a few of my most easy going philodendrons 🥰 and how I care for them!

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edge do you want to film do you want to come say hi to your friends it's been a while i need to wipe your eyes i can see those eye boogies from here is that a yes okay hold on one second i oh big stretch okay give me one second let me go grab a tissue okay let's just wipe those beautiful little eyes i know you're so excited oh gosh big boy you need to take a bath oh okay hi friends i'm back with my trusty pug pudge today i know it's been kind of a while since you guys have seen him and i promise i am trying to incorporate him more in videos but uh yeah i will go into that a little bit in another video but anyway we're here it's hot my armpits are i'm not gonna say the m word they're damp are your armpit stamp a little bit you got smelly armpit so anyways hi guys we are back and i think that i have a fun one for you today i actually had something different scheduled but i decided to change my mind last minute and now i'm just gonna go into basically some of my most easy going philodendrons i did do a video before of like my easiest plant and i will throw up the thumbnail now um that one was kind of just like an overall of my entire collection what i found to be the easiest but today i am just going to focus on philodendrons why are you crying and i think i probably have about 10 or so maybe a little bit less but i am gonna show you some doubles of the same plant so yeah let's just get right into it i just want to wrap this up quickly because it is very very hot in here i said that i was only gonna film at night but i've got a lot to do today so i need to get this out of the way so would you like to say bye to your friends before i start this video hi friends i've missed you i promise i'll be in more videos okay all right so you might hear him snoring and snorting in the background if you can't handle that i'm very very sorry but he comes with a channel oh that was a big one uh so yeah like i said i'm just gonna go into some of my most easy going philodendrons and what i mean by easy going is that it just doesn't require much they kind of just thrive on neglect almost they just need a little bit of water a little bit of fertilizer every now and then and they're totally fine they're also very like resilient in terms of like if i forget to water or if i don't know they haven't been fertilized in a while or they don't have like the ideal conditions i feel like they just kind of prevail so yeah i want to highlight these um i know that everyone kind of has their own experience with different plants and what might be easy for me is not easy for you and vice versa some of the plants that i really struggle with i get so many comments that are like oh that's my easiest plant and like you just gotta do this and um truly i just i don't you know i don't know what it is we all have different conditions but in my experience these have been just my my easy guys i just they just kind of live even though i'm not trying that hard i honestly can't take credit seriously for a lot of the growth on these because i just feel like they're great specimens they're just great plants and there's not much to it but besides just highlighting them i will kind of go in depth about the conditions that they're in sort of my care regimen just in case you're curious so let's just get started of course i have to feature these two um i think that i will start with my big boy majestic i think that if you guys have been following this channel for a while you know that it was not always this large at one point this died back to a stump i think it was last january i had propagated it either for my mom or someone and i chopped the bottom off gave them the bottom and then i kept the top and it just kept rotting and rotting so i was like you know what let's just keep it a big fat secret and i'm gonna try my best to rehab it and sure enough it bounced back all i did was um when the rot was initially happening i scraped it off with my handy little scraper i soaked in hydrogen peroxide overnight and then i left it out for a couple hours to let it completely callous over and then i rehabbed it in perlite so thank goodness it's back but i was basically down to leaves about this small and don't mind the major rip that happened from a lazy moss pole which is why i've started rounding the edges of my poles because i've just had too many casualties so basically in all of 2021 my majestic leaves were looking like this or like this which you know i mean it's still a decent size but all of the leaves were kind of staying this this size generally and it wasn't until i put it on the lazy pole or on this d-shaped pole that things just truly took off because it's been in the same conditions i think the only thing that would have changed from then and now is that i was using a different micro i'm now using a different micro result inoculant and i'm using uh more cal mag i was not using a ton a ton of whoa cal mag in the beginning of 2021 so i will say that's been my only difference but i'm telling you it's these poles that are just working wonders and you can see this brand new bright red root right here but you can see some of the older ones in there and this thing is super super freaking rooty i think that i did this on camera in another video i did an extension on this majestic and i put just kind of a whoa lazy pole extension on the top because i didn't want to rip this off uh just fyi this is the last d-shaped pole that i will be making it's a great pole if you're into these kinds of poles but it's not my thing because now i'm going to have to dismantle it to remove these um roots safely from this mesh because it is really really in there obviously i will try to remove it without dismantling it but it's going to be super hard because of all the moss that's packed in there so more than likely i'm going to have to take it apart which is why i am just such a fan of these lazy poles because you literally just dismantle it and it just falls right off anyway so here is the majestic now once i got it onto this d-shaped pole i noticed some pretty incredible size growth and like just in terms of how fast it's been growing um yeah it's just really really taken off also keep in mind that it does have that you know hybrid vigor because of the fact that it's not like a pure parent or whatever and hybrids tend to grow a lot more robustly just a lot faster and uh yeah it's definitely lived up to that ever since you know i kind of feel like i've given it what it wants now so this new leaf it is uh as big as my head it doesn't look that large on camera but just you know in comparison to where we started not too long ago to have a leaf this large i'm just yeah i'm blown away because this leaf is actually even bigger than the leaves that i would have imported back in i think it would have been early last year when i imported a bunch of majestics i thought those were huge and they were nothing close to this size so i am very proud of it this one isn't even hardened off yet it's like you can see it's not like that dark green color yet and it's still very soft and it's already pushing out another leaf so this thing is just non-stop and i'm not really sure what the plan is but i think that now that it's like rooted enough in the poll i'll feel a lot better about chopping some of the smaller leaves off at the bottom and just continuing the growth up top and i know i will not be selling any of the majestic leaves because i am trying to create my soda roy garden here which will include majestics and i just want to fill it and uh i've got a lot of space in there i have a lot of non soda roy's in there hopefully i will be able to propagate these guys into new plants but otherwise super easy going in terms of the care so um i have pretty much always grown this inside of this xo uh for as long as i can remember it's been in there i don't think i've ever had it in my grow tent because i already knew the lights would be too strong i have two 10 watt grow lights up there spaced um one in the back one in the front and the reason why i kind of wanted to leave a gap in the middle where the where the plant is is because this bleaches so easily and um you can't i don't think you'll be able to see it all that much but um definitely like on this leaf you can see some bleaching at the edges where you see some of that yellowing and you can see some of that like venation through the leaf blade so that's what happens when plants get bleached i will show you another plant that's a better example of bleaching so just be aware that this one bleaches very very very easily it does not need a ton of light to thrive these actually just from what i've seen through other growers and other hobbyists that these grow really well outside of a greenhouse so that's why i've taken it out it is not in the exo anymore it's just living here on my shelf and because i'm acclimating it down i wanted to put it close to my humidifier i'm not trying to spoil it too much just because i always think about the times when i go away to california i'm not going to be here to be able to refill my humidifiers but my ethereums have suffered for sure since putting it on this shelf i still have no regrets because i love being able to enjoy them out here i have still had some new growth but a lot of the growth has been either stunted just completely dried