ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: The «Let`s think about this” Prompt

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today I want to show you a prompt that works very well in chat GPT in almost every situation and this is the let's think about this prompt instead of me talking about it let's just head over to chatgpt and see this in action first I just want to show you the prompt we are using here to generate the text you are a writer and expert in productivity and how to improve people's life your task is to give the best advice when it comes to improving lives reaching goals and getting more productive imagine and write an informational passage about how to build better habits take inspiration from the following research and include the seed words so you can see we have research here in Brackets and we have seed birds in Brackets then we just go ahead and go research equals and here I've done some research that I just put in here and I add my seed words seed words equals better habits increase productivity small changes reach your goals and time so these are the words I really want to have included in the text then I just go ahead and do write the informational passage about how to build better habits and just click submit so now we have a good passage about how to build better habits you can read this if you want to just hit pause but it's time now to take a look at the let's think about this prompt so let's think about this let's go Passage using an example and just hit submit here we can see that the prompt gave us an example of a good habit a great example of building better habits is starting a daily exercise routine it goes on like this small change in Behavior can be reinforced by setting a reminder to exercise at the same time each day and making the Habit part of one's daily routine so this can be quite useful right let's check out the next prompt now let's go for a prompt let's think about this passage from a reverse perspective this gives usually some very interesting results so let's just have a look okay so let's have a look here it goes another way to think about building better habits is by identifying and Breaking Bad Habits that is holding you back from reaching your goals very good so for example let's say you have a habit of procrastinating and find yourself consistently putting off important tasks yeah that's good another strategy to break down large tasks into smaller manageable chunks and setting up specific deadline for each chunk so by consistently working on Breaking Bad Habits and replacing them with good habits can increase your productivity and reach your goals and this is just pure gold next let's check out the prompt let's think about this passage in a bigger context okay so let's take a look here we have building better habits and Breaking Bad Habits it's not just about reaching specific goals or increasing productivity it's also about creating a better overall lifestyle and improving the quality of one's life yeah that's very good additionally very building better habits can also lead to greater sense of self-efficiency and self-esteem that's good feeling better habits is a key aspect of personal development and self-improvement yeah I think this is some very good bigger context results now let's go for one of my personal favorite and that is let's think about this passage using analogies okay so let's check out some of our analogies here building better habits can be compared to planting a seed in the garden just like a seed needs the right conditions to grow a habits needs the right environment to develop you can't expect the seed to grow in poor soil and you can't expect a habit to form if you're not providing it with the right conditions very good another analogy is building a tower good habits are like the bricks you lay on top of one another each day each week each month creating a solid foundation and gradually building Higher and Higher and just like a tower good habits can withstand the test of time while bad habits are like weak breaks that can easily crumble yeah that's good I really enjoy that another prompt I use sometimes is let's think about this passage from multiple angles okay so as you can see here we got some different angles we got the Practical angle we got the psychological angle the behavioral angle and we got a holistic angle so let's take a bit of a better look here so from a practical angle building better habits requires setting clear measurable goals and creating a plan feeling better habits require developing the right mindset and overcoming limiting beliefs that could be holding you back from a behavioral angle we have feeling better habits require identifying bad habits that might be preventing you from achieving your goals and replacing them with good habits from a holistic angle feeling better habits requires the right environment both physical and social to that support your goal yeah this is good so in short building where happens is a pro set in that involves multiple angles and requires a holistic approach not bad next up we have the prompt let's think about this passage by looking at its impact okay so as you can see here we got this three different perspectives we have the productivity perspective we have the health perspective and we have the Fulfillment perspective that's quite interesting like if you say in conclusion building better habits can have a profound impact on a person's life leading to improved productivity Better Health and greater fulfillment it requires effort and consistency but the rewards are well worth it yeah that was interesting you can always pause this and read more if you want to so let's take a look at another one the next prompt also usually gives a very interesting response so that is let's think about this passage from a historical standpoint the result here looks like a real gold mine for research so you can see here we have the idea of building better habits it's not new it's been studied and discussed throughout history ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle for example wrote about the concept of ethos and the character of a person he believed that virtues such as courage and wisdom were developed through consistent a bit formation very interesting though we also have in recent years there has been a renewed interest in the topic of habit formation with the popularization of books such as Charles Duggins The Power of Habit and my favorite book James Clear Atomic habit is such a good book I really recommend it the idea of feeling a better habit has been discussed throughout history from ancient philosophy to Modern psychology yeah some really good results here if you say you're doing research on this topic very impressive okay so the final prompt we're gonna look at today is gonna be let's think about this passage in terms of economics okay so let's take a look here we have build bearing habits can also have an economic impact from a personal perspective developing good habits such as budgeting saving and investing can lead to financial stability and security these habits can help individuals make the most of their income and increase their wealth over time yeah that's good and we have a business perspective here we have some work course perspective I guess on the other hand bad habits can have a negative economic impact of course so in conclusion building better habits can have an economic impact both on our individual and an organization level good habits can lead to financial stability increased productivity and cost savings while bad Hab is connected to financial instability and increased costs yeah very good hopefully this gave you some inspiration on how you can improve your chat TPT skills so if you want to dive deeper into the space of generative AI I have a membership that I left a link to in the description where we really dive into this also check out this video if you found this one interesting and I just want to say thank you for watching have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: All About AI
Views: 46,957
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Keywords: hatgpt, chat gpt, chatgpt examples, chatgpt explained, generative ai, openai, chatbot tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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