How to use ChatGPT (for Beginners)

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hey and welcome to this tutorial on how to use chat GPT for beginners if you haven't used chatgpt ever before and you are afraid to get left behind in this rapidly evolving space of AI this video is for you I will walk you through every step of the way from creating your account to logging in to using chatgpt for the first time and I'll give you a few examples that you can use for yourself and if you have done any of that already just skip ahead by using the timestamps down below alright let's get started okay first you go to and then you'll get to this login page I'll also leave a link to that in the description now you can log in or sign up and of course we want to sign up now if you click on it you get to this page where you can create your account now you can sign up with a Google or with a Microsoft account but let's type in a new email address and make a new account if you click continue you will get here where you can set your password now let's do that real quick all right and once your password is set you click continue as well and you'll get to this next page and here he'll tell you that you need to verify your email that you just signed up with so let's go to the email right now all right here we are now of course just click on verify email address and when you've done that you will be automatically forwarded to this page and here you just set your name when you're looking for the first time and after you've done that one last step is to make a two-step verification with your phone number so you just type in your phone number then you'll get Center code that you can verify with and just click on send code of course and then you enter the code and then after that you'll finally be in chat GPT and ready to ask your first question all right and here we are now here on top you see a few things that you can read through here's our examples like got any creative ideas for 10 year old birthday and things like that then you have way more important capabilities remembers what users said earlier in the conversation allows user to provide follow-up Corrections and train to decline inappropriate requests and then you have limitations and that's very important May occasionally generate incorrect information May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content be aware of that and limited knowledge of world and events after 2021 and aside from that you have a small menu here over the site where you can also choose dark mode which I will do right now because I like it much more alright and down here you can now simply type in whatever you want and here's the site you then just click Send when you are finished with your instructions so let's go ahead and make our first prompt let's just start with please give me a few ideas on how a beginner can start to use chat GPT in everyday life and see what it gives us and you can see share GPT immediately writing out the answer to our question coming up with a few points like personal journaling and decision making you can pause it and read it if you want to down there you also see the stop generating button if you click that GPT stops and you can ask a different question good it's finished and let's say it's not exactly what we want then we can just type in down here police edit the answer into shorter bullet points and see what it gives us all right HTTP takes a bit longer to generate that and sometimes the server completely full and energy takes very long and you don't get even in but you see it generates shorter more precise bullet points of the same answer as it just gave us a buff another thing you can do is just down here click regenerate response and it will rewrite the response and give you another answer now it will be the same here because it's the same bullet points just a little bit Rewritten but just so you know it exists and then up there you can click on this arrow and toggle between the answers that you got another thing you can do is ask share GPT about books now remember it's just up to 2021 so for example I'm thinking about buying the book Seven Habits for highly effective people please give me a brief summary of the book and tell me whom the book is for and let's see what it generates now that I see this I might say that sounds interesting what are these hybrids about so let's just ask share GPT please Briefly summarize every habit and we can of course also ask to please summarize the whole book another fun thing you can do is ask chatgpt to help you come up with recipe ideas and you can give just whatever you have at home and see what chat gbt gives you now let's just put a couple of random stuff in here and see what chat GPT gives us so we have olives potatoes flour milk pickles carrots and yogurt so let's see what comes out Olive and potatoes salad okay piglet olive pizza okay you can see charging video starting to use some ingredients that we didn't give like water yeast well you can assume you have water there but maybe not yeast so let's refine that a bit so let's get clearer and say only user mentioned ingredients spices and nothing else and there we go well I think that's a very good way to use it for beginners for the nights when you are in front of your fridge and you have no idea what to eat then maybe just ask chair GPT next time and the last thing that I want to mention here is fun things that you can do just tell share GPT to be a story based video game in whatever setting you want and time to give you different options to choose from a b c d and then see what what chargpt comes up with now some of the stories are pretty boring but sometimes I had some very interesting interactions so yeah go play with it make your first prompt and just have fun with it alright I hope this video was helpful for you any more questions let me know down in the comments below I am by no means an expert on AI or technology or anything but I am very interested I am having fun with it and I started this channel for everybody who feels like they are going to get left behind like the space is evolving so rapidly to give you easy access slowly get used to all of this and make your first steps in the world of AI evolving technology and whatever comes along in the next year so this is you you might want to consider subscribing aside from that thank you for watching this video and you might also find this video here helpful see you over there
Channel: WieseTechnology
Views: 24,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use chat gpt, how to use chat gpt for beginners, how to use chatgpt, chat gpt tutorial, chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt, chatgpt, chat gpt crash course, chatgpt for beginners, use chatgpt for the first time, chat gpt explained, chat gpt how to use, what is chatgpt, chat gpt examples, open ai chat gpt, artificial intelligence, ai, open ai, ai language model, chatgpt language model
Id: ANL3rOU4Nes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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