6 Best AI Tools for Blogging (Most Are FREE)

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AI is the future of blogging and in today's video I'm going to share with you six of the best AI tools that bloggers can start using today now number one on the list is chat GPT I'm sure you've heard of it it's a tool created by openai and it's taken the World by storm since it's been released on November 30th 2022. chat GPT now the first thing you should know is chat GPT was not created to completely replace content creators AI is really only as strong as the prompts that you give it so the AI is trained on a massive amount of data and text written by humans all over the web and it's now able to generate text that is coherent and similar to human writing so for instance when I type in the following prompt tell me how the universe began in 20 words this is what it spits out now this isn't considered original writing by any means because it's taking millions of similar pieces of content and spitting out the best response it can but what's great about chat GPT is you can use it to generate ideas like article titles copy for landing pages or even entire blog posts in just a few minutes so here's how you could go about generating article titles with the keyword you're targeting to help you rank for certain Search terms so I put in give me 10 snarky blog titles with the keyword how to make money with chat GPT and it gave me the following ideas including 10 easy ways to make a fortune with chat GPT Hint it involves duping people into thinking you're actually human and the sleazy way to get rich with chat gbt preying on the naive and gullible so it's pretty funny stuff and another way to use it is to generate an outline for an SEO article you're working on so in this case I wanted to create an article on how to lose weight fast so I typed in the prompt give me headers and subheaders for an article with the keyword how to lose weight fast that is optimized for SEO and here is what it gave me now this outline isn't perfect by any means but it doesn't need to be this is only a tool to help you get started and the main thing to remember here is that whatever chat gbt gives you it shouldn't be used word for word because you run the risk of AI content detection so tools like originality.ai can detect AI content and Google has said that AI content can be penalized compared to human written content so it's hard to just copy and paste an entire article straight from chat GPT into your blog even with the best prompts starting with something like write a 1500 word article to rank for the keyword best AI chat Bots it will give you a good article and then you can say something else once it's done with that like add 500 more words that include a section about how to choose an AI chat bot and add an FAQ so after that you have a completed article now you can run it through grammarly run it through server SEO add your semantic keywords in but you can't quite publish it yet because it still won't pass plagiarism Checkers you can even put the whole article from chat gbt into something like Jasper rewrite paragraphs one at a time and then you can kind of bypass some of it but at that point you're doing a lot of manual work now there's a lot of bloggers out there testing new prompts and there are probably a few out there that can trick the AI by using more AI but it's still early and there are a lot of new companies like content at scale that are building applications on top of chat GPT and other AI tools to automate the entire process so we're almost to a point in the world where we can create a blog post in like five minutes with a few commands a few tools and chat GPT will be a big part of it now if you're interested in learning exactly how to start a profitable blogging business with AI with content link building watch my 60 Minute free training the link is in the description below now the next tool you've probably heard of because I've mentioned it here on the channel before and that is Jasper so Jasper AI is the PowerHouse of blogging AI tools because they've innovated and continued improving their product over the last few years so originally it was called Jarvis which made a lot of sense if you think about Tony Stark and virtual robot assistants that basically knew everything but after they got to 350 000 users Disney noticed and they got pissed so for Jarvis to avoid any major lawsuits from a billion dollar company they decided to Rebrand to Jasper and it hasn't really hurt them at all as they raise 125 million dollars in funding and received 1.5 billion dollar valuation in November 2022 so this tool has a ton of potential and a ton of money behind it now here's why it's so powerful Jasper comes with a ton of different templates and they're always updating them with more and new powerful features so for instance you can use their paragraph generator maybe you have an idea on what needs to be said in a section of your blog post but you're not sure how to go about saying it so you can type in your sub header and a few sentences about what you want to write and it generates multiple different paragraphs that you can use in your blog post if you get stuck so you can do this you don't waste your time on a section that you're struggling with and then you can take that content and edit it to fit your blog post in a way that makes sense for the rest of the content now another cool feature with Jasper is that you can write much more persuasively so a big part of blogging is getting people to stay on your page take some sort of action and actually