Cessna 172 | Private Pilot Training | Checkride Practice

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everyone outside airport information tango two one five trees Zulu other win 100 zero at X naught visibility one zero miles with light rain stock Edition few clouds one 1000 tips or two for two point two one out of ten to two Niner Niner to runway one Niner or have approaches are in use of eyes on this contact information tango bingo down the sky Hawk one five nine o'clock secured at the diagram would like to talk to our for lift down VFR with information tango remember one time niner foxtrot theorem around the way one on it's actually be alpha six and alpha running one minute back to the Elvis Isabel bar nine of us with you November 1 final Foxtrot here you have convective Sigma e60 echo we're just taking a look and then we go home swing back [Music] I controlled rim or take off Bunnel engine instruments look good and meter the vacuum perfect Benito's right both left but let's hear the panel antastic Ultra no static bottle title alright and we're also gonna do a soft build take off here that's a s so we're gonna have it back but once we put the power up we're going to release a little okay we were just kind of balancing the wheel off but very little light instruments ex-patient radio have a gift Radio 1's a autumn all fiction log fields good flight plan not applicable doors and windows are etched EPS we're gonna do ten percent flaps or a soft field I'm off as bona fide and you'd have your checklist out you'd be you know we're planning on going to wherever Cindy tells you to go which is Augusta right or Evans best yeah ending light on dessert yes I was just I was just trying to keep your head into I know like what its gonna look like like you're pretending like you're going there there H compass and runway all right so I've stem Oh all the way back and we call the tower yep three no power it's kind of kwanzaa an Air Force is here it's wrong we won nine are ready to go [Music] every one five nine five shots here green with our only 104 for takeoff and Western freeze cleared for takeoff with them approved one five nine horses here then I'm Walter Charlie you're now clear to like when be right effectors direct Athens direct games will direct press unchanged [Music] we won't search all about correct and confirm you have the convictive signet where under which is only 766 feature Oh brakes brakes brakes all the way down or pay the trip depakote not right you already rotated so you just rotate your just hope bouncing off just like you got it if the wint looks like it's coming to the right so we'll do a little dip to the right all right and that's it big comps off those down and the ground effect but there's speed build up all right do that climb on out at 60 and we're clear the off school you push over harder but there's be build up to about 75 and then flaps up but you got that that's all there is to it alright now once we get up 500 feet turns out to the right I don't want to hear traffic be already upon reaching the end of one Connor and ones here Charlie runs really so no question all right yeah so very good say you got throughs who's this outlet screws out a power trim by heading in better with a five in the mixture yep yep okay well let's look at this up these blissed-out you'll watch it climb and when it starts go down it kind of wants to go up and Bill going up and now it's going down but then you go back to where it's at its fastest but you'll turn that back in you'll start going back up again as you turn it in this rose this is it Otzi it is and then you want it to be a couple to two lines under that he'll turn it in now that'll get a little bit there yeah so first you can set it like that but then that's the real way it's one of two dashes under that yellow line all right so let's just go right into it all oh nice to me I will that put the font I'll put the fogs toggles on you I'm just gonna have you look down and I want you to take me to Greenwood thank you to green with it okay even with the as of you are the frequency of that vor is one 15.5 bees either one on one five five so we are looking for a tu-154 this I'm type or five four so we kind of clear left earlier left that's what I said before turning every time yeah it's kind of nice the way I describe it oh and we can't watch our altitude while we're doing that so we want to stay at 3500 where we work [Applause] yeah the way I say it is like whenever you go to the doctor he reaches handsy pants he wants you before and so Scindia like it if you warn her that you're about to turn that way and says right yeah yeah it just makes us they're like okay well at least he's thinking about it and he's you know making sure we're not hit anybody you should definitely look you should definitely make sure you know what's beside you all right yep and so yeah while she's got you under the hood stuff like that you're supposed to stay within 200 degrees up or down of 200 feet I mean 200 there 200 there plus or minus you know all right so we're down here you're you're following us this is good you know how to figure out where you're at you'd put in Anderson crisscross stuff like that we won't worry about this one let's do that real quick oh sure