Private Pilot Checkride Oral Exam

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hey guys what is up John here from fly eight Mike alpha comm and today we'll be taking you start to finish through a full-length Private Pilot oral exam helping you get ready for your check ride now the beginning of this video is here for free on YouTube to check out the full length video start to finish two hours of private pilot oral that is online in our Premium Private Pilot ground school that will help you prepare for your Private Pilot check ride we guarantee you will pass your private pilot's check ride when you sign up for that membership there on fly at myself calm the link is right the description below if you want to watch the full length of this video helping you get ready for that check card any questions on this video or any questions you have on the material contained in this video you can always leave it in the comments right below and of course reach out to us via email at CFI at flight mech alikom or calling the office number two three four seven three eight two five eight two happy to help you any way we can to get ready for that private pilot checkride without further ado let's get to it our wall garrett thank you so much for coming in today it's a very chilly day outside but hopefully today we'll be making you a private pilot so we've already gone through all of your documents we reviewed your logbook everything looked good you had all your required aeronautical experience in there got some other sheets here you can keep for now I got your knowledge test report here that want to look through and looks really great 96% so just two questions there looks like you missed the two questions relating to toy and gliders those are planted tawny layers oh well that's ok hum yeah I think you understand that you know you need to need to you know at least have a hundred hours and stuff like that before telling and three toes on the supervision of a pilot every 24 months so that's that's all fine anyways today this is just a conversation and the idea here is just to kind of go through and you know get the knowledge ie make sure you have the knowledge of the Private Pilot level we're looking for a level of knowledge that you do we just wanna make sure you have it I'm not going to expect you to teach me anything here not expecting you to you know put on this awesome performance just looking to get the knowledge out of your you know head out of your mouth in and make sure that you can show me that you actually have this knowledge as far as I'm concerned you've already passed what I have here is my plan of action phone and these little pieces of paper here and this is right from the ACS the airman certification standards no more no less we're not talking about anything that's outside the ACS everything that we're gonna be talking about comes right out of the ACS hopefully you you were reading this before showing up here today and at this point do you have any questions before we get started no I know okay yeah there's three possible outcomes the one where that we're assuming is gonna happen is passed near become a private pilot today there's the other outcome which is hey you know maybe we find an area that you got some holes of knowledge and there's some deficiencies well we'll send you back to your see if I and you can get retrained on that or the third outcome is really under either of our control we can discontinue all right so either I can say hey you know I'm just not feeling so well or I'm a little tired or I'm kind of hungry we can discontinue we can come back another day and that's not a pass or a fail it's just we're gonna pick up where we left off and if you decide hey you know you're not feeling so well you're tired you're hungry or you feel like this just you know may not be your best day then saying hey I'd like to discontinue and come back later that's totally fine no harm no foul no extra fees and you like that we can come back and pick up where we left off and no big deal there so then you know where the bathroom is all that great stuff so I think we'll go ahead and jump right into it sounds good first question I have for you here let's say you get your prior pilot today okay so today's January 28th six and so you become a private pilot today now how long can you just keep flying say you fly once a week I'm regularly you have to work every day you go up it's a lot of fun and so you fly once a week how long can you do that for before you would require any sort of additional training well two years before I need a biannual or my ID my flight would be done ok annually more so after two years I would need my flight review and so January 30th do you know 22 ok yeah so 2022 now so January 30th you senator yeah J my 30th jr. 31st yeah yeah I kind of you're alluding to like the end of the month yeah and is that because it's 2 years or 24 calendar months for you 24 calendar month ok yeah we go look it up sure yeah so you mentioned it sixty-one what is that book there so this is our far name mrs. where get all the regulations from so okay we have our Federal Aviation Regulations and our aeronautical information manual so like everything that we need to know what is in here so is there about you okay yeah any sort of rules that you want to know about could be in there so yeah like you said you could you could reference that in there and 361 for our flight review yeah sure yeah no that sounds good to me so you know you wouldn't need any extra training you're flying once a week like that until you you hit that twenty-four calendar ones now let's say you know you go six months without flying you know in that same two-year period could you just