like your writing now a feature I like is their persuasive bullet point template now this helps you draft up creative persuasive bullets to give someone to click a link or subscribe to your email list or something like that something else I think is pretty interesting is their Ada and past Frameworks that are built into the templates these are copywriting techniques Ada stands for attention interest desire action and pass stands for problem agitate solution both of these writing Frameworks help you write copy that gets someone to make an actual decision because if you're a blogger who wants to make affiliate sales or get people to pay for a service you have to be pretty persuasive with your copy and Jasper makes it incredibly easy to get those salesman juices flowing even if you're not the best copywriter in the world and here's where it gets pretty crazy so Jasper has a tool called boss mode and it's a way to get full length blog posts using AI all you do is fill out a few prompts so it knows what to write about you just have to fill in a few inputs like the title of your blog post the keyword you want to Target a short description of what the article is about even the tone of voice you want to use so how about a blog post a very nice one about the best adult diapers in the voice of Homer Simpson or a Blog about the best bowling shoes and the voice of pickle Rick pickle Rick you're limited only by your imagination and you can make it as crazy as you'd like now once you fill out the prompts Jasper gets to work it starts fleshing out multiple paragraphs of content based around the inputs and it even gets more specific about your topic based on the content generated in the previous paragraph now even though Jasper promises the content it produces is free of plagiarism I still wouldn't take its word 100 I'd go back and edit it to fit the tone and style of the content that you want to create make sure it's Unique and The Branding is up to you and then put it through some plagiarism Checkers drink some hot coffee the next tool on the list is Surfer SEO now Surfer SEO is powerful because it allows you to create SEO optimized content for your website by analyzing the target keyword that you give it and then using data based on the websites that are ranking for that keyword and telling you exactly how many different semantic keywords to use and exactly what keywords to put in your article for example let's say you want to write some content about the best luxury watches but you're not sure where to start so when Surfer SEO you would type in the Target keyword best luxury watches and from there you get a bunch of topic clusters that are people searching for that traffic and getting it in Google and from there you can use different variables on how many keywords you want to Target keyword difficulty even search intent and once you select the cluster you want to Target Surfer SEO creates a Content brief and in that content editor Surfer pulls content from websites that are already ranking so this way you see their titles headings q a sections all that stuff and when you click on them they'll automatically be inserted into the editor this way you can draft an outline of an article in about two minutes without having to go through Google and looking at all the content ranking see what the headings are see what the competition is now from there you can go back and edit it with your own unique content spin it in a way that's in line with your own writing style and then you also can use and see their semantic keywords so it tells you literally how what keywords to add to make it a robust article and how many times to use them so you're using AI to come up with keywords that the human mind would never know should be in that article the next tool on this list is another AI tool that's taken the World by storm and that is Dolly if you're looking to use images that are unique and free from copyright infringement AI image generators come in handy now this is from openai who also make chat GPT and it's built basically images based on prompts so if you type in something like Nicholas k cage dancing at a disco and futuristic style you get a bunch of nice images based on that now some of these won't be too pretty I also typed in Nicholas Cage hugging his teddy bear and well you get the picture you can generate any type of image you want and you're only limited by your creativity and what you tell it to do and how good you get at mastering these prompts now another tool I think is really interesting is stable diffusion it works in the same way Dolly does but it creates slightly different looking images based on what I've played with and what I'm sure you've seen already is lensa it's an app you can download on your phone that allows you to edit your images using AI to enhance your photos or create unique artistic renderings of yourself and you've likely seen all this futuristic superhero avatars people have been making on Instagram the next AI tool on the list is grammarly so most people don't think of grammarly as being an AI writing tool because it's not the same as like chat GPT or Jasper since you're not generating prompts but grammarly is mostly used by people who want to make sure they're not making grammatical or spelling errors before sending an email or writing a blog post but it does use Ai and if you've ever tried grammarly you'll be familiar with those red underlines showing you misspelled words or blue underlines telling you wrong sentence structures it's similar to what happens when written in word or in Google Docs but it's a