Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets Vol.13 | SORTEDfood

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- I'm really concerned about this. - Who makes a device that looks like that. Ben it's not worth it! - [Barry] Ben, Ben, Ben - [Mike] Ben, stop, stop, stop! Don't like it, stand back, don't like it. - [Barry] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food, whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normals, (bleep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Hello, I'm Jamie, and this is Barry, where's that hickey? - (laughs) Get off! Right, you've seen the clip, yes, this is probably our best ever gadget video ever. - Ever? - Ever. - Ever, ever? - Forever, ever. (ding noise) - We've decided to mix things up a little bit. We're still gonna get our chefs to review some kitchen gadgets, but they're gonna do them at the same time. - I'm not sure how this is gonna go. (upbeat music) - Boys, open your eyes, and lift the cloche. - Ta da! - Double coverage. - Oh! - Oh my word! - Is that what I think that is? - It's a thing-thing. - For a kebab? - [Mike] This is the OneConcept Kebab Master Pro Vertical Grill. - Pre-marinated meat. - Wowza. - [Mike] So what we've done for you is finely sliced some lamb leg into thin strips, and then marinated it using a marinadal rub actually from one of the packs with a whole load of other stuff thrown in there for fun. We'll chuck the rub/marinade ingredients down in the description for those of you who wanna recreate it. - It smells great, and that is not a quick marinade, that has been doing its thing for a while. - Smells, kebaby, doesn't it? - Smells great. Skewer me, Ben. - James, I've done that thing where I've touched meat and now I can't touch the instructions. (laughing) - [James] I like it when we're on our own. (laughing) - Yeah, so it actually comes with dangly skewers as well if you wanted to do shish. - And or a selection of small vegetables or things you could do multiple things dangled, like mushrooms on here. - Cool. - Yeah, we thought we want you to layer up a proper donner. - This'd be a lot easier if there wasn't two chefs. - And a machine between us. - [Barry] It is so true. - [Ben] Oh, look at that! - Wow! - [Mike] Oh my goodness it's amazing! - Wow, I'm excited. - We have a whole kebab shop salad bar waiting for you to pack your own kebabs. - [Barry] Boys, turn it on. - Let's come back to this in 30 to 40 minutes. (upbeat music) - Chefs, you can open your eyes now, and lift the cloche. Child, isn't he? - What do we think, gotta have a guess before we even open it. - What's shaking in there? - [Both] Oh! - Grinder? - Coffee grinder. - [Barry] Not quite, this is the Wacaco Nanopresso, a portable espresso maker. This is for making espresso on the go. - Cool! - A friend of mine has one of these, and uses it when he goes camping. - [Barry] So wait a minute, you want an espresso on the go, you're gonna need a Wacaco Nanospresso machine, also you need some ground coffee, and a flask of boiling water? - Yes. - Hold the Nanopresso with two hands, as shown above, one hand like this and one hand with the palm is gonna go, yes, great. Start pumping above the cup. The first eight pumps. - [Both] four, five, six, seven, eight. - Nine, ten! - And then we start to get coffee but that was bang on eight pumps! It makes it very clear in the instructions this is for personal use, so you're not going to be making dozens like this. - [Mike] Is it a good espresso? - Well obviously it depends on what products you're putting into it. It's got a good texture to it, a good crema. - It works! It worked well! - Do you want to hazard a guess in price? - Thirty quid? - They're very proud of the time it took to develop it. Must be a bit more. - More than thirty pounds? - 35 to 40 even? - I'll get straight to the point. 