has a divider in there, so you can have it as an offset smoker. So you can put all of the fire on one side, the fire doesn't actually heat the food directly, it's indirect, pushes the smoke through, and you've got your vents there, so you can control the temperature as well. - How are we going to test it indoors? - Don't worry about that. We got Kush to test it yesterday, on our balcony, with a big fan set up, to put the smoke outside. So what we've got for you, are some pomegranate glazed chicken thighs, marinaded in pomegranate molasses, ground cumin, chilli powder, salt, honey and paprika. They're marinaded and then put on the smoker, about 150 degrees Celsius, for about an hour and a half. - And what chips do we use? - We used whiskey chips, obviously. - Looks great. Question is, does it actually work? - Yeah. - Okay. (Jamie laughs) Well done then. - In a word, that's delicious. I always feel like smoking is such an ancient craft, that it's one of those things that you can do, anyhow. We've done it several times, in woks, tin foiled over, with a few chips inside. You can do it literally in a wheelbarrow covered. You can do, there's lots of very basic ways. What you don't then have, is the control of the vents and the thermostat, and the ability to play with it. I think it opens up opportunities for people without the space for a big one, or not necessarily wanting to jump straight, in at the deep end. - How much do you reckon I spent on the tabletop barbecue smoker? (metal clangs) - 60 Quid. - I'm a little bit more generous than that. (register chimes) It's £79. - Mm. That's quite a lot, just for a bit of metal. - Is it a great gift or are you going to re gift? - I'm going to keep my little one, and I am going to use it on the allotment. - There we go. - [Barry] Good gifting. - Final one Jay, lift the cloche. - [All] Ah. - [Mike] So yes, you already know what this is, but for you guys, this is Sorted's Christmas gift option, for this year. It's one of our aprons, that you might have seen us wearing, a yellow or a blue one, one of the Sorted cookbooks, we've remastered some of the previously sold out books, so there's a limited run. So you can get hold of things like desserts and duvets, how we cook, plus the whole back catalogue. It also includes a full year's access to our meal packs app, to all of our digital cookbooks, and all the hundreds of podcasts, that we've previously recorded. - So the apron, the cookbook, and the year's membership to meal packs is £65, (register chimes) which is a lot cheaper, than if you were to buy it all separately. And we think it's a great gift option, for the foodie in your life, or for you. All the links are down below, have a very Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. - Why do I feel like that's then gonna to cut to some shower bloopers? I just feel like that's a thing. (they laugh) (production card beeps) (water dripping) (screen bangs) - Aah. - Oh no. (laughs)
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 726,358
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Keywords: christmas gifts, christmas gift guide, christmas gift ideas, foodie gifts, kitchen gifts, gifts for chefs, gifts for cooks, sorted food, christmas gift, best gifts for cooks, cooking gifts, gift guide, christmas foodie gift ideas, sortedfood gift guide, reviewing christmas gifts for foodies, sortedfood, xmas gifts, xmas gifts 2021, christmas present ideas, christmas present ideas 2021, christmas gifts 2021, christmas gift guide 2021, gift ideas, sortedfood gifts
Id: Hy43EnPG0Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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