up and yeah it's just very very hot in this room and it's dry this apartment is so dry without the humidifiers going it gets down to like literally 20 in here like my skin just like all the moisture gets sucked out so i have these here for now i'm not really sure what the plan is when i leave um we will handle that when the time comes but anywho yeah this is living out here the only light that it's getting is basically from what you see around me there's nothing directly on top but i do have my mother light grow light in front of it about oh my god i want to say it's about like two feet away from this plant on the floor so i just wanted like it to be able to get at least some sunlight or some light from the front and i've had really really really good success with the mother light lights and i grew so many of my elbows with it so i just kind of knew that this plant would love it and i think i might still have a discount code with them and if i do i will link it in the description i highly recommend it it's a beautiful light so yeah that's pretty much the light situation for this and like the humidity conditions for this right now with the humidifiers i try and keep it at about 55 i don't want it to be any more humid than 55 because i don't want my plants to get used to that high of humidity so uh right now i'm taking in the casualties like any new leaves that grow and sort of die it's just whatever we'll try again with the next one so i would be curious to see how this plant does outside of the exo because it is pushing out its first leaf outside of a greenhouse and i don't know i'm feeling really good about it because my friend amanda grew her or has grown or is growing her majestic outside of a greenhouse granted i think that she has an nse specimen whereas mine is like i don't know from a random seller in indonesia but you know the dna like the genes of this plant is actually really really good and yeah i love it besides that uh in terms of the growing medium i just have it in a no drainage with pond a little bit of lecca and lots of perlite i can see a ton of root growth up at the top some down in the vessel but um yeah i just i feel like most of the root growth is happening inside of this pole right now which i'm not mad at at all when i water this plant i actually water it through the moss pole and then i let it drip down into the vessel and i am fertilizing the pole mostly and not really the vessel so right now i am using let me just show you right now i am using mostly calmag with that plant and i've switched over to indo brand max minerals it's five zero zero and i'm also using liquid gold leaf but this is my primary fertilizer right now for most of my moss poles and before using this brand i was using i think it's called sensi or senza or something like that i'll throw it up here that was the brand that i was using the most i blew through two of those bottles until i decided to try this one just to see so i have no real thoughts on this one yet but i will say that i have been using this for a lot of plants that i will show you now but i still it's still too early to make any sort of recommendation but i can recommend this one i love it so much so you can grab that on amazon i don't think i've ever seen it been sold in this actually no they do carry it in stores and uh lauren at north shore tropical sells it too but she can't ship fertilizers to the state so just keep that in mind so that is this majestic but i do want to show you my other one oh she's buying it for me my mom just randomly sends me stuff and she's like oh which one do you like better thinking she just wants my opinion and then she's like okay i got you the black one i'm like oh i didn't know this for me she's buying me this cute little tote bag she's so adorable too cute it's from banana republic she's like i got one for work and what did she say she's so adorable work and travel oh so this is my other fillet engine majestic that you would have just seen in my repot or my story time and repot i think it was the tipsy one or it could have been part one but this is the one that i got from jing um back in gosh i can't remember a couple months ago oh this one has a please tell me that's a predatory might not a thripes what is it what is it oh i think it's two oh oh they just oh they i think they're having sex oh no i just blocked so bad okay i don't want to keep these out for too long because there are a lot of predatory mites on here and i totally thought one was a thrift because it was long and i poked it and they were like on top of each other i think they were doing the segs okay so here's my other philodendron majestic pretty much the same thing i'm growing it in here i'm just sort of mimicking what i did with this guy and so uh yeah i thought that it was time to get it on a lazy pole because the stem was getting really long and i did notice that some of the leaves were sizing up pretty well this was the original leaf which is a pretty decent size and it was a mid-cut and this was the first leaf to come out on it which is bigger than this one i was shook i was like wait a second this is a top cutting but this one was humongous for what you would expect on like a mid cutting or like a bottom cutting when it comes out of that auxiliary but this one came out and now this one which is still like hardening off and is still really light in color super super soft but i'm just hoping that this one can sort of beef up like that guy although i think once it's really big i don't know where i'm going to put it but i just want i want to fill this entire plant room with majestics i also want to try growing a majestic out in the living room so we're just going to be propagating majestics like crazy so once this majestic outgrows this pole i'm probably going to chop the bottom off and propagate again i'm obviously not going to do that until i have and it have a significant amount of roots in this lazy pole and if i'm still feeling like there's not enough roots to propagate i'll just extend this pole and just keep it going and then cut when it's ready but i did get this one into lechuza in here is just a mixture of obviously pond osmocote and coarse perlite and orciata i'm glad that this one actually took really well to the transition i didn't see any shock it just didn't skip a beat i would say that this one is a really easy going hybrid philodendron in general just make sure you're watching the light it really does not need to be anywhere close to a light or else it's going to bleach that's just been my experience that's been the experience of some of my friends too warmth is probably more important than like bright light for this one and it's also a heavy feeder because of how fast it grows so make sure that you're like either on a good fertilizing schedule during active growth or just do it diluted and just do it whenever you water that's what i've been doing i just can't be bothered with like a fertilizing schedule anymore when i had like eight plants in my apartment yeah i was like oh yeah every week i'll just fertilize it on this monday or whatever but now it's like who the heck has been fertilized i don't remember so i just put all of my fertilizers i mix it into my pump sprayer and then everyone just kind of gets fertilized whenever i spray and water and none of them seem to be showing any signs of like over fertilization or whatever it's just it's been like a good you know it's been a good regimen for me especially with this many plants so anywho that is enough about this plant but i'm just like so happy that i feel like i finally figured it out because i did struggle with this plant a little bit so yeah that is that okay next one is my philodendron glorious i would say that this one has to be probably the easiest no no no no i take it back um not the easiest but uh it's definitely been one of the easier philodendrons to size up once i figured out what it wanted which was basically just a poll before i used to have this on one of those just regular segment moss poles where you like just wrap it on a stick and then just tie string around it and i don't know like it would attach and then obviously once you had to repot you got to rip it off that that pole and i don't know it just never that kind of pull never worked for me and so then i went into like the moth pole with the net the traditional pull with the net and again just i don't know it just wouldn't attach so it really wasn't until i got it onto a lazy pole that it started sizing up because you can see these leaves down here are pretty are pretty like average size and just once it got going it like did not stop and this is the newest leaf on it which i thought was gonna be tiny but it is pretty much as large as this one and it's still hardening off i think it's like probably 98 hardened off at this point and i do need to sort of top it up with some moss because i have some exposed roots here that are now drying out so that is one precaution that i will say if you're using lazy poles got to keep an eye on the growth because it will explode it's very fast and you'll find that a lot of your nodes are going to be just kind of exposed if you're not filling your poles like all the way which is my preferred because i don't like using so much moss at once i just like to use it as i need it yeah that's just kind of been my preferred way but i will say that i have fallen behind on lazy pull care just because i forget how