A Chef REMOTE CONTROLS a Home Cook!! | Handmade Ravioli

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we are sorted a group of foodie mates who have your back when it comes to all things food this is Mike a king foodie who loves to cook eat and have a laugh with his mates often it is only expense sometimes his cooking doesn't quite go to plan so during this strange time of self-isolation mike has roped in his trusty chef Ben and James to better his skills in the kitchen but is Mike up to the job let's find out hello how are you sir I'm doing all right this is very odd I'm nervous now you're waiting for hope you've got time to learn a skill so I've taken your ingredients and put them in a mystery box I think you should open it I'm excited Oh X and flour I'm instantly thinking either source or either pasta its pasta okay I think I can make faster I think this might be all right all I'd like you to do is make filled pasta okay yes you're gonna have to go full Italian nonno and do it by hand okay in an hour in that time we gonna do a sauce or a filling you've got about 20 minutes to the end to roll it fill it and cook it Barry and Jamie are gonna be looking for beautiful fill pasta and it's gonna have to look amazing because we can taste it okay one hour starting now I want flour for dusting and all flour for pestering my own up in full ratio no is one egg to a hundred grams of flour okay what I usually do it's also add a little bit of extra egg yolk it makes it a little bit softer and also you know egg yolk enriches it even more delicious I was gonna tip out onto the work surface then make a little well and crack the eggs in yeah brave I know well I've already tipped it now okay one egg I'm not gonna get a second egg in there am i those you are grating on the work not brave I'm stupid Oh No well if I start mixing it and then add another egg he'll do that yeah you're in now yes I can no oh no my walls have been breached some people at this point in time I'd done about you but I flowers been really hard to get hold of but it's a cool time because it feels like people are making stuff extra hard for egg yolk like just a sprinkle of salt this is a little sprinkling it'll feel a little bit dry but you need to knead it for a few minutes and they'll start coming together into a mix the rolling and the filling without a pasta machine and getting it thin enough is the thing that's slightly concerning me those looking good the build stretchy it's getting stretchier you have 49 minutes remaining ten minutes on past up too bad once you've got on the fridge get your pasta because that is one thing you do not want to be waiting that is such a good tips knife video for me I'm just sitting down I mean look I am watching you work really hard my nature will only inevitably turn that relaxation into stress it won't stay like this forever for you telling time killing his strength sauce obviously it's a pastor she is works really well on mascarpone the filling wants to be something that is that you're able to kind of like dollop on a little bit I've got bacon and I've got mushrooms pretty strong on my face in addition to those you want a slightly stronger cheese together like proper cheesy way because misophonia is more creamier than cheesy I have got some Comte AOP nutty and smooth with a sweet finish if I were doing it I would roughly chop the mustard is getting Friday and then finely chop them afterwards okay great if you have an onion as well quarter of a chicken stock you okay what am i doing why my flat pick I'm a flappy yet something cooking man now would be a great time to use some fry light instead of oil so I can't hear the abuse that comes from James what are you doing I can't hear because it is boiling by Devon he's going but er have you got butter I could use butter can i oh yeah mushrooms I'm gonna just put that there because that can heat up while we go a tip you gave me a long time ago where's pasta water needs to taste like seawater time to build a stress now squeezy garlic it smells amazing and then I'm gonna chop this onion I've been so stressed in my own kitchen good onion diced going in half a chicken stock you know others looking yes looking good mushrooms still need to cook out a little bit more like I said I've got red wine and white wine vinegar I would keep it going and then maybe just like this tiny tiny splash just give it a little bit of acidity if i satisfy me you can yeah yeah dude you're dicing it finely so it cooks a little bit faster when it goes crispy I feel like you've helped a lot already and we haven't even got to the bit that I'm worried about we've got 29 minutes okay lovely little pan for this one what's next are you gonna yeah I think so and you got a food processor I've got a smoothie maker not quite the same no I would chop it I would chop it have a look at it I'm gonna show you it one sec leaving in leave the bacon started shopping oh my goodness it's getting stressy we're gonna be stressing now we're not you've got about four minutes before you have to definitely store your pasta no problem oh you're talking fast thanks mate I'm serious I'm knackered I'm absolutely knackered oh no faking everywhere leaper picker stop it you've got one minute for your supper pasta back I'm trying I need to watch the board up you are overly clean in your own kitchen ha ha that is such a dick fast slow start with like a table spinach I mean you're starting to see the true Mike I've got a kitchen apron and this I like just to kind of like hold the mushrooms together yeah probably what like teaspoon size 4 oh yeah that smell is really good yeah right bacon alveoli totally me looking like you're saying Italian words at me I've heard of those words before but I don't know where any of them me what about dim sum oh okay Oh ravioli shape you use two sheets and you put one over the top of the other but they need to be super super thin let's see how this goes Jamie looks at a bowl of food I've made and says where is the rest that's the you know that's the worst scolding you can get from him it feels very thin yeah it looks then you're working quite quickly so you shouldn't need to cover that if you were working with more pasta you might need to cover that with a slightly damp towel or something to keep it branched but you have n minute okay yeah little bit of Bank watch to stick the pasta together so make sure it's not