Cheap Grace Versus The Fear Of The Lord

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[Music] to be in your presence that's where I want to be amen good good good open your Bibles to revelations chapter 2 we're going to continue where we left off last week and boy I want to thank all the YouTube people for their emails and everything they've done this week was so encouraging people really needed to hear that word I believe on backsliding and today we're going to continue along that line but it's the fear of the Lord the missing link today is it's always been the fear of the Lord and what is it but there's so much involved in here and we're going to go into some places today just hang on to your seat because we're going to talk about Ananias and Sapphira and a lot of people love the mercy and the grace of God but they have to balance that out that there's also a judgment and most preachers that I know won't preach on this especially in the movements we came out of that was just you don't talk about that because they don't want to talk about the judgment side of God but the Lord is our Savior but one day he is also going to be our judge and that's why we need to judge ourself and we need to walk in the fear of the Lord it's a protection from all other evils it's a protection from pride the fear of the Lord so I'm going to find out what it is and then make sure that we're walking in it not the fear of the Lord also comes as we read his word the more word we read we realize the whole counsel of God and who he is so we can't make a false god and there's many people today just making a false god of just love just grace and I guess I'll start here with this this is a quote from I'm sure d'etre CH bran Hoffer okay he was the great German pastor a theologian a martyr a spy he was asked in 1943 how it was possible for the church to sit back and let Hitler sees absolute power his answer it was the teaching of cheap grace cheap grace this is still his quote is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance baptism without church discipline communion without confession absolution without personal confession cheap grace is grace without discipleship grace without the cross grace without Jesus Christ and not only now then but now we live in a time in a culture that no only teaches cheap grace but praises it and that is not the true gospel so we're gonna talk a little bit about that the false god who only loves and never judges and what do their deaths Ananias and Sapphira what do they serve as a warning today no this is the New Testament a lot of people say all that you know there's no more judgement but remember Ananias and Sapphira sin the book of Acts so we're gonna look at that and one thing is we can't fear we can't fool the Lord and I believe that Ananias and Sapphira this is just my own personal their type of an infiltration they were infiltrators and the Lord's exposed them and we're in a day that there are a lot of infiltrators a lot of false things are going on in his name and remember rat poison needs nine only one percent to kill people 99 percent nutritious and even less than one percent I guess it is it can kill so we have to know that a lot of these teachings are some of its good but then there's the poison and the poison we don't we don't want to be deceived in this hour and I believe also it's a sign God puts on a sign a display of in the book of Acts the healing and miracles but he also has a sign of judgment could it be future judgment God is our Savior and and remember he is our judge we do not want to take the holy things of God lightly amen so here in revelations chapter 2 going back to the scripture and he was talking to the Church of Ephesus but it's also I believe a message for us today verse two I know thy works and thy labour thy patience and how you cannot bear them which are evil and has tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars in other words they had discernment this was not a pushover crowd these people knew what was going on in a lot of things they they took the time to try these apostles and has born and has patience and for mine sake hast laboured and has not fainted all those things were good he but he said nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left your first love now when we start serving the Lord there's such a balance when we're first saved we're so excited we have a lot of zeal but not a lot of knowledge we're just going for everything that says it's God and as you grow you realize that that's not God that wasn't right and a lot of us are coming out we're coming out of deception we're coming out of movements coming out of preachers that have taught us false things but we don't want to stop there we want to make sure that we do not lose or leave our first love and our first love is Jesus and like I said last week the prongs of a ring are nothing without the diamond in it he is our diamond he is the the focus of our life and so we can't get sidetracked with with the evil in the fear of what's coming on the earth and the deception we got to keep him first he wants to be first place so you're gonna be discouraged you're gonna see bad things I just want to encourage you keep on keepin on you got to keep on keeping on pressing keep your eyes on him there's a lot of evil not only in the church I haven't even touched on the world what's going on in the world in politics you think Christianity is bad well the political realm is there's so much this it's going to be a circus it is a circus and you have to if you know agenda21 you know the the New World Order you can sit back and watch because you've you've studied you know what's going to happen you know that white supremacy thing is going to be huge is going to be a lot of division we've taught about this for years but if you know you can't change some of these things but you can keep your heart right that's what God's telling us to do and we can rescue people you can't change a lot of this there's a great falling away it's