Rating Fast Food Hamburgers

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we all love a good juicy burger and recently we drove around to every single fast food place that i could possibly find that sold a crispy chicken sandwich because it seems like crispy chicken sandwiches are just hot right now i feel like every day on the news now i'm seeing another fast food restaurant revamping their crispy chicken sandwich making that 2.0 3.0 they're all just trying to have the best crispy chicken sandwich and i get it they're fantastic but let's not forget about a big fat juicy beefy hamburger once we rated all those fast food crispy chicken sandwiches everybody asked about the burger and it made me think for a minute what really is the best burger after all there's a lot of them and even when you go to these fast food chains there are so many options for the burger but today i'm gonna standardize it meaning i'm gonna try to get the similar option at every single place we go and hopefully that'll allow us to compare these head to head and hopefully by the end of this video you won't need to think anymore about which burger you want to go get you'll just know all right so we are on route to the first place it's actually gonna be sonic and you know what's funny i've actually never been to a sonic before the only thing i've ever tried i think is that cherry limeade which is kind of good and the best part about it was definitely those little nugget ice cubes if you know what i'm talking about but sonic apparently has half decent burgers so i want to go try them out unfortunately there aren't a lot of places like sonic in boston any of those kind of random fast food places that i've never been to like sonic whataburger i don't really know the other names of any of them but obviously in and outs on the west coast but for sonic we had to drive about 40 minutes outside the city to find this one so again just saying we kind of go above and beyond for you guys we'll be there in just a few minutes i have no remote idea what's what's going on here there's arrows going both ways doesn't get better than bacon this looks cool actually this looks pretty sick so do i pull into one of these like gas station slots or i like this this is cool wow what whoa oh this is cool i've never been to sonic welcome to sonic oh thank you um what uh is your like best burger number three the super sonic bacon okay can i get two of those bacon double cheeseburgers please actually can we do three of those i'm sorry and then do we just wait out here yes okay perfect thank you do i pay right okay perfect it's like a gas station you pull up to the the pump you order whatever you want and they i guess they bring it out gotta get something else i forgot uh yes sir i just ordered i was gonna also get um two cherry limeades please yes please thank you so much thank you awesome i just had no remote idea how this worked so we got the goods baby all right sonic first i didn't have to get a cherry limeade it's very carbonated i love it it's also very sweet though and i don't taste a lot of cherry or lime but that's not what today's about today's about the burger oh so right off the bat i like that it's in kind of this metallic packaging it's actually kind of cool if you take a nice close look at the burger here you can see that we have not one but two patties and i have to say the meat actually looks kind of more legit than we're probably gonna see at a place like mcdonald's digging a bit deeper into the sandwich here that's an awfully weird looking setup of bacon but i actually kind of like it because instead of just one little strip it's much more spread out and provides more surface area for biting a piece of bacon but there's only one way to find out how good this thing really is okay pretty good so here are my thoughts the burger meat is actually pretty good but it's a little bit dry actually not even a little bit it's it's quite dry but the only thing that helps and saves them a little bit here is that they put a little bit of aioli there the fancy word for mayonnaise of course and there's also a few nice little layers of cheese in there that help to kind of lubricate your palate as you eat this i'm going in for another bite because i actually genuinely kind of like this burger way to go sonic no i'm not going to give this a rating quite yet because this is the first burger of the day and it's still pretty early in the morning right now but this is a really good start and it makes me very happy for what we're about to see today i know there may not be sonics everywhere but right now i will say this isn't about burger great start for our next stop we are headed straight to mcdonald's mickey d's let's wave a quick little goodbye to sonic here this exit sign this lady is staring at us i'm not sure what she's doing okay did she see you phil she was dripped out in that coach apparel we are on our way to mcdonald's i feel like that is surprisingly in my mind one of the wild cards because it's like does mcdonald's actually make a good burger i don't know i always loved the big mac as a kid but what exactly do people go to mcdonald's for is it that overall it's that kind of