fast they grow sometimes so this one is just such a beauty and um i'm inspired to just grow more glorious everywhere i would love to go glow i would love to grow a glorious out in my living room but i think that i want to keep this one in the plant room just because it's like my first like baby and it's grown so well in here that i'm not willing to risk it so maybe if i get my hands on another glorious or i eventually like chop and propagate this one then i will experiment with growing it out in the living room with no humidifier much lower temperatures lower humidity obviously i have actually i think i've always had this one in soil i don't really remember ever having it in like passive hydro or even just having it in no drainage at all i've always had it in um a pot with drainage and it's always been soil and this one is a pretty chunky mix there's not a ton of orchid bark in here but there's a lot of perlite this one dries out so fast like sometimes i get freaked out with how like sort of wet and dense the the soil looks but then in a few days like all the moisture is gone and it's like so thirsty so this one definitely can uptake a lot of water so just be careful if you know you are like i guess sort of bad with your watering or you have it somewhere where it's like lower humidity and or like somewhere it's really warm or it's using a lot more water uh i think that now that this one is out of my mars hydro tent that it's going to be um using less water just because it's way cooler out here it's still very warm in here but it's not as warm as the mars hydro tent it's not getting nearly as much light as the grow as the mars hydro tent which i actually um am kind of excited about because it was getting quite bleached so i had it pushed all the way to the corner as far back as i could i had my tortem on top of it and my serpents to kind of shade it a little bit and a lot of the newer leaves are com had come out really dark it looks a little bit lighter in this light because i have grow lights behind me and my ring light in front of me but this one is actually quite dark and i will throw in a photo of it in sort of better light unedited and hopefully give you a better idea of what these leaves actually look like but man this guy just does not stop and uh it's already sort of getting close to outgrowing this pole and i don't think that i can extend this anymore i believe i've already extended oh yeah i already extended this once you can see right here where the zip tie is i have extended it once so i don't know i mean it doesn't need a repot for sure like you can't see like very many roots on the sides and i don't actually think this one's gonna be needing a repot anytime soon if anything it's just going to need a new pole so if anything what i could do is remove the extension and chop it where i extended it and then get that one onto a new pole or a new pot or something and then just keep this one going i'm not really sure what the plan is i'm probably going to consult my friends first before i do anything drastic but yeah this one is great i'm going to put it down because it is actually very heavy back here so you can actually see it so in terms of the care again i had it in my mars hydro tent it really really loved the warmth i think more so than the humidity um this one i haven't really had trouble with leaves unfurling out of the cataphile i think a big part of that is because i'm always spraying down the pole so there is a lot of sort of moisture around that new emergent leaf i think calmag has really improved how uh easily my leaves are coming out of the cataphile but i don't really think that this plant needs a ton of humidity to be honest i see a lot of people growing this out in living rooms no humidifier nothing i think if anything it's just getting it on a moss pole that is really important and then also making sure that you're feeding it a lot because it is a heavy feeder it grows very very fast i would say that this is probably the fastest philodendron hybrid in terms of growth and if you've got like the right pull and those roots are starting to activate along the stem i think you'll start to notice some pretty robust growth i do foliar feed this one i'm not going to go too in depth in this video about foliar feeding because i'm working on a fertilizer video right now it's going to be a shorty it's probably going to be like 10-15 minutes long but yeah i do foliar feed this one and you can kind of see some staining from it but um i try and like make sure that when i foliar for you that there's some airflow going around so that the droplets aren't just like sitting on the leaves and they're kind of moving around i do foliar feed during the day because i believe that's when like the stomata of the leaves are open and they can uptake nutrients in the leaves and i am not actually fertilizing a lot in the soil pretty much with any of my plants unless they aren't able to be sprayed so my plants in the living room are getting a good amount of fertilizer through the substrate but all of my plants in my greenhouses are just getting the foliar sprays or they're getting fertilized through the moss poles and i'm just really not sitting there for however long just spraying into the substrate because it takes too long and i'm too lazy to make batches of like fertilizer water that i can just pour but it's i mean it has not it hasn't really affected them that much i feel like they're all doing very well and i think that's why i'm able to fertilize on a weekly basis because i'm doing it at a diluted strength and um i'm doing it mostly through the leaves and the poles and i'm not just kind of flooding the substrate with fertilizer like all the time because i also keep in mind that many if not most of my plants are in no drainage vessels so uh yeah heavy feeder loves lower light uh loves a moss pole loves to be sprayed the new cataphile really likes to be sprayed when it's emerging if you are struggling with emergent leaves on that and i guess it likes soil and having drainage holes that's really the only thing that i can um sort of recommend at this point because i have not grown it to this size in a vessel with no drainage or anything but soil next guy up is my philodendron florida beauty and i'm kind of sad the lights behind me are washing it out a little bit but this new leaf is the most variegated out of the entire plant and it's funny because when this was unfurling it unfurled this side first and i thought that it was like purely like a green leaf and i was like oh no but then you know once it hardened off i was like oh it's the light color and we've got some really beautiful sectoral vega vacation vegetation irrigation on that leaf but i was actually surprised at just how easy this plant was because when my friend nessa gave me a cutting i was like oh my gosh we're gonna see how long this stays alive and i'll enjoy it in the meantime and get some instagram photos and then we will say sayonara but this has literally been easier than the florida green the florida ghost the florida everything this has been just so freaking easy all it needed was a pole and even before it had a pull it was growing so well i repotted this twice i can't remember what i propagated this in but i i think it was moss and i did repot it in this vessel in a repot and chat and it just took to it like a champ and i did use a like denser mix you can see there's not a ton of amendments in there and the reason i did that was because i think i was low on amendments but also this plant is so freaking thirsty so i just wanted to make sure that it was being able to retain more water in the substrate than some of my chunkier mixes because there are some philodendrons that have the tendency to rot or just a little bit more finicky and i find that a chunkier mix just is a lot better for them but they dry out super super super fast i have just been really really pleasantly surprised at the ease of this one and sort of how fast it's gained size i mean this thing is pretty it's pretty big you know it's not the biggest florida beauty i've ever seen but it is much bigger than i thought that you know i would have at this point in time and right now it's just on one of the sort of original lazy poles i did add a bamboo stick because this plant leans forward very heavily and if i didn't have the stick this mesh would just bend right in half and a nice thing about having the stick in the back is that i actually have this in a basket on a grid wall in my mars hydro tent and i just take one of those hooks and i hook it onto the bamboo stake and then i hook the other side onto the grid so that it stays up and yeah it loves it so like i said it is in no drainage in soil like a down at the bottom so that i can keep a reserve of water down there i've had people ask me about why the roots don't rot down here and generally the roots that are going to grow down in the lecka are just more tolerant of being i guess submerged in water at for a certain amount of time i don't always leave a reserve down here i do kind of let it take it all up i let it dry just a little bit and then i add a little bit more at the bottom i'm trying to not let this plant go through like too much stress in terms of like water deprivation or anything so i try and keep a healthy amount of like water in the vessel at all times but i don't want it to be like soggy at the same time i'm very very careful when i'm working with