Checkride Prep and Tips - with FAA pilot examiner

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[Music] hello there fellow pilots my name is Paul Mannion I'm a designated pilot examiner I'd like to spend a few minutes today giving you a little bit of insight into the process of taking and checkride we understand that for many of you this will be the first time that you've taken a check ride and it may seem like kind of a mysterious process so we'd like to help you with that so that you can prepare well and be comfortable on the day of your check night so spend a few minutes watching the video it should help give you a little bit more confidence as you go through the process and best of luck on your check ride fly safely hi oh hi I'm John John that's sweet you sure have a seat alright so my first question is how should I dress well you want to be neat and clean there's no need for you to overdress certainly don't need to come in and suit tie or anything like that just dress you probably could call it business casual as I said neat and clean but you want to be comfortable as well sometimes especially in the summertime the airplanes can get pretty warm and we certainly realize that so we want you to be comfortable okay alright my second question is what can I do on the day of the check rent to make things though as smoothly as possible well good preparation is the key you know there's a lot of information that we have to cover and with there's a lot of paperwork that we have to do so if you can get to the office early and have all your paperwork laid out and have everything marked in your logbook so that we can find that easily have things marching your maintenance logs so that they're easy to find that will go a long ways towards they could things go more smoothly also don't remember don't forget that you need to submit your application on I Accra and you'll need to have your FTL number as well as your username and password because we'll have to go into Accra and call up your application that's the basis for the paperwork that we're going to do I know it's a lot of information to try to remember but in the airman certification standards they have a nice checklist here for you to use so you could go through that and that will help you remember to bring everything that you're going to need all right my next question is how long should each ike some explanation be well that's a good question obviously the length of your explanation is going to vary by the type of question that you get asked one thing to remember about these check rights that is not necessarily a question answer question answer it's more of a discussion between two pilots so I will give you some topics to discuss and you will just talk to me about them just as you would as if you were a fully certificated pilot and you were going to be making a flight you would talk me through everything that you would do to prepare for that flight so the best answer I could give you to that question is give a complete answer and that's that that's the end of that particular discussion if there's any further information I need to know about that I can prompt you for it but in general you should be leading a discussion as opposed to just answering a question okay what if I don't remember to answer a question all right what if I don't remember the answer to a question well that's very common as I said there's a lot of information for you to try to remember but the good news is that we have a lot of resources that we can go to in order to find those answers you might want to bring your textbook with you maybe your pilot's a fairy handbook for the airplane that you're going to fly and well certainly you're going to want to bring your Bari and book make sure that you have a current edition ok because I think there's a pretty good chance that there will be some subjects that come up that you may not remember the complete answer and you'll be able to look up the answer the important thing that we look for is that you know where to go to look up an answer alright I'm a little bit nervous tonight right now people generally nervous absolutely I think everybody is nervous before they take a check right it's just a natural reaction one thing that I like to tell applicants is that as even as an examiner I have to take a check right and I have to be observed administering a check right once a year and I'm nervous just like the applicants are so that's a perfectly normal reaction the best thing to do is to remember that we're here to make sure that you're safe we're certainly not here to try to make you fail we're here to make sure that you're going to be a safe pilot so good preparation is the key again what I would suggest you do is spend some time either with your instructor or a fellow student or maybe another pilot and get some practice discussing this this different subject areas that you know that you're going to be asked about so it's it's one thing to pick a choice out of a multiple-choice question or to read a study guide where you just say ok I understand that it can be a little bit more difficult to have to lead a discussion on a certain subject so if you spend some time with someone else and you practice that discussion that will help settle your nerves a lot on the day of the check rag because you know already that you have all the information and you've practiced it and you're just showing the examiner that you have all the appropriate information okay I mean how do you determine what consists of a password fail well we have the airman certification standards that's published by the FAA okay and the good news for you as an applicant is that this is the test that you are going to take okay so you already know ahead of time pretty much everything that you're going to get asked to do okay and in the airman certification standards the FAA also tells us as examiner's what the standards are for every maneuver that you're going to do on your flight typically it's a range of headings and altitudes and air speeds so what we're looking for is that you meet the parameters that they set forth in these certification standards one thing to remember is that a failure consists of a situation where you consistently exceed standards so the good