go out and fly again or yeah I can go out and fly again any time in that if I want to take a passenger I can't them without doing three landings and their last 90 days okay how does that work three so if it's a date time landing if Ike we're gonna go out and fly during the day it's a nice day I am too I can do three takeoffs and landings don't have to be to a full stop but I had to go do three take off the lines and have them logged in my book before I can take a bassinet with me okay no that night I would have to do it too full stop okay you'd have to do the night lands to a full stop because you're flying at a nose wheelie or playing one 172 no awesome okay so you're finally want something to you that's great fun airplane yeah and you mentioned day or night when do we make that differentiation what's the difference between daytime and nighttime up here to Alaska it's been hearing loss and so it's like it's an hour after sunset here our civilian Twilight for Alaska so we have right now it's an hour after sunset an hour before sunrise okay so yeah that's log between those hours is nighttime for us okay got you um any mentioned logging nighttime so you would so say sunsets 5:00 p.m. you would start vlogging nighttime at 6:00 a.m. okay and let me just it kind of cleared that five at so you would let's say civil twilight is 5:30 mm-hmm so sunsets 5:00 p.m. and then we have 5:30 civil twilight and 6:00 p.m. is one hour after okay when would we start logging that nighttime air logbook after 6:00 p.m. after 6:00 p.m. okay do you think that maybe we log nighttime between civil twilight to civil twilight so yeah I think there's a rule here in Alaska we can it just depends on the time of yeah sure we could check in the Almanac and we could see ya when those times are interestingly up so civil twilight the definition there is one of the Sun is six degrees below the horizon okay some parts the year depending on where you're in Alaska that doesn't ever happen yeah it never goes six degrees below the horizon yeah but for our purposes you know this is January it's pretty and we're in Anchorage is pretty normal down here yeah so you let's say sunsets 5:00 p.m. and civil twilight if we look it up is 526 mm-hmm and that's when the Sun six degrees below the horizon when it gets you know less light out yeah the second the Sun Goes Down it doesn't dark on this so the sun's a little bit below the rise in a little bit less light out and then we can start logging nighttime but we couldn't log a night landing until one hour after yeah that's what you were saying that yeah okay that makes no sense to me so it's funny we can't log night flight time without logging at night landing yeah yeah that's an interesting thing yeah for currency purposes okay and I'm glad you brought up currency we'll talk about that more in a second here now what about you know as far as flying the passengers after sunset since it's 5 p.m. and we want to take off at 4:30 and land somewhere around 5:30 or so but we haven't done our three takeoffs and landings to a full stop in the past 90 days is that okay yeah because we're not night yet oh well the night well after it had to be before this old Twilight all right no not to you for the night time it has to be before that that one hour yeah so up to 59 minutes after sunset we can carry the passengers so we could actually log a night flight time but not long the night landing and not have the three takeoffs and landings in the last 90 days yeah to carry those passengers now you mentioned currency which I really glad you brought that up let's say you get your license today and you don't fly for six months you said you don't need any more training for 24 calendar months Langer is that legally that's what this book here says now that would be to be current or proficient would be to be current okay now what's the difference between proficiency and currency so yeah I mean if your current you like my three landings and I've done that in the last 90 days doesn't mean I'm proficient it means I'm current I'm welcome to with the laws tell me I have to be able to do to take a package it also currency is legal yeah and then what's efficiency it means it means like so it's different for each person but being good you know from landing and taking off so it's like I'm actually doing this every at least once a week and I'm capable of flying this airplane at the best vacations of the few H let's say that you so we could say currency would be legal and proficiency would be safety yeah so we need to make sure we're safe so if you go six months without flying you might be legally current but would you still be proficient I mean in my opinion now but okay be something else yeah sure so I mean obviously you don't want to just wait another 18 months for that flight review to roll around yeah so what could you do get up and go find them you know go make myself feel professional feel adequate in the airplane and be you know capable flying it safely yeah let's say you decide to go up and do that maybe it's uh you know it's like ten gusting fifteen that day or something like that and you grab the airplane from the flight school and the other some see if I stand around would you just go up and fly by yourself or and if it was a crosswind direct crosswind I'd probably want to ask you see if I - come on help help me this girl say I want to work up some crosswind landings and hopefully they would either go into it certainly and if you go six months without flying might be a good idea even on a calm day to have something jump in with you another pilot probably even another flight instructor to try to help rebuild that proficiency in yeah yeah so yeah I know that sounds