all right so we know we are three three zero mom so yeah three three okay give me an hour current position yeah yeah okay so we know we're somewhere on this line but now let's see where we are with this one so if you put from here so you want have two drops and that one says zero three zero which is somewhere right around here there's the zero five zero zero four zero zero three zero boot it up and we're these crisscross so we know we're somewhere around in here what's that make sense cuz we just took off God went that way okay so you got that you need the two froms them and you could twist these two proms and then centre them now we know it's probably the center that'll give me the same they'll give you the same reasons yeah but this is so much easier yeah yeah okay oh all right so now I want you to close your eyes and just look at this thing whenever you open them okay all right I've got the chosen okay it's oriented for a second alright save me very good but we did one other thing you want to go full power okay yeah so let's try that one one more time but you have a control I chose those alright so you did that perfect but all right now do it how about their speeds get it slow full power nose down that's what we want because our air speeds get so slow you won't give it air speed mm-hmm all right so one more a psychopath Joe's eyes are closed alright saving never idle wings level at four all right that's all there is to this Evan bring us back up to cruise all right so down bring us up to 3,500 and right now it's got us up here you feel good stable won't you uh put ascent slow flights will do clearing turns and as we're left please help me a watch for traffic while I'm doing my clearing trend I sure will now how does this maneuver have to be completed this maneuver needs to be completed that police at 1500 feet very good and the leering right there yes you see how we kind of have the city here I would say that's not a safe area you could say we're full head out this way it looks a little bit more open all right green yeah we want to see more green for our maneuvers but you can just you can even make note of that you can say I'll keep on going up maybe this way I don't have to shoot them ball free popcorn I away from clouds a little bit yeah a bunch of folks here yeah there's fines back now we're betting playing Simon Says a personal vehicle okay all right so now you can take us safe enough alien oh yeah I'd say we're out here we're past the city now all right the power goes to 1,500 and we can deploy perhaps and pulling it up [Music] we were one full mixture now Oh chart new in Greenville earlier Falcon 9 8 alpha Charlie there's not a 4,000 on that visual for one night about a $90 other gram down found our own way one Niner clear to land cleared to land one 998 off chart 5 now and the altitude with power yep and their speed with yep and normally a good number to shoot for is about 20 just to make that green light turn back on they how we're kind of still plenty of court nineteen just whenever wherever the green light turns on okay and that normally will stop that and make this stand still bill hold this there are two thousand not 20 but two thousand in the other airplane it's only got two digits I say 20 yeah twenty hundred yeah all right very good so we're up here flying along why don't you give me a turn to the right and so the right and maybe a little bit more right rudder that was better need extra right rudder whenever do you by hand turns on slow flight alright and uh very good you can go out here and I why don't you give me a turn back to the left to a heading of zero six zero zero six zero very good all right so now why don't you put me in a 500-foot for minutes [Music] okay and I should be a sting and 55 while doing there so I just pull it back to about 16 I don't even like yank it out about 6 handle it the nose kind of drop on its own once the what's a looser this energy when I say drop the nose there's a big buzz up no it won't go down yeah you just hold it right here you could trim it for this and then you can see it's going down about 500 foot per man sent 300 lamebrain golf for FEMA constantly I've been a green base fan since about Sterling Sharpe oh yeah you can without boring that causes go down more I didn't have a theme when I was a kid oh alright so we're going down we're gonna pass you the runways right in front of us and so the runways coming up coming up coming up coming up now we're gonna do a power off stall we've already done the clear turns out bait you do them okay alright so now do your power off stall our title and back then stall Michigan falls buffeting whole nine yards the power-bitch four level but their speed kind of build up 70 and then now you come with it kind of come on up there Joey yep any up to now that there's beats coming right off Charlie are you familiar that's been a year a little rusty okay make sure you ride and that'll get your Thelma Grillo okay to rights for northbound on the parallel honey off Charlotte that was very pretty but bad huh not bad huh I was very good you levels off at three thousand five like all right and while she showed me a power on install okay let's the clink Oh clearing turns very clear he left a clearing laughs oh here was