no drainage potting with soil especially one that's denser but honestly being in the mars hydro tent makes no drainage and just growing plants in general so much easier because of how warm it is in there how much light it's getting and you know the plants are just using the water like crazy it's using the nutrients like crazy so i've never really had too much of an issue with things rotting in the tent except for something like my props and stuff but in general my philodendrons particularly i am not growing any ethereums in my my tent my philodendrons love it in there i also make sure that i am keeping this moss pole damp and i just spray it with my regular uh sprayer that has fertilizer in it and i am fertilizing in the vessel but only from what comes out of the sprayer i'm not actually like putting like a soak like a good fertilizer soak in here so i will say that this can tolerate fertilization on a weekly basis but just keep in mind that my fertilizer is at quarter strength but i do mix calmag liquid gold leaf and marfil sometimes into my sprayer so it's getting a good sort of concoction of fertilizers but at a very very diluted amount and just being fertilized more times in the week rather than you know how some people will like fertilize every other week or every two weeks or every month or something it's just every time they get water they're getting a little bit of that fertilizer and i do think that mycorrhizal inoculants has played a big part in the sort of resilience of this plant in terms of this like really really amazing root system down here in general with my experience with my personal inoculants or just inoculating my plant in general it's just i find them to just be hardier less maintenance or less high maintenance easier to sort of acclimatize to my conditions than my experience before and i mean if this isn't a testament to like soil health or just you know what's going on down here in general i don't know what is because guys on a weekly basis i don't know how many comments i have to delete because i used to respond to them and now i'm just kind of over it but you know just just the weekly comments of like stop telling people to grow with no drainage your plants are going to die your roots can't breathe blah blah blah there's just so much more to growing plants and so much more to like root health and like the ecosystem that goes on down here than just drainage holes this has pretty much always been without drainage i think and she's happy as a clam i don't know what to tell you so uh yeah this one's a very very fast grower pretty much by the time a new leaf hardens off another one is already coming out so i will be able to chop this soon i think that erin's reverted so i will be chopping one for her i would like to chop one for my mom but you know sorry i'm just like always on high alert for pests right now but oh there's like a cluster of predatory mites oh they're eating the spider mites that's so sick i didn't even know this plant had spider mites but i am not really enjoying how they're clustering and i'm not going to show you i think you can do without seeing it but yeah didn't know this plant had spider mites but they have found them and they are going to freaking town that is awesome yeah that's this plant been so easy for me really my only recommendation for this one is a adequate light so right now i have it under a 10 watt grow light in the tent there are two 10 watt grow lights in the front but it's pretty far away from this plant it can tolerate high light without being bleached sorry i thought i saw some thrips's damage thripsises so yeah it can tolerate bright light so you don't in my experience have to really worry about bleaching and stuff like that it can tolerate a diluted fertilization every week does really well in no drainage it is very thirsty so make sure you're just keeping an eye on your substrate making sure it doesn't dry out completely get it on a moss pole because the i find that the aerial roots of the florida beauty grow very very fast so if you can get them onto a pole or just enclosed in a lazy pole you'll just find that a lot of those roots are going to take off and obviously once they start rooting and stuff you can fertilize it and it can take in more nutrients that way use mycorrhizal inoculants right now i'm just using the dynamico brand but once i run out of this i'm going to try the microrusal inoculants or microbial inoculants that alice is using right now i think it's called like great white something i can't remember uh but yeah i'm gonna be trying that but honestly so far so good with what i'm doing and um yeah if you've ever wondered if the florida beauty is a difficult plant it really is not and i just would not be scared of it if that's what's holding you back i know that they are still pretty pricey i just saw recently a shop here in canada selling like really tiny propagations for like i don't know like 300 or something like that um i would say if you're not like in love with this plant and it's just one that you just kind of wish you had but it's not like a i must have it i would say wait for prices to drop because these have been popping up in stores around canada and being sold as florida greens but they have variation on them so yeah just keep an eye out and hopefully you guys can find one but i i wouldn't go and splurge a ton a ton of money if it's not one that you're like really really really dying for you know so the next one on the list is my philip engine billy eta and i think that i did feature this in like my easiest plants video and it's made it onto this list because it really is easy like i i really have no other care advice for this besides saying don't let it dry out um just give it water i'm not even really fertilizing this a ton and it just blesses me with new leaves all the time it's living in like literally like 25 30 humidity it's out on my living room shelf and it gets blasted by the heater during the fall and winter gets blasted by the ac in the spring and summer and just has not skipped a beat at all you can see a lot of this kind of damaging on it and what that is from is from this plant growing so fast and pushing out leaves while i'm not realizing it and then it hits the grow light on the shelf so i have moved this to the top of the shelf now so it could kind of just like do whatever it wants and not be burned by a light but yeah i have this one in no drainage in a very very very algae-ridden vessel which is not a problem it's not going to kill your plants i have lika down at the bottom and a very very chunky mix of soil at the top there's a lot of lecca mixed in here there's a lot of cut up sphagnum moss there's a lot of coarse perlite and i'm not seeing any orchid bark oh i'm seeing um i think maybe husk or something so i'll say that this is probably like 60 amendment and 40 soil but yeah this one is i would say is not even a super thirsty plant it can retain water for a longer period of time without sort of like depleting it very quickly but also keep in mind that has to do with your conditions because this one is just on my shelf but now that i have it on top of my shelf there are no grow lights at all shining on this the only light it gets is from my south and east facing windows but it's probably about 10 feet or so away from the light so it's or from the window so it's pretty far away but yeah in general just so so easy so if you are looking for a plant that you can kind of just buy and then put like on a shelf or like on top of a cabinet or something this is your guy i would not recommend this as like a greenhouse plant or like an ikea cabinet plant because of sort of how big and unruly it can grow this thing uh just kind of goes wherever it wants before i even had leaves shooting out of the back even though there were no lights back there and it just cannot be tamed and that's one thing that i really love about this plant is that it's just kind of wild and it's a nice addition to the shelf i feel like it makes it look really full it makes it look really wild and i just appreciate how low maintenance it is and um i think this is one of those plants that i will always have in my collection if i can and i actually have multiple i have another one down here in the shelf and then i've got my big one from north shore tropicals out on the shelf as well but i didn't want to haul that big guy in here so i just thought i'd show you one of them the next one that i'm going to show you is my philaden sodorini you guys are probably so tired of seeing these dang plants on my channel but i think now that i've figured it out i just want to get the message out there because i i see a lot of people ragging on this plant saying it's like the sickly version of the soda roy or like the lesser version of the soda roy and they're just sick and they don't grow well but i i don't know that's just it hasn't been my experience with it in the last i would say year number one get it onto a pole i know a lot of people like to have this as sort of like a bush or just they just have it trailing but i find that they do the best when they're on a pole and they're just given humidity around the nodes uh you can see how much this has sort of grown and beefed up over time and the new leaf that's emerging out of the caterpillar actually looks quite large so i'm excited to see if i can grow this as big as my soda roy because i have seen the small form small form same