Chefs "REMOTE CONTROLLING" Normals!! | Indian Cooking Challenge

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- [Narrator] We are Sorted, a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles, to gadget reviews and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal packs app. - Crack your eggs, bake. - [Narrator] We uncover the tools that'll help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community, where everything we do starts with you. - Hello everyone, I'm Mike and this is Barry. - Now firstly, thousands of you are using our Packs Midweek Meals App, which is amazing! - So, we put together a whole load more of our Packs Starter Kits, so that more of you can get access to all the tools you need to get started and give it a go for cheaper. Now, one of the things you particularly love about the app are the audio led recipe guides. - [Barry] So in today's video our chefs, James and Ben, remote control us "normals" in a curry battle using just their vocal instructions. - But here's the catch, for five minutes during the cooking each chef will have the opportunity to put a blindfold on their opponent. - Cool, thanks for the idea guys. (static) - Alright Billy Goat, are we ready? - Ebbers, play nice. - Are you confident, James? - I'm confident in my abilities, yes. I'm confident in you, too. - That's what I needed to hear. - We've got 30 minutes to cook up a feast. What've we got in front of us? - [Mike] We got flat bread, papadums, rice... - [Barry] Lots of vegetables, you've got spices, you've got a paste, it looks very Indian made. - Are you happy with that? - I am, I'm happy. Yeah, I think I'm happy. - Well lets cook up a cracking dish then. - Roger that. Wait, no. No, none of that. - Three... - Two... - One. - Here we go. - Switch the pan on to like a medium heat, and spoon in a dollop of ghee. Ghee is always a good place to start. And you can put the oil up to a low temperature. - Can you give me an idea of what we're making? Or not? - I'll think we'll make a curry. So we're gonna start off with a base of onion, then, as soon as you get on with that, ginger and garlic. We'll get some spices in there... - Oh yeah nice, nice. - So far, it's taken you a minute to peel an onion. We need to speed up. - I'm normal Ben, deal with it. I think the, um, the pumpkin and the sweet-potato are more interesting to me than the actual lamb, I think. - [Ben] 10-4 - What? - Okay, I think we're gonna do three elements. We're gonna roast the pumpkin. And we're gonna do a little kind of saucy thing with the pumpkin, and then we're gonna do something with the paneer that I'm not sure about yet. And we're gonna keep the tomatoes pretty fresh. Cut the pumpkin into a wedge shape. Cut length-wise through it. Other way, other way! Yeah, yeah like that. Oil, salt, pepper. Have you not got any oil? What! - Who? Who? - Ghee, ghee, just use ghee or something. I don't know. This is going wrong already. - Well, we've been kiboshed, because no one's put any oil in the kitchen. - [James] Put a little bit of curry powder over it as well, that might be nice. - [Mike] Okay. - [James] And then salt and pepper. And then let's bash that in the oven. (baking tray clatters) - [Ben] We're now three minutes in, and you've nearly diced an onion. We need to speed up a little bit. (Barry snarls) - Ben we've said before this that we were gonna play nice, okay. - Wall to wall entry and treetop tall, over. - Shut up. I'm not playing this game. - Right get the onion into the pan and you gonna turn up to number six once it's in there. - Turning up to max! - And wack the lid on. Now we've got about 90 seconds to peel a clove of garlic, and a little bit of ginger. You can do whatever's easiest with the ginger even if you just grate it quickly. A little bit of peel is not the end of the world. We're gonna fry it off. - I can't get rid of him. He's killing me. - All right aligator station, keep chopping. - Shut up! - [Ben] We have to win this cause James is rubbernecking, and at any time, he could put the blindfold on. (electronic music) Lift the lid on the pan and then add the garlic and ginger in. Give it a stir, there's a wooden spoon on your left. Can you turn the heat on the oil up a bit higher, so we can get that nice and hot? - Okay next up, put that pan on to four. Put a tablespoon of ghee in there, and then after that we're gonna finally slice an onion. We're gonna put that straight into the pan, yeah? - [Mike] I do not wanna let you down. - [James] Okay, a little bit of salt in there. Five minutes gone, mate. - Oh my, what, where's that gone? - Alright, let's-let's put some cumin seeds in there. And cumin seeds, mustard seeds, and, uh, ground coriander. Let's leave that to it. Just- we'll keep an eye on it. - [Ben] You wanna make it as square as possible. - Make that a square? What're you talking about? - [Ben] You're gonna cut it across its cross-section, yeah? And then keep cutting