Checkride Tips InTheHangar Ep19

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do you have a check ride in your future and wish you could talk to a DPE well we have one in the hangar I used to be a lot of expected member of the aviation community and then I started flying until because of this obsession welcome to in the hangar I'm Dan Milliken and I'm Christie Wong and today we're here with dpe Joe Casey thank you for me let me be here oh you bet Joe glad you could be here yeah I'm excited alright so you're a DP what does that mean designated pilot examiner so if you want to become a pilot either a private instrument commercial whatever that lading is you're seeking that at the end of all your training you're gonna come see me where you get to take a practical test and hopefully if everything goes well you get to be the guy that hands you your new license or rating or whatever you're seeking that must be so rewarding it is that's by far the most fun part of the whole thing is shaking somebody's hand feeling somebody is probably not the the best feeling of course but it you know there's a proper way to do it you know where your left hand holds the rating and your right hand you're shaking and you always get a picture at the end of the whole thing so it's a lot if he didn't get a picture and post it it didn't happen it didn't happen not these days okay well let's let's go into for those who may have a check ride in their future what are some of the biggest don'ts or fails that you encounter when you're on a check ride you know I think I think it all starts with your prep you need to know the practical test standards or the ACS literally it tells you what the check rides supposed to be like I'm gonna basically follow that step-by-step and I can't tell you how many people come to me seeking a rating or seeking a license and they haven't even looked at the at the ACS or the pts to know and so we're gonna get into something that's like if I actually about hypoxia or spatial disorientation a lot of guys well that's like a distant way out that they didn't really prepare for when it clearly says it's right there so it's sometimes tough to be able to fail somebody for something that is they thought was a minor point but it actually hey it's there I have to examine on that subject how far do you in Apple can't go before you actually call it way far and there's one of my great fears is that I'll hit a valley or hit a place where they're not doing so well when really they prepared very well and and I want to I want to go really far into it and make sure I've hit a lot of problems they're rarely never is there a time where it's one question and you missed that question and you're out of here just about you're done no it really doesn't happen when if somebody comes to me if they fail something or if they if they answer a question incorrectly I'll usually divert move around come back to it from another angle and find out does that person really understand that subject matter well and that's and I appreciate that because in one checkride I had for for one of the certificates it I felt like I was in speaking the same language as the dpe and then when I went for another rating is it was like we were speaking different languages and so he was asking a question I was a little bit deer in the headlights because I didn't quite understand and when he came around like what you're saying oh okay I see yeah it's this is a so I appreciate that kind of an approach right yeah definitely for me as a DP it's it's I don't know of any DP that doesn't take their job very seriously and really we don't want to not issue a rating or a license when they really deserve it and then they came prepared but either we didn't ask it in the right way or they just didn't interpret it the right way so we're really looking to we're looking to pass them ranking to you're on their side right yeah we want them to do well so we've talked about what not to do and some of the failures what are some of the things that students do best or really well during check right you know not to make it sound wrong because you really want to look at the entire checkride but if it starts well it tends to go well you can tell pretty quick if somebody came prepared if they really know what they're done so I think I would if I were counseled if I were a flight instructor counseling a student you know when they're coming dress appropriately look look like your this is something you're interested in be confident when you walk in and you and you the questions know what the kind of questions I'm going to ask there in the ACS and the pts they should know so no that subject matter when you come in I'm gonna ask the question so just be prepared to be prepared on a subject matter to be able to know a lot about that subject matter what about the actual flight itself what kind of we've talked about the the don'ts and then the the dues of the oil what about the actual flight what are some big problems you see a lot probably the biggest problem that I've seen on the checkride is focusing too much on one particular thing like you bust on altitude let's say somebody gets off by if it's a private pilot 100 feet and they'll if they get off they'll go mentally and emotionally it just goes downhill as if the everything's all over and I'm actually thinking well it's pretty bumpy today and that's okay but all of a sudden they put they've heaped up so much onto them emotionally that it's hard for them to recover back to a place where they can actually pass the test and fly well so you're not I mean you're not looking for perfection but you are looking for them to fix it in that case so it would be in that situation it would probably be who's that person to say I'm off by a hundred feet so they've recognized the problem and then say I'm correcting right now by X Y and C and that tells you where they're at in their head absolutely okay absolutely you know when you if you come to me for a private pilot checkride I'm looking at the ACS and the pts and I'm really looking for certain skills but I'm also answering the question would I put my my child my loved one on board and let you that fly them around if you come in to me for an instrument rating I'm answering the question would I put my loved one on board and let you fly them in the clouds would if you're coming for a CF is would I let you teach my