Top 10 Pilot Checkride Mistakes

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hi everyone its Nathan here at us sport aircraft and today we're bringing you the top 10 mistakes that student pilots make on both their sport and private pilot check rides now u.s. sport aircraft has a great relationship with designated pilot examiner's right here in the dallas-fort Worth area we've taken all of their advice and we've compiled a video for you and that video is the top 10 pilot check read mistakes let's take a look number 10 hurry or stressing out take your time and relax the examiner doesn't care how quickly you answer the question he just wants to make sure that you answer the question correctly remember your examiner was in your shoes once before he wants to see you pass not fail properly plan for the performance of the aircraft on that specific day and if you don't feel comfortable with the weather ask for discontinuance don't feel like you have to fly if you're not comfortable doing so during the flight portion don't taxi too fast and remember that go-arounds are always a welcomed option number 9 being disorganized make sure that your flight instructor has signed you off an eye accra your logbook is totaled and organized and you have all of the appropriate sign-offs don't simply rely on your instructor to take care of all this be proactive and double-check everything before the check ride begins be on time for your check ride and pay your DP promptly and right up front don't make the examiner ask for payment when you arrive and the examiner your envelope with cash payment inside now this may seem like a shady back-alley deal but it's the standard way to pay for your check ride number eight dwelling on mistakes don't get preoccupied thinking that you failed mid checkride if you think you've made a mistake just move on the more you focus on the mistakes you think you've made the more actual mistakes you're going to make remember relax and think ahead of the airplane number seven not briefing your DP as a passenger keep your examiner engaged during the flight aviate navigate and communicate and in that order say everything out loud that you're doing so that your examiner knows exactly what it is you're doing vocalize checklists usage altitude changes and traffic scans also if you use a nav aid identify it it is required likewise your check ride is not over until you have debriefed with the examiner it doesn't stop after the last landing use your shutdown checklist replace the control lock and secure the aircraft these are all part of the evaluation number six not performing clearing turns your examiner wants to know that you're safe a huge component of safety is performing clearing turns very important number five guessing or biessing the DP has to take your first answer as your final answer so don't just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind when he or she asks you a question and remember you can always look things up it's going to look a lot better if you say you don't know the answer to something than to pretend like you do the DP always knows when you're biessing using materials such as the far aim or Poh are generally accepted practices know how to navigate the Poh and the far aim know which sections are which and where to find items such as checklists number four arguing with the dpe arguing with the DP is never a good idea now it should be a no-brainer but you'd be surprised how many people actually do argue with their examiner it's okay to be confident but don't be cocky now you may be the smartest guy in the room in many cases but in this case you're not number three not using checklists checklists are critical at every stage of flight be sure to perform all of your checklists out loud so that your examiner knows exactly what it is you're doing be prepared to perform the following checklists preflight startup taxi run-up pre-take-off takeoff climb cruise descent before landing after landing and shut down every single checklist and don't forget the emergency checklist to when it's time to simulate emergency procedures number two talking too much keep your answers short and to the point don't ramble on rambling only gives the DP the chance to find efficiencies in your knowledge and certainly don't go down a rabbit hole because he's sure to follow you there don't try and impress him with all of your knowledge everything needs to be short and to the point and finally number one not knowing your stuff now none of the other nine things on this list matter unless you know the material you need to know airspace systems and documentation documentation both for you and the aircraft these are the common categories that examiner's see students get tripped up on so before you begin your check ride make sure your studied and we're ready to go before you even schedule your check ride go through the ACS or pts and triple check that you are fully prepared in every category of knowledge skills and risk management my instructor didn't tell me that is not a valid answer for not knowing the material it may sound a little overkill to read the entire poh from front to back but doing so will make your check right a million times easier you should be able to properly demonstrate all flight procedures before you even have your check ride scheduled now of the DPS that we know they tell us that most students fail check rides for things like stalls short and soft field landings checklist usage that's a big one and simulated emergency procedures many students fail emergency landings by being way too high or picking a poor field 1dp recommends that you choose a golf course or a long field remember look down don't try to fly a long distance to a field or airport you may or may not make or to a field that you can't determine the quality of it sometimes you can miss a field that would be perfectly acceptable and it's right under your nose fly a traffic pattern around the landing spot and fly the approach as much like a normal landing as possible you should also know your radio communications like the back of your hand and be very comfortable using maps timing and diversions well if you found this video helpful or you think we may have missed something let us know all about it in the comments section below take care everyone and good luck on that check ride
Channel: Thrust Flight Academy
Views: 185,634
Rating: 4.917171 out of 5
Keywords: pilot, Top 10, checkride, student pilot, dpe, examiner, license, mistakes, 60 seconds, US Sport Aircraft, US, Sport, Aircraft, LSA, private, sport, sportcruiser, sportshares, plane, airline, airplane, bfr, study, tips, advice, 10 reasons to become a pilot, choosing a pilot's license, pilot license, sport pilot, private pilot, mzeroa, bristell, flight design, tecnam, stemme, emergency, landing, radio, light sport, flight training, top ten pilot checkride mistake, checkride mistake, pilot checkride mistakes
Id: j9B-VoPUfuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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