68 pounds. (quiet groaning) - I think the market that that's aimed for, campers, are willing to spend a lot of money on that type of equipment and therefore, I can see how people would buy that. - I think that has a really good place in a lot of workplaces. - Fair. - Building sites and places like that. - Workshops? - Workshops, and/or garages. - Farms! - Farms, anywhere that basically you might have access to running water, I think now-- (giggling) - Sorry, sorry, I just can't, I can't even - Stop! Ebbers is making a point! - No but I can imagine sitting here going "what's that noise? (spluttering) "What's Ben doing? "I hope he's making coffee again." - Oh look at the crema! (laughing) - I feel like when you were at school, you'd have gone on work experience to a garage and maybe brought your Nanopresso with you. (laughing) - That would have been great! - You know in The Inbetweeners when Will went to work experience? - Window cleaners! (laughing) - James, useless or not? - Ah, it's not a useless or not, 'cause it does what it says it does and it does it well, but it's too expensive. - Ebbers? Useless or not? - It's not aimed at me, but I think even at that price that is useful. (upbeat music) - How's it looking boys? - It's looking good. - [Ben] The globules of drippy fat. - Well we've got another great gadget for you in the meantime. Would you like to lift the cloche? - Ta da! Ooh, hello. - This looks like the kinda thing that I don't wanna review with Ben. Ooh, oh! - I think it's a grippy thing, but I don't imagine, I can't imagine what for. Is it supposed to... - [James] Is it an oven glove? - [Ben] Yeah. - I don't think I'd have ever got to that. - Baking trays, I know my silicone! (quacking) - [Barry] You're right, this is the MeoMitt, the magnetic ergonomic oven mitt. - And obviously because we love to plan, you have a preheated baking tray in the oven ready to test these with. - No! - I'll tell you what, my fridge is next to my oven at home, so mine would just be on the fridge. - [Barry] It's good but you've gotta be careful haven't you? - It's so close to being really amazing but this bit needs to be a little bit longer, so you can really get your, like my hands are coming out a bit. - This was actually crowdfunded on Indiegogo. - I think in concept it's genius, 'cause you go "I need to get something out the oven and I haven't got "an oven glove to hand or a dry tea towel" but to have it on your hob, or on the fridge next to it, or the toaster or the kettle, whatever, right there, that's really clever. - They're so good, they're just really poorly designed. - I feel like you need a deeper thumb hole, deeper finger holes, and possibly a narrower thing to actually, cause you've lost dexterity 'cause you've gone in, you either shoot to get underneath the tray on an oven. I mean, I get the magnetic bit but it's not a strong enough magnet if it's got anything on the tray. - Don't give your judgment on prices quite yet, because we're going to get you to review another gadget and these might come in handy whilst reviewing that. (upbeat music) Oh that kebab smells so good - Something about eggs. Egg poaching pockets. - Ebbers, you're bang on. These are Poachies, egg poaching bags are a brilliant new invention. They make the tricky task of poaching eggs in water into a quick easy and simple task. Place the pouch open in a cup and crack in an egg, lift out pulling the cup together, hold for a second in a pan of water, then place it in. The pouch magically closes, your egg will be cooked to perfection. - Interesting they are dripping. - Yeah, that's why it says immediately I guess. - Set a timer for four and a half minutes. - [James] I guess this would make doing multiple eggs at the exact same time a lot easier. - And I think you've got, certainly a lot more control with this. - I have real trouble with poached eggs, can't do 'em. Or very inconsistently, and I've tried the vinegar method, and I've tried the salt water method, and I just can't get them right. The shape, they just end up going (hissing) and they're rubbish. - That is 100% your eggs. - [Mike] Is it? - The eggs have to be fresh, and for poached eggs I wouldn't use a fridge cold egg. - [Mike] Okay! - Because you just, you need a fresh egg, and if the egg is fresh it'll want to come to itself, it won't want to spread out. - Great! Well now I'm learning stuff. - Remove each Poachie with tongs, or a slotted spoon, and place on paper towel. Allow to drain and cool slightly, then this is the important bit, grip the Poachie by the bottom seam and shake firmly but gently and it should slide back out. As predicted, very uniform. - Well, is it cooked? - The cooking is down to the timing of the individual, we went for four and a half minutes and it's a good poached egg. It's a poached egg, it's got a good runny yolk, you could do multiple at a time, you can keep control. - Do you think for someone like me, it would be useful because I physically can't make a poached egg? - That's a lie. - Maybe, I think everyone can poach an egg and I think it's one of the easiest things to do if you're prepared to give it a go and follow the instructions. - And your MeoMitt, one of the selling points is that you can grip the sides of the pan and not get burnt, does it feel safe? Does it feel grippy? - It feels safe and grippy. - So let's talk Poachies first, and then MeoMitt. How much do you think for a pack of six Poachies? - 50p. - If that's more than 10% of the cost of the egg, if that's more than 3p, then I think we're in, we've got a problem. - A pack of 6 is one pound 65. Equates to about 27p per-- - So that costs more than the egg you're gonna cook in it? I'm out. - What do you think, useless or not James? - They're pretty useless, yeah. - Okay, and the MeoMitt. How much do you think for a set of two? - Ten pounds. 