inexpensive easy quick food is it the fries is it the burgers the chicken nuggets i don't know i always love those wavy guys they're cool across the horizon we found the golden arches this is a massive golden arch by the way like one of the biggest ones i've ever seen billions and billions served try our new crispy chicken oh we already have and it was not the best one we had but not the worst so let's hope your burgers fare better looks like we're at the drive-thru i hear the pots and pans clanging in the kitchen they left their mic on can i help you uh what's your favorite uh burger is it the quarter pounder my favorite burger crispy chicken sandwich oh that's not a bur that's not a burger the kuara panda has onions so ketchup and mustard okay yeah we'll just do two quarter pounders please can we actually also pay for the car behind us is that cool we're just feeling nice today thank you so much hello thank you so much have a go i call that dine and dash but the opposite what is the term for that where you pay for someone's thing and then you just leave i don't know all right we pulled up to wendy's now and funnily enough we're gonna be doing something crazy we're gonna be trying our mcdonald's in the line at wendy's and then we're gonna be trying our wendy's in the line of burger king i don't know if anyone's ever done that before dive right in here quarter pounder put the rest of this in the back with the rest of our stuff okay let's take a look at the branding first here fresh beef cooked when you order now do i entirely believe that absolutely but do i want to believe it yeah of course i mean it'd be great if they cooked it to order every time i just highly doubt that that's the case we open this bad boy up here i'm actually surprised with how small it is and i will say right now holy cow that looks perfect right i mean you just look at that it looks perfect i haven't gotten a burger like this for mcdonald's in a long long time and this does look gorgeous right it's not some smooshed bun i like that they put it in this container here the cheese is melty i mean mcdonald's you're kind of killing the game right now with this let me peel up that bun that's one of my big pet peeves okay when you double layer pickles like that people just get an absolute pickle attack in their mouth when they bite right here and nobody wants that then look over here whoever dressed this this burger up all the ketchup and one massive clump here and so what you're essentially doing here is giving people these flavor blasts throughout the burger and it's not cool but i have to say of anything i've seen yet so far today which was only sonic so far i'm very excited to bite this i started off being like wow that's a really good bite but then pretty quickly you almost get some of these kind of flavors and notes that aren't as good and i think that kind of comes down a little bit to the ingredients that they're using here but with that said it's actually kind of a good burger the cheese is seriously goopy the patty is a little bit more moist than the one that we got from sonic the cheese is even more melted i think it's a little bit more greasy though and the bun is a little bit fluffier i have to say as well so as it stands now we're looking at two completely different burgers that we just got from each of those places i kind of have to go with this one right now because i feel like this is a lot hotter and more kind of ready to go it's just a good warm burger and honestly looks with food are sometimes a little bit important and this one looks very appetizing and delicious so not a bad attempt here by mcdonald's but let's keep on rolling hello oh my god what sorry just second okay thank you yeah just two dave's double sandwiches that's it they have literally the loudest speaker in the entire world here everyone can hear everybody's order which is hilarious so it's just awesome thank you have a going okie dokie wendy's should we go eat one of these in the burger king line i think we should i think yes just like that we have pulled up to the burger king himself to the king himself why is there water everywhere they're just there's just water this is a swimming pool in this parking lot with their sprinklers i like this by the way there's a lot of trees a lot of good vegetation around here see this look at this look at all these trees look at that this is like burger king in a forest oh wait wait we need to eat the wendy's though before i feel like let's just put him head to head could i please get two double whoppers hello they're never around a burger king they do not screw around at this place and you know what i noticed their door slams nobody else's windows um really slammed but thank you we're going okay they do not mess around with burger king let me just tell you i'm like becoming less and less of a fan of burger king i mean i wasn't like a huge fan before but i'm just like becoming a little bit upset just by how they always slam the door all right let's quickly just take a little taste of both of these okay take my seatbelt off wendy's first because a little bit of purell your breakfast could have could have been free okay look at wendy she's actually