a prophesied it's it's also a brainwashing and a preparation for the Anti Christ of the false church so all this stuff has to happen but it doesn't have to happen to you if you study to show yourself approved if you keep him Lord of your life the fear of the Lord will deliver you from every other fear so he wants us and we're gonna find out what that fear of the Lord is it's that holy awesome reverence but it's also an intimacy but it's not a false intimacy where people just call him Oh daddy and Papa and they act you know they take that Abba Father but they take it into a human soulish realm we have to still know who he is he is yes he wants a relationship with you but he also is intimate with I mean we have to be intimate know who he is but we also have the majesty of God know that there is if we have to serve Him with an awesome holy fear I don't know if you feared your parents or not but you didn't want to get on their bad side because you knew what they could do right well how much more we don't want to offend the Lord we don't want to offend him we don't want to do things that that are not pleasing to him so there that keeps us in that balance the grace it's not a cheap grace but it's also not this fear of God that oh my god I'm so afraid of him I got it's that holy balance of grace and reverence that makes sense so here he said what he had against them he said you have left your first love so they turned their back on him they have all this knowledge and knowledge alone isn't what we're after we're not just wanting to know the latest and the greatest it's walking in truth and walking with him right because otherwise you can have all this vast knowledge and then you can get to a place of where you get offended you get mad you see the danger coming and a lot of people are leaving Christianity today well we don't want to do that we don't want to turn our back on him especially when he told you all this stuff has to happen and you're like thank you Lord for your Bible you told us so his case them cannot be shaken though the preachers that you see falling they can be shaken we're not they're not don't worry about that you keep your eyes on on him and a question is why did Ananias and Sapphira die we have to ask us why are we still living because of the grace of God we haven't you know fallen into that judgment because it was I believe it was a sign it was a sign when God was developing and forming that church the church and he was also letting you see sides of him and not just think oh I'm just loving mercy but there is also an angry and a judgmental side that God has to protect he has to his love is protection and as leaders we all need to protect we need to make sure that infiltrators are not coming in we're all at different levels but an infiltrator is different they're a deceiver and they're plants many times so let me go through this fast as we go on here for today but he also says he said repent he said I have someone to get you you have left your first love and remember sometimes you cannot tell where you are spiritually until you look back where you used to be how hungry you were how on fire for God you were I remember when I first got saved I got saved in Brainerd I was there for a weekend and some people led me to the Lord I couldn't wait to find a believer I'm like who can I find I used to drive to people's house just looking for another person that was a believer we got to keep that hunger that we had remember some because he said therefore from whence you are fallen and repent and do the first works there are things God expects us to do not to be saved but because we are saved we want to have some good fruit right he said or else I will come quickly and I will remove thy candlestick out of its place except thou repent we don't want that candlestick remove that light that anointing that influence that we get rewarded for our work there's not going to be a time where God is going to reward you for how you lived your life for him some rewards you get now but some of them you're not going to get until you get to be with him right we don't want to lose those rewards we don't want to lose the light the knowledge but he said thou hast hatest another thing that this this church did they hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also hate the Nicolaitans were those that dominate or conquer the people and they also preached doctrines that forced people to submit from the top leadership down gods against the Nicolaitans the fort's we are supposed to in 1st Peter 5 one through three we are supposed to exhort two people to serve the Lord exhort into good work not dominate there's a definite difference when people are forcing and dominating and then there's this class like we're better than you because we're so and so no we're all born by the blood of Jesus amen so he said that he commended them for hating those deeds he said which he also hates so on and on he goes so they did a lot of good things but the part here in this church is that they backslidden and I think they backslide because they lost the fear of the Lord that's one thing we do not want to lose is the fear of the Lord last week I talked about Isaiah and how he was a king when he was sixteen years old what happened when he became strong in himself he stopped depending on God so what happened he he didn't have the fear of the Lord and if you don't have the fear of the Lord guess what you'll be walking in the fear of man and Saul same thing happened to Saul when Samuel told him you didn't obey the Lord what did he do he said I obeyed the people and their voice so what happened to him he left his first love he lost the fear of the Lord we don't want to lose the fear of the Lord many of the people in the Bible they sinned because they weren't thinking about the consequences they weren't thinking about how this would affect God and how God felt about it they were just had the fear of man I want to please people so here in Matthew 22:30 9 I'm going to go fast through