kids how to fly that's a really good way to think about it there's if you come back to if you if you mess up in an area don't think it's just an automatic you know you're done and you're out now there are some things that if your mind you know you've done you're out and that's all you know that there is to it but on so much of the check ride it's it's a it's where it's there's a subjective analysis that I'm allowed to make so keep trying keep going keep keep plowing ahead do the you can so is there a particular checkride that you like doing more than others like a private or an instrument of commercial or what-have-you no the my favorite by the far is the CFI oh really the marathon that's why I'm not a CFI right now you went ahead just she just survived her she's good I think I'm just I think yeah exactly I think I'm just recovering from enough that was a very oh man that was that was the most intense check right and I mean everybody warned me and I knew mentally going in that this is the big one it is and and yet I still don't feel like I was emotionally prepared for just how like tough it was going to be gosh you're like the the picture of prepared well I know but that just goes to show you how much as a matter of fact that some pictures of you being know it was and the thing is about the see if I check right is that there's just so much information and it's like you know you can reek they can go in there and ask you recall anything from your private going forward and even a little bit of instrument to because you are doing some instrument training on your see a fight record yeah we're drilling down pretty far with the see if I and we should and the reason why is see if I as the gatekeeper absolutely they're the ones that are signing people offer so though they're the ones that are creating the pilots of the future and we want them to be very good there's no doubt we want them to teach correctly and we want them to teach well and so when it comes to the cfir when you get a candidate that really takes you know it takes that serious and they come in and prepare it's a joy it's fun to be a partner to see that person become you know who they are in that check right and and also it's fun to watch them because they know you can maneuver you're prepared and you do well you're expecting that to go well and it's neat to see people flourish when they should be alright so I've seen on social media that people will be excited know post that they'll post their grade from there they're written and you know and they got it an 83 or and if they do there's invariably I promise you every single time somebody will say well that was thirteen points more than you needed you studied way too hard you know all you needed was a 70 what are your thoughts on that well I have I have not found a correlation between the score on the written test and the how well you do on that on the right I've seen but if I'm a guy or somebody come in with a 70 or somebody come up with a hundred on the test it can go either way a lot of times you would think if somebody comes in with a really high score on the test that you kind of preemptively think oh this is going to go great and it doesn't so it's I haven't seen that so the the key for you is to get a passing grade on the written test and once you've got that come on in if you get a 75 on the test don't retake it all right come on in focus on the next challenge which is that practical test one thing I was actually told early on in my piloting career is the lower score you get the harder the oral portion is going to be no no that's not true yeah no it's not true with me and I don't think it's and I will tell you as well that every year all the DPS for a region get together we just had that not maybe a month or two ago give like a dpe pot look like everybody pretty stiff crowd and you hardly talk to each other yeah it's not the most exciting meeting but I will tell you the candidate of the caliber of DPS in our region is super super high and they filter the people that become DPS very very well so it's just really really a neat group of people and I don't know of anybody that's a DP then in our region or anybody that I know that would you know not give a thorough check right it's almost if you if you've taken check rides if you've ever had a check ride that you prepared for and you did a lot for and it didn't he they didn't ask enough they didn't it's almost an offense and so I want to give a good check ride where they they've earned the piece of paper and they'll get their money's worth that's right that's exactly right did you want to be able to do that well oh how do you become a DP well how does one become a DP well that's all changed as of lately there used to be a pilot examiner board in Oklahoma City and the fizzed owes each visitor would have determined how many they need and they would send names up to the board and the board were to review all that's changing it's so new nowadays that really what you need to do is get with your fist oh and so tell them how y'all want to be in a deep EE and you possibly can there's definitely right now a shortage short of did VP's I'm telling you right now my phone rings off the hook I could literally book two months in advance without any worries whatsoever so and it's been that way for a couple years it's been that way for a while and it but they did have made some serious good changes as of late it used to be I could only give to check rides in a day now I can give three see if I initial see if I initialized to only do one a day and and I'll tell you if I do three it's because it comes from a flight school that I know really well or I know whatever candidate but you can do more than one I can do more than one a day okay and but probably the best thing that's happened it's really kind of a neat thing is DPS used to have geographic areas that they had to had to remain in that's no longer miles it literally is a worldwide domain so have dpe will travel that's right you can go in you can go in DP you can go anywhere and that's really been it's it's really a wise thing it's a good thing before you go to the physio what kind of qualifications you had to be considered to be a DP you I don't know the exact limitation or the exact requirements but I can tell you the people that are in that room in that's full of DPS it's super high super high you will you they they're