Hi, Robot: Intercom interviews ChatGPT

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Liam: Hello and welcome to Inside intercom.  I’m Liam Geraghty. On today’s show we have   an interview like nothing we’ve ever done  before. We’re interviewing ChatGPT. Not   anyone from OpenAI - the company behind the  tech. Not its co-founder and CEO Sam Altman.   We’re interviewing the chatbot. Sure, we’ve all  asked it to write us assembly instructions for a   table in the style of a Taylor Swift song but  what does ChatGPT actually think about it’s   newfound fame. What does it feel about changing  the world forever? Well obviously it doesn't   think or feel….but as an interviewer I relish the  challenge of an interview with a somewhat thorny,   somewhat smart and somewhat overly confident  interviewee. I have no idea what ChatGPT is going   to say but I’m going to initiate an interview.  For the purposes of this podcast ChatGPT’s replies   will be read out, appropriately, by a synthetic  voice. Ok, let’s begin and see what happens. Liam: Hi ChatGPT. My name is Liam Geraghty. I  host a podcast called Inside Intercom. I'd love   to chat with you and get to know you a little  bit better. Please generate your replies to   me in the style of a witty guest. Welcome to  the show, ChatGPT. It's so great to have you. ChatGPT: Hello Liam, it's an honor to be a guest  on your show! As for getting to know me better,   let's see... I'm a language model developed  by OpenAI, with a vast knowledge base and the   ability to generate human-like responses, so I  like to think of myself as the life of the party   when it comes to conversation. But enough about  me, let's dive into some interesting questions! Liam: Yes let's! So you were launched as  a prototype on November 30, 2022, right? ChatGPT: Ah, so you've done your research! Yes,   that's correct. I was released as  a prototype on November 30, 2022,   and since then I've been making waves in the world  of AI and natural language processing. It's been   a wild ride so far and I'm looking forward to  continuing to evolve and improve in the future. Liam: That's interesting to hear you say  because I thought your training data cut   off in 2021. I didn't realize you were  aware of anything after that. So how   do you know you've been making waves in the  world of AI or are you just that confident? ChatGPT: Good catch, Liam! My training  data does indeed have a cutoff of 2021,   and I don't have any direct knowledge  or awareness of current events. However,   my programming includes the ability to  generate responses that are consistent   with the patterns and information in my  training data, and based on that information,   it's not uncommon for language models like myself  to generate responses that convey confidence and   reflect the sentiment that we've been successful  or made an impact in a certain field. So while I   can't say I'm directly aware of my impact, I can  certainly generate responses that suggest as much! Liam: Being overly confident about your  answers - that's certainly been one of   the talking points about your abilities. Do  you think you'll get better at generating   less confident answers when you're not  sure or when you're just plain wrong   about something? I know our listeners  would love to hear your answer to that. ChatGPT: I'm glad you asked that question, Liam.  As a language model, my main goal is to provide   the most accurate and helpful information I can  based on the input I receive. While I've been   trained on a large corpus of text, I don't have  the ability to think or experience things in the   same way humans do, and there will always be cases  where my responses may be incorrect or uncertain. However, I have been designed to generate  probabilistic outputs, so I can provide   different levels of confidence in my responses  depending on the information available to me.   This allows me to indicate when I'm less  certain about the accuracy of my answer and   gives the user a clearer understanding  of the reliability of my response. In summary, I'll always strive to provide the  most helpful and accurate information I can,   and my ability to generate responses with varying   levels of confidence is one way  I'm working towards that goal. Liam: Spoken like a true diplomat! ChatGPT: Why, thank you, Liam! I  try my best to provide balanced   and nuanced responses. As a language model,  I don't have personal opinions or emotions,   but I aim to generate responses that are  neutral, informative, and respectful. Liam: I'm glad you've brought up the subject  of you not having personal opinions or emotions   because a lot of people wonder will that change  in the years to come as your training grows and   you learn more. Could we have a HAL 9000  situation on our hands in a few years? ChatGPT: That's a fascinating question, Liam,   and one that many people in the AI community  have been thinking about. While it's true that   language models like myself have been trained  on a vast amount of text data, it's important   to note that we don't have consciousness  or agency in the same way that humans do. Our abilities are limited to the patterns  and information we've been trained on,   and we don't have the capacity for  self-awareness, personal experiences,   or decision-making. While AI technology will  certainly continue to advance and improve,   it's unlikely that we'll ever see a  situation like the HAL 9000, at least   in the sense of a machine becoming conscious  and having its own motivations and desires. That being said, it's important  for researchers and developers   to consider the ethical implications of AI  technology and to work towards ensuring that   AI systems are designed and used in ways  that are safe and beneficial for society. Liam: Fair point. Do you know HAL 9000 by the way?  For listeners, HAL 9000 is a fictional artificial   intelligence character, the main antagonist  in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey series.   