for that opens watch traffic enough Charlie here into the town ramp she'll come northbound to get to alpha five that'll be a left turn to the tower ahem you can cross these was runway Andrews got the pound clear across and alpha five to the ramp 498 alpha Charlie and clearing the right very good as some once we're getting up a little bit north you just go 180 yeah now send us back that way a little bit very good okay so let me we are over safe area by the looks of yep yep so let me try and slow down to our rotations 60 and tool power and I just go to the bottom of that second black line and Maryann said don't go back to it just keep it straight all right let the bill go down Oh turn it to the right I'll leave you saved it let's take him yeah then turns at turn not clear turns but just cuz we're heading that way I just turned to the right a little bit all right thank level off up when you run from me for your limit and then we'll just that one line woman I should play it's like bow down to sick and no need to go back to it just keep whatever you started with I mean just whatever you're on alright see how me a little right rudder when you go full power there yeah and sweeps beside but alright so just going on no higher than that second black line you see that so just hold it right there effing install evidence I'm an install buffeting motion controls yep keep on falling back just a little bit more just a hair alright that's it good guy that's all you need to feel that was pride felt it ever so fairly yeah it was barely we could have just broke it but you got it let's try one more nice so no clearing turns you just go right into it alright full power right rudder already pitch up and just come pitch up to where you you start to see that going down and then just hold it there alright see how their speeds continually going down yeah alright so just keep their speed continue going L so maybe you have to pull back a little bit more as we get a slower bit more alright so keep him off that long just a little bit at a time and as you prove that more you might need more right foot at the same time alright little bit more pull back a little bit more right foot and then play the guy that's enough Narae I didn't even feel it stall it was starting to break it if you want to you want to pull it up and do it one more time let's try it let's do it one of the core month and so will hold up nice and slow keeping this straight ahead alright so power by trutter enough all right second black line we see the air speeds continuously descending you feel that as we get slower you need boring right rudder and maybe you have to pull back one and so once you get right here's don't whine walk off just pop it just boom right there good guy just gotta pop it and then lit and then release your pressure okay that makes it nice and clean just again alright let's do it I'll let you do this one all by yourself so fool power come pitch up - what's that just kind of nice and gently to the top line and as we slow down you see I get slower you need more more right rudder alright and we're coming on up and then just kind of snap it but now release that was it and I'm what blew that out yet but we need to go down so uh alright yeah I would just leave that in till we build up their speech I want it to go down but we need to go down but how about birds and sea descent right all right and flaps layer down and left into the great bend to the left yep so clear to the left now clear below so and let's go down about 80 walk it down faster and then we just do one 90-degree turn when we roll back up don't we just going down at 80 yep yep just riding it just like this all right so you can level this off now go back 2500 Matt yeah we'll head on back to the airport before the weather gets aint worse it looks like it might be coming in so how about alright engine out what are you going to do sixty-five very good oh we got these down I'll put the flaps up for you we didn't get to that by just I'm hitting you with stuff so fast because I want you to do one of everything while we got the chance okay all right waiting plus 65 looking for for a spot to land very good don't see are you gonna land into the winter with the wind I'm gonna land into the wind very good which I'm not sure where the wind is coming from but this to be from 190 yeah the other wind would be only from here so I'll be leaning that way that's way there's ice field right there we could fly over and do circles around it love this here yeah that one right in front of us we just fly across it cut my crap over there I wanna do one that's closer and then you can circle around it instead of going over there and not making it go animate all right so we might want to recover I mean see if we could turn on their airplane but checking you know passes on both fuel shots out push em mix yours in every the teat the key didn't get knocked off the fuel pump will flip the fuel pump off oh that didn't work alright so now we're going to turn now we want to communicate 7700 and then tell Greenville tower Mayday Mayday Mayday we're going down and then we want to turn off all that stuff also we'll pull the mixture out we'll pull this out because we're about to crash and we don't want the airplane to blow up