pretty good to me there's that kind of deals with you know our certificate in what we have to be current in there now when you go flying you're gonna have your certificate with you or what what kind of documents you have to bring with you when you go fly in the airplane so in that case let's refer to the arrow so acronym you know they need air worthiness the registration of the airplane my knee the operator's manual I need the weight balance sheet and then I also need my own personal license my certificate some type of identification and my medical okay some sort of photo ID yeah cool do you need to bring your logbook I do not you don't have to bring your look okay nice that's sounds good to me so you mentioned Aero that kind of deals with our airplane you said that was a awareness registration operating handbook and weight and balance how long is the error the new certificate good for is it ever expire um you know expires if you're annuals not current so like if you decided to an airplane for five years for some reason and that's not current anymore it's not okay so how could we make that area within a certificate valid once again by getting annual done on it okay having recertified in there sure is there anything more than just the annual that's required and I'm assuming the annual is required once a year right yeah makes sense yeah it's plenty how they name those things so is there anything more than that it's a required maintenance for your craft yeah there is another acronym called a v8 mmm which tells us you know we need our altimeter checked every 24 calendar months we need our video ours if we're doing IFR flights we need to check every 30 days we need our so or the pitot-static system would be the next one and that needs to be checked every 24 calendar months and you know our ELT every 12 so that would be hopefully with our annual would get done and I miss any other ones there I think I might have transponder yeah the transponder needs to be checked so okay every 24 County months 24 months on the transponder okay now what kind of maybe fall under the pitot static now do we need a full pitot static check for VFR flight or um you need that done every 24 combine so I'm not probably a firefight I mean so what is the pitot static check involve so that's fine I mean as a private pilot you know oh this isn't a logbook that the you know they did a pitot static check how could we find out when she asked over Tom hey what did they check in and ask him what's legally required I bet you it's in their best interest to make sure that that airplane is legal because they're signing it off you're gonna go fly it and they want to make money yeah so if there's something required I bet that they would they would know what that is and be able to tell you so you mentioned transponder for 24 months and that for VFR flight 20 transponder for 24 calendar months the annual you had mentioned the ELT every 12 counter months is there any weird rules about the ELT battery yeah so there's one if it's 50 percent of the life is used okay have to replace it a lot more if it's been on for more than an hour okay go in the Train I'm sure you have to get every place how do you know if it's been on for more than an hour um I guess you would finally get a call if it was you should get a call from somebody that hey like you're going off with what's going on if it's not registered to you you probably not you might not know and tell somebody told you if I hear it okay you could see the red light flashing on ya on our flight deck oh yeah what uh what frequency would we turn on on our radios actually here for ELT was going off or there's an ELT going off yeah you could look at 121 five okay once you 1.5 a good listen to that now you know perhaps you know if they're checking it you know they say they check it within the first five minutes of every hour right that's the only time they're allowed to check them okay and if they check can they run it for a minute or two and then they check it you know twelve months later and run it for a minute or two maybe they make notes in the maintenance logbooks every time they check it how long has been an operation if that total is up to one hour be a good time to replace that battery it could be something like that if they're not keeping good maintenance logs then not so good interestingly enough we'll get into that a little bit because you actually are a partner in this airplane you know so you actually all in this airplane um that's a great way to do your flight training saves you a lot of money by buying your own airplane hmm or buying in with you know to a partnership or club really an effective way to do it so you only an airplane you're also the operator of the airplane you're the pilot and command yeah who's responsible for maintaining those maintenance logs are ensuring that those maintenance logs are maintained okay so you're responsible twice you're really doubly on the hook here yeah so really it's on you the pilot in command whether you're renting an airplane er this is your own airplane yeah that uh you know you have to make sure that those mains logs are detailed like that so you would know if the ELT battery had been used for more than one hour oh cool yeah no that sounds good all right so going back to our inspections we got the transponder we had the annual we had the twelve months for the ELT and was there anything else required for VFR flight like if the airplane say you don't own it maybe it's used by a flight school yeah so yeah they would need $100 okay so they would need $100 300 hours what's the difference 100 hour and an annual incision I'm pretty sure it's it's not as intensive as an inspection as manual is