the same way, but a centimeter apart. Then cut the skin off of those. - So now peel it, gotcha. - [Ben] And then you're gonna dice those. You're doing good, I like the control. - Thanks, thanks, thanks for the compliments, Ben. They go a long way. - [Ben] There is a spice mix on your left, which is like a five seed mix. It's got fenugreek, cumin, fennel. - [Barry] I see it, I see it. - A delicious mix of seeds. You're gonna add a generous tablespoon into those onions to fry off in the ghee. If you could sprinkle it a little bit quicker, that'd be great, and then a pinch of salt. Love you. Give it a good fry. What do you reckon on those onions, are we nearly there? - I reckon they're good now, mate- Oh! (Sniffs loudly) What a mix! That smells amazing! Pumpkin, going in. - We're gonna give that a good fry, but put the lid back on, trapping as much heat or that pumpkin won't cook in time. - [James] Gonna peel the pumpkin, the rest of the pumpkin. - This is hard. I might just slice this off, mate. - Yeah that's cool, that's cool. And we're gonna dice it really small. - Are these sizes okay? Or do you want them- - Um, much smaller that that. Nice, nice nice. We're gonna transfer half the onions into a- a frying pan. And now put the butternut squash in the hot pan. - [Mike] Is this butternut squash or pumpkin? - It's pumpkin, I-I forgot. Okay, season that with a little bit more salt and then maybe just a splash of water as well. My idea is like a butternut squash sauce. And that'll go on the bottom, then we'll have like a roasted wedge of butternut. - [Mike] Okay. - And then we're gonna have cubes of paneer. - Okay right, your oil is shimmering. - Fantastic, turn it down to four and we're gonna make some bhaji-style things to go, some crispy bits to fry off, to go with it. - Okay, well, I'm now well out of my depth. - [Ben] The okra, you're gonna take the tops off the okra, you need about four, and then you're gonna slice them lengthwise, and you're gonna do it very quickly. Okay so we need to make this bhaji mix. Next up, an onion, you need to grab another onion We're gonna slice some of an onion. (siren blaring) - [Barry] Slice some of an onion? - [Ben] Okay, mate, I've just had my eyes taken off, so you're eyes on. - What? What do you mean? - I've been blindfolded, but we need to keep moving - Oh no (groans). - Barry, you need to slice this onion. We only need about a quarter of it, and you need to do it quickly. You're gonna add it to the pile of okra, along with a generous bunch of fresh coriander. - [Ben] Uh, you need a glass bowl, probably one behind you on the back bench somewhere? And you're gonna add in about four tablespoons of gram flour. The gram flour's in a bag on the side of the table. - [Barry] What is gram flour? - Gram flour is chickpea flour. Now we want a generous, maybe a teaspoon of curry powder and about a teaspoon of salt. Is is smelling good? - [Barry] It smells amazing, and they're- they're cooking. - [Ben] In that case, can you tip the tin of tomatoes into it? - [Barry] Yes! - [Ben] Fantastic, mix it up with a little bit of cold water. You're gonna have to do this by eye, you only need a couple of tablespoons. Mix it, mix it - you're looking for a paste, not a batter. This is literally the worst bit cause I can't- I can't correct you by sight. If it's pastey, then stir in the coriander. And it's time for some chili. We're feeding Jamie here, so we're gonna need to add a little bit of heat. Then you want to cover all of your okra and onion. (siren blaring) I've got my eyes back, how did you do? - [Barry] Have a look! - [Ben] Oh! - [Barry] (inaudible) - [Ben] Over halfway, but we're looking good. - I'm looking at paneer right now, and it's not moving over to the- yeah, there we go. - Okay. - [James] Okay, so we're just gonna cut that into cubes. Give the onions a stir as well. Let's grab a mixing bowl. (siren blaring) And we're gonna put some yogurt into that. Maybe like three tablespoons? Oh mate, I'm being blindfolded, so I've got five minutes. - Ah no! - And then we're gonna put some ground spices in so I'm thinking turmeric, cumin, and coriander, all ground and some salt. Cool, let's just mix it up and get the paneer in there and we're just gonna leave that. Mate, I've had an idea. - [Mike] Great. - [James] Get a griddle pan out. - Griddle pan, bosh. - What're we looking for here? - 170-180. - 180. - [Ben] Oh, okay- - 190 - [Ben] Okay, turn the heat down. - 200. - [Ben] Turn the heat down quickly. - 210. What are the other onions here for? - Did the onions go in with the okra? - No! - [Ben] It's okra and onion bhaji! Just over ten minutes left, I really need you to stir that curry cause it could be stuck. - Okay, it's quite loose still. - [Ben] Lid stays off for the next ten minutes. Okay, there's a small bowl behind you, like a breakfast bowl or something, you're gonna add a couple of dollops of yogurt. - [Barry] Yeah? - [Ben] Maybe, I