so we'll turn off everything everything that's red basically gas on both that's him we'd pull that out so I do it during this check right no we just say I would do that okay yeah all right we're down low enough now so you can just you can recover from here well I would I would land in that field right yeah you would turn back around and plant in there but yeah you're gonna recover us where we get any lower I know there's a big tower somewhere out here uh yeah I forgot about all right won't you give me a climbing right-hand turn actually you can let us go back down to 1800 darn right yeah you know what let's do a turn to round a point around this campfire okay you know we supposed to enter on a downwind so you can turn this nice and sharp to the right really quick and we need to be about below a thousand feet so 1800 is pretty good for these maneuvers though the room we're facing the window right yeah so we're now we're yeah we're facing the wind wait we want to enter on the downwind so we want to turn and go around that then enter it and we want to keep it about halfway up the wing strut but you want to stay about half a wing strut away so you can let us come out a little bit more about right on the about 3/4 of the way up the wing strut about a half a mile this is pretty good so you want to keep the same distance so as the wind so now the wind is back behind this it's going back our ground speed faster but it's blowing us but we'll have to turn more steeply here but let's do it another round so now we've started the Bluebird now and that's perfect distance we'll fly around here so as our ground speed gets faster and faster now we're starting to turn into it you may have to shout out you just want to keep the same distance oh draw an imaginary line around it and then fly that imaginary line and if she puts you in a steep estern twitch she should it's the same thing as this you're just doing one on either sides now we're getting a little bit close I would shallow out now very good and your bank goal is to be able to stay at the same altitude while you're flying around that all right and then we exit the manoeuvre on the downwind side which would be about right here once you come a be met again we'll go ahead and exit and then you can take me up to 3,500 oh it's just 3,000 all right man yo Lil Wayne trouble having full power air speed on a bring us up to 3000 feet or to a knockout Steve Curren and know why about to they're born before the clouds get in and all right we're at 3,000 you can level us off here 3200 we 5 we're just gonna do one steep turn see how you do if that you point is right at various mount that way we'll have a visual reference makes it easier I think it was right at it and then you want to set your headache bug I'll let you do it says you're headed bug off our nose which is pointing right there okay all right and it pull the power back a little bit all right so in this airplane we want to be below the Madhu bricks to doing Steve turn so slow us down a little bit till we get below an overhang speed which I'll go down to even like 95 or 94 at 99 and now all right okay bring it to school bit powered set it up to about 19 at least yeah bout green or or 20 so that's perfect all right so why don't you show me a steep turn you want to the left and one to the right got to do povo turning left who left half a foot in 2030 our cool I would don't have any more power I'm descending well well you should pull back for the seat now our air speeds gone up alright coming back up all this looking out there right hand right foot I think we get our awake which is good all right now now I'll go back to the right I prove power back to about 20 though yeah yeah would you add power it doesn't help you it hurts you because then it makes you felt how it got worse so let's do yeah you want to do one back to the left ten twenty thirty and just give it a little kiss power out there we go all right so let's do went to the right turning right right [Music] this is perk this is what you want to feel is that little bit up now very good but try not to add power it makes things more difficult okay just use your back pressure to do it and then whenever you roll back up pull the power back out so we're coming up on our point we look outside and see us of left hand left foot pulling the power out and trying to keep the dough's on the rise of us so we don't go down well what's the pole ends there Oh plus or minus hundred but you're allowed to break that a little bit oh it was 500 yeah don't even look at that oh no look at that that Thanks that thing is unreliable it was this Oh which we landed on what we started which was 3300 but I was good in the course of executing the manoeuvre how much they went okay cuz I was looking at that yeah don't look at this period no this thing's got a seven second delay that's why that's what was messy oh really I was totally just looking at that don't look at that period so we got this right here so you want to go right this left hand left foot and pull it back and then what you want to do is lock that in right here and then look right there and it's not going anywhere right now it's going down so I'll pull back a little bit more now I stopped it alright now we're going back up now just