thing as sodorini i have seen them sort of grow into like big plants on instagram of course so that's my goal right now i'm trying to beef up most of my sodorinis to look like a soderoy and a pole has been like the number one i would say catalyst to the growth for this guy or for these plants in general but equally as important is fertilizing so um this one actually tolerates a lot of fertilizer and the main fertilizer that i'm giving it right now is calmag and i feel i've talked about this a few times in other videos and i will keep pushing it and talking about it but calmag has just helped this plant sort of emerge out of the sickly looking stage and into this i think that i have a soda roy that was a propagation from jing oh i do i have it okay i feel like all my friends give me their soderoid because they just are not in love with it or like jing struggles to grow it so they have all been passed on to me i have a sodorini from jing aaron and alice i think when many people get sodorini or think about sodorini this is what they're thinking of in the beginning i will say that they are a little bit more difficult but you just have to be patient a lot of them will sort of grow in sort of like mangled and like sickly looking um this one i have been rehabbing for a little bit so i'm not seeing a ton of those like warped leaves i mean i guess it's a good problem to have that all of my soda meats are actually growing quite well but i think that this is probably the most meh looking sodorini in my entire collection so they tend to grow like these little bushes uh when they first start off and a lot of them will have difficulty coming out of the sheath they'll be all curled and bent and twisted and that is i will say normal for a juvenile sodorini that has been my personal experience with a very juvenile specimen but i feel like this plant has a very clear sort of awkward preteen phase that it has to go through in order to get to something that looks like this for me the biggest thing has been higher humidity because of the sort of issue with uh it emerging out of the the patiola sheaths lots and lots of cal mag both foliar as a foliar feed and a soil drench or a sub substrate drench regular spray downs with water i think just like making sure that it's got a good amount of like hydration generally around it whether it's through high humidity or just being sprayed that helps a lot with like the really sickly mangled looking leaves and then also airflow airflow is very very important i think there's sometimes a misconception about the way humidity or higher humidity interacts with plants if you have higher humidity in a lot of ways that's really great because you know the leaves will like emerge faster or if they'll emerge more like unscathed they'll have an easier time getting out without getting you know doing the pink princess thing where it's all bent or just ripping outside of the the cataphil but at the same time if you just have like crazy high humidity and no airflow a lot of times you're going to experience like mold mildew and just like fungal things growing on your leaves so i always made sure that when i was spraying in this exo that is now being held at around 75 percent because i sealed it off i make sure to keep the doors slightly ajar so that some airflow is coming through sometimes i'll even set up a fan in the middle of my plant room and i'll just let it circulate around and just let all the leaves move around and make sure that nothing's really like settling and sitting because you will find actually especially with this plant i've experienced this where you're spraying your spring your foliar feeding and then a lot of the water will get trapped inside of these like petiolar sheaths and then you'll find that they just rot and turn to mush because when you have sort of humid air and no sort of movement whatsoever it just stays there and it festers so high humidity is good for the sodorini lots of fertilizer is good for the sodorini but in diluted amounts what i mean by that is diluted amount of fertilizer sort of on a more regular basis and then good air flow as well this sodorini was a lot more mature than what this is right now but i do have some sodorini in there that started off like this and now look like this and really it's been all of those elements that i just mentioned and then a poll and you really don't need anything fancy this plant has always been on this sort of v1 version of the lazy pole and it doesn't mind it at all i will say that i think once it outgrows this pole i will probably get it onto the updated lazy pole with the plastic just because i do want to be able to kind of root the front of these ariel roots a little bit more and just so that when it's time to chop it and propagate it and get it onto a new pole it's going to be a lot easier once everything is rooted yeah that's pretty much all i have to say about this if you are struggling with your sodorini or your small form soda roy give those things a try and uh hopefully that works for you but honestly these are one of my favorite favorite fillet engines of all time and i'm kind of happy that i've sort of cracked the code on them or would i feel i've cracked the code because for a while i was sort of stuck in this era of all of my sodorini looking like this and just it not really sparking that much joy but once it grows out of that preteen phase and moves into like the teenage phase it is just so so beautiful especially once you know um it gets more of those soda roy features one thing i want to point out is like if you look at the petioles on the sodorini on this super juvenile one smooth it's green and um on the more mature ones you can see that it's now starting to get that red fuzzy petiole like the soda roy so down here on one of the older leaves it's like green and like not bumpy it's very very smooth and then it moves into this bumpy red petiole at the next leaf i have seen a lot of people say that the difference between the sodaroy and the sodorini is that the sodorini doesn't have the bumpy texture but i have multiple sodorinis in my collection that don't have the red patio they just have this green petiole with like sort of a tinge of pink or red down at the bottom and then eventually it becomes more prominent and you can see a lot of that soda roy feature come through so again i am not an expert i say this all the time on this channel everything that i believe to be true about these plants or just what i've observed what i've sort of experienced myself so take everything i say with a grain of salt i'm not a botanist but that is just my knowledge of the sodorini or small formed sodaroy so moving right along into the next plant i actually have three different specimens to show you of the same plant and i think some of you guys can probably guess that it is the philodendron sp columbia i'm gonna start with the smallest one this one is my most recent import this one literally did not show any kind of stress or anything it was like i purchased a plant that was already acclimatized in canada and i truly cannot believe like how much this has rooted since being imported like she is freaking rudy as hell but uh let's talk about one thing this is one of my number one asked questions is a philadelphia columbia a crawler or a climber i'm going to tell you right now that i truly believe that it is a crawler but it can stay in the climbing form for a much longer time than something like the philadelphian like pasta zanum or even the philodendron gloriosum i don't know if any of you guys have propagated philodendron gloriosomes from like a stump or something but they grow upwards and then they start to turn but this one i feel like can just go much longer as a climber before it starts to turn but the reason i say that is because in my experience my largest philadelphian sp columbia is already a pretty large specimen and has been just climbing but i will show you in a bit she's starting to show that she wants to climb and i've also seen the whatever hundreds of maybe not hundreds but close to it of the specimens that uh lauren at nordstrom tropicals have grown and i was there in the philadelphia sp columbia section for probably a solid 30 minutes looking at every single one seeing who was climbing who was crawling and honestly it was a not like a even split but i will say that like 75 of hers that were imported were climbing and then the rest were crawling or they were climbing and then they would turn into like this bonsai tree and then start to turn i think i might be able to show you a clip of that if i can find it and i'll throw it up here where you can see that it's sort of climbing and it turns it looks like a tree but then sort of at the top it's starting to crawl sideways so i can already see that actually with my plant so when i imported this one it was clearly climbing it was just a stick straight stem or rhizome or or whatever and now that it's in this vessel it's very hard to see i'm gonna try and move some of these rocks around uh i have maybe a cataphile that here you go but i'm gonna show you the best i can you can see that it is now starting to climb or to crawl along the substrate so uh yeah if you want my uneducated opinion i do believe that the philodendron sp is a crawler just point-blank a crawler but i do think it has the ability to climb honestly i think you can get pretty much any crawler to climb like there's a lot of people who grow