so I think there's they have certain boxes you have to check off for them an hour and then have other box with a checkout potential okay yeah it's nearly the same thing and it's just that every the biggest difference is probably you know an ia have to sign off an annual and auntie can sign off the hundred hour now what if you go over that hundred hours well can you go dollars you can if you're picking it to play some 100 I was gonna be done okay and you'd have to get a very permit in order to do that okay yeah so maybe we would you know if we hit a hundred and you know or 99.7 hours we could fly for up to ten more hours past 100 hours we could fly for another two three four or five hours to get it somewhere to get it done without having to worry about that Freight permit but you did bring up the ferry prom which was a good idea so let's say you know you just forget to get the annual done you're busy yeah or are you just kind of put flying on hold for a little bit and your airplanes out of annual you know by maybe two or three months and the nearest mechanics 30 miles away up in birch wood you know and you're here at Lake Hood and everyone here at Lake Hood will just say there's no mechanics even though there is you need to get this thing up to birch wood what would you do then I would just apply for a fist oh okay so you can call the fist Oh what is the fist oh oh it's like Spanish district office okay so that's kinda like the FAA office here in Anchorage awesome that's like their their local office I'm sorry they're headquartered in Oklahoma in Washington DC but they've got a a district office yeah so yeah they're a great resource to call up if you need something call up and say hey I need a very permanent even if they're not the guys they might refer you to who to hit who is the guy okay so makes sense to me pretty good cool so those are our inspections or is there anything else we want to see in those log books any notices sometimes they publish every two weeks well yeah so I think every so there's a DS mm were these directives that when you know that hopefully your mechanic shop is taking care of you because otherwise it's pretty hard to look at those every two weeks and then you don't have to actually look through it you see that your airplane is required for something we don't want to have or if you see an incident happen with a airplane you have my good luck for IEDs yeah see if anything has to come out now how do you think you could notify babies you know you working with a good meeting shop is yeah right way yeah now that you know we said the air in the certificate was basically good forever as long as the airplane had altar fire inspections how long is the registration good for I believe it's two years luckily yeah where can we find the expiration date of the registration on our aircraft I'm actually on the access terrific yeah so you said you check that every pre-flight don't you left some of the required documents on board so you don't just look and make sure it's there you actually read it and have the expiration date actually I think it's three years now three years yeah three years is the standard and they have a few exceptions for when they might be more or less or whatever but typically three years and they like to have that current registration because that's one way you know one of the many ways you get notified about new IDs coming out okay is you know the the owner of record on that registration so cool that sounds good so those are our required inspections and we could verify all that stuff where would we look to make sure these require inspections are done very good and it sounds pretty good to me I'd like to jump now into kind of some of our cross-country planning okay and talk a little bit about weather so looking at this paper here we've got this little bit of text here at the top you know tell me what that text just insane so on the 26th of this month 1853 Zulu the winds were one five zero about four knots and there's ten statute miles visibility it's clear it's minus twenty four degrees dew points minus 27 the altimeter reading with two nine two nine three three and so this is like saying that it's an automated field like so kids I meet are here and it's automated sea level pressure here was two nine three two and all this stuff over here I think it's this temperature like it's actually shown what the temperature actually was okay guys working out for us temperatures yeah it looks like minus twenty three point nine and minus twenty seven point two there so you know it's not just minus 24 yes 27 times your dew point spread gives you a little more clear idea about the time shitty points but why why do you think they break it down so thoroughly for us what do we know about temperature dew point spread that would affect us on our flight making your go-go-go decision yes I mean typically like when they when they reach each other we get clouds at that point so that would make it couldn't make a decision for us say hey if it's really close there's a good chance we might not even see the field when we go okay when uh how close are we talking about like two to three through two to three degrees is where I start getting concerned but okay typically about two degrees yeah I'd be concerned yeah two or three degrees you know yeah anytime they're within three degrees of each other definitely something to pay attention to and see but luckily it says ten statute miles and clear for right now right now because that tent radoo point spreads close full boy that could change awful quick for us good and the sun's out so hopefully I wouldn't but yeah now what is this something I have to do with that tell me about that um well it's