gonna stick to the work surface and then you want to grab your filling to filling in the fridge no that's okay I didn't want to preach anyway thank goodness for that now my feeling is here it is quite cool yeah yeah I would lay your filling out in little mounds a lock on the first sheet and then I lay over the second sheet and then I'd cut around them if I was doing it I put the fitting in the fridge so it sets up a little bit the mask if anyone would set up a little bit yeah so now you want to really carefully drape the second piece over the top but what you want to do first yeah just brush a little bit of egg wash around each mound and that's just gonna stick the pasta together how long I got you got just under 7 min oh man and then you want to put your pasta over the top and then you just want to just very gently take out all the air pockets around the mushroom and just press it all the way down all the way to the edges yeah nice it's looking great ah this time limit is the one mate this is the thing that's absolutely stitching me you've also keep all the excess pasta and kind of cut little shards and just boil it anyway it kind of makes a really nice scrappy house yes okay right so do I just chop around these now around with a knife if you've got a ring cutter that'll be absolutely perfect buy this thing you don't know remember who you're dealing with here mate give yourself a little bit of room use though one we have to come on we got a bit of a gammy sixth one but whatever it will do and one needs to be good and this is just sealing them really really well all right so fiddly mate finish it into the water you want to get a pan on the heat get that butter going right that guy named so let me take a couple of minutes sauce turn on the heat butter butter butter there you go there you go maybe we've got two minutes left okay are you gonna transfer them straight into the butter and then to the plate yeah yeah so a little bit of pasta water into the butter no no it'll come over with the pasta get them in get them in our economic cook and are you gonna tear some parsley over the top yeah you're not gonna chop it but your terror yeah huh once down it looks so good you're gonna stick with me I was gonna do all of them other than that right I'm gonna go for I know that you're the expert and you're and you've helped me so far plate chefs chefs and even numbers always odd numbers okay so five have an opinion that's fine no no no I take it back Wow steak and cheese that's fakey cheese even go a little bit extra virgin olive oil and yeah I have okay so pepper cheese you've got ten nine eight seven olive oil six - Oh make honest mate that looks excellent the past is perfect so knackered sir my a man is so relaxed - the beginning [Music] sounds quite stressful but I'm really happy with what I've come up with I'm gonna dial in the boys now and see what they have to say hello here he is okay and we have a spa oh my goodness hey guys it's been stressful but I done okay I think you want to see it right that looks pretty good most importantly the posture looks really thin which is hard I like the wrists clean clinging to the filling do you know I mean please tell it's good it's like wrapped itself around a filling okay so this is a mascarpone garlic mushroom filled ravioli topped with crispy bacon some cheese with black pepper and this is the hardest thing about judging sequence here come on the court I've made all tell you how it tastes oh it looks good day he goes it's really good the filling could have a little bit more flavor and I didn't season the filling but it's not as powerful as I'd expect I'll be honest the pasta tastes amazing to be honest mate I'm disappointed that James didn't remind you to season that's on James not only my eye I can imagine I did so they have it over to you what do you think pass or fail the end dish I think looks very impressive done an hour or faffing and you've come up with that bangs a pass to me thanks stuffy so two out of ten parts it shows what you can do on your own without us in pass on we would have ruined that if I depend on my own I've earned it they easy easy parcel yeah that that's something that hey lovely to see you guys good to see you too yeah well I missed being Evers get deflated in person when I said to make yeah thing rather than just on a zoo you talk yeah so excellent right well I'm off James thank you so much thank you boys I'm clapping myself but we really hope you enjoyed that if you did and you'd like to see us make more of these then comment down below please give the video a like and perhaps you could suggest a more difficult or tricky recipes in the future and if you're bored or looking for foodie inspiration at this time please do check out our packs up because it is essentially this it's being guided around the kitchen audibly by someone who knows what they're doing and many of you who have been using it I said that you've been able to cook things that you've never thought you'd be able to do before whilst remaining pretty chilled out or more chilled out than I was just there and so do check it out sorted Club thank you so much for watching we hope that you and your families are staying safe and well and we'll see you next week the packs app is just one of the tools being used as part of the sorted Club members are also discovering and sharing restaurant recommendations using the eat app listening and contributing to our feast your ears podcast and giving us inspiration for new cookbooks received throughout the year is all included so check out sorted membership by heading to sorted dot Club and now a blooper Wow that is affecting more annoying okay this is what it look like if you shaved
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 462,007
Rating: 4.9830542 out of 5
Keywords: self isolation, fresh pasta, how to pasta, pasta recipe, self isolation recipe, home cook recipe, homemade pasta, filled pasta recipe, cooking challenge, fresh pasta dough, fresh pasta recipe, homemade pasta no machine, sortedfood, sortedfood mike, sortedfood james, sortedfood remote control, sortedfood beat the chef, sortedfood vlog, sortedfood boys, self isolating vlog, sortedfood packs, sortedfood club, #StayHome, #WithMe, chefs remote controlling normals, ravioli, handmade
Id: 5cwFZkXk2Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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