this some of this is review you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart your soul and your mind first john 2:15 do not love the world so what happens they left their first love they went back into the world don't you see a lot of people today going back into the things that God delivered them out of why they left their first love they're not walking in the fear of the Lord so don't love the world nor the things that are in the world if any man loves the world the love of the father is not in him so what were their first works now if you go through the book of Acts a lot of their first works the first the things that they did in the beginning they had a great spiritual hunger most of this is in acts 18 and 19 they had a great spiritual hunger hunger they enjoyed rich fellowship among the Brethren for you loners out there you are supposed to connect I know there's a lot of churches now that are no longer I can't recommend them because you thought they were good yesterday well today they're influenced by another spirit but still when I want God will connect us with people he will connect us with groups he will you got to search him out that's what we have our online Fellowship Church they cherish the word of the Lord they were quick to confess their sin and turn from their evil works they didn't want to walk and evil then they severed all connections with a pagan past at a great personal price in acts 19 19 what did they do they were a part of all this paganism they burned at all they burn there was it was expensive books and most of us have to do the same when you find out some preachers off peddling false doctrine get rid of their books get rid of them they burned their expensive books another thing that happens when you're really on walking in the Lord and the fear of the Lord you'll be persecuted they were publicly persecuted for the sake of Christ in 1st Corinthians 15 32 and what were they known for when they were walking in that love they were known for their love their passionate love for the Brethren Amen so we should love each other so they had to remember remember it's only by remembering looking back how on fire used to be for God you can see how are maybe you've drifted so repent was the second one repentance means to turn around and thought and word indeed and go and do those first works that was God's requirement acknowledge and confess it as sin when you backslide acknowledge it as sin and that's the place that you can begin that's the proof of their repentance would be a return to a passionately pursuit of intimate knowledge knowing him what had happened to them and we don't want it to happen to us they became stagnant and cold and other things took his place the things God's blessed you with your children your your job your ministry your car your whatever things can take his place they were supposed to be a blessing from him not to replace him amen and what happens here and many times is a love relationship it cools it cools down into a religious spirit with your mouth but your heart's not there so today we have the same challenge we see false teachers everywhere too many to name but we're called to speak the truth and love we need to know who they are some people don't want to pay the price you don't want to do the research you need to you need to listen to people that are exposing this because it's part of what I believe the Lord is doing he wants to protect his people but you can't let the frustration of these false teachers overwhelm you I was overwhelmed for about four years ago I started seeing all this stuff and I was overwhelmed and there's a season you are but you can't stop there then you get discouraged you can't stop there then you grieve I grieved I cried for some of my friends that are deceived in this movement you can't stop there we have to love those people that are deceived even if they reject us and keep praying for them and aren't you glad God didn't give up on you but we don't want to give up now in acts 20 verse 29 through 31 the wolves will come in and among you and pervert and twist the gospel so if you know the Bible and they start twisting it and I listened to a few this last week boy are they good twisters this one kind of maybe you heard of this prominent preacher got found out for having an open marriage and having bisexual stuff and this is not new for a lot of us that have known about this for years but the way they twist the scripture and they always attack the whistleblower instead of facing themself and getting in really repenting it's it's in its tuinal even in the world the whistleblower is the one that's trying to do the right thing and they're the they're the ones with they say the religious spirit they're the ones that are the Jezebel so what happens truth is going to be you're gonna be persecuted when you're taking a strong stand for God in his word when they start twisting the Scriptures know the fallout because they will even call us corner prepare for this corners they say so what do they do they are brainwashing a group of people to to reject truth and to accept their lies so you have to know when someone is twisting twisting scripture and trust me these preachers are so good at what they do why they have a good teacher the devil's been a liar from the beginning and he knows you know he's the biggest moocher you'll ever find so when you see someone covering and not repenting and blaming their whistleblower but it's time for you to wake up and just say well you know coz they can sound good so no the wolves are out there you need to mark them you need to avoid them discernment is vital and critical in this hour you got to test all teachings and other wins of doctrine it's going to be wins what's new whose mantle is going to fall on you this week where you're going to heaven this week oh my goodness get so so he'll that's another whole big one that's infecting people they have no idea of it so cultic roots you got to with understand agenda21 and you know look up a gender