Dischidia Oianta Variegata Care and Propagation

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i like to collect different health plans and figure out their current propagations here in the home setting and share them with you here on youtube sure if you into that kind of content please do subscribe to my channel and send me likes in today's video i'm going to talk about the disciplia oyanta varigata and this comes in a non-variegated version however i find that the variegation the variegated version of this plant is more popular and it's more beautiful but the green form is just as nice so if you have that the care is going to be very similar to what i'm going to discuss here so i got this plant when it was very very little and i struggled with it it was grown in a coconut husk and i didn't know how to water it back then i was very early in my plant game and so i i killed most of it so then i moved it into a very barky potting mix which is bark burned rice house perlite and a little bit of cocoa pea and it's thriving in this pot and as you can see it's overgrown it's uh pot and it's time to repot it i've also taken cuttings and propagated them very successfully so this is a very easy plant to propagate and i'm going to show you in a little bit how that's done there's different ways to do it but i'm going to quickly go through the care with you guys this plant actually likes bright indirect light and it can take some direct sunlight if you give them a lower light they will grow very slow for you they may give you more greener leaves which which means the variation would revert however if you can see here i give it a little bit of direct sunlight and it's given me some white vines and actually these are not really good for the plant because they're not really photosynthesizing so i would actually advise for most of you guys to cut it off if you have a young plant however my plant is quite big and established i'm going to keep it on this plant for a little bit longer or unless i decide to cut them off later during propagation i'm not sure how in terms of watering they do not like to be over water disciples hate water i just so you know so you want to treat them like a succulent you can actually see that their leaves will get thin and a little bit wrinkled when they're thirsty that's when you should water it when it feels full and firm like it is right now back off from watering do not water it it will yellow leaves it will rot off it will just turn to mush with fertilizing i do it lightly as with any other house plants uh let me see in past i haven't had any paths with this in a year unlike my hoyas which keeps getting nearly bust on them in terms of the potting mix i do as i mentioned earlier give them something very fast draining they can actually live in many different kinds of uh potting mix conditions and i've seen that uh but yeah do give them something fast draining especially if you're over water like me so i'm going to take you to the propagation table where i'm going to separate this plant i'm going to also propagate this plant because you know me i need i need a lot of plants around me and i like to multiply them so yeah and these are actually very slow growing just so you know so propagation may take a long time and growing them will take a very long time as well all right so welcome to the plant studio i'm gonna take this plant out of the pot it's such a small pot i'm excited to see what the roots look like so it's gonna be a reveal for or it's going to be a surprise for me just as much as it is for you oh this is pretty satisfying to watch it's pretty root bound for a dish kedia although there is a lot of soil material in there left it's how beautiful that this uh this root and the potting mix is in the shape of the pot and the bottom i love looking at that uh and i also see some spots in there i believe these are i don't know mealy bug eggs yeah probably eggs it's not moving so yeah a lot of my plants have uh mealybugs in the soil actually i do need to get my pest control down right i'm going to quickly show you um the close-up so yeah uh these are the spots over here and i do see a little bit of mealy bug action going on it's fuzzy white uh animal looking things and look at the bottom of the pot it's it's so cool it it's it's the shape of the pot uh yeah so this i would consider this to be pretty root bound and i'm gonna have to move it up to uh a pot bigger i'm not sure if i want to separate this no i don't want to separate i don't want to mess with it and with this one actually when because i took cuttings of it and when you take cuttings it actually will bush out from below which is why it's actually quite bushy even though it's actually only a few plants in here a few of the main stem so yeah i'm going to repot it to a bigger size pot give it a pesticide and take some cuttings okay so i found a pot for it which is the right size only a little bit bigger than this uh previous pot and it's terracotta which means that it's gonna drain a little bit faster uh look how nice this is gonna be such a better look for it the color is also nicer uh yeah and i cannot find any more bark lately so i'm gonna have to use my general purpose potting mix but i do know that it's gonna dry out a little bit faster because it's in a terracotta pot so [Music] you want to make sure that the soil is really pushed inside the pot because unless you have air pockets in there if you don't push the potting mix inside gently though i lost a few leaves but it's okay very nice and i'm all set so i propagated this a while ago and uh there are a few cuttings in here i i did some straight into soil and i also rooted some of them in water and then stuck them into soil later and it took like i don't know like seven or eight months just to get to this size so they're very very slow at growing and propagating but it's healthy look at the tiny ah these very cute i love looking at the growth points of disciplines look at that the tiny little baby leaves that will expand in size all right so let me show you how i propagate this there's so many ways that you can do it one of the most obvious way is just to take one of the tip cuttings let me see where i can find one i guess i can take it from here uh so i got a cutting like this and you can actually