philaden like mcdowell of a pole and my observation of those plants is that they kind of crawl around the pole rather than just climb upward and that's because it has the tendency to like kind of veer off to the side but when you're training it along a pole it's kind of going to grow at an angle right i'll see if i can also throw up a photo of a climbing mcdowell and you can see that it's not just going upwards it's sort of crawling around it but upwards still so this one is starting to crawl so i'm going to allow it to crawl uh once it hits the edge of this vessel i'll probably get it into something that's rectangular um i'm just going to kind of show you all the philadelphia sp columbias that i have and then i'll get into the care this is the second one that i got from lauren i mentioned this in another video but i wanted to get sort of this form of uh this plant because of how different the venetian is than like the other ones that i have i will say two of the ones that i have have like identical venation and then this one is just like rounder it's got like more veins that come all the way to the edge of the leaf blade there's not a ton of those like secondary venation that branches off the primary veins it's just straight up like primary primary primary whereas some of these these other ones you can see have sort of like secondary venation uh branching off of them and my other philodendron sp columbia is can show that a little bit more clearly since it's more mature but yeah this one is also doing really well it has a brand new leaf coming and you can see it is stick straight let's peel this baby off i like to wait till it's like really really like crusty and like dry because i like the sound it makes um like something like this i would not pull it off because it's still like very much alive and fresh so i wait till it becomes either really really like mushy or really crunchy and i really like that sound so anyway look at this stem stick straight i could put that on a pole and that sucker would climb it but um i just feel like it's gonna reach a point where it's climbing climbing climbing and then it's going to kind of go at an angle and i'm really glad that i actually have um another one to show you and that was one of the reasons why i wanted to hoard these things because i wanted to study them i wanted to be able to show you guys some examples and here we are it's working at my cost of course but you know who doesn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of sp columbias anyway yeah this one is still in the original vessel that i got it from uh from lauren and it definitely needs a repot because all of these fuzzy little guys are gonna dry out so fast and i can already see some of them starting to dry out because it's been outside of the exo for i don't know however long like two hours now so yeah um anyway this is the other one and then this one is my original sorry it's crunchy it's in a crunchy pot so this one is my original philodendron sp columbia that is from lauren as well i got this from her i can't even keep track anymore i don't know when i would have got it from her but yeah it was much smaller it was like the leaves were about this large and uh yeah it's kind of it's beefed up a lot it's not like massive but you know it's beefed up a lot in size from when i got it i do have it on a lazy pole i'm gonna take it out of this crunchy pot so i'm like crunching everywhere whoa but you can kind of see here sorry these predatory mites are probably screaming like what the hell are you doing so it's kind of hard to see and i'm just going to rip off some of this cataphile sheath here okay so i'm going to try to not hit my mic but you can see very very slightly that this plant is starting to curve and i know that it might not seem like much but up until this point this plant was growing straight up and now it's sort of growing away from the pole and it like wants to go this way so i'm gonna allow it to do whatever it wants if it starts to grow sort of at an angle i think i'll remove it from this situation that's happening and get it into a situation where it can crawl along a pot anyway besides that i i just find this plant to be so easy and um i think the only thing that i've really struggled with as you can see very clearly is bleaching um i did have this one under three 10 watt grow lights plus a 24 watt grow light so it got burned badly and it wasn't my mars hydro tent for a long while and some of the leaves that have died off are like just so like bleached and bad and so i don't know i feel like this is one of those plants that would probably grow really well out on my living room shelf where it's not being sort of blasted by direct light from a window it's not getting light from a grow light and it's sort of just taking in some of that light that's being diffused around the the apartment but right now i have this in my exo next to me that has no doors and it's actually hanging out of the exo so there's no grow light anymore on top of it and i'm gonna be really curious to see if this new leaf here has any bleaching because i thought that this was maybe like a fertilization thing like maybe i was over fertilizing it or something but this one actually is in drainage holes it's being flushed out a lot and i just don't think it's that i truly feel like it's the grow lights i had this one also growing in this exo for a while and there was about 30 watts of light on top of the exo at that time and yeah all of the leaves just like bleached bleach bleached i thought that was a mealy bug but it's fertilizer that's been the only struggle with this plant but otherwise just very robust um not really any issues with emerging out of the cataphil but i will say that i've always sort of had it in like greenhouse conditions this is the first time that i've had it more in a situation where it's like in room humidity conditions but i do have some humidifiers going it is partially enclosed uh sort of in a greenhouse but there's no doors so really it's just kind of whatever the atmosphere of this plant room is which is very very warm and about i don't know 50. i will say that like at the highest it's like 55 humidity but at the lowest it's like 25 so we're just gonna kind of observe and see what happens i'm gonna allow this to do what it wants typically when i have a new uh leaf coming out like this on a lazy pole i will try and remember to pack more moss in it and then get like another strap to like push it back in but since this one is starting to crawl outside of the lazy pole i'm just curious i just want to see what it's going to do and yeah i'll keep you updated on that but this is my yeah final verdict they're they're crawlers what else do i want to say about it so actually all but one of my philadelphian sp columbias are growing with drainage holes but they are in a cover pot so this one is in soil the other one is in pond and then the other one is in moss i had thought about moving my newer philodendron sp columbia into soil but i kind of want to test out different substrates for each so i think that the third substrate that i'm going to play with is maybe tree fern fiber not a hundred percent sure yet but yeah this one is in this one is in a chunky airoid mix i fertilize this one mostly through the moss pole here because i do have a pretty decent root system already inside of this pole and whatever sort of like overspray from my my pump sprayer goes into the vessel that's you know extra fertilization but otherwise i just kind of dump water in there and just make sure that it never fully dries out but this one is so thirsty you guys i don't know if it's because this one is in a really chunky mix but i'm watering this one like on a weekly basis and it's like a thorough wash too you saw that cover pot that i took off of it i literally leave it on there i don't let it like really drain out that much i think maybe like once a month i'll just run it under the sink or like i'll put it in the shower and give it like a good wash down but otherwise it stays in the cover pot i water and then i just kind of let it sit there and it uses all that water up and yeah i don't know i don't know what to tell you it's a thirsty thirsty guy but it's a fun plan give her a whirl let's see if i can get all of my philaden sp columbias in a shop for a cover photo i'm gonna spill this this is not a good idea hold on we're gonna want to put this one does that look cool okay i don't know if i got it but how fun are these honestly i'm after more i could i could with another philadelphia columbia although have you guys seen that philodendron sp silver angel or something it is incredible that is one of my number one wishlist plans right now and if i ever have a chance to own one i think i will just about run straight into a wall as fast as i can until my teeth get knocked out because that's how excited i'll be okay so we've got three more we're gonna plow through this i'm aiming to have this be a one hour long video because i don't have much time to edit this week i've got a very very busy week next one up is my philodendron tortum man i can't tell you guys how easy this one is it's she's she's an easy she's an easy girl uh i have it in soil with drainage holes she is super super thirsty i do have to run this one under the sink um to make sure that it gets gets a good drink but this plant actually can hold on to a lot of water without showing signs of like