twenty-one because you'll understand what's happening in the world the whole greenage and the whole green pastures that are coming the whole climate thing and you can't be overwhelmed by it there was a time when I started studying this I was like why isn't anyone taught me well this is why I'm teaching you is because I felt like nobody taught me and I had to research and praise God for my researching friends we just studied hours and hours and hours going back finding out where did this teaching come from why did this movement come a lot of these movements are connected to the latter rain which was found out to be a false a lot of these so-called new apostles with these revelations were scams back in the 1900s and they got their books all came out as these great faith healers you'll be shocked to find out a lot of Pentecostal history and these people and some of the things that you'll find out don't be overwhelmed why God said this is gonna happen there's gonna be a great falling away if it was not great it wouldn't affect us it's gonna be huge and he said not just a little falling away it's gonna be massive and narrow is the way and the narrow way is going to be persecuted so you have to know I'm sticking to the Bible because we were even raised up in the Word of Faith Movement to have experiences and the prophetic and feel the glory in the present this can all be manipulated by lights and action and voices and and it's it's nothing compared to the new movements that they're bringing now this is going to go after the youth forget the old folks the the ellis bailey says we're going for the youth and this is where they're targeting because there's the zeal they have so much zeal but then if it's not according to knowledge we're gonna have so much trouble and they're in gonna end up backsliding because that carrot this carrots put before them and that carrots put before them and what happens nothing's happening and they're trying to do all the works are trying to do everything to qualify in it's a lie keep your eyes on Jesus test all teachings winds of doctrines but don't let them overpower you don't let them steal your faith don't get weak don't don't get your eyes on what the devil is doing you have to know it you have to know who your enemy is if you don't know your enemy is in war you're gonna you're gonna die you have to know the Lord told us in Matthew 24 false teachers are gonna be your enemy in this end times okay but don't let them overpower you or put you in fear or put you in pride well I know that that's off that's wrong but what's happening to your heart are you still serving the Lord you have all this knowledge now but you're not being obedient you're not loving you're not a good husband you're not a good wife you're you're you're not a good friend because you have all this knowledge about you know so you just caved and just said forget it I'm just leaving Christianity it's just so confused yeah there are a lot of mixed-up people in there but still they didn't save you Jesus saved you amen now in Hebrews 12:28 it says we received a kingdom that cannot be moved so let us have grace whereby we may serve God with acceptable what first of all it's His grace that we even saved we serve him with His grace but we serve him with reverence and godly fear well what does that mean we're gonna talk about that for our God is a consuming fire what is the fear of the Lord living in a constant aw a constant respect we've lost a lot of respect today for teachers some teachers are so discouraging they're so discouraged they're leaving teaching altogether and so they don't get any respect you've got to live in that respect of the Lord and that reverence of him you wouldn't talk and just curse the way you do if you walked on the fear of the Lord because you know he's watching you know he's listening you wouldn't take his name in vain if you really had the fear of the Lord because you would like I don't want to displease him in every little thing we do that's our protection it's reverencing him knowing he sees our every action and he hears our every thought it's a relationship founded on respect being afraid to offend God and it's all in it not a fear of like first Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of that of fear but of power love and a sound mind it's a fear of displeasing him it's like your natural dead you don't want to do things to cause him to worry to fret you don't want to do things to him that would cause him a disgrace to the family name right you want to walk in the fear of your natural father in an awesome holy way same how much more being afraid to offend God in any way another definition is an 'a mixed with intimacy it's an AA mixed with intimacy God still calls us his children we're not the begotten the only begotten there's that's Jesus but he's called us his sons and daughters so we are to have that intimacy with him this intimacy must never overshadow the majesty of who God really is that makes sense all right so now we're going to get into this in Acts chapter four this is kind of where we want to land today this was the beginning of the church and the Lord Jesus was here and he had his disciples here and the whole book of Acts is is signs and wonders it's also the judgment of God as we see in Acts chapter 5 but let's look here and verse 29 in chapter 4 it says Lord behold they're threatening --zz they were under tremendous persecution and grant unto thy servants with all boldness they may speak thy word by stretching forth your hand to heal that signs and wonders may be done by the name of the Holy Child Jesus they wanted to bring people to the knowledge of the Lord they didn't want to cave they were being persecuted but they wanted to be bold and we're gonna have to do the same thing in these end times I think the way the church began sometimes I'm wondering if it's not the way it's going to end and so verse 32 the multitude of them that believed were of one heart one soul neither said any of them that out of