9.99. - I think 9.99 is a fair gambit, and I wish they had a deeper thumb hole. - 15 pounds. - Not magnetic, but for 15 quid you could buy seven or eight tea towels. - Yeah, 9.99 seems more accessible to me. - Useless or not? - Yes, useless, useless. - Annoyingly so 'cause I quite like the concept, but yeah useless. - Yeah, amazing concept. (upbeat music) - [Mike] Good luck. - Oh! It's a power tool. What is this? Whoa what is this? - I'm gloving up. (laughing) What? - Whoa, whoa! - Ooh there are blades involved in there. - Oh my, what? - [Barry] Oh this is so worrying. - I am very worried about this. - What we boring into? - And why do we have to clamp it to something? Scraping head, that's a scraping head. - Uhh - Yeah, go on? - What is really firm that you'd want to scrape the inside of that is that shape? - Oh I really hope it's like a Parmesan cheese wheel. (laughing) - [Mike] Guys, this is the Electric Coconut Meat Scraper. - Oh my God, get it away from me. - It's horrendous! - You're not plugged in yet are you? - I'm not plugged in, ha, (bleep). - [Mike] You might wanna read the instructions on this one. - Hey I'm not touching this one! - [Barry] Throwing in a little bonus gadget as well, look at that! - [James] I'm not touching that either! (jazzy music) - Ooh that is lovely! - [Mike] Is it? - It's good coconut water - It's delicious - They're doing whatever it takes to avoid using this horrible machine. - Right - [Mike] Crack it. (bashing) Well gadget number one works brilliantly! - As would the back of a knife. - [Mike And Barry] All right! - Ooooh! - No but I agree, that the method, the method is very very good. - To be fair, whenever I look around a kitchen, like, I don't want to use any of these knives to do that, 'cause they're good knives, so this, this is okay. - I'm really concerned about this. - I am nervous. - Here goes. Attach K-Drive on a strong table, wear anti-cut protective gloves. (laughing) - Ebbers, you put them on, you volunteered. - [Barry] Holy hell. - (bleep) dark. Who makes a device that looks like that? - I'm not left handed, so I think you should do it mate. - I'm not (bleep) doing that! (laughing) - Number four, we were already ahead of the curve, make sure the power cord is not connected while you attach this. (sighing) - [Mike] That's number four! - Wouldn't it be amazing if this actually was just excellent? - Oh god no! - It beeped. - I don't like it, I don't like it! - [Mike] Ebbers has just absolutely taken the reigns on this. What are you doing? - He has nothing to live for! - Take half a coconut, hold tightly with both hands (beeping) (whirring) - [James] Oh come on mate! - [Mike And Barry] Get back in the kitchen! - Get in! - I don't wanna be in the kitchen! (groaning) - It's not a pleasant experience. - Ben turn it off! - There's no purchase on a coconut, so it's not a pleasant experience. Let's put it up a bit. (louder whirring) (laughing) - [Barry] Ebbers, Ebbers, careful mate. - Ben, it's not worth it mate! - [Barry] Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben! - Ben it's not worth it! - [Barry] Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben! - [Mike] Ebbers stop, stop, stop! - [Barry] Ben, Ben, no, I don't like it! Stand back, I don't like it!! - [Mike] Stop! - We've tested it, we've tested it! - [Mike And Barry] We don't like it! (whirring) (laughing) - [Barry] Just put it away! - We care too much about you, you gotta-- - Stop it. - Stop there. - Very firm flesh. Shaved into beautiful coconut snow. - Stop it! It's a health hazard! Nobody should buy this! - That scared the absolute crap out of me! - Yup, didn't like that. - Great as these might be, they're not, I don't think-- - They're (bleep) rubber gloves! - What other gadgets are out there that can help you shave a coconut? - Spoon. Teaspoon. - Let's move swiftly on, guess a price. - Can