lot more in depth than that so grammarly starts with a bunch of predefined grammar and spelling rules and it helps correct what is being written by the use user but it takes it even further and can look at the context of the content you're creating for example people commonly misspell words like lose versus loose but if they're spelled correctly technically but the context of that writing determines which one you would use and grammarly can pick up on all these little details most of the older spell Checkers wouldn't pick up on this and you still make the mistake but grammarly really shines because it helps you improve your writing based on what you're working on so for example if you're writing an important email to the CEO of your company you probably want to be very succinct clear and fast and accurate but if you're writing a blog post about some products that you're reviewing you want them to be more friendly and engaging and if you want to get your readers to take action click your affiliate links you want to be persuasive with your writing as well so you just write stuff in grammarly and then it can help make suggestions for you to improve your writing and you know there's a lot of things that I notice in my own writing like passive voice or different sentence structures sometimes the sentences are too long and complicated so you can condense it down and make it much better grammarly also has a built-in plagiarism Checker to make sure what you write isn't blatantly ripping off someone else's work so Google will also crush your rankings if you're your content is all plagiarized and the last tool I think is useful for Content creation is hyper right so you can download the Google Chrome extension and it starts working in your browser the first feature I find interesting is called type ahead with this feature the AI will start suggesting words and phrases based on what you've written previously in a document or blog post so as you get into writing your content it learns as it goes and makes suggestions for you based on what you've written up to that point now this is useful if you're stuck on a certain topic or aren't feeling that creative it's also helpful if you're feeling extra lazy that day and I try to live my life at this point with as little effort as possible then they have the rewrite tool where you can highlight any text and have it Rewritten based on a few different prompts and you can expand on it and make it longer and you can make it more concise or even clean it up and make it sound more professional then there's the auto write feature so you type in something you want some content about it and it spits out five different ideas and you can copy and paste and rewrite to your liking so a lot of question on people's minds then is Will these tools completely eliminate the need for human beings as of right now the answer is no so none of these tools on their own are smart enough to generate the type of content that good human writer can create from scratch and if you're smart I know you are you will Embrace these tools to help you create content more quickly so it's only as powerful as the person adding the prompts behind the tool now back in August Google released the helpful content update which basically told us the search engines are going to reward more genuinely helpful content that meets The Searchers expectations with higher Google rankings and any content that isn't helpful will likely get booted from the top 10 positions so when you're creating content it should always be about the reader first and SEO will come a close second but this is how it's always been so Google wants to serve the content for the user that the user is looking for so if someone is visiting your site from Google they visit your site then they click back they visit another site this tells Google that the information they found didn't meet their Searchers expectations so when you're using these AI tools to create more content just simply imagine it as a second pair of hands to help you create content faster whatever AI generates will always need to be edited and perfected based on the needs of your audience and the type of content you're trying to create so one day we're going to have tools on top of chat GPT that can maybe write a blog post in five minutes get it through the content AI content detection stuff and master it with Surfer and you put it through grammarly but we don't have that quite yet plus Google has thousands of Engineers they can probably already tell what content was generated by Ai and what wasn't even if it passes a plagiarism check so it's best not to be lazy and rely 100 on AI content generator tools but these are the best ones that I like so if you're interested in learning more how to start a successful blogging business make sure to click the link in the description below and sign up for my free masterclass
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 19,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jasper ai, chat gpt, chatgpt blogging, chat gpt writing, ai writing software, ai writing tools, ai blogging, openai blog writing, ai blog post writer, grammarly, blogging with ai, ai writing software free, best ai writing software, best ai writing tools, best ai writing tools 2023, best ai writing tools 2022, ai content writer, ai content tools, content at scale ai, content at scale, jasper content writing, jasper content ai, jasper blog writing, writesonic, hyperwrite ai
Id: 8vdmOAkbcgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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