the things which he possessed was his own well we have to come to that at the end that we have to live together that you have to share who knows what's going to happen in these end times but in the beginning it just shows you that they were under tremendous persecution and that persecution always does good things it caused them to come together and it caused them to be of one spirit in one mind and there there were needs there and so they they decided that no notice here they were not forced they were not manipulated they were not condemned to give or to do these things when the Lord's leading he doesn't put you under condemnation but they were led and and neither was verse 34 any among them that lacked for as many as we're possessors of land lands or houses look at that that's plural their lands so some of them had more than one land some of them had many houses they sold them and brought the prices of the things that were sold and they laid them down at the Apostles feet and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need and now we see Barnabas and what did he do the same thing he he was a Levite in verse 37 having land he sold it and he brought the money and he laid it at the Apostles feet okay now here's a true giving serving heart doing is under the fear of the Lord now we see an infiltration now we see someone trying to act like Barnabas do the same thing as Barnabas but they lied and they lied it says to the Holy Spirit know you this is a this is an awesome time where God's doing something with his church and with his people and the devil always sends in an infiltrator and they did the same kind of things so how do you know the difference because only God knows the heart so a certain man named Ananias and Sapphira his white sold a possession it didn't say it was the only one it didn't say they sacrificed it said they had a possession was Anna were Ananias and Sapphira saved I don't know the Bible has nothing to say about that there's some things we can't make up because we don't know doesn't say but that what they did that was so wrong is they kept part of the price and the husband and the wife together decided to lie to the man of God and the problem is here this was a holy thing that God was doing and they came in and they lied they kept back part of the price nothing was told they had to do but they pretended they were just like Barnabas and what their actions look like they were he was they were doing the same thing but God didn't want this infiltration to happen in the beginning of this church of what he was doing in the earth so they kept part of it being trivy to it certain part in verse 3 Peter said Ananias why hath what Satan filled thine heart what's the sin here is lying to lie to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land and it goes on to the story and he said you have not lied unto men but unto God and what happened in verse 5 Ananias hearing these words fell down and gave up the ghost and great fear came on all them that heard these things I believe this was the fear of the Lord it's like whoa this this is a Holy awesome thing and they are lying to God this is Wow and it didn't cause them to draw back it caused them to press in there's a healthiness there's a protection about the fear of the Lord and then the young man buried him in three hours later verse seven his wife not knowing what was done she came in did the same thing lied and Peter answering her tell me whether you sold the land for so much and she said oh yeah for so much and Peter said unto her how is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord behold the feet of them which have buried the husband are at the door and shall carry thee out also then fell she down straightway at his feet and yielded up the ghost the same people came and buried her verse 11 and great fear came upon all the church and upon as many as heard these things Wow so what are the lessons from this death I believe we should we learn it's a warning to the church now we don't see people dropping dead today aren't you glad but this is a warning this was a sign and God had a lot of signs when he was doing this with the early church he had a lot of signs healings miracles miraculous things he was establishing things so first of all in the church there are two kinds of people you're gonna find people from the outside infiltrators that look just like Barnabas Ananias and Sapphira were doing some good things but the Lord judges the second sign is God knows the heart God knows our heart and in their heart there was a deep love for money and a people-pleasing who knows what else but just from what they say they purposely lied and tried to deceive the group and look like Barnabas they put on a hypocritical show God wants a faithful heart even if we give little you know and some people I want to encourage you don't stop giving just because there's bad false prophets out there God still needs his kingdom to go forth we can't just all quit or you know we have to obey we have to keep doing what God tells us do to your first works right but you're gonna see all this hypocritical shows it's gonna turn you off it's going to make you just want to run the other way know that this is going to happen and thence happening in the end times but where are the ones standing for truth number 2 we can't hide from God I believe these were infiltrators false disciples goats and they're gonna grow together the tares and the wheat are gonna grow together right but what are the goats they're the type of false disciples those that are not walking with the Lord they're only concerned about themselves when you get saved there's something that happens in you and all of a sudden you love people you want to give you want to help you want to serve but if you're walking in a narcissistic spirit you just it's all about you so these goats don't you even hate that with goats and the old goat and they love to be seen in the high places goats always love to be seen in high places and goats walk with