news for you as the applicant is to know that if you momentarily exceed a standard and you take prompt action to correct it that generally is acceptable the failure comes in when you repeatedly exceed the standards or you exceed the standards and don't take any corrective action okay and one thing I would like to mention not about the flight is that during the flight when you've completed a maneuver and you've done it to the best of your ability forget about it the reason I say that is that your focus needs to be on the tests that are coming up ahead of you as opposed to what you've already done once you've done a maneuver you are not allowed to repeat it so you really can't change the outcome of what's already happened so we don't want people to be stressed out or distracted by thinking about what they've already done we want them to focus on the next thing that they have to do and I think probably the question that you were trying to get at is if I do fail what's the next step that I have to take and it's it's really a fairly straightforward process you go back to your instructor he gives you some remedial training on the area that you had the problem with and you come back and repeat that particular area so generally when you come back for the retest the focus is on that particular area that you had the problem with you've received some training so you'll probably do it much better on the retest and at that point you get a temporary certificate and you have a fully certificated pilot and the nice thing about that is that you and I and the FAA are the only ones that will know that you had a problem with your original test okay when you get your certificate it'll be exactly the same certificate as the guy that passed on the first try all right so we're going to do this proposed cross-country flight today and obviously weather is always an important consideration for us as pilots what can you tell me about the weather for this cross-country today well I've checked the official aviation website and I also called by service ok and I saw that there's gonna be an area of high pressure to the northwest and we'll be keeping the clear skies with a northeast wind approximately 10 knots okay we should expect broken clouds at about 5,000 feet hey Matt oh nothing much just that flight school sure yeah I'll be down there and I don't know probably 20 minutes it shouldn't take very long okay all right see you though okay bye Class B airspace is the business airspace generally around the busiest airports like Chicago Detroit Cleveland and Atlanta Los Angeles San Francisco Philadelphia Memphis oh it's kind of warm out there today you look a little warm in your coat and tie it why don't you go ahead and take your suit coat and your tie off you'll be a little more ofter I'm sure thank you I'm jumping hi John this to meet you as possible too so I understand that you're here for a private pilot check ride today uh-huh good yeah you and your instructor spent a good amount of time preparing for the check ride oh yeah okay and do you feel like you're pretty well prepared oh yeah oh okay well well I guess we'll find out today so how many hours of time do you have um around 50 60 maybe even 17 somewhere around there oh well can we take a look at your logbook to verify that oh yeah sure oh okay good here we go well let's take a look and see what you have so for the the first thing I need to ask you to see is your student pilot certificate sure you're just oh okay good all right looks like that looks good how about your medical certificate you have that with you I think so we find it well I see according to your log book here you only have thirty nine and a half hours were you aware that you needed 40 hours well I'm gonna have to give you go back and talk to your instructor about that you can give me a call when you get the sufficient number of hours so that you can complete all the requirements all right next okay so have you and your instructor spent some time going through your logbook making sure that you fulfilled all the requirements for the check right oh yes here we let me to show you yeah sure okay so I have 48 hours total time okay 11 hours solo okay and over here are my cross-country flights solo I mean over here I have mine I see you went to port meet bill did you go to the the famous hot dog stand yeah oh how good good for you all right and then I did my three hours night flight my cross-country ten full-stop landings I did three hours of simulate instrument flight and finally three hours in preparation for mine okay I also need to see your student pilot certificate okay there you go okay like that looks good and your medical certificate there you go right a second class medical good alright and did you bring the maintenance logs for the airplane oh yes there you go okay good we'll spend some time going through these in [Music] [Music] and slide your seat I'll be back Robert and bring takeoff landing which means no talking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay well John you did a nice job on your check ride congratulations you are now officially a licensed pilot so how do you feel I feel pretty good training was a lot of fun I learned a lot and that a lot of new people and I'm excited to license good well we're glad you are part of the pilot community now so one thing I like to remind people of is that you know as I said you did a nice job on your check right but think of your license as being a license to learn there's always new things to do new skills to work on skills to improve upon and I strongly encourage you to continue to work on your skills so that you keep them sharp and keep them safe there's more ratings that you might like to go for an instrument rating or commercial if you want a really fun one a seaplane rating is really a lot of fun so once again congratulations slot look forward to seeing you around and fly safely [Music] you
Channel: Paul Mannion
Views: 45,941
Rating: 4.9307957 out of 5
Keywords: checkride, pilot, pilot examiner, mock checkride, private pilot, faa, dpe, aviation, flying, oral exam, pilot test, checkride prep, pass checkride
Id: gWuBttpmBkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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