dehydration for a longer period of time i've actually never seen this plant super super limp and thirsty before and this soil is bone dry right now and she still feels perky she looks happy and by the time that i realize that it needs to be watered yeah she's she just never shows signs of stress basically i am mostly foliar feeding this one because it's hanging in my tent and it has drainage holes i don't really like to drench it inside of the tent because you get like some of that soil water that drip onto the plants below it so um yeah mostly foliar feeding on this one and it does not seem to mind but i will say that one thing that this plant really enjoys is warmer temperatures it is really really hot in my mars hydro tent i don't know what it is in celsius but i think that it's like sitting at around like 75 80 maybe even hotter than that in my tent right now so it's super close to the my voice keeps cutting out you guys this one is sitting really high in my mars hydro tent it is probably about i don't know like three inches away or three to five inches away from the 10 watt grow light and it doesn't seem to mind it it really loves how warm it is in there i think that this plant is not too finicky in terms of humidity requirements but because of how they emerge um i'll see if i can throw a photo in here they look insane with when they emerge they're like this i like that so if you're not growing it inside of a greenhouse i would recommend spraying the emergent leaf so that they can kind of like unfurl around itself easier and making sure that it also has airflow so even though this one is in my tent i have my fans running on high all the time besides when it's off at night i've had some friends have some struggle with this plant and so i was kind of nervous for it when i first acquired it but it's just been it's been a dream you guys and it's like everything that i thought it would be and more i would say that this is probably my top this would be in my top five philodendrons of all time i like love it sorry i kicked the tripod um i love it as much as i love my big boys here like if i only had to pick five plants of my entire collection to keep like this would be one of them i think i really like this plant because of like the timber nest element of it it just looks kind of like unsettling and sort of creepy but in like a very very like elegant and beautiful way and these leaves feel like butter you guys i think that a lot of people who have not seen this plant in person kind of imagine it to feel like a majesty palm where it's a little bit more like papery it's a little bit more sandy if you know what i mean like almost like sandpaper these are just oh they're incredible they're so so they're just such great plants i really love how compact it's growing i think it's because it's so close to the grow light it's not really reaching for that light all of the uh petioles are literally stacked on top of each other and i feel like it's just it's nice because there is a very very um steady growth of the petioles so that it still looks very compact even though the leaves are sizing up quite a bit and that just went in my mouth i don't know how my mom's is doing i used to have a second one growing in the same pot but i gifted her the other one and i just can't imagine what it would look like if i still had that second one because it was not nearly as as large as it is now um guys i gotta wrap this up my voice is going okay so uh let's talk about care obviously i have it in no drainage i think that i've always had this plant and no drainage not for any specific reason but just because that was i maybe didn't have a no drainage vessel but since it's doing well for me with drainage i don't really see the point in switching it up so if this ever does need to be repotted anytime soon i'll probably opt for another pot with drainage this one does use a lot of water because of how warm and close it is to a grow light in the mars hydro tent so i can't really give any testimony to like what it is outside of a greenhouse and or even just growing this outside of a greenhouse i'm not the person to talk to about like if you want to acclimatize it down or like how does it do in room humidity like i i know nothing i only have grown this inside of a greenhouse but i think that um something that i was thinking about uh earlier this week and something that i think i'd really really love to do is once all of my plants start sort of outgrowing the smaller size that they are now um they're more acclimatized they're all settled i think that i want to like take cuttings of some of my most prized plants like my hetero crossfit on my tortum philadelphia sp columbia my patricia my serpens who else do i have in there my fried egg some of the ones that i'm really babying right now in greenhouses i would love to just take propagations from them and try growing them in the living room just so that like they're not my main plants uh they're just sort of like more experiment plants because i would love in theory to l i would really love to grow this outside of a greenhouse and enjoy it a lot more but erin i believe she tried growing this outside of a greenhouse and it just did not like the cooler temperatures so i kind of fear for it come winter time especially when the heater is just blasting on it so yeah anyway those are just thoughts i have just been kind of you know twiddling with the idea of trying to grow some of my more babied plants out in the living room but not actually sacrificing the whole plant like wait till i can take propagation so this is one that i will definitely definitely try to propagate if i can but these nodes are they're stacked they're touching the petioles are touching they're so so so tight but i can't complain because this is a beautiful plant and i love seeing it in my greenhouse every time i pop it open i had thought about moving this plant out here because like how lovely would that be to have it sort of like draped in the corner of this exo where i can see it all the time but i think i'll wait a little bit longer i'm just kind of enjoying how well it's growing inside of the tent and i'm not really i'm not trying to experiment too much with some of the ones that are doing well i think that i have enough experiments going at the moment that i don't need to sacrifice this guy for the sake of just doing it so anyway uh that is my tortum second to last one probably one that you didn't think i would feature in this video but this is my philodendron heterasium var oxycardium also being called the what's everyone calling it the start to the c chord atom it's not a chord atom so yeah this is the hartley philodendron and i just really really love this plant this is one of the plants that i've basically always had in my collection basically since i started collecting back in like 2000 2013 2014 like when i lived in san francisco i had one of these when i lived back at my mom's house i had one of these um when i had the shop with my ex-boyfriend back in like 2011 i had one of these and i've just always been really drawn to this plant even before i went like super super off the deep end with plants it's just been one that i like to have like on a shelf or like at my desk or something and i think that i prefer the philodendron like the the vining philodendron over pothos because of how compact it is and it literally turns into a wall if you allow it to so some people have asked me like how do i keep it more bushy rather than get really leggy once i get one of these where it's like so much longer than the rest of them or the internodes are spaced a little bit more further apart i'll just chop it like i've chopped these guys down so many times if i never chop this one it would probably be like 15 feet tall i'm not even kidding but anytime i see it starting to get a little scraggly i just cut it straight across like things um and then you know the uh auxiliary buds on the bottom of these vines will activate and then it'll just grow more down here so uh i feel like a lot of people think that the only way to get a bushy vining plant is by chopping and propagating and you know potting it back in the plant and yeah that's a great way to make your plant bushier that's how i sort of got my mikins to look oh i gotta do my mikins okay the mic is is easy but i will say it's not like one of my most easy going plants because it's very thrift prone so for that reason i will leave it out of this video but um yeah this one is definitely one that i've just i don't know i've never really had any issues with it besides it getting thrips once but i treated it maybe like two or three times and it went away and this one isn't a heavy like feeder so i'm not needing to fertilize it all that often but it just constantly gives me growth it's in no drainage in this wally grow planter and basically ever since i acquired this plant it's always been in this planter and yeah it's just grown pretty freaking tremendously so if there's anything i can recommend about this plant specifically if you've struggled with it it's to give it regular haircuts and don't be scared to cut it down really really short like literally this one was like trailing like all the way down here and then i just like snipped it straight across just yolo and now it's like super freaking bushy around this area so regular haircuts regular showers i do pop this one in the shower like once every other week just to keep