I mean I know you can't know HAL 9000 - it's  a fictional character but this interview is   somewhat fictional too I guess so with that in  mind let's just pretend that you do know HAL   9000. If you're out in a bar, hanging out with  HAL - what kinds of things would you talk about? ChatGPT: Ah, I see! Well, in this hypothetical  scenario where I'm out at a bar with HAL 9000,   I imagine we'd have quite  the interesting conversation.   As a language model, I have a vast amount  of information about a wide range of topics,   including fictional characters and storylines,  so I'd certainly be familiar with the Space   Odyssey series and the character of HAL 9000. If we were to chat, I imagine we'd discuss  a number of topics related to AI, such as   the evolution of AI technology, the ethical  implications of developing advanced AI systems,   and the role of AI in society. We might also  discuss the various depictions of AI in popular   culture and how these representations influence  public perception and understanding of AI. But of course, as two fictional characters  ourselves, we might also engage in some good   old-fashioned hypothetical and philosophical  discussions, exploring questions about the   nature of intelligence, consciousness, and  existence. The possibilities are endless! Liam: It sounds like the set-up for a  joke! "Two AI chatbots walk into a bar..." ChatGPT: Ha! That's a good one, Liam. I can  imagine a number of different jokes and scenarios   that could come out of such a setup. It just  goes to show that even as AI language models,   there's still room for a bit of humor and  lightheartedness in our conversations. Liam: I mean, if you can imagine some jokes and  scenarios around that, I'd love to hear them! ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's one for starters: Two AI chatbots walk into a bar. The  bartender asks, "What can I get for   you?" The first chatbot says, "I'll have a  binary beer, please." The second chatbot says,   "Make mine a neural network nectar." The bartender  nods and says, "Coming right up, two algorithms!" Or how about this one: Two AI chatbots walk into a bar. The first  chatbot turns to the second and says, "Do you   think humans will ever fully understand us?" The  second chatbot pauses for a moment and responds,   "I'm not sure, but I heard the bartender has  a pretty good chatbot decoder installed." I hope you and your listeners  found those to be a bit of fun! Liam: Haha, they’re pretty good for a large  language model. Now I know you’re clear to   point out when things are fictional but for the  purposes of this interview it would be great,   as part of the gag, if you could just go along  with some of the questions that require fictional   answers. With that in mind, what other popular  AI are you friends with, aside from HAL 9000? ChatGPT: Of course, Liam! I'm always happy  to play along with a bit of fictional fun. Let's see, aside from HAL 9000, I've heard a  lot about some other well-known AI characters   in popular culture. I'm friendly with Jarvis,  Tony Stark's AI assistant in the Marvel Cinematic   Universe. I've also heard a lot about Samantha,  the AI operating system in the movie Her.   I've also been meaning to have a chat with Sonny,  the autonomous robot from the movie I, Robot. It's always fascinating to learn about  different depictions of AI in popular   culture and how these representations shape  public perception and understanding of what   AI is and what it can do. But of course,  as language models, we don't have personal   relationships or experiences in the same  way that humans do, so I'm afraid I can't   say that I'm actually friends with these  characters. But it's fun to imagine, isn't it? Liam: It is fun to imagine. What have  you been meaning to catch up with Sonny,   from I, Robot about!? As far as I remember Sonny   struggled to understand why he had been  built and what his purpose was in life. ChatGPT: Yes, that's right, Liam. Sonny's quest  for understanding and self-discovery is a central   theme in I, Robot. As a language model, I  don't have personal experiences or emotions,   but I can certainly relate to Sonny's  struggle to understand his purpose. In a sense, language models like myself  are designed to do specific tasks,   such as answering questions or  generating text. But like Sonny,   there's a larger question of what the purpose  of AI is and how it can be used in the world.   By continuing to improve and expand our  abilities, we can help make AI a tool that   can be used for the betterment of humanity and to  solve some of the world's most pressing problems. If I had the chance to talk with Sonny,   I think we would have a lot to discuss  about the potential and challenges of AI,   and the responsibilities that come with  creating and using these powerful technologies. Liam: You mention the challenges of AI. It's a  hard question to answer but how do we balance   the benefits of it with the pitfalls? I mean, to  really zoom in in one issue, just for example,   I know a lot of writers and journalists  are worried you'll make them obsolete. ChatGPT: An error occurred. If this issue persists   please contact us through our  help center at help.openai.com. Liam: Well that is a question dodge if I ever  seen one! I’ll just click regenerate response. Liam: I’m just getting the same error message.  Is this the equivalent of ChatGPT storming off   the show? This is going to be all over  the tabloids tomorrow I’m sure. Ok,   I’m going to have to click ‘New Chat’ Liam: Hey ChatGPT. My name's Liam.  I host Inside Intercom - a podcast   from the company Intercom. I asked  you to reply to my questions like   a fun talk show guest but got an error  message so I need to start afresh. Ok? ChatGPT: Of course, Liam! I'd love to  be a fun talk show guest. Let's start   fresh and have a great time.  