I just say, I think I've seen videos of people in street markets using one of those to do 100, 200 coconuts a day. That is not for home use. That is not for domestic use, and I don't think it's particularly safe because there's no safe guard on it and these are rubbish. - How much? (scoffing) - Oh yeah that was the question, wasn't it? I just went on a bit of a rant there. (laughing) But what I want to say is that it doesn't matter how much, 'cause I don't think it's aimed at us, I think it's a professional outfit, I would say it's probably 60 quid. - 50 quid. - 59 pounds 80, 20p off Ebbers, well done! We will leave it at that. (pinging) Oh! You know what that means, it's kebab time! (laughing) I am buzzing! - I put my life on the line today, this is my reward. (laughing) - [Mike] Oh man, that looks and smells amazing. - [James] I'll start the wraps. - [Ben] I mean it's lamb so a little bit pink's okay but that could take another hour. - [Mike] So how long's that been on? - About 30 minutes? The best bit is that as it's cooking, all the fat's dripping into that bowl which you then carve the meat into, toss it all together and you get all those amazing marinating fatty juices on the meat. - I'm excited. The lamb is great, so great. - What are you getting from a rotisserie that you wouldn't get from under the grill at home? - Even cooking. - [Barry] And slower? - 'Cause what you don't do is cook half of the meat from the top down to the middle, then turn it over and cook the other half from the bottom down to the middle. You're constantly heating the whole thing evenly. - It smells exactly like a kebab shop. (moaning) Oh mate! - [Barry] There's no denying. - [Mike] That is as good as! - That is beautiful. - I'd say it's better 'cause you know what's gone into it, you've made your own marinade. - It works. - [Ben] Yup. - How much, however, do you think it sells for, and will that change your mind? - I have to put this in the same realm as a desktop pizza oven. I think it's one of those things you'll do occasionally with a group of friends and I would put it in a similar price bracket to that particular bit of kit. - Which was? - I think it was about 100 pounds? So I would say 90 quid for that. It's a very expensive toaster. - I think it's 75 quid, 80 quid. 75. - Would you still think it was a good product if you were to pay 89 pounds 99 for it? - You said 90 quid! - Yeah, absolutely. You could make some amazing things on that and you don't have to limit yourself to lamb. - Well boys, useless or not, you decide. - Not! (murmuring) - Just in case you missed the first two prompts, here's another one. Give the video a like and make sure you've clicked the bell to get your notifications turned on, because on Wednesday, we're gonna be reviewing the best, and maybe the worst, Christmas presents for foodies. Will they be good? Will they be dreaders? Who knows? - Either way, there's lots of gift ideas there for you. Fingers crossed. - Or not. - Or not. Depends how much you love the person. - Or the gift. - I'm so glad you're back because it's dad joke of the week! - A friend of mine bought an old airplane, parked it up next to an airport, took the wings off, turned it into a restaurant. - Right? - I mean it's all right but I don't think it's gonna take off. (laughing) We'll see you on Wednesday! Bye bye! As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos, - No! We fill the Sorted club, where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. (beep) - Oh sorry, I think I just flicked something. Oh sorry! - How did that get there? - I'm not entirely sure. - That's not gonna help! - I loving having both of them in the kitchen at the same time! - I didn't realize how much they flirted. (laughing) Aww, that's so tender. (laughing)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,692,064
Rating: 4.9278998 out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, Sorted Food, Sorted, Sorted review kitchen gadgets, chefs review, kitchen gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, useful kitchen gadgets, sortedfood gadgets, best kitchen gadgets, gadget review, useless or not, cool gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets, sortedfood kitchen gadgets, reviewing kitchen gadgets, funny kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets put to the test, sorted food chefs review kitchen gadgets, the fridgecam show
Id: -o67AsE4lf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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