kind of a cutie she's cute actually caught the camera for just a quick second let's take a little bite of this burger here okay just like sonic i don't know who copied who but they have a little bit of a metallic packaging here i wonder why that is immediately okay i'm a little bit happy i'm a little bit sad there's a good amount of grease kind of dripping off these patties which that's fine there's gonna be fat blended into the burger meat that's fine the cheese is what makes me happy it's nice and melted they did a good job there let's quickly open the top beautiful beautiful piece of lettuce i love it and the tomato fits more perfectly on this bun than any tomato i have seen before in a fast food sandwich so that's great the pickles let's see how spread out those are it's just a mess when you uncover the tomato it's an absolute mess it's a messy looking burger also note this patties are in a square now why is that that doesn't really make a lot of sense to me right whoever put this together clearly didn't pass first grade geometry right what are you doing right a corner out of the burger right that you could just have be flush with the burger i could calculate out the amount of meat that you get in a square versus a circle whatever let's just we don't want to get too deep into that let's just it's too early for that let's try this well i'm torn okay it's okay again it's warm it's a it's an okay bite but there's not any seasoning in the patty there's just no seasoning in the burger meat which to me is super important okay you need to have seasoning in here you need to have seasoning you need to have a least salt and pepper at the very least look at what kfc does kfc's up there they're actually near a kfc and a taco bell right those are good examples of good seasoning right they actually do a good job legitimately thinking about what spices and seasonings can we put in here think about the taco bell crunchwrap supreme the kfc crispy chicken sandwich or their fried chicken it's it's good seasoning right you gotta put seasoning on here wendy's not impressed time for the king they got our order in correct okay we ordered two they gave us one now am i upset about it i'm not pumped about it we paid for two right um i think we paid for two however hurricanes just going down the drain here by the way just just just to toss out there they wrap it up in this thing one thing i don't like about their wrapping i'm not being biased i swear is that they wrap it up in such a way that you don't have this like nice kind of fold around it to eat it with this is a big ass burger immediately notice that the bottom bun is way bigger than the top butt can you kind of see that does this look good well let's flash back for a second to that mcdonald's bun and look at how beautiful and shimmering that was and we're going to five guys later and i know five guys is gonna look just like this off the top off the bat is this appetizing not really with that said they have some char marks on the patties here which is good they have some onions they have an absolute mess of things on the top similar to wendy's so i feel like wendy's and burger king looks like they're going down the same route here okay am i excited to bite into this burger absolutely not absolutely not right off the bat here's what i noticed i'm gonna put burger king above wendy's okay they may not have a ton of seasoning in there though they definitely have more salt in this patty i can tell you that right now the char marks and the grill marks on these patties which burger king does a very good job with provide fantastic amounts of flavor compared to that wendy's burger wendy's has no char marks they don't have any of that deep charred flavor right this on the other hand absolutely does and it's quite delicious overall burger it's massive it'd be very very filling if you went out and got burger king is it a good burger not really but does it have all the kind of fixings and accompaniments that i want yeah and the cheese isn't really that melted as you can see here which i'd kind of like more of a cheesy gooeyness but overall an okay burger so i'll place that in my mind some more and we'll rank them later today but just know that this is above wendy's for those char marks and for that flavor okay we've pulled up to dairy queen we've got an open sign though i think we're good i think we're good i'm going to pull in i'm hopeful that we can get a burger here i will be right back i think nick's making a friend we just drove 40 freaking minutes from burger king just to go to dairy queen this one doesn't have burgers the closest one that has burgers is 30 minutes away and they don't even open until 2pm anyway so we totally screwed the pooch on this one i think it's about time we hit five guys take me to five guys one 1150 hancock street oh just when we're pulling out we we we're going right by the uh the lube lab looks like you get an oil change in just 10 minutes okay gotta love a good lube lab i'm an absolute sucker for a good car wash so we are going to go quickly quickly through the car wash not to be taking any attention away from the actual video at hand because who doesn't love a good car