very careful to filter people that are just looking for a rating the people that actually want to help mold and shape the future pilots that are out there do you have to have like an ATP and things like that already or can say like a 500 hour commercial pilot of I think a 500 hour commercial pilot can apply but I doubt it would go very far yeah you're competing against a lot of people nationally now so it's it's they've literally taken the power and the ability for a Fisto to be able to control that and it's nationally so you're competing against a pretty staunch level of candidate to become a DP there's no doubt about it okay so your best tip that you would give somebody this it's check right Eve what would you tell them number one without a day without a doubt over nervousness is without a doubt the the biggest thing that I see I see come I come in with sweaty palms and they're just so nervous I work so hard to try to downplay literally one of the first thing that I tell him is look the worst thing the worst thing if everything I hear goes completely wrong the worst thing I can do is not give you the rating you saw it I can't take your money or hurt you or you know nothing negative is gonna hurt happen in that regard and if you look at it that way you're gonna perform so much better it's usually pilots tend to be people that don't take a negative very well they don't like to be you know told they're wrong or you know they don't pass muster and well if you can take that off the table and then actually come in and just perform because the nervousness goes down it goes so much better it I work really hard to see to try to eliminate that off the table often times I cannot and it doesn't go well so it try to remove the nervousness but you also don't want somebody coming in who's overly confident and doesn't know anything either false confidences I'm looking for that I'm looking for if I've got a guy or girl or anybody that doesn't know you know they that doesn't know what they don't know I want them to know what that's that's a dangerous recipe for reality right there I want them to know what is the subject matter that the pts or the ACS is saying okay and misete this oh this over nervousness that they need to come in without it and one thing I found in my first check ride which got delayed for weather I ended up being so prepared I went in I wasn't nervous at all because I had been really really well prepared for the my instrument mmm no I I probably could have maybe delayed that a little bit but I still passed but I was nervous sure oh yeah I think everybody's nervous going into a check ride but but the more you prepare I think the less nervous you are so they neatly the pill for nervousness I think is preparation and also that it on top of that that's the hill let's rest a bit the the other one is contact the DPN to kind of talk it through of what somebody that comes to me and only oh really that's it yeah radio silence no I absolutely did so that's what I did so when I actually started like before I even started taking flying lessons I was like you started painting no no I actually um I went to the local pilot shop and I started like asking for information you know who do you know over on the area and I got a name and I reached out to this dpe and said hi my name is Christy Wong and I'm learning how to fly and I would like to really talk to you about you being my examiner because I you know what I mean and so I basically I started a professional like you know conversation with him about that and it wound up working out really well because he was willing to talk to me you know and just kind of and I was able to humanize the situation I think that's what I was looking for I was looking to humanize the situation instead of going in with this you know faceless name and oh my god I'm meeting this guy for the first time and I do you know in addition come to my like if the check rides gonna be at my airport come to my airport fly my approaches land on my runway I come to my office or my commercial I went to the the D Pease Airport and and did all that yes helped a lot a good CF I will guide that whole thing really good against EFI that's gonna guide you and bring you in and introduce you and let you just see that it's just a regular old guy that's just I have the requirement of making sure I don't hand out a license to somebody that doesn't it's going to be an unsafe pilot so regular old guy what is your airport Jaso is the identifiers Cherokee County Airport it's in East Texas just south of Tyler ok very cool yeah I've actually been in there once and it tell us a little bit about your you have a yeah well I own KC aviation and what my I do DP DP e I don't know if that's the right word we were they not Christy will make it up you go a DP when I can but I also I'm in the PA 46 community and I provide insurance approved training for jet props meridians Malibu's matrixes all these different airplanes so my beating heart yeah they're great they're great airplanes that's for sure so I've been doing that for about about 18 years now so I'm one of them I do a lot of flight instruction in that area so that's a that's a big part of my world if you do a lot of flight instruction how does that work with being a dpe and obviously you can't I can't sign somebody off from to check your check one of your students right yeah I can have somebody else do that and that does happen on occasion where I'll provide some of the training towards a rating but somebody else is always going to be a big part of it and be the ones that sign them off well Joe thank you so much for for answering some questions and hopefully people watching that maybe on checkride Eve can know what the pill to take to to decrease that nervousness thank you very much no this has been awesome it's been fantastic getting to know you thank you very much thank you okay so you've got the answer you can go out and nail your check ride and we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh
Channel: Taking Off
Views: 25,123
Rating: 4.9404602 out of 5
Keywords: private pilot, flight training, private pilot checkride, dan millican, taking off, private pilot checkride prep, checkride prep, check ride video, check ride for ppl, inthehangar, in the hangar, joe casey, dpe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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