dunno, four tablespoons? - [Barry] Mm-hm. - [Ben] And then, there's a pot of lime pickle. - [Barry] That stuff? - Yeah, you're gonna take about a tablespoon of that onto the chopping board and chop it nice and fine. I think there's also some fresh mint on the back? A few mint leaves. It's gonna be mint, lime pickle, yogurt. - [Barry] Mint, going in. - [Ben] A crack of salt and pepper. Wonderful. - Did I see a really, really long chilli pepper? - Yeah, you did! You saw dos really long chili peppers. - [James] Oh, put them both into the pan. And while that heats up, it can char the chili peppers, and then once those are done, we'll put the paneer onto the griddle pan and griddle them. So tomatoes is really easy. All we're gonna do is quarter them. - That's what I did! I haven't done that yet, but it makes him think I'm really good. - One minute to go, mate, and then I can see you again. - What? Oh fu- yeah. One minute to go with the blindfold on. - So let's chop coriander. Have we got coriander? Let's just chop all the coriander. And then we're gonna chuck the tomatoes in with the onions into the frying pan. - [Mike] Coriander's chopped! - [James] We're not really looking to cook those too much, it's just like warming them through a little bit. (siren blaring) Yes! Blindfold off! - [Ben] Okay, you're going to take dollops in your fingertips, maybe walnut-sized pieces, of that mixture, and you're gonna drop it into the oil carefully. Lower it in. Stop stroking it! Squeeze it and then put it in! (Barry laughs) - Stop stroking it, and stick it in? - [Ben] You heard me! (Barry laughs) - I might take this curry off the heat. - No, no, no - keep it on, but we're gonna add in the spinach. - [Barry] Now? - [Ben] A generous fist full. - [Barry] Bang! - [Ben] Yeah, you're also gonna need to get some tongs, and flip the onion bhajis, so- - [Barry] But they do look good! Yes! - Okay, we need to check on our pumpkin. - Yes! - And see whether it's soft, so use a little knife and just check whether it's soft. - It hasn't passed the potato test. - Okay, it's looking good but we're gonna give it, uh, five more minutes? - [Mike] That is not getting hot any time soon. Blowtorch? Blowtorch? - Let's not get a blowtorch out. Okay, we've got ten minutes. What you're doing is stirring right now and I don't think we need to do that. So what we'll do is grab a plate. So I'm thinking like a black plate with a rim, I've got the plate in mind, and I really want you to find it. Yes! You've got the right one! Then one in your left hand. We need to be quick. We need to be really, really quick. Pumpkin into the blender. All of it, all of it, all of it! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's looking pretty-ah that's looking good! - Yeah, it's good. It tastes a bit watery. - Can we put like, a tablespoon of yogurt into it? Blend it again, and then we're gonna put it straight onto the plate in like, a little circle or something. Something that looks nice. Oh, you should put the paneer on. - [Mike] Uh, let's take the chilli peppers out, they're a lost cause. - No, turn the chilli peppers! Turn the chilli peppers! Yeah, turn them! Turn them! We're good. They look great. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! - What? - [James] Did I tell you to do that? I did not tell you to do that. - You said put all the paneer in there and spread it out. There's still paneer in there. - That wasn't paneer, that was marinade. Right, puree onto the plate. Puree onto the plate. Puree onto the plate. - I'm going slow now. - [Ben] Start thinking about what we want to plate this up on. So maybe go and fetch a plate you like? Good choice! Generous pinch of salt. Give it a stir, and then you're gonna taste it. We might or might not need some other stuff in there, we'll see. - [Barry] Ben, where's the bloody- - No, no there is a spoon in the pan! (Barry groans in frustration) - My spoon's already in it! Spoon's already in it! Yeah, it doesn't need any more seasoning. - [Ben] Buttery and sweet from the pumpkin, spiced? Good, in that case, get it into the dish we're gonna serve it in. - [Mike] Just a little bit? - [James] Yes, great. Let's check the pumpkin in the oven. - [Mike] Ah, it's pretty soft, mate. - Okay, let's put it on the plate. Get it out. You've got five minutes left. I think we might be looking good? Through the middle of it, through the middle of it. Okay, let's put the coriander into the tomatoes and onions. Take that off the heat. - Okay, I need to move this paneer around. It smells like it's burning. - [James] Yeah, yeah, cool. It's looking great, it's looking really good. We don't care about the pan, the pan will live. - I can't breathe! (gagging cough) - Okay, let's put some tomatoes on the plate. This is looking amazing. - [Ben] Literally got about a minute left now, so we have to be super speedy. Oh, get a plume of fresh coriander and just put that on top - a nice, big