look outside after you've gotten it and just hold it hope this Nora turn around I would have added more power we got really slow we should be as slow but yeah now we're coming back around Yeah right here and 100 is between ya go down within this and that okay yeah I should know I should but you did fine you stayed within it while we were doing it but you should be looking at this see no now you know little things all right so uh let's get the weather really quick oh I'll let you grab it and everything and why don't you give us a 360 to the left to five trees ulu weather when two one zero and five not sensibility heaven recognition scattered one 2052 to do point to one outfitter two niner niner to runway 100 or never approaches are in use if I was honest contact information you need form right and if one we have all right we have uniform so you won't know we're six miles to the northwest inbound with uniform Greenville power Escada quantum matter are secure six miles to the northwest being bound for a full full planning with information uniform number one five hundred bucks out here and will downtown tower run away one night clear to land probably one night I are cleared to land Niner secure right they just take us all in there lumps very good yeah we're just still plenty miles out 3 miles out earlier when should they be doing one as soon as you think of it if you're coming to land that way you don't forget you know what I mean that's right yeah so something will distract me in the event yeah bombs guess landing lights marriage makes very props you felt very good [Music] all right and so let's do a what would landing would you like to do soft it or short field let's do I think short builds the hardest one all your landings like a soft build okay short-field right yeah and with the soft fields you can add a little bit of power to make it softer to just leave it in account play with it you just want that landing be as soft as camp but you want this one be soft too but this one you have to hit your spot [Music] [Music] all right see bring out a little bit more power so that we all go on these files I bet you can do twenty degrees five of us I think you got set out already yeah so you're flying 70 with 20 degrees of flap so you're very good again idiot yeah sure and then find it now at 6:00 they knock out some more power and we just want to take those trees take them across it kind of visualize and you see how those trees were right from the wrong way we won't be able to see anything except for the white footers I mean thousand-foot all right so 6u runway 60 runway and our feets keeping the nose straight with our feet and with their hands went or coming off it right so we'll do a little right crosswind all right it's a tangy power back but leave something very good you can leave little in there uh salut all right and then just kind of looking down the runway but it can sink a little bit more than that keep looking down and then hide the trees that's beautiful and then keep going back pulling back and and and breaking because if shorts yellow and so you break and also flaps up and then roll this into the wind they got that it looks like we can take off at Delta here that was very good at laying a my it looks pretty soft right yeah that was perfect and you hit your spot you talked about the part of the round pearls didn't you recognize taxi yeah I'll fall for five to the ramp cross 1028 have a good night all right yeah and remember blew your flaps up to you so yeah pulling back flaps up and oh no I don't want pull pulling back but no flaps but once got flaps up another one done press leave the flaps yep yep and you boys both flaps yep and you got that on video at nice slow taxi this about what you should do being didn't up lowing if the wind didn't stop blowing did it but where's do you look at the wind sock so it's off to LA there's no wind it's well it looks like if there was when it looks like it'd be about right there well as I get distracted my paxing goes yeah I'll let you do you think well that's a big old jet there who have it being executives it fell football player okay yeah the weather is not all that bad I was afraid that it would be a terrible but it's not it's not bad but it's bad for vision like it if those clouds came over us we would have had gotten a aiya far in here we covered a bunch of stuff though in one hour yeah yeah that was good yeah I'm glad we did that thank you maybe maybe we can do it again tomorrow yeah just in case yeah cuz I'd hate for it to be perfect all right thank you and we did practice you
Channel: Final Approach
Views: 26,948
Rating: 4.8892307 out of 5
Keywords: ATIS, runup, soft field takeoff, cruise, VOR, unusual attitudes, slow flight, clearing turns, climb, descent, power-off stall, power-on stall, emergency descent, stall horn, engine out procedure, ground reference maneuvers, turn around a point, steep turns, checkride, GLUMPS, tower, runway, short field landing, MFVR, student pilot, Cessna 172, general aviation, ATC, air traffic control, Class D airspace, private pilot, VFR, takeoff, landing, downwind, GMU, KGMU, flight school, traxiing
Id: dKLs0hpyTyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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