gonna help heat the service and it's gonna help heat the surface okay so then hopefully right at the surface we would have warmer temperatures than the spread of the dew point there okay so I would increase the temperature dew point spread and when ya we warm the surface and warm the air we would actually kind of absorb more moisture into the air so there'd be less chance of fog and things like that so you're telling me that with the temperature points pretty close like this what happens when the Sun Goes Down tonight at about 5:00 p.m. yeah you would you would I expect that there's gonna be some type of ground radiation going on and it's gonna get gone fog there could be areas of ground fog all set and would we see that in the forecast like yeah you know for sure we probably we could you know it might not predict it it may not predict it yeah it could be a very local areas what area is this to have good for so a terminal aerodrome forecast how does that cover like 20 miles from the airport one mile from the airport this one is for Anchorage and it's five not Statue miles from the airport okay five miles from the airport and this one yeah you mentioned news Frank which panc here and i could you just read me through i want someone on there so yeah the 26 at 17 20 salut the 20 so now in the 26 from eighteen to twenty seventh on 24 zulu it will be they're calling for wins at the north six knots and plus such successor miles billion sky clear okay so they're calling for a long period of time there to be pretty clear okay so from the 26th at 1800 0 to the 27th at 2400 zulu so about 30 hours there they're saying it's gonna be like that does it change any way of entering that so any and in between so like the little special times in between this we have the 27th at for zulu the winds going to be 3 5 0 12 knots plus a 26.2 miles of visibility and a few clouds at 10,000 and scattered at 20,000 don't you very good and then again another little period of time here they're gonna have a 27th and 1902 little bee winds 3 6 0 at 7 and plus 6 a 2 miles visibility and they're calling for showers in the vicinity which okay interesting : so yeah now these are all these weird Zulu times how does that pertain to us I mean my phone right now says 11:30 a.m. yeah so this one is for Alaska it's my this time of year it's minus 9 okay so we got the yet minus 9 out of that so 10 o'clock toes 10 am essentially sure yeah how about in the summer time what is it it's - aw - eh ok yeah how I remember that is minus 9 degrees in the winter and minus 8 degrees in the summer yes just a little bit warmer in the summer yeah cool just go ahead and read for me down here what are we seeing or what can we expect here on the 27th at around 200 Zulu going on down there by catch-can okay so down a catch-can they're from the 27th at 0 200 Zulu we have it's going to be winds 1 4 0 at 13 gusting 20 so there's gonna be some strong southeast winds I'm gonna need some type of systems coming up we have plus six miles of idjit of statute miles of visibility you're gonna have light rain scattered I want 1500 feet and overcast at 2,500 feet wind shear at from 0 to 0 so like when share northeast wind shear 1 5 0 gusting 40 so it's pretty significant change there in wind direction ok yeah it might be yeah wind shear or wind shift at about 2,000 feet okay above the surface about 1 5 to 0 at 40 knots so 2,000 people at the surface blowing 40 knots and over just that you know a short little distance we're gonna have a big change in the wind speed Nick and what kind of hazard is that for us when we're flying I mean is that a big deal yeah typically it's turbulence I mean so we're gonna happen but we're not very moving and different speeds so it's going to be it's going to cause viscosity which we know basically and then they're gonna be turbulent ok gotcha so have you ever been down to Ketchikan yes okay yeah beautiful area can you tell me you know is that good weather to go flying then or I know rain and it's gonna be super windy and a 172 when it's really cold so let's see if we had temperatures up here do we have temperatures on 10 oh okay yeah so I might not be on there but yeah and then that wind shear you know that wind shift we have going on there kind of uh yeah might be pretty interesting and and catch cans got some hills around right yeah yeah what happens when we have winds blowing at 40 knots at 2,000 feet over mountains yeah it's gonna be super so you're gonna create a lot of road here okay there's gonna be really turbulent okay what would happen say if we were flying downwind of you know a big mountain so there's gonna be a lot of downdraft so basically where you might not be able to depend on the wind strength and that's pretty strong we might not be able to climb something and it's gonna push us into the ground potentially okay now how far down range so we have Denver here and you know we're in Alaska but yeah the Colorado Plateau these mountains go up to like 14,000 feet here yeah and then the ground here is about 6,000 so how far if we got a strong west wind at 40 or 50 knots loft how far down range of or downwind to the mountings would we be concerned about that I think they say half the distance of the height of the mountain right maybe something like that is a good rule so if it's 14,000 feet you're gonna want to be 7,000 feet so over a mile away over a mile away yeah that might be pretty quickly our paraglider right yeah that's that's an interesting thing so yeah and paragliding yeah that it can certainly apply but for what we like to think about in you know single-engine airplanes yeah just know that you know this could continue mountain way of turbulence the rotor might