bunch. Literally last couple of seconds, get the yogurt in there. - [James] That's great, and now pick up a chilli. - [Mike] Like that? - [James] Yeah, that looks good. And then we're gonna grab the paneer and do the same thing with the paneer as we did with the tomatoes. If it's ready, if it's ready. - [Mike] It's not, but... - [James] Just keep it on, we can do that at the very last minute. We could crumble over some poppadom? - [Mike] Okay, mate. - [James] Let's leave the washing up, we can do the washing up later. - Yes you can. - [James] Right, I really wanted coconut flakes, but that's okay. Oh, wouldn't it have been great if we had coconut flakes in there? (music stops abruptly) But I'm just saying, wouldn't it have been good? - It's a question, and you're asking me a question that I'm gonna answer with no, it's not. - Right, the paneer? - [Mike] There's some good bits here. This is excellent. - [James] Final minute, man. Final minute. - [Mike] Okay, I've been never good with drizz, but maybe- - [James] Yeah, I'm worried about drizz. Let's do lemon juice. Tiny bit, over the paneer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And now we've got ten seconds, so go and get the coconut flakes quick! Go and get the coconut flakes! He's not gonna get the coconut flakes in time. - Five, four, three, two, one. - Mint. 10-99 - [Mike] Where do you want them? - [James] Nah, never mind, mate. We've run out of time. Stop cheating. - We did it! - You happy? - [James] Good job. - I'm chuffed with that. - Now get out of my ear. - Happy Spaff? - This is a happy Spaff. (laughter) - [Jamie] Let's start here. - [Mike] Pumpkin masala and okra bhaji. - [Jamie] It smells- - [James] With a lime pickle yogurt. - [Jamie] It smells fantastic. It has that curry smell, but also some freshness to it. What I like about that, it's really well spiced without being spicy. It's got a real earthiness to it. That is bangin' obvi, I'm very happy with that. - [Mike] Onion and okra bhaji. - [Jamie] Oh, it is very delicious, but often, the curry is the thing that has the spice attached to it. And the raita is there to cool the curry down, but actually, the opposite is true. - It's the wrong way 'round. - I'm loving the presentation of this one. It looks very traditional and authentic, and what I would expect a curry and Bhajis to be served on. It's a really great dish. - [Mike] Well, it doesn't end there, man. - [Barry] Pumpkin puree, roasted curry pumpkin, paneer, tomato and onion wilted salad, and a char-grilled pepper. (soft electronic music) - Oh now that is tasty, but it's far, far more subtle than that curry. - Oh no! I'm absolutely loving the colour there is on that plate. Having the, the freshness of the pepper. That is like a statement piece on a plate, which is great. A massive slab of pumpkin, the paneer, the freshness, it was really great in terms of looks and everything. I wasn't getting a kick of flavour from it. In terms of a winning overall dish, it has to be this one. - Yeah! - Come on! - Do you think that's fair? - I strongly agree. - I need to taste a lot more as I go. - Well done, Baz, you beat the Currie monster at his own game. - What? - Well, that's my thoughts. Disappointment on this side, elation on this side. Do you agree? And do you like these videos? If you do, give the video a like, let us know. - And thank you for the blindfold suggestion, it worked a treat. If you have any other ideas, then comment down below with new ways to give this new format a twist. - We want to know who was your winner. Comment down below with your thoughts. - And don't forget to give this video a like and, of course, subscribe! - Also, if you wanna know more about the Packs app, you can get all the info downstairs. Dad joke of the week time! (Barry groans) He hates this so much. - Right, what do you call a can opener that doesn't work? - I dunno? - A "can't-opener." Simple. - Your delivery is getting better. - [Barry] Thank you! The Packs app is just one of the tools being used as part of the Sorted Club. Members are also discovering and sharing restaurant recommendations using the Eat app, listening and contributing to our Feast Your Ears Podcast, and giving us inspiration for new cookbooks received throughout the year. It's all included, so check out Sorted membership by heading to And now, a blooper. - It has a curry...plate. (laughter) ...bowl. - So (beep) basic, so basic. - A Balti dish?
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 718,123
Rating: 4.9683423 out of 5
Keywords: SortedFood, Sorted, Chefs REMOTE CONTROL Normals!!, Indian Cooking, Indian Cooking Sortedfood, normals cooking challenge, cooking challenge, sortedfood chefs, sortedfood audio guides, sortedfood packs app, Sortedfood ben ebbrell, Sortedfood James currie, Cooking indian food, sorted food
Id: Gehr1AgEF20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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