wash we'll we'll take you through it with us but i'm just excited i'm just excited i am a sucker for a good touchless car wash gracias um we are in the car wash now basically what just happened there is the attendant asked my filmmaker here manny if he spoke spanish to what she said i went too far i'm an idiot i asked my filmmaker manny here if he could speak spanish to which he replied um poquito and then the attendant came over and went like this and insinuated that manny had unpokito it's messed up it's messed up i love that guy everybody let's enjoy this amazing car wash we just thought we'd take you through i got suckered i got sucked into it okay every time we pass through ooh it smells like mint wow [Music] let's go the green and blue soap ah and that's it we are headed now to shake shack and thank you everybody for going through that car wash with us because honestly car washes are one of my favorite things out there and i actually thought you'd enjoy coming along for the bride so thank you for doing that it was a nice break between all this but we are now headed to shank shack i've ordered everything ahead of time on my phone here the shake shacks don't have drive-through so we don't really have that option we'll be there in just a few minutes all right shake shack time baby shake shack baby i'm actually pretty excited for this we are at five guys which is really exciting because i'm gonna be honest i don't want to go into this with much bias but five guys has always been my favorite burger out there or at least one of them so let's see how it goes all right shake shack okay we're diving into the bag here we got nice branding by the way like really really clean super simple all kind of cardboard but nice and clean hoping this bad boy up and what do we got all right you got all the frills and the lettuce there you got the beautiful tomato that gorgeously melted cheese with this beef that just sort of falls apart now i'll say the first thing that i don't like no one on this planet would ever want to touch that i mean that is just gnarly right at least with the other ones you have a wrapping around it where you can actually hold it and not worry about your hands getting absolutely soaked but that is fine i'm going to just roll with it i mean the bun is completely wet but i will say this looks the most appetizing and the most kind of beautiful out of all the burgers we've seen today so let's just take a bite yeah you know what i'm sad to say this seasoning it's not there just not there in like any of the burgers today you know what right away i got i get those big bite of of tomato you can't have tomato and not put a little bit of salt on there it's just bland and it's watery right yes it's really good they've perfected the smash patty at shake shack right they've gotten this perfect really crispy around it really well cooked kind of smashed down patty right they do a great job there well where's the seasoning guys where's the seasoning let's see if five guys does it any better this right here is what happens if you missed one exit in boston we were three or four minutes away now we are 20 minutes away and it's 6.0 miles not even 6.9 miles i would have been at least happy about that let me just say this right now we are sitting in traffic there's a guy up here i would not mess this with this guy for the world i would not mess with this guy i don't know what it is about him all right for our last thing now in and out we don't have any in-n-outs in boston is the problem however there's a place that pretty much has copied and announced everything that's on the east coast a little bit it's called tasty burger i'm gonna grab one of those we'll go back home we'll taste that in five guys which are the two that we haven't tasted yet and then we'll make some final verdicts all right we're at tasty burger like i said they pretty much just copy ended up so i want to get that burger kind of get that closest comparison we can possibly get we got the in and out we are headed back home let's finish this thing up and let's rank them this bad boy right here goes back with the rest of our bags oh don't mind this guys sorry i sometimes i party so don't mind that have you ever seen this many fast food bags i'm actually not kidding it was hard to carry all these but really quickly we still have two that we haven't tried it so let's take a quick bite first we have the five guys which comes in this nice foil packaging obviously nothing special and it's pretty dang smushed but we expect that every time i mean but i'm not joking when i say that this thing looks like someone stepped all over it it seems like they literally threw this down against the ground in their kitchen a bunch of times right after putting it into the foil but that doesn't stop me from loving it it's got everything i want in a good burger seriously yeah it's a little rough around the edges and yeah it's not the prettiest burger we've ever seen but it's a really good burger what i love about these is that they're so incredibly cheesy that cheese fully coats your whole mouth and then you've got these really delicious patties that are actually legitimately seasoned a great burger by