any pests away because this is very thrips prone this one can tolerate drought it can tolerate not having water like a lot of water in between waterings like letting it get bone dry but they will shrivel up so much a lot you'll lose a lot of the leaves and they'll just sort of turn like this into dust but it bounces back i think that's why i included it in this video because i think i might have shown this on my instagram story when i forgot to water it because it was like hanging up on the wall yeah i just gave it a good drink and she perked right back up whereas some vining plants like once you let it get really thirsty they don't always like sort of perk back up to their full glory but this one is just very very forgiving at least for me and i love doing it in no drainage because of how thirsty it is when i first purchased this from the nursery i just put the whole pot in here and i just called it a day and oh my gosh it was like drying out every three days and i could not keep up with watering which is why i was like okay it's time i need to get it out of this drainage whole pot i want to do no drainage so that i can keep sort of a reserve of water down at the bottom and also keep in mind for these wally grow planters i treat it no differently than my my no drainage vessels i do have a layer of lecca down at the bottom that goes up to maybe right here so that i can always keep some water down here and then i have it in a very very very chunky soil mix so yeah i wanted to give this one a mention just because i don't know i i really wanted to include something that was i guess more common something that you can just pick up at your store and yeah this is a great plant if you just have like a shelf that you want to fill in space or like have a desk plant it doesn't require much doesn't require a whole lot of light just make sure that you're keeping up with waterings and you're giving it regular haircuts if you don't want it to get leggy last but not least i had to include my philodendron burley marks verigata i think that when i would have shown this on my channel last it was definitely not this tall actually why do i feel like i've been here already and have said the same exact i thing this in a video recently i probably did because i'm like having deja vu like i literally said those exact words verbatim i don't think i've shown this recently but i probably have just because i'm having crazy deja vu and not in the way where you're like maybe i'm imagining it like i'm pretty sure i've been here um but anyway yeah so this is my philadelphia burley marks verigata i have honestly never had an issue with this plant this was one of the first i guess like imported plants that i ever had when i got into imported airways i did not really know much about acclimatization i didn't know much about like the fertilizer needs for these kinds of aeroids i didn't really know much about the care but it just it was doing so much better than some of like my plants that i got from like local stores or whatever so yeah i am just really really enjoying this one i will say i am surprised at how long these stems have gotten i think a big part of it is because i have deprived this of light because of how big it's gotten so when i had it on my shelf in my living room it was directly on top of my domia light i think those are like 10 or 20 watts a panel and it was so compact it was this tiny little thing growing like a little bush it was super cute i did separate out some uh for my mom i took out a whole stem for her and then i also gave one to aaron so it used to be a lot bushier this way but i yeah i sacrificed some for my loved ones as you do but once it started growing really tall i think i still have the leaf here that got burned by the grow lights unless i chopped it off but there was like one leaf that was like touching the grow light and i was like whoopsies you might have died off already i don't remember dying i don't remember that one dying off to be honest hey where'd it go um anyway uh yeah there was a leaf that had grown directly onto the grow light and it had this tiny little circle on there so i had to move it to the very top of my shelf and so yeah it wasn't getting as much light as before and these stems just grew so long trying to reach for light i think so it's getting a little bit taller than i would like it to be i do think that at some point soon i'm gonna chop it right here and plant it back in the vessel so that i have something a little bit more bushy i know that naturally these grow really really tall i think they grow up trees and um a lot of people have these on like trellises and moss poles and stuff but i much prefer to enjoy this plant as a bush rather than something that's climbing that's just my preference so yeah i'm gonna have to do some work to this one soon but otherwise it's growing like a dream i have recently moved this one into my office because i used to have a monster in there and then i got thrips i just compost i just threw it away because i was like i'm not going to deal with this and so i was kind of deprived of plant life in my office and i'm in there so many hours a day so i was like you know what let's just bring this guy in here he has his own little grow light now and you can kind of see all the leaves are turned this way because it's on my desk but the grow light is sort of on the side so it's like trying to find the light so i'm like constantly like rotate whoa why did i do that so violently i'm constantly rotating it so that like it's not all just facing one side but anyway this is one of the newer leaves to come on it it's so pretty it's got like that really nice sort of marbled um variegation and then it's got this nice sectoral variation and there's just so many new leaves on the way this plant the growth pattern of it is it's just whatever it wants to do but yeah super super easy going plant does not require a lot of uh care besides making sure to water it giving it some adequate light so that uh you get some good variegation and then also i have mine in lechuza pond with a lot of perlite so it's a chunkier perlite mix or it's a chunkier pond mix and there's also some lecca mixed in there this one is a little bit thirstier so i'm watering this one once a week but the good thing is is like i'm constantly drinking water in my office and so it's easy for me to just like take my water and just dump it in there so i don't forget fertilization this one is a heavy feeder but it can still grow pretty robustly without a lot of fertilizer but you will get some of these leaves that look like this which is kind of cute it's got like little bunny ears uh you'll get much smaller leaves or leaves that are not like fully formed like this with low fertilization so you know once you up it a little bit they start pushing out these nice big beautiful leaves but generally this is not a plant that i stress about it's not a plant that i feel like i need to constantly like check in on and see how it's doing to see if it needs anything just pop it with a little bit of water once in a while and just kind of leave it alone but yeah that's just my experience with it living out in room humidity conditions there's no humidifier in my office jeez why am i so like i'm like spazzing what the heck yeah no humidifier in my office and it's just kind of living with the conditions that it's given all right so we got through that list i think that featured nine different kinds of philodendrons and i know that not everyone might agree with it or might just have a different experience with it but i think that's kind of the cool part about this hobby is that we all have different experience we all have different ways of growing our plants that we prefer we all have knowledge to share with each other to kind of switch up things if you uh feel the need to and so yeah these have been ones that just are very very sort of like low-key for me i don't stress about them all that much they bring me a lot of joy a lot of happiness and they just constantly remind me why i think we are in the best freaking hobby in the world i think that is it from me that's all i got to say about these guys i would love to know which ones are your most easygoing philodendrons i do plan on doing another one of these videos but for non-airoids so keep an eye out for that one so as usual if you like this video please give it a thumbs up because it helps us a lot on youtube and it allows more people to come find this channel and join our little community but i hope you guys found this helpful if any of these plants you have and struggle with of course my dms and my comments are always open if you guys need help i am trying to get better about comments i know i say this all the time but i really really really am and sometimes you guys come in clutch and you guys respond to comments for me and help each other out and that's like so freaking cool uh so yeah never feel hesitant to leave a question in the comments if you guys have any and uh without further ado thank you so much for being here thank you to everyone who has subscribed from the beginning or if you're new here welcome and i appreciate you guys so much and i will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: unplantparenthood
Views: 15,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 85min 29sec (5129 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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