take off the lower leaves so this is the safest way to propagate and just stick this in water so the roots will come out from this as you can see these two little things below the node and the new plant will come out usually from the node or from or from the node above usually from the ones that are on the top and there's three leaves here which is perfect for uh photosynthesizing you can actually even take off this last leaf you only need let me do that for you no i'm not i can't decide if i should do it or not you know what i'm gonna do it you can leave it on or you can take it out it's fine so when you do this this is actually one cutting i'm not gonna root it in water this time only because i have so much going on in my life right now but you can do it and go see the roots grow from here and i can move it to salt for me i prefer to go directly into soil because i have so many things going on already in my life which one is faster i would say uh soil is probably a little bit faster and you also don't have to do anything about it like i just leave it outdoors and it gets rained on whenever it just stays pretty moist and rain water is very forgiving for the plant so yeah that's that's my preferred method and take some more cuttings oh this one's actually really well rooted already awesome i'm gonna take uh these two cuttings and as you can see here there are already aerial roots coming out so that's amazing let me just take this out in this case because there's two uh least arrows i'm gonna take this one too perfect this is a beautiful cutting see those roots are going to root i'm going to leave all these leaves on because here's the thing when you have a lot of roots here it can actually support many leaves however if you don't have any roots down here you will probably only want to keep two leaves on i don't know if i'm making any sense because the leaves actually do need some roots to support it and if you don't have any roots the leaf is going to kill the whole cutting but in this case they have some roots here so i'm going to keep it as it is poke a hole all right i'm gonna do uh let's see of course if i keep taking cutting off this plan it's just gonna get even bushier and bushier yeah i'm gonna take this actually [Music] so i took this cutting i'm going to take off two leaves two sets of leaves and then you know what this is the applicable dominance so i will actually keep all of the leaves i think all of them should make it i mean or ideally you can cut it right here so you only have two leaves that's going to support the growth but you know what i'm going to just do ooh an ant just crawled out of it the pot ew see i'm going to just stick that in there so yeah three cutting should be enough for this part so i'm gonna leave it i'm gonna give you guys an update uh soon in my experience they should all take but obviously a lot of things can go wrong so let's see i'm gonna leave this just outdoor just let it send for its own life and there's another way of propagating hang on one second so this is actually becoming my preferred method of propagating the skidios and hoyas and this is the butterfly method and again i want to remind you guys when you take cuttings you want to take it from cuttings that are full that means that you don't want to take let me say you want to have it well watered and well fed before you propagate so i'm going to start am i on off screen i'm going to just take sections off like this and let me give you a little bit of anatomy lesson so these leaves are going to help with photosynthesizing it's going to produce energy for the plant there's a little bit of roots here and the roots are going to grow and it's going to support leaves and then the leaf the new growth is actually going to be coming out of the cross section here where at least meet the stem so another new branch will will appear from there and so the tip is to keep this well rooted and keep it my keep that uh root moist at all times so what i do is i enlist the help of sphagnum moss and i find that this method actually invites a lot of mealy bugs for some reason so i just want a tiny bit of sphagnum moss i don't want a lot just enough for it to root into and then let the rest of the root go go down into the potting mix on its own later i'm just going to leave it here and what i do is here's a trick like if you leave it here like that it's easy for for it to just come off right so what i do when i do this i take a little bit of the sphagnum moss and i just fold it over like that as you can see so the middle section is a little bit uh buried in there but there's still enough room for the new growth to emerge from i'm gonna keep doing that with the other cuttings uh in this this method that definitely takes longer than if you took like a like a like a like this one however this will give me a lot more plant material because i don't have to cut any leaves and throw them away all of the leaves are being used all of the nodes are being utilized in this method and again i found that this method is good for outdoors too where you over here our humidity is quite high we don't have to worry about it drying out and it's going to help it push out new um new roots pretty fast but if you live overseas you definitely want to give this a humidity tent where you what do you call it i kind of want to cover this in a plastic bag or do this in a what is that word i'm looking for uh like a lunchbox thing like a transparent lunchbox okay and i'm done and of course you know me i'm greedy i'm gonna do one more part of this ah yeah i really love the studios i had a dish gideo video in case you haven't seen that one where i cover a lot of dishcadia species and i share with you guys that hopefully one day i'll have my own dishkidian nursery i don't know if we have one here in indonesia they're so underrated no no one's really buying them out they're actually very expensive here by the way because nobody appreciates them so i think the demand is low and the supply is low even lower thai people are so good at growing them i don't know how they do it i will hope i can visit thailand soon so i can learn some tricks from you guys i'm gonna do just one more because i think there's room for one more in this pot yeah there's about six cutting in each pot yeah and i'm all