only be you know a few miles you know from the mountain but and the rotor is really that swirly stuff that could roll your airplane upside down it really cause some severe structural damage but you can also get mountain wave turbulence was crazy updrafts and downdrafts you can see help me know if there's not wake turbulence man you look for indications of lenticular clouds okay on take your thumbs would be a huge clue if we saw a lenticular clouds that you know those could be up to a hundred miles downwind of the mountains when we have strong enough winds and that could be pretty exciting for us to fly through so we want to stay well clear now would we expect that more on a day where there's you know high pressure dominating the area and you know there's relatively no bumps but we just see these lenticular clouds or you know say we're flying around and it's just sunny and bumpy everywhere yeah and which would be worse you know when it's bumpy everywhere or when it's actually really smooth out so if it's really smooth out so it's gonna be worse for us because you know we have non wave setup in a high-pressure system usually when super stable that's one not label setup got you and that will happen and if that's happening though that type of turbulence is way more dangerous for airplanes then okay and just turbulence like you're so funny thing like stable air allows those men waves to travel well downwind and the thermals that we were describing aren't there to break him up and disrupt them yeah okay what would you expect and this is jump in two different topic here when would you expect weight turbulence to be worse off an aircraft or hang around a long time so we have all these 747s flying on Anchorage ship as any time that you know would be stable air or unstable air would make the wake stick around longer so the wake is going to stick on way longer and stable air okay because it's kind of be kind of like like a good the same thing as like a lake is all when it's all windy and ratted ya know wake will go through like a boat goes past or doesn't get yes call yeah calm lake the way travels for a long time in a rougher lake with a little bit chocolaty kind of dissipates pretty quickly so yeah so what you're saying is little bit of chopper like some light wind you know that can kind of you know 5 10 dots forty knots worth of wind can kind of blow the wake out of there yeah but five months or less away in stable air when it's really smooth maybe the Sun just went down or something we have stable conditions that might make things a little exciting for us with wake is it just when they're taking off or landing or what about you know when we're ten miles from Anchorage and they're climbing out we fly underneath their path yeah you can it's worse when they're taking off the land because they're slow clean and and heavy at that point okay meekly so that's typically when it's worse but yeah you can still get it I mean when they're climbing and going short I know they're going slow at that point no climbing still heavy yeah so if we're gonna take off of runway there's a 747 take off runway 7 right in Anchorage and the wind is you know blowing from say oh one five zero it you know five knots and you're cleared for takeoff and runway seven left a minute later would you do that I might buy one oh wait how long would you wait they say at least two three minutes okay depends on so that size aircraft I want to wait five so I might but they might not let me as well but at all so they force you to take off they can never force you to take off okay so they can give you crap well but they can't force anything I'm you're the ultimate authority there so yeah so you can always just say hey you know I want three minutes I want five minutes yeah I want a taxi back to the hangar now yeah you know um I'm out of coffee whatever might yeah be yeah no such thing as an emergency takeoff right we have emergency landings but no emergent takeoffs yeah yes okay so to uh just to talk about a little bit this cross-country we're going from Anchorage or could rather up to Talkeetna um you've got this chart here and this when did this chart once it ballot for it it's valid on twenty six of this today so basically from thirteen to nineteen okay so roughly ten o'clock okay so it's good until 10:00 a.m. and once it's shown us around the Anchorage in Talkeetna area we'll go ahead and pause the video right here and we will resume it on line at flight Mike alpha comm in the premium Private Pilot ground school the link is right in the description below if you want to go ahead and check out that course sign up for it and watch this full-length oral video along with several other videos that will help you prepare for your check ride plus hundreds of videos total in that course to help you prepare for your written exam and then just flight training in general any questions you have on this or anything else related to flight training feel free to leave it in the comments below or reach out to us via email at CFI at flight Michael calm we look forward to seeing you guys online in that premium Private Pilot ground school course and if you can't fly every day flight Mike alpha comm we'll see you all on the website
Channel: Flight Training
Views: 63,507
Rating: 4.9302483 out of 5
Keywords: fly8ma, private pilot checkride, private pilot checkride mock, private pilot mock checkride, checkride, pilot, pilot checkride, faa, faa checkride private pilot, faa checkride, private pilot test, private pilot test prep, cessna, flying, oral exam, faa oral exam, commercial pilot checkride
Id: EdUZ1eC1WrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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