tails held high their tails are up spirit of pride goats when you are a true disciple of Jesus you want to walk in humility goats have an offensive odor or an air about them they're stubborn they're independent goats are pushy and they cause division why did Ananias and Sapphira die I believe it serves as a sign it's a sign and the book of Acts he shows his healing miracles and his judgment we need the balance to walk in the fear of the Lord we don't want cheap grace we also have to walk in the fear of the Lord he put both on display could it be a glimpse of his future judgment they did not take the things of the Lord seriously they put on a show they were hypocrites they were actors and they got found out fear came on all the people I believe this is a missing ingredient in the book of Proverbs I'm gonna go through this quick but I'm not going to give you all these scriptures a proper fear of the Lord would then include reverence and awe being afraid to offend God in any way from the book of Proverbs the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom the fear of the Lord will cause one to hate evil the fear of the Lord will prolong your life the fear of the Lord provides a strong confidence is in is a fountain of life it prompts one to depart from evil because you know that's wrong and you fear the Lord you go the other way the fear of the Lord leads to a satisfying life and spares you from a lot of evil and a lot of trouble without the fear of the Lord we flirt with evil we flirt with sin we think oh I'm not you know no lightning came down I didn't get judged yet I guess I can get away with that the longer you persist in doing things you shouldn't you don't have the fear Lord you're flirting with sin then you're corrupted by it when falling into sin when you walk in the fear of the Lord you repent without it you're not motivated to repent without the fear of the Lord you don't turn to God you turn to yourself without the fear of the Lord you will not truly be motivated to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling the Bible says he that endures halfway he that endures to the end shall be saved we want to have a good ending some of us might not have had a good middle we might not have a good middle but we can make adjustments now and let's walk in the fear of the Lord okay and I'm closing so in 1st Samuel it's all lost he didn't have the fear of the Lord he pleased the people and he obeyed their voice he didn't reverence God and it reminds me of this woman she was an assistant to a knife thrower and rather than be afraid of the knife thrower who could take their life during an act one day a spider crawled up her leg and she freaked out and she screamed and she fainted she let something that wouldn't even harm her take her whole full attention rather than the knife through her when she fainted he could have missed and hit her well how much more the little things in life that the false doctrines the false teacher I get our focus on that spider where the Bible says we should have the fear of the Lord that's the one that we should fear the devil we're gonna look at him one day and say that's him but when we look at the Lord we're gonna say wow I'm so glad I spent my days serving you amen so I just want to exhort everyone to keep your first love come back to the first walk in the fear of the Lord it's a missing ingredient today preachers wouldn't preach on purpose to deceive and take make merchandise of God's people if they walked in the fear of the Lord because they know the teachers are gonna receive the greater condemnation what did you do to my sheep these are God's people these are God's people and that's what we keep repenting when we find we've taught something wrong because we have to repent now because there's gonna be a day that we will be judged we'll stand before him for what we've done in our body so we want to walk in the fear of the Lord now it will keep us from evil and keep us from the wicked one and it'll keep our heart soft and when we get convicted we need to act on that and change our behavior change our thoughts amen let's pray father we thank you that we're still alive we still can make changes we thank you Lord that we were not a part of the Ananias and Sapphira show and we don't ever want to be a part of that show we don't want to be hypocrites we don't want to be one thing and then in private do other things and we want to obey you we want to fully obey you and do everything we know to do now while we still have time so we give you all the praise and the glory and all God's people said amen isn't that something what destroyed the church in Germany cheap grace we just want to thank our YouTube audience we are so glad that you're here and we just don't take it lightly that you've taken your time to visit us weekly and to watch our YouTube ministry and we just want to introduce ourselves we're just a small remnant Church we're a group of believers who wants to follow the true Jesus and the true gospel and we thank you that you're here doing that with us our online church is really a group of people that does life together and if you consider this your church we want to do life with you too so we're inviting you to join us on our private Facebook group you can search for us on Facebook it's lih see online church fellowship please go there and request to become a member and we would be happy to connect with you online we would also really love it if you'd want to continue to follow us if you click subscribe and make sure you ring the bell and that way you'll get notifications every week and please share this YouTube on your social media so that other people can learn more about the truth as well lastly if you would like to 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Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 2,184
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: QesQFzZrb1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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