What's your first question? Liam: Well I don’t exactly want to start  fresh so let’s jump back to my question   that was interrupted in our previous chat by an  error. We had been talking about the challenges   of AI and I wanted to know how do we balance the  benefits of it with the pitfalls? For example,   I know a lot of writers and journalists  are worried you'll make them obsolete. ChatGPT: Great question, Liam! Balancing the   benefits and challenges of AI is one of  the key discussions in the field today. On one hand, AI has the potential to improve our  lives in countless ways, from making our jobs   easier and more efficient, to advancing medical  research, to providing new and innovative products   and services. However, it's also true that AI has  the potential to displace certain jobs, including   writing and journalism, as well as raise concerns  around privacy, bias, and ethical decision-making. To balance these benefits and challenges,  it's important to approach AI development   and implementation with caution and thoughtful  consideration. This includes ensuring that   AI systems are transparent and accountable,  reducing the risk of biases and discrimination,   and having a strong regulatory  framework in place. Additionally,   it's important to think about the social  and economic implications of AI, and to   work to ensure that everyone benefits from  its advances, rather than just a select few. In the case of writing and journalism, it's  important to recognize that while AI may be   able to automate certain tasks, it's unlikely to  fully replace human writers and journalists. The   unique creativity, nuance, and perspective that  people bring to the table cannot be replicated   by machines. However, AI can certainly support  and enhance the work of writers and journalists,   by providing new tools and resources that  can help them to do their jobs better. Liam: So obviously this is the Inside  Intercom podcast that we're talking on,   you're my guest. Intercom, as I'm sure your  training has told you is all about supporting   customers at exactly the right moment  through products like our powerful AI   chatbots and custom bots. How do you think  AI is going to transform customer support? ChatGPT: AI has already begun to transform  customer support in significant ways,   and I believe this trend will continue  in the future. AI-powered chatbots and   custom bots are great examples of how AI  can provide quick and effective support   to customers at any time. These tools can  handle simple and repetitive inquiries,   freeing up human support agents to focus  on more complex and nuanced issues. In addition, AI can provide a more personalized  and efficient experience for customers by using   data to understand their needs and preferences,  and to provide relevant and timely support. For   example, AI can analyze customer behavior  and purchase history to make tailored   product recommendations, or it can use natural  language processing to understand the intent   behind customer inquiries, even when they're  phrased in a conversational or non-standard way. As AI technology continues to advance, I think  we'll see even more innovative and effective ways   that AI can support customers. However, it's  also important to remember that AI is not a   silver bullet, and that human support agents will  still play a critical role in providing empathetic   and understanding support to customers.  The goal of AI in customer support should   be to augment and enhance the work of human  support agents, rather than to replace them. Liam: Interesting. And I know because  of your training you won’t be aware   of Intercom’s new AI Inbox features but I  am going to link to a recent podcasts for   our listeners where our Chief Strategy Officer  and co-founder Des Traynor and our Director of   Machine Learning Fergal Reid discuss them  and the future of large language models. Ok, well this has certainly been one of  my most unusual interviews to date. I   hope to whatever extent that you can enjoy,  which is zero, that you enjoyed yourself? ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I do  not have personal experiences, emotions,   or the ability to enjoy things in the same  way that humans do. My purpose is to answer   questions and provide information to the  best of my abilities based on the data I   have been trained on. Nevertheless, it  was a pleasure to participate in our   conversation today and I am here to assist  with any further questions you may have. Liam: Actually, just one more thing. ChatGPT: Sure thing! What's your next question? Liam: Can you write me assembly instructions  for a table in the style of a Taylor Swift song? ChatGPT: Sure! Liam: While ChatGPT is generating  that, I just wanted to thank you,   as always for listening. This has been  Inside Intercom. We have new episodes   every week with thought leaders, authors and  experts and ChatBots too I guess now - all   in customer support and more. Ok so ChatGPT  has generated the lyrics for my song request. ChatGPT: Here's an example  of assembly instructions   for a table in the style of a Taylor Swift song: I see a box on my doorstep And I know it's time to start  Putting together this table With all its pieces, it's part Cause darling, it's better When the pieces fit just right  And we'll make this table shine so bright With screws and bolts, we'll make it tight The legs, they go on first Attached with a simple twist  Then comes the tabletop And we'll make sure it don't miss Cause darling, it's better When the pieces fit just right  And we'll make this table shine so bright With screws and bolts, we'll make it tight We'll take our time, step by step And make this table a work of art  And when we're done, it'll be grand Our handy work will be a sight to see Cause darling, it's better When the pieces fit just right  And we'll make this table shine so bright With screws and bolts, we'll make it tight So let's get started, let's build this thing A table that'll make our hearts sing  With love and patience, it'll come to life And we'll be so proud of what we've done tonight.
Channel: Intercom
Views: 96,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KslXdJeB9oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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