set so i'm gonna quickly give them a i'm gonna give them a little bit of a slow release fertilizer i would say about six or seven pellets per pot not a lot they don't need a lot of fertilizing uh this is slow release so the fertilizer is not instantly released like right now now so it's not going to burn the roots or anything uh yeah and then more importantly i'm gonna pour a little bit of the uh furadon this is a chemical fertilizer i used to handle this with my hand until one of you told me that it's actually very very toxic and we should not touch fourier done with our bare hands so yeah i do notice that a lot of my hoyas that were propagated this way have been having mealy bugs in the roots so i'm gonna just be a little bit more generous with putting this uh fur done so i'm going to water this down keep it outdoors keep it bright and the rain is going to take care of the watering because it's rainy season right now and actually for this one i can even add a little bit of sphagnum off on the top just so that it can retain a little bit of moisture just kind of top dress it gently yeah give it that extra humidity around the roots so yeah i'll see you guys uh in a few months i will update you when i see baby leaves coming out of these welcome to a two months update on the plant and here is number one this is doing quite well it's already putting out these very cute baby leaves and this next pot over is doing quite well as well i see some baby leaves some of these don't have any growth yet but i'm gonna be waiting on those maybe i don't know if i'm burying this too deep and then the new growth point have a hard time coming out of it possibly but i'm gonna give it more time this is really wild there's a party going on here first of all these are new leaves so they're doing okay but this hoya lakunosa has rooted itself into this pot and around and i can't take it out i may propagate that part later and i'm going to show you in the parent plan because the parent plan is in trouble i just noticed southern light today it's a very very deadly fungus so let's get there here's the parent plant and look at this mush over here and you see the white webbings around it that's southern blight that's fungi i knew that this was in trouble a while back i had a feeling it wasn't doing well but yeah a lot of the plants in this area are affected because a lot of the dried leaves that fall from above were dried off and they rotted on the potting mix so i'm gonna have to pro the only way i can save this basically is to propagate this so i'm gonna cut this whole thing off and i'm going to leave the ones that are in the potting mix alone let it maybe put a little bit of fungicide on top and spray it down but i'm going to leave almost no leaves on the top and then i'm going to be propagating this into many many many plants and yeah i'm gonna get started i'm not gonna film this because it's gonna take a long time as you can see there's a lot of plant material here so wish me luck i will update you guys later so that's the portion that i cut out from the plant that looks really disgusting i need to sterilize this table i may have to spray this table down with fungicide just to be safe so i managed to get six pot out of this and here's the parent plant that's all i have left i cut everything off basically and what i'm going to do is sorry i actually added some fluoride and pesticide and slow release fertilizer and also i'm going to be using this fungicide any brand will do i just happen to have this on hand and let me see if i can do this with one hand while i'm filming yeah i never measure anything ever so this is not brain surgery it's not neuroscience just use your feeling do not overuse anything like i don't measure my pesticide or yeah i just go by instinct guys take it easy so this is probably going to kill off the uh fungus any kind of southern blood that's left over hopefully it's very simple i've actually uh treated some of my plants with this and they were they are doing okay it does work so i don't feel despair i don't feel nervous around the southern but yes it is a very very deadly fungi and it's very very contagious but you just gotta be on top of your plants just spray everything down i may have to spray down some of the areas inside so let's see i actually bought a huge one of this but uh it didn't work so and i couldn't get a refund so i'm so angry at the seller because the the seller didn't give me one of the components that is important and i could not get a refund i didn't get a response from online from tokopedia so i'm a little bit upset i haven't bought another one but i meant to get like one that is about five times bigger than this i think it's in a backpack form that i can carry out with me because this will only allow me to spray down maybe like a quarter of this rack or half of this rack and then i keep having to come back here to refill it and that's really annoying that's why i wanted the big one so i think i really need to go down to an actual store to buy the big one and start spraying everything down with fungicide because i'm having a an outbreak now okay so i'm ready to just spray it down thoroughly any fun guy that that's on here and he's four should be killed i may have to repeat this in a about a week's time just to be sure so annoying but it's got to be done and hopefully i'll get you know many plants as you can see here i've got six more plants out of this but i gotta wait as you can see from the propagation update that i just did before two months did nothing for this plant these studios are very very slow to root and to propagate that's why they're so expensive that's why they're so precious and i need to know how the thai people do it they manage to grow them so fast and so well okay so i hope that these guys are gonna do well i'm going to be waiting for new growth and i'm gonna have many parts of these thanks to that crazy fatal fungus that i really hate thank you so much for watching this video if you have any questions about plant care and propagations i'm at botanist on instagram meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 18,802
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Id: oY37ZX5QYnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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