five guys and last but not least what i like to call the east coast version of internet we have this steaming hot and very well wrapped tasty burger i'm actually not kidding when i say that this thing is extraordinarily hot we have that really melty cheese around the edges i will say something about it seems a little bit synthetic but the buns are nice and fluffy i mean you gotta love a good set of buns whether it's a crispy chicken sandwich or a burger or anything else you gotta love a good set of buns let's just take a bite this right here is by far the juiciest burger out of everything we've tried but honestly the patties don't taste that great and they desperately need to heighten the quality of their cheese but with that all said there are a lot of things floating around in my mind right now there are patties everywhere there's cheese everywhere there's buns everywhere what is tomato ketchup mayo things are flying all over the place in here but i know i know i need to settle those things down and give you guys some rankings and i'm gonna have to say i'm gonna put number one as five guys now i know that might be a hot take for some people but i love it it's a seriously good burger you know a while back someone actually stole my identity and it happened that his name was nick and he worked as five guys i was pretty pissed off and i still kind of am but at the end of the day i gave him some credit because five guys makes a damn good burger so alter ego nick that's out there somewhere stealing my identity and stealing my name keep slinging those patties cause they're good number two i simply have to go with shake shack i will say that they had a bag that was way too large for what they were giving us a bag that can fit all the other bags we got today but their burgers have that beautifully crisp lettuce on there similar to in-n-out and i think i'd pair in and out and shake shack right up next to each other purely for how nice and high-end their ingredients seem compared to everything else or at least their quality control and all those ingredients is top notch so big props to in and out and shake shack for that i know i didn't have the real in and out today but i actually had one about a week ago in l.a so i do have that going for me i have that fresh in my mind after that i know this might sound a little bit crazy but despite wanting to pick mcdonald's for how perfect and fresh their burger looked i'm gonna go with burger king they do a really good job putting those char marks on there getting a little bit of that flavor and even if they're not necessarily using some massive real grill in the back there they're still imparting enough flavor there that i actually really appreciate it just goes to show you how far a little bit of char on something can go now perhaps tied right with burger king was sonic sonic was just pretty dang good he was a massive burger and i have to take into account that it was the first thing i ate during the day and was a little bit hungry so i want to take a few points off for that but i put that right in line with burger king because it didn't have quite that seasoning level and flavor profile but it was still a pretty good burger immediately after that i've got to give mcdonald's some credit i don't know if i ever told you this but i almost worked here after college i was essentially going to be an undercover agent at mcdonald's going around and trying all the food for quality control and it looks like i'm doing that anyway the mcdonald's sandwich is almost too perfect they've done such a good job making literally the perfect hamburger but they've tried a little bit too hard instead of looks they need to go a little bit more for what's inside now we definitely can't forget about my long lost love here wendy but what i will say is that it was actually a pretty decent burger as well so all in all not a bad day to all of you watching thank you for checking out this video i know a lot of you requested this after the crispy chicken sandwich fit and we have many more things that we can do like this next stop's probably going to be fries but if you have any more ideas toss those in the comments below in the meantime please don't forget to like the video it's so easy to just swap that little like button only if you actually liked it i would never ask you to like it if you actually didn't enjoy the video i'm serious and to the rest of you who aren't yet subscribers here i'm not really sure what you're waiting for smash that subscribe button and hit that little notifications icon too so many of our subscribers have notifications on which is super exciting for me because i know they don't want to miss anything and i don't want you to miss anything either i still have about 20 burgers left since i over ordered so if any of you want one let me know in the comments below see you next time
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 4,